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Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

Class Skills


A few classes restrict a characters possible

alignments. An entry of Any means that characters of this class
are not restricted in alignment.

Class Table
This table details how a character improves as he or she gains
experience levels. Class tables typically include the following:

Level: The characters level in that class.

Base Attack Bonus:

Class Features
Special characteristics of the class. When applicable, this section
also mentions restrictions and disadvantages of the class. Class
Features include some or all of the following.

Weapons and Armour:

Which weapons and armour types

the character is proficient with.

The characters base attack bonus and

number of attacks.

Fort Save: The base save bonus on Fortitude saving throws. The
characters Constitution modifier also applies.

Ref Save: The base save bonus on Reflex saving throws. The
characters Dexterity modifier also applies.

Will Save:

The base save bonus on Will saving throws. The

characters Wisdom modifier also applies.


Level-dependent Class Features, each explained in the

Class Features sections that follow.

Hit Dice:

The type of Hit Die used by characters of the class

determines the number of hit points gained per level.

Table of Contents
Angelic Hunter
Arkenvaldi Battle Thanes
Avenger [Divine/Dire]
Barbarian [Berserker]
Barbarian [Savage]
Barbarian [Wallriders]
Barbarian [Wardog]
Barbarian [Woad Raider]
Blademaster [Generic]
Elven Bladedancer
Elven Blademaster
Dossian Whispering Edge Blademaster
Giulmar Drowned Lady Blademaster
HanHaarstani Blademaster
Mezzona Water Serpent Blademaster
Ohjavian Thunder Crescent Blademaster
Phanoshani Ribboned Blademaster
Tantavosi Crossbone-Mantis Blademaster
Veshandi Piercing Eye Blademaster
Vezanti Death Spiral Blademaster
Blood Guard
Blood Guardians
Bondbreaker of Hathor
Chaos Warrior
Choldani Bleeding Way Weaponmaster
Cleric [Crusader]
Cleric [Green Hand of Osiris]
Cleric [Order Of The Guardians]
Cleric [Hierophant of Lathander]

The number of skill points the character starts with at 1st level, the
number of skill points gained each level thereafter, and the list of
class skills.


Other Features: Each class has certain unique capabilities.

Spells per Day:

How many spells of each spell level the

character can cast each day. If the entry is for a given level of
spells, the character may not cast any spells of that level. If the entry
is 0, the character may only cast spells of that level if he or she
has bonus spells. If the entry is a number, the character may cast
that many spells plus any bonus spells. Each spellcasting class has
spellcasting capability tied to a specific Ability, as described by that
class. Bonus spells for wizards are based on Intelligence. Bonus
spells for clerics, druids, paladins, and rangers are based on
Wisdom. Bonus spells for sorcerers and bards are based on
Charisma. If a characters score in that ability is 9 or lower, the
character cant cast spells tied to that ability

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Cleric [Moondancer]
Combat Savant
Deadly Warlord
Deathwatch of Osiris
Desert Master
Devil Slayer
Divine Champion
Divine Disciple
Divine Seeker
Dragon Knight
Dragon Marked
Dragon Lord Proxy
Druid [Sunlord]
Drunken Fighter
Dwarven [Battlerager]
Dwarven [Hammer of Moradin]
Dwarven [Moradins Forge Master]
Dwarven [Orcslayer]
Dwarven [Pest Hunter]
Dwarven [Silverbeard]
Dwarven [Stonelord]
Elite Agents of the Throne
Elven [Ancestral Avenger]
Elven [Archer of the Guided Hand]
Elven [Bowcasters of Mielikki]
Elven [Corellon Blade]
Elven [Forest Warrior]
Elven [Frigid Storm]
Elven [Knight of Evermeet]
Elven [Silver Sword]
Elven [Solonors Bowhunters]
Elven [Thainar]
Elven [Theosopher Knight]
Elven [War Adept]
Elven [Warrior-Poet]
Executioner of the Eye
Frost Lord
Gae Bolga
Giant Killer
Glaive of Azharadian
Gnomic [Dreamweaver]
Gnome [Gadget Master]
Gnomic [Scarlet Defender]
Great Eagles
Halfling [Burglar]
Halfling [Fadefoot Scout]
Halfling [Sheriff]
Harper Scout
Hell in Freeport Prestige Classes


Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu
Hounds of Osiris
Item Hunter
Knife Fighter
Knight [Black]
Knight [Blood Knight of Erythnul]
Knight [Cavalier]
Knight [Chaos Knight]
Knight [Commander]
Knight [of Principle]
Knight [of Telatium]
Finisterre Knight
Herati Knight
IrKithlen Knight
Tolgarien Knight
Knight [of the Bleeding Rose]
Knight [of the Watch]
Knight [of Veluna]
Knight [Purple Dragon knight]
Mage [Anatomist]
Mage [Arcane Devotee]
Mage [Arcane Duellist]
Mage [Archmage]
Mage [Demiurgus]
Mage [Demonologist]
Mage [Energy Master]
Mage [Hathran]
Mage [Magistrate]
Mage [Mask Mage]
Mage [Master of Mysteries]
Mage [Ordainer]
Mage [Rage Mage]
Mage [Red Wizard]
Mage [Runecaster]
Mage [Thaumaturge Elemental Mage]
Mage [Warrior Mages]
Mage Slayer
Monk [Dragon Mountain Initiate]
Monk [Kobukan]
Monk [Kuma Fighter]
Monk [Mountain Spirit Adept]
Monk [Order of the Fist]
Monk [Pelor]
Monk [Sacred fist]
Monk [Shaolin Fist]
Monk [Silent Fist]
Morde Messenger
Paladin [Glaive of Azharadian]
Pankraton Master
Pirate of the Daggers
Ranger [Master Ranger]
Ranger [Stalker]
Rogue [Guild Thief]
Rogue Scholar
Sarbreenar First Light


Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Sarbreenar Honest Watchers
Sarbreenar Sentinels
Shadow Adept
Shadow Eye
Skull Legion Mercenary
Slaighre Maighdeann
Spiral Dancer
Stormtrooper of Isis
Swordsman of Yad'ael
The Hunt
Thri-Kreen Slayer
Underworld Scourge
Warlord of Tempus
Wilderness Scout


Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Angelic Hunter
The Angelic Hunter is evil's bane- he exists not only to protect
others from the evil in this world, but also to seek out and destroy it
as well. An Angelic Hunter is typically a fighter or paladin who, for
one reason or another seeks to purge the world of evil. It is not
uncommon, though, for just about any of the other types of
characters to have this trait. As for motivations, maybe it was a
loved one killed, an archenemy, or even a command from a god that
brought upon this trait. But either way, a Hunter will not give up as
long as evil continues in the world.

All Angelic Hunter's have some amount of celestial blood in them,

for that is what truly makes them evil's antithesis. As they progress
through life, their constant contact with sources of evil makes this
blood stronger, causing the Hunter to evolve. But the blood shows
through differently in every Hunter, so no two fully matured
Angelic Hunter's look the same.
Most Angelic Hunters belong to no specific church, only to a cause.
Those that do belong to a church generally leave that specific
church as they progress. This does not mean that a Hunter gives up
his deity, though, for this is due to the Hunter becoming more
angelic not only physically, but spiritually as well. This results in
the hunter generally becoming more independent, and leaving any
large, tightly structured body that he may have been a part of.











Detect Evil, Divine Grace, Angelic Constitution, Evolve, Protection from Evil





Aura of Courage, Smite Evil





Divine Luck





The Will to Fight On, Evolve





Divine Repost





Damage Reduction (1), Bonus Feat





Still Spell, Silent Spell





Damage Reduction (2), Bonus Feat, Evolve





Specialised Against Evil






Damage Reduction (3), Bonus Feat, Evolve


Skill Points 3 Int mod per level

To qualify to become a Angelic Hunter, a character must fulfil all

the following criteria.

Class Features

Alignment: Any good

Weapons and Armour: Hunters are proficient with all simple and
martial weapons, with all types of armour, and with shields.

Base Attack Bonus: +9

Skills: Spot, 5 ranks, Search, 5 ranks, Sense Motive, 2 ranks,
Knowledge (the planes), 3 ranks, Knowledge (religion), 3 ranks,
Knowledge (evil), 3 ranks, Languages: Celestial, Infernal

Detect Evil (level 1): Always in effect, undeterred by the spell

Undetectable Alignment. This effect can be dispelled, but the
Hunter can create it again as a free action the next turn.

Feats: Improved Initiative

Divine Grace (level 1): Add Charisma bonus to all saving throws.
If paladin, increase by +1.

Special: Cannot be Half-Celestial, Half-Dragon, Half-Fiend, or


Angelic Constitution (level 1): Immune to all diseases, including

magical diseases.

Hit Dice: d10

Protection from Evil (level 1): Always in effect, identical to the

spell as if cast by a sorceror whose level equals the Hunter's. This
effect can be dispelled, but the Hunter can create it again as a free
action the next turn.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction
(Wis), Knowledge (the Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Listen
(Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Evolve: The Hunter's celestial blood start's to show through, such as

a slight paling or goldening of the skin, or eyes that glow slightly.
Add 2d10 hp; Str, Wis, and Cha +1
Aura of Courage: Immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Allies
within 10 feet gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear
effects. Granting the morale bonus is a supernatural ability.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Smite Evil: Once per day the Hunter may attempt to Smite Evil. He
adds his Charisma modifier (if positive) to his attack roll and deals 1
extra point of damage per level. If paladin, change to twice per day.

Still Spell, Silent Spell: As per the Feats

Divine Luck: 1/day for every 3 levels (once at level 3, twice at

level 6 etc.) The hunter may reroll one roll you have just made (all
of the dice, if there was more than one). The second result must be
taken and no single roll may be rerolled more than once using this

Evolve: Character increases in size. For example, a Small Creature

becomes Medium sized, a Medium becomes Large, except a Large
or bigger sized creature does not grow. Add 3d10 hp; Str +2

The Will To Fight On: The Hunter stabilisation check % raises by

2/level of Hunter. (example, a 10th level Hunter who has been
dropped below 0 hit points will have a 30% chance per round to
stabilise). If successful, the Hunter gains 2 hit points per round until
above 0 or injured again.
Evolve: Traits become more visible. add 1d10 hp; Dex, Con, Int +2
Divine Repost: As the feat Heroic Repost (no prerequisites)

Damage Reduction 2: The Angelic Hunter receives DR 2/-.

Specialised Against Evil: +8 on all saving throws against evil

spells and spell-like effects, and +8 bonus to attack rolls, initiative
rolls, and damage rolls against evil opponents.
Evolve: Traits now very pronounced, with eyes that seem like
swirling mist and glow brightly, skin that is like ivory or gold.
Feathered wings grow from the Hunter's back (creature can fly at a
rate twice it's speed, average manoeuvrability). Spell-like ability
Teleport without Error, usable 2 times/day. Add 4d10 hp; Str, Wis,
Cha +2
Damage Reduction 3: The Angelic Hunter receives DR 3/-.

Damage Reduction 1: The Angelic Hunter receives DR 1/-.

Arkenvaldi Battle Thanes

The doings of nobles are ever marked by internal treachery, no
matter the nation or the time. The nobles plot and conspire, greedily
reaping the spoils come victory. The price of failure, however, they
share with those unfortunate to have sworn fealty to them. In some
cultures fealty is owed according to birth and clan, and so it is in
Some generations past, Sparstag sat the throne of the High King in
Fiore. Sparstag was a mighty ruler buoyed up by powerful allies.
Foremost was the unswerving support of the Ancient Crown-sworn
Order of the Black Hart, that storied brotherhood which owes total
allegiance to whosoever is crowned King of Fiore regardless of
circumstance. However, Sparstag also gained much advantage from
an alliance with the dweomer-touched sorcerous Wyrdinnmen.
Despite the High Kings admirable and commanding position, the
heads of Clan Arkenvald sought to usurp Sparstag with the secret
assistance of a Pentatra eager to work its way into the mighty
nation. The bannermen of the Clan had little recourse but to follow
their leaders into the crushing defeat which soon followed. In the
end Sparstag executed the nobles of Clan Arkenvald, but offered the
valiant men of the Clans banner the option of fealty or exile.
Fearing retribution, the proud clan folk choose exile.
Setting out in the remnants of their Clans holdings, the Arkenvaldi
made their way to the nearby Shoals, land of petty fiefs, turf wars,
and turmoil. There they hired themselves out as mercenaries for
many years, their battle seasoning and remaining Fiorean equipment
making them very effective and much sought after. However, they
lacked a home of their own and prayed endlessly for a land to settle.
Their heartfelt desire was eventually realized in the discovery of a
smaller Shard featuring a wonderful natural water geyser with
several streamlets running in all directions from it and eventually

leaving the Shard in miniature waterfalls. This scenic Shardlet was

apparently unsettled and unclaimed; though it was meagre of
resource the Shardlet was nonetheless a place to put down roots.
The Arkenvaldi wasted no time in doing so.
It was soon discovered that they were not as alone on the Shardlet
as they originally thought; a small colony of devout Guilmariners
was found on the opposite end of the island. Self-exiles from the
famed City of the Drowned Lady who sought a return to nature and
fundamentalism, they welcomed the presence of the Akenvaldi once
it was established that they had no intention of causing them
violence. The presence of the Guilmariners and the seemingly
source less water geyser were seen as a sign that the Drowned Lady
had provided this new home for the itinerant clan folk, and she was
accepted as their new patron. The two communities merged over
time, and became a new people with a renewed outlook on life. The
clan folks new home was dubbed New Arkenvaldi, and they set out
to establish their inhabitation. Soon a bustling community living as
one with the land in sod houses and halls sprung up.
As the Shardlet lacked plentiful natural resources, the warriors of
the clan still sold their services as mercenaries, but their new found
worship of the Drowned Lady saw them become scrupulously moral
in their dealings. The Arkenvaldi soon established that they would
only sell their services to honest and noble causes. Though the jobs
were much fewer, they were sufficient and the community grew.
Lacking metal and superfluous funds to purchase heavy armours,
the Arkenvaldi also began to eschew their Fiorean traditions of war.
Learning from their sister settlers from Guilmari, they began to
practice an altered form of their traditional Axe and Sword style,
adopting a fast moving attack on the run methodology that soon
became the terror of Shoalian battlefields. To this day the New
Arkenvaldi sell their services to honourable causes, and their style is
much renowned for its flexibility and speed.











Guilimes Tide





Overflowing the Banks





Adapt to the Flow





Quickening of the Narrows

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Immersion of Blades





Adapt to the Flow





Flowing Step





Quickening of the Narrows





Adapt to the Flow






Steel Waterfall

Base Attack Bonus +5
Skills: Balance: 3 Ranks
Feats: Ambidexterity, Dodge, Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon
Focus: battleaxe, Weapon Focus: longsword
Hit Die D8

Class Skill
Balance, Craft, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge: Religion
(Giulme). Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble
Skill Points Int Bonus + 4 / level

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: This prestige class grants no
additional weapon or armour proficiencies.
Arkenvaldi Battle Thane: The combat abilities below are usable
when the practitioner is dual wielding a longsword and a battleaxe
as noted in the individual abilities descriptions. Additionally, some
of the abilities are not usable while encumbered or wearing armour
heavier than light as described in the individual abilities
descriptions. Abilities whose description does not mention being
restricted to when the Thane is dual wielding or unencumbered are
not restricted.
Guilimes Tide: At 1st level the Battle Thane has learned to use a
special weighted cloak when fighting for greater protection. He is
able to use this cloak to turn blades. Such a cloak is made of heavy
leather reinforced with metal and treated in all ways as a Buckler
with two exceptions:
1) The practitioner may attack with their off hand and still gain the
AC benefit of the cloak;
2) The AC bonus afforded is equal to 1+ 1/3 the practitioners class
level rounded down, so that a 6th level Battle Thanes would gain a
+3 to AC from the device and a 10th level Battle Thane gains a +4
to AC. The cloaks are common in New Arkenvald and Guilmari, but
rare to non-existent beyond.
Overflowing the Banks: At 2nd level the Battle Thane has learned
to use his offhand weapon to create an opening for his primary
hand. When dual wielding a Longsword and battleaxe the Thane
may sacrifice any offhand attacks for a +2 circumstance bonus to hit
with all attacks made by the primary hand for that round per offhand
attack sacrificed.


Adapt to the Flow: At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels the Battle Thane has
learned to find a natural rhythm when dual wielding a Longsword
and battleaxe. Rather than trying to force the weapons into preset
moves the Thane instead allows them to find their own course,
adjusting his own body to follow the flow. The Thane offsets the
penalty for dual wielding a Longsword and battleaxe by 1 at 3rd
level, by 2 at 6th level, and by 3 at 9th level when unencumbered
and not wearing armour heavier than light. Thus at 9th level the
Thane suffers a 1 penalty to his primary and offhand attacks when
using a Longsword and a battleaxe.
Quickening of the Narrows: The Battle Thanes train to move fast
in battle, relying on their momentum to see them thru enemy lines.
At 4th and 8th levels the Thanes speed and athleticism has reached a
new plateau of development. The Thane gains +10 Move at 4th
level and additional +10 Move at 8th when in combat,
unencumbered, and not wearing armour heavier than light. Combat
is defined as any period of time administered in Initiative order for
this purpose.
Immersion of Blades: At 5th level the Battle Thane has fully
mastered using the Longsword and battleaxe in tandem. The Thane
gains the use of Improved Two Weapon Fighting when dual
wielding a Longsword and battleaxe, unencumbered, and not
wearing armour heaver than light.
Flowing Step: At 7th level the Battle Thane has learned to float
about in combat like water through a narrows, finding a way past
intervening obstacles. The Thane gains Mobility as a Bonus Feat
when unencumbered and not wearing armour heavier than light.
Steel Waterfall: At 10th level the Battle Thane has learned a
frightening technique, mimicking the flow of a river and the fury of
a waterfall, they hurl themselves into a rush, landing blows upon
opponents as water splashes from a fall. The practitioner gains
Passing Attack as a virtual Feat (listed below) when dual wielding a
longsword and battleaxe, unencumbered and not wearing armour
heavier than light.

New Feat
Passing Attack [Fighting Style]
You are skilled at moving through a melee and striking foes as you
Prerequisites: Dodge, Mobility
Benefit: The practitioner of this type of style may move his normal
movement as a full action, making a single standard action attack on
each opponent as he wishes along his path of movement until he
runs out of attacks or movement. The practitioner does draw Attacks
of Opportunity, but may use other abilities such as the prerequisite
Mobility Feat to offset this. This Feat is usable in conjunction with
Improved Trip and Improved Disarm.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Avengers are those who fight to correct wrongs that have been
committed against them, loved ones, or their friends. An avenger
primarily does this through use of martial combat or divine magic,
few sorcerers or wizards choose this class. Normally they work to
right the wrongs that pertain to them but once this accomplished
many times they can be found serving under kings or others in
places of power.

Fighters, rangers, paladins, and clerics are most commonly found

within the ranks, but the occasional monk or rogue and can be found
in there midst. Fighter types most frequently choose this class
because they are the best suited for it. The avenger is even better
than a fighter in combat is. With the gained combat abilities any
character with spell abilities can no longer gain power as a spell
caster, ever or he will lose all avenger ability.








Shield of Faith

Greater Determination

Damage Reduction 1/-

Strength Boost

Uncanny Dodge (Can't be Flanked)


Charisma Boost

Damage Reduction 2/-



Weapon of Vengeance

Base Attack Bonus: +8
Alignment: Any Good
Class: Fighters, Rangers, Paladins, and Clerics
Race: Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Half Elf, and Halflings
Feats: Weapon Focus: Any
Special: Ride: 8 ranks Intimidate: 8 ranks Concentration: 8 ranks
Hit Dice: D10

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Bluff (Char), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Char),
Intimidate (Char), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Swim (Str).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the avenger prestige class.
Weapons and Armour: Avenger's gain no new proficiencies.

Determination: At 1st level, the Avenger can bolster his abilities

through sheer force of will. The avenger gains +2 to
strength/constitution and 2d8 hit points for 10 rounds, usable once
per day + Charisma bonus (if positive).
Shield of Faith: As the spell 1/day, caster level equal to all total
levels. This is a supernatural ability.
Greater Determination:
The avenger gains +3 to
strength/constitution and 4d8 hit points for 10 rounds, usable once
per day + Charisma bonus (if positive), this ability supersedes
Damage Reduction: At 4th level, the avenger develops a resistance
to damage. He receives DR 1/-. This ability increases again at 9th
level to DR 2/-.
Strength Boost: At 5th level, the avenger receives a +1 to his
strength ability.
Charisma Boost: At 8th level, the avenger receives a +1 to his
Charisma ability.
Tongues: Useable as the spell 1/day, caster level equal to all
avengers level. This is a supernatural ability.
Weapon of Vengeance: Once per month the avenger may imbue his
primary weapon to strike down a specific foe that has wronged him
or someone close to him. This power lasts for 1 hour and grants the
following powers against the specified enemy. The enemy must
make a Will save (DC 20 + avenger's charisma bonus) or be
irrevocably slain when hit. If the save is successful they still take
double damage. The avengers exude a powerful aura while using
this ability. All intelligent beings within 100 feet must make a Will
save (DC 10 + level + charisma bonus) or be affected by the spell
cause fear for 5 rounds. This is a supernatural ability.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Avenger [Divine/Dire]
Not all devout warriors are Paladins or Blackguards. The Avenger
Prestige Class is intended as a generic holy/unholy warrior Prestige
Class. It offers many powerful advantages, primarily defensive in
nature, and the balance for this is a tightly restricted alignment and
code of conduct that must be enforced by the DM. If the Avenger
follows an Evil deity then she is called a Dire Avenger, whereas if

the Avenger follows a Good deity she is called a Divine Avenger;

many of the prestige classes special abilities are based on which
category the Avenger falls into. Avengers should be vigilant,
dedicated, and motivated; those lacking enthusiasm should suffer a
fall from their patrons favour (meaning a temporary loss of abilities
leading to a total loss if uncorrected) until their outlook is adjusted
accordingly. This is not a good Prestige Class for the dissolute, but
is very empowering for those who can walk the difficult path of
keeping their deity pleased by their service.











Divine/Dire Aegis 1/-, Divine/Dire Health





Divine/Dire Aura





Divine/Dire Aegis 2/-





Divine/Dire Aura





Divine/Dire Aegis 3/-





Divine/Dire Aura





Divine/Dire Aegis 4/-





Divine/Dire Aura





Divine/Dire Aegis 5/-






I Am the Avenger, Divine/Dire Aura, Divine/Dire Health


Class Features

Base Attack Bonus: +5

Hit Dice: D10

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: The Avenger is proficient

with but does not necessarily use his patron deity's weapon of

Alignment: Must have an alignment acceptable to the deity they

worship along the Good-Evil axis (LG, NG, CG, LE, NE, and CE).
Should the Avenger ever fall outside of this restriction he looses all
extraordinary and supernatural abilities and must atone with his
deity as per the spell Atonement to regain them.

Divine/Dire Aegis: At 1st level and every other level thereafter the
Avenger gains Divine/Dire Aegis. Divine/Dire Aegis gives the
Avenger increasingly better protection from harm. The Avenger
gains Damage Reduction as noted on the class progression chart,
which is effective versus all attacks. This is an extraordinary ability.

Special: Ability: Wisdom 13+

Divine/Dire Health: At 1st level the Avenger is rendered immune

to all diseases, including magical diseases such as lycanthropy and
mummy rot. At 10th level the Avenger becomes immune to all
poisons. This is an extraordinary ability.

Skill: Religion: 3 Ranks, Sense Motive: 3 Ranks Religion: Must

worship 1 Good or Evil deity with a militant aspect devoutly and
follow the tenets of that deity.
If Good, the Avenger is Divine if Evil the Avenger is Dire.
Restriction: Must follow a code of conduct acceptable to their deity.
Should the Avenger ever fall outside of this restriction he looses all
extraordinary and supernatural abilities and must atone with his
deity as per the spell Atonement to regain them.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Divine/Dire Aura: At 2nd level the Avenger has pleased his patron
deity sufficiently that he is granted a powerful protective Aura. This
Aura is invisible to the naked eye, but is apparent to Detect Magic,
True Seeing, and Alignment-specific detections keyed to the
Avengers own alignment; therefore the Aura of an Avenger
dedicated to a Chaotic Good power would be apparent to both
Detect Good and Detect Chaos. This Aura imparts several
advantages to the Avenger: The Avenger is immune to possession
and domination.

Skill List: Handle Animal, Knowledge (religion), Ride, Sense

Motive, Spot

The Avenger gains a Sacred/Profane bonus to AC versus all

opponents not of his moral axis equal to his class level/2. (Divine
vs. non-Good, Dire vs. non-Evil)

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

The Avenger has a Spell Resistance equal to the class level +10.

Skill Points: Int Bonus + 2 / level

The Avenger automatically causes Holy/Unholy damage to all

creatures of Evil/Good Alignment that strike him in melee equal to

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
his class level divided by 2. Creatures successfully striking the
Avenger take the damage immediately before their attack is
resolved. Affected creatures know that the Avenger is the source of
the damage. (Divine Avengers harm Evil and vs. versa; Neutral is
The Avenger heals his class level in damage every hour.
The Aura is a supernatural ability.
The Avenger cannot choose to suppress his own Aura; the Aura is
always active and is only deactivated by the Avengers death or loss
of faith.

I am the Avenger: At 10th level the Avenger may call upon his
patron deity for aid once per day as a full round action. The Avenger
gains a temporary +10 Sacred/Profane bonus to his Strength,
Dexterity, and Constitution, which last full 10 rounds once started.
After 10 rounds the bonuses are gone, and the Avenger suffers a V4
fatigue penalty to his Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution for 10
rounds. This is a supernatural ability. Avengers abusing this ability
will face censure from their patrons as determined by the DM.
Special: Should a Divine Avenger ever fall from grace, he qualifies
for Anti-paladin ship under the Blackguard Prestige Class,
converting his Divine Avenger levels into Blackguard levels as
described in the DMG under the Blackguard Prestige Class.

Barbarian [Berserker]
I will eat your heart...

during times of war, but also feared and shunned by many in

polite Alfar society all the rest of the time.


Each brother must choose a path following the wolf or the bear.
Some berserks are ulfhedinn or wolf-coats. As you can guess,
these warriors can change into wolves. Others are bjornsark, or
bear-shirts, who can take the form of bears. The two varieties of
berserkers do not get along and will quickly fall to blows if around
each other for too long.

Berserkers are mystic Alfar warriors whose devotion to the their cult
of fury allows them to transform themselves into animalistic
engines of carnage. These warriors are part of a mystic brotherhood
of Odin worshippers that are highly valued for their battle prowess











Wild Shape 1/day









Berserker Rage 1/day





Wild Shape 2/day









Berserker Rage 2/day





Wild Shape 3/day









Berserker Rage 3/day






Wild Shape 4/day


Class Skills

To qualify to become a berserker, a character must fulfil all the

following criteria:
Attack: Base Attack Bonus +8

The berserkers class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
Animal Empathy (Cha, exclusive skill), Climb (Str), Craft (Int),
Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis),
Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Swim (Str), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil

Skill Points at Each Level: 2+ Int modifier.

Class Feature: Rage ability

Skill: 5 Ranks in Wilderness Lore
Feat: Endurance
Special: Must defeat a wolf, or bear in single combat, unarmoured
and armed only with a dagger.
Hit Die: d12

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A berserker gains no additional
proficiencies with weapons or armor.
Wild Shape: At 1st level, a berserker gains the spell-like ability to
polymorph self into either a wolf or a bear (but not a dire animal)
and back again once per day. Unlike the standard use of the spell,
however, the berserker may only adopt one form depending upon
association either wolf or bear. As stated in the spell description,
the berserker regains hit points as if he or she has rested for a day.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
The berserker does not risk the standard penalty for being
disoriented while in the wild shape. At 5th and 7th levels the number
of times the berserker can do this goes up. At 10 th level, the
berserker can either assume a normal or dire form of the animal. A
berserker may call upon his berserker rage, or (barbarian) rage in
animal form.
Berserker Rage: The effects of this form of rage depend upon
whether the berserker is an ulfhedinn, or bjornsark. The berserker
may still use other rage abilities in addition to his or her Berserker
Rage ability, but not at the same time. When using this ability the
berserker takes on many of the characteristics of the animal shape
shifting into a half-beast. Anyone facing a Berserker must make a
Fear check, DC12 or become shaken for 1d4 rounds. Successfully
making this save makes the character immune to any berserker fear
effect for 24 hours.
This is a supernatural ability and takes a full round to activate.
Anyone witnessing the transformation suffers a 2 on the
berserkers Fear check, see above.
(Ulfhedinn - wolf): the Berserker temporarily gains +6 to Strength,
+4 to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but suffers
a 1 penalty to AC, and -2 to Int. The wolf form also has damage
reduction 5/+1 and + 10 speed.
(Bjornsark - bear): the Berserker temporarily gains +6 to
Strength, +6 to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves,

but suffers a 2 penalty to AC and -4 to Int. The bear form also has
damage reduction 5/+1.
The increase in Constitution increases the berserkers hit points by 2
(or 3 for bears) points per level, but these hit points go away at the
end of the rage when the Constitution score drops back to normal.
While raging, a berserker cannot use skills or abilities that require
patience and concentration. (The only class skills he cant use while
raging are Craft, Handle Animal, and Intuit Direction.) He can use
any feat he might have except for Expertise, item creation feats,
metamagic feats, and Skill Focus (if its tied to a skill that requires
patience or concentration).
A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the characters
(newly improved) Constitution modifier. The berserker may not
prematurely end the berserk range. If no foes are present the
berserker must make an Int check, DC 10 to identify a friend. If
successful, the berserker will wander in search of prey. If not, they
will attack without mercy.
At the end of the rage, the berserker is fatigued (4 to Strength, 4
to Dexterity, cant charge or run) for the duration of that encounter.
The berserker can only fly into a rage once per encounter, and only
a certain number of times per day (determined by level). Entering a
rage takes no time itself, but the berserker can only do it during his

Barbarian [Savage]
The savage is a type of barbarian that has no understanding of the
words civilised. The Savage is a nomad hunter of the great jungles
and forests. His primary goals in life are to protect his tribe, and
secure a mate.

Savages are often considered to be the most aggressive for of

warrior but they do not often attack travellers unless they intrude on
hunting grounds and ignore the warning markers designating their
territory. The savage is often calm and will trade and negotiate with
others but prefers to keep to himself. Only in times of great need to
they travel beyond their normal hunting grounds. Savages can be as
friendly as a curious animal or as furious as a wild animal. Do not
underestimate the savage, because if you do then youre already











Rage 1/day, War Cry









Bash +1d6





Rage 2/day





Spring Attack





Bash +2d6





Rage 3/day









Bash +3d6






Power Slam 1/day

Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Wilderness Lore +5 ranks

Feats: Power Attack

Alignment: Any Non-lawful
Hit Dice d12

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Skills
The prestige class has the following class skills listed with there
proper ability modifier are:
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex),
Intimidate (Chr), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Swim (Str), Wilderness Lore (Wis).
Skills Points at each Level: 4+ Int Modifier

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: The savage knows how to use
the following weapons, Dagger, Sickle, club, Half Spear, Quarter
Staff, Short Spear, Darts, Sling, Axe throwing, Hand Axe, battle
Axe, Great Axe, Great Club, Long Spear, Short bow, Short Bow
Composite, Long Bow, and the Long Bow Composite. Also The
Savage knows how to use, Small Wooden Shields, Large Wooden
Shields, Leather Armour, Studded Leather Armour and Hide
Rage: When in a rage the savage gains the following benefits, +4
strength and +4 constitution and a +2 moral bonus to Will saves.
Also the Savage suffers a 2 penalty to AC. The increase in
Constitution raises the barbarians hit points by 2 points per level,
These temporary hit points go away at the end of the rage when
constitution score drops to normal. (These extra hit points are not
loosed first way temporary hit points are; see Core Rule Book I pg.
While raging a Savage cannot use any skills that require patience
and concentration, such as moving silently or casting spells. He can
use any feat he might have except expertise, item creation feats,
Metamagic feats. A fit of rage last for a number of rounds equal to

3+ characters newly improved constitution modifier. The Savage

may prematurely end this rage voluntarily. At the end of the rage the
Savage is fatigued and suffers, -2 strength and dexterity, also he
cannot charge or run. Starting at level 10 the savage gains the
benefits of greater rage. He gets +6 to strength and constitution and
a +3 moral bonus to Will saves. The AC penalty remains at 2 AC.
A savage may only rage once per encounter.
War Cry: Starting at level one the savage gains the ability to fill his
enemies with fear. He takes a full round action to bellow his war
cry. Those within 50ft must make a Will save DC 10 + half of the
savages levels + Charisma modifier. Those who fail there save have
a 50 percent chance of dropping what they are carrying and are
stricken with fear as the spell for 1d4+1 rounds. This ability may be
used only once per encounter, also if an opponent passes their Will
save they are immune to the War Cry for the rest of the day.
Bash: starting at level three the Savage gains the ability to do
additional bash damage to his foes starting at 1d6 at level three, 2d6
at level 6 and finally 3d6 at level 9. This bonus damage can only be
done with bludgeoning weapons and is only added to the first attack
he makes of each round. It is not multiplied on a critical.
Leap Attack: At level 5 the savage gains the spring attack feat
regardless of the perquisites for it. In addition to this when using his
Leap Attack his maximum jumping distance is increased by x2.
Power Slam: At level ten the Savage gains the ability to pick up an
opponent and smash them into the ground. The Savage cannot be
holding a weapon at this time and it takes a full round action. The
Savage makes a unarmed melee swing at the opponent, if successful
the savage picks the opponent up and throws him to the ground
doing a d10 + strength modifier x2 + bash damage to his opponent,
also the opponent then makes a For save DC damage dealt or be
stunned for 1d6 rounds. (Unless the Savage has improved unarmed
strike opponents get an attack of opportunity against the Savage

Barbarian [Wallriders]
Most decent, upstanding people don't want to know about the bad
things, the painful things, the ugly things in life. They want to be
protected, and would rather just skip all the details. The Wallriders
understand this, and it suits them just fine.
Those people, they just get in the way.
When Daran Kar-Thone and his men first travelled the Plains of
Bally Mor, they saw only the first signs of what was to come. They
didn't hear the shrieks of the desert cats as magic broke their bones
and fused them into new shapes. They didn't feel the first rumblings
deep beneath the earth as the first Juba-Hai awoke.
They didn't see the village of Makra Teth as it was slowly, painfully
consumed by an Anomaly over a period of one week.
But others saw. The barbarians who lived in the heartland knew it
better than any other. They knew something was wrong, but Marka
Teth sealed it. Only 13 members of the village, a Bear Claw hunting
party, escaped. They returned from a week's outing the day it began.
Soon, it became obvious that they could do nothing, even as their
wives and children begged for their aid. For the next 7 days and
nights, all 13 stood unwavering, bearing mute witness to the horror







consuming their loved ones. As cries of pain and anguish turned to

cries of hatred, they watched, and as one mind they determined
what they had to do.
As the magical field receded and the Formori prepared to tear out
over the desert sands the warriors rode in to the town slaughtering
everything that moved, knowing full well that they were taking lives
from some who could, perhaps, be saved.
A Wallrider does not have the luxury of taking chances with that
kind of thing.
The leader of this group, Maelwys ap Paarak, survived that day, and
vowed never again to allow a similar fate to befall any of his. He
looked into the land and saw what was to come. He realised that to
survive such a transformation, the people of Bally Mor had to be
prepared. They needed to understand what was happening, and had
to find out how to resist.
Thus were born the Wallriders. Eventually, the barbarian denizens
were forced to flee the magical forces around them, but they never
again lost an entire village in such as way. To this day, only the
toughest, meanest and most determined folk of Saelis join the
Wallriders. Of those, only a handful actually makes it.
But those people, they are the stuff of legends.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Elemental Resistance; Species Enemy; Track; Bonus Feat





Cold Rage





Species Enemy





Savage Calm





Damage Reduction 10/+1; Bonus Feat; Species Enemy









Damage Reduction 10/+2; Species Enemy









Species Enemy






Regeneration 1/minute; Bonus Feat

Class: Barbarian
Base Attack Bonus: +10
Hit Dice: D10
Alignment: Any
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Toughness
Special: Hide: 4 ranks Listen: 3 ranks Move Silently: 3 ranks Spot:
3 ranks Wilderness Lore: 5 Ranks Must have at least 1 level of
Barbarian. Bonus Skill: Knowledge (Deathwaste)

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Climb (Str); Craft (Int); Handle Animal (Wis); Hide (Dex); Jump
(Str); Listen (Wis); Move Silently (Dex); Ride (Dex); Search (Wis);
Spot (Wis); Tracking (Wis); Tumble (Dex); Wilderness Lore (Wis).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: A Wallrider is proficient with all simple
and militia weapons. They are proficient with light only, and can use
all shields. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier
than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide,
Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble, and that carrying
heavy gear imposes a check penalty on Swim checks.
Elemental Resistance (Ex): To survive in the harsh climate that
surrounds the Deathwaste, the Wallriders have trained their bodies
and minds to resist damage from the elements. Starting at first level,
Wallriders have a resistance of 11 vs. fire, cold, acid, electrical and
sonic attacks. This resistance increases by 1 for each level of
Wallrider, up to 20 at 10th level.

