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Frankie J. Johnson
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Editor's Note: Ms. Johnson was the grand prize winner of the undergraduate student
paper competition held at the 56''' annual conference.

This research began to understand why people choose to get tattoos. The reason
was to find out if getting a tattoo was a novelty or if there was more to it than just
what we can see inked on their skin. The interest of this research lies in the feeling,
emotion, human awareness of expression, and the deeper meaning on the inside that
coincides with what is seen only as skin deep on the outside.
Open-ended interviews were conducted, over a period of six months, with four
tattoo artists and thirteen people that have tattoos. Time was spent in a local tattoo
. studio talking with people who were getting a tattoo or who had already been
The reasons and the meaning behind getting a tattoo were found to vary as much
as the number of people getting tattoos. The similar thread running through the
reasons for getting a tattoo, however, was that tattooing is a form of self-expression.

The subject of tattooing has been of interest to this researcher for many years,
toying with the idea of getting one on every milestone year that was celebrated.
However, enough nerve was never conjured up to go through with it. Then, a few
years ago, a talented young artist, who does tattooing for a living, entered the scene.
Several of her paintings, done in different media, promoted a certain energy in their
presence that was magnetic. It was not known, to the researcher, that she was also a
tattoo artist. The researcher's ingrained image of a tattoo artist was extremely the
opposite of what was found in her. Her talent, her almost shy, meditative energy,
and her knowledge gave a reason to question an unfounded opinion of the art of
tattooing. Beginning to relate to it with a new awareness, the desire to acquire a
tattoo rose to a new level. One no longer wanted just a cute little ladybug on the
foot. The tattoo had to have meaning, to resonate with the spirit within, and portray
the intent from which one lives their life.
The research of symbols, sayings, meanings of colors, and different types of
tattoos, began while thinking of the places on ones body that one would comfortably
wear a tattoo. This led me to wonder why other people got tattooed and what their

Sociological Viewpoints


Spring 2006

Tattooing: Mind, Body and Spirit. The Inner Essence of the Art

tattoo meant to them, if anything. How does one arrive at the decision to make a
permanent statement on their body? In this paper, the desire is to gain a wider
knowledge of the art of tattooing and the people involved in it.


For purposes of this research, the concentration is on tattooing in Western
societies. According to researcher Shannon Bell (1999), there is a differentiation
between people who have tattoos and tattooed people. The people who have tattoos
only have one or two; usually personal images strategically placed so as not to be
seen. Tattooed people have many tattoos, usually larger and more colorful and
placed so they can be seen. She states that they have "crossed the point of no return"
(Bell 1999: 56) and have chosen to socialize in the subculture of tattooists and others
as heavily tattooed as they are. This action allows them to avoid the reactions of the
general population and "fully embrace marginalization" (Bell 1999: 56).
Studies over the last ten years show that people from all types of occupations,
ages, and social classes are getting tattoos at an increasing rate (Armstrong 1991).
According to a study done by Armstrong and Pace-Murphy (1997); 10% of high
school adolescents have tattoos. Studies done between 2000 and 2002 found that 16
- 23% of college students surveyed have tattoos and thirty seven percent of military
recruits in basic training have tattoos, with 64% of them entering the military with
them, having had them done between the ages of 15 and 21 years old (Armstrong,
Pace-Murphy, Sallee, and Watson 2000).
An article in Newsweek dated January of 1991 by M. Mason states "from sailor
to sales rep: tattoos go mainstream... It's (tattooing) moved up the cultural system.
The clients are more and more commonly people in managerial and professional
positions." (p. 60)
However, several articles show that those getting tattoos come from all
walks of life.
An article in MacLean's dated September of 1991 by N. Underwood tells of a
39-year-old mother, who is a bartender, and her 18-year-old daughter getting
matching tattoos. One mother, at age 42, decided to get a tattoo after her daughter
did, according to the National Catholic Reporter (Vineyard 1999). In 2005, Herizons
magazine had an article by Alexis Keinlen that told of a 46-year-old mother getting a
tattoo to memorialize the death of her 20-year-old son.
An article in Spirituality and Health dated February of 2006 by Mandi Caruso
features a middle age post mastectomy woman who had both breasts removed
because of cancer. She has a tattoo across her chest depicting her love of the water
and surfing.


