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4 Extension


1. Complete each mini dialogue with suitable words below.
pleasant rough pale tasty stinks smooth tough accurate disgusting deafening bright faint stares


I like the 1. atmosphere at this restaurant.


The food isnt very 2. , though.

II Luke:
III Dan:
IV Lucy:
V Alice:

Is the light too 3. for you?

No, its fine. But could you turn up the TV? The sound is so 4. that I can hardly hear it.
Whats that 5. smell? Its horrible!
Ive got a cold, so I cant smell anything. But theres a landfill near here, and it 6. !
Didnt you find the maths exam 7. ?
Yes. Im sure a lot of my answers wont be 8. .
Grandmas got such 9. skin. Shes hardly got any lines on her face.
Yes, but shes also very 10. . I hope she isnt ill.

2. Choose the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the phrases in italics.
1. Everything I say to her goes in one ear and out the other.
a. She doesnt hear well.
b. She doesnt pay attention to what I say.
2. Alan and I dont see eye to eye.
a. We dont think alike.
b. We dont live near each other.
3. I want to give her a taste of her own medicine.
a. I hope she feels better.
b. I hope she learns a lesson.
4. Ive got a sweet tooth.
a. I should see a dentist.
b. I eat a lot of sugar.
5. These new electronic devices are all the rage.
a. Everyone wants one.
b. Theyre making a lot of people angry.
6. Im taking advantage of the warm weather.
a. Im spending time outdoors.
b. Im staying indoors.
3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of a suitable phrasal verb below. Use your dictionary
to help you.
start out start over bring back start up bring forward set off set aside bring up
1. Mr Jones has decided to the annual meeting. Its going to be earlier than usual.
2. The singer Sting as an English teacher.
3. Jon tries to some money every month. Hes saving to buy a car.
4. This plan isnt working. Well have to .
5. Please dont that subject in front of my dad. It upsets him.
6. My grandfather his business over a hundred years ago.
7. Looking at these old photos has many childhood memories.
8. Lola is very sensitive. You never know what is going to her .

4 Extension


4. Complete the passage with suitable words and phrases below.

store tough pleasant scent tasty pattern trigger nasty mood
Aromatherapy is the use of 1. for relaxation, concentration and more. If youre interested in trying it,
the following are a few of the more common recommendations. The 2. aroma of the jasmine flower
is said to improve concentration and hand-eye coordination. Cinnamon can 3. increased blood flow,
improve memory, concentration and reaction time. Fresh basil, the 4. herb we enjoy in many foods,
is believed to promote a feeling of alertness, as does the smell of peppermint. In addition, peppermint has an appetitesuppressing effect, so it can help people lose weight. If you find youre feeling anti-social, or are being
to others, light a eucalyptus or menthol-scented candle. Both of these scents are said to
encourage us to be kind to others. And if you feel stressed, are in a bad 6. , or something is
upsetting you, try lighting a stick of sandalwood incense.

4 Extension


1. Write sentences in reported speech using the words provided. Make any necessary changes.
1. Amandas mother / reminded / her / walk the dog / in the afternoons
2. the teacher / warned / the children / not ride / a bike / without a helmet
3. the photographer / recommended / they / stand / facing the sun
4. Angela / denied / come home / late / the night before
5. you / promised / buy / me / a bicycle / for my birthday
6. Wendy / enquired / everyone / go to the party / the week before
7. Daryl / admitted / not go / to school / that day
2. Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Use reported speech.
1. Dont forget to turn the oven off, Mum said to me. (told)
2. Ill lend you my car tomorrow, Ken said to Sue. (promised)
3. Lets have fish and chips for dinner tonight, said Ben. (having)
4. Hows your meal? the waiter asked. (me)
5. Can you meet me for lunch next week? Samuel asked. (us)
6. I saw an amazing painting at the art gallery last week, said Judy. (before)
7. Where did you go for your holiday this year? Jenny asked. (had)
3. Report what each person said. Complete the sentences with the words below.
warned reminded denied asked suggested promised
1. You shouldnt talk to strangers.
My mother ........................................................................................................................ .
2. Dont leave your bike in the street.
The policeman ................................................................................................................. .
3. I didnt use your mobile phone to call abroad.
Melanie ............................................................................................................................ .
4. Did you read about your cousin in the local newspaper, Grant?
I ....................................................................................................................................... .
5. Lets stay in and watch a film tonight.
Andrews new girlfriend .................................................................................................... .
6. I will water your plants tomorrow.
Marias neighbour ............................................................................................................. .

4 Extension


4. Read the following interview between Mrs Smith and Sue. Then complete the reported interview that follows.
Why do you think you will be a good babysitter?
Well, I love children and Ive worked with them before.
I need a recommendation by next week.
Of course. I can give you two or three.
I think you should come and meet the children first.
Are they usually well behaved with babysitters?
In the end, yes. But dont be too nice at the beginning. Let them know who is boss!
Mrs Smith asked Sue whether she thought she 1. . Sue told her that she
and that she 3. before. Mrs Smith told her she
. Sue answered that she 5. three. Then Mrs Smith
suggested 6. the children first. Sue wanted to know
with babysitters. Mrs Smith warned 8. at the
beginning. Then, they would be fine.

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