Species Enemy (Ex): For a Wallrider, combat with strange

creatures and entities is an almost every day occurrence. As part of
their training, they learn all there is to know about their foes,
including the dirty tricks and strategies needed to gain the upper
hand in a fight. Starting at 1st level the Wallrider may choose a
species enemy. The Wallrider must choose his enemies from the
following list: Aberration, Elemental, Magical Beast, Outsider,
The Wallrider's circumstance bonuses starts at +1 to hit and damage
as well as a +1 to armour class when battling the chosen creature.
He also gains a +1 to saves forced by attacks from the chosen type.
For every 2 levels of advancement, the Rider may choose a new
enemy or increase his bonus in a current enemy category by +1.
Thus a 10th level Rider may have +5 vs. 1 type, +1 vs. all 5
available types, or any combination in between.
Track: As the feat.
Bonus Feat: At 1st, 5th and 10th level the Wallrider gains a bonus
feat that must be chosen from the list of bonus fighter feats, (see
PHB Fighter entry for list).
Cold Rage: The Wallrider maintains his ability to Rage as a
barbarian. In fact, as the Wallrider gains in levels, his Rage grows in
strength as if he had gained a level in Barbarian. A Rider, however,
has learned discipline. At 2nd level, the Wallrider may attempt a
Will save, DC 25, to focus his energy. If the save is successful, the
Wallrider does not become winded after the Rage wears off.
Savage Calm: Beginning at 4th level, the Wallrider never loses his
sense of assurance due to a natural environment. All tracking checks
are made at 1 difficulty category lower. Any bonuses applied to any
checks due to environment, (i.e. violent winds, storms, earthquakes,
etc), are reduced by 1 per 2 levels of the Wallrider. If the Wallrider
has the Handle Animals or Ride skill, they may ADD +1/2 levels of
Wallrider to all attempts at calming animals that are spooked due to
an environmental occurrence.
Damage Reduction: At 5th level, the Wallrider becomes resistant to
mundane weapons, gaining damage reduction 10/+1. At 7th level
this increases to 10/+2.
Regeneration: At 10th level, a Wallrider has so toughened his body
and mind that he actually heals at a greatly accelerated rate. He
begins to regenerate at a rate of 1 hit point per minute.

Barbarian [Wardog]
The Barbarians of the northern plains possess a well-deserved
reputation as ferocious warriors, but even among these skilled

fighters, there are the elite. The Wardogs represent the best of the
clans, brought together and trained as calvary units to act on behalf
of the tribe. Eschewing traditional horses in favour of a specially
bred and trained Dire Wolf, the Wardog rider functions with his
mount as a single, devastating combat unit. At the pinnacle of their

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
skill, there is no distinction between rider and mount. Indeed, the
term "Wardog" is applied to each individually and is also used to
describe the pair as a single whole.
Wardog bands are extremely insular, separated even from the
Barbarian tribes that spawn them. Martially, the Wardogs are the
defenders of the community, but socially they stand apart. They are
more in tune with each other and their feral mounts than with others
and show little regard for the usual habits of polite society. Wardogs

are considered rough, uncouth and unkempt even by Barbarian

Strength and Dexterity are of primary importance, as the Wardog is
a martial presence who strives to be equally effective with melee
and ranged attacks. Dexterity also aids in maximising one's mount
while a high Constitution is useful not only for the sort of hit points
one expects from vanguard fighters, but for many Wardog Class











Wolf Rider; Rage (see description)





Friend of the Pack; Uncanny Dodge (see description)





Bonus Feat









Brother of the Pack





Bonus Feat





Damage Reduction (see description)





Leader of the Pack





Bonus Feat






Spirit of the Wolf


reducing the rank by 2 if the rider has Ride (horses).) Information

on Dire Mounts appears at the end of the class description.

Skills: Rage: 2 times/day

Base Attack Bonus: +5 Ride: 6 Ranks Handle Animal: 6 Ranks

Class Skills

Feats: Mounted Combat

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Races: Humans and Half-Orcs make up the ranks of most Wardog

bands, as they primarily form within established Barbarian
communities. Some Dwarves have found their way into the order,
though. Elves and Half-Elves tend towards a more elegant and
chivalrous mode of mounted combat while Halflings are more likely
to become Outriders in their own communities. No one has yet
heard of a Gnome Wardog.

*Animal Empathy (Cha), Balance (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha),

Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex),
Tumble (Dex) and Wilderness Lore (Int). See Chapter 4: Skills of
the Player Handbook for Skill descriptions.

Alignment: Any Chaotic. Although they work as a band, the tactics

of most Wardog groups are less a function of rigid martial discipline
than controlled anarchy. Each rider/mount unit is given an objective,
but their methods of achieving that objective are left to the training
and initiative of the unit itself.
Hit Dice: d12

Break Your Mount: In order to be accepted into the Wardogs, the
prospective rider must "break" his mount, choosing from a pool of
specially bred Dire Wolves raised by the Wardogs. Far from docile
and domesticated, the whelps are raised to enhance their natural
philosophy. The DM may rule that fulfilling the other requirements
assumes success in the breaking of the mount, requiring only that
the candidate actually locate and petition a Wardog band, or
breaking the mount may be fully played as an encounter. Note:
Unless the candidate has taken the Ride skill ranks in Ride (Dire
Wolf) -- an unlikely prospect -- then they are subject to the usual
Ride penalties as set forth in the Player Handbook (for example,

* Note: When employed by a Wardog, Animal Empathy is limited to

canine and canine-derived animals (including Dire Wolves, Winter
Wolves, etc...).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: Wardogs are skilled with all
simple and martial weapons, light armour, medium armour and
shields. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than
leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide,
Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Also, Swim checks
suffer a -1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armour and equipment
Law of the Pack: The hierarchy within a Wardog band is in one
sense incredibly rigid, and in another sense remarkably fluid. The
band is ruled by a Sirdar whose word is law. The Sirdar and his
mount comprise the most potent fighting unit within the band.
While no one can question the ruling of a Wardog Sirdar, anyone is
always free to challenge the current Sirdar in single combat
("single" referring to rider and mount combined). The winner
becomes the new Sirdar.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Typically, victory is awarded when one combatant yields, though
some grudge challenges end in death. Generally, these elite fighters
are not so foolish that they would debilitate their militia by killing
off their second-greatest warriors. Challenges for the post of Sirdar
are not taken lightly, though. Those who make frivolous, frequent or
unwarranted bids for the rank may find themselves in a duel where
the opponent will not honour a yield. In such cases, the rest of the
band determines whether or not the contest must continue to the
Though there are no official ranks or titles other than Sirdar, there
are constant challenges to clarify the hierarchy within the band.
Those with pride of (unspoken) position find themselves in the
vanguard of any attack to reap honour at the side of the Sirdar. Any
Wardog may challenge any other and every challenge must be
In game terms, this pervasive battling translates into a simple
requirement. In order to advance a level in the Wardog beyond the
first, the Wardog must challenge and defeat another Wardog of
higher level in single combat. This combat may take place at any
time after the Wardog has gained enough experience to advance a
level. If the Wardog is defeated, he must wait a week to issue a new
challenge. During this time, the Wardog may continue to gain
experience, but does not yet receive the benefits of advancing a
level. No matter how high the level of the challenged Wardog, the
challenger can only gain one level from a given challenge combat
(though the DM may reward the defeat of a more potent opponent in
other ways).
Wolf Rider: After breaking his mount, a Wardog candidate
becomes a Wolf Rider. At this point, he gains the additional skill
Ride (Dire Wolf) with a number of ranks equal to the number of his
highest current Ride skill rank. For example, a Wardog candidate
with Ride (Horse) +5 succeeds in breaking a Dire Wolf mount and
becomes a Wardog. In addition to Ride (Horse) +5, he now gains
Ride (Dire Wolf) +5. From this point on, ranks bought in one Ride
speciality do not increase the other(s). Thus, if the above Wardog
buys two more ranks of Ride (Dire Wolf), he will have Ride (Dire
Wolf) +7 and Ride (Horse) +5.
Feral Aspect: The key to the Wardog rider's martial ability is the
bond forged with his mount, a bond which starts to blur the line
between Barbarian and Dire Wolf as noted below: Friend of the
Pack: By second level, the Wardog rider has immersed himself in
the nature of his Dire Wolf mount. The rider gains an effective +2
Charisma bonus when dealing with Dire Wolves, but suffers a -2
Charisma penalty (to the skills Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather
Information and Perform only) when dealing with members of the
humanoid races. Note: Neither the Charisma bonus nor penalty is
applied with regard to spell casting and bonus spells. Also, when
Charisma is used to Intimidate a humanoid, the Wardog rider
applies the Charisma bonus in lieu of the penalty -- though smelly,
grimy and uncomfortably direct, the Wardog is more, rather than
less, of an imposing "presence".

Wolves as an extraordinary ability. The Wardog is also able to

employ Scent as if he were a Dire Wolf (see Monster Manual 10
Scent) as an extraordinary ability.
Spirit of the Wolf: At tenth level, the Wardog may polymorph into
a Dire Wolf once per day. He may remain in Dire Wolf form for a
number of hours equal to his normal (pre-polymorph) Constitution
modifier. While in Dire Wolf form, the Wardog gains an additional
+2 Charisma bonus when dealing with Dire Wolves (total of +8) and
other canines (total of +6). he also gains an additional -2 Charisma
penalty towards humanoids (for a total of -8) while polymorphed.
Otherwise, this ability functions as the spell Polymorph Self
although it is considered a supernatural ability.
Rage: Beginning at first level the Wardog is able to rage as a
Barbarian of the same level. Refer to Chart 3-3: The Barbarian
(Player Handbook 25). If the Wardog already possesses the ability
to Rage because of another class, then add those class levels to the
Wardog levels before referring to the chart. For example, Borgha is
Barbarian8 / Wardog 7. He can Rage four times per day and benefits
from Greater Rage. Gorath is Barbarian 4 / Fighter 3 / Wardog 8. He
can Rage four times per day, but does not yet benefit from Greater
Rage as his Fighter levels do not stack for the chart.
Uncanny Dodge: Beginning at second level, the Wardog gains
Uncanny Dodge as a Barbarian. The degree of Uncanny Dodge is
determined in the same fashion as Rage (see above). For example,
Krohl is Barbarian 5 / Wardog 5. He possesses Uncanny Dodge
(Dex bonus to AC; can't be flanked; +1 against traps). Note: Stacked
levels do not determine when abilities like Uncanny Dodge and
Damage Reduction activate for Wardogs, only their degree of
effectiveness. No matter how many levels the Wardog may possess
in a stacking class (such as Barbarian), they do not gain Uncanny
dodge as Wardogs until their Wardog level reaches 2.
Damage Reduction: Beginning at seventh level, the Wardog gains
Damage Reduction as a Barbarian. The degree of Damage
Reduction is determined in the same fashion as Rage (see above).
For example, Krait is Barbarian 5 / Wardog 9; he possesses Damage
Reduction 2/--. Bohlus is Barbarian 4 / Fighter 6 / Wardog 7; he
possesses Damage Reduction 1/--. Note: Stacked levels do not
determine when abilities like Uncanny Dodge and Damage
Reduction activate for Wardogs, only their degree of effectiveness.
No matter how many levels the Wardog may possess in a stacking
class (such as Barbarian), they do not gain Damage Reduction as
Wardogs until their Wardog level reaches 7.
Bonus Feats: At third, sixth and ninth levels, the Wardog gains a
bonus feat. The feat must be drawn from the following list: *Deadly
Charge, *Full Mounted Attack, *Improved Mounted Archery,
Mounted Archery, Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge, Trample.

New Feat

Brother of the Pack: Beginning at fifth level, the Wardog rider is

able to communicate with the mount and other Dire Wolves,
essentially "speaking" and understanding the combination of
vocalisations, postures, even scents, which make up the "language"
of Dire Wolves. This is an extraordinary ability.

Improved Mounted Archery

Also, the rider's mount is now his closest companion and the
existing Charisma bonus regarding Dire Wolves and penalty
regarding humanoids increase to +4 and -4, respectively. Also, the
rider gains a Charisma bonus of +2 when dealing with any canine or
canine-derived creature (including normal wolves, gnolls and

Benefit: The penalty you suffer when using a ranged weapon while
riding is reduced by 2. This is in addition to the benefits provided by
Mounted Archery. Thus, you suffer a -2 penalty in your mount is
running and no penalty if your mount is taking a double move.

Leader of the Pack: Beginning at eighth level, the Wardog rider

gains an additional +2 to the Charisma bonus for canines and Dire
Wolves (raising the bonuses to +4 and +6 respectively) and -2 to the
Charisma penalty for humanoids (for a total of -6). The Wardog is
now able to speak with and understand canines other than Dire

You are exceptionally skilled at using ranged weapons while riding.

Prerequisite: Ride skill +5, Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery

Deadly Charge
You are trained to make a merciless mounted charge, trading
ferocity for defence.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Prerequisite: Ride skill +5, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack,
Spirited Charge

Full Mounted Attack

Benefit: When mounted and using the charge action, you deal triple
damage with your melee weapon (and quadruple damage with a
lance). However, due to the recklessness of the attack the usual
charge penalty to AC is doubled (in modifier and duration; thus, -4
for 2 rounds applied to both rider and mount). This ability
supersedes the Spirited Charge feat.

You and your mount move and act in perfect synchronicity, which
translates into uncanny reaction speed.

Note: This is an adaptation of the class ability of the Cavalier, as

presented in the Sword and Fist supplement.

Prerequisite: Ride skill +5, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack

Benefit: You may make an attack as a standard action when your
mount moves more than five feet (assuming there is a foe to be
attacked), rather than as a partial attack.
Note: This is an adaptation of the class ability of the Cavalier, as
presented in the Sword and Fist supplement.




Str Adj.

Int Score






Improved Evasion; Empathic Link Share Saving Throws





Share Rage; Share Uncanny Dodge









Share Damage Reduction Spell Resistance

Improved Evasion: If the mount is subjected to an attack that

normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no
damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half damage even
if the saving throw fails. Improved evasion is an extraordinary
Empathic Link: The Wardog has an empathic link with the mount
out to a distance of up to one mile. The Wardog cannot see through
the mount's eyes, but they can communicate telepathically. Even
intelligent mounts see the world differently from humans, so
misunderstandings are always possible. This is a supernatural
Because of the empathic link between the mount and the Wardog,
the Wardog has the same connection to an item or place that the
mount does, just as a master and his familiar.
Share Saving Throws: The mount uses its own base save or the
Wardog's, whichever is higher.

Share Rage: When the Wardog rider goes into a Rage while
mounted, the mount may Rage, as well. The duration of the Rage is
determined by the rider, as is the potency of the Rage. Thus, a rider
capable of Greater Rage imbues his mount with Greater Rage, as
well. If the rider dismounts during the Rage, the mount's Rage
comes to an end.
Share Uncanny Dodge: The mount is considered to have Uncanny
Dodge to the same degree as its rider. The mount only benefits from
this ability when the rider is mounted.
Share Damage Reduction: The mount is considered to have
Damage Reduction to the same degree as the rider. The mount only
benefits from this ability when the Rider is mounted.
Spell Resistance: The mount's Spell Resistance equals the Wardog's
class level +5. To affect the mount with a spell, a spellcaster much
make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) at least equal to the
mount's Spell Resistance.

Barbarian [Woad Raider]

The two scouts finished their ascent to the top of the hill,
overlooking the green fields below. Columns of smoke were rising
out of the forest on the far side of the plain. The scouts horses
pawed at the ground, steam escaping their nostrils.
Was the centurion serious? one asked the other.
Why are we bothering to patrol this countryside? Those savages in
the Carnyx Forest pose no threat to our encampment.

I dont know, but wed better get back to the encampment and let
the centurion know about this.
If they dont catch us first! Lookwoad raiders! the scout
pointed at a score of barbarians who had outdistanced the rest of the
horde and were closing in on the two soldiers. They were nude,
carrying a shield in one hand and a spear in the other. Blue war
paint covered their bodies in swirling patterns. Most distressing of
all, they were running faster than the soldiers horses.

No threat as long as we keep an eye on things, the other replied.

As long as we get word to our men of any violent incursions before
they reach it, well be ready for
The soldier trailed off as hundreds of warriors streamed out of the
forests cover dressed in brightly colored woolen garments,
brandishing spears and the occasional sword. Several of them in
front seemed to confer for a moment, then one blew on a boar
headed war horn and the horde immediately started running across
the plains, towards the two soldiers.
By Caesar, whats going on down there, the first asked, grasping
his reins tightly.

Most woad (rhymes with road) raiders start their careers as
barbarians. They come from tribal cultures on the fringes of
civilization based on the Celtic peoples of ancient Western Europe.
Their martial abilities stem from their savagery, courage and faith in
their tribal gods. They largely eschew armor, preferring to go into
battle naked, with only their faith and a shield to protect them. They
are quick, and can cross a battlefield in a fraction of the time that a
heavily armored force could. Their appearance is unnerving, to say
the least, and tends to frighten opponents into making mistakes, if
not fleeing the battlefield altogether.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes











Speed +10 feet, Imposing Aura






Spring Attack






Speed +20 feet






Demoralizing Insult












Speed +30 feet






Master of the Spear






Frightful Presence






Speed +40 feet






Hit and Run

To qualify as a woad raider, a character must fulfill all of the
following criteria:
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Alignment: Any non-lawful
Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks Knowledge (Religion) 4 ranks Spear
Focus (spear [any type]) or Weapon Focus (javelin)
Feats: Rage, Run, Dodge, Mobility, Weapon
Hit Die: d12

Class Skills
The woad raiders class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),
Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (religion) (Int),
Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Swim (Str), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Woad Raider is proficient
with all simple and martial weapons, and with light armor and all
Fast Movement: The woad raiders speed increases by 10 feet
every three levels. The extra speed is only gained while the woad
raider is wearing no armor or light armor (and not carrying a heavy
Imposing Aura: The woad raider uses bluish war paint and tattoos,
made from the woad plant, and often spikes his hair with wet clay.


The effect is to terrify his opponents with his fearsome appearance

and resolute faith. This gives the woad raider a sacred bonus to AC
equal to his Charisma modifier (if positive).
Spring Attack: At 2nd level, the woad raider gains the Spring Attack
Demoralizing Insult: Before a battle begins, woad raiders typically
hurl insults at their enemies and brag about their combat prowess. If
a woad raider uses the first round of combat to do this (as a standard
action) or takes time before combat starts, all opponents within
listening range (90 feet) must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + the
woad Raiders level + the woad raiders Charisma modifier) or
suffer a 2 morale penalty to attack rolls against the woad raider for
a number of rounds equal to the wood raiders level plus his
Charisma modifier. This is a sonic, language-dependent ability. If an
opponent succeeds at his save against the Demoralizing Insult, he is
immune to further insults from any woad raider for 24 hours.
Blitz: The woad raider can use a run action as a move-equivalent
action, once per round. This ability only functions when the woad
raider is wearing no armor or light armor (and not carrying a heavy
load). For example, the woad raider can move up to five times his
normal speed and still use an attack action in the same round.
Master of the Spear: At 7th level, the Woad Raider gains the
Weapon Specialization feat for free (choose shortspear, javelin or
Frightful Presence: The woad raiders appearance is so fearsome
he can terrify his enemies as a standard action once per day. Any
enemies within 30 feet of the woad raider must succeed a Will save
(DC 14 + the woad raiders Charisma modifier) or be affected as if
by a fear spell cast by a sorcerer of the woad raiders level.
Hit and Run: The woad raider can use the run action, conduct a
standard action, then move again in the same round. This maneuver
is handled as a Spring Attack, only the woad raider is moving at five
times his normal speed. The woad raider can only move up to five
times his normal movement rate in all during the round, but he can
change direction after delivering the attack.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
It is whispered that out in the wilderness there are men who can
speak with the animals. Seemingly as feral as that which they
associate with, they tend to shun human cities and towns, preferring
to live in the wilds. They are known as the Beast Masters.
The beast master is a class of warrior that has become one with his
animal nature and is able to communicate with animals. They trade
away their logic and reason for instinct and action. They are the
staunchest defenders of the wilds and the bane of unnatural

Beast Masters come to be not through training, but rather they begin
to feel the pull of the wilds. They begin to feel cramped and trapped
in normal society to point where they can hardly breathe while in a
town, let alone a city. Soon they find they can communicate with
The most common classes that a Beast Master will arise from are
Rangers, Fighters and especially, Barbarians. Paladins, Clerics and
Monks that worship or dedicate themselves to a nature god/dess
sometimes feel the pull as well. It is uncommon among Druids as
they have already heard the call of the wild, but they are more
common than Wizards, Sorcerers, Rogues, or Bards, all classes that
thrive on civilised society. Wizards are the least common of all,
after all its hard to research spells in the woods.











Speak with Animals





Cornered Rage





Detect Animals





Feral Senses





Wilderness Advantage





Call Mount





Magic Fang





Stare Down





Dominate Animal






No fatigue for Cornered Rage


Class Features

Alignment: Any neutral

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Beast master is proficient

with all simple and martial weapons and light armour.

Base Attack Bonus: +3

Ability: Charisma 12+
Skills: Ride 4 ranks, Handle Animal 4 Ranks, Wilderness Lore 4
Feats: Track
Special: PC must be dedicated to nature in some way (worship of a
nature god or a defender of the wilds, etc.) and cannot reside within
a city or town.
Hit Dice: d10

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Animal Empathy (Cha, exclusive), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide
(Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move
Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Wilderness
Lore (Wis)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points at each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather
apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move
Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer a 1
penalty for every 5 pounds of armour and equipment carried.
Speak with Animals: The Beast Master at will may speak with
animals, as the spell of the same name, as many times each day
equal to the characters Charisma modifier. This is a supernatural
Cornered Rage: The Beast Master, when faced with being cornered
by a more powerful foe, can go into a rage much like a Barbarian. If
the PC is cornered by a foe who has 2 or more HD than the PC OR
the party is cornered by a group of enemies whose HD total 1.25x
the partys total HD (rounded up), the Beast Master may choose to
enter a rage. The Beast Master temporarily gains +4 Str, +4 Con,
and a +2 to Fort and Will saves. The Beast Master suffers a 2 AC
penalty while in a Cornered Rage. The rage may last for a number
of rounds equal to 3 + the characters raised Con modifier. The
character may end a rage voluntarily. When the character comes out
of it s/he is winded and is at 2 Dex for the duration of the battle
(Cannot charge or run). All other Rage rules are as the rules for a
Barbarian class character.
This may be used 1/day for every 3 levels obtained (1 at 2nd level, 2
at 5th level, 3 at 8th level). The DM may allow that any situation
that is deemed dangerous and threatening to the characters well
being (surrounded by thugs in a dark, dead-end alley) may provoke
a Cornered Rage regardless of the HD of those involved, but the

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
BM must be cornered. The DM may inform the player that s/he will
allow a Cornered Rage.
It is imperative to know that this rage only occurs when the
character or the party is cornered.






Improved Evasion, Share S



At 10th level, the Beast Master no longer suffers the penalties for
coming down from a Cornered Rage.




Command creatures of its

Detect Animals: At will, the Beast Master may Detect Animals as

the spell. It is usable a number of times equal to the characters Wis
modifier per day. Unlike the spell though, the Beast Master does not
detect plants with this ability. This is a supernatural ability.





Spell resistance

See the PHB section on Paladins for the description of these


Feral Senses: The Beast Masters senses have become as sharp as

an animal's. The BM gains a +2 bonus to any roll that involves
using their senses (Listen, Spot, Search, etc.). Also, the character
may not be caught flat-footed or sneak attacked. The PC may be
sneak attacked by a rogue who is 4 levels higher than the Beast
Wilderness Advantage: The Beast Master has become so attuned
to the wilds that s/he gains a +2 combat bonus to hit rolls and a +1
AC bonus while in the wilds. This is to reflect their skill at using the
wild terrain to their advantage.
Call Mount: At 6th level, a Beast Master may call a mount much
like a Paladin. This mount may be a horse, but it may be one of
several different animals as well. The animal that answers the call is
up to the DM but may include: War Horse, Tiger, Dire Wolf, Brown
Bear, Dire Badger, etc. Any large animal will do. Dire animals
should be used with care. Check the Animals description in the
Monster Manual. The Dire animal should be no more than 6-10 feet
in length. If the Beast Master is a small sized character, make the
choice of mounts from the medium size animals. The progression of
the mount is as follows


Bonus Hit




Magic Fang: The Beast Master may use Magic Fang on their
mount or any other creature as per the spell. S/he may use a number
of times equal to 1 x Cha modifier per day. This is a spell like
Stare Down: The Beast Master may Stare Down animals or beasts
to get them to back off and avoid a fight. S/he may stare down a
number of animals whose HD are equal to or lower than the PCs
overall level (not just the Beast Master levels. In other words, a
Rng6/BM8 can stare down a total of 14 HD of animals or beasts.
This is an Extraordinary Ability.
Dominate Animal: 1/day, the Beast Master may use this ability. It
duplicates the effect of the spell Dominate Animal. This is a spelllike ability.
Special: A Beast Master cannot reside within a town or city. If a
Beast Master stays within a town or city for too long, s/he begins to
lose the beast. For every 2 weeks spent out of contact with nature,
the Beast Master takes a negative level to his/her BM level only.
The BM loses all bonuses and abilities for that level, but they retain
their hit dice.
It would be difficult to keep a BM out of contact with nature for that
significant amount of time. A leisurely stroll through the woods is
sufficient to keep in touch, although a park in the centre of the city
is not sufficient. Such places are man-made and not wild.

Special If a level is lost to underexposure, it may be regained by spending 1

week in the wilds uninterrupted, per level lost.

Blademaster [Generic]

creatures), the Blade. Master given a choice will always use the

Having used the various weapons of war throughout his/her career,

the Blade Master has come to realise that a slashing blade offers the
most versatility. With that knowledge came the desire to master the
Blade and the various fighting forms that exist through the different
kingdoms with the goal of becoming one with the Blade.

What is a Blade?

A Blade Master is a travelling warrior, searching for different

techniques in using a blade with that hope that one day he/she will
master its use. Although they do not shun the use of other weapons,
after all, there is wisdom in using weapons to satisfy specific needs
(blunt weapons for skeletons and missile weapons for aerial

To a Blade Master any weapon that does slashing damage only is a

Blade. The most common Blades are swords (that do slashing
damage note short swords dont do slashing damage), but a few
Blade Masters exist that study the fighting forms of axes and even
weapons such as pole arms. Once a Blade Master has selected
his/her type of weapon choice e.g., pole arm, long sword, bastard
sword, two weapon sword, battle-axe, etc. He or she will
exclusively choose to master that type of weapon for his/her
fighting style indicated by most of the specials in the table below.











Aggressive Defence, Detect Weakness





Reflexive Defence, Bonus Feat





Dancing Blade, Running Slash





Stunning Attack, Evasion, Greater Subdue

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Deflect Arrows Blade Barrier





Evasion, Bonus Feat





Ki Slash Reflex Attack





Reflex Attack Ki Strike





Deadly Strike, Bonus Feat






Crippling Strike

Base Attack Bonus: +5
Alignment: Any
Race: Any
Feats: Great Cleave Improved Initiative Expertise Weapon Focus
with a Slashing Weapon (to become weapon of choice) Weapon
Finesse with a Slashing Weapon (to become weapon of choice not
limited to list, but must be a blade)
Special Restrictions: Must forgo learning any more weapons that
do not do Slashing damage once this class is chosen nor can they
improve upon the non-slashing weapons using feats and such. Must forgo learning any ranged weapons that do not do slashing
damage once this class is chosen nor can they improve upon their
ranged weapons using feats and such. - Must forgo use of Armour
other then Light Armour
Hit Dice: D8

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Appraise (slashing weapons only) (Int.), Balance (Dex.), Climb
(Str.), Craft (Int.) (Bladed weapons), Gather Information (Cha.),
Sense Motive (Combat Prediction and Decipher Strategy) (Wis.),
Knowledge (Hearth Wisdom, Streetwise, War) (Int.), Profession
(Wis.), Spot (Wis.), Swim (Str.), and Tumble (Dex.)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
3 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: Blade Masters are proficient with all
Slashing Weapons
Note that exotic weapons that do slashing damage should be
considered as martial weapons in regards to the character being able
to use them (character will not require the exotic weapons feat for
such slashing exotic weapons).
Aggressive Defence: If the Blade Master is not caught flat-footed
and has the initiative, the Blade Master can opt not to attack a single
opponent who is attacking him/her. Rather then attacking, the Blade
Master uses his/her choice of weapon to defend against that
opponents attack (first melee attack). As a result, the Blade
Masters Attack Bonus is converted as a defence bonus (e.g., if the
Blade Master had +3 to attack bonus, it now becomes +3 to AC).
This ability is cumulative with feats like weapon expertise since it
only involves attack bonuses gained only as a Blade Master. Note
that if attacked by more then one opponent, the Blade Master can
still use Reflex Attack against the other opponents if he/she is of the
appropriate level.

Blade Barrier: Once per round when the character would normally
be hit with a ranged weapon, the character may make a Reflex
saving throw against a DC of 20 (if the ranged weapon has a
magical bonus to attack, the DC increases by that amount). The
Blade Master uses his/her weapon of choice to accomplish this and
can decrease the DC by an equal amount to the magical weapon
bonus if the weapon used is magical. If the character succeeds, the
character deflects the weapon. The character must be aware of the
attack and not flat-footed. Attempting to deflect a ranged weapon
doesnt count as an action. Exceptional ranged weapons cant be
Bonus Feats choices: Can only choose a bonus feat from the
following Feats: Alertness, Ambidexterity, Blind-Fight, Combat
Reflexes, Death Blow, Dodge, Improved Disarm, Improved Sunder,
Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Prone Attack, Quick Draw, and
Crippling Strike: By foregoing initiative, the character places
himself/herself in a position to better react to an attack and counter
attack. As a result, when the Blade Master attacks, he/she increases
the chance to hit and do critical damage. The Blade Master gains +2
to attack and increase the chance to do critical damage by a factor of
3 (e.g., If it took a 19-20 to do critical damage, it would now take
16-20). The Blade Master can only use this extraordinary ability
his/her weapon of choice.
Crippling Strike: By foregoing initiative, the character places
himself/herself in a position to better react to an attack and counter
attack. As a result, when the Blade Master attacks, he/she increases
the chance to hit and do critical damage. The Blade Master gains +2
to attack and increase the chance to do critical damage by a factor of
3 (e.g., If it took a 19-20 to do critical damage, it would now take
17-20). The Blade Master can only use this extraordinary ability
his/her weapon of choice.
Dancing Blade: The Blade Master is able to attack at targets in
his/her path while on the move (at half normal movement rate of if
Blade Master is standing his/her ground). The character may move
his/her normal distance and can make a single attack at each
opponent that is in his/her path/threat range of the characters
weapon of choice. Similar to the Ride-by Attack feat, the Blade
Master does not provoke an attack of opportunity for the opponent
that the character attacks. Note that the character must be using
his/her weapon of choice to be able to do such attacks and for each
opponent after the initial one that he Blade Master attacks this way,
the Blade Master receives a cumulative 2 to attack.
Deadly Strike: By foregoing initiative, the character places
himself/herself in a position to better react to an attack and counter
attack. As a result, when the Blade Master attacks, he/she increases
the chance to hit and do critical damage. The Blade Master gains +1
to attack and increase the chance to do critical damage by a factor of
1 (e.g., If it took a 19-20 to do critical damage, it would now take
18-20). The Blade Master can only use this extraordinary ability
his/her weapon of choice.
Detect Weakness: For every round spent observing your opponent
you are able to detect a weakness in your opponents fighting style
(e.g., repetitive attack manoeuvre, favouring a side, mode of attack,
predictable feign and lunges, etc.). This enables the Blade Master to
gain +1 to attack and +1 to the Blade Masters defence (AC) that is

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
cumulative per round spent on observing target. A Blade Master can
spend up to a total of 3 rounds of Detecting Weaknesses on his/her
foe with a total bonus of +3 to attack and +3 to Defence (AC). The
Blade Master must do this for each individual opponent if he/she
wishes to attain the Detect Weakness bonus on other targets since
different people/creatures have different fighting styles or combat
manoeuvres. Although the Blade Master can detect the targets
fighting weakness, the Blade Master can only take advantage of
such knowledge only by using the Blade Masters weapon of
Choice for which he/she has mastered.
Note: Using this ability requires that the Blade Master does nothing
but study his/her opponent (i.e., not engaged in combat) and that the
opponent must be in the Blade Masters line of sight.
Evasion: If a Blade Master makes a successful Reflex saving throw
against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful
save, the Blade Master instead takes no damage. Evasion can only
be used if the Blade Master is wearing light armour or no armour. It
is an extraordinary ability and does not require that Blade Master to
have a weapon of choice to perform.
Greater Subdue: The Blade Master has mastered his/her weapon of
choice that if he/she wishes to do subdual damage instead of normal
damage. The Blade Master must indicate that he/she will attack with
the flat of her weapon of choice and if hit and damage is allocated,
then all the damage becomes subdual damage. When doing subdual
damage, the Blade Master no longer suffers a penalty to attack.
Ki Slash: The Blade Master is able to focus his/her Ki into his/her
weapon of choice, enabling to make a single slashing attack per
every other round per every 2 levels per day (maximum 5) at
targets/opponents that would normally be beyond normal reach. As
a result, consider that the threat range of the characters slashing
weapon to now be 2x its normal range. For example, the threat
range of a Long sword is now 10 feet instead of 5 while a Pole Arm
would be 20 feet instead of 10. This ability cant be used in
conjunction with Deadly or Crippling Strikes.
Ki Strike: The Blade Master is able to focus his/her Ki into his/her
weapon of choice; enabling to make a single slashing attack per
every other round per every 3 levels per day (maximum 3) at
targets/that does the maximum amount of weapon damage. For
example, if a sword or axe would normally do 1d8 points of
damage, by using the Ki Strike ability, the Blade Master would then
be able to do a guaranteed 8 points of damage plus any other
damage bonuses (e.g., magical weapon bonuses, strength bonuses,

etc.) This ability can be used in conjunction with other abilities

listed in the table (e.g., Ki-Slash, Greater Subdue, Deadly Strike)
Reflex Attack: The Blade Master can no longer be caught flatfooted. He/she is able to attack when attacked even when caught
flat-footed but does so at the end of the round. If the Blade Master is
attacked by multiple attackers within the same round and is Flatfooted, then Blade Master can only counter attack against one
character. If the Blade Master is attacked by multiple attackers
within the same round and is not caught flat-footed, then the Blade
Master can make a counter attack against each individual opponent
with a cumulative penalty of 2 to attack after the first initial
opponent who is being counter-attacked. The Blade Master can only
do this using his/her weapon of choice. Note: The Blade Master can
only make a reflex attack only after being the recipient to a melee
Reflexive Defence: The Blade Master gains the extra-ordinary
ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow
him to even be aware of it. That is, the Blade Master has mastered
his/her weapon of choice to the point that using it defensively has
become a matter of subconscious reflex. As a result, the Blade
Master can retain their Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of
being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. (He still
loses any Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilised.)
Running Slash: The Blade Master is able to attack at targets in
his/her path while running. The character may move his/her normal
distance and can make a single attack at each opponent that is in
his/her path assuming that they are within the threat range of the
weapon. Similar to the Ride-by Attack feat, the Blade Master does
not provoke an attack of opportunity for the opponent that the
character attacks. Note that the character must be using his/her
weapon of choice to be able to do such attacks and for each
opponent after the initial one that he Blade Master attacks this way,
the Blade Master receives a 2 to cumulative attack.
Stunning Attack: The Blade Master can use this ability once per
round, but no more than once per level per day. The Blade Master
must declare she is using a stun attack before making the attack roll
(thus, a missed attack roll ruins the attempt). A foe struck by a Blade
Masters slashing weapon is forced to make a Fortitude saving
throw (DC 10 + one-half the Blade Masters level + Wisdom
modifier). In addition to receiving normal damage, if the saving
throw fails, the opponent is stunned for 1 round. The stunning attack
is a supernatural ability and can only be done using the characters
weapon of choice.

Of the roving elves, there are few as deadly as the Bladedancer.
They are masters of their weapons and have spent their lives in the
study of their chosen weapons. The bladedancer is a warrior skilled
in using magic to supplement their combat prowess.
Some characters may stay at home to defend the elven way, but
many Bladedancers go out and actively promote it. They do this by
seeking out their race's toes and eliminating them, either through
words or actions. Acting as both as diplomats and one-elf armies,
they insure the safety of the elf race.
The Bladedancer gain renown for their supernatural ability with a
blade, and their ability to imbue their weapon with magic. Instead of
working as an integral part of an elven warband they are lone
champions, the dancer needs plenty of room to perform their dance.
This is simple not feasible to have a dancer perform in an organised
disciplined combat unit.
Fighters Rangers, Paladins, and Barbarians become Bladedancers
to add a little magic to their combat abilities. Conversely Wizards

and Sorcerers may take this prestige class to add combat capabilities
to their repertoire. Monks, Clerics, Druids, and Rogues, seldom
become Bladedancers. The best though are Bards whose performing
abilities and magic gel completely with the flashy Bladedancer
In mass combat situations NPC Bladedancers are often found
protecting and preserving the Arcane Archers and their small units
of archers. These units are one of the prime reasons that the elves
are so feared in battle.
Bladedancers have a very distinctive appearance. Not only are they
easily identifiable by their weapon of choice and catlike grace,
Bladedancers are decorated with their schools distinctive tattoo.
Generally that of a large carnivorous animal.
What is a Blade?
To a Blade Master any weapon that does slashing damage only is a
Blade. The most common Blades are single handed swords (that do
slashing damage note short swords dont do slashing damage), but a
few Blade Masters exist that study the fighting forms of larger
weapons such as two handed bastard swords or very rarely bladed

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
pole arms. Once a Blade Master has selected his/her type of weapon

choice this weapon becomes the focus of all the arcane elements of
the class. Without this focus the rest of the powers are not available.