Tattooing: Mind, Body and Spirit. The Inner Essence of the Art

Another group that gets tattoos is the convicts. There is a difference between an
inmate and a convict. The convict is more covered with tattoos, portraying the
acceptance of the lifestyle and marginalization for life (Bell 1999).
Before the 1960s rock stars, popular athletes, and other youth icons were the
people that displayed their tattoos. In the late 1980s tattooing was described as
"trendy" and "no longer restricted to socially marginal groups" (Forbes 2001: 775).
A significant number of well-educated middle-class people began to come on the
tattoo scene (Forbes 2001).
The research indicates that there is no one group, no one age or gender, no one
personality, and no particular level of social status that get tattoos. Just as diverse as
who gets a tattoo are the reasons why people get their tattoos.


According to Bell (1999), American tattooing is unique. Tattoos are images and
literal interpretations of things, not surprising because America is a consumer
society. Bell states that the meaning of the act of tattooing is "inextricably linked"
(p. 54) to the chosen image itself. Any permanent mark on the body signifies a
person's separation from the mainstream of culture, and a tattoo can separate
someone from society at large. Separation from society is a large factor in her theory
about tattoos and why people get them. She states, "tattooing is a struggle for
individualization in a society that is increasingly impersonal" (p. 54). They are a
sign of resistance to the impermanent and conservative world of today. She quotes
Vaclav Havel as saying that being tattooed is synonymous with "living the truth" (p.
54); your own personal truth.
Christensen (2000) found many reasons for getting tattoos including "expressing
individuality, communicating rebellion, defining group membership, conveying
spiritual meaning, or marking milestones such as life or death" (Christensen 2000:
432, as cited in Armstrong, Owen, Roberts, and Koch 2002). Tattooed career
women said that the tattoo "helped them feel good, unique, and special" (Armstrong
1991: 219, as cited in Armstrong, Owen, Roberts, and Koch 2002). Among
adolescents and college students, the purpose for their tattoo was "expressing
myself and the reason for doing it with a tattoo was "I just wanted one" (Armstrong
and McConnell 1994; Armstrong and Pace-Murphy 1997; Greif et al., 1999: 368, as
cited in Armstrong, Owen, Roberts, and Koch 2002). Forbes (2001) found college
students "just liked the looks of it"(p. 778) and they offered the tattoo as a form of
self-expression. Military recruits' reasons were to "be myself, I don't need to
impress people anymore" and because they just wanted one (Armstrong et al. 2000:
137, as cited in Armstrong, Owen, Roberts, and Koch 2002).


Tattooing: Mind, Body and Spirit. The Inner Essence of the Art

Bell also refers to Paul Willis's theory on symbolic creativity, which states that
even though the lives of young people are not involved in the arts, they are full of
expressions, signs, and symbols to establish the young persons presence, identity and
meaning. Being tattooed is an
act of this creativity. Forming an identity is important to young and old, and for
some, tattoos can be a symbolic part of this identity. Tattoos can honor their family
or lover, display their religious beliefs or patriotism, or their association with a
certain group (Bell 1999).
Bell writes that women choose softer, more personal images for tattoos and
place them where they can be hidden. Men choose macho imagery and place them
where they can be seen. Tattoos have long been associated with men because of the
stereotype of the tattooed person and the pain associated with it, so when a woman
gets tattoos, it is regarded as a resistance to female beauty as society commonly sees
it. She writes; "it takes a strong will and sense of self (identity) to withstand the
blatant and piercing stares" (p. 56) because of the stigma still attached that differs in
every culture and city. As stated earlier, it creates a separation from mainstream
society (Bell, 1999).
Prison tattoos are "identity claimers" (p. 55), according to Bell, that are
associated with gang or group membership. Prison tattoos are done with single
needles and with no color, so they appear very different than tattoos done
professionally in a tattoo studio. This difference in imagery and the way it is done
creates a class marker between prison and professional tattoos for all of society to
see (Bell 1999). Some prison inmates bring their own equipment; a sharpened guitar
string for a needle and a melted down checker piece for the ink, according to an
article by Ronald Day in Bodv Positive magazine (2005).
An article in Jet magazine dated July 2001 writes that athletes get tattoos for
several reasons. One athlete has tattoos that portray his attitude in life, such as "Only
the Strong Survive" (p. 46), and some that are dedicated to his family and friends.
Another uses them to express himself through meaningful symbols. Yet another says
his tattoos "revolve around my life. I think tattoos are something that tell who you
are and how you feel" (p. 46).
There are myths that people get tattoos for personal advertisement and that every
tattoo means something explicit. Some people do get a tattoo with the intention of
others seeing and interpreting it, yet others have a tattoo in places that cannot be seen
by the general public because it is a symbol for their self and those that they are
intimate with. The more tattoos a person has, the less meaning the actual tattoo has.
The meaning is in the act of getting the tattoo. It becomes less about it meaning
something to them down the road, and more about it being aesthetically pleasing
(Bell 1999). "Meanings change, beauty and tmth are etemal" (Bell 1999: 57).


