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6 Extension


1. Complete the mini-dialogues with suitable words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes.
pastime debts on sale nag belongings go out of business receipt outlet ready-made get rid of
free of charge
1. A: Why wont the bank lend him any more money?
B: Hes got too many .
2. A: Do you really need another pair of jeans?
B: No, but these were so I had to buy them.
3. A: When are you going to clean your room?
B: Please stop me. Ill do it when Ive got time.
4. A: What are all these things on the floor?
B: Theyre Kims . She left them here yesterday.
5. A: What happened to the Italian restaurant on the corner?
B: Oh, it about a year ago.
6. A: Do you think I can take this car radio back to the shop?
B: Probably. But youll have to show them your .
7. A: Where are all the pictures that used to be here?
B: I dont know. Someone probably them.
8. A: How much did you pay for the delivery?
B: Nothing. It was .
2. Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs below. Make any necessary changes. Use your dictionary
to help you.
pick up give away pick out come to give out shop around stock up on come up with
1. A taxi will us and take us to the airport.
2. Im food? There might be a storm this weekend.
3. Im going to for a while before I decide what to buy.
4. When she got older, she all her toys.
5. Scientists continue to new ways of saving energy.
6. Add up all the money weve spent today and tell me what it .
7. Look at all the watches and one you want me to buy you.
8. Theyre free ice cream with every purchase at the new sports shop.

6 Extension


3. Complete the sentences with the words below. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
Make any necessary changes.
price tag overpriced shopkeeper afford out of bounds miserable refund
1. Were not allowed to go into the head teachers office.
The head teachers office .
2. He didnt look very happy when he heard the results.
He .
3. Will I get my money back?
Will ?
4. The tickets for Madonnas concert are too expensive for us.
We .
5. You should check how much it costs.
Why dont you ?
6. She didnt buy the dress because it cost more than it was worth.
The dress .
7. The man who owns the shop is a friend of ours.
We .
4. Complete the passage with the correct form of suitable words and phrases below.
bargain benefit sweatshop make an effort pastime miserable afford get rid of make a living discount
Georgina Briers is a typical British teenager who loves buying clothes. In fact, clothes shopping has always been her
favourite 1. . She would buy every 2. she could find, wear it once and then
it. Then something happened that changed all of this. She participated in a BBC programme,
Blood, Sweat and T-shirts. She was sent to India to find out how all those clothes that she loved so much were made.
Together with five other teens, she had to work in an Indian 4. , making clothes for an entire month.
She worked 18 hours a day for less than 2 a day. She could hardly 5. to buy herself a meal. She
was 6. and cried all the time. The Indians who worked with her didnt like her behaviour. They told
her to 7. and stop complaining about the work.
The experience changed Georgina. She was shocked at the conditions and when she returned home, she appreciated
her clothes a lot more.

6 Extension


1. Match the beginning of each sentence in I to a suitable ending in II.


1. Tom wishes

.... a.

if my best friend didnt talk to me.

2. Id be very sad

.... b.

he will feel better.

3. If he hadnt been scared,

.... c.

if he hadnt been so shy.

4. Let me know

.... d.

he didnt have to go to the dentist.

5. If he takes his medicine,

.... e.

he wouldnt have called the police.

6. He would have asked me out

.... f.

if you find your dog.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.
call whisper not recognise know see receive made
1. I cant concentrate. I wish they .
2. You Tom if you him last night. Hes changed so much.
3. me as soon as you my message.
4. We so much noise if we they were trying to study.
3. Write conditional sentences using the words in brackets.
1. Tommy forgot to set his clock.
(not arrive / late at work / wake up / on time)
2. I hope you visit me when youre in town.
(prepare / a meal / visit)
3. My marks have improved this year.
(not improve / not study / harder)
4. He smokes all the time.
(be healthier / not smoke)
4. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
1. Mavis wishes she would afford to buy a new coat.
2. Well change clothes as soon as well get home.
3. If I hadnt gone out in the rain, I hadnt got wet.
4. Peters work would look neater if he takes more care with his handwriting.
5. I wish I was a famous film star.
6. If I would have seen the car coming, it wouldnt have hit me.
7. My brothers wish they would have been better pupils.

6 Extension


5. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. We didnt enjoy our trip to Portugal because we didnt know the language. (if)
2. Danielle is tired because she went to bed late last night. (earlier)
3. Im sorry I dont know the answer. (wish)
4. My advice to you is to tell the truth. (were)
5. Its a pity that I didnt know that you were in hospital. (only)
6. Complete each sentence with a logical ending.
1. I wont travel unless .......................................................................................................... .
2. Ill call him if ..................................................................................................................... .
3. If I were older, .................................................................................................................. .
4. If she had known about the accident, ................................................................................ .
5. Until I make a living, ......................................................................................................... .

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