Spellblade 1/day





Dance 1/day





Spellblade 2/day





Dance 2/day





Spellblade 3/day





Dance 3/day





Spellblade 4/day





Dance 4/day





Spellblade 5/day






Dance 5/day

Abilities: Strength, Dexterity and Constitution are important, as
they grant the bladedancer the power, swiftness and endurance
necessary to carry out the taxing forms of these lethal dances.
The Bladedancer must be able to cast level 1 arcane spells.
Base Attack Bonus: +5, Balance: 6 ranks, Perform (dance): 6
ranks, Tumble: 6 ranks
Feats: Expertise, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (In the chosen
weapon), Ambidexterity, and Lightning Strike.
Races: Almost all Bladedancers are elves a few are half-elves, and a
very few humans closely allied with the elves have learned the
forms. Bladedancing takes an innate grace and balance that few can
learn and years of practice that the shorter lived humanoids simply
do not have the time to learn.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d8.

Class Skills

Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather
apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move
Silently, pickpocket, and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer a 1
penalty for every 5 pounds of armour and equipment carried.
Spellblade: Starting at first level, and every two levels thereafter
(3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th), the bladedancer may place special enchantments
on his weapons. For every two levels gained, an additional
Spellblade enchantment may be learned. This enchantment lasts
through a number of successful strikes equal to the Bladedancers
Intelligence modifier and may be used once per day for every two
levels in this class.
Flameblade: The bladedancer may sheath his weapon in an aura of
fire, dealing an additional 1d6 point of fire damage to any target it
Frostblade: The bladedancer may cover the blade of his weapon in
blistering cold; dealing an additional 1d6 point of cold damage to
any target it strikes.
Keenblade: The bladedancer may double the threat range for his
weapon. A longsword would have a threat range of 17-20 instead of
the normal 19-20.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Runeblade: By invoking powerful and magical runes, the

bladedancer may add a +1 bonus to both attack and damage with his
weapon for every two levels in the bladedancer class.

Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int),

Listen (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Tumble (Dex). See Chapter 4:
Skills of the Players Handbook, 3rd Edition for skill descriptions.

Shockblade: The bladedancer may sheath his blade in crackling

electricity, dealing an additional 1d6 point of electrical damage to
any target it strikes.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Dances: At second, fourth, sixth, eighth and tenth level, a

bladedancer learns new forms of lethal and defensive dancing to add
to his martial prowess, as well as the ability to perform more dances
per day. All dances last for a number of rounds equal to the
Bladedancers class level.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: Bladedancers are skilled with all simple
and martial bladed weapons, such as daggers and swords. They have
proficiency with light armour only, as heavier armour impairs their
They have no proficiency with any blunt or missile weapons, and
disdain their use.

Wave Dance: At second level, the bladedancer learns the first of his
dances. The wave dance is the art of flowing with the movement of
others. While the wave dance is in effect, the bladedancer may add
his Wisdom modifier to his Armour Class or his attack bonus.
However, he must choose one form at the time he initiates the dance
and cannot change unless he begins anew.
Fire Dance: At fourth level, the bladedancer can channel the
destructive power of the raging fire dance through his body. In this

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
dance, he gains a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, receiving
two additional hit points per level. However, his Armour Class is
lowered by two and after the dance, he is severely exhausted (-6
Strength and Constitution).
Wind Dance: At sixth level, the bladedancer learns the steps of the
wind dance, a graceful art of defence and sanctuary. While engaged
in this dance, the bladedancer may double his Dexterity modifier in
terms of his Armour Class. So a character with a Dexterity of 20 (+5
modifier) would get a +10 modifier to his Armour Class. In
addition, the character may lower his attack bonus and raise his
Armour Class by the same amount.
Bone Dance: At eighth level, the bladedancer is now capable of the
bone dance. When this dance is employed, the bladedancer must
spend a round working his body up into a frenzy of dance and

passion. Afterwards, he may double the normal amount of attacks he

receives for the duration of this dance.
Iron Dance: At tenth level, the bladedancer learns the forms of the
iron dance, the most deadly in his arsenal. After working his body
up for a round, the bladedancer may add his cumulative attack
bonus (from his base, magical weapons, Strength modifier,
Dexterity modifier, Weapon Focus, etc.) to his Armour Class for as
long as he continues to dance. He is unable to attack at this time, as
the dance is a purely defensive manoeuvre. However, anyone who
attacks the bladedancer and fails must make a Reflex saving throw
(DC is the Bladedancers AC). If the opponent fails, he takes damage
as if he was struck by the bladedancer.
If the bladedancer is wielding two-weapons at once, increase his
Armour Class by half of the second weapons bonus. This is
cumulative with the normal bonus from the first weapon.

[This prestige class represents a demihuman martial arts style. In
this case, its an elven style featuring combat with paired swords,
for the Drizzt fans out there. Its also suitable for standard fighters
and rangers in addition to martial artists.]
The elves are an ancient race, and in their time have evolved many
distinct styles of martial arts. Many are now forgotten, but remnants
of the art of the blade are still known to a select few. The art was
developed in the days before the great sundering of elf and drow,
and ancient elven legends still speak of the mighty feats of the first

Mastering the art of the blade requires learning to harness and

control the natural aptitude for magic that dwells within every elf. A
Blademaster enhances his combat skills with arcane power, creating
a fusion of body, weapon and mind to overwhelm his foes. This is a
task that requires great dedication. At the same time, he must be
wary of repressing his elven nature; to deny his blood is to sever the
ties that bind him to the source of his power.
It is said that the evil drow of the Underdark retain secrets of this
style long since lost to the surface. Whether this is true remains
unknown, but it is certain that there exist infamous drow champions
who can wield twin swords with surpassing skill. Such warriors are
deadlier than any elf should be.











Arcane frenzy (3/day), twin sword style





Arcane strike





Improved two weapon fighting





Dual weapon parry





Arcane frenzy (4/day)





Paired weapon fighting





Imbue weapon





Resist magic





Arcane frenzy (5/day)






Greater two weapon fighting


Special: Able to cast arcane or divine spells.

Race: Elf or half-elf

Teacher: Must locate a master and persuade him or her to act as a


Base Attack Bonus: +6

Hit Dice: d8

Skills: Jump 8 ranks, Tumble 8 ranks, Move Silently 4 ranks

Alignment: Any nonlawful.


Feats: Weapon Focus (one of: longsword, shortsword, rapier, or

scimitar), Alertness, Ambidexterity, Two Weapon Fighting, Combat

A Blademaster who becomes lawful retains his abilities, but may

not advance further in levels in this prestige class.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist
(Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int),
Knowledge (history) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sense
Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points/Level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features
Unless otherwise noted, the Blademasters special abilities function
only when he is wearing light or no armour. His combat related
abilities require the use of a longsword, shortsword, rapier or
scimitar. He must also have at least Weapon Focus in the weapon(s)
being wielded; some abilities may impose tighter restrictions.
Weapons and Armour: The Blademaster gains proficiency with
the shortsword, longsword, rapier and scimitar, and with light
armour. He doesnt gain proficiency in the use of any other type of
armour or shield.
Twin Sword Style (Ex): When the Blademaster fights with two
weapons, he can gain a +2 armour bonus to AC against one chosen
opponent. This armour bonus stacks with that provided by regular
armour, but not with that provided by a shield.
*FR: This ability is identical to the Twin Sword Style regional feat
available in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. If the character
also has this feat, the benefits dont stack.
Arcane Frenzy (Su): The Blademasters control over the mystical
energies he wields allows him to enter a battle frenzy, enhancing his
strength and reflexes to a phenomenal degree. When in a state of
frenzy, he gains a temporary +4 bonus to Strength and a +4 bonus to
Dexterity, and his base speed increases by 10 feet. When in this
state, he cannot use skills or abilities that require patience or
concentration, such as moving silently or casting spells (the class
skills he cant use are Balance, Craft, Hide, Knowledge (arcana and
history) and Move Silently). The frenzy lasts a number of rounds
equal to three plus his Constitution bonus (if any). At the end of the
frenzy, the Blademaster is fatigued (2 to Strength, 2 to Dexterity,
cant charge or run) for the duration of that encounter. Entering the
frenzy takes no time itself, but the Blademaster can only do it
during his action, not in response to somebody elses action.

At 1st level, the Blademaster can use this ability three times per day.
Starting from 5th level, he can use it four times per day, and from
9th level, he can use it up to five times per day.
Arcane Strike (Su): At 2nd level, the Blademaster gains the ability
to channel arcane power into his weapon. When using a melee
weapon with which he has Weapon Focus, his attacks are treated as
if they had at least a +1 magical enhancement bonus. This does not
stack with any actual enhancement bonus or special abilities that the
weapon might have. If the Blademaster takes the Ki Strike feat
separately, the benefits of Arcane Strike and Ki Strike stack.
Improved Two Weapon Fighting (Ex): At 3rd level, the
Blademaster gains the Improved Two Weapon Fighting feat. If he
takes the feat separately, the benefits do not stack.
Dual Weapon Parry (Ex): At 5th level, as an attack of opportunity
the Blademaster can attempt to parry a melee attack that would
otherwise hit him. If his attack roll is higher than the roll that hit
him, he manages to parry the attack. He must be aware of the attack
and not flatfooted. He can only attempt one such parry per round,
regardless of how many attacks of opportunity he is normally
Paired Weapon Fighting (Ex): At 6th level, the Blademaster
chooses one type of weapon, his size category or smaller, with
which he has Weapon Focus. When he uses two weapons of that
type, the offhand weapon is treated as light, regardless of what size
it actually is.
Imbue Weapon (Su): At 7th level, the Blademaster gains the ability
to temporarily enchant his swords to achieve a specific effect. The
effect lasts for 1 minute per class level, and can be used once per
day. He can choose from the following special abilities to bestow on
his blade: defending, flaming, frost, shock, or ghost touch. He can
choose to enchant either one or both of his swords; in the latter case,
he can choose different enchantments for each blade. The
Blademaster can use this ability even when wearing medium or
heavy armour.
Resist Magic (Su): At 8th level, the Blademaster gains spell
resistance equal to 20 plus his Charisma modifier.
Greater Two Weapon Fighting (Su): At 10th level, when fighting
with two weapons with which he has Paired Weapon Fighting, the
Blademaster gains a further additional attack with his offhand
weapon at a 10 penalty (thus he gains three offhand attacks in
total). These penalties stack with the regular penalties for fighting
with two weapons. Greater Two Weapon Fighting is a supernatural


Death is profitable. Fear of Death is too. Nowhere else in all of the
Shards is this quite so well understood as in Doss. Even the name of
the Black City is enough to draw shivers and protective signs
amongst all but the most brave or idiotic citizens of the other Cities
of the Shard. The common folk call it the Land of the Unliving,
more educated folk refers to it as the Mausoleum. All good-thinking
and wise folk avoid it and all that comes from it. Unfortunately not
all men are so wise. Doss is ruled by the so-called Ghost Council,
whose membership is primarily composed of potent necromancers
in various states of life and unlife. The city deals in vile and black
magics to all and sundry who would dare their port and pay their
fees. The populace are composed of scum and dregs from all other
civilisations in the region, who have washed up on the dark cities
shores as a last-ditch refuge before their final fall into oblivion.

Intertwined with all of this are the Silent Muses, mysterious and
well-feared assassins. Independent of but allied with the Ghost
Council, the Muses run their bloody business of contract killing
from the auspices of the City of Death. The very hint of their name
is enough to send prestigious and powerful men and women into
deep apprehension and an immediate review of their security setup.
The Muses wisely keep their structure and size hidden, thus
heightening their mystery and raising their prices. The skills of the
Silent Muses are many and varied; there is little uniformity of
modus operandi or training. However, almost all Silent Muses and a
rare few outsiders that pay sufficiently for lessons seek to master the
complex weapon style known as the Whispering Edge. The
Whispering Edge style epitomises speed and rapidity of strikes and
is very aggressive, taking advantage of opponents weak spots and is
particularly effective for wounding foes caught off guard or
The style is popular amongst Rogues and Assassins, but it is
certainly practised by members of many other professions.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes










The Whisper of the End





Sneak Attack





The Whistling Wind





Sneak Attack





The Musings of Madness

Base Attack Bonus +3
Feats: Expertise, Improved Initiative, and Quickdraw
Skills: Balance: 3 Ranks, Tumbling: 5 Ranks
Abilities: Dex 13+ and Int 13+
Hit Die: D6

New Feat
[Fighting Style]
You are skilled at drawing a weapon and attacking so quickly
opponents are caught off guard.
Prerequisite: Quickdraw, Improved Initiative

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance, Bluff, Climb, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silent,
Sense Motive, Spot, and Tumbling
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points Int Bonus + 4 / level

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: This prestige class grants no
additional weapon or Armour proficiencies. The practitioner may
use any of the below abilities with any bladed weapons that can be
scabbarded, that are medium or light to them, and that they are
proficient with.
The Whisper of the End: At 1st level the Whispering Edge
Blademaster has nearly mastered this particular subtle blade
technique. The practitioner gains Scabbarded Attack as a virtual
Feat (listed below) when fighting with any light or medium melee
weapon that he is proficient with.
Sneak Attack: At 2nd and 4th levels the Whispering Edge
Blademaster gains the ability to inflict an additional +1d6 damage
under certain circumstances. This is identical to the Rogue ability of
the same name (PHB pg47) and is stackable with that ability.
The Whistling Wind: At 3rd level the Whispering Edge
Blademaster has refined their already-blazing speed with a blade
further. The practitioner gains Lightning Attack as a virtual Feat
(listed below) when fighting with any light or medium melee
weapon that he is proficient with.
The Musings of Madness: At 5th level the Whispering Edge
Blademaster has mastered the art of all out attack to silence a foe
permanently and with minimum toil. A dangerous style, even the
most impetuous of old masters uses it wisely. The practitioner gains
Rapid Assault Fighting as a virtual feat.

Benefit: The practitioner of this type of style may choose to draw

his weapon at the beginning of his action and make a melee attack
in a single movement, with a +5 circumstance bonus to hit their first
melee opponent. This as a full round action. Additionally, the
targeted foe must make a Reflex Save versus the practitioners
highest attack bonus with the weapon being used immediately or be
caught flat-footed and therefore loose any Dexterity bonuses to their
AC versus the attack. Note that the practitioner may only make one
attack in this manner per round. The practitioner may opt to return
the weapon to its scabbard or keep it drawn at the conclusion of the

Lightning Attack [Fighting

You are able to strike sooner at the expense of making yourself
vulnerable to return attack.
Prerequisite: Expertise, Improved Initiative
Benefit: The practitioners of this type of style may strike quicker at
the expense of defending themselves. The practitioner may take up
to a 5 penalty to AC and apply an equal circumstance bonus to
Initiative. This allows the practitioner to raise his Initiative without
Refocusing, but for that round only; his Initiative drops to normal
the next round. The AC penalty remains in effect until the
practitioners action in the following round. The practitioner must
declare a Lightning Attack on or before the Initiative count that his
modified Initiative would allow him to take an action from.



You may launch a furious attack of blows in melee at the expense of

leaving yourself vulnerable.
Prerequisite: Base Attack +6, Expertise, Improved Initiative
Benefit: As a full attack option the practitioner may take up to a -10
penalty to his AC and gain an equal competence bonus to his BASE
attack. Both the AC penalty and the Attack bonus last until the
practitioners action in the following round. As this modifies the
practitioners BASE attack bonus, this will grant the practitioner

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
additional attacks just as if he were of a higher level but for that
round only.
Example: a fearsome swordsman besets Ularo Santeos. Throwing
caution to the wind, on his initiative Ularo announces that he will
employ Rapid Assault against the foe and will take the full -10

penalty to AC.. Ularos base attack is normally +13/+8/+3; for the

following round it will be +23/+18/+13/+8/+3 but his normally
impressive 23 AC drops to a mere 13 AC. His flurry of blows
catches his opponent by surprise and the first 3 hit, but afterwards
the foe severely punishes the off-balance and unprotected Ularo.


Sometimes called the City of the Drowned Lady, Giulmar is one of
the most beautiful of the 9 Cities. Built atop a foundation of solid
rock shaped by ancient arts to a perfect circle, the city is crafted
largely of marble and other rare stones unavailable to younger cities,
and is laid out in a circle with a 3.14 mile radius. The city is a single
huge structure much like an arena, higher around the circumference,
and descending inwards in terraces. The outer circumference is 50
feet tall and descends in 10 foot terraced increments towards the
partially submerged middle in a sort of waterborne colonnade. At
each of the 4 cardinal points a large fountain stands upon the wall,
spouting their water inwards to flow down the terraces in fluted
waterfalls to replenish the waters at the bottom of the city. Twenty
identical delicate marble bridges span the trickling waterfalls
coursing down through the city. In the partially submerged centre
nadir there stands the storied Temple of the Drowned Lady. Famed
throughout the lands and a popular destination for pilgrimages by
the faithful of Guilme, the water-goddess. Around the circumference
of the city wall is an impressive and extensive pier and dock system,
complete with warehouses, shipyards, and a thriving foreign district.
Outsiders generally cannot afford to live inside the city proper, as
space is at a premium, so most can be found living in the Docks
here along with poorer natives. The entire dock structure is
continuous and is an exact 3/4 of a mile in width from the city
walls, with piers extending a uniform 1/4 of a mile from them in an
evenly spaced pattern. It is said to be the largest docks in the world,
and in fact the inhabitable area of the Docks is greater than that of
some of the smaller cities. Four cubical double gates connected to

the docks by pivoting ramps give access to the city. These gates are
built in an ancient manner lost to modern understanding, with a
double lock system that allows them to be compartmentalised and
drained in case of flooding; this has saved the city proper from a
watery doom several times when waters have risen. The docks and
piers are built on floating supports and attached to the wall in
specific locations by a groove and guide apparatus that allows them
to rise and fall with the tides and occasional floods.
The city is open and clean, crime has little purchase, and the people
are happy in their belief that their goddess watches over them. They
are a friendly and generous people on average, and not given to
violence. Natives are generally passive and approach life with a
what will be, will be mindset. It is quite possible that aside for the
professional armsmen of the city's watch and the famous elite
guards known as the Seaborne that stand vigilance over the Temple
of the Drowned Lady, none of the natives would bother with arts of
the blade if not for their adherence to tradition. The practice of the
fighting technique called the Art of the Drowned Lady is older than
living memory and stretches back into antiquity; it is seen as a holy
observance to the water-goddess. Many devout worshipers learn the
styles teachings to become closer to their chosen deity, though they
avoid its use if at all possible. Pilgrims from faraway lands often
seek out training in the style as part of their holy journey. Outsiders
have learned to their regret that though not overly aggressive the
style is deceptively dangerous and usually do not press a known
master to cross blades unless sure of their own skill.
The style is popular among Fighters, Warriors, Experts, and
Commoners who are worshipers of Giulme, but it is certainly
practised by members of many other professions.











Guilimes Trident





Ebb & Flow





Guilimes Tide





Flowing Step





Steel Waterfall


Balance, Concentration, Heal, Knowledge: Religion (Giulme).

Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot

Base Attack Bonus +3

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Feats: Ambidexterity, Dodge, Expertise

Skill Points Int Bonus + 4 / level

Skills: Balance: 3 Ranks, Concentration: 3 Ranks

Hit Die D6

Class Features

Class Skills

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: This prestige class grants no

additional weapon or Armour proficiencies.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Giulmes Trident: At 1st level the Drowned Lady Blademaster has

trained in the use of a strange tri-bladed dagger known as Giulmes
Trident. These daggers are treated in all ways as a normal dagger.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
The Blademaster gains Weapon Finesse: Giulme's Trident as a
virtual feat. When using such a dagger in his off hand the
practitioner may fight as if he had the Main Gauche Feat (listed
below). Giulme's Tridents are common in Giulme, uncommon in
adjacent lands, and rare to unavailable in more distant lands.
Ebb and Flow: At 2nd level the Drowned Lady Blademaster has
learned a subtle defensive blade technique. The practitioner gains
En Garde as a virtual Feat (listed below) when fighting with any one
handed sword wielded in the practitioners primary hand that he is
proficient with.
Guilimes Tide: At 3rd level the Drowned Lady Blademaster has
learned to use a special weighted cloak when fighting for greater
protection. He is able to use this cloak to turn blows. Such a cloak is
made of heavy leather reinforced with metal and treated in all ways
as a Buckler except that the practitioner may attack with their off
hand and still gain the AC benefit of the cloak.
Additionally, the as the practitioner gains experience he is able to
use the cloak to greater effect; at 4th level the practitioner gains +2
AC from the cloak, and at 5th level gains +3 AC. This is an
extraordinary ability and is stackable with enhancement bonuses.
Finally, while using this cloak and equipped with Guilme's Trident
in their off-hand the Drowned Lady Blademaster may use the OffHand Parry feat (Sword & Fist page 7).
The cloaks are common in Giulmar, uncommon in adjacent Cities,
and rare to non-existent beyond.
Flowing Step: At 4th level the Drowned Lady Blademaster has
learned to float about in combat like water through a narrows,
finding a way past intervening obstacles. The Blademaster gains
Mobility as a Bonus Feat.
Steel Waterfall: At 5th level the Drowned Lady Blademaster has
learned a frightening technique, mimicking the flow of a river and
the fury of a waterfall, they hurl themselves into a rush, landing
blows upon opponents as water splashes from a fall. The
practitioner gains Passing Attack as a virtual Feat (listed below)
when fighting with any one handed sword wielded in the
practitioners primary hand that he is proficient with.

New Feat
Maine Gauche

with any sort of dagger in the off hand as if he had Two-Weapon

Fighting when using the Dagger in the off-hand. If the practitioner's
Base Attack Bonus is equal to +8 or greater the practitioner may
fight as if he also has Improved Two Weapon Fighting when using
the Dagger in the off-hand. This may only be used with a dagger; all
other weapons take the standard penalties for fighting 2 handed.

En Garde [Fighting Style]

You are able to assume a defensive stance that allows you to react to
the enemy.
Prerequisite: Expertise
Benefit: At his initiative, the practitioner may assume an en garde
position as a full attack action, with a 5 foot step allowed. When
doing this, the practitioner holds position until the first opponent
moves to attack him in melee. When the first opponent makes their
first melee attack against the practitioner after he has taken this
stance, the practitioner must make a resisted attack roll against the
opponents attack roll. If the practitioner equals or exceeds the
opponents attack roll with his own his en garde attempt was
successful, otherwise it was unsuccessful.
If successful the opponents first melee attack is negated totally and
the practitioner must immediately take a single standard action
attack against that opponent (and that opponent only); this attack
may be used to initiate a Disarm or a Trip, which if successful can
often halt an opponents offensive. After the practitioner has taken
his attack, the opponent may finish their action minus their first
If the en garde attempt was unsuccessful the opponents attack is
handled as normal and the practitioners action for the round is lost.
This Feat is usable in conjunction with Improved Trip and Improved
Disarm. This Feat may only be used once in a round regardless of

Passing Attack


You are skilled at moving through a melee and striking foes as you


You are skilled at using a dagger in your off hand.

Prerequisite: Ambidexterity, Weapon Focus: Dagger or Weapon
Finesse [Dagger]
Benefit: The practitioner of this type of style is adept at employing
a small bladed weapon in the off hand. The practitioner may fight

Prerequisite: Dodge, Mobility

Benefit: The practitioner of this type of style may move his normal
movement as a full action, making a single standard action attack on
each opponent as he wishes along his path of movement until he
runs out of attacks or movement. The practitioner does draw Attacks
of Opportunity, but may use other abilities such as the prerequisite
Mobility Feat to offset this. This Feat is usable in conjunction with
Improved Trip and Improved Disarm.

Nothing is constant or for sure in HanHaarstan. Known as the
Floating City, HanHaarstan is assembled from tied-off houseboats,
quays, coral-anchored piers, and barge houses. There is less than 2
square miles of solid land in the entire metropolis, and not even that
at high tide. Living in a city where nothing is permanently placed,
and all but the largest of floating buildings sways with the waves,
the natives of this perhaps unique city are a flexible and mercurial
folk. The clannish native people owe fealty to the Sea-Kings, the
titular heads of the many ruling families. Each clan member swears

fealty to his families recognised King, who in turn rules jointly

with the other Sea-Kings. In theory all Sea-Kings are equal, in
practice political clout stems from money, arms, and blackmail.
Ostensibly a nation based on trade, this is but a polite fiction in
many cases. Often the native cutters leaving port sail looking for
easy pickings rather than honest profit.
The HanHaarstani as a people are mercurial and easily insulted but
also often quick to forget. However, almost all are very ready with a
blade and often by the time their anger has passed the cause of it is
dead or wounded. It is considered not only prudent, but enjoyable to
engage in weapons training while in port. Many styles find their

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
way to this tumultuous city, but the favoured technique is the native
HanHaarstani Twin Dancer style. A dual-cutlass school in the
ancient traditions of the cities piratical past, it is most recognisable
by its combination of practicality and flair. HanHaarstani like to
show off, but not at the cost of putting themselves at a disadvantage.
The style is well suited to the cramped decks and swirling melees
encountered when fighting on the High Seas, and concentrates on

fighting a large number of opponents while Armour-less in less than

ideal conditions.
The style is popular amongst Rogues and Sailors, but it is certainly
practised by members of many other professions.
NOTE: I allow Scimitars, Sabres, and Cutlasses to all be used in
conjunction with Weapon Finesse. If this is not allowed in your
campaign, change all references herein from Cutlass to Rapier


Base Attack

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save

Special Abilities





Deck Fighting





Uncanny Dodge (Dex to AC)





Step Aside





Uncanny Dodge (Can not be flanked)





Dance of the Twin Blades

Base Attack Bonus: +3
Feats: Ambidexterity, Combat Reflexes, Two Weapon Fighting,
Proficiency with Cutlass (Medium Martial Weapon)
Skills: Balance: 5 Ranks
Abilities: Dex 13+
Hit Dice: D8

Class Skills

Step Aside: At 3rd level the Twin Dancer Blademaster has learned
to avoid incoming melee attacks. When wearing no Armour at all,
not using a shield, and not encumbered the Twin Dancer gains a
competence bonus to AC equal to his Base Reflex Save (not his
modified Reflex Save). He looses this bonus anytime he is denied
his Dexterity Bonus to AC.
Dance of the Twin Blades: At 5th level the Twin Dancer
Blademaster has mastered the art of fighting in a swirling melee in
cramped conditions such as the deck of a ship. The practitioner
gains Swirling Melee Fighting as a virtual Feat (listed below) when
fighting with 2 cutlasses that he is proficient with.

New Feat

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance, Bluff, Climb, Hide, Jump, Knowledge: Navigation, Move
Silent, Profession: Sailor, Rope Use, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim,
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points: Int Bonus + 4 / level

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: This prestige class grants no
additional weapon or Armour proficiencies.
Twin Dancer Style: The below fighting abilities with the exception
of Uncanny Dodge and Step Aside are only usable while the
practitioner is fighting with a cutlass in each hand.
Deck Fighting: At 1st level the Twin Dancer Blademaster is
seasoned to chaotic melees and has mastered the art of capitalising
on opponents mistakes. The practitioner gains Punishing Attack as a
virtual Feat (listed below) when fighting with 2 cutlasses that he is
proficient with.
Uncanny Dodge: At 2nd and 4th levels the Twin Dancer
Blademaster gains a level of Uncanny Dodge. At 2nd level the Twin
Dancer no longer looses his Dex bonus to AC when caught flat
footed. At 4th level the Twin Dancer can no longer be flanked under
normal circumstances. This functions identically to the Rogue and
Barbarian ability of the same name, and is stackable with both as
described on page 56 of the PHB (thus a Rogue 7/Twin Dancer 4
would have the Uncanny Dodge of an 11th level Rogue).

Punishing Attack [Fighting

You are adept at taking advantage of your opponents fumbles.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes
Benefit: Should an opponent roll a natural 1 on a d20 to hit the
practitioner in melee combat, the practitioner may opt to take a
single free attack of opportunity against that opponent immediately.
Additionally, if the practitioner chooses to use this attack of
opportunity to attempt a Disarm against the opponent, a +4
circumstance bonus applies to his Disarm attack roll. This attack of
opportunity does not count against the practitioners normal
complement of attacks of opportunity. The practitioner is still
limited to one attack of opportunity per opponent per round
regardless of means.

[Fighting Style]
You are skilled at fighting in a chaotic melee.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, Base Attack +6
Benefit: In any melee encounter where you are in the threat zone of
any three opponents at the beginning of your turn, you gain a +3
dodge bonus to your AC and a +3 competence bonus to your melee
attacks until your action in the following round. However, you may
not move more than a 5 foot step for the round.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Mezzona is a city of vipers; criss-crossed by canals, blocked off in
districts, lorded over by the elite and the wealthy. Mezzona is also a
city of traditions, old blood, and older money; complicated further
by internecine connections compounded by nepotism and oftbroken pacts of peace and marriage. The city is ruled by rich
Merchant Houses profuse with Princelings and Lords and every
native has a House affiliation via birth or marriage and by extension
many enemies. Blood Feuds between Houses are common for
slights both real and imagined, and a lesser scion of a House can
find great pride of place and improvement in station via their skills
with a blade. Outsiders need not worry about these intrinsic House
rivalries, but instead are fair game to all.
Vendetta is an old, respected, and legally protected right of all that
bear a blade. Therefore it is not surprising that the way of the sword

permeates this ancient settling. Though there are many fencing

schools and house styles studied in this ancient city-state, one style
is grudgingly recognised as pre-eminent by all but the most biased
of House duellists: the Mezzona Water Serpent Style. Brought to the
city long ago by an outsider who sold his services to the highest
bidder and worked for many Houses before founding a non-partisan
school to teach his style for a decade until he was slain by one of his
own students in a treacherous duel. Taught to students from all the
major Houses and most of the minor, it has survived to this day with
but slight variations among the Houses. The style is most easily
recognised by its reliance on sinuous body movements, complex
footwork, and confusing feints intended to befuddle the fencers
The style is popular amongst Rogues and Aristocrats, but has its
practitioners amongst other professions as well.






Special Abilities





Hypnotic Feint





Weave & Sway





Bonus Feat





Entangling Coils





Viper Strike

Base Attack Bonus: +4
Feats: Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Expertise, Weapon Focus or
Finesse: Rapier
Skills: Bluff: 5 Ranks
Abilities: Dex 13+, Int 13+
Hit Dice: D8

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance, Bluff, Gather Information, Jump, Sense Motive, Spot,
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points: Int Bonus + 4 / level

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: This prestige class grants no
additional weapon or Armour proficiencies.
The Water Serpent: This style relies on the use of a Rapier in the
primary hand. All of the special Class Features and virtual feats
listed below are only usable in conjunction with a Rapier wielded in
the users primary hand.

The Hypnotic Feint: At 1st level the Mezzoni Blademaster has

learned complex and variable weapon feints that befuddle all but the
most alert opponents. The Mezzoni Blademaster gains Feinted
Attacks as a virtual Feat even if lacking the requisite Bluff Ranks
(listed below).
Weave & Sway: At 2nd level the Mezzoni Blademaster has learned
to move and sway in a disturbing fashion making it difficult for
opponents blades to find purchase. The practitioner gains Defensive
Manoeuvrings as a virtual Feat (listed below).
Bonus Feat: The many Houses disagree in their interpretation of
the style; thus there is some variation in the intermediary teachings.
At 3rd level the Mezzoni Blademaster may select a single Bonus
Feat from the following list (this may be mandated by the DM to
reflect a particular school or House affiliation): Improved Disarm,
Improved Trip, Mobility, Power Attack. This is a Bonus Feat, not a
virtual Feat and is therefore usable with weapons other than the
Entangling Coils: At 4th level the Mezzoni Blademaster has
learned to move and sway in a deadly dance with his opponents,
shadowing their every move and managing to anticipate their
evasions. The Mezzoni Blademaster gains Counter Dodge as a
virtual Feat even if lacking the prerequisite Alertness Feat (listed
Viper Strike: At 5th level the Mezzoni Blademaster has learned to
strike weak spots of their opponent for maximum effect. The
practitioner gains Improved Critical: Rapier as a virtual Feat.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
New Feat

Prerequisite: Dodge, Combat Reflexes

Feinted Attacks


Benefit: You gain a +1 Dodge bonus versus all opponents flanking

you unless caught flat-footed. Note that Dodge bonuses stack.

Counter Dodge

You are adept at fooling melee opponents.

Prerequisite: Expertise, Bluff 10
Benefit: The practitioner of this type of style may attempt to fool
his opponent(s); If you successfully use the Feinting in Combat
action described on page 64 of the PHB it counts as a free action,
otherwise the use of the skill counts as a standard action as normal.



You are skilled at reading opponents moves and striking where they
will be rather than where they are.
Prerequisite: Alertness, Dodge
Benefit: The practitioner gains a +1 competence bonus to hit in
melee versus any opponent benefiting from a dodge bonus to their
AC. This serves to completely cancel the Dodge Feat and to offset
any other dodge bonuses by 1, such as those granted by Expertise
and Mobility.

You are skilled at protecting your flanks in melee.


Ohjavia, the City of Gold. Many an epic saga has been spun of this
glittering metropolis, with its onion-domed gilded spires and richly
appointed homes. Wealth runs like a river through the city, broad
and deep in some areas, fast and dangerous in others. Indolent
merchants and their silk-shrouded concubines, rakish adventurers,
and near-omnipotent potentates share the city with the filthy poor
and the downtrodden. Called a City of Dreams, it is well known that
dreams sometimes turn to nightmares.
Ohjavian is not as volatile as it has been in times past, but danger
can rear its head with each shift in power among the wealthy.
Coups are not unknown, and merchants keep private armies of

guards whom are sometimes used to enforce their employers will.

There are many sword schools in the ancient city, but the most well
known was popularised long ago by the Order of the Crescent
Moon, the personal guard of a reigning potentate of the day. After
the potentates fall his guard was scattered and its teachings became
available to the public for the right price. Lacking a single founder
and taught by various former guards, the style isnt as uniform as
many others, having many different minor variations; the core of the
school is consistent however. The school focuses on dancing
footwork, catlike & graceful, and measured, powerful blows. A
student of the school imagines his feet as lightning bolts and his
blows as the thunder that follows.
The style is popular amongst Fighters, but it is certainly practised by
members of many other professions.






Special Abilities





Winter Moon





Bonus Feat





Blurring Crescent





Bonus Feat





Thundering Blow

Base Attack Bonus: +4

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points: Int Bonus + 2 / level

Feats: Expertise, Improved Disarm, Power Attack, Sunder, Weapon

Focus: Scimitar

Class Features

Hit Dice: D10

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: This prestige class grants no

additional weapon or Armour proficiencies.

Class Skills

The Thunder Crescent Style: All special Class Features listed

below are dependent on the practitioner wielding a scimitar in their
primary hand. If the practitioner does not meet this requirement for
any reason, he may not use these abilities until such a time as he
acquires and uses a scimitar in his primary hand.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance, Intimidate, Spot, Tumble

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
The Winter Moon: At 1st level the Thunder Crescent Blademaster
has learned to use his scimitar to expertly divest his foe of their
weapon. The practitioner gains Masterful Disarm as a virtual Feat
(listed below) when fighting with a scimitar in his primary hand.
Bonus Feat: The Thunder Crescent has many minor offshoots. Each
master teaches a slightly different version of the style. Therefore at
2nd and 4th level the practitioner may select a Bonus Feat from the
following list: Blind-Fighting, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Deflect
Arrows (using scimitar), Great Cleave, Weapon Specialisation:
Scimitar. The Feat is only usable while the practitioner is using a
scimitar in his primary hand.
The Blurring Crescent: At 3rd level the Thunder Crescent
Blademaster has learned to use his scimitar to distract his foe with
several fakes from opposing quarters only to drive home a single
painful strike. The practitioner gains Multiple Level as a virtual Feat
(listed below) when fighting with a scimitar in his primary hand.
The Thundering Blow: At 5th level the Thunder Crescent
Blademaster has learned to use his scimitar to land a single telling
strike upon a foe. The practitioner gains Deft Blow as a virtual Feat
(listed below) when fighting with a scimitar in his primary hand.

