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BBA MOCK UP TEST 20015-2016


Direction: Questions 1 to 5 present transformation of sentences. Below each sentence you will see four words or
phrases marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the best option:
1. The passive form of the sentence, 'The trainer walked the horse after the race' is:
A. The horse walked after the race by the trainer
B. The horse had walked after the race by the trainer
C. The horse was walked after the race by the trainer D. The horse had been walking after the race by the trainer.
2. Which one is the passive voice of "I helped him to do
A. He was helped to do by me.
C. I helped him doing

B. He was done by my help

D. He was helped by me.

3. I said to him, Is he a doctor? Turn into indirect speech.

A. I said to him that he was a doctor
B. I said to him whether he was a doctor
C. I asked him whether he was a doctor.
D. I asked him whether he is doctor.
4. The correct sentence is:
A. I asked Swapan had he passed
C. I asked Swapan if you had passed

B. I asked Swapan if he had passed

D. I asked Swapan that he had passed

5. Report the following in Indirect speech: He said to me, How did you do it?
A. He enquired of me if I had done it
B. He enquired of me how I had done it
C. He said to me if I had done it
D. He said to me that I had done it
Direction: Questions 1 to 5 present translation of sentences. Below each sentence you will see four words or phrases
marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the best option:

which is the correct English translation?

A. The boy takes after his father
B. The boy looks after his father
C. The boy resembles his father
D. The boy looks like his father

7. Choose the correct Bangla translation of: There is a little milk in the cup.


8. Choose the right Bangla Translation of He came off with flying colours.

Choose the right English Translation:

A. Never tell bad of others
B. Never tell sick of others
C. Never tell sick of others
D. Never speak ill of others

10. I hardly go out after dusk. The correct Bangla translation is:
Direction: Questions 1 to 5 present appropriate preposition. Below each sentence you will see four prepositions
marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the best option:
11. Let me congratulate you ______________ your success.
A) in
B) at

C) on

D) of

12. The principal could not prevail __________ the student.

A) in
B) on

C) at

D) after

13. The boy jumped ___________the wall.

A) of
B) over

C) up

D) by

14. He always stands ___________ me in times of danger.

A) by
B) of

C) in

D) to

15. I talked to your mother __________the telephone.

A) in
B) over

C) up

D) at

Direction: Questions 16 to 20 present idiomatic sentences. Below each sentence you will see four words or phrases
marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the best option:
16. While he spoke, the audience hung on his lips
A. full and precise reference to authority
B. provides luxurious food, entertains his guests sumptuously
C. listened eagerly to his words
D. eagerly watching
E. is well thought of by
17. The Speaker urged the Committee to take drastic action, but they hung fire.
A. provides luxurious food, entertains his guests sumptuously
B. were reluctant; hesitated
C. eagerly watching
D. full and precise reference to authority
E. is well thought of by
18. He stands well with his master.
A. eagerly watching
C. is well thought of by
E. full and precise reference to authority

B. provides luxurious food, entertains his guests sumptuously

D. failed

19. He claims that he had given chapter and verse for every statement made in his book
A. eagerly watching
B. full and precise reference to authority
C. failed
D. failed for
E. provides luxurious food, entertains his guests sumptuously
20. The editor of that paper is accused of giving a false coloring to the incident.
A. misrepresenting
B. to keep out of debt
C. be ruined
D. provides luxurious food, entertains his guests sumptuously.
E. eagerly watching
Direction: Questions 21 to 30 present incomplete sentences. Below each sentence you will see four words or phrases
marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the best option:
21. _______________ were slowly lowered to the ground for medical attention.
A) The victims who were screaming and who were burning.
B) The screaming burnt victims
C) The screamed burnt victims
D) The victim who were burning screamed
22. Adams was dismissed from the position ________________.
A) because his financial reports were improperly.
C) for keeping improper financial records.

B) because finance-wise he kept poor records.

D) for keep financial records that were improper

23. Printing ink is made ________________ of a paste that is applied to the printing surface with rollers.
A) to form
B) the form
C) in the form
D) so that it forms
24. A major concern among archaeologists today is the preservation of archaeological sites ____________ are threatened by
A) of which many
B) many of them
C) many of which
D) which many
25. The examiner made us ___________________ our identification in order to be admitted to the test center.
A) showing
B) show
C) showed
D) to show
26. The type of plant and animal life living in and around a pond depends on the soil of the pond _____________ and the
ponds location.
A) what the quality of the water is
B) how is the water quality
C) the quality of the water
D) what is the water quality
27. Ones fingerprints are _________________________
A) different from those of any other person
C) different any other person

B) different from any other person

D) differs from another person

28. There are three kinds of solar eclipse; one is total, another is annular and ________
A) the another is partial
B) the partial is other
C) other is partial
D) the other is partial
29. _______________ is the ancient source of energy.
A) The wind
B) Winds

C) A wind

D) Wind

30. _____________ will Mr. Ali be able to regain control of the company.
A) With hard work
B) In spite of his hard work
C) Only of he works hardly
D) Only with hard work