Tattooing: Mind, Body and Spirit. The Inner Essence of the Art

Bell writes that tattooing goes beyond the lack of depth of the visually based
American consumer society that is superficial in nature. She says that American
tattooing is a "product of this surface-oriented society" (Bell 1999: 57) and quotes
Marshal Blonsky:
[Surface] is a characteristic of our fast-flowing time, where everything
has to communicate fast and move on...Depth is a category that
pretends to penetrate surface...First impressions are decisive [and]
surface is individuated by apparel...The search for interiority merely
creates more surface. (Blonsky: 17)
There is no other form of adornment or decoration that is permanent. Fashions
allow change of mind, tattooing does not. The most common concern about tattoos
is their permanence (Bell 1999). This fear of permanence says a lot about society
and "its unwillingness to commit to identity and accept the consequences. To do
something permanent is to be unable to take it back - it is to live in truth for eternity"
(Bell 1999:57).
An article in Print dated Jan/Feb 1995 written by Akiko Busch writes of the
decoration factor of tattoos. A couple got tattoos together when they decided to get
married because they thought it to be more expressive of commitment than jewelry.
Another person chose their tattoo because they could imagine being "accompanied
through life by such an emblem" (Busch 1995: 112). Tattoos are about intimacy,
image and identity (Busch 1995). A young 15-year-old girl got a tattoo, with her
mother's permission, as an attempt to reclaim her body with a protective talisman on
herself because of being a victim of a crime (Vineyard 1999).
A lot of women get tattoos to reclaim their bodies or to mark incidents in their
lives. A mother, father, and several friends of a student that died got tattoos to mark
the loss. It is a constant reminder of him and a symbol of the relationship and
closeness he had with each one. The pain of getting it done was welcomed as a pain
that could be controlled amongst all of the emotional pain that could not be
controlled. Another woman got her whole arm tattooed to represent a reclaiming of
her childhood. Women tend to get tattoos to mark a change in the way they see
themselves, not to change the way society sees them (Keinlen, 2005).
In Cultural Anthropology journal, 1997, Daniel Rosenblatt writes about the
"modem primitive", meaning the tattooed person of today in the Western world.
Linking modem day tattooing with the ancient world brings in a long history and
thus exemplifies it as a human practice. Identifying with tattooing in other cultures
allows people to feel like they're connecting with the history of humanity
(Rosenblatt 1997). It allows us to see tattooing as a spiritual activity because it is
ancient and widespread and "is seen as an expression of a basic human need for
rituals that give life meaning" (p. 303) and connects the tattooed person to the rest of
humanity (Hardy, as cited in Rosenblatt 1997). The modem tattooed person is
seeking other truths and other ways of knowing the world. The tattoo can connect


Tattooing: Mind, Body and Spirit. The Inner Essence of the Art

the person wearing it to knowledge of powers in "nature" that the "primitive" people
knew in intimacy (Zuluata, as cited in Rosenblatt 1997). The growing popularity of
tattooing in the Western world may be interpreted as a sign of a bigger change in
society (Rosenblatt 1997). Maybe we are no longer the "monolithic engine of
rationality"(p. 304) that we are imagined to be (Rosenblatt 1997).
Judeo-Christian and Jewish tradition look down on tattooing. This is another
factor in linking tattoos to identification with non-Western or alternative ways of
thought. The outdated social stigma attached to tattooing is melting away. Tattooing
is beginning to be seen as more of a meaningful art than a "brand". Tattoos seem to
be about representing or expressing an aspect of the self, both in public and
privately. It reflects the duality in our notion of the self, and is an attempt to bring
these two aspects together (Rosenblatt 1997).
Some people get tattoos to express the aspects of them that go against the
stereotyping of society. It can be a process of self-exploration, affirmation of self,
and/or a mask. It opens the person up to the world by expressing beliefs or feelings
in a visible manner, yet it can create a barrier against the world (Handel, as cited in
Rosenblatt 1997).
In Rosenblatt's piece, he quotes Fakir Musafar; "The purpose of the tattoo is to
do something for the person, to help them realize the individual magic latent within
them [Vale and Juno 1989:11]". The tattoo can be a way to get in touch with the
private, intuitive self and can be an act of reclaiming the self There is a relationship
between controlling your body and realizing yourself as an individual. This is why
tattoos are popular in prison - no one can take away your skin. They are an
expression of freedom (Hardy, as cited in Rosenblatt 1997).
The issue of power and control is also prevalent in the youth who get tattoos
according to Georg Simmel in his 1950 essay, "The Metropolis and Mental Life". In
this essay he writes of conformity and mistrust in modem life producing an
uneasiness that leads people to look for ways to express individuation and fmd selfftilfillment. He states that deviance is an outlet for this (Koch, Roberts, Cannon,
Armstrong, and Owen 2004).
Lyman and Scott (1970) take this idea further by discussing four sites in which
the individuation may occur: public territories, home territories, interactional
territories, and body territories. Body territories are the most private and sacred of
the territories. Even though body territories are sometimes regulated socially, the
person can also claim it as a place of self-expression. The body is a viable way to
express oneself symbolically, especially if the person has limited access to the other
territorial forms. Irwin (2001) and Velliquette and Murray (2002) agree and add that
tattoos "represent both a moral passage of sorts and also an attempt to individuate
oneself from the larger society" (Koch, Roberts, Cannon, Armstrong, and Owen
2004: p. 83). It is a public display of self-concept and is important in developing the
social self for some people (Koch et al. 2004).