New Feat

[Fighting Style]
You are skilled at forcing your opponent into positions that leave
them vulnerable to your attacks.
Prerequisite: Base Attack +6, Power Attack
Benefit: The practitioner of this type of style may merge his top two
melee attack bonuses into a single melee attack with a bonus equal
to the sum of the two separate attacks. This is a full-round action
and only 2 attacks may be merged thus. Effectively the practitioner
fakes one or more attacks to create an opening for another. The
merged attack bonus only applies to the multiple level attack itself
and then reverts to the practitioners highest normal base attack
immediately. Example: Dearl the Mighty has an attack bonus of
+14/+9 with his mighty greatsword. His current opponent is proving
well defended, so on his next initiative Dearl announces that he is
making a multiple-level attack. Rather than making his normal 2
melee attacks at +14/+9 he makes a single melee attack at +23; if
Dearl killed his opponent with his multiple level attack and Cleaved
through to another opponent, he would attack using his normal
highest base attack of +14.

Deft Blow [Fighting Style]

Masterful Disarm [General]

You are able to strike a single accurate blow.

You are greatly skilled at divesting others of their weapons.

Prerequisite: Weapon Focus or Weapon Finesse (chosen weapon),

Base Attack +8

Prerequisite: Expertise, Improved Disarm

Benefit: The user gains a +4 competence bonus on any attempt to
Disarm a foe. If the Disarm is successful the opponents weapon
does not land at her feet, but instead is knocked to the floor up to 15
feet away in the direction of your choice, as permitted by terrain and

Benefit: The practitioner of this type of style is skilled at making a

single deadly strike with their weapon. The practitioner may opt to
make a single melee attack as a full action that has a tripled critical
threat range and inflicts triple damage if a critical is scored. This is
not usable in conjunction with the Improved Critical Feat. If a
weapon already causes triple critical damage then it inflicts
quadruple instead, etc.


Phanosh is a city peopled with entertainers, dancers, artisans, and
folk of culture and learning. The people of Phanosh tend to have a
lust for travel and new sites. Many natives make their way to other
nations as part of travelling shows or even lone minstrels. The
Phanoshani as a people love glitz and glamour, and are appreciative
of flair and panache. Therefore it is hardly surprising that even their
martial studies contain as much performance art as combat

The Phanoshani Ribboned Blade style is the predominant Fencing

school of Phanosh. It is most easily recognised by the long coloured
ribbons attached to the practitioners sword hilts, and the strange
dance-like katas employed therein. This Phanoshani technique
focuses on swirling, highly energetic foot and blade work, and the
snapping of the long ribbons in the face of opponents to cause
The style is popular amongst Bards and Performers, but has its
practitioners amongst other professions as well.






Special Abilities





The Ribboned Blade





Spring Attack





The Ribboned Toss





Whirlwind Attack





The Ribboned Dance

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Feats: Dodge, Expertise, Mobility
Skills: Bluff: 6 Ranks, Perform (Dancing, any 4 others): 5 Ranks
Abilities: Dex 13+ and Cha 13+
Hit Die: D8

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance, Bluff, Craft, Jump, Perform, Sense Motive, Spot,

pommel ribbon. This enables the practitioner to fling his sword at an

opponent up to 10 feet away as a standard attack option for a single
attack. Then return the sword to his hand; the sword counts as being
thrown for this purpose and therefore the practitioners strength
bonus (if any) applies to any damage inflicted.
Whirlwind Attack: At 4th level the Ribboned Blademaster has
learned to swirl his sword about in confusing arcs to all sides in a
whirling dance of pain. The practitioner gains Whirlwind Attack as
a virtual Feat.
The Ribboned Dance: At 5th level the Ribboned fighting style has
completed its growth and can now be indistinguishable from a very
complex and intricate dance if the practitioner so wishes. The
practitioners strange deportment when using this ability can offset
less able opponents, granting the practitioner an almost impossible
to match grace upon the battlefield, but leaves him dreadfully
undefended against more able foes. The Ribboned Blademaster
gains Unorthodox Attacks as a virtual Feat (listed below).

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points Int Bonus + 2 / level

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: The practitioner gains the
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Ribboned Sword, which applies to all
Martial and Simple swords which the practitioner is proficient with
that also have Ribbons affixed to their hilt and/or pommel. This
prestige class grants no other additional weapon or Armour
'Ribboned' Abilities: At 1st, 3rd, and 5th level the Phanoshani
Ribboned Blademaster learns a technique developed around the use
of 3'-6' long coloured ribbons or scarves attached firmly to the hilt
and/or pommel of a Medium or Light sword they are particularly
proficient with by a trained weaponsmith.
The below abilities may only be used when the stylist is wielding a
weapon ribboned in this manner.
Anyone else trying to employ such a Ribboned Sword suffers
penalties exactly as if they were non-proficient with the weapon.
Proficiency with a Ribboned Sword is an Exotic Weapon
Proficiency that has no special inherent benefits; its usefulness is
limited to a combat style such as the Phanoshani's.
The Ribboned Blade: At 1st level the Ribboned Blademaster has
learned to swirl his sword's ribbons around and distract his
opponent through a variety of footwork, blade flashes, and ribbon
pops. The Ribboned Blademaster gains Weapon Flurry as a virtual
Feat (listed below).
Spring Attack: At 2nd level the Ribboned Blademaster has learned
to leap and dance about the battlefield, warding off foes and striking
where least expected. The practitioner gains Spring Attack as a
virtual Feat.
The Ribboned Toss: At 3rd level the Ribboned Blademaster has
learned a difficult and tricky manoeuvre whereby they launch their
sword at their opponent while maintaining a grip on the end of its

New Feat
Weapon Flurry


You are skilled at performing complex displays of weapon flair that

disorient foes.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+, Base Attack +6
Benefit: The practitioner may choose to execute a weapon flurry as
a move-equivalent action, granting a competence bonus to hit equal
to the practitioners Dexterity bonus on their next melee attack. This
melee attack must be made in the same round or be the first action
made in the following round. Any greater interval of time negates
the bonus. This is usable in conjunction with Weapon Finesse.

[Fighting Style]
You are skilled at adopting strange poses, moving unusually, and
generally adopting bizarre positions in combat. This can sometimes
disconcert foes for significant advantage but can also make you
dangerously vulnerable to more skilled opponents.
Prerequisite: Expertise, Dexterity 13+, Base Attack +6
Benefit: To use this Feat, the practitioner must declare that he is
using it and pass a Reflex Save versus a his opponents highest
attack bonus before making his own attack. If facing multiple
opponents, use the single highest attack bonus of all the opponents.
If he succeeds the practitioner gains a +5 circumstance bonus to
both his attack rolls and to his AC until his next action in the
following round. Should he fail his Reflex save then the practitioner
suffers a 5 circumstance penalty to hit and to AC until his next
action in the following round.


It is said that in Tantavos, death is but a shadow away. Tantavos is a
corrupt city peopled by slaves of vice and decadence. Thieves are
more common than craftsmen and criminal syndicates rule in all but
name. Among the resident cut-throats, pirates, slavers, and assorted
scum living isnt a right, its a privilege revocable at will by any
more skilful or stealthy with a blade. A person must watch their own

back and beware of strangers and friends both. Due to the

prevalence of criminal syndicates and guilds, it is also often unwise
to outright kill an opponent even if they are intent on killing you or
else risk blood feud with the opponents fellows. Therefore it is
unsurprising that many take up weapons training, and those that
survive a certain while are likely good at it.
Though there are many styles and techniques taught in the city, the
Tantavosi Crossbone-Mantis style is both native to the city and

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
predominant amongst its residents. A two-sword style, it is most
recognisable by its hard bitten practicality and distinct lack of flair.
In the deadly streets of Tantavos, fancywork will avail you little.
Practitioners take up the style for survival, not to impress or for

leisure. It is a simple art designed to constrain the opponent and

disable them.
The style is popular amongst Rogues, but it is certainly practised by
members of many other professions.






Special Abilities





Off Hand Parry





Pin Shield





Close Quarters Fighting





The Crossbone





The Mantis


inflict damage with his off-hand (i.e. secondary) weapon when

doing so.

Base Attack Bonus: +3

The Crossbone: At 4th level the Crossbone-Mantis Blademaster

has learned to use his 2 swords to deflect incoming melee attacks,
lightly striking the incoming weapons to nudge them out of the way.
The practitioner gains Counterattack as a virtual Feat (listed below)
when fighting with 2 swords that he is proficient with.

Feats: Ambidexterity, Expertise, Improved Disarm, Two Weapon

Fighting, Proficiency with at least one 1 Martial Weapon Sword
Skills: Sense Motive: 4 Ranks
Abilities: Dex 13+ and Int 13+
Hit Dice: D8

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Bluff, Gather Information, Hide, Move Silent, Sense Motive, Spot,
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points: Int Bonus + 4 / level

The Mantis: At 5th level the Crossbone-Mantis Blademaster has

mastered the ability to trap his opponents blades with his own. The
practitioner gains Weapon Binding as a virtual Feat (listed below)
even if he lacks the prerequisite Improved Unarmed Combat, when
fighting with 2 swords that he is proficient with.

New Feat


You are skilled at parrying your opponents blows.

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: This prestige class grants no
additional Weapon or Armour proficiencies.
The Crossbone-Mantis Style: All special Class Features listed
below are dependent on the practitioner wielding 2 swords that he is
proficient with. If the practitioner does not meet this requirement for
any reason, he may not use these abilities until such a time as he
acquires 2 swords with which he is proficient. The Two-bladed
Sword may not be used with this style.
Off Hand Parry: At 1st level the Crossbone-Mantis Blademaster
has learned to use his off hand sword to ward off attacks. The
practitioner gains Off Hand Parry (Sword & Fist page 7) as a virtual
Feat when fighting with 2 swords that he is proficient with.
Pin Shield: At 2nd level the Crossbone-Mantis Blademaster has
learned the basics of the style and may use his off hand sword to
interfere with his opponents shield use. The practitioner gains Pin
Shield (Sword & Fist page 8) as a virtual Feat when fighting with 2
swords that he is proficient with
Close Quarters Fighting: At 3rd level the Crossbone-Mantis
Blademaster has learned to interpose his off hand sword between
himself and would be grapplers. The practitioner gains Close
Quarters Fighting (Sword & Fist page 5) as a virtual Feat when
fighting with 2 swords that he is proficient with, but must hit and

Prerequisite: Expertise, Base Attack +6

Benefit: On his action the practitioner of this type of style may
choose to forgo attacking and instead attempt to block incoming
melee attacks as a full round action. The practitioner may apply
each of his attack bonuses to his AC against a single incoming
melee attack in succession until he runs out of iterative attack
bonuses. Once he is out of iterative attack bonuses the practitioners
AC reverts to normal. Should the practitioner have attacks left over
after all opponents have tried to strike then he may opt to hold onto
his remaining attacks to block any further attacks before his next
turn in the following round, or take his remaining attacks as he
pleases. This may be used in conjunction with Expertise. Example:
A practitioner had an AC of 20 and his attack bonuses were
+15/+10/+5. So versus the first incoming melee attack he would
have an AC 35, the second AC 30, the third AC 25 and versus all
other incoming attacks (additional melee and all ranged) his normal
AC 20.

Weapon Binding [Fighting

You are able to restrict your opponents weapon.
Prerequisite: Improved Disarm, Improved Unarmed Strike

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Benefit: As a full action the practitioner may attempt to bind a
melee opponents weapon. To do this the practitioner makes an
opposed attack roll against his opponents highest attack bonus. If
successful, the practitioner has locked blades with his opponents
weapon and must make an immediate grapple check with a
competence bonus equal to the difference between the opposed
attack rolls. If the practitioner wins, he has effectively grappled his
opponent by the expedient of trapping his weapon. If the

practitioner fails either roll, nothing further happens and the action
is over. If grappled or thereafter pinned in following rounds the
opponent has the option of releasing his weapon, which breaks the
hold but also leaves the opponent disarmed. The practitioner may do
any of the things normally allowed in a grapple. The practitioner
does not draw an Attack of Opportunity from his opponent when
engaging in a Weapon Binding attempt.


Known as the City of Wisdom, Veshanda is peopled with
intelligentsia, the sagacious, and the astute. Even the common folk
are given a basic education, and on the whole the city is a bastion of
culture and learning. The famous Veshandic University and its
equally famed Library are crucial elements of the cities history and
power structure. The Archdeacon of the University itself, the Deans
of the Universities' 7 Colleges, and the Head Librarian hold
prestigious positions on the cities ruling council, the Learned Sages
of Veshanda. Magic and the Bardic Arts also have a home in the
city, and both the Urthon College of the Arcane Arts and the Wixor
College of Bardic Lore are important parts of the University

In a city of such erudition, where thought is valued over action, one

might think that the steel arts are neglected. Not so. Even among the
dry and learned in the City of the Sages there are those who take up
the blade. The Veshandi Piercing Eye Blade style is the predominant
blade style of Veshanda. It is marked for its penchant towards
delaying actions during a studious analysis of ones opponent
leading to an overwhelming offence. This Veshandi technique is
more truly a counter-style than a style, as the practitioner seeks to
analyse and then deconstruct their opponents techniques. The longer
one fights against a Master of the Piercing Eye, the less likely ones
odds of success.
The style is popular amongst Bards, Aristocrats, Experts, and
Students, but certainly has its practitioners amongst other
professions as well.






Special Abilities





Delay Opponent





Analyse Opponent





Deconstruct Technique





Find Opening





Piercing Eye

Base Attack Bonus +3
Feats: Dodge, Expertise
Skills: Concentration: 3 Ranks, Search: 5 Ranks
Abilities: Dex 13+ and Int 13+
Saves: Base Reflex 2+
Hit Die: D6

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance, Concentration, Gather Information, Jump, Knowledge:
(All), Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Spot
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points Int Bonus + 4 / level

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: This prestige class grants no
additional weapon or Armour proficiencies.

The Piercing Eye Style: This style and all of the below abilities are
only usable with the following weapons: Dagger, Cutlass, Long
Sword, Rapier, Sabre, Scimitar , Short Sword.
Delay Opponent: At 1st level the Piercing Eye Blademaster has
learned to hold his opponent off. When fighting defensively or using
the full defence option the practitioner gains a +2 Dodge bonus to
AC in addition to all other bonuses. Dodge bonuses stack.
Analyse Opponent: At 2nd level the Piercing Eye Blademaster has
learned to observe patterns and flaws in his opponents fighting
style. When Fighting Defensively the practitioner may study a
single opponent as a free action; the practitioner announces his
intention and makes a Search check versus a DC of 20 + the
opponents top Attack Bonus with the weapon they are currently
using including enhancement bonuses as applicable. If successful,
the practitioner has found a weakness in the opponents style and
gains a competence bonus to hit versus that opponent equal to his
class level. If the opponent switches weapons, the Piercing Eye
stylist must analyse them again vs. their top Attack bonus with the
new weapon. Once a practitioner has analysed an opponents style
with a specific type of weapon or combination of weapons, they
gain their bonus vs. that opponent for 5 rounds per class level
whenever they are using that same weapon type or combination.
Future attempts versus an opponent that has been successfully
analysed in the past are vs. a difficulty of 15 + the opponents top
Attack bonus with the weapon they are using. The practitioner may
have this effect active versus multiple foes, but may analyse only
one opponent per round.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Deconstruct Technique: At 3rd level the Piercing Eye Blademaster
has learned to not only analyse an opponent, but also to counter
their manoeuvres. When fighting an opponent that has been
successfully analysed using the 2nd level ability listed above, the
practitioner also gains a Dodge bonus to AC equal to his class level
versus that opponent. Dodge bonuses stack.
Find Opening: At 4th level the Piercing Eye Blademaster has
learned to not only analyse an opponent, but also to find holes in
their defences and drive home punishing attacks. When fighting an

opponent that has been successfully analysed using the 2nd level
ability listed above, the practitioner also gains a bonus to damage
equal to his class level versus that opponent.
The Piercing Eye: At 5th level the Piercing Eye Blademaster has
developed sufficient control to land blows in foes unprotected and
weakest areas. As a full attack action the practitioner may make a
single melee touch attack with his weapon against an opponent
successfully analysed by the 2nd level power listed above.


Now known as the Lost City, the City of Devils, and even the Spires
of Doom when it is spoken of at all, Vezanti was once the greatest of
the Ten Cities. Their culture was unmatched, their accomplishments
unequalled, their nobility unquestioned. Their downfall was
therefore inevitable. The rulers of the other cities could never
countenance such obvious superiority, even the Learned Sages of
Veshanda and the Matriarch Mariner of Giulme, usually bastions of
wisdom and acceptance respectively turned upon the city at the last.
Set upon by their enemies and harrowed in their own halls, the
royals of Vezanti unleashed a terrible blight upon the world which
had so cruelly treated them for no crime greater than excellence. A
dark pact was reached with powers infernal, opening a gate into the
material plane, the duration indefinite so long as one of the line
royal survives. The devils still make once-fair Vezanti, with its tall
narrow spires their lair, so surely one of the line must abide still.

In times more fair the Vezanti supremacy extended to swordplay as

in most else. The infamous Death Spiral style was feared and
respected among students of the Steel Art across the Shard and its
culminating manoeuvre, the Unstoppable Spiral Thrust the stuff of
legends. Some students of the style survived, hiding in other cities,
but in the days of Vezanti nihilism they hid their skill. It has since
become a hidden art. Thought lost by the populace of the Shards, its
practitioners long since hounded down in retribution for the infernal
influence unleashed upon the Shards by the Vezanti ruling elite.
The style was popular amongst the elite of the Vezanti, professional
duellists, and officers of the once mighty Vezanti naval forces; in
short professional and highly trained Fighters of varying sort. It was
known to be an extremely difficult style to learn and master,
requiring years of dedication spent developing the basics of the style
before even the first manoeuvre would be taught. It's most basic
manoeuvres were imitated by other fencing schools, but it's most
difficult techniques defied such aping.






Special Abilities





Spiral Thrust





Fleet of Foot





Spiral Twist





Spiral Deflection





Spiral Step





Spiral Disarm





Quick Reflexes





Spiral Disengage





Spiral Dance






Spiral Strike

Base Attack Bonus: +6
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Death Blow, Dodge, Expertise, Improved
Disarm, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus: Rapier
Abilities: Dex 13+

Balance, Bluff, Heal, Jump, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points Int Bonus + 2 / level

Class Features

Hit Die: D8

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: This prestige class grants no

additional weapon or Armour proficiencies.

Class Skills

Death Spiral style: All of the below abilities named with the Spiral
moniker are usable only when fighting with a Rapier in the primary

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Spiral Thrust: At 1st level the Death Spiral Blademaster has started
to apply the basics of this styles defining element, the feared
'Unstoppable' Spiral Thrust. The purpose of this attack is to end a
foes' existence with one looping spiral cut through the heart. The
Blademaster may attempt such a manoeuvre once per day per class
level. As a melee full attack action, the practitioner announces his
intention to initiate a Spiral Thrust prior to rolling to hit. If the
attack hits successfully, it is a Death Attack and the opponent must
make a Reflex save versus DC 5 + the practitioner's Intelligence
bonus + the practitioner's class level or die instantly; should the
opponent make the save the attack still hits and normal damage for
the hit is inflicted. This ability is ineffective versus opponents with
an Armour or natural Armour bonus of +5 or greater unless some
means of bypassing Armour is used. Such as a Brilliant Energy or
similar weapon; enhancement bonuses do count for this purpose, but
are cancelled 1 for 1 by any enhancement bonuses on the weapon
the Blademaster uses to make the attack. Thus Leather Armour with
a +3 bonus could be pierced with a +1 or better weapon, but
mundane Chainmail is always proof against this attack regardless of
enhancement bonuses. This ability is also ineffective against
creatures that are immune to Death Attacks such as Undead and
Constructs. Additionally, this attack is ineffective versus opponents
that lack a heart. The DM is the final arbiter of creatures that are not
affected by the attack.
Fleet of Foot: At 2nd level the Death Spiral Blademaster has
learned to move quickly in combat, gaining great advantage over
slower foes. The Blademaster gains +10 bonus Movement only
when in combat. The Blademaster cannot use this ability if wearing
Medium or Heavy Armour, or while encumbered; note that he can
use a shield however. For purposes of this ability Combat is defined
as any period of game time administered in Initiative order.
Spiral Twist: At 3rd level the Death Spiral Blademaster has
mastered the art of twisting his blade when wounding foes. He gains
Weapon Specialisation: Rapier as a virtual feat. If the Blademaster
already has or later acquires the Weapon Specialisation: Rapier feat
he inflicts an additional +2 bonus damage with a Rapier for a net
total of +4 bonus damage.
Spiral Deflection: At 4th level the Death Spiral Blademaster gains
the extraordinary ability to frustrate his opponents efforts to strike
him. The Blademaster gains a Deflection bonus to AC equal to his
class level divided by 2 whenever wielding a Rapier and not
wearing Medium or Heavy Armour, not using a shield, and not
encumbered. The Blademaster does not get this bonus when caught
flat-footed or denied his Dexterity bonus to AC. Deflection bonuses
do not stack.
Spiral Step: At 5th level the Death Spiral Blademaster has learned
to whirl about in combat, diminishing the ability of flankers to catch
him off guard. The practitioner gains Defensive Manoeuvrings as a
virtual Feat (listed below) when fighting with a Rapier in his
primary hand.
Spiral Disarm: At 6th level the Death Spiral Blademaster has
learned a difficult disarm manoeuvre that allows him to spin
opponents weapons out their hands and toss them away with a
sickening ease. The practitioner gains Masterful Disarm as a virtual
Feat (listed below) when fighting with a Rapier in his primary hand.
Quick Reflexes: At 7th level the Death Spiral Blademaster
Initiative is never worse than 5 + his class level. Should the
Blademaster's total Initiative value counting all modifiers fall below
this value, the Blademaster defaults to the higher total. This is an
extraordinary ability. Example: Yano the 7th level Blademaster has
a +3 Dex bonus and Improved Initiative; rolling for Initiative he
rolls a 2. 3+4+2=9. However, thanks to this ability Yano's Initiative
is never below a 12 (5+7), therefore his Initiative defaults to 12.
Spiral Disengage: At 8th level the Death Spiral Blademaster has
learned to protect their own blade, as without it they are not nearly
so deadly. The practitioner gains Deflect and Disengage as a virtual
Feat (listed below) when fighting with a Rapier in his primary hand.

Spiral Strike: At 10th level the Death Spiral Blademaster has

mastered the art of striking accurately for maximum effect. He gains
Improved Critical: Rapier as a virtual feat. If the Blademaster
already has or later acquires the Improved Critical: Rapier feat his
critical threat range with a Rapier is extended an additional 2 points.

New Feat
You are skilled at protecting your flanks in melee.
Prerequisite: Dodge, Combat Reflexes
Benefit: You gain a +1 Dodge bonus versus all opponents flanking
you unless caught flat-footed. Note that Dodge bonuses stack.

Masterful Disarm [General]

You are greatly skilled at divesting others of their weapons.
Prerequisite: Expertise, Improved Disarm
Benefit: The user gains a +4 competence bonus on any attempt to
Disarm a foe. If the Disarm is successful the opponents weapon
does not land at her feet, but instead is knocked to the floor up to 15
feet away in the direction of your choice, as permitted by terrain and

[Fighting Style]
You are greatly skilled at protecting your weapon in melee.
Prerequisite: Improved Disarm
Benefit: The practitioner gains a +4 bonus to opposed attack rolls
when opponents attempt to Sunder or Strike his weapon, and vs.
Disarm attempts.
Spiral Dance: At 9th level the Death Spiral Blademaster has
mastered the art of turning multiple opponents against themselves.
The practitioner gains Melee Mastery as a virtual Feat (listed below)
when fighting with a Rapier in his primary hand.

Melee Mastery [General]

You are skilled at using multiple melee opponents against
Prerequisite: Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Defensive Manoeuvrings,
Improved Initiative, Base Attack 10+
Benefit: You may choose to manoeuvre so as to cause your
opponents to work against themselves as a move equivalent action.
After this action is taken, you gain a +1 Dodge bonus to your AC
versus melee opponents for each opponent you are currently
threatened by in melee including the attacker. Note that Dodge
bonuses stack.
Example: 5 attackers waylay Ularo Santeos while he is traversing
an alley. Ularo spots them and is not surprised; he wins initiative.
Unsure of his attackers capabilities, Ularo decides to play it safe,
moving into a better position and engaging his Melee Mastery feat
rather than attacking. All 5 of the attackers charge him in initiative
order and Ularo moves into action ducking, rolling, and skilfully
nudging his opponents into each others way. Ularo gains a +1

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Dodge bonus versus the first opponent, a +2 versus the second, and
so on up to a +5 versus the fifth and final attacker. In the following
round, Ularo decides to continue to use his Melee Mastery and take
a standard attack action; acting first he strikes one of his foes.
Afterwards the first 2 opponents press their attack and Ularo gains a

+5 Dodge bonus versus each of them, but the wounded 3rd

opponent has had enough and moves away at his initiative. When
the 4th and 5th opponents attack him Ularo gains a +4 Dodge bonus
versus each opponent in turn because he is threatened by a total of 4
melee opponents when they attack.

Weaponmasters seek union with one weapon through mastery of the
extraordinary power of ki. The Bladestormer seeks ultimate mastery
over the wielding of two weapons, and he accomplishes this almost
entirely through raw skill. Although, accomplished Bladestormers

are an even more impressive sight than a Weaponmaster as their

blades whirl and cut the air trailing electric auras of power, a
supernatural ability that only the greatest Bladestormers can
achieve. Despite the name of the prestige class, the users of any
weapon type can follow the path of the bladestorm, the name merely
reflects that bladed-weapon wielders are the most common











Max Damage Strike 1/day/lvl





Enhanced Initiative +1, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting





Superior Weapon Focus





Enhanced Initiative +2, Combat Reflexes





Improved Critical





Enhanced Initiative +3, Superior Two-Weapon Fighting





Superior Combat Reflexes





Enhanced Initiative +4, Supreme Cleave





Superior Critical






Enhanced Initiative +5, Bladestorm

Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Intimidate: 4 ranks
Weapon: Masterwork or better quality weapons.
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Ambidexterity, TwoWeapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (In both weapons if two different
kinds of weapons are used.)
Hit Dice: d10

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (weaponry) (Int), Listen (Wis), Sense
Motive (Wis), and Spot (Wis). See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players
Handbook for skill descriptions.
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Maximum Damage Strike: After you score a hit with one of your
weapons, you do not roll dice to determine the damage. Instead, you

figure the normal maximum damage (not a critical hit) you can
inflict with that weapon and do that much damage to the target. This
ability cannot be used when you roll a successful critical hit.
Enhanced Initiative: You gain the listed bonus to initiative rolls.
This ability stacks with the Improved Initiative feat.
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting: At 2nd level, the Bladestormer
gains the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat.
Superior Weapon Focus: Stacking on top of any existing Weapon
Focus bonus, this ability grants a Bladestormer an additional +1 to
attack rolls with a single weapon type of choice.
Combat Reflexes: At 4th level, the Bladestormer gains the Combat
Reflexes feat.
Superior Two-Weapon Fighting: In addition to the extra attacks
granted by Two-Weapon Fighting and Improved Two-Weapon
Fighting you get a third attack with the off-hand weapon, albeit at a
-10 penalty.
Superior Combat Reflexes: This ability lets you make a total
number of attacks of opportunity in a round equal to your Dexterity
modifier plus your Wisdom modifier.
Supreme Cleave: At 8th level, the Bladestormer gains the ability to
take a 5-foot step before making a Cleave or Great Cleave attack.
Superior Critical: Gain the Improved Critical feat for free. If you
already possess this feat, add an additional +2 to your weapon of
choices threat range for critical hits.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Bladestorm (Su): With this ability the Bladestormer draws power
from within himself and charges his weapons with arcing electricity.

Each weapon does an additional 1d6 of electrical damage. This

additional damage is multiplied on critical hits.

Blood Guard
As said, in the Thomas Covenant series Haruchai are naturally an
aggressive race. The Haruchai entered the land as an army, on a
mission from their homes in the Westron mountains to overrun
Revelstone, but met by Kevin and astounded at his compassion,
swore an oath of service to him, the strength of which defies time.
They became the Blood-guard. Traditionally the Bloodguard wield
no weapons relying on the natural agility, accuracy and hardy
constitution to see them escape from campaign after campaign
The Bloodguard are the great Defenders of the Lords in the Thomas
Covenant series. Their dedication surpasses everyone else in the
Land. Preserved by the Vow. Have given an oath so strong that it

keeps them from time and death. Bloodguard are masters in dealing
quick, lethal unarmed blows. It is said that no one can match the
unarmed capabilities of the Bloodguard.
Most Blood-guard are fighters, although rangers, paladins, monks
and barbarians can also benefit from this prestige class. Bloodguard
rogues, wizards and sorcerers are not known, but it is possible for
these classes. to become Bloodguard. Bards will find this prestige
class unsuitable. Bloodguard never wear armour or shields and
never use weapons, relying on their natural combat abilities.
Player characters playing a Blood-guard arent as free compared to
other PCs. The Blood-guard have to follow the rules and missions
of their lords. Most of them constantly guard the keep were their
lords live.













Unarmed enhancement +1, Body Alteration






Less Sleep (4 hours/day)






Unarmed enhancement +2






Great Health






Unarmed enhancement +3






Less Sleep (1 hour/day)






Unarmed enhancement +4






Damage Reduction 5/-






Unarmed enhancement +5







Damage Reduction 10/+1

Alignment: Any Lawful
Race: Human, Haruchai
Base Attack Bonus: +10
Skills: Heal: 3 ranks, Listen: 5 ranks, Sense Motive: 5 ranks, Spot:
5 ranks.
Feats: Ambidexterity, Endurance, Iron Will, Improved Unarmed
Strike, Weapon focus (unarmed strike).
Special: Bloodguard may never show their emotions openly and
may only talk when necessary.
Hit Dice: d10

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Climb (Str), Jump (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Sense
Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) and Tumble (Dex). See
Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill descriptions.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: The Blood-guard is proficient with
unarmed combat. The Blood-guard cannot fight with weapons,
relying only on his natural combat abilities (thus his unarmed
Armour Bonus: Every level the natural AC of Blood-guard
Body Alteration: By doing their vow, the Bloodguard arent subject
to ageing anymore. This even extents to any kind of magical ageing.
Very experienced Bloodguards keep their youth and strength while
getting wiser over the decades. In addition the Blood-guard have to
eat and drink half the normal amount a normal human needs to stay
Unarmed enhancement: The Bloodguard are known for their
excellence in unarmed combat. The Bloodguard are immune to
subdual damage and while fighting unarmed they automatically hit
for normal damage without any penalties to hit. In addition at 1st

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
level they gain a +1 enhancement bonus to unarmed strikes. At 3rd
level +2, 5th level +3, 7th level +4 and finally at 9th level the
enhancement bonus increases to a total of +5.

Damage Reduction: At 8th level the Blood-guard ignores certain

blows altogether. They gain a damage reduction of 5/-. At 10th level
the reduction improves even further to 10/+1.

Less Sleep: At 2nd level the Blood-guard needs only 4 hours sleep a
day. At 6th level the Blood-guard need only 1 hour rest a day.

Yes, in the Thomas Covenant series, the Blood-guard were very

powerful defenders. It could be possible in a campaign that
Haruchai (and maybe other races) have made a vow to some being
or organisation and thus gain this prestige class. The Blood-guard
could be sent on missions by their masters, just like in the books!

Great Health: At 4th level the Blood-guard is immune to diseases

of any kind, including extraordinary, supernatural and magical

Blood Guardians
Games Information
Rhiannon lay shivering in the wet leaves of the forest floor, peering
cautiously through the bushes into the dimly lit clearing beyond.
The half-moon above shined its silvery light sparingly over the
small cottage and overgrown garden beside it. No smoke rose from
the chimney. No light flickered within. No sign of life at all.
Perhaps the rumours were trueGranny Kes was dead.
Despair knotted Rhiannons gut as she thought of those she had left
behind. She was sent by the village elders to seek the aid of Granny
Kes as they faced their total destruction. Orcish raiders to the north,
human bandits to the south, and one of them had awakened the
ancient evil of Graken Cave.
Granny Kes was an ancient crone who had often aided the people of
Greenmeadow in the past. Shed been around as long as even the
oldest of the elders could remember, and had forgotten more
mysterious secrets than any of them knew.
Wearily, Rhiannon stood and brushed damp leaves from her clothes.
She had to look. She had to confirm the loss of their ancient
guardian. The cottage seemed almost to shrink as she got closer. She
could see the signs of decaythatch gone unchanged for too long,
chinks appearing in the dried moss between logs, webs spun in the
windows and doorway. The place looked long abandoned.
The darkened interior was revealed slowly as her eyes adjusted.
Peering into the gloom, Rhiannon could see dust on the floor, on
everything. Cobwebs covered in dust as well. A rusted old pot hung
on the cold hearth. A tiny, whistling sound drew Rhiannons
attention to the old cot with rumpled covers. Startled, she realised
there was actually a figure under the covers, and she approached
The ancient, dried-up creature on the bed looked like she would
crack with the slightest movement, and yet she turned her head to
gaze up at Rhiannon. Withered and ancient as she was, her eyes yet
shone with piercing light. Take my hand, girl.
She was hardly a girl. Rhiannon was a powerful sorcerer, famed
throughout the land for her heroic exploits. But kneeling, Rhiannon
took the crones fragile hand in hers. She could feel Kess blood hot
beneath her skin. She was burning with fever!
Let me get help. Rhiannon started to rise again, but the crone held
her with fierce strength.

There is no help but here, girl. Listen to it. Listen to the blood.
Crazily, Rhiannon thought she could actually hear Kess blood
pulsing through her veins. Then her jaw dropped as she realised she
could hear her own blood as well. Their pulses merged and
suddenly Rhiannon was seeing what Kes sawher, kneeling beside
the bed, and her blood glowing through her skin.
You are the next. My time is soon over. Rhiannon could see her
face, and she was no longer talking, but her words burned through
the girls mind. Visions of people she didnt know flashed before her
eyes. Then she realised she did know them all of them, going
back thousands of years. Guard them well, Rhiannon of the Blood.
Keep our people safe.
Rhiannon watched as before her eyes Granny Kes withered and
shrank. Impossibly, she appeared to age hundreds of years in a few
moments. Her tiny, withered hand crumbled in Rhiannons grasp
and soon all that was left was a pile of dry old bones. She was gone.
The sorcerer felt wondrous possibilities coursing through her veins
the blood of her people. It would all come in time, and she knew
that now she had time enough. But for the immediate problems, new
knowledge blossomed in her mind, whispered in the voice of
Granny Kes. The information was theresecret caches of weapons,
treaties with powerful creatures of the wood and the weakness of
the Graken Cave monstershe had only to use it.

The Blood Guardian is a scion of a special bloodline. At some point
in his life, he experiences some event that brings about revelations.
He realises that he has a different, previously unknown path for his
lifeone of power and responsibility. The Blood Guardian is a
burdened individual, who carries the weight and duty of a secret
bloodline. He is extremely raremost with the bloodline are not
aware of its distinction and power, let alone their own potential.
Sorcerers are by far the most common Blood Guardians, although it
is possible for a wizard or a bard to take up the mantle as well.
Game Master controlled Blood Guardians are usually found not
with others of their kind (for they are so rare), but instead leading
organisationssometimes, whole nations and empiresbecause of
responsibility for the power they wield and the bloodline from
which they come.












Resist the Aeons






Bonus Feat






Enhanced Familiar






Bonus Feat


Group 1

Group 2


Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Mantle of Power, Enhanced Familiar






Bonus Feat Group






Mantle of Authority, Enhanced Familiar






Bonus Feat Group






Mantle of Truth, Enhanced Familiar






Mantle of Duty Group

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5


Group 1 Charm
Message, Enthral

To qualify to become a Blood Guardian, a character must fulfil all

the following criteria.

Group 2 Detect Thoughts, Calm

Undetectable Alignment, Zone of Truth

Alignment: Any non-chaotic

Group 3 Arcane Eye, Detect Scrying, Emotion, Misdirection,


Skills: Knowledge (Arcana): 5 ranks, Diplomacy: 4 ranks

Spellcasting: Must be able to cast four 4th-level arcane spells in the
same day (with no help from magic items, but bonus spells do
Special: The Blood Guardian must be of a particular rare bloodline
and must discover that fact.
Special: The Blood Guardian must undergo a gruelling ritual in
which he loses all ability to cast spells of a specific descriptor (fire,
force, good, teleportation, etc.) chosen by the DM, in order to slow
down his ageing process and gain the other benefits of the class.

Class Skills







Group 4 Mass Suggestion, Prying Eyes, Sending, Telepathic

Bond, Tongues
Group 5 Dominate Person, Lesser Geas, Mind Fog, True Seeing,
Limited Wish
Enhanced Familiar: At 3rd-level, the Blood Guardians existing
familiar begins to take on greater qualities than that of normal
familiars. The familiar continues to gain abilities as normal, adding
Blood Guardian levels to the original class levels of the character to
determine those abilities. In addition, a Blood Guardian can choose
one of the following powers every other level he gains for his
familiar (at 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9thlevel). The level of the Blood
Guardian, added to his Charisma bonus, determines the range of
powers he may select. No power may be taken more than once.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha),
Forgery (Int), Heal (Wis), Innuendo (Wis), Knowledge (any, each
taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search
(Wis), Sense Motive (Int), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis).

