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CPS 4222-01

Chapter 1/Kurose & Ross

Morreale/Spring 2014

Homework #1

Name: Chris Yak


Due: Feb. 3, 2014, via Blackboard and in class (turn it in two ways. Thank you!)
R6, (10) List the available residential access technologies in your city. For each type of access
and provider, provide the advertised downstream rate, upstream rate, and monthly price.

Downstream Rate

Upstream Rate

Monthly Price

Verizon FIOS
150 Mbps
35 Mbps
Comcast XFINITY 105 Mbps
20 Mbps
Time Warner
30 Mbps
5 Mbps
Direct TV
1.5 Mbps*
1.5 Mbps*
*Direct TV wont give an estimated connection speed unless you buy a bundle. This is an
R3. (Sort of) (10) What if we did not have standards for protocols?
We have a need for protocol standards because in the absence of standardization,
manufacturers and organizations felt free to 'enhance' the protocol, creating incompatible
versions on their networks.
Describe what would or wouldnt happen.
If there was no standards for protocols then manufactures and organizations can enhance
the standard protocol so that they will only be able to work with their products and so
they can discourage customers from going to other manufactures.
R12. (partial) (10) What advantage does a circuit-switched network have over a packetswitched network?
The route from node to node is guaranteed in a circuit-switch network because there is
physical connection from switch to switch. In a packet-switched network there might be a
delay, packets can be delivered out of order, or a packet can be dropped.
R22 and 23. (20) What are the five layers in the Internet protocol stack? List the tasks
that each layer can perform.
1. Application: supports network applications.
2. Transport: process-process data transfer
3. Network: routing of datagrams from source to destination
4. Link: data transfer between neighboring network elements
5. Physical: bits on the wire
Is it possible that one (or more) of these tasks could be performed by two (or more)
layers? Why or why not?

Yes it is possible that one or more of these tasks could be performed by two or more
layers because some of the tasks that each layer can be performed might need to be
performed at multiple layers, such as the task error control.
P4. (20) Consider the circuit-switched network in Fig. 1.13. Recall that there are 4
circuits on each link. Label the four switches A, B, C, and D going in the clockwise
a. What is the maximum number of simultaneous connections that can be in
progress at any one time in this network? Why?
16 simultaneous connections can be in progress at one time on the network
because there are 4 links.
b. Support that all connections are between switches A and C. What is the maximum
number of simultaneous connections that can be in progress?
Between A and C, 8 simultaneous links can be in progress because 4 can go from
A through B to C. Plus another 4 can go from A through D to C.
c. Suppose that we want to make four connections between switches A and C and
another four connections between switches B and D. Can we route those calls
through all four links to accommodate all eight connections? Why or why not?
Yes, it is possible to route these 8 connections because you can do it as follows:
Wire 1: A-B-C & A-D-C
Wire 2: A-B-C & A-D-C
Wire 3: B-A-D & B-C-D
Wire 4: B-A-D & B-C-D
P5. (10) Review the car-caravan analogy in Section 1.4. Again assume a propagation
speed of
100 km/hr.
a. Suppose the caravan travels 150km, beginning in front of one tollbooth, passing
through a second tollbooth, and finishing just after a third tollbooth. What is the end-toend delay?
150kmphr/100km = 1.5 hrs * 10 cars =
15 hours for 10 cars.
b. Repeat (a), now assuming that there are eight cars in the caravan instead of ten.
150kmphr/100km = 1.5 hrs * 8 cars =
12 hours for 8 cars.

P10. (20) Consider a packet of length L which begins at end system A and travels
over three links to a destination end system. These three links are connected by two
packet switches. Let di, si, and Ri denote the length, propagation speed, and the
transmission rate of link i for i = 1, 2, 3. The packet switch delays each packet by
dproc. Assuming no queuing delays, in terms of di, si, Ri, (i=1,2,3), and L, what is the
total end-to-end delay for the packet?
End-to-end delay = sum(Pdi + Tti + dproci) = sum((di / si) + (L / Ri) + ( dproci))

Suppose now the packet is 1,500 bytes, the propagation speed on both links is 2.5 x
108 m/s, the transmission rates of all three links are 2 Mbps, the packet switch
processing delay is 3 msec, the length of the first link is 5,000 km, the length of the
second link is 4,000 km, and the length of the last link is 1,000 km. For these values,
what is the end-to-end delay?
(5000km/ 2.5 108 m/s) + (4000km / 2.5 108 m/s)
+ (1000km / 2.5108 m/s) + 3 ( 3ms) + 3 (1,500 bytes /2097152bps)
= 11.314ms

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