Tattooing: Mind, Body and Spirit. The Inner Essence of the Art

For some people, getting a tattoo means that they have done something real
about their relationship to the world because of its permanence and its connection to
their inner self. The tattoo can express and take away their unhappiness with the
roles society offers them, and it can bring them a refuge from societal conditioning.
The ancient background of tattoos makes them a human and permanent commitment
rather than a fad of society, therefore, tattoos become a culturally recognized way to
express self. The body is a way of expressing and altering the relationship between
self and society. It uses the skin, sexuality, the body and the "primitive" connection
as key symbolic domains to recover and express the self. Primitive cultures
encourage development of intuition and magic and allow for more expression of
individuality than we do in Western culture. So, a tattoo in Western culture makes
the person look different, and also gives their difference a greater meaning. It brings
some part of the personal inner self out and makes it part of the social self, and frees
the person fi-om society to become human instead of Western. In having control over
their body, the person has control over their self, which becomes a powerful
emotional experience (Rosenblatt 1997).
Memorial tattoos are popular, especially among the military. Many Marines in
Iraq get tattoos as "a way to give ink-and-skin permanence to friends taken young.
It's like deathit's forever" (Phillips 2006: A8). "It's also never forget the cost of
war, to get people to understand what they're asking for when they support war"
(Phillips 2006: A8). For some, the pain of the needle eased the guilt of having
survived and the sorrow of the loss. Some said that feeling the pain made it okay
that the others got killed and they didn't. It became a way to remember their
brothers (Phillips 2006).
Mary Kosut brings another theory of motivation forth in her 2005 article in
Deviant Behavior journal where she contributes that some motivations for getting a
tattoo are characterized as negative (Kosut 2005). The desire to be tattooed "may be
the result of deficiency or because of low levels of cortical arousal and a need for
constant stimulation" (Copes and Forsyth 1993; Favazza 1996, as cited in Kosut
2005: 82). Her article also provides that tattoo artists have been associated with
"non-normative behavior" (p. 83). This train of thought has been redefined and
reinterpreted throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries because of the
amount of trained artists in the field of tattooing (Kosut 2005).

Data were collected through interviews with thirteen people that have tattoos, a
sample consisting of seven women and six men ranging in age from 20 - 65 years
old. Four tattoo artists, two men and two women were interviewed. One evening
was spent "hanging out" in a tattoo studio observing and interacting with the patrons
that visited. Several conversations were had, which did not constitute an interview


Tattooing: Mind, Body and Spirit. The Inner Essence of the Art

as such, with students on campus and other people that happened to come in contact
with the researcher elsewhere. The researcher designed and had her own tattoo done.
Five of the people were interviewed in person; the other seven were interviewed
online by computer. Face-to-face interviews consisting of both closed and openended questions were tape recorded and conducted in tattoo studios. The
researcher's interest in the subject and her desire to get a tattoo seemed to make for a
deep connection with those that she interviewed.