Level +

Familiar Ability

Familiar gains Toughness feat

Increase speed by +10 to one mode of movement

Familiar gains Damage Reduction 5/Silver

Increase or decrease one size category

Once per day, can cast alter self on itself only (cannot
share this with master)

Weapons and Armour: Blood Guardians are proficient with all

simple weapons, but no armour or shields.

Once per day, can cast invisibility on itself only (cannot

share this with master)

Resist the Aeons: The Blood Guardian begins to age much more
slowly. All ages listed in the Ageing Effects table of the SRD are
tripled (thus, for example, a human feels the effects of middle age at
105 years, old age at 159 years, and so on).

Once per day, can cast true strike on itself only (cannot
share this with master)

+2 natural armour

Bonus Feat: At 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th level, the Blood Guardian
gains a bonus feat chosen from the following list: Any metamagic
feat, any item creation feat, Spell Mastery (if a wizard), Skill Focus,
or Alertness.

Familiar gains fast healing 1 (cannot share this with



+2 inherent bonus to Strength


+2 inherent bonus to Con


+2 inherent bonus to Dex


Familiar gains Damage Reduction 5/+1


Gain spells as a 1st level sorcerer. The familiar need not

have the same spells as the master. Considered to have

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the Blood Guardian
prestige class.
Hit Dice: d4

Bonus Spells Known: The Blood Guardian gains small groups of

spells to add to his spells known. Some of these are divine spells,
but the Blood Guardian treats them as arcane spells. If a spell is of a
level that the Blood Guardian cannot cast, assume that he can use
the spell once per day as a spell-like ability.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Cha score equal to masters, without magic item

Animal; HD 11; hp 31; Init.: +3 (Dex); Speed 10 ft, fly 60 ft


Mantle of Power: At 5th-level, the Blood Guardian gains all the

special abilities and spells per day of one level of whatever
spellcasting class he had before becoming a Blood Guardian. For
example, if Sindon, a 9th-level sorcerer/4th-level Blood Guardian,
gains 5th-level in Blood Guardian, he gains new spells as if he had
risen to 10th-level in sorcerer, and casts them at 10th-level. If he
next gains a level of sorcerer, making him a 10th-level sorcerer/5thlevel Blood Guardian, he gains spells as if he had risen to 11th-level

AC 21 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural armour; touch 15, flatfooted

18); ATT +5 melee (1d42, claws); SA Touch (deliver masters
spells); SQ +8 racial bonus to Spot in daylight, Improved Evasion,
Share Spells, Empathic Link, Speak with Master, Speak with
Hawks, Spell Resistance 16, Alter Self 1/day; AL NG; SV Fort +2,
Ref +5, Will +2; Str 6, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 6;
Listen +6, Spot +6; Weapon Finesse (claws).

If a character had more than one spellcasting class before he became

a Blood Guardian, he must decide which class gains the new level.
Mantle of Authority: At 7th-level, the Blood Guardian gains a +2
bonus to Charisma. Mantle of Truth: At will, a 9th-level Blood
Guardian can literally see lies as a supernatural ability, up to a range
of 30 feet. Treat this as a discern lies spell that acts continuously.
The 9th-level Blood Guardian also gains another effective level of
spellcasting and special abilities as described in Mantle of Power.
Mantle of Duty: Once per day, a 10th-level Blood Guardian can
speak with his ancestors as a spell-like ability, calling upon the
power of his bloodline. This works just like a commune spell cast at
Sample Blood Guardian
Rhiannon Greycastle, Female Human
Sor8/Rog3/BldGrd3: CR 14; Size M (5 ft, 9 in tall); HD
11d4+2d6+26; hp 62; Init. +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative);
Speed 30 ft; AC 20 (+5 Dex, +4 Bracers of Armour, +1 Ring of
Protection; touch 16, flat-footed 15); ATT +8/+3 (1d6+1/x2, Staff of
Elemental Battle), or +15 (1d4+2, 17-20/x2, Hand Crossbow +1 w/
+1 bolts), or +8/+3 (1d4, 19-20/x2, Silver Dagger); SQ: Resist the
Aeons, cannot cast Shadow spells, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge (Dex
bonus to AC); SA: Sneak Attack +2d6; AL NG; SV Fort +6, Ref
+11, Will +12; Str 10, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 17.
Languages Spoken: Common, Auran, Aquan, Terran, Ignan.

New Magic Item

Staff of Elemental Battle
This solid mithril staff is capped with five pointsfour around the
diameter of the staff and a single, shorter point in the centre. The
points are lacquered, each of the outer four in a different colour to
represent the four primary elements. The central point is off-white.
The staff may be used as a +1 Quarterstaff or Short Spear. In
addition, the staff has the following powers:

Elemental Bolt (1d4+12, 1 charge)

Resist Elements (1 charge)

rotection from Elements (2 charges) Summon
Monster VI (1 large or 1d3 medium elementals only, 2

Caster Level: 12th

Prerequisite: Craft Magical Arms and Armour, Craft Staff,
Elemental Bolt, Protection from Elements, Resist Elements,
Summon Monster VI; Market Price: 36,000 gp.

New Spell

Skills and Feats: Appraise +10, Balance +10, Bluff +8,

Concentration +8, Decipher Script +8, Diplomacy +17, Disguise
+10, Escape Artist +10, Gather Information +8, Hide +10,
Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Listen +9, Move Silently +10, Read Lips
+9, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +10, Spot +9, Tumble +10, and Use
Rope +10; Combat Casting, Dodge, Expertise, Mobility, Skill Focus
(Sense Motive), Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (Hand Crossbow).
Possessions: Staff of Elemental Battle (45 charges) stored in glove,
Bracers of Armour +4, Ring of Protection +1, Ring of Wizardry (1st
level), Masterwork Silver Dagger, +1 Keen Hand Crossbow, 25 +1
Hand Crossbow Bolts, Hewards Handy Haversack, Glove of
Storing, Masterwork Disguise Kit, Potions: Cure Moderate Wounds
x2, Jump, Swimming, Love, Hiding, Sneaking, Charisma,
Endurance, Cats Grace, Bulls Strength x3. Spells Per Day:
6/13/7/6/3 (Base DC = 13 + spell level).

Elemental Bolt

Saving Throw


Spells Known (8/5/3/2/1): 0 Detect Magic, Light,

Spell Resistance


Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation; Ray of Frost,

Read Magic; 1 Charm Person*, Colour Spray, Comprehend
Languages*, Detect Secret Doors, Elemental Bolt, Feather Fall,
Identify*, Message*, Sleep; 2 Alter Self, Detect Thoughts,
Enthral*, Knock; 3 Fly, Haste; 4 Improved Invisibility. *Group
1 Bonus Spells Known. Familiar: Silk: Female Hawk; Tiny

The caster hurls a bolt of elemental energy at a target as a ranged

touch attack. The attack deals 1d4 elemental damage +1 point per
caster level (max of +15). The specific element is determined at the
time of casting (fire, cold, electricity, acid, or sonic energy). The
spell is considered a spell of the energy type chosen. Thus, a bolt of
cold energy is a cold spell, and fire energy is a fire spell.

Evocation [See Text]


Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 1


V, S

Casting Time

1 Action


Close (25ft + 5ft/2 Levels)


One Creature

Duration Instantaneous

Bondbreaker of Hathor

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Although the Lords of Mulhorand do not admit it, slavery is a vile
business. The Bondbreaker is an Old Empires ex-slave class; during
their ordeal, the Bondbreaker learned skills and abilities that will
help him or others remain free. This class is secretly sponsored by

several deities of the Mulhorandi pantheon who do not appreciate

slavery (notably Hathor), or who approve of slavery and yet admire
the courage shown by this class (notably Anhur).
Though designed with the Mulhorandi in mind, this might serve as a
Prestige Class for escaped slaves in other regions, notably
Calimshan and Thay.






Special Abilities

Cover Tracks, Resist Intimidate

Bonus Feat from the Fighter list


Burst of Strength, Run


Smite Slaver

Bonus Feat from the Fighter list

Resist Enchantment, Freedom of Movement

Bonus Feat from the Fighter list



Cry Freedom

Base Attack Bonus: +3
Alignment: not LE or NE.
Class: Believer of Hathor or Anhur
Special: Intimidate (5 ranks), Toughness (2 ranks)
The Bondbreaker must have been enslaved at some time in their
life, and have broken free from confinement, and they must also
have (on a separate occasion) freed at least a dozen slaves and
delivered them safely to a free land. The latter must have been done
as a player character.
Hit Dice: D10

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance, Bluff, Climb, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump,
Knowledge, Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Search, Sense
Motive, Spot, Swim.
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + INT modifier

Class Features
Fearlessness Gain: +1 to save against all fear-effects at 3 rd and a
further +1 5th level.


Bonus Feat: Gain a feat from the Fighter list

Cover Tracks/ Resist Intimidate: People attempting to use these
skills against Bondbreakers suffer a 2 Penalty to their DC,
-1/Bondbreaker level (i.e. those attempting to intimidate a 5th level
Bondbreaker suffer a 7 penalty to their roll).
Burst of Strength: Bondbreakers get a +4 bonus to all Strength
checks to escape confinement, whether they're chained, or held by a
opponent's Grappling Check.
Run: As per the General feat.
Smite Slaver: When attacking a known Slaver, the Bondbreaker get
a +1 Base Attack and damage bonus per Bondbreaker level
possessed. The Bondbreaker must have witnessed the slaver
handling his charges.
Resist Enchantment: The Bondbreaker gets a +4 bonus to all
Saving Throws against Mind-Affecting Enchantments.
Freedom of Movement: Once per day, the Bondbreaker may
trigger a Freedom of Movement (as per the fourth level spell). This
effect lasts three rounds, plus one round per Charisma bonus.
Cry Freedom: At fifth level, the Bondsman may trigger a freedom
cry, once per day, that lasts for five rounds, plus one round per
charisma bonus. All escaped slaves (including the Bondbreaker)
who remain within a 60' radius of the Bondbreaker get +2 to all
Saving Throws, have their Strength boosted by +4, their base
movement raised by 10 ft./round, and receive 5 points of damage
Reduction against all attacks.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
A Caravaneer is a smuggler and a merchant in less than legal
merchandise. They tend to fit in the gap between the rouge and the

trader. Most of the times it is a rouge who has gone into business or
a trader who has decided to deal in shady business (such as spell
component trading).
















Sneak Attack +1d6





Uncanny Dodge (Dex bonus)





Bonus Language










Sneak Attack +2d6





Uncanny Dodge (Can't be flanked)





Bonus Language











Sneak Attack +3d6


Class Features

Base Attack Bonus: +1

Wages: The skills of a Caravaneer are much in demand, he can

expect to make 1 cp./level/week and will receive free lodging.

Alignment: Any nonlawful

Hiring: The Caravaneer can get companions hired on, at the rate of
1 per level.

Feats: Alertness
Special: Appraising Ranks: 8 Bluff Ranks: 8 Diplomacy Ranks: 8
Forgery Ranks: 8 Hide Ranks: 8
Hit Dice: D6

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Appraising, Bluff, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable Device,
Forgery, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Hide, Knowledge
(Local), Listen, Move Silently, Open Locks, Pick Pockets,
Profession (Cook), Read Lips, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot

Smuggling: A Caravaneer is a master smuggler, as long as he has an

appropriate place to hide something he can hide up to 100 lbs. of
smuggled goods per level of any type (including escaped slaves)
with no penalty to his hide rolls.
Reactions: The Caravaneer has a +3 to his reaction rolls from
rouges or traders and other people that associate with them.
However, when it comes to the character trying to engender trust or
when he has to deal with the authorities he gets a 3 to his reaction
Poisoning: The character learns one poisoning formula as per a
bard or trader. Use class level to determine the roll (stack with
trader or bard levels if the character has those classes).

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Bonus Language: As per the trader

Skills per level 8 + Int per Level.

Sneak Attack: As per the rogue

Uncanny Dodge: As per the rogue

Chaos Warrior
"Warriors of Chaos are the servants and worshippers of the foul
Chaos Gods. They also swept inexplicably from the North during
the Incursions of Chaos. Together with the other Chaotic creatures,
they came out of nowhere and broke upon the lands of Norsca and







the Old World A long and bloody battle was fought by the men and
Dwarfs of those lands against the invaders, a war which ended in
the retreat of Chaos to the Far North, where it more or less remains
today. However, even now, over a hundred years later, bands of
black-armoured Chaos Warriors still raid the north of the Old

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes








Mark of Chaos, Dark Blessing





Chaos Armour





Detect Good





Mark of Chaos





Smite Good









Mark of Chaos





Boon of Chaos










Mark of Chaos

Base Attack Bonus: +6
Hit Dice: D10

Smite Good: Starting at 5th level, a Chaos Warrior may Smite

Good once per day in the same way as a Paladin may Smite Evil.
This is a supernatural ability.
Boon of Chaos: At 8th level, the Chaos Warrior receives a mutation
to show his god's favour. Roll a d6 on the following Table

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Feats: Cleave, Expertise
Special: The would-be Chaos Warrior must pledge allegiance to a
Chaos power (Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch or Khorne)


Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:




The Chaos Warrior's armour magically

meshes to his skin and muscle. It can no
longer be removed, and no longer confers
penalties (armour check, sleeping in
armour, etc.)


The Chaos Warrior's features mutate and

turn disgusting, granting a +2 Circumstance
bonus to Intimidate checks, or to any Cha
based check when dealing with his god's
followers. All other Cha related checks
suffer a 2 Circumstance penalty.

Extra Arm

The Chaos Warrior grows an extra arm. He

may now use a shield while wielding a two
handed weapon, or he may use two shields
and gain AC bonuses from both.

Great Claw

One of the Chaos Warrior's hands mutates

into a giant crab like claw. Treat the Clwa
as a Great Axe that can never be dropped,
and only needs one hand to wield. The
Chaos Warrior may not use a different
weapon or a shield in this claw.


A giant, poisonous tail grows from the

Chaos Warrior's back. The Chaos Warrior
may make an extra attack at his highest
Base Attack Bonus each round, counting as
an Unarmed Strike, but also as a Poisoned


The Chaos Warrior's blood turns black and

acrid. Every time he takes a wounding hit,
his opponent must make a Reflex save
against DC 15 or suffer d6 damage from
the corrosive blood spurting over him. The
Chaos Warrior does not take damage from
his own blood.

Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge: Arcana or Chaos (Int), Listen (Wis),

Ride (Dex), and Spot (Wis)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points per Level: 2 +Int Modifier/level

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: Proficient with all types of armour and
Shields, and with all Simple and Martial weapons.

Mark of Chaos: At 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th levels, a Chaos Warrior
gains +1 to one of his statistics, depending on his Chaos God
Khorne: +1 Strength
Nurgle: +1 Constitution (and immunity to disease)

Slaanesh: +1 Dexterity
Tzeench: +1 Intelligence
Dark Blessing: The Chaos Warrior may add his Cha modifier to all
Saving Throws.

Chaos Armour: At 2nd level, the Chaos Warrior is granted a

magical suit of Full Plate armour, with an Enhancement Bonus
equal to half of his Chaos Warrior class level.
Detect Good: Starting at 3rd level, a Chaos Warrior may Detect
Good at will in the same way as a Paladin can Detect Evil. This is a
spell-like ability.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Choldani Bleeding Way Weaponmaster
Choldai, the infamous City of Jade. Grown from a collection of jade
mining towns, Choldai has always been a rough and brutal settling.
Historically a tyrannical autocracy, the city is dominated to this day
by the Despot of Choldai and his cruel thugs. The city itself is dark
and cheerless, carved from rock and decorated sparingly by the
downtrodden populace. Austere and foreboding, it leaves little
pleasant in the memories of those who have visited. The chief of the
cities few attractions are inarguably the infamous Fighting Pits of
Choldai, where ritualised pit fights are regarded as a national art
form. Unlike the gilded gladiatorial arenas of Phanosh where mock
combats and light fighting are staged for entertainment, or the
Challenge Circles of Ohjavia where expert warriors meet to test and
better their skills the Fighting Pits of Choldai are small filthy holes
where men bleed and die to the cacophony of blood-fevered folk
who care little for skill, preferring savagery and brutality.
Folk look the other way in oppressed Choldai, and no good deed
goes unpunished by the Depots men lest it engender hope in the

populace. Cruelty and inhumanness are a way of life encouraged

and enforced by the heartless Despot for generations. Survivors see
to themselves, and the strong prosper by exploiting those weaker
than themselves. Those who are crippled or die are believed to be
weak and therefore deserving of their fate. In such a culture it is
unsurprising that many learn some form of self defence, and make a
deliberate attempt to toughen themselves. Due to generations of de
facto culling of the weak, the natives are already typically hardy,
and many are able to refine this into a nearly mystic discipline.
Most Choldani fighting styles revolve around this concept of
durability first, and the current reigning school in the Fighting Pits
is known simply as the Bleeding Way. The Bleeding Way
concentrates on learning how to take a hit to avoid long term
handicap, taking a hit to score one yourself, and continuing to fight
though sorely injured.
Less of a Fighting Style and more of a physical discipline, the style
is popular amongst Warriors, Fighters, and Barbarians, but has its
practitioners amongst other professions as well.











Going the Distance, Roll With It 1





Retributive Strike





Roll With It 2





Hard to Kill





Improved Retributive Strike, Roll With It 3

Base Attack Bonus: +4
Feats: Toughness, Great Fortitude, Iron Will
Fortitude Base Save: +3
Abilities: Con 13+
Hit Dice: D12

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Sense Motive

usable with any melee weapon that the practitioner may employ one
handed and is proficient with, including bare-handed (assuming the
practitioner also has Improved Unarmed Combat).
Roll with it: The Choldani Weaponmaster learns to roll with blows
to minimise the damage taken. With greater practice, the Choldani
can minimise damage fairly effectively, seeming to take more
damage than he truly does. At 1st level the Choldani gains Damage
Reduction 1/-. At 3rd level this increases to Damage Reduction 2/and at 5th to Damage Reduction 3/-. This is stackable with Damage
Reduction from the Barbarian and Dwarven Defender classes (and
other similar damage reduction).
Going the Distance: At 1st level the Choldani Weaponmaster has
honed his stamina to go the extra mile regardless of fatigue. The
Choldani Weaponmaster gains Endurance as a virtual Feat.

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: This prestige class grants no

additional weapon or Armour proficiencies.

Retributive Strike: At 2nd level the Choldani Weaponmaster has

developed the practice of taking a blow to deal out an attack of his
own. Therefore when an opponent makes a successful melee attack
against the Choldani, the Choldani may take an immediate free
attack of opportunity against that opponent. The Choldani may only
make one attack of opportunity of this nature against a single
opponent each round. The Choldani cannot make more than one
attack of opportunity versus the same opponent in the same round
regardless of means. This single attack of opportunity does not
count against the Choldanis normal limit on attacks of opportunity.

The Bleeding Way: This style does not rely on the use of any
specific type of weapon. However, the style is primarily used in
close-quarters pit fights and relies somewhat on landing blows
quickly as opportunity presents. Thus, all of the below abilities are

Hard to Kill: At 4th level the Choldani Weaponmaster has

developed that ability to shrug off mortal wounds briefly and
continue to fight unto death. The Choldani Weaponmaster gains
Remain Conscious (Sword & Fist page 9) as a virtual Feat.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points: Int Bonus + 2 / level

Class Features

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Improved Retributive Strike: At 5th level the Choldani
Weaponmaster has further developed the practice of taking blows to
deal out attacks of his own. Just as with Retributive Strike, when an
opponent makes a successful melee attack against the Choldani, the
Choldani may take an immediate free attack of opportunity against
that opponent. However, the Choldani may make up to one attack of

opportunity of this nature against each and every melee opponent

that successfully strikes him in that round. The Choldani cannot
make more than one attack of opportunity versus the same opponent
in the same round regardless of means. These free attacks of
opportunity do not count against the Choldanis normal limit on
attacks of opportunity in a round.

Cleric [Crusader]

popular resentment or suspicion. However, no one questions the

ability or resolve of Crusaders in times of war.

Crusaders are devout priests of war, combat or conflict who stand at

the forefront of the fight for their faith. Crusaders are the leaders of
their faiths forces into battle, the first into the woods upon hearing
of a monster terrorising the peasants, and the beings most likely to
be standing on a hill in enemy territory orating to the masses about
the benefits of changing to the One True Faith.

In an adventuring party, the Crusader is a natural leader whose place

is in the front lines of any battle. When possible, the Crusader will
take steps to prepare his comrades for battle through the use of
bless, prayer, aid and similar spells. They will then quickly join the
fight alongside the more traditional warriors.

While Crusaders are nearly always associated with deities who have
the War domain, they may also represent deities of leadership or
strong alignment that are in conflict with opposing forces.
Crusaders often organise themselves into a military hierarchy and
view their temples as fortifications as well as places of worship. In
some cases the power of the Crusader orders can rival the strength
of the kingdom that hosts them, although this can often provoke

Clerics and paladins of combat-oriented deities often become

Crusaders to prove their commitment to the faith and to help spread
the word of their deity to uncivilised lands. Fighters may see the
light and become Crusaders after some clerical training. Rangers
may become Crusaders to help prevent the encroachment of
civilisation into natural areas. Other classes rarely have the
commitment to a deity necessary to become a Crusader.












Extra Domain, (Spontaneous Casting), (Turn/Rebuke


+1 level of cleric level





Divine Aura, 1/day

+1 level of cleric level





Voice of Power, 1/day

+1 level of cleric level





Divine Aura, 2/day

+1 level of cleric level





Voice of Power, 2/day

+1 level of cleric level





Divine Aura, 3/day

+1 level of cleric level





Voice of Power, 3/day (and hence Voice of Fear)

+1 level of cleric level





Divine Aura, 4/day

+1 level of cleric level





Voice of Power, 4/day

+1 level of cleric level






Divine Aura, 5/day (and hence Divine Aura of Fear)

+1 level of cleric level

To qualify to become a Crusader one must show that they have not
only an established divine connection, Clerical not Druidic, but also
that they are able to fight for their cause and be able to persuade
others to do so. Furthermore, the prospective Crusader must be set
in their convictions, and hence have a firm degree of law or chaos in
their alignment. This requires a Crusader to meet the following
Alignment: Any except neutral good, true neutral or neutral evil
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Feats: Weapon Focus in a favoured weapon of the Crusaders deity
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 2nd level Divine spells
Skills: 4 ranks of Diplomacy, 4 ranks of Knowledge-Religion

Hit Die: d10

Abilities: As with a cleric, Wisdom is the most important ability. To
cast a spell, the Crusader must have a Wisdom score of 10 + the
spells level. A Crusader gets bonus spells based on Wisdom. The
Difficulty Class of a saving throw against a Crusaders spell is 10 +
the spells level + the clerics Wisdom modifier. A high Charisma
improves the Crusaders ability to Turn Undead. As a Crusader is
expected to be on the forefront of battles against enemies of their
faith, Strength and Constitution are much more important for the
Crusader than a cleric, although physically weak clerics may
become Crusaders if their faith is sufficiently strong. Many people
often consider a good Intelligence score to be a hindrance to the
average Crusader; as with a soldier the Crusader is expected to
follow the orders of their faith without question (or even thinking
about questioning).
Furthermore, a high-ranking leader of their faith must initiate the
potential Crusader after confirming their resolve. This may involve

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
as little as an oral test and some sparring, or as much as a full Quest
to be undertaken, depending upon the faith. A typical Quest would
be the removal of a dangerous monster preying upon members of
the faith, or perhaps the destruction of a rival church, depending
upon the power of the applicant and how keen the leader is to gain
another Crusader in the ranks of the church.

broad a range of spells as a cleric would. As such, they are unable

to gain spells unless they are in the Crusaders domain, or of one of
the following schools of magic:

Class Skills

That is, unless a spell is in a Domain accessible to the Crusader,

they are unable to cast spells from the schools of Conjuration
(Calling and Summoning), Divination (level 5+), Enchantment
(Charm), Illusion and Transmutation (level 5+).

The Crusaders class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),
Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge-Religion (Int), Ride (Dex), Scry
(Int) and Spellcraft (Int). See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players
Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Crusader prestige class.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Although characters may be
proficient with many weapons, upon becoming a Crusader they
choose to use only weapons commonly favoured by their Deity.
Furthermore, before even becoming a Crusader they must have
become proficient in (via the Martial Weapon Proficiency feat if
necessary) and chosen the Weapon Focus feat for one favoured
weapon. Note that clerics with War as one of their domains receive
these feats for free, as outlined on pages 31 and 165 of the PHB.
Although some deities have two or three favoured weapons, many
have only one. For example, a Crusader of Hextor would use a flail
and St Cuthbert the mace. A Crusader may later (not at 1 st level)
choose the Weapon Specialisation Feat in one (and only one)
favoured weapon that they have chosen Weapon Focus for, just as a
Fighter would.
A Crusader may still throw grenade-like weapons such as Holy
Water and Alchemists Fire, but will not use any non-favoured
traditional melee or missile weapon unless many lives depend upon
it. Even then the Crusader will suffer, not being able to regain
divine spells until they have had Atonement cast upon them by
another member of their faith. In this case the 500 XP penalty will
apply to the Crusader, not the caster of the Atonement, although it
may not apply at all if their deity is sufficiently convinced of the
Crusaders are proficient with all types of armour (light, medium and
heavy) and with shields. Note that armour check penalties for
armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb,
Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket and Tumble.
Also, Swim checks suffer a 1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armour
and equipment carried.
Spells: Crusaders gain divine spellcasting ability just as a cleric
would, receiving an extra level of spellcasting ability for each level.
Crusaders also gain a new domain at 1 st level. This is usually either
Law or Chaos, depending upon the alignment of the character. If
the character already has this domain, choose one of the other
domains listed for their Deity, with preference given first to War and
then to Protection. It is very unlikely that a church would have
Crusaders unless their deitys favoured domains included at least
one of Law/Chaos and War.
As an example of how many spells a character has, consider Horan
who is an 14th level cleric of Heironeous and 1 st level Crusader. He
would have exactly the same number of spells as a 15 th level cleric.
Renata the 10th level Ranger and 1st level Wizard would gain three 0
level spells and two 1st level spells upon becoming a 1 st level
Crusader, for a total of three 0 level spells, three 1 st level spells (of
which one is her domain spell) and one 2 nd level spell.
Due to their increased training in the Art of War and following of
the ways of their Deity, Crusaders are unable to concentrate on as

Abjuration, Conjuration (Creation and Healing), Divination (minor

access, levels1-4), Enchantment (Compulsion), Evocation,
Necromancy and Transmutation (minor access, levels 1-4).

Note that this restriction applies to all divine spells the Crusader has
access to, including those from other classes the spells are all gifts
of the Crusaders deity, who will make sure of this restriction. This
does not apply to any arcane spells the character might possess from
another class, as these are not gained from the Crusaders deity. So
Renata above would still be able to cast Silent Image, but Horan
would no longer be able to Animate Objects. Crusaders retain (or
gain) the Spontaneous Casting ability to convert prepared spell
energy into either cure or inflict spells, subject to the caster level
reduction mentioned above. This only applies to divine spells, but
does include divine spells gained from other classes, such as Paladin
and Ranger.
Crusaders retain (or gain) the supernatural ability to Turn or Rebuke
Undead and continue to improve, receiving an extra level of skill for
each Crusader level. Horan Turns Undead as if he was a 15 th level
cleric, Renata as a 1st level cleric. Crusaders may also choose the
Extra Turning feat one or more times as a cleric would.
Divine Aura: At 2nd level and higher Crusaders may activate an
aura that reflects the divine power of their deity. Upon doing so the
Crusader radiates a soft light that fills nearby comrades with
confidence. For a period of one minute per Crusader level all allies
within 20 of the Crusader gain a +2 morale bonus on saving
throws. This bonus is lost if the ally moves further away from the
Crusader than 20, but is regained as soon as they move closer if the
aura is still active.
The light radiated is the favoured colour of their deity. If not
specified this is black for evil Crusaders, otherwise white. If lawful
the Crusaders Aura will be of a constant strength, if chaotic it will
pulse. Regardless of the colour or strength, the Aura lights up the
surrounding area as if it was a torch (20 radius). Magical darkness
will stop this (although the morale effects of the aura will still
operate). Divine Aura is a supernatural ability.
Voice of Power: At 3rd level and higher Crusaders may use the
Voice of Power. Divine energy fills the Crusaders lungs (or other
breathing organs) and allows them to speak to every creature within
200 who isnt magically deafened. The Voice of Power penetrates
Silence spells and up to 10 of solid rock or 3 of lead and similar
metals, although not Antimagic Field, Prismatic Sphere or Cubes of
Force. The Crusader may use the Voice even if underwater, gagged,
Held or similarly restricted. The Voice of Power is normally used to
orate to large numbers of beings at once, or give directions during a
pitched battle, in which case it lasts for up to ten minutes per
Crusader level (during this time the Crusader can speak normally, or
with the Voice, as they desire).
In dire situations the Voice can be used to call upon the full power
of the Crusaders deity, in which case it is often called the Voice of
Fear. All enemies of the Crusader who hear the Voice of Fear
(which has the same area of effect as the Voice of Power) must
make a Will saving throw (versus a DC of 11 + Crusader Wisdom
Bonus). Beings who fail become affected as if by a Cause Fear
spell for 1 round per Crusader level. This aspect of the Voice takes
a lot out of the Crusader, however. It consumes 3 uses of the
Voice of Power (and so cannot be used until the Crusader reaches 7 th
level, and even then only if they have not used the Voice that day).
It also reduces the Constitution of the Crusader by 4 points for a
period of one hour (and hence their hit points as well, generally by

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
2 for each overall character level). If this would reduce the
Crusaders current Constitution to 0 or below the Crusader falls
unconscious for an hour. Any further loss of Constitution,
temporary or not, kills them. Similarly if the Constitution loss
causes the hit points of the Crusader to fall to 0 or below they will
become staggered, fall unconscious or die. Voice of Power and
Voice of Fear are both supernatural abilities.
Once a Crusader has reached 10th level they can call upon the
Divine Aura of Fear. This consumes 5 uses of the Divine Aura
power, and 3 uses of the Voice of Power and hence cannot be used
unless the Crusader has that many uses left for the day. Upon
activating the Divine Aura of Fear the Crusader is surrounded by an

aura that appear to be a Divine Aura, only twice as bright (light

radius 40). This aura gives allies a +2 morale saving throw effect
just as a Divine Aura but to 40 radius, and also gives enemies in
this region a 2 morale penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls
and saving throws, similar to a Cause Fear spell. However unlike
this spell, enemies get no saving throws against this effect, although
spell resistance is still checked. Furthermore, any being hit by the
Crusaders favoured weapon must succeed at a Will saving throw
(versus a DC of 14 + Crusader Wisdom Bonus) or else immediately
become panicked as per the Fear spell (see PHB page 203 or DMG
page 85). Unlike the Voice of Fear, Divine Aura of Fear does not
weaken the Crusader. Divine Aura of Fear is a supernatural ability.

Cleric [Green Hand of Osiris]

In the desert domain of Har' Akir a secret order of Osiris
worshippers maintains a vigil over the resting places of the dead.

The Hands of Osiris, also known as the Green Hands (named for the
belief that Osiris has green skin), is sworn to protect these hallowed
sites from thieves, and to prevent the dead from rising into unlife. If
a tomb is looted despite their efforts, or if undead rise to menace the
land, the Green Hands will not rest until all is set aright.












Prestige domain

+1 cleric level





+1 turn undead

+1 cleric level


































+1 cleric level
+2 turn undead

+1 cleric level
+1 cleric level

+3 turn undead

+1 cleric level
+1 cleric level

+4 turn undead

+1 cleric level
+1 cleric level

+5 turn undead

+1 cleric level


Class Skills

To qualify to become a Green Hand, a character must fulfil all of the

following criteria.

The Green Hand's class skills (and the key ability for each) are
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Gather
Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Innuendo (Wis), Knowledge
(arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (monster lore)
(Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int,
exclusive skill), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis). See
Chapter Four in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Class: Cleric of Osiris. One of the character's domains must be

Alignment: Neutral good.
Skills: Knowledge (ancient dead lore): 6 ranks, Knowledge
(religion): 6 ranks, Language: Ancient Akiri.
Feat: Weapon Focus (light flail).
Special: You must never have participated in the looting of a grave
or the robbing of the dead.
Special: You must own a light flail, into the haft of which a
personalized vow to protect the resting places of the dead and to
fight undead menaces must be carved in Ancient Akiri.
Hit Die: d8

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Green Hand prestige
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Green Hands are proficient
with all simple weapons and with the light flail. They are proficient
with light and medium armour and with shields.
Prestige Domain: Green Hands gain access to the Necromancy
prestige domain (described below). While this does not allow the

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
character to cast more than one domain spell of each level per day,
the character always has access to the domain's granted power.
Note that the Necromancy domain includes the spells animate dead,
create undead, and create greater undead. The Green Hand's ability
to cast these spells represents an exception to the rule against goodaligned characters casting spells with the Evil descriptor. Green
Hands are granted a special dispensation to create undead creatures
in times of dire need, provided the undead are immediately
dispelled or destroyed when the need is past or if they should escape
the priest's control.
Turn Undead: Just as with spells, a character's Green Hand level
stacks with his cleric level when determining his level with regard
to turning undead. In addition, the character gains a bonus equal to
half his Green Hand level (round down) to his attempts to turn
A Green Hand can dispel undead under his control by making a
successful turning attempt. However, the undead are allowed a Will
saving throw to resist this attempt. If the undead successfully save,
they escape the character's control and are not destroyed (although
they are still forced to flee). The DC to resist being dispelled is 10 +
the Green Hand's turning bonus + the Green Hand's Cha modifier.
Traps: The Green Hand is able to use his Search skill to locate
mechanical and magical traps with a DC of 20 or higher, just as a
rogue does.
Spells: A character's Green Hand level stacks with his cleric level
for purposes of determining the number and level of spells he can

cast, and for all level-dependant variables such as range or duration.

For instance, if a character is a 5th-level cleric and a 3rd-level
Green Hand, he casts spells as an 8th-level cleric.

Necromancy Prestige Domain

Granted Power: You cast Necromantic spells at +1 caster level.
1st Level

2nd Level

3rd Level

Chill Touch. 1 touch

per level deals 1d6
damage and 1 Str
possibly 1 Con

glowing hand to


4th Level

5th Level

6th Level

Immobilizes undead
for 1 round/level.

within cone flee for
1 round/level.

Ghouls, shadows,
ghasts, wights, or

7th Level

8th Level

9th Level

Undead don't attack
you while under
your command.

Undead. Mummies,
spectres, vampires,
or ghosts.

Soul Bind. Traps

newly dead soul to


Cleric [Order Of The Guardians]

The Order of the Guardians is an ecumenical order of clerics
devoted to powerful evil or cursed magical items. They actively
seek out such items, destroying them as soon as they are found. If
an item resists destruction, it is sequestered away from the mass of
humanity in a hidden monastery, where it can bring harm to no one.

Each monastery of the Order of the Guardians devotes itself to a

single specific item, often taking a name indicative of the item, its
powers, or its curse. The monks study the item for months or years,
or even their entire lives. They research its history and its nature,
seeking some clue as to how it may be destroyed. Above all they
guard it zealously, and will die to the last man to prevent its
returning into the world.












Prestige domain, Magic Item Lore

+1 level of cleric class





Mental Fortitude +1

+1 level of cleric class


































+1 level of cleric class

Mental Fortitude +2

+1 level of cleric class

+1 level of cleric class

Mental Fortitude +3

+1 level of cleric class

+1 level of cleric class

Mental Fortitude +4

+1 level of cleric class

+1 level of cleric class

Mental Fortitude +5

+1 level of cleric class


Class: Cleric level 5th+

To qualify to join the Order of the Guardians, a character must fulfil

all of the following criteria.

Skills: 6 ranks Knowledge (arcana): 8 ranks. Spellcraft: 8 ranks.

Alignment: Any good.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Special: You must have your calling confirmed by a high-ranking
priest of the Order. (This usually involves some great service to the
Order, such as participating in the defence of a monastery or
recovering an evil artefact at the Orders behest.)
Hit Die: d8

Spells: A characters Guardian level stacks with his cleric level for
purposes of determining the number and level of spells he can cast,
and for all level-dependant variables such as range or duration. For
instance, if a character is a 5 th-level cleric and a 3rd-level Guardian,
he casts spells as an 8th-level cleric.
Prestige Domain: Guardians gain access to the Guardian prestige
domain. While this does not allow the character to cast more than
one domain spell of each level per day, the character always has
access to the domains granted power.

Class Skills
The Guardians class skills (and the key ability for each) are
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int, exclusive
skill), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana)
(Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int,
exclusive skill), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). See
Chapter Four in the Players Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Guardian prestige class.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Guardians are proficient with
all simple weapons, with all types of armour, and with shields.
Turn Undead: Just as with spells, a characters Guardian level
stacks with his cleric level when determining his level with regard
to turning undead.
Magic Item Lore: Guardians spend a great deal of time in study,
usually researching magical items and evil artefacts. Because of this
they gain a bonus equal to their level on any check they make to
determine the identity, nature, properties, or history of any magical
or cursed item.
Mental Fortitude: Beginning at second level the Guardian gains a
+1 bonus to any Will saving throw he is called upon to make,
including fear, horror, and madness checks. This bonus increases to
+2 at fourth level, +3 at sixth level, and so on.

