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Notes from Home Cluster Partner Day 2, Mar 29, 2010

Attendees: Ruth Clarke (Khadambi Asalache); Brenda Martin (Dorich

House); Alan Kirwan (Leighton House/18 Stafford Terrace); Catherine
Ritman-Smith, Komal Khetia (Design Museum); Jan Pimblett (Keats
House);Alison Lightbown, Hannah Lake, Ratan Vaswani (Geffrye Museum).

Apologies: Paul Sherreard (Keats House); Nancy Loader, Mandy Williams,

Alex Goddard (Geffrye Museum)

1. Updates from each partner; Sharing ideas and products

Each partner updated. All well.

Posterous important to:

• share news between partners not just through the Geffrye
• gather evidence in one place to show to Hub Central
• develop sense of connected partnership

2. Claiming from the Geffrye and submitting data returns

• Budget total for Q and Ren data returns to RV for Hub even if nil
• Budget breakdown A-J for internal GM finances
• Claim date important – if late, wait 3 months – especially important for
• Quarterly one-to-ones part of funding agreement

3. Media, Marketing, Digital

Consideration of when best to offer stories of youth engagement to local

At later meetings co-ordinated cluster-wide press to be considered.

LOCOG approved toolkit to be made available end March. Training for all
museums to follow in April.

Hub Marketing group appointed PR agency to develop LWC branding and

messages within SOTW.

Young vols at GM have produced marketing material for events to be added

to project archive. This material counts as ‘products’. All similar material at
Partners should go on Posterous to build cluster-wide corpus of work.

Corpus of digital products growing very well on GM website eg Young
People’s Facebook fan page; set of very high quality films made by yp now
available on youtube.
Films, audio etc from all partners should all go on Posterous.

4. Youth Engagement and NYA

GM Map and plan now available on NYA website. Very well received by NYA
and other hub museums.

HL + yp spoke at national SOTW conference, presenting GM as model of

good practice in youth work

Cluster partner pledges to go up on Posterous

5. Volunteer Programme and V50

• role descriptions to Kate Bowgett by April 19
• online logs
• training in object handling, H&S etc to be laid on by hub in summer
• exit interviews

6. Collections Work, Displays and Exhibitions

Exhibition themes
Theme of Welcome will figure in 2012.

Concourse showcases will be available for LWC displays including input from
cluster partners Jan/Feb 2011. Design Centre doors can be LWC customised
with attractive visuals. Possibility of eventual LWC audio-visuals eg listening
posts in concourse area.

GM working to produce by end April extended object list + theme categories,

after consultation with newly recruited external specialists.

Displays at venues other than GM to be considered that will highlight work of

the project across the partnership.

Support for the idea of a touring exhibition.

Revisiting Museum Collections

Final project evaluation will include reference to how collections records have
been enhanced so important to Capture > Select > Transfer records notes re
‘assets’ (= films, audio etc) and insights from youth and community

Useful to share examples of enhanced records as models.

RV/AL to ask Hub Central Office about possibility of one-to-one ‘surgeries’

about implementing RMC

7. Evaluation framework and Hub Central Office

Feedback from hub workshop; external evaluators to be appointed.

RV/HL asked for simple and fun evaluation processes to get yp’s responses
and just simple and short for staff responses

Evaluation will be either after each engagement phase or at end of project.

8. Training
NYA, RMC, A/V done

Marketing toolkit training for staff and training for vols to come

Collective training- safe use and moderation of social media and chat rooms;
creative evaluation for youth projects; managing contentious issues and
difficult behaviour – RV to raise with HP in quarterly mtg

9. Keeping in touch and next meetings

RV/AK to liaise over next meeting to be held at Leighton House 2nd week in
June after half term.

September mtg to be held at Keats.

December mtg – Dorich.

Jan/Feb – Design Museum

RV March 29, 2010

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