Tattoo artists claimed that a wide range of people get tattoos. The two male
tattoo artists said "everybody" and then went on to elaborate. Mike, a 61-year-old
tattoo artist, has been tattooing for 35 or 36 years. He says he has tattooed people
from all walks of life; doctors, nurses, lawyers, and surgeons. His clients are mainly
a younger crowd ranging from ages 18-40 years, although he said that he gets a
considerable amount of people fi-om the 40-70's age group too.
There are also many women in their 6O's that he has tattooed. He told a story of
five women that all worked in the same office together coming in for tattoos. They
all had different reasons, but all got them done.
Rick is a "30-something" tattoo artist that has been tattooing since he graduated
from art school. He said that people who get tattoos are anywhere from 18-70 years
old, and can range fi-om cops to criminals. He tattooed a 70-year-old funeral director.
The two women tattoo artists that I interviewed went into a little more detail
when asked who got tattoos. Lori, who is in her late 3O's, is also an art school
graduate and started tattooing to support her family when her children were young.
She says that people that have been hurt as a child, recovering addicts that don't
spend their money on drinking or drugs anymore, bike club members, and just
"normal, ordinary" people came in for tattoos. The ages range from 18 years to the
oldest at 77 years old.
Janice is 33 years old and no longer does tattooing. She has artistic talent and
expressed it through tattooing others. When asked who gets tattoos, she stated:
"The stereotypical 20-year-old guy with a bit of a chip on his
shoulder-the James Dean type. Obviously though, women are a
larger audience than everbefore...and we would see many older men
getting touch ups and cover-ups. A lot of college aged people. A
sprinkling of retirees... she was 77. So, there are all types...but the
stats are correct, college age kids, mostly male are the biggest


Tattooing: Mind, Body and Spirit. The Inner Essence of the Art


The reasons and meaning behind the tattoo were as numerous as the people who
get them. The artists who do the tattoos were an excellent source of information on
this topic. Mike, the tattoo artist, says that people see a lot of it on television and on
stars, athletes, and people in public exposure. He did a tattoo on a 78-year-old male
who had wanted a tattoo all of his life, but his wife wouldn't let him get one. She
passed on, so he got it done. Mike said that younger women wear tattoos like
jewelry; it was to beautify. A girl and her brothers got praying hands with a rosary
as a memorial to their father when he passed. There was a gentleman that came into
his studio undecided about what he wanted. He looked at wolves howling at the
moon, bats, and the grim reaper and wanted to work up a scene with them in it.
When asked what he did for a living, he said he was a gravedigger. For him, the
tattoos were an expression of himself and what he does in life. Mike has also been
working on a fellow since 1991 or 1992 who has about 90-98% of his body covered
in tattoos. Mike didn't know the reason for it, other than the fellow just likes them.
He said, "they have their own reasons and 1 don't question them". According to
Mike, most of it is an expression of themselves. It makes them feel different about
themselves, "like a new outfit", it just feels new.
Rick also said it is a form of self-expression. With young kids it is sometimes
because a popular person has it. He had a family come in for tattoos when their little
girl was hit by a car and killed. He did her portrait on three of the family members.
He tattoos the workers at the county jail as well as the inmates. He said that the
tattoos are a source of commonality among the prisoners and the workers, something
that they can talk about. He found it rare that anyone does it for the pain or because
they are addicted to any part of getting a tattoo. He said that "everybody has an
instinct to express themselves" whether it be for a rite of passage or for a keepsake.
Lori told of many reasons for people getting a tattoo. Some want to prove their
love to a particular person. Some men want their newbom's name and footprint
copied from the birth certificate "to attempt to prove their happiness or eternal bond"
and comment that the mother will be happy to see it (the tattoo). Some just do it for
themselves because they are happy that they just had a baby. People that have been
hurt get a tattoo to claim themselves..."it's their skin, this is a decision I'm
making...a large number of them say they do not feel any pain at all. Some do it to
see if they can feel pain that way". There are people that say, "they love the feel,
they really don't care what the image is, and they simply want to feel that sensation".
If a "biker" has just purchased a motorcycle, part of the package is to get the bike
emblem. They said, "their skin is still soft and supple and hasn't been exposed to the
wind yet."
She has had countless people tattoo animal's names and/or portraits, and they
would cry from the loss while getting it done. Others get a tattoo to memorialize a


Tattooing: Mind, Body and Spirit. The Inner Essence of the Art

loved one. She said, "a family actually believed if they all were together in the shop
getting a tattoo for the same person, that person's spirit would be aware of what was
happening and they could feel his presence".
She tattoos as many women as she does men. She tattooed a 77-year-old
woman that had been in the hospital. The woman thought that she was dying, so
when she was released from the hospital, she did the things that she regretted not
doing in her lifetime. "A tattoo of a rose was at the top of her list". A 72-year-old
man came in to her shop and had two large tattoos of naked women covered. The
tattoos had bothered him for years and he was ashamed of them.
Lori did see a lot of influence from television and movies in where people want
their tattoos placed on their body. They thought it would make them more like the
image on the screen; not physically but through an emotional connection to the
character portrayed.
Janice found that most of her clients wanted a tattoo because they are "cool" or
they "have always wanted one". She says another reason is for a tribute to someone
or some event in his or her life.
Overall, the tattoo artists interviewed could not state a typical reason for getting
a tattoo or a typical person that gets a tattoo. They see a very diversified clientele
who each have their own unique reason for getting a tattoo. The only commonality,
that the artists experienced, is that their clientele do it as a means of self-expression.