Granted Power: You cast Abjuration spells at +1 caster level.

Guardian domain
1st Level

2nd Level

3rd level

+2 AC and saves,
control, and hedge
out elementals and

Obscure Object.
Masks object from

Remove Curse.
person from curse.

4th Level

5th Level

6th Level

Hides subject from
divination, scrying.

Frees subject from
alteration, curses,
or petrification.

creatures of another

7th Level

8th Level

9th Level

Guards and Wards.

Array of magic

Antimagic Field.
within 10 ft.


Cleric [Hierophant of Lathander]

A divine spellcaster who rises high in the service of his deity gains
access to spells and abilities of which lesser faithful can only dream.

The hierophant prestige class is open to powerful divine spellcasters

who are approaching access to the strongest and most difficult
divine spells. They delay the acquisition of these greatest gifts in
exchange for a deeper understanding of and ability to control the
power they channel.












Special ability






Special ability






Special ability






Special ability






Special ability


Skills: Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks. -

To qualify to become a hierophant (Hie) of a particular deity, a

character must fulfil all the following criteria.

Hit Dice: d8.

Spellcasting: Able to cast 7th-level divine spells.

Feat: Any metamagic feat.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis),
Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession
(Wis), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), and Spellcraft (Int).

and while the transfer is in effect, the number of turning attempts

per day allowed to the hierophant is reduced by the number
transferred. The recipient turns undead as a cleric of the
hierophants cleric level but uses her own Charisma bonus.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Mastery of Energy: The hierophant channels positive or negative

energy much more effectively, increasing his ability to affect
undead. Add a +4 bonus to the hierophants turning checks and
turning damage.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Metamagic Feat: The hierophant can choose a metamagic feat.

Class Features
All the following are Class Features of the hierophant prestige class.
Weapons and Armour: Hierophants gain no proficiency in any
weapon or armour.
Spells and Caster Level: Levels in the hierophant prestige class,
even though they do not advance spell progression in the characters
base class, still stack with the characters base spellcasting levels to
determine caster level.
Special Ability: Every level, a hierophant gains a special ability of
his choice from among the following: Blast Infidel: The hierophant
can use negative energy spells to their maximum effect on creatures
with a different patron from the hierophant. Any spell with a
description that involves inflicting or channelling negative energy
(inflict spells, circle of doom, harm) cast on such creatures works as
if under the effect of a Maximise Spell feat (without using a higherlevel spell slot). Undead affected by this ability heals the
appropriate amount of damage, regardless of their patron (if any).
Divine Reach: The hierophant can use touch spells on targets up to
30 feet away. If the spell requires a melee touch attack, the
hierophant must make a ranged touch attack instead. If selected a
second time as a special ability, the range increases to 60 feet.
Faith Healing: The hierophant can use healing spells to their
maximum effect on creatures with the same patron as the hierophant
(including the hierophant himself). Any spell with the healing
descriptor cast on such creatures works as if under the effects of a
Maximise Spell feat (without using a higher-level spell slot). Any
creature that falsely claims to be a follower of the hierophant's
patron in hopes of gaining extra benefit instead receives none of the
effects of the spell and must make a Will save (against the spell's
DC) or be stunned for 1 round.
Gift of the Divine: The hierophant may transfer one or more uses
of his turning ability to a willing creature: (Hierophants who rebuke
undead transfer uses of rebuke undead instead.) The transfer lasts
anywhere from 24 hours to a tenday (chosen at the time of transfer),

Power of Nature: Available only to hierophants with druid levels,

this ability allows the hierophant to temporarily transfer one or more
of his special druidic powers to a willing creature. The transfer lasts
anywhere from 24 hours to a tenday (chosen at the time of transfer),
and while the transfer is in effect, the hierophant cannot use the
transferred power. He can transfer any of his druidic special abilities
except spellcasting and animal companions. The wild shape ability
can be partially or completely transferred. For example, he may
transfer the ability to wild shape once per day to the recipient and
retain the rest of his uses for himself. If the hierophant can assume
the form of Tiny, Huge, or dire animals, the recipient can as well.
As with the imbue with spell ability spell, the hierophant remains
responsible to his deity for any purpose the recipient uses the
transferred abilities.
Spell Power +2: This ability increases by +2 the DC for saving
throws against the hierophants divine spells and for caster level
checks for his divine spells to overcome spell resistance. This:
ability can be selected multiple times, and stacks with itself and
other spell power effects that affect divine spells:
Spell-Like Ability: The hierophant can use one of his divine spell
slots to permanently prepare one of his divine spells as a spell-like
ability that can be used two times per day. The hierophant does not
use any components when casting the spell, although a spell that
costs experience points to cast still does so, and a spell with a costly
material component instead costs him 10 times that amount in
experience points. The spell normally uses a spell slot of the spells
level (or higher if the hierophant chooses to permanently attach a
metamagic feat to the spell chosen): The hierophant can use an
available higher-level spell slot to use the spell-like ability more
than once per day. Allocating a slot three levels higher allows him to
cast the spell four times per day, and a slot six levels higher lets him
cast it six times per day.
For example, Lonafin the hierophant is a follower of Velsharoon and
wants to be able to create undead whenever he has the opportunity,
so he permanently uses a 9th-level spell slot to get animate dead as
a spell-like ability usable six times per day. If selected more than
one time as a special ability, this ability can apply to the same spell
or to a different spell

Cleric [Moondancer]
Moondancers worship a four-part Goddess (Tara), commonly seen
and worshipped as Astara - Brigitta - Dana - Morgan [waxing - full -

waning -new; beauty - healing - wisdom - war/chaos]. While

Moondancers recognise the necessity of some war and suffering to
complete the cycle of life, they will use the wisdom they gather to
prevent any such that they feel is unnecessary.







Cleric Spells






Wisdom Bonus to AC; Slow Fall (20); Moon Domain

+1 level







+1 level






Moons Fist

+1 level

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Slippery Mind; Slow Fall (30)

+1 level






Darkvision (60)

+1 level






Immune to Lycanthropy; Peace of Mind

+1 level






Renewed Youth; Slow fall (50)

+1 level






Nondetection; Water of Life

+1 level






Life Protection; Improved Evasion

+1 level






The Moons Aid

+1 level


See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill


Alignment: Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral

Skill Points at Each Level: 6+ Int modifier.

Race: Any

Class Features

Base Attack Bonus: +6

Skills: Concentration: 5 ranks, Heal: 5 ranks, Move Silently: 5
ranks, Spot: 10 rank, Tumble: 10 ranks
Feats: Combat Casting, Spring Attack.
Hit Dice: d8

Moondancers must have placed their first attribute point (fourth
level) into wisdom. As most people do not plan to seek this course
but are shown the light later in life, this is a sign that the person
truly seeks wisdom.
Moondancers cannot be straight Clerics, but must have Cleric as a
component. The characters other class(es) must have advanced at
least four levels in total. This is to guarantee knowledge of the
world outside of the normal divine sphere. Moondancers cannot be
Druids (although they do get along well with Druids) because of
their concentration on people rather than a natural balance.

Class Skills

Weapons and Armour: Moondancers can use any weapon type

they have already acquired and used regularly. The weapon(s) that
they currently own must be taken into a temple or a consecrated
worship space and offered to Tara. This process takes ten days. Tara
will reject any weapon type(s) that the user has not had for at least
one full level and flagrant abuse of this consecration (such as going
out and buying one of everything your class can use to consecrate)
will result in refusal of the candidate. After consecration, any
normal weapon of that/those type(s) can be used, but any magic
weapon must be individually offered with prayer, or use in battle, as
an attack will cause the weapon to be destroyed. This process takes
five days and can be performed in a space the cleric can consecrate
Moondancers can wear armour no heavier than light and cannot
carry a shield - heavier armour hides beauty and decreases grace.
For this reason, Moondancers are gifted by the Four-in-One goddess
with their wisdom bonus to AC (this stacks with dexterity bonus, as
both grace and wisdom are important).
Slow Fall: As the Monk ability; 20 at 1st level, 30 at 4th level, and
50 at 7th level.
Moon Domain: The Moondancer gains access to the Moon
Domain. This is in addition to the two domains she already

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Appraise (Int); Balance (Dex); Climb (Str); Concentration (Con);
Gather Information (Cha); Hide (Dex); Heal (Wis); Innuendo (Wis);
Intuit Direction (Wis); Jump (Str); Listen (Wis); Move Silently
(Dex); Perform (Cha); Search (Wis); Sense Motive (Wis); Spellcraft
(Int); Spot (Wis); Tumble (Dex); Use Rope (Dex).

Feather foot: If the priest makes a successful move silently roll,

they can move over certain surfaces tracklessly and soundlessly and
do not exert weight on the surface, as per the following Table



Distance #







Mud, snow, sand, or similar surfaces


Very Soft


1.5x Normal

Quicksand, fine dust, or other surfaces where land-based creatures would

sink slowly.




2x Normal

Water or other surfaces where land-based creatures would sink.

#The priest must make contact after moving this far

Slippery Mind: As the Rogue ability (see PHB)

The Moons Fist: Beginning at 3rd level; once per day, this attack
does 1d10 points of damage per every two levels of Moondancer
(2d10 at 5th, etc). Moons Fist cannot be used in conjunction with
sneak attack. This is Taras version of Smite.

Darkvision: As the racial ability; 60ft.

Immune to Lycanthropy: Because of their connection to the moon,
Moondancers become immune to all Lycanthropic effects.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Peace of Mind: A Moondancer gets a +4 to their saves versus mindaffecting spells.
Renewed Youth: This spell restores a middle-aged or older
recipient to their prime. This spell will eliminate any magical
ageing, as well as normal ageing. This only takes away penalties for
ageing. This spell can only be cast once per month on the night of
the full moon. DC 30.
Nondetection: DC 30 against all detection or divination spells
(except know alignment, true seeing, contact other plane, or
commune). It is also effective against divination devices, such as a
crystal ball, but will not work against legendary monsters, wyrm or
great wyrm dragons, and deities.
Water of Life: This spell fills three potion bottles with Water of
Life. An entire flask will kill any mould or musk creeper spores
(including monstrous sorts) and rot grubs; purifies water and acts as
a neutralise poison spell. If the flask is imbibed, it cures disease,
mummy rot, and lycanthropy; removes curse; and closes all wounds
including those caused by a weapon of wounding, preventing
further damage by bleeding. This does not require the Brew Potion
Life Protection: As the amulet of life protection.
Improved Evasion: As the Rogue special ability.
The Moons Aid: This spell can be cast at times of need and the
effect is determined by the phase of the moon. It takes 1 round to
cast and the effect can be chosen if the caster is willing to sacrifice a
level of experience. The caster must also reconcile with Tara as soon
as possible, if they choose to go against the moons cycle.
* Astaras Beauty: Observers gazing upon the caster during the
spells duration (16 rounds) are blinded permanently (can be cured
only by heal, limited wish, or wish.) If the caster is already nude or
disrobes during the casting, she or he can choose between the

following two results: unconsciousness (4d6 rounds) or instant

death. Save vs. Will (DC 30) to prevent effect. This functions in any
lighting condition in which the observer can see the caster.
* Brigittas Breath: This spell creates a glowing red, inverted cone
of mist that acts as the priest spells: cure disease, remove curse,
heal, regenerate, restoration, and resurrection on any single being
within it. The maximum radius of the base of the cone is 10
feet/level of the caster - it must be a minimum of 5 feet. The range
is five yards per level. No dead being can be assisted if any living
being is in contact with the mists. If only corpses are present and the
caster does not choose a specific recipient, all the dead are allowed
the Will save they had in life, if they make their save (DC 30) they
are reincarnated into a random form as the fourth level druid spell
(see PHB).
* Danas Touch: This spell creates a ripple in time so that a
physical effect can occur without a physical cause. The priest enters
the timeslip created for up to 1 round per level of the caster (to a
maximum of 2d4 rounds). During the time interval, the priest can
attempt any action he can normally take, and other creatures can
react accordingly. When completed, all effects appear to have
happened instantaneously and all other involved characters have no
memory how these effects could have taken place. Any spells cast,
charges employed, or their magical effects used in the timeslip are
not used up when the caster returns.
* Morgans Ward: This spell creates a clearly defined area of
shimmering silver-gray air. Within this area, all damage done to foes
by the attacks of creatures of the same base alignment (good or
neutral) is gained as extra (or replace lost) hit points for the
attacking being. Moreover, all weapons wielded against those
characters strike at a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls. The area
of effect can be anywhere between a five foot to sixty foot square
Spell Casting: A Moondancer adds a +1 to their Cleric level, for
spell casting purposes only, for each level of Moondancer.

The Coilmaster is a tricky fighter who has learned to use a whip
with deadly effect. Coilmasters are generally those who rely on
speed rather than strength, and surprise rather than toughness.
Coilmasters use feints and distractions to their maximum effect.
Coilmasters are also trained to find the tiny gaps in armour that

allow the sting of a whip to slip through. They like to trip or disarm
their opponents or frighten them with the crack of the whip in order
to gain the upper hand. Fighters, rangers, bards and rogues become
coilmasters in order to benefit from the many combat advantages it
presents. Wizards and sorcerers may choose to become coilmasters
in order to perfect a combat skill and to be able to offer support in a
fight with trip/disarm attacks. Even a monk might choose to learn
the art of the whip.











Ensnaring coil (+1), Thundersnap, Serpent bite, whip damage 1d4





Flaying strike, Boa snare





Ensnaring coil (+2)





Two snaps





Ensnaring coil (+3)





Whip damage 1d6





Ensnaring coil (+4), Boa squeeze





Cobra strike





Ensnaring coil (+5)

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Serpent dance , whip damage 1d8


This applies to every attack individually, not all attacks in one


Base Attack Bonus: +4

Boa snare: A Coilmaster may use a Boa snare in place of a regular

attack. They must succeed at a ranged touch attack against the target
and the target must be within 10 feet, using the whip with a 2
penalty to the attack. Success indicates that the target is entangled
exactly as per a net; This imposes a 2 penalty to attack rolls and 4
to effective dexterity for the target. Spellcasting requires a
concentration check DC 15. The DC to break the whip is 20, +1 if
masterwork or +2 per point of magic enhancement bonus. The
escape artist DC is 25. The Coilmaster must remain within 10 feet
of the target and hold the whip with at least one hand if they wish to
restrict the targets movement as with the control line of a net. The
Coilmaster cannot use the whip for other purposes while entangling
another but is otherwise unhampered. They may release the target as
a move-equivalent action. If the Coilmaster attacks with their free
hand, they receive a 4 circumstance penalty to those attacks.

Hit Dice: D8
Feats: Weapon focus: whip
Special: 2 ranks in use rope 2 ranks in intimidate

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Craft (weaponsmith) (Int), Escape artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha),
Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use rope (Dex)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Two snaps: The at level 4, the Coilmaster may, after tripping an

opponent with the whip, get a free attack against them with the
same whip as per the feat improved trip, even if the whip is not a
melee weapon. See the Players Handbook for details on improved

Skill Points at each additional Level: 2+ Int modifier

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: Coilmasters are proficient with all light
armour and all simple weapons as well as the whip. Unless listed
otherwise, all abilities below are extraordinary.
Whip damage: Coilmasters roll the listed die for whip damage
instead of 1d2. The damage is still subdual damage.
Ensnaring coil: The Coilmaster adds the listed bonus to all trip and
disarm attempts while using the whip.
Serpent bite: In order to negate damage from the whip via armour
bonus (see whip, page 104 in the players handbook), the target
must have a worn armour bonus of 1+Coilmaster level or a natural
armour bonus of 3+ Coilmaster level.. This does not include the
bonus from shields or magic enhancements to armour.
Thundersnap: Coilmasters may make a Thundersnap in place of a
feint (see the bluff skill page 64 PH); roll with the intimidate
(rather than bluff) skill. This is a move-equivalent action that
provokes an attack of opportunity. They may only do this while
holding a whip.
Flaying strike: Coilmasters may choose to do up to their class level
in normal damage rather than subdual damage with the whip. For
example, if a level 3 Coilmaster gets a total of 4 for their whip
damage, they may deal as much as 3 points of normal damage and 1
point of subdual damage with that attack. (4 3 = 1)

Boa squeeze: At level 7, a Coilmaster may squeeze a target that is

entangled by their boa snare ability. The target takes 1d4 normal
damage plus the Coilmasters strength bonus for the hand he is
using to hold the whip. Magic modifiers but not effects (such as
flaming, frost, etc) apply to this damage. The target is still
entangled. The Coilmaster can do this once per round, but if they
make attacks with their other hand, they suffer a 2 hindrance
penalty to those attacks (stacks with the penalty for Boa snare).
They cannot do this on the same round that they first entangle the
Cobra strike: At eighth level, the Coilmaster using a whip
threatens all tiles within its reach and can make attacks of
opportunity with it.
Serpent dance: The whip is normally considered a ranged weapon,
but at the tenth class level, a Coilmasters whip counts as though it
were a melee weapon for the purposes of attacks of opportunity.
Normally, people next to the Coilmaster would get attacks of
opportunity when the Coilmaster attacks with the whip because it is
considered a ranged weapon, but after this feat it is considered
melee, and so it does not provoke such attacks of opportunity. The
whip is not considered a melee weapon for other purposes, only for
determining attacks of opportunity against the wielder. Basically,
this means that the Coilmaster provokes no attacks of opportunity
when he attacks with the whip.

Combat Savant
A normal fighter uses his strength, his fortitude and his armour to
overcome his foes. While there is nothing wrong with this approach
to combat, for some reason the Combat Savant either cant or wont
fight like that. A Combat Savant uses his brains, his reflexes and his
light or lack of armour to hit his opponents faster than they can react







to and in spots the are vital to the opponents fighting styles. He is

the master of reacting to his opponents moves before the opponent
knows they are going to move. His ability to size up enemies and
deliver the fatal blow is renown, as his combat prowess and ability
to tactically take apart large groups of fighters. Combat Savants are
mostly fighters and rouges of the smaller faster races (Halflings and
Elves) and militant Monks and Wizards. Whatever the race or class,
quick thinking and quick acting is the important concept here.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes


Dodge, Chink in the Armour


Canny Defence, +2d6 Sneak Attack (SA)




Canny Attack I


Spring Attack


Canny Attack II, +4d6 SA


Threatening Reach


Canny Dodge


Uncanny Dodge



Cheat Death, +6d6 SA

Base Attack: +4
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Expert Tactician
Skills: Balance, 8, Climb, 8, Jump, 8, Tumble, 8.
Hit Die: d8
Special: Must be able to Sneak Attack, and have attributes of Int.
13+ and Dex. 15+

Mobility: The character gets a +4 dodge bonus to Armour Class

against attacks of opportunity caused when the character moves out
of or within a threatened area. Note: A condition that makes the
character lose the Dexterity bonus to Armour Class (if any) also
makes the character lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack
with each other, unlike most types of bonuses.
Canny Attack I: If armed with a Martial Weapon and in Light or
No Armour, the Combat Savant may add their Intelligence Bonus to
Strength based attacks. (Note: Cannot Combine with the feat
Weapon Finesse since this applies only to Strength based attacks)

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Spring Attack: When using the attack action with a melee weapon,
the character can move both before and after the attack, provided
that the character's total distance moved is not greater than the
character's speed. Moving in this way does not provoke an attack of
opportunity from the defender the character attacks. The character
cant use this feat if the character is in heavy armour.

Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentrate, Craft, Escape Artist, Hide,

Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Any except Arcane, Religion, or
Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive,
Spot, Swim, Tumble, and Use Rope

Canny Attack II: If armed with a Martial Weapon and in Light or

No Armour, the Combat Savant may add their Intelligence Bonus to
Dexterity based attacks. (Note: Can be combined with Weapon
Finesse) (Included in the cost of Canny attack I)

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Threatening Reach: The Combat Savant increases their threat

range by 5 feet. If an opponent provokes an attack of opportunity
within this expanded range, you may take an immediate attack of
opportunity against him. This ability can only be used if in Light or
No Armour and if wielding a Martial Weapon.

Class Skills:

Skills: 6 + Int. per level

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: All Martial Weapons and
Light Armour
Chink in the Armour: If you take a standard action to study an
opponent, you can ignore half of his or her armour bonus (rounded
down) during your next single attack. Only bonuses from actual
armour (including natural armour) are halved, not those from
shields, enhancement bonuses to armour, or magic items that
provide an armour bonus.
Dodge: During the character's action, the character designates an
opponent and receives a +1 dodge bonus to Armour Class against
attacks from that opponent. The character can select a new opponent
on any action. Note: A condition that makes the character lose his or
her Dexterity bonus to Armour Class (if any) also makes the
character lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each
other, unlike most other types of bonuses.
Canny Defence: If the Combat Savant is in Light or No Armour,
and is armed with a Martial Weapon, they may add their Intelligence
bonus to their AC as a dodge bonus, any situation that would make
them lose their Dexterity bonus makes this bonus unusable as well.

Canny Dodge: Add the Combat Savants Intelligence bonus to

Reflex saves.
Uncanny Dodge: The Combat Savant gains Uncanny Dodge as
listed on page 48 of the PHB, If this ability is already possessed,
add Combat Savant levels and levels of the class that gave this
ability together to determine what degree of Uncanny Dodge
Cheat Death: At 10th level, the Combat Savant gains the
extraordinary ability to avoid a fatal blow. The cheat death ability
functions exactly like the rogue's defensive roll (see the Rogue
section in Chapter 3 of the Player's Handbook), except that any
source of damage (including spells and traps) can be avoided, and
the Combat Savant need not be aware of the attack beforehand.
Once per day, he can make a Reflex save (DC = damage dealt) to
take half damage from an attack, spell, or effect that would
otherwise reduce him to 0 or fewer hit points. If the effect directed
at him allows a Reflex save for half damage, and he has the
improved evasion ability it comes into play as it normally would,
but improved evasion does not otherwise help him cheat death.
Sneak Attack: At 2nd, 6th and 10th Levels, the Combat Savant gains
+2d6 to its sneak attack. This Bonus Stacks with the sneak attack
bonus already possessed. Any time the Combat Savant's target

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target
actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the Combat Savant
flanks the target, the Combat Savant's attack deals extra damage.
Should the Combat Savant score a critical hit with a sneak attack,
this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can only count
as sneak attacks if the target is within 30 feet. The Combat Savant
can't strike with deadly accuracy from beyond that range. With a sap
(blackjack) or an unarmed strike, the Combat Savant can make a
sneak attack that deals subdual damage instead of normal damage.

The Combat Savant cannot use a weapon that deals normal damage
to deal subdual damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual 4
penalty. A Combat Savant can only sneak attack a living creature
with a discernible anatomy. Any creature that is immune to critical
hits is also not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The Combat Savant must
be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and
must be able to reach a vital spot. The Combat Savant cannot sneak
attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the
limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

Darksouls are individuals who have infused themselves with the
power of darkness in an alchemical ritual. A certain amount of
knowledge in the inner planes, alchemy, and spellcraft in general are
required to enact the ritual (which will only work on oneself) as
well as some affinity for darkness. The resulting character has
arcane abilities that draw on the power of the dark. The details of
the ritual is often taught by other darksouls or is recorded in ancient
tomes. The ritual does not make the character a new type of
creature, it only opens them to the power of darkness (and thus is a
class, not a template). Legends claim that part of the ritual is the
consumption of distilled darkness.

Darksouls can come from any spellcasting class that has access to
the Darkness spell. Bards often become darksouls, as do multiclassed rogue/wizards. The power of darkness meshes well with the
abilities of rogues, and the two often mix. Clerics of evil gods or
gods of night and darkness commonly become darksouls as well.
Fighters and rangers rarely become darksouls, and neither do
barbarians. Monks benefit from the class but often find it difficult to
meet the requirements.
Darksouls are often nocturnal, stalking the night while most people
sleep. Fear and anger follow a darksoul in places he reveals his
darkwalker form. In uncivilized lands, darksouls are often killed
when discovered. It is not uncommon to find darksouls associating
with shadows and other undead.

















Spells per day


Darkness 1/day, Darkvision 90'


Darkwalker 1/day



Darkness 2/day




Black Embrace





Darkness 3/day





Darkwalker 2/day





Deeper Darkness 1/day





Black Venom 1/day





Deeper Darkness 2/day






Darkwalker 3/day, Greater Darkwalker


Class Skills

Alignment: Any Non-Good

The darksoul's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int) Concentration (Con) Craft (Int) Hide (Dex)
Knowledge (Any) (Int) Profession (Wis) Scry (Int) Spellcraft (Int)
Spot (Wis)

Base Attack Bonus: +4

Skills: Alchemy 8 Ranks Knowledge (Inner Planes) 8 Ranks
Spellcraft 4 Ranks Spot 4 Ranks

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Feats: Combat Casting Spell Focus (Conjuration)

Class Features

Special: Must be able to cast Darkness as either an arcane or divine


Weapon and Armour Proficiency Darksouls gain no new

proficiency, but they retain any proficiencies acquired from other

Hit Die: d6

Spell Ability Darksouls can select their spells from the list below.
They cast all of these spells at their character level, not their class
level. Darksouls must meditate in darkness each night to gain their
spells, and they must select which spells they want to be prepared to

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
cast. Unlike sorcerers, they cannot choose which darksoul spells to
cast on the fly. Darksoul spells are considered arcane and are
affected by armour failure penalties. Bonus spells are based upon
Darksoul Spell List
1st Level

3rd Level

Bane, Cause Fear, Inflict Light

Wounds, Obscuring Mist,
Protection from Good

Deeper Darkness, Negative

Energy Protection,
Nondetection, Protection from
Elements, Vampiric Touch

2nd Level

4th Level

Blindness/Deafness, Darkness,
Delay Poison, Inflict Moderate
Wounds, Silence

Death Ward, Evard's Black

Tentacles, Fear, Poison, Shadow

Darkvision All darksouls gain Darkvision 90', allowing them to see

perfectly in complete darkness. If a darksoul already possesses
Darkvision, it increases to the 90' range. If he already has a greater
range, he retains that range. This is an extraordinary ability.
Darkness Each day, a darksoul may cast this spell as a caster of his
character level at will the specified number of times per day. At
level 7, the darksoul may cast Deeper Darkness a number of times
each day as well. This is a spell-like ability.
Darkwalker Darksouls have the ability to infuse themselves with
the power of darkness. When this power is invoked, pure darkness
surrounds the body entirely, looking like an obsidian black skin,
with only slate grey eyes as visible facial features. This darkness

covers clothing, armour, or anything else worn by the darksoul.

Wicked claws sprout from the fingers and the darksoul becomes
faster and more nimble. The darksoul gains +2 Dex, a +10
circumstance bonus to Hide, Move Silently, and Balance, +2
Natural Armour, claws inflicting 1d6 damage, and casts all darksoul
spells at one level higher. However, while in this form, the darksoul
cannot use any Charisma based skills other than Intimidate and
suffers a -4 penalty to all saves against Light or Sun based spells.
This form lasts for 5 rounds plus the character's Intelligence
modifier. After the darkwalker form ends, it takes 3 rounds of
recovery before the darksoul may cast any spells. All other abilities
are unaffected. It is a supernatural ability.
Black Embrace When surrounded in complete darkness, the
darksoul heals at the rate of 1 hit point per hour. Total darkness
could be inside a Darkness or Greater Darkness spell, in a lightless
interior room, underground, enclosed in a box or container. Light as
faint as starlight spoils this ability. This is a supernatural ability.
Black Venom Once per day, a darksoul may inflict black venom
upon a foe within 30'. It is a partial action, and the victim is entitled
to a Fortitude roll (DC 10 + darksoul level + Int modifier) to avoid
the effect. If inflicted, the victim's eyes turn completely black, he
suffers 1d4 strength damage, and he is completely blinded. The
effect lasts for 10 rounds. It is a spell-like ability.
Greater Darkwalker The most powerful of darksouls may assume
the greater darkwalker form. Greater darkwalkers receive an
additional +2 Dex bonus, +10 base movement, an additional +2
Natural Armour and spell resistance of 10. Also, the darksoul does
not need any recovery time to cast spells once this affect wears off.
It is a supernatural ability.

Deadly Warlord
Many fear the deadly warlord, master of double weaponry. They are
elite warriors who have taken the style of double weapon fighting to
the verge of perfection. Warlords are students of battle, often
studying war in history as well as current engagements. Because of
this and their martial skill, warlords are often great leaders and
Warlords are not an organised order, like a knighthood, but they
have respect for one another and the dedication it takes to become
one of them. They are rarely masters of horsemanship as fighting
from a mount limits the double weapon style. Lawful characters
find it easier to accept the practice regiment and state of mind of
most warlords. Wild chaotic warlords do exist, but most warlords
prefer to teach those who can dedicate themselves to their art.
Warlords train every day. They approach combat from a logical
point of view and believe that he who trains the hardest will bleed

the least. A warlord must practice with his favoured weapon for at
least two hours a day or risk losing his special abilities. For every
day after 3 that a warlord misses his practice, he loses his highest
level special ability (listed in the Special column above). A full day
of practice will bring back one level of special abilities. Thus, a 5th
level warlord who misses practice for 6 days only has the special
abilities of a 2nd level warlord. Each day he spends in practice will
bring back one level of ability. Combat does not count as practice,
thus a warlord cannot fight everything he sees and call it training.
All warlords have some experience as fighters (as the Weapon
Specialisation feat is a requirement). Most warlords are single class
fighters before joining the ranks. Occasionally warrior priests or
paladins are found among them. It is rare for a ranger to accept the
discipline required for this class. Barbarians and monks can benefit
from the warlord bonuses. Wizards and sorcerers are extremely rare,
and most rogues prefer stealthy weapons over the large double









Double Weapon Style +1








Bonus Feat





Double Weapon Style +2





Swirling Defence





Bonus Feat, Precision

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Double Weapon Style +3





Whirlwind Attack





Bonus Feat






Double Weapon Style +4


Bonus Feat: Warlords can choose their bonus feats from the list of
fighter bonus feats, and from Death Blow, Power Lunge, and Expert
Tactician from Sword & Fist.

Base Attack +8
Feat: Cleave Combat Reflexes Two-Weapon Fighting Weapon
Specialisation (Any Double Weapon)
Skills: Intimidate 4 Ranks Jump 6 Ranks Knowledge (War) 4 Ranks
Hit Dice: d10

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
The warlord's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Climb (Str) Craft (Int) Intimidate (Cha) Jump (Str) Knowledge
(War) (Int) Search (Int) Spot (Wis)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The warlord is proficient in all
simple and martial weapons, as well as all types of armour, but not

Double Weapon Style: Warlords fight with double weapons as if

they had the Ambidexterity feat. They also add the indicated bonus
to all hit rolls when using a double weapon.
Flurry: Much like a monk, a warlord may make extra attacks each
round at the expense of accuracy. A warlord may attack with a
flurry, making an additional attack at the character's highest base
attack, but the attack and each after it suffer a -3 penalty to hit. The
warlord makes one additional attack with each end of his double
weapon (two bonus attacks in all), one with his normal hand and
one with his off hand (with normal off-hand penalties and the -3
flurry penalty).
Precision: The warlord gains the Improved Critical feat with his
preferred double weapon, or increase the threat range by +2 if he
has this feat already.
Swirling Defence: The warlord's continued swirling and spinning
of his weapon makes it harder for his opponent to score melee
attacks. Add a +2 dodge bonus to AC against melee attacks when
the warlord is aware of the attack. This is an extraordinary ability.
Whirlwind Attack: At this level, the warlord is capable of using the
Whirlwind feat even if she does not have the prerequisites to
acquire the feat normally. This is an extraordinary ability.

Deathmasters are spellcasters who seek to gain knowledge of all the
mysteries of death and undeath. Some study the anatomy and
processes of the physical body in order to better understand what
sustains life, and therefore, what causes death. Others explore the
nature of the soul and the spiritual energy from which it is formed.
Many Deathmasters are veritable sages in necrology, the lore of the
undead. Most use this knowledge to gain power through the

command of undead, and often seek immortality by becoming

undead themselves. A rare few use their lore only to better hunt and
destroy unliving creatures.
Necromancers, and clerics of deities associated with the domain of
Death, such as Wee Jas or Nerull, are the most common characters
to become Deathmasters. Wizards, sorcerors, and clerics of other
deities may also easily meet the requirements for this prestige class.
While many Deathmasters are or become corrupted to evil, it is not
a requirement of the class.








Rebuke Undead

+1 level of existing class

Spell Access

+1 level of existing class

Spurn Death's Touch

+1 level of existing class

Poison Use

+1 level of existing class

Extra Rebuking

+1 level of existing class

Bone Armour

+1 level of existing class

Imbue Turn Resistance

+1 level of existing class

Transformation of Undeath

+1 level of existing class

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

Extra Rebuking

+1 level of existing class



+1 level of existing class


Extra Rebuking: At 5th and 9th levels the Deathmaster gains a

bonus Extra Turning feat. It increases the number of times he can
rebuke undead by +4, as it would for an evil cleric. A Deathmaster
may also take Extra Turning for some of his regular feat allotment
based on character level.

Base Attack Bonus: +4

Hit Dice: D4
Class: Necromancers, and clerics
Feats: Skill Focus (Knowledge Undead),
(Necromancy), Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy).



Skills: Knowledge (Necrology): 10 ranks. Two Skills (choose from

the list below): 8 ranks in each. Alchemy, Knowledge (Anatomy),
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (The Planes), Knowledge
(Religion), Spellcraft
Spellcasting: The ability to cast seven different necromancy spells,
one of which must be 3rd level or higher

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (all
skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int,
exclusive skill) Spellcraft (Int)

Spell Access: At 2nd level, the Deathmaster gains access to all

necromancy spells, as well as spells from other schools that
specifically deal with undead, corpses (or parts thereof), and
spirits/souls. If the previous spellcasting class to which the
Deathmaster levels are added uses divine magic, then all of the new
spells available are prepared and cast as divine spells. If the
previous class uses arcane magic, then all of the new spells are
learned, prepared, and cast as arcane spells. In cases of spells that
require a divine focus component, the arcane version replaces this
with a non-divine focus; a rune-inscribed bone. The level of the
spell for the Deathmaster is equal to the cleric/domain or
sorceror/wizard level of the spell, whichever is lowest. This applies
regardless of whether the Deathmaster is an arcane or divine
spellcaster. For example, animate dead is a 3rd level spell for a
cleric, and a 5th level spell for a sorceror or wizard, but a
Deathmaster can cast it as a 3rd level spell even if he uses arcane
magic. The Spell Access Table below lists all the spells from the
Player's Handbook to which the Deathmaster gains special access.
Note that the Deathmaster also retains access to all the spells
available to his previous spellcasting class.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the Deathmaster prestige
Weapons and Armour: The Deathmaster is proficient with the
dagger (any type), scythe, and sickle. Deathmasters are proficient in
bone armour but not with shields. Note that armour check penalties
for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb,
Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble.
Spells per Day: A Deathmaster continues training in magic as well
as his studies of death and undeath. Thus, when a new Deathmaster
level is gained, the character gains new spell abilities as if he had
also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before he
added the prestige class. All spell-oriented abilities of the previous
class are increased, including spells per day, spells known, and
caster level. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a
character of that class would have gained, such as bonus feats. This
essentially means that he adds the level of Deathmaster to the level
of some other spellcasting class the character has, then determines
spells per day, spells known, and caster levels accordingly. If a
character had more than one spellcasting class before he became a
Deathmaster, he must decide to which class he adds each level of
Deathmaster for purposes of determining spell abilities when he
adds the new level.
Rebuke Undead: A Deathmaster of 1st level has the supernatural
ability to rebuke and command the undead (see the Player's
Handbook, pages 139-140). He rebukes and commands undead as
would an evil cleric of equal level. If the Deathmaster is also a
cleric with the Death domain, or a necromancer, he may add the
levels of one of those classes to his Deathmaster levels for purposes
of determining the most powerful undead he can rebuke, his
rebuking damage, and the number of undead he can command at
one time.