Direction: Questions 31 to 35 present MCQ. Below each sentence you will see four words or phrases marked (A), (B),
(C) and (D). Choose the best option:
31. Which one is the correct?
A. Quran is divine book
C. Quran is a divine book

B. The Quran is a divine book.

D. The Quran is divine book.

32. They spent..... time considering the new contract.

A. too much
B. too many

C. too

D. many

33. I read................ Prothom Alo, which is ...... very popular newspaper in our country.
A. the, the
B. the, a
C. the, an
34. When your body does not get...., it cannot make the glucose it needs.
A. food enough
B. enough food
C. food as enough
D. as enough as food
35. Few students have come to school. The underlined word is?
A. an adjective
B. an adverb
C. a noun
D. verb

D. a, an.

Direction: Questions 36 to 40 present transformation of sentences. Below each sentence you will see four words or
phrases marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the best option:
36. When he arrived, she took me to task (make it simple)
A. On the arrival of his, she took me to task.
C. On his arrival, she took me to task.

B. On the arrival of, she took me to task.

D. Taking me to task, he arrived

37. He kept the promise that he had kept (make it compound)

A. He not only made a promise but also kept it
C. Besides making a promise, He kept it.

B. Beside making a promise, He kept it.

D. he made a promise as well as kept it

38. Having forgotten him, I went out (make it assertive - complex)

A. I had forgotten him so I went out
C. I had forgotten him when I went out

B. I had forgotten him as I went out

D. As I had forgotten him, I went out

39. I read them for pleasure (make it passive- complex)

A. I read them so that I might pleasured
C. I read them to be pleasured.

B. I read them so that I might have been pleasured

D. I read them that I might be pleasured

40. Proper sequence of transformation of degree is?

A. very few- most other- one of the
C. very few- most other- most of the

B. a very few- most other- one of

D. a few- most other- one of the

Direction: Questions 31 to 35 present MCQ. Below each sentence you will see four words or phrases marked (A), (B),
(C) and (D). Choose the best option:
41. Choose the correct sentence:
A. He is temper
C. He is in a temper

B. He is in tempers
D. He is in the temper

42. Choose the correct sentence:

A. I finished my duty, am nt I?
C. I finished my duty, didnt I?

B. I finished my duty, did I?

D. I finished my duty, dont I?

43. Identify the correct sentence from the options:

A. She prefers dancing more than singing
C. She prefers dancing to singing

B. She prefers to dance than to sing

D. She prefers dance to sing

44. Which of the following is correct?

A. There is no place for doubt in it.
C. There is no room for doubt in it.

B. There is no suspension in it.

D. There is no misunderstanding in it.

45. Which of the following is correct?

A. See the word in the dictionary
C. Pick up the word in the dictionary

B. Find out the word in the dictionary.

D. Look up the word in the dictionary.


Direction: Questions from 46 through 50 are based on the following passage. Read the passage carefully; choose the
best possible answer.
In an effort to produce the largest, fastest and the most luxurious ship afloat, the British built: S. Titanic. It was so
superior to anything else on the seas that it was dubbed unsinkable. So sure of this were the owners that they provided only
twenty life boats and rafts, less than one half the number needed for the 2,227 passengers on board. Many passengers were
aboard the night it rammed an iceberg, only two days at sea and more than half way between England and its New York
destination. Because the luxury liner was travelling so fast, it was impossible to avoid the ghostly looking iceberg. An
unextinguished fire also contributed to the ships submersion. Panic increased the number of casualties as people jumped into
the icy water or fought to be among the few to board the lifeboats. Four hours after the mishap, another ship, the Carpathia,
rescued the 705 survivors.
The infamous S. S. Titanic had enjoyed only two days of sailing glory on its maiden voyage in 1912 before plunging
into 12,000 feet of water near the coast of Newfoundland, where it lies today.
46. All of the following are true EXCEPT
(A) only a third of those aboard perished
(C) the S.S. Titanic was the fastest

(B) the Carpathia rescued the survivors

(D) the S. S.Titanic was the fastest ship afloat in 1912

47. All of the following contributed to the large death toll EXCEPT
(A) panic
(B) fire
(C) speed
(D) the Carpathin
48. How many days was the S.S. Titanic at sea before sinking?
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 6
(D) 12
49. The words maiden voyage in the last paragraph are closer in meaning to ---(A) inaugural
(B) Most elegant
(C) longest
(D) final
50. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) The S.S. Titanic proved itself the most seaworthy vessel in1912
(B) Attempts to rescue the S.S. Titanics survivors were not successful
(C) Overconfidence by builders and owners was greatly responsible for the sinking of the vessel.
(D) A fire and panic were the only causes for the sinking of the ship.
Direction: Each of the questions 51 to 55 consists of a sentence in which four words or phrases are underlined. The
four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). Identify one underlined part that must be
changed to make the sentence correct.
51. Mathematicians taken centuries to develop the methods that now are used in arithmetic.
52. The Economist Kenneth Boulding proposed a single Social Science that would unify Economic, Sociology, and
Political Science.
53. The project director stated he believed it was necessary to study the proposals for several more months before making a
54. That these students have improved their grades because of their participation in the test review class.
55. Although the weather was not perfect, a bunch of people turned out for the annual parade.


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