The interviews with those who actually wear tattoos opened up a whole new
world to me. The reasons for getting one come from many different levels of
themselves. It was thought that one would find a main theme or reason for having
ink engraved into your body permanently. Aside from tattoos being some type of an
expression, all other reasons are too diversified to compartmentalize into specific
One reason for getting a tattoo is to remember something (whether it was a
fieeting moment or a deep happening) such as, a person, an animal, an event,
something sad or something happy. A tattoo is a permanent way to remember, an
expression of life or a means to assert ones independence or individuality.
There are many other reasons, including women getting tattoos for the beauty,
the aesthetic value of having beautiful art on their body. New beginnings, such as
adulthood, divorce, marriage, death, birth, etc. warrant a tattoo for some people.
Some people actually appreciate the pain saying that it is temporary pain for a
permanent effect. "If it was easy everyone would do it", one interviewee said, so the
pain sets them apart from the rest of society.


Tattooing: Mind, Body and Spirit. The Inner Essence of the Art

One of my online interviews said that usually the reason "isn't as emotional or
meaningful as many might hope or think". This person got tattoos to remember the
city she lived in or to mark happy or sad times in her life. Therefore, many of her
tattoos did not have a great meaning.
Another said her tattoos are symbolic of various things, mainly belief structures.
She said she gets tattoos "to remind myself of various things, that period of my life,
my mind set at the time, or just that 1 shouldn't take shit from people". Someone
else said that they get tattoos to be different fi-om most people, not because they
wanted to be noticed, but "because they are a window to your personality". They
also remind them of their past, which they thought of as a good thing.
A female interviewed online said that hers is a very personal design. She looked
for six years to fmd the right one, and then altered it to fit her. She is working on
designs for three more tattoos that are also very meaningful to her. One will be a
ladybug because her mother used to call her "her little ladybug". She is going
through some rough times with her family and getting this tattoo will remind her that
she and her mom still love each other even through all of this. She thinks of tattoos
"as accentuating an already beautiful form - the human body". She felt the "art was
already in me; it's a mark on my eternal soul that 1 wanted to share with those around
me. It's not adding or subtracting from me, it's simply bringing an element of
myself to the surface". Tattoos are an expression of life for her.
Another online interview of a female found that she got her first tattoo at age 16
as a birthday present for herself She was "instantly addicted" and got her second
one two days later. Her reason was because she loved the way tattoos look. She
now has some that memorialize those that she has lost. She finds tattoos "a lot like
fashion" and that people get them to feel good about themselves. She is a sailor by
trade but had to live on land for a few years, so she got her arm tattoo because she
"wanted the ocean with me no matter how far the water was!" and because she
worked in male dominant positions and "wanted to be perceived as tougher than your
average, high maintenance girl". She stated that she has grown "older and wiser"
since then and no longer wants to carry that perception. However, the tattoo still
remains as a memory of that time in her life.
Memorial tattoos are quite popular. An online interview with another female
was about her memorial tattoo. She had always wanted a tattoo and the passing of
her father was her excuse to get one. Her father was an avid gardener so she got a
small rose with the stem bending around to "cradle the words 'Daddy's girl'". It is a
yellow rose because her power color is yellow. This tattoo also represents a
reclaiming of her independence after a divorce fi-om a man who would not let her get
a tattoo.
A gentleman wrote online that he "was actually pleased by the adrenaline rush"
that made him woozy while sitting seven hours being tattooed.


Tattooing: Mind, Body and Spirit. The Inner Essence of the Art

There were those that compared it to art in other forms. One online interviewee
said that she got her tattoo "because I wanted to wear my art, not just hang it on the
wall". Another stated:
For many of us, asking why we like tattoos, or even asking why we
like a certain design, is like asking someone why they like a certain
Mozart piece, or a certain Van Gogh painting, etc. Tattoos are one of
many forms of art - and personally, I think about the coolest medium
(i.e. living skin) that I can imagine.