Disrupt Undead, Inflict Minor


Cause Fear, Chill Touch, Death

Watch, Detect Undead,
Invisibility to Undead, Inflict
Light Wounds, Ray of



Death Knell, Gentle Repose,

Ghoul Touch, Inflict Moderate
Wounds, Spectral Hand

Animate Dead, Contagion, Halt

Undead, Inflict Serious Wounds,
Speak with the Dead, Vampiric



Death Ward, Enervation, Fear,

Inflict Critical Wounds, Poison

Circle of Doom, Magic Jar, Slay




Circle of Death, Create Undead,


Control Undead, Destruction,

Finger of Death, Greater



Clone, Create Greater Undead,

Horrid Wilting, Trap the Soul

Astral Projection, Energy Drain,

Soul Bind, Wail of the Banshee

Spurn Death's Touch: A 3rd level Deathmaster applies his wisdom

modifier (if positive) as an additional bonus to all saving throws
versus effects and spells used by the undead. Will saves thus add
double the normal wisdom modifier.
Poison Use: Deathmasters often use poison to slay foes in order to
minimise structural damage to their enemies' bodies, thus making
them more suitable for animating as undead. A Deathmaster may
also apply poisons to the claws or other natural weapons of his
undead minions in order to enhance their physical attacks. At 4th

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
level, the Deathmaster becomes skilled in the use of poisons and
never risks accidentally poisoning himself when applying poison to
a blade or other object.
Bone Armour: At 6th level, the Deathmaster gains the ability to
cast arcane spells while wearing bone armour without incurring the
usual chance of arcane spell failure.
Imbue Turn Resistance: A 7th level Deathmaster gains the
extraordinary ability to imbue the undead he creates with a turn
resistance equal to his charisma bonus. This turn resistance applies
to the Deathmaster himself, if he becomes undead through the use
of the Transformation of Undeath or Archlich Class Features, since
he is in effect creating an undead from himself.
Transformation of Undeath: A Deathmaster of 8th or greater level
can cast specialised versions of create undead and create greater
undead spells upon live subjects, instead of the usual target of a
corpse. Any willing subject may be automatically transformed,
including the Deathmaster casting the spell. Unwilling targets must
be paralysed, unconscious, or otherwise restrained so that the
material components may be placed properly and they may still
resist the transformation either by a successful Will save or spell
resistance check.
Archlich: At 10th level, the Deathmaster unlocks the secrets to the
process of becoming an Archlich. Use of this knowledge is optional,

so the Deathmaster may opt not to undergo the transformation

immediately, if ever. If the character becomes an Archlich, apply the
Lich template on pages 216-217 of the Monster Manual, with some
exceptions. Do not apply the organisation and treasure aspects of the
template, as those are things the character must acquire through
play. Archliches keep the same alignment they had in life, and are
not forced to shift to evil. An Archlich has the spell-like ability of a
permanent gentle repose spell upon itself that keeps it's body from
rotting away like that of a normal Lich. A Deathmaster that becomes
some other sort of undead through the use of Transformation of
Undeath or other means may not later become an Archlich, unless
he can somehow become mortal again before undergoing the
transformation ritual.

New Skill
Knowledge (Undead): You know information about undead; how
they are created, their powers and weaknesses, their behaviours, and
various other facts and legends about them. The check for knowing
a bit of useful information about a type of undead can range from
DC 10 for mindless walking dead such as skeletons and zombies,
DC 15+ for undead such as ghouls, ghasts, shadows, wights, and
wraiths, and DC 20+ for greater undead such as ghosts, liches,
mummies, spectres, and vampires. Knowledge about a specific or
unique undead creature is more difficult to research, thus the DC for
knowing information like that can range from DC 25 - 30.

Deathwatch of Osiris
Also called Life Walkers and Guardians of the Boundary, the
Deathwatch is a Prestige Class that can be taken by champions of
various gods of light and weal. The Deathwatch is a holy person,
finely attuned to the forces of life and death. He gains insight when
near the point of death, and obtains power over those they care

about are dead or near the point of death (this is a very good class
for followers of good-aligned death gods). Also, the Deathwatch
often develops close bonds with a few living people, forging
friendships that literally last beyond the grave. In the Realms,
Deathwatches are most commonly a Prestige Class associated with
the paladins of the Mulhorandi god Osiris and the Faernian deity







Sacrificial Healing, Orisons

Vengeful Strike, Deathblow



Call From The Brink

Death Walks With Me

Sensing Where Death Walked

Spirit Call

Cheat Death



Holy Guise

Base Attack Bonus: +8
Alignment: any Good (But CGs are exceptionally rare)
Class: Believer of Osiris
Skills: Knowledge (religion): 4 ranks, Concentration: 4 ranks

Feats: Weapon Focus

Hit Dice: D8
Special: The Deathwatch must successfully complete a Quest for
their patron religion. The Deathwatch candidate also needs to have
experienced a near death experience (have fallen between -5 and -9
hit points at least once in their career.)

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal
(Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis),
and Ride (Dex).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + INT modifier

Class Features
Deathwatches are not technically holy, but they are considered holy
men. All Deathwatches know three Orisons per day, which they
prepare as priests. They are also considered priests for the purposes
of performing ceremonies.
Sacrificial Healing: At 1st level, the Deathwatch can heal 3
hp/level, once per day. For every 3 hp healed, the Deathwatch must
sacrifice one of his or her own hit points, thus a 10th level
Deathwatch can heal 30 hit points of damage (while sacrificing ten
of his own hit points). The Deathwatch does not have to use this
power at full strength,

At 7th level, the Deathwatch can call even the recent dead back to
life. If the person is above -20 hit points, and has been dead for a
number of rounds less than or equal to 2+ the Deathwatch's Wisdom
modifier, then the person is called from the grave, also with 2d8 +1
hit points (or maximum hit points, whichever is lower).
Calling someone from the brink is very taxing; the Deathwatch
takes 2d6 hit points damage whenever they use this power and is
incapacitated for a round. They may only Call From the Brink once
each day. Deathwatches cannot call someone from the brink unless
they know their name.
Death Walks With Me: At 6th level, when a Deathwatch is
reduced to 20% of their original hit point total or less (round
fractions up) they gain tremendous powers as their closeness to
death provides them with temporary insight into the nature of life
and the universe.
All attack and damage rolls are improved by +2.
They obtain SR of 10+Deathwatch Level.
All saving throws are improved by +1
They receive damage reduction of 5/+1
The Deathwatch loses these abilities when healed above 20% of
their total, or when they drop to 0 or fewer hit points.

Vengeful Strike: At 2nd level, the Deathwatch may declare that a

comrade is beloved (one comrade per 2 levels of Deathwatch). If
that comrade is slain, then the Deathwatch gains a +2 bonus to all
attack and damage rolls against that individual's killer until the
comrade is raised from the dead, or the individual is slain.

Sensing Where Death Walked: At 7th level, the Deathwatch

becomes aware of any beloved companion who has died, at the
moment of their death, regardless of the distance between them. He
will also know the name and face of their killer (if slain).

The comrade must be known to the Deathwatch and be either

beloved by him or her, or have fought at his/her side on frequent
occasions. A comrade is free to rebuke this status. Once a comrade
is avenged (by the death of his killer), the Deathwatch may declare
a new comrade in their place by completing a quest. If a killer is
slain, but later raised from the dead, they are no longer subject to
the Vengeful Strike. A steed or a familiar may be granted beloved

Spirit Call: At 8th level, the Deathwatch can call the spirit of any
beloved comrade who's dead. If the comrade died with more levels
than the Deathwatch's current total, he or she cannot be Called. The
called spirit will have full hit points, full spell knowledge (if any),
and possess all magic items they had at the moment they died. The
spirit will also have Damage Resistance of 20/+1, and Spell
Resistance of 25. The called spirit will do the Deathwatch's bidding
for 10 rounds, then vanish forever - not even a Quest will allow the
Deathwatch to call the same spirit twice.

Deathblow: At 2nd level, the Deathwatch may act at the moment of

death when they are killed by an attack, with a single melee attack
or a single ranged attack (at the highest bonus). At 5th level, if a
Deathwatch's deathblow successfully lands, it is an automatic
critical hit. A Deathwatch with a Cheat Death power can use this
Meditation: A Deathwatch has lower saving throws than other
classes, but at 3rd level, if a Deathwatch spends one hour in
meditation, all Saving Throws are boosted by 1 for the next twentyfour hours. They cannot meditate on evil Outside planes.
Consecrate: At 4th level, the Deathwatch can sanctify as per the
2nd level divine spell, once per day.
Call From the Brink
At 5th level, a Deathwatch can call to any dying person (between
zero and -9 hit points), and bring them back from the brink of death.
The person is restored to full life, with an additional 2d8+1 hit
points (or maximum hit points, whichever is lower).

Cheat Death: One of a Deathwatch's greatest abilities is the power

to ignore death itself. At 9th level, a Deathwatch who is capable of
Cheating Death will be reborn, once. At the moment of death, the
Deathwatch must choose any time from one round up to one hour as
the time of his rebirth, and he will be reborn at that time. He will be
reborn at full hit points, all spells known, and with full gear
restored, on the exact spot where he died. Once the Deathwatch has
cheated death, he may not do so again unless he has performed a
Quest with the specific objective of regaining this power.
Holy Guise: At 10th level, the Deathwatch can affect a Holy Guise.
When he wears this pure form of goodness, the Deathwatch takes 1
hit point of damage per round, but radiates a holy light in a 30'
radius. Any non-good creature who looks upon the Deathwatch
must make a Willpower Save vs. DC 10+ Deathwatch's total level to
attack him. Any evil creature within the veil of holy light will take 1
hp damage/total level of the Deathwatch; any undead creature or
evil Outsider will take 2 hp/level damage. This guise can be worn as
a free action, and lasts for up to ten rounds. The Holy Guise may
only be worn once per day. It may not be worn on an evil Outside

Desert Master
The common nomadic desert raider is often feared for their ferocity
and will to survive in one of the harshest environments the gods
could create and thats just the ordinary warriors. The superior ones

of these fierce warriors are often destined to lead these tribes

outright, and are even more feared as well for they eventually
become the stuff of tribal legends. Often called brigands, thieves,
barbarians, princes, sheikhs, and generals -- none is quite like the
Desert Master.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Fighters, Rangers, and even Barbarians excel at the Desert Master
prestige class. Paladins, thieves, and bards are rare but not unheard
of as well. If their penchant is riding like the wind and wielding a
scimitar, almost anybody can eventually qualify for the Desert

NPC Desert Masters are rarely found outside their home terrain and
nomadic tribe, but the occasional one does lead a war party into
neighbouring lands looking for trouble as well as valuables from
time to time.











Canny Defence, Homeland Knowledge





Burst of Speed





Bonus Riding Feat





Superior Weapon Focus





Defensive Riding





Ferocious Whirlwind





Bonus Fighter Feat





Superior Weapon Specialisation





Bonus Riding Feat








Bonus Fighter Feat: The Desert Master may take a Feat from the
Fighter Bonus Feat list (See PHB pg. 37).

Base Attack Bonus: 6+

Bonus Riding Feat: Desert Masters may take any one of the
following feats at 3rd and 9th level Mounted Archery, Trample,
Ride-by-Attack, Spirited Charge, or Skill Focus (Ride).

Hit Dice: D10

Race: Any are possible, but are most often Human. Male (Male
domination is rampant in almost all desert based tribes)
Feats: Weapon Focus: Kopesh, Weapon Specialisation: Kopesh,
Improved Initiative, Alertness, Mounted Combat, Dodge,
Endurance, Combat Reflexes, Dex 13+
Special: To become a Desert Master, a character must fulfil all these
criteria. Intimidate: 4 Ranks Wilderness Lore: 4 Ranks Ride: 6
Ranks Hide: 4 Ranks Move Silently: 4 Ranks Proficiency: Khopesh.

Burst of Speed: At 2nd level, the Desert Master can urge a camel or
horse to greater than normal speeds. This ability doubles the
distance of the mounts normal charge movement. This ability can
be used once per day without penalty to the mount. Each additional
use in a single day requires the mount to make a Will save (DC 20)
immediately after the conclusion of the charge; failure results in the
mount taking 2d6 damage.

Note: All the Desert Masters special features are negated if the
Desert Master wears Medium or Heavy Armour of any kind.

Canny Defence: When not wearing Medium or Heavy armour, the

Desert Master can add his intelligence bonus to his AC as a dodge
bonus while wielding a melee weapon. This bonus is lost if they are
caught flat-footed or is without their normal Dexterity bonus for any

Class Skills

Defensive Riding: When riding a camel or light warhorse, they gain

a +2 bonus to his AC and all his Ride skill checks.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), Wilderness Lore (Wis),
Intuit Direction (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Move
Silently (Dex), Hide (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Animal Empathy
(Cha), Climb (Str), and Craft (Int).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at each Level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: All Desert Masters are proficient with all
Simple and Martial Weapons, and with Light Armour and shields.
They are also proficient with the Jambiya as a bonus proficiency.

Devil Slayer

Ferocious Whirlwind: When the desert master uses this feat he

gains the same ability as the Whirlwind Attack Feat, but attacks
opponents at his base attack -2.
Homeland Knowledge: The Desert Masters Intimate knowledge
about his home terrain has given him a +2 bonus to all his Hide,
Intuit Direction, Move Silently, and Wilderness Lore checks when
within its borders. When in a similar, but strange desert, the bonus
is reduced to only a +1 bonus.
Leadership: At 10th level the Desert Master gains the Leadership
Feat for free (See DMG pg. 45).
Superior Weapon Focus: This ability gives the Desert Master an
additional +1 bonus to attack when using a scimitar.
Superior Weapon Specialisation: This ability gives the Desert
Master an additional +2 bonus to damage with a scimitar.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
The training of devil slayer is usually taken up by fighters, paladins,
and rangers. Occasionally clerics have been known to choose this
path. Those that chose this path dedicate themselves to fighting the
influence of devils on their home worlds. As PCs, they can be part

of an organised group, driven loners with grudges, or anything in

between. As NPCs are loners, thinking of nothing but their cause.
The only thing devil slayers have in common is the desire to defeat
the forces of Hell. To achieve their goal, they learn special combat
techniques and study the modus operandi of their enemies. Some
devil slayers are seen as heroes, some as brutal in their quest to rid
the world of this evil.












Pain Strike +1












Pain Strike +2, Attack of Retribution +1











Attack of Retribution +2, Aura Of Courage






Pain Strike +3






Attack of Retribution +3











Pain Strike +4, Attack of Retribution +4






Mind Blank


Class Features

Alignment: Any non-evil.

Weapons and Armour: Devil Slayers are proficient with all simple
and martial weapons, all types of armour and shields.

Base Attack Bonus: +5

Feats: Iron Will
Intimidate: 3 ranks
Knowledge (Devils): 4 ranks
Knowledge (The Planes): 4 ranks

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Bluff (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int),
Knowledge (Devils) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis),
Spot (Wis)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier

Pain Strike: Because each devil slayer trains rigorously, learning

the weak areas of his enemy, the devil slayer receives this bonus to
the damage he does to devils.
Endurance: This ability allows you to perform amazing feats of
Attack of Retribution: The devil slayer knows to make his weapon
strike true, making devils pay for their crimes. He gains this bonus
to attack rolls, allowing him use normal weapons to hit baatezu that
would normally require +1 or better weapons.
Aura of Courage: At 5th level, a devil slayer is immune to fear
(magical or otherwise). Allies within a 5 foot radius gain a +2
morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This is a
supernatural ability.
Mind Blank: At 10th level, the devil slayer gains the ability to use
Mind Blank, as per the spell, with minor differences. The ability is
only effective against devils, including devices created by devils.
This is an extraordinary ability.

Diplomats are talented in negotiation, persuasion, compromise, and
the many other subtle skills that will help them get their job done. A
diplomat can be a freelance arbitrator, an advisor to a king, or an

ambassador in a foreign country or society. PCs often start with a

diplomacy background, or have acquired excellent diplomacy skills
throughout their many adventures. It is not unusual to see only one
or two levels in the Diplomacy Class for an adventuring PC. Bards
and Clerics make excellent diplomats, however all classes benefit
from choosing to become a more specialised diplomat.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes











Extra Language












Extra Language












Extra Language












Extra Language












Extra Language







Alignment: Cannot be chaotic
Skills: Diplomacy +6
Hit Dice: d6

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Bluff, Intimidate, Diplomacy, Knowledge (All), Gather Information,
Sense Motive, Innuendo, Speak Language
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier + Wis modifier + Cha
A Diplomats skills are limited. However, she uses all of her abilities
to master these skills. She therefor adds her Intelligence, Wisdom,
and Charisma modifier to her allotment of four skills at each level.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: Diplomats gain no proficiency in any
armour or weapons.

Spells: For diplomats who are also spellcasters, they can memorise
one or more spells in addition to their normal allotted spells per day
depending on the level of Diplomat they are. The Diplomat may
memorise additional spells equal to or less than her level. For
instance, a 4th level Diplomat may memorise two additional 1st
level spells and one 2nd level spell, one 3rd level spell and one first
level spell, or she may memorise four additional first level spells.
This may seem like a lot, but the spell list is limited, and the
spellcaster must be able to cast that level of spell according to the
tables for her spellcaster level. DMs are encouraged to add any spell
she deems appropriate to this list.
Sorcerer/Wizard Spells: Comprehend
Thoughts, Tongues, Suggestion, Confusion



Cleric Spells: Comprehend Languages, Calm Emotions, Enthral,

Undetectable Alignment, Discern Lies, Tongues
Bonus Languages: One of diplomats greatest skills is
communication. Diplomats can choose a new language every other
level, starting at 1st level (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th). A diplomat learns
these languages through writings, or exposure to the language. If a
diplomat does not come into contact with a significant written
example of the language, or someone who speaks that language,
then they may not choose that language.
Knowledge: At the source of a diplomats skills is her ability to
know the entire situation, and to use the knowledge she has to
persuade, compromise, and mediate. A diplomat gains one rank in
the knowledge category of her choice at every other level, starting at
2nd level (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th).

Divine Champion
Divine champions are mighty warriors who dedicate themselves to
their deitys cause, defending holy ground, destroying enemies of
the church, and slaying mythical beasts and clerics of opposed

For deities that do not count paladins among their followers, divine
champions fill the role of the church-sponsored warrior. Most divine
champions come from a combat of military background. Barbarians,
fighters, monks, paladins, and rangers are the most common divine
champions, but some of the more militant clerics and druids decide
to become divine champions. Bards, rogues, sorcerers, and wizards
rarely become divine champions unless they are particularly devout
and skilled in warfare.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

Lay or Hands (Sp): As a defender of the faith, a divine champion

Special may lay on hands to heal herself or another creature following the
same patron deity as himself. The ability works like a paladins
Save champion
Save(Chm) ofSave
To qualify toBonus
become a divine
a particular deity,
ability to lay on hands, except the divine champion may heal 1 point
a1stcharacter must
Lay on hands
of damage per divine champion level plus her Charisma bonus. If
the divine champion is a paladin, she can combine this healing with
Base Attack Bonus: +7.
Fighter feat,her
classs+1lay on hands ability.
Skills: Knowledge (religion), 3 ranks.
Smite infidel
Fighter Feat: At 2nd level and again at 4th level, a divine champion
Feats: Weapon Focus in the deitys favoured weapon.
any +2
one feat (except Weapon Specialisation) from the
Fighter feat,may
fighter class bonus feat list on page 37 of the Players Handbook or
Patron: A divine champion must have a patron deity, and it must be
any feat with the [Fighter) designator in this chapter.
+5 she is +4
Divine wrath
the deity of which
a champion.+4
Sacred Defence: Add this value (+1 at 2nd level, +2 at 4th level) to
the divine champions saving throws against divine spells, as well as
the spell-like and supernatural abilities of outsiders.

Hit Dice: d10.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Jump (Str),
Knowledge (religion) (Int), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), and Swim (Str).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are Class Features of the divine champion prestige
Weapons and Armour: A divine champion is proficient with all
simple and martial weapons, light armour, medium armour, and

Smite Infidel (Su): Once per day, a divine champion may attempt
to smite a creature with a different patron deity (or no patron deity
at all) with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma bonus
to the attack and roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per divine
champion level. If the divine champion accidentally smites someone
of the same patron, the smite has no effect but is still used up for
that day. If the divine champion is also a paladin, she may use smite
evil and this ability separately or combine them into a single strike
if the target is evil and of a different faith.
Divine Wrath (Su): The divine champion channels a portion of her
patrons power into wrath, giving her a +3 bonus on attack rolls,
damage, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to her
Charisma bonus. During this time, the divine champion also has
damage reduction 5%-.
This ability can be used once per day and is invoked as a free

Divine Disciple

Eventually they transcend their mortal nature and embody the

divine on the face of Toril.

The most zealous, devout, and pious clerics, druids, and paladins
possess the ability to serve their deity as intermediaries between the
deitys mortal and divine servants. They interpret the divine will, act
as teachers and guides to other members of the clergy, and arm the
lay followers of their deity with the power of their patron.

Divine disciples are always divine spellcasters. Clerics and druids

are the most common candidates for becoming divine disciples, but
paladins, rangers have been known to become divine disciples, and
evil deities such as Bane have been known to elevate blackguards as
divine disciples in the ranks of their dark faiths.







Divine Spells






New Domain, divine emissary

+ 1 level of existing class






Sacred defence +1

+ 1 level of existing class






Imbue with spell ability

+ 1 level of existing class






Sacred defence +2

+ 1 level of existing class







+ 1 level of existing class

To qualify to become a divine disciple (Dis) of a particular deity, a
character must fulfil all the following criteria.
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 4th-level divine spells.

Skills: Diplomacy 5 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 8 ranks.

Patron: A divine disciple must have a patron deity, and it must be
the deity of which she is a divine disciple.
Hit Dice: d8.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis),
Knowledge (arcana), (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge
(nature) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), Spellcraft
(Int), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are Class Features of the divine disciple prestige
Weapons and Armour: Divine disciples gain no proficiency in any
weapon or armour.
Spells per Day: A divine disciples training focuses on divine
spells. Thus, when a new disciple level is gained, the character gains
new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in whatever
divine spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the
prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a
character of that class would have gained (improved chance of
controlling or rebuking undead, metamagic or item creation feats,
and so on). This essentially means that she adds the level of divine
disciple to the level of whatever other divine spellcasting class the
character has, then determines spells per day accordingly.
If a character had more than one divine spellcasting class before she
became a divine disciple, she must decide to which class she adds
each level of divine disciple for the purpose of determining spells
per day.
New Domain: The divine disciple may choose a new domain from
her deitys available domains. The divine disciple receives the

domains granted power and may choose the domains spells as

domain spells. (The disciple now has three choices each level for
domain spells instead of two.)
Divine Emissary: Divine disciples can telepathically communicate
with any outsider within 60 feet, as long as that outsider serves the
disciples deity or has the same alignment as the disciple.
Sacred Defence: Add this value (+1 at 2nd level, +2 at 4th level) to
the 'divine disciple's saving throws against divine spells, as well as
the spell-like and supernatural abilities of outsiders.
Imbue With Spell Ability (Sp): As the spell, except a divine
disciple does not need to use any 4thlevel (or higher) spell slots to
activate this ability. (She transfers currently prepared spells to her
targets on a one-for-one basis with- I out having to use a spell slot
for the imbue with spell ability spell.)
The only limit to the number of spells the divine disciple can
transfer is the disciple's available 1st- and 2nd-level spells.
Transcendence: The divine disciple, through long association with
her deity's outsider servants and direct intervention by her deity,
transcends her mortal form and becomes a divine creature.
Her type changes to outsider, which means that she acquires some
immunities and vulnerabilities based on her type (see Native
Outsider, under the planetouched race description). As a free action
she can ward herself with a protection from chaos/evil/good/law
spell. (She chooses which form to have when she gains the
transcendence power and cannot change it thereafter.)
Upon achieving transcendence, the divine disciple's appearance
usually undergoes a minor physical change appropriate to her
alignment and deity. For example, the eyes of a disciple of
Lathander, the Morninglord, might change to glowing gold. Anyone
who shares the disciple's patron, including outsider servants of her
patron, immediately recognise her transcendent nature, and she
gains a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill and ability checks in
regard to these creatures.

Divine Seeker
Sometimes a church cannot act openly, either because of political
constraints, bureaucracy, or because it doesnt want its presence
known in an area. During these times, the abilities of discretion,
stealth, and speed are more valuable than the direct manifestation of
power. The divine seeker fills this role, infiltrating dangerous places
to rescue prisoners, reclaim stolen relics, or eliminate enemy

leaders. Quiet and protected by the power of her deity, a divine

seeker can often accomplish what a direct assault could not. Divine
seekers may be of any class, though they favour monks, rangers,
and rogues. Barbarians and bards often have the skills to become
divine seekers, but they tend to be too undisciplined or have abilities
that rely on noise. Sorcerers and wizards with subtle and stealthy
magic sometimes become divine seekers, but they are rare.
Hit Dice: d6.












Sanctuary, thwart glyph






Sacred defence +1, sneak attack +1d6






Locate object, obscure object






Sacred defence +2, sneak attack +2d6






Locate creature, divine perseverance

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

by a cleric with a caster level of the divine seekers class level plus
her Charisma bonus.

To qualify to become a divine seeker (Skr) of a particular deity, a

character must fulfil all the following criteria.

Weapons and Armour: Divine seekers gain proficiency in all

simple weapons and light armour.

Skills: Hide 10 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks Move Silently

8 ranks Spot 5 ranks

Sanctuary (Sp): Once per day a divine seeker with a Sanctuary


Patron: A divine seeker must have a patron deity, and it must be the
deity of which she is a divine seeker.

Thwart Glyph: A divine seeker gains a +4 bonus on all Search and

Disable Device checks to locate, disable, or bypass magic glyphs,
runes, and symbols.

Class Skills

Sacred Defence: Add this bonus (+1 at 2nd level, +2 at 4th level) to
the divine seekers saving throws against divine spells, as well as
the spell-like and supernatural abilities of outsiders.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha) Disable Device (Dex) Intuit Direction (Wis),
Jump (Str) Knowledge (religion) (Int) Listen (Wis), Move Silently
(Dex) Open Lock (Dex) Pick Pocket (Dex) Profession (Wis) Search
Jut), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex) and Use Rope (Dex)
See Chapter 4 Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Sneak Attack: As the rogues ability. This stacks with any sneak
attack ability from another class.
Locate Object (Sp): Once per day, a divine seeker can use the
locate object spell.
Obscure Object (Sp): Once per day, a divine seeker can use
obscure object, which prevents her from being tracked by locating a
stolen item she carries.
Locate Creature (Sp): Once per day, a divine seeker can use the
locate creature spell.

Class Features
All the following are Class Features of the divine seeker prestige
class. All of the divine seekers spell-like abilities function as if cast

Divine Perseverance: Once per day, if the divine seeker is brought

to -1 or lower hit points, she automatically is cured of 1d8+5 points
of damage.


because they protect the forests, and thereby Tethynara and

Perelinn, from creatures of legend and mystery.

The Roma are a nomadic people of the Tethynarian forests. They are
a magical and hardy people in the grand tradition of gypsy culture.
They are distrustful of anyone who is not of the People, but fiercely
loyal to any other Roma. The Roma are vagabond witches, quick
with song and dance, and equally quick with their hands. They are
thieves and con people, but only unto those who not of the People.
They live in the woods and trade with the people of Tethynara. They
are tolerated in part because no one can ever trace theft to them, and

The Drabardi are what little Roma children want to be when they
grow up. They know the secrets of divination and curses that are
passed down from one generation of Roma to the next. They are the
Shaman of the Roma. They walk the dark paths and protect the
People from the other creatures along that path. Undead and
daemons become the chosen enemy of the Drabardi, while they in
turn embrace other ancient mystics like Dragon-kind and








Witch Class Spells





Nature sense; Favoured Enemy; Romani


+1 level of Existing Class





Roma Art: Song

+1 level of Existing Class





Divination: Cards

+1 level of Existing Class





Minor Curse

+1 level of Existing Class





Roma Art: Dance; Favoured Enemy; The


+1 level of Existing Class





Divination: Omens

+1 level of Existing Class





Major Curse

+1 level of Existing Class





Roma Art: Tattoo

+1 level of Existing Class





Divination: Dreams

+1 level of Existing Class






Blood Curse; Favoured Enemy

+1 level of Existing Class

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
To qualify to become a Drabardi, a character must fulfil all the
following criteria
Alchemy: 4 ranks. Bluff: 9 ranks. Performance: 9 ranks. Pick
Pockets: 9 ranks. Scry: 9 ranks.
Hit Dice: d5
Spell casting ability: Must be able to cast divination, healing, and
illusion spells, and must know Charm Person.
Special: If a character is not of the Roma, they must undergo a
ritual known as the Chase of the Stag. The participant is ritually
bathed the morning before the run and given a feast during the day.
Just before dusk, the participant is dressed in specially made boots,
a cloak, and a helm bedecked with antlers. At dusk, the participant
runs into the forest, running through a certain area. After 5 minutes,
chase is given. If the Stag is not caught before making it to the
safe grove, they are given the seat of honour at the evenings feast,
and have their choice of lovers for the evening. If the Stag is
caught after reaching the halfway point, they are tied-up and
symbolically served during the evenings feast. They are then the
willing slaves of the person who caught them, until dawn.
In either case, the individual can now become a Drabardi, and is one
of the People.
In the Stag fails to make it to the halfway point before getting
caught, they fail, and may try again in a moon phase.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb
(Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather
Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intuit Direction
(Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (any field) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move
Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Pick Pocket (Dex), Profession (Wis),
Scry (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language, Spellcraft (Int),
Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magical Device (Cha)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
Skill Points at Each Level 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: The Drabardi is proficient with the club,
dagger, light crossbow, long bow, quarterstaff, rapier, sabre, and
short sword. They do not gain any proficiency in the use of armour.
Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather
apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move
Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble, and that carrying heavy gear
imposes a check penalty on Swim checks.
Spells: A Drabardi continues training in magic, gaining new spells
per day as if they had also gained a level in the witch spellcasting
class. They do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of
that class would have gained (except familiar level-based abilities).
For example, if Shirala, a 10th level witch, gains a level in Drabardi,
she gains new spells as if she had risen to 11th level in witch. If, by
chance, the character has no witch spellcasting abilities before
taking this prestige class, they gain the same number of spells per
day as a witch of equal level.

Nature Sense: As the druid ability.

Favoured Enemy: As the ranger ability, except enemy must be
chosen from undead or demonic types e.g. Vampires, Ghost, Lich,
Balor, Marilith, Succubus, and Dretch. In addition to the normal
ranger benefits, the Drabardi gains extended knowledge about the
habits and weaknesses of their particular enemy.
Romani Language: A Drabardi can speak the secret tongue of the
Roma. ChangeA Drabardi can control their lycanthropy. This
means a Drabardi may change forms at will and does not suffer any
alignment changes from becoming a lycanthrope. This ability does
not grant the Drabardi lycanthropy, however.
Roma Art:
Song: If a Drabardi has a level in bard, then they may add half their
class level to the number of times per day they may use their bard
songs. If a Drabardi does not possess a bard level, then they may
use the first three bardic songs a number of times per day, equal to
half their class level.
Dance: As the 2nd level barbarian ability, Uncanny Dodge.
Tattoo: The Roma have always had an affinity for tattoos, an
appreciation gained from their travels amongst the many desert and
barbarian tribes. Using secret arts passed down from the ages, the
Roma have elevated it to a new art. A Drabardi of sufficient level
can learn to tattoo magical spells on their own, or other peoples
bodies. A Drabardi can tattoo a number of spell levels equal to half
their class level, plus one zero level spell, on any person. Each spell
uses inks and ingredients of 100gp + 300gp per level in cost.
The spell remains dormant until activated by a move equivalent
action (so yes, you can activate the tattoo spell and cast another
spell, so long as you do not otherwise move), whereby it is
expended. Once expended, the tattoo will normally become a
muddled patch of ink. If the Drabardi however, tattoos a special
zero level spell, Preserve Tattoo, the expended tattoo remains in
pristine condition, albeit now non-magical. Zero level spells cost
100gp to inscribe. The Drabardi must know the spell(s) being
tattooed, or else an additional 100gp per level of the spell(s) can be
added to the cost (for very rare ink) and someone else present may
cast the spell to be tattooed instead. Additionally, the tattoo must be
in image or in words, thematic to the nature of the spell being
inscribed. A Drabardi may inscribe their class level in spells, per
Divination: Cards: If a Drabardi has a level in bard, they may add
their Roma level to bardic knowledge checks, when they use cards,
palmistry, or bones to divine knowledge. If a Drabardi does not
have a Bard level, then they may make a check, as per the bardic
ability, adding their class level + intelligence bonus to the role. In
either case, the Drabardi must use a divination tool in order to make
this check.
Omens: The Drabardi begins to see omens of things to come. The
DM makes a Scry roll for the Roma once per day [DC 30] if the
roll is successful; the character notices an omen. This allows the
Drabardi to re-roll a failed check that would result in great harm,
avoid an ambush, or something similar. It is up to the DM what
form the omen and the benefit take, but it should be in regards to the
most harmful situation foreseeable. Dreams
The Drabardi begins to have prophetic dreams. Once per story or
week [whichever is shorter], the DM makes a scry roll for the
character [DC 35], and if it is successful, the Drabardi has a dream
that provides information, albeit cryptic, about a problem or matter
facing the character and their party. The Drabardi may not know the
problem the dream makes reference to, at the time of the dream. As
the event of warning approaches more dreams will occur, further
illuminating the prophetic information.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Minor Curse: A Drabardi can curse a person or creature with a
temporary statistic loss equal to half the Drabardis class level. They
may do so a number of times per day equal to the characters total
level divided by 4. The loss can only be recovered by redressing the
wrong for which the individual was cursed, or through a remove
curse spell a Restore spell, of any variety, will not remove the
loss. A Drabardi can not curse a creature that has done no wrong
though being of evil alignment or attacking the character and/or
their party is sufficient wrong. Any attempt to curse someone who
has not done a wrong is reflected back upon the Drabardi threefold.
There is a fortitude save versus a DC of 25 + the Drabardis class
level + the Drabardis Charisma bonus.
Major Curse: The Drabardi can place a major curse upon someone
who has done a great wrong. The Drabardi may do so once per
week for every 3 levels of Drabardi they have. Such a curse is an
imaginative one (the cursed person fumbles every other strike
cannot speak the language of the person they are talking to, and the
like). The curse can only be removed by redressing the wrong or
with a limited wish and a remove curse. Again, a Drabardi cannot
curse a person who has done no wrong, and in this case, just having
an evil alignment or just attacking the Drabardi is NOT sufficient
cause for a major curse.

There is a fortitude save versus a DC of 30 + the Drabardis class

level + the Drabardis Charisma bonus. If the intended target makes
their save, a minor curse goes into effect instead.
Blood Curse: A Blood Curse is a terrible curse reserved for only
the most horrendous of crimes (murder, rape, etc.), and it requires a
drop of the targets blood and knowledge of their true name. A
Blood curse can only be called once in a moon phase and it costs the
Drabardi 5000 experience points [cannot be applied if it would drop
the Drabardi a level]. A Blood curse invokes a Major curse and
cumulative Minor curses. The target is first plagued with a Major
curse and two Minor curses (one of which must be applied to
Constitution). Every week thereafter, two more Minor curses begin
to effect the victim, and again, one must be applied to Constitution.
When the victims Constitution score reaches 0, they die, and are
returned as a ghost, tied to the spot of their crime. A Blood curse can
only be revoked with a wish, or by redressing the wrong. Once
again, a Blood curse cannot be invoked against anyone who has not
done the greatest of wrongs.
There is a fortitude save versus a DC of 35 + the Drabardis class
level + the Drabardis Charisma bonus. If the target makes their
save, a Major curse goes into effect instead [go through process of
saving for the major curse].

Dragon Knight
Dragon knights are elite warriors who have formed a mystic bond
with a large dragon. A dragon and dragon knight share common
ideals and goals and become a powerful team. They champion their
causes and gather gold and magic to increase the dragon's hoard.
Dragon knights are not generally organized groups, instead being
composed of individuals who seek out a dragon companion. The
quest to find a dragon is often one of the most challenging tasks a
potential dragon knight will ever face. Once a dragon of identical
alignment is found, the knight-aspirant must convince the mighty
beast that the union would be beneficial. The dragon stands to gain
an ally in "civilized" lands, new treasures, and a reputation among
both man and dragonkind. Potential dragon knights must pledge to
turn over the larger share of treasure and magic to the dragon as
well as fight to defend the dragon from all enemies, including other
dragons. The dragon agrees to act as steed for the knight and aid in
his endeavors. Dragons never consider themselves servants of the
lesser races, and if a dragon does not feel it is being given the
proper respect, treasure, and aid in return for its efforts, it will eat

the dragon knight. Good-aligned dragons are easier to approach and

less likely to turn on their knight, but evil-aligned dragons are more
easily tempted by promises of wealth.
By far the most common dragon knights are paladins or rangers.
Fighters, barbarians, clerics, monks, and druids also make good
dragon knights. Rogues generally prefer more stealth than can be
found riding on the back of a dragon, but bards enjoy the fame a
dragon companion can bring. Wizards and sorcerers are more rare,
but occasionally the spellcasters can be found with a dragon ally.
Elven fighter/wizards often bond with good dragons and can be
found defending elven homelands.
NPC dragon knights are often of the evil variety, working with the
dragon to raid caravans or towns and gather great wealth.
Occasionally wealthy kingdoms will hire dragons and dragon
knights to help in a war or defend the borders. Legends tell of good
dragons who have grown to love their knight companions and
assumed humanoid form to live among them. One never knows if
the old Duke's "daughter" is going to shapeshift back into a huge
dragon to save her aging love!


Attack Bonus


Will Save

Ref Save




Dragon Ally



Immune to Dragon Fear





Dragon heart





Dragon mind





+1 Attack Rolls from Dragon back





Armour of the Dragon









Blood of the Dragon

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





+1 Attack Rolls from Dragon back






Breath of the Dragon

Base Attack Bonus: +8 Feat

dragon bodyguard, simply an ally he can rely on as long as he is

reliable himself. A dragon knight who loses his dragon ally loses all
special abilities until a new one can be found.

Skills: Weapon Focus (Heavy Lance) Knowledge (Dragons) 5

Ranks Ride (Dragons) 4 Ranks Language Draconic

Immune to Dragon Fear His exposure to dragons makes him

immune to the fear aura of dragons and dragonkind.

Special: The dragon knight must find a Large size dragon of

identical alignment with which to form the bond.

Dragon heart At this point, a dragon knight has spent enough time
around dragons to gain a +4 social skill check bonus when dealing
with other dragons or half-dragons (not his dragon ally). This bonus
applies to Bluff, Diplomacy, Innuendo, and Sense Motive.

Hit Die: d10

Dragon mind At 4th level, a dragon knight and his dragon ally may
communicate telepathically if within 1 mile of each other.

Class Skills
The dragon knight's class skills (and the key ability for each skill)
are: Appraise (Int) Balance (Dex) Craft (Int) Diplomacy (Cha)
Knowledge (Dragons) (Int) Ride (Dex) Search (Int)
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiency Dragon knights are proficient
with all simple and martial weapons, light and medium armour
types, and with shields.
Dragon Ally Dragon knights bond with a dragon of their same
alignment. The dragon must be of at least Large size or more to be
able to carry the dragon knight aloft. Dragon knights can call on the
dragon for aid in battle, magical assistance, or companionship, but
the dragon may do the same. The dragon knight must give 70% of
all treasure found or earned to his dragon companion. A dragon will
not give its life for the dragon knight, and there are many places a
dragon cannot go. A dragon knight does not gain an ever present

Combat Bonuses Starting at 5th level, a dragon knight gains a +1

to hit opponents while riding on the back of a dragon. This applies
to melee and ranged weapons. At 9th level, the dragon knight gains
an additional +1 to hit rolls.
Armour of the Dragon A dragon knight grows more and more like
his dragon ally. The mystic bond between them grows stronger and
the dragon knight's skin gets more resilient. Close inspection may
reveal tiny scale patterns on the skin. The knight adds +2 to his
Natural Armour. This is an extraordinary ability.
Blood of the Dragon At 8th level, a dragon knight resists damage
of its dragon ally's breath weapon type as if a permanent resist
elements spell had been cast upon him. Thus, a dragon knight allied
with a red dragon would ignore the first 12 points of fire damage
every round. This is a supernatural ability.
Breath of the Dragon At this stage, a dragon knight has fully
bonded with his dragon ally. He gains a small version of the
dragon's breath weapon which can be used once per day. The dragon
knight gains the breath weapon like a half-dragon as described on
page 214 of the Monster Manual. All dragon knight breath weapons
inflict 4d6 (16) damage. This is a supernatural ability.

Dragon Marked
The Dragon Marked are truly rare. The essence of dragon arcane
might flows through their veins, powering spell-like abilities and
providing some of the immunities and abilities of dragons. The
Dragon Mark can be obtained in one of two ways: either the
character must participate in a ritual involving a sponsor dragon and
11 other dragons, or the character must be a descendent of someone
who was once given the Dragon Mark. In the latter case, the essence
of the Dragon Mark lies dormant until a descendent proves his
worthiness. As a rule, the Dragon Mark manifests in descendents
only during a time of great stress, and only if the Dragon Mark itself
finds the descendent worthy.
Only an ancient dragon (or older) may sponsor a character for the
Dragon Mark. During the ritual in which the Dragon Mark is
emblazoned on the character, the dragon sponsor gains the power to

remove the Dragon Mark from the character or his descendents

should they prove themselves unworthy. The Dragon Mark may be
removed if the character acts against the alignment of the dragon
sponsor, takes action against dragons with the same alignment as the
dragon sponsor, or fails to live up to the Dragon Code presented to
the character during the ritual. This last requirement can prove
troublesome for a Dragon Marked descendent since he may not be
aware of the code or its particulars. Should the Dragon Mark ever
be removed, the character loses all the features of the class, but
retains its arcane spellcasting levels.
Note to DMs: More so than most prestige classes, this one should be
allowed only if attaining it is an important plot or subplot of an
ongoing campaign. If the character is a descendent of someone
Dragon Marked, the first level should not be awarded as soon as the
character meets the mechanical prerequisites. Rather, the DM
should bestow the first level at his discretion, bearing in the mind
that the Dragon Mark first manifests during a time of great stress.












Dragon Mark

+1 spellcasting,

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Dragon Attack





Polymorph into Dragon





Pseudodragon Familiar





Dragon Immunities, Dragon Attack (2)





Dragon Breath





Dragon Attack (3)





Greater Dragon Mark, Dragon Sense





Dragon Evasion, Dragon Attack (4)

+1 spellcasting,






Greater Polymorph into Dragon

+1 spellcasting,

To qualify for the Dragon Marked prestige class, a character must
fulfill the following requirements:
Skills: Knowledge (Dragonkind): 8 ranks,. Spellcraft: 8 ranks,
Language: Draconic
Spells: Ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells
Special: The Dragon Marked must receive the Dragon Mark in a
ritual involving a sponsor dragon of at least ancient age and 11 other
dragons or be a descendent of someone Dragon Marked. If the
latter, Dragon Marked abilities first manifest during great stress.
Hit Dice: d6

Class Skills
The Dragon Marked's class skills (and the key ability for each skill)
are Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (all
skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), and
Spellcraft (Int).
Skills points at each level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features:
All of the following are class features of the Dragon Marked.
Weapon and Proficiency: The Dragon Marked is not proficient in
any type of weapon, armor, nor shield.
Spellcasting levels: Six Dragon Marked levels stack with arcane
levels for the purposes of determining spells per day, spell levels,
and spell DCs. They do not stack with arcane levels for the purposes
of determining familiar hit points or abilities. If the character has
more than one class providing arcane spell levels, he must
determine which class receives Dragon Marked spellcasting levels.
This decision must be made when the character first takes a Dragon
Marked level. It is irrevocable.
Dragon Mark: (Sp) During the ritual in which the character is
Dragon Marked, a small symbol is burned onto the character's face.
If a character is descended from someone Dragon Marked, at some
point in his life during a time of great stress the Dragon Mark may
spontaneously manifest. The Dragon Mark serves as the foci for all
Dragon Marked spell-like abilities. At level 1, the Dragon Mark
provides arcane power for the following three spell-like abilities:
Dragon Shield: The Dragon Marked can create a floating shield of
dragon scales that provides a +8 cover bonus to AC and a +4 bonus
on Reflex saves for attacks that affect an area. In all other respects,
it functions as shield except that it does not block magic missiles. It
can be cast as a free action.

+1 spellcasting,

+1 spellcasting,

+1 spellcasting,

Dragon Armour: The Dragon Marked can create a highly flexible,

articulated, and translucent armour of dragon scales that completely
covers his skin, providing a +5 AC bonus. In all other respects, it
functions as mage armour. It can be cast as a free action.
Dragon Fear: The Dragon Marked can create within a single
creature's mind an overwhelming illusion of a ferocious attacking
dragon. Range is 100 ft + 10ft/Dragon Marked levels. A Will save
negates the illusion. The save DC is 14 + Int modifier. If a creature
of 4HD or less fails the save, it is panicked for 1d4 rounds; if 5HD
or greater, it is shaken for 1d4 rounds. It requires a standard action
to cast.
The Dragon Mark provides enough arcane power each day for any
two of these effects. Dragon Shield and Dragon Armour cannot both
be cast in the same round as free actions.
In addition, the Dragon Mark enables the character at his option to
modify the visual and auditory features of any spell he casts to
incorporate a draconic theme. Except as specified above, this ability
functions as per the Spell Thematics feat in Magic of Faerun (22).
Note that spellcraft checks made against such modified spells suffer
a -5 penalty.
Dragon Attack: (Sp) At level 2, the Dragon Marked can shape
arcane force into three tiny dragons that bite foes for 1d8 +
1/Dragon Marked levels points of damage (maximum 1d8+5) and a
Base Attack bonus equal to Arcane plus Dragon Marked levels. The
caster can freely designate the type of dragons he creates and can
direct them to attack one, two, or three foes. The dragons attack the
same round they are created. In all respects except as noted above,
Dragon Attack functions as spiritual weapon. At level 2, he may use
this spell-like ability once a day as a standard action. At level 5, he
may use it twice a day; at level 7 three times per day; and at level 9
four times per day.
Polymorph into Dragon: (Sp) At level 3, the Dragon Marked can
polymorph into a dragon of size tiny up to huge. The Dragon
Marked can polymorph into a dragon with equal or less HD than he
has, up to a maximum of 15 HD. At the character's option, he may
polymorph into a dragon one size category larger than the
character's HD would normally allow. If this option is chosen, the
dragon is treated in all regards as a dragon of the HD equal to or
less than the character's, except that (1) it will use the size multiplier
of a dragon one category larger for the purpose of determining
carrying capacity, and (2) it will have the face and reach of a dragon
one size category larger. All natural abilities of the dragon are
retained, but none of its extraordinary, spell-like, or supernatural
abilities. As with polymorph self, the character retains his own
spells, spell-like abilities, and extraordinary abilities (Note: Spells
that require somatic and/or material components may not be cast in
dragon form). In all respects except as noted above, this ability
functions as polymorph self. This spell-like ability can be used once
a day as a full round action.
Pseudodragon Familiar: At level 4, the Dragon Marked can obtain
a Pseudodragon familiar as if he had the Improved Familiar Feat

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
(Tome and Blood 41). Dragon Marked levels stack with arcane
levels for determining the hit points and abilities of the
Pseudodragon familiar. If the Dragon Marked already has a familiar,
it will magically transform into a Pseudodragon. This type of
transformation can occur only once in the character's life.
Dragon Immunities: (Ex): At level 5, the Dragon Marked are
immune to sleep and paralysis effects.
Dragon Breath: (Sp) At level 6, the Dragon Marked can shape
arcane force to seemingly transform his upper body into a huge
dragon head. If the caster has already polymorphed into a dragon,
no new head appears. The duration of the dragon head is one round.
In the same round the dragon head appears, it emits a dragon breath
of the character's choice. If a line is emitted, it has a range of 80 ft
and delivers 1d8/arcane+Dragon Marked levels points of damage
(maximum 15d8). If a cone is emitted, it has a range of 40 ft and
delivers 1d6/arcane+Dragon Marked levels points of damage
(maximum 15d6). In both cases, a Reflex save halves the damage.
In addition, any foe within 25 ft +5 ft/arcane plus Dragon Marked
levels (maximum 90 ft) must make a Will save or be either shaken
or panicked. Creatures with 5 HD or less are panicked for 2d6
rounds if they fail; creatures 6HD or more are shaken for 1d6
rounds. The save DC is 15 + Int modifier. This spell-like ability can
be used once a day as a standard action.
Dragon Sense: (Ex) At level 8, the Dragon Marked can ascertain
creatures by non-visual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also
by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) within a range
of 60 feet.
Greater Dragon Mark: (Sp) At level 8, the Dragon Mark becomes
more intricate and prominent. The Greater Dragon Mark provides
enough arcane power each day for four uses of the spell-like
abilities listed under Dragon Mark. In addition, the Will save DC for

Dragon Fear increases to 16 + Int. modifier; a creature under 6 HD

is panicked for 2d6 rounds if he fails the save, and a creature with
7HD or more is shaken for 1d6 rounds if he fails.
Dragon Evasion: (Ex) At level 9, the Dragon Marked can avoid all
or some of the damage caused by a dragon's breath weapon. His
Dragon Sense allows him to escape all damage on a successful
Reflex save. Even with a failed save, he takes only half damage.
This extraordinary ability does not work when the Dragon Marked
is polymorphed into a dragon.
Greater Polymorph into Dragon: (Sp) At level 10, the Dragon
Marked can polymorph into any dragon ranging in size from tiny to
huge as per Polymorph into Dragon with the additional bonuses of
gaining the dragon's breath weapon and eschewing the HD
limitation. Maximum duration is 10 minutes. The Challenge Rating
of the dragon may not exceed 15. All natural abilities of the dragon
are retained, but none of its extraordinary, spell-like, or supernatural
abilities, except for its breath weapon. As with polymorph self, the
character retains his own spells, spell-like abilities, and
extraordinary abilities. (Note: Spells that require somatic and/or
material components may not be cast in dragon form). The breath
weapon can be used a maximum of five times per use of Greater
Polymorph into Dragon.
Whenever the dragon attacks with his breath weapon, any foe
within 100 ft must make a Will save or be panicked or shaken for
3d6 rounds (this effect supersedes the Dragon Breath fear effect). If
a foe makes his Will save, he cannot be affected by this fear effect
or the Dragon Breath fear effect for the rest of the day. Creatures
with 6 HD or less are panicked if they fail; creatures 7HD or more
are shaken. The save DC for the breath weapon and the fear effect is
16 + Int modifier. In all other respects, this spell-like ability
functions as polymorph self. It can be used once a week as a full
round action.

Dragon Lord Proxy


more than one god when they advance after first level. It is said that
the most powerful proxy serves the entire dragon pantheon.

Legends among Dragons whisper of the highest, wisest and

strongest dragons that can become a Dragonlord Proxy: a proxy of a
dragon god or several dragon gods (save for IO and some others,
who dont need proxies). A Dragonlord proxy serves the plan of a
dragon god, and takes his orders directly. Dragonlord Proxies serve

Serving more one or more deities is what makes them different from
normal proxies. Due this fact the Dragonlord Proxy does not give
up his personality completely as other proxies do. Serving more
than one god may cause trouble, the Dragonlord proxy could find
himself in circumstance in where he has to choose between the
conflicting agendas of two or more deities.


Hit Dice



Divine Gift


Divine Gift










Divine Gift

Divine Gift

Divine Gift

Divine Gift

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

Class Features

Skills: Diplomacy: 20 ranks, Sense Motive: 20 ranks, Knowledge

(History Dragonkind): 5 ranks, Knowledge (Outerplanes): 5
ranks ,Bluff: 10 ranks ,Intimidate: 20 ranks, Spellcraft: 30 ranks.

Divine Gift: Dragonlord Proxies are granted gifts by their gods.

Powers vary widely, depending on the deity or deities it serves.
Consult the On hallowed ground planescape accessory on page 27
for sample powers, other powers are also possible.

Feats: Iron Will, Power Attack

Special: Only a great wyrm dragon is able to become a Dragonlord
Proxy. To become a Dragonlord Proxy a dragon must prove himself
before his god(s). This will be a very difficult task, up to the DM.
Hit Dice: d12

Quasar is the highest Dragonlord Proxy (10th-level) and has the

following divine gifts:
- Keresha: Amulet of supremacy and the divine version of True
Seeing always on;
- Choronzon: Track target through planes and direction sense;

Class Skills

- Zorquan: wounding, all dragon psychical melee attacks acts as a

weapon of wounding.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
described in the Monster Manual on page 62.

- Garyx: fire resistance 25 and move through flames without harm.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: +6 (+ Int modifier) per extra HD.

Quasar is called for duty by other draconic gods too, even Bahamut
is known to gave him tasks in the past.
Dragonlord Proxy is an example of a (NPC) proxy prestige class,
with some many gods the possibilities should be endless!

Dragoons are an elite group of warriors who fight with the tenacity
of a dragon. They are well known for the use of spears, polearms
and lances. Dragoons are fiercely dedicated to the dragonkind and
fight along side them in battle.
Dragoons are commonly paladins or clerics, although fighters are
also common. A dragon will often sponsor a sorcerer or wizard to

complement their fighting prowess with magic. Rogues and Bards

and Barbarians are rarely chosen for the prestigious position. Few
monks are found among the ranks of the dragoons although it is not
Unless the PC's are evil, a NPC Dragoon will likely be a welcome
ally. If however the PC's find themselves at odds with the good
dragons, they will find themselves facing the Dragoon











Jump Bonus, Mobility





Natural Armour+1, Leap Attack +2d6










Damage Resistance 4





Superior Weapon Focus





Leap Attack +4d6

















Natural Armour +2

Damage Resistance 6, Leap Attack +6d6


Hit Dice: D10

Base Attack Bonus: +6

Class Skills

Alignment: Lawful Good

Feats: Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Any spear, Polearm
or lance)
Special: Jump: 8 ranks Must be sponsored by a dragon.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Handle
Animal(Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex)

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

attempt to target his opponent with a devastating attack inflicting

+2d6 bonus damage. Every four levels the dragoon gains thereafter,
he increases the damage by +2d6. When performing a leap attack,
the dragoon receives a +4 dodge bonus to AC and a +4 reaction
bonus to reflex saves until his next action. The dragoon may only
make one leap attack per round.

Weapons and Armour: Dragoons are proficient with all spears and
polearms, with all types of armour, and shields.

Pierce: At 3rd level, the dragoon gains the ability to pierce. When
an opponent is reduced to 0-hitpoints, the dragoon may make a 5'
step through the blow and make a free attack at an opponent directly
behind the original target.

Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather
apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move
Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble.

Natural Armour: The dragoons skin begins to take on the features

of his draconic sponsor. He gains a +1 natural AC bonus at 2nd and
8th level.

Mobility: At first level, the dragoon receives this feat for free.
Jump: At first level, the dragoon receives a +10 competence bonus
to his Jump skill checks and is not limited by his height.

Damage Reduction: At 4th level, the dragoon gains damage

reduction (DR) 3. At 10th level, the damage reduction increases to

Leap Attack: At 2nd level, a dragoon gains the extraordinary

ability to make a leap attack. To make a leap attack, the dragoon
must make a successful Jump check (DC 20), if successful, may

Superior Weapon Focus: Stacking with any existing Weapon

Focus bonus, this adds an additional +1 to all attack rolls with the
dragoon's weapon.

All of the following are Class Features of the dragoon prestige class.

Druid [Sunlord]
Sunlords are men and women who revere the life-giving power of
the sun and focus much of their spiritual life in the pursuit of
understanding the sun itself. They have a deep appreciation for life
and nature and work towards maintaining the natural order.
Sunlords are most commonly druids or priests of nature or sun gods.
Occasionally a paladin or ranger will become a Sunlord, but it is
rare. Multiclass barbarians occasionally follow the path of the sun.
It is very rare for a multiclass sorcerer or wizard to become a
Sunlord. Elves, half-elves, and halflings are the most common

Sunlords are very much like druids in their philosophy. They tend to
act as healers and nurturers, using their magic to calm harsh
weather, improve crops and aid the sick. The more militant
Sunlords, such as those with paladin or ranger backgrounds, often
use their power to fight evil and undead. Some of the greatest
champions of sun gods are Paladin/Sunlords. Sunlords tend to live
in places with much sunlight, such as tropical or desert locations.
Areas with frequent cloud cover or underground realms are
generally avoided.
In many areas, Sunlords form enclaves much like druids. In fact,
many druid enclaves include Sunlords and vice versa. The two
groups generally work well together except for the evil druids.
Sunlords prefer brightly coloured garb and light armour. It is
difficult to enjoy the caress of the sun in a suit of chainmail.











Increased Spell Level





Sunsight, Daylight 1/day





Increased Spell Level





Light Enhancement, Searing Light 1/day





Increased Spell Level





Fire Resistance, Sunfire





Increased Spell Level





King of Helios





Increased Spell Level






Power of the Sun


Class: Sunlords must be capable of casting divine spells.

Base Attack Bonus: +6

Special: Craft (Sun Dial) 4 Ranks Knowledge (Astronomy) 4 Ranks

Knowledge (Religion) 8 Ranks

Alignment: Non-Evil

Hit Dice: D8

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Skills

spells as well. For example, a spell normally dealing 3d8 damage

would now inflict 3d8+4 damage.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Searing Light: At 4th level, the Sunlord is able to cast Searing

Light 1/day as a spell-like ability. The spell is cast at the sunlord's
character level.

Craft (Int) Heal (Wis) Knowledge (Astronomy) (Int) Knowledge

(Religion) (Int) Scry (Int) Spellcraft (Int) Wilderness Lore (Wis)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Sunlords gain no new
proficiency, but they retain any proficiencies acquired from other
Increased Spell Level: At first level, and at every other level, the
Sunlord increases the spell level of his divine spellcasting class. For
example, a 10th level cleric and 1st level Sunlord casts spells as a
11th level cleric. Only spell casting level and number of spells per
day increases not any other class ability. Clerics, druids, paladins,
and rangers are all eligible for this spell level increase. If a Sunlord
has multiple classes that cast divine spells, only one class can
receive the increase. Also, the Sunlord gains the Sun domain at 1st
level if he doesn't have it already.
Sunsight: Sunlords of this level are able to see as though in daylight
at all times. Even in a lightness cavern a Sunlord sees as though
illuminated by the noonday sun. This vision extends for 120 feet
and is an extraordinary ability.
Daylight: At 2nd level, the Sunlord is able to cast Daylight 1/day as
a spell-like ability. The spell is cast at the sunlord's character level.
Light Enhancement: At this level, Sunlords cast all Sun domain
spells as if they were two levels higher for determining range,
duration, damage and other level-dependant factors. In addition, a
Sunlord now adds his class level to all damage rolls for Sun domain

Fire Resistance: Due to their affinity with sun and heat, Sunlords
gain Fire Resistance of 10. This is a supernatural ability.
Sunfire: A Sunlord of this level can choose to convert normal
divine spells into Sunfire. The same rules apply as converting
spontaneous healing spells. Sunfire is a beam of pure sunlight 50
feet long plus 5 feet per class level of the Sunlord. It can hit one foe
and inflicts 1d6 damage for every level of the spell converted. Thus,
a Sunlord who converts a 4th level spell into Sunfire inflicts 4d6
damage. Opponents make a reflex save for half damage, and the
pure sunlight inflicts double damage upon undead. Fire resistance
applies against Sunfire. This is an extraordinary ability.
King of Helios: The Sunlord is bolstered by the power of the sun.
While outdoors on a sunny day, the Sunlord gains +2 morale to Will
Saves, +2 Constitution (and the accompanying hit points), and casts
spells as a level higher. This does not increase the number of spells
per day, only the level dependant variables such as range and
damage. These bonuses do not apply at night, indoors, in heavy
cloud cover, or in artificial sunlight. A Sunlord standing in a deeper
darkness spell effect loses these bonuses until out of the conjured
darkness. King of Helios is a supernatural ability.
Power of the Sun: In conditions where the King of Helios bonus
applies, Sunlords at 10th level gain tremendous spell-casting power.
There is a 25% (1 on 1d4) that any divine spell cast while outdoors
in sunlight is not removed from memory. Thus, a Sunlord casting
heal upon an ally while the sun shines on them (even in shade) has a
25% chance of retaining the ability to cast heal again the same day.
Spells that are converted to healing or Sunfire are not affected by
this ability and are automatically removed from spells still available
for the day. This is a supernatural ability.

Drunken Fighter
The focus of Drunken Fighting is using misdirection and confusion
to keep an opponent from knowing where your weapons are and
where they will be attacking from. The Drunken Fighter discipline
is a modification of the Drunken Master style of fighting, changing
the focus from unarmed fighting to using ones weapons effectively

and cunningly while inebriated. It is necessary for a Drunken

Fighter to be able to fight with multiple weapons equally as well in
order to keep their opponents off guard and maintain the balance
necessary to maintain a fighting position. Barbarians and Fighters
are most likely to follow the Drunken Fighter path, although other
classes can potentially learn the martial art. Drunken Fighters can be
found on the battlefield equally as often as in taverns and bars.







Speed 50ft., drink like a demon, bottle proficiency, drunk attack bonus +2

Stagger, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC)

Speed 60ft., swaying waist

AC bonus +1, drunk attack bonus +3

Drunken rage, drunk attack bonus +4, uncanny dodge (cant be flanked)

Speed 70ft., lurch

Blind-fight, blindsight (5ft. radius)

For medicinal purposes

AC bonus +2, speed 80ft., corkscrew rush, drunk attack bonus +5

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes


Breath of flame


movement through threatened squares provokes no attacks of


Base Attack Bonus: +4

Uncanny Dodge: Starting at 2nd level, you gain the extraordinary

ability to react to danger before your senses would normally allow
you to even be aware of it. At 2nd level and above, you retain your
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flatfooted or struck by invisible attackers. (You still lose any Dexterity
bonus to AC if immobilised.)

Hit Dice: D10

Feats: Dodge, Ambidexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting
Special: To qualify to become a Drunken Fighter, a character must
fulfil all the following criteria: Dexterity: 15+ Fortitude Save: 8+
Tumble: 6 Ranks Other: Evasion ability

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist
(Dex), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points at each Level: 4+ Int modifier.

Class Features
Drink Like a Demon: Your body handles alcohol differently from
other peoples. You can drink a large tankard of ale, a bottle of wine,
or a corresponding amount of stronger alcohol as a move-equivalent
action. Every bottle or tankard of alcohol you consume during
combat reduces your Dexterity, Wisdom, and Intelligence by 1 point
each, but increases your Strength or Constitution (your choice) by 1
point. However, your Reflex save bonus, Dexterity bonus to
Tumble, and AC bonus remain at their original levels regardless of
your new Dexterity modifier. Your body metabolises one drink per
hour, reducing both the penalties and the bonus accordingly. You
only gain the Strength and Constitution bonuses for alcohol drunk
fighting during a fight, and the bonuses only last until the end of the
combat. (The penalties disappear more gradually.) What quantity of
alcohol constitutes a drink is deliberately left undefined.
Drunk Attack Bonus: You have attuned yourself to fighting drunk
so well that you gain a base attack bonus while armed and while
you have unmetabolised drink in you. (+2 at 1st level, +3 at 4th
level, +4 at 5th level, and +5 at 9th level.)
Bottle Proficiency: You can use bottles and large tankards as
weapons using your base attack bonus, including your more
favourable number of attacks per round. Bottles do 1d6 points of
bludgeoning damage with their first blow, then 1d4 points of
slashing damage thereafter. Tankards do 1d6 points of bludgeoning
damage. Furthermore, you can make these attacks without spilling
most of the liquid inside.
Stagger: By tripping, stumbling, and staggering, you can make a
charge attack that surprises your opponents. This has two beneficial
aspects: First, your charges need not be in straight lines, and you
still move up to twice your speed. Second, make a Tumble check
(DC 15) when you begin your charge. If you succeed, your


At 5th level, you can no longer be flanked, since you can react to
opponents on opposite side of you as easily as you can react to a
single attacker. This defence denies rogues the ability to use flank
attacks to sneak attack you. The exception to this defence is that a
rogue at least 4 levels higher than you can flank you (and thus sneak
attack you).
Swaying Waist: You weave and bob about as you attack. You gain a
+2 dodge bonus to AC against any one opponent you choose during
your turn. This supersedes the Dodge feat, but functions like it in all
other ways.
Drunken Rage: You can rage just as a Barbarian does, with a
duration equal to your (new) Constitution modifier plus the number
of drinks you have consumed. You gain +4 to Strength, +4 to
Constitution, a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, and a 2 penalty to
AC. This ability supersedes the Strength and Constitution bonuses
from Drink Like a Demon.
Lurch: Your lurching movements let you make one feinting in
combat Bluff check (opposed by Sense Motive) per round as a
move-equivalent action. You gain a +4 competence bonus to Bluff
checks made for this purpose.
Blind-Fight: You gain the feat Blind-Fight (PHB, pg. 80).
Blindsight, 5-foot radius: You gain the feat Blindsight, 5-foot
radius (SaF, pg. 5).
For Medicinal Purposes: By combining your ki power with
alcohol, you can convert an alcoholic drink into a potion of cure
moderate wounds up to three times per day. The alcohol activates
the ki in your body, so the cure only works on you. Alcohol drunk in
this way neither impairs nor improves your ability scores.
Corkscrew Rush: You leap forward, twisting your weapons in a
blurring whirlwind as you rush an opponent. This is a charge attack
that, in addition to dealing normal damage, automatically initiates a
bull rush attack (without provoking an attack of opportunity).
Furthermore, you are considered to have the Power Attack feat for
the purpose of a corkscrew rush, and if you hit your opponent, you
stun your foe unless she makes a Will save (DC 17 + the Drunken
Fighters Wisdom modifier). However, if your attack misses, you
overextend and fall prone in front of your opponent.
Breath of Flame: You can use your ki to ignite the alcohol within
you and spew it forth from your mouth in a breath of flame. Breath
of flame deals 3d12 points of fire damage to all within the 20-foot
cone (Reflex save DC 18 for half). Each time you use breath of
flame, it consumes one drinks worth of alcohol within you,
reducing both penalties and bonuses to your ability scores.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
A Dustdigger is a scientist, archaeologist, and treasure hunter in the
most classic sense. The region of Oerth occupied by the presentday Yeomanry was one of the earliest lands settled by ancient Suel
travellers (among others), and remnants of their ancient civilizations
litter the Yeoman landscape. Dustdiggers wish to collect, record,
and preserve the artefacts of these lost cultures in an effort to learn
about their history. They also wish to keep such treasures out of the
hands of those who would exploit them. As such, they require
intelligence, cunning, and fighting prowess to complete their tasks.

candidates are accepted into the college's ranks, and then only the
best of these graduate to become full-fledged Dustdiggers. Entrance
into the college requires the recommendation of an existing
Dustdigger and the approval of the Board of Regents of the college.
Graduates are given a platinum pin to signify their positions as well
as open permission to explore archaeological sites so long as they
record their findings for the college and do not abuse the privilege.
The college, financed by private investors, handsomely pays
Dustdiggers for significant finds, and only Dustdiggers (along with
any entourage they may have) may legally explore such sites
without explicit government permission.

The Dustdiggers operate out of a relatively new yet prestigious

college in Loftwick. It was founded in 571CY with the assistance
of Theodain Eriason, the Council of Grosspokesmen, and other
prominent Yeoman, and works in conjunction with Wizards
academy in the same city. Only the most qualified and promising of

Due to their vast pool of skills, Rogues and Bards are the most
likely classes to gravitate towards a career as a Dustdigger.
Wizards, Sorcerers, Fighters, and Rangers are less common, and
Paladin, Barbarian, Monk, Cleric and Druid Dustdiggers are almost
unheard of.







Spells per day















Skill Focus





Uncanny Dodge





Greater Lore





Arcane Lore





Uncanny Dodge





True Lore





Skill Mastery






Immune to Flanking






Skill points at Each Level: 6+ Int mod

To qualify as a Dustdigger, a character must fulfil all of the

following criteria:

Class Features

Skills: Knowledge Ranks: 10, distributed among any of the

following: arcana, history, local, religion. Wilderness Lore Ranks: 4,
Speak Language: 3 or more, Appraisal Ranks: 4

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Dustdiggers are skilled in all

simple weapons and are proficient in all light and medium armour
but not shields. Note that wearing some armour detracts from a
number of skills and may cause spell failure.

Yeoman Citizenship: A prospective Dustdigger must be a citizen of

the Yeomanry League and be or good repute (never convicted of a
major crime, and have a certain number (TBD) of Fame/Influence
points with Yeoman institutions.
The Dustdigger must continue to be a member of the Dustdigger
College in Loftwick. Members can be ejected for misappropriation
of archaeological treasures.
Hit Die: d6

Class Skills
The Dustdigger's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
Appraise (Int), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script
(Int), Disable Device (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Intuit
Direction (Wis), Knowledge (Int), Intuit Direction (Wis), Open
Lock (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Speak Language (--), Use
Rope (Dex), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).

Spells: Dustdiggers are entitled to a limited number of arcane

spells. To cast a spell, a Dustdigger must have an intelligence of at
least 10 plus the spells level. Dustdigger bonus spells are based on
intelligence, and saving throws against these spells have a DC of 10
+ spell level + the Dustdiggers intelligence modifier (if any).
When a Dustdigger gets 0 spells of a given level, the Dustdigger
gets only bonus spells if applicable. A Dustdigger prepares and
casts spells just as a wizard does. Note that the spell selection for a
Dustdigger includes some divine spells, but they should be treated
in this case as arcane, and are prepared and cast as wizard spells.
Such spells are exceptional in that 'divine' spells used by
Dustdiggers may not be copied and utilized by any other class
Spell list:
1st level

3rd level

Comprehend Languages,
Detect Evil/Good/Law Chaos,
Detect Magic, Detect Secret

Dispel Magic, Fly, Illusory

Script, Obscure Object,
Remove Curse, Secret Page,

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Passages, Identify, Light,
Mage Hand, Open/Close,
Read Magic, Unseen Servant

Shrink Item, Tongues

Greater Lore: At 5th level, a Dustdigger gains the ability to

identify magic items, as per the spell. A Dustdigger may make one
attempt per item per day.

2nd level

4th level

Darkvision, Find Traps,

Knock, Leomund's Trap,
Levitate, Locate Object, Make
Whole, Shatter, Wizard Lock

Dimension Door, Free Action,

Minor Creation, Wizard Eye

Arcane Lore: At 6th level, a Dustdigger may use his knowledge to

gain the effects of a legend lore or analyse dweomer spell. This
ability may be used once per day.

Lore: Dustdiggers gather and disseminate knowledge. At 1st level,

they gain the ability to know legends or information regarding
various topics just like the Bard's bardic knowledge class ability,
adding his Dustdigger level and his intelligence modifier to
knowledge checks. If the Dustdiggers previous class was a bard,
these level bonuses stack.
Alertness: At 2nd level, the Dustdigger gains the Alertness feat at
no cost.
Skill Focus: At 3rd level, a Dustdigger gains a skill focus with the
skill of his/her choice at no cost.
Uncanny Dodge: At 4th level, the Dustdigger gains an intuit sense
that alerts him to danger from traps, giving him a +1 bonus to
Reflex saves made to avoid traps.

Uncanny Dodge: At 7th level, the Dustdigger retains his Dex bonus
to his AC (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by
an invisible attacker.
True Lore: At 8th level, once per week, the Dustdigger can cast, in
effect, a stronger version of the 6th-level wizard spell Analyse
Dweomer, which tells *all* of an object's magical properties (does
not work on creatures) that are equal to or lower than the caster
level check rolled. This ability requires12 hours to complete.
Skill Mastery: At 9th level, the Dustdigger selects a number of
skills equal to 3+ his intelligence modifier. When making a skill
check with one of these skills, the Dustdigger may take 10 even if
stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so.
Immune to Flanking: At 10th level, the Dustdigger can no longer
be flanked, since he can react to opponents on opposite sides of him
as easily as he can react to a single attacker.

Dwarven [Battlerager]
The Battlerager fills a particular niche in dwarf society and culture.
He is a fearless warrior, able to create an insane rage within himself
that increases his fighting ability and distorts his physical features.
While enraged, a Battleragers face becomes twisted and his teeth
grind together. Spittle flies from his mouth and dribbles down his

beard. His eyes enlarge, bulge, and become bloodshot. Size

increases (by an inch or so) as his muscles swell and his body
His fighting ability becomes awesome, allowing him to fight longer
and harder than any other dwarf. While in his rage, he is almost
unstoppable. A dangerous enemy, he is a menace to friend and foe











Furious Rage 1/day, Toughness Feat





Furious Rage 2/day, Stubborn Will 1





Furious Rage3/day, Toughness Feat





Furious Rage 4/day, Stubborn Will 2





Furious Rage 5/day; no longer winded after rage; Toughness Feat


Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), and Jump (Str) See Chapter 4: Skills
in the Players Handbook for descriptions.

To qualify to become a Battlerager, a character must fulfil all the

following criteria.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Race: Dwarf
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, and Sunder

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features

Hit Dice: d12

All of the following are Class Features of the Battlerager prestige


Class Skills

Weapons and Armour: A Battlerager is proficient with all simple

and martial weapons, light armour, medium armour, heavy armour,
and shields.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Furious Rage: Battleragers are able to enter a furious killing rage

that endangers friend and foe alike. They have no control over it.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Anytime one feels insulted, threatened, or when in combat, he will
bellow a battle song at the top of his lung. After 1d4 rounds during
which he can fight or perform other activities, he enters rage. A
Battlerager can attempt to prevent a Rage by making a Willpower
Save (DC20). If he fails the check he enters the rage.
In a rage, a Battlerager gains phenomenal strength and durability
but becomes reckless and less able to defend himself. He
temporarily gains +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, and a +2
morale bonus on Will saves, but suffers a -2 penalty to AC. The
increase in Constitution increases the Battleragers hit points by 2
points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage
when the Constitution score drops back to normal. These extra hit
points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are; see
Temporary Hit Points, page 129. of the Players Handbook.
While raging, a Battlerager cannot use skills or abilities that require
patience and concentration, such as moving silently or casting
spells. (The only class skills he cant use while raging are Craft,
Handle Animal, and Intuit Direction.) He can use any feat he might
have except for Expertise, item creation feats, metamagic feats, and
Skill Focus (if its tied to a skill that requires patience or
concentration). A fit of rage lasts until all his foes lay dead. At the
end of the rage, the Battlerager is fatigued (-2 to Strength, -2 to
Dexterity, cant charge or run) The Battlerager can only fly into a

rage once per encounter, and only a certain number of times per day
(determined by level).
Entering a rage takes no time itself, but the Battlerager can only do
it during his action (see Initiative, page 120), not in response to
somebody elses action. A Battlerager cant, for example, fly into a
rage when struck down by an arrow in order to get the extra hit
points from the increased Constitution, although the extra hit points
would be of benefit if he had gone into a rage earlier in the round,
