Assignment 12/13

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Teaching Polynomials

Sean Miller
Middle School Grade Level/ Mathematics

Common Core Standards:

Use complex numbers in polynomial identities and equations. 7. Solve quadratic equations with real coefficients that
have complex solutions.
8. (+) Extend polynomial identities to the complex numbers. For example, rewrite x2 + 4 as (x + 2i)(x 2i).
9. (+) Know the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra; show that it is true for quadratic polynomials.
Lesson Summary:
The purpose of this lesson is to teach students how to prove polynomial identities and to also use them to describe
numerical relationships.

Estimated Duration:
This lesson should take about two hours to teach to the students. Sense there are four different types of polynomials. I
was thinking of dividing the lesson into two days. It should be enough time for the students to grasp the concept of this
lesson and know how to solve the four different types of polynomial problems.

I'll introduce how to solve the addition and subtraction polynomials on the first day. Showing my students that these
equations are easy to solve. On the next day, I'll review how to solve addition and subtraction polynomial equations.
Once, my students seem to have an understanding on how to solve them. I'll start the next lesson which is multiplication
polynomial equations and synthetic division, which is dividing polynomial equations.

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1:
First 10 minutes- Students will try to solve addition and subtraction polynomial equations.
20 minutes- I will explain how to solve addition and subtaction polynomial equations and allow some of the students to
go to the board. The students that go to the board will demonstrate how to solve these equations. We will go over how
to solve the equations as a class.
For the last 20 minutes of class- I will pass out homework sheets for students to do. They are allow to work on them
until class is over and they are free to work on them in groups and ask any questions until class is over.
Day 2:
First 10 minutes- Students will turn in their homework and I will go over some of the equations that students may have
had trouble solving. If no students offer any equations to solve then I will pick a few of them at random for the class to
solve as a whole.

Differentiated Instructional Support

For the students that are ahead of the class, they will be given extra credit assignments that relate to what we are
working on in class. I will have the students go to this website: then they will go to the activities and quizzes section of
the website. They will start from the activities section then work on all the quizzes they can until class is over.
For each one the students complete, they will be rewarded with five extra credit points.

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
For the students who may still be struggling can also go to youtube and search for any of the four different
polynomial kinds of equations they are struggling with. I recommend these students to checking out Khan
Academy's videos on how to solve these equations.

Extension Khan Academy's video on addition and subtraction of
polynomials Khan Academy's video on multiplying polynomials Khan Academy's video on dividing polynomial

Homework Options and Home Connections

Students will receive homework sheets that will be due the next day. I expect these to be done to the best of
their ability. Partial credit is rewarded if the students have at least attempted the equations on the homework

Interdisciplinary Connections
This lesson is can also be used in science and economic classes. Economists use polynomials to prepare reports,
make plans, interpret and forecast market trends. In science, chemists, meteorologists, and astronomers use it as
well to help measure different characteristics such as force, mass, and acceleration.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers

I'll need a computer, printer, and access to the internet. Also, I'll need dry erase markers
and board for me to write on for the class to see.

For students

Students will need labtops and access to the internet. However, these labtops must restrict
what they can access on the internet. That way they are not distracted.

Key Vocabulary
Monomial- One term polynomial.
Binomial- Two term polynomial.
Trinomial- Three term polynomial.
Polynomial- The word means many terms and can be used to represent any number of terms. It is often used
to represent more than three terms.
Degree- The sum of the variable exponents in a particular
Polynomial Degree- The degree of the polynomial is determined by the term with the highest degree.

Additional Notes
Some issues with teaching this lesson would be trying to go through the lesson without having to tell students to
stop talking while I'm explaining how to solve these equations. Students not wanting to participate when I ask
the class a question. Either they are not interested or they do not want to say the wrong answer and be judged by
the rest of their classmates. There is also the concern that some students may need more time on how to solve to
the equations and may need one on one tutoring.

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