Jolene had always talked about getting a tattoo and just never did until going
through a "messy, ugly divorce". At that time she was learning about herself and
who she wanted to be, and she was depressed and worried so she began exploring
spirituality. She is Native American so tattoos came as a "natural way for me to
explore and ultimately express these issues."
Her first tattoo was to cover scars on her stomach. She was ashamed of them, so
the tattoo enabled her to cover the scar and to "honor my body and forgive it for
being less than perfecf. Now, instead of being ashamed of her body, she could be
proud of it because of the meaning the tattoo holds for her. She chose to have a
tribal sun tattooed encircling her navel.
She states:
1 chose a tribal sun for my stomach encircles my navel and
for me, the sun is the source of life... and my stomach/womb has been
a source of life as well, despite its visible imperfections. My next
piece was an ankle wrap which is very colorful and has the word
"Justice" written in runes. Justice is the Latin meaning of my name,
and also a significant source of strength in my me it means goes around my ankle and has no beginning or
karma it keeps coming around. My next two pieces were a ring with
my children's birthstones in it, and a crescent moon on my left breast.
Moons being the symbol of the goddess, and the left side of our bodies
being associated with our feminine energies, and my breasts being the
source of food for, 1 was in a car wreck and almost lost
that I honor that breast and thank it for performing
miracles, feeding babies despite its flaws and the damage that has been
done to it. My fifth piece is a full back mural. It incorporates a
stained glass panel of the sun and the phases of the moon, depicts a
goddess pouring water (emotion) from a pitcher into a pool of water, a
hummingbird (my Native American animal guide and a symbol of the
element of air) a tiger lily (which reminds me of creative energies and
the element of fire) growing out of a field (element of earth) and the


Tattooing: Mind, Body and Spirit The Inner Essence of the Art

runes which spell out "I am Woman, I am Life." My final piece is my

engagement ring from my second marriage.
She has more than one tattoo because she felt she "needed more than one story
to help tell about the me who is on the inside". She felt that she had taken back
control of her body. She had been taking it for granted and had forgotten that it is
connected to her soul. She believes her body should reflect who she is on the inside.
A 21-year-old male college student said that he got his first tattoo at age 18. In
the beginning he wanted to get it because his dad did not want him to, but when he
got to the tattoo studio and saw the beauty of the artist's work, he had more of an
urge to get one. He now has the Chinese symbol for "gates to heaven" in the middle
of his back because "if the gates to heaven are behind me then that means I'm
already in heaven and the tribal wings I have around that is my wings for when I'm
in heaven". He has a tribal shield around his left nipple, over his heart, to protect
him from people that may try to hurt him, "mainly females". "TRIP" tattooed on his
lower left arm is his nickname for all to see who he is without him having to tell
them. The tattoo on his lower back has his zodiac sign incorporated into it. He also
admitted to getting more than one tattoo, not only because he liked the way they
look, but because of the pain.
During the researcher's evening observing at the tattoo studio she interviewed a
gentleman and his wife. He was getting his first tattoos; she already has three. The
researcher watched as he got his done and he allowed her to interview him during the
process. He is a 28-year-old construction worker and father of two children, one boy
and one girl. He was getting a portrait of his daughter on his left forearm and his son
on his right forearm. He said he promised his daughter he would have her tattooed
on him because then he "always got her on me". His children would be "on me
forever". He wants everyone to see them.
His wife is 25 years old and got her first tattoo when she was 18. Her father
drew it and she had just had her son, so she put her son's name into what her father
drew. She will have it forever to remember her father and her son. Her other tattoos
consist of one on her chest that is a butterfiy with "Mimi" on it (what her nephews
call her), and one around her right wrist that is made up of her niece's, nephew's, and
son's initials. She said the bracelet effect is feminine and "no one knows what it
really is". She likes that hers can be hidden from others, but that she can see them.
My interview with Tony, a 21-year-old employee of the tattoo studio, is the final
entry. He is studying to be a body piercer and also works with the mentally
handicapped at the Resource Center in his town. He got his first tattoo just before he
turned 21. His friend was leaving for college and they both wanted something that
represented their friendship, so they got a broken heart tattooed on both wrists. He
said that he has always wanted something on his wrist so he can see it. He also has a
lion, his zodiac sign, tattooed on his left forearm. The tattoos make him feel
stronger. He stated:


