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A small mistake

By Kailash ch sabat-7207884783
Because the world is not perfect.
Meditation makes us understand our situation better.The article explains Mr Surve and Mr Goutams
contemplation that our small mistakes in past brings us big sorrows in future.

A small mistake by drunken people who thought a shark on the shore to be a

boat.Was it? They boarded and ultimately went no where.Yoga opens our mind to
prevent small mistakes.

Because yoga is a behavioural science and our behaviour give rise to another
situation and that situation determines our health.
Many good people create very akward situations and you have to manage that else
you may not get their service later on.
That tolerance is created in meditation.My wife created such small mistakes.I never
understood the long term repercussion.I was unable to tolerate and may be I lost
her for ever.
A mobile repairer wasted the whole day for an one hour work in puri and made me
run 4 times to him.I lost my temper, quarrelled with him and wanted my mobile
back which he made permanently unworkable.
In Hyderabad no body tolerated me and when I was not on time to my work, my
assignments were taken away.

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A person when saw crows are getting irritated on my flower collection work for
temple beside the road,madly grabbed my mobile and tried to slap me.
I slapped him getting very angry and that might have resulted into worse ,and
anyhow I was lucky.
The risk was not over.Many people tried to beat me taking excuse of that incident.

Opening of ones mind is very much essential in yoga.That attitude of openness is

also created through meditation.My Reiki master shri Sunil goutam was limping
when I witnessed him.I could have showed my sympathy for his suffering.But my
mind was blocked.I surpressed the question in to my mind.Years after I started
limping and no Reiki help I got from him.
I never trusted former PM hon Rajeev Gandhi on his visit to my village and the
whole of my career was in to failure and no trusting feed back I got may be for that
Hn Nehru choosed NAM for that.Else fundamentalism,groupism,cold war,religious
groups,lingual connections will eat your honesty( a small mistake) and biasness
will the way you live in and that certainly kills the individuality.
Deep meditation only can make you to have the right course of action.

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Am I willing to accomodate myself the middle way and remove my stubbornness

through chanting and other forms of meditation so that my mind is opened and not
a closed one.

An article by Kailash

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