Eployee Engagement

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RASHI SHARAN - PGDM (HR) 2nd Year Student SWATEE SARANGI - Assistant Professor –Senior grade
R.K.SRIVASTAVA - Professor
Roadmap for the presentation:

Objectives of the study Literature Review Research Methodology Limitations of the study
Findings Conclusions
Objectives of the study :

To explore the Employee Engagement

Practices in the IT sector To conceptualize an Employee Engagement model which would benefit
business organizations
Importance of the study:

 Employee Engagement : harnessing of organizational members ’ selves to their work roles

 Importance: helps in better talent management of employees

disengagement or alienation is central to the problem of workers’ lack of commitment and


engaged employees are more profitable, productive, focused, have fun and less likely to leave the

closely linked to employee turnover, customer satisfaction, loyalty, productivity, safety and
profitability criteria.

 IT industry: facing external challenges as well as internal ones arising

from the changes in client and geography mix and poor revenue visibility
Literature Review

Kahn (1990): “harnessing of organizational

members’ selves to their work roles”

psychological meaningfulness — how meaningful is

it for me to bring myself into this performance ? psychological safety — how safe is it to do so ?
psychological availability — how available am I to do so?

Konard (2006): Engagement is reflected when

employees express themselves physically, cognitively and emotionally while executing their roles
Literature Review

 Woodruffle (2006) ways to engage employees: Advancement Autonomy Civilized treatment

Employer commitment Environment Exposure to senior people Awarding of due praise
Availability of support Feeling of being challenged Feeling of being trusted Feeling of working
for a good and reliable organization Feeling of working on useful assignments Respecting work/life
Literature Review

 Pasquale Mazznca- Hamitton Davenport Partners

(2007): Five steps to employee engagement

clearing expectations regarding the job career advancing/ learning and development
opportunities regular feedback perception of values, missions and vision quality of working

 B Medlin et. al. (2008): relationship between goal-

setting, optimism, and engagement and the impact on individual employee performance

organizations that feature formal, structured goal-setting

processes leads to higher levels of employee engagement higher levels of employee engagement
lead to increased employee optimism strong workplace optimism in turn leads to improved
employee performance
Measurement of Employee Engagement

Gallup has categorized Engagement Employees in three categories: Engaged--"Engaged" employees

are builders.

 want to know the desired expectations for their role  naturally curious about their company and
their place in it  perform at consistently high levels  use their talents and strengths at work every
day  work with passion and they drive innovation

 Not Engaged---“Not-engaged” employees tend to concentrate on tasks

rather than the goals and outcomes they are expected to accomplish.

 want to be told what to do just so they can do it and say they have finished  focus on
accomplishing tasks vs. achieving an outcome

 Actively Disengaged--The "actively disengaged" employees are the "cave


 Consistently against Virtually Everything  not just unhappy at work; they're busy acting out their
unhappiness  sow seeds of negativity at every opportunity.
Source: Blessing Whit
Research Methodology:

Review of secondary literature concerning

Employee Engagement practices in the IT sector An exploratory study based on the area of study
Employee Engagement at Google

The top 10 reasons to work at Google:

Lend a helping hand Life is beautiful Appreciation is the best motivation Work and play are not
mutually exclusive We love our employees, and we want them to know it Innovation is our
bloodline Good company everywhere you look Uniting the world, one user at a time Boldly go
where no one has gone before There is such a thing as a free lunch after all
Initiatives at HCL Infosystems

 Selection: Choosing the right fit and giving a realistic job preview  Training & Development:
Rigorous training and development, from

technical to soft skills to leadership development programmes. Strong induction and orientation
programme. Online learning programmes like enable@HCL, TechForum, e-Kaksh, and i-Learn
complement classroom training

 Focus on learning: A lot of investment in employee-focused resources (e-

learning) and creating libraries for employees, holding workshops

 Incentives: To keep up the morale of people and drive them towards

excellent performance, HCL has various incentives such as recognition letters, profit sharing
schemes, long performance awards, ESOPS
EE @ HCL contd..

 Work-life Balance: To maintain a balance between personal/professional

lives, there are recreational activities like festivities@HCL, get-togethers@HCL

 Innovation: To innovate and nurture your own business ideas by getting

support and guidance from the company itself. Innovate@hcl is one such eforum that enables
employee involvement and participation towards innovations in their work environment and beyond

 360-degree feedback: The employees also look at aspects of the managers’

performance, strategic vision, ability to communicate, problem-solving skills, responsiveness. The

results of the survey (the rankings and comments) are then aggregated and published online for
everyone to see

 Career Planning: HCL has a programme called Mindia TechXperts, which is a

fast-track career growth programme launched to identify and groom young engineers for leadership
positions in 18 months. There is the “Learn from Leaders” programme where senior managers
impart valuable lessons to employees
EE @ HCL contd..

 Employee-management interface: It reduces the gap between

the manager and the employee. Direct Q&A link with the President himself, who is to respond within
a given time frame

 New Initiatives: Some of the new initiatives include MyPal, Three

Cheers, Wellness Programme, Little Mindian and Bring a Smile Programme while some of the
existing ones are preventive health check-ups, yoga classes and employee relief fund. Another
Employee Engagement initiative is iPerform, an online performance management system that tracks
results achieved through daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly reviews

 Automation: The company has now automated its HR functions and

set up portals to enable faster flow of information

 Culture: An open and transparent culture to empower its people and

develop entrepreneurs. Regular feedback to all employees

Recommended Model Of Employee Engagement
Limitations of the study :

The study includes only three IT sector

companies which may not be representative all business organizations in the same sector.

Employees that deliver stellar performance

do not just walk the extra mile; they desire to walk the extra mile. And organizations that harness
such engagement are the ones that are able to build buoyant workplaces, no matter whether the
times are of stability, growth or crisis. Such sustainable employee engagement imprint requires
robust pillars of conducive organizational culture, HR and Communication strategies.

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