Tattooing: Mind, Body and Spirit. The Inner Essence ofthe Art

It is a constant reminder of not only relationships that I have, but also

things that people loose in life, things that can mean to me just open
and endless possibilities. 1 put things on my body that reminds me of
myself, who I am, where I came from, plus the things that I want to do
in life - leam and the things that I go through. It's almost like an
empowerment. The world of body mods is a very beautiful thing. It
was around before civilized culture was. You have the tribes in Africa
and the Indians here in the Americas that... all their art is very
beautiful to me. We as human beings are almost reclaiming that - it's
just a more technological society (today).
As for the researcher's own experience of entering into the world ofthe tattooed,
she too has an outward expression of her inner self for all to see. Like most ofthe
people that she read about or interviewed, the meaning of what she has inked on her
body is much deeper than the visual image that can be seen. It is not there to be
pretty, but is a reminder to her, every time she looks at it, of her beliefs and the
intentions she strives to live. Her tattoo is a chameleon to remind her that the only
thing in life that is constant is change. The colors that she chose each have a
symbolic meaning and representation. The infinity symbol on its back represents
that there is no beginning and there is no end, and that life holds endless possibilities.
The OM symbol signifies God, Creation and the Oneness of all Creation. It
represents the unmanifest and the manifest aspects of God. The eyes ofthe
chameleon are a symbol that means "spirit of all creation" honoring all that is, seen
and unseen. The spider has been her animal totem since her vision quest four years
ago. Its symbolic meaning is far too lengthy to delve into here. The tattoo is on her
foot to remind her of being grounded and staying true to Mother Earth. It also
reminds her that life is all about the journey that one walks and not about the
The pain that she experienced getting the tattoo reminded her of what one
sometimes needs to go through in life to be true to one's beliefs and oneself It may
feel painful for a while, at times almost unbearable, but if one trusts and has faith
that all will turn out exactly as it needs to be for the highest and best for all involved,
one can live in love without fear.

Since ancient times, people worldwide have gotten tattoos. Why would that be?
Possibly because ofthe changes previously discussed, the depressing times, and the
crisis that the world is in now. People have the perception that so much is out of
their control. Making their mark on the only thing that we have some control of (our
body) is a way of easing our anxiety about the world situation, a way of having some
control over something. Also, in times of crisis people tend to look for spiritual


Tattooing: Mind, Body and Spirit. The Inner Essence of the Art

meaning in life, a meaning that they can hold on to forever, something larger and
more powerful than the material world.
According to my data, tattoos are a form of self-expression, a way to touch the
depths of one's feelings and bring those feelings out for one's own observation or for
the observation of others. Tattoos are a way of expressing thoughts, beliefs,
triumphs and trials, and a way of memorializing a loved one, possibly to the extent of
feeling control over death by immortalizing their memory forever on one's body to
carry with one throughout one's life.
Respondents say tattoos are a way of connecting to that inner self that gets lost
in the sea of the material world. Tattoos are a reminder of one's roots, one's
ancestors, and the time when everything meant something or had a purpose. There is
so much in today's society that is without purpose and without a connection to give
meaning to life and the way it is lived. Interviewees said that tattoos can connect the
spiritual inner self to the material world that one lives in, or they can separate one
from the material world and take one to a place within oneself that longs to be
experienced and expressed.
In this fast paced, technological society where everybody is becoming a number,
being tattooed is a way of remaining a person, something capable of feeling and
expression. It is possibly another coping mechanism that helps an individual get
along in the world as it is today. A person's tattoo may look exactly like someone
else's, but the feeling and meaning of what it represents to each one of them is
entirely different. No one or no thing can take that away from them, not even the
worldly powers that control everything else in society.
Tattoos can represent or express anything the person wearing it wants it to
without getting "permission" from society to do so. It is a freedom from the many
societal restrictions. In the world of crisis today that is commanded by fear, one's
body is the only space that is sacred. The only true haven and refuge that one has is
one's inner self, one's inner reality, and one's inner essence. Tattooing is a way to
bridge the gap between one's inner reality and the outer reality of the world one must
live in.
In conclusion, the reasons for getting a tattoo and the meaning behind what is
visibly seen are as varied as the people involved. Whether a person gets a tattoo
"just because he likes how it looks" or because it symbolizes something for them, the
tattoo is a form of self-expression. The purpose of wearing this art on one's body
rather than hanging it on a wall signifies a total commitment to what it stands for. It
is the most permanent form of self-expression, with no escape from it. It is
everywhere they go, they carry it with them, and it is a part of them. It is connected
to one's mind and one's body for their time spent here on earth, and connected to
their spirit, their inner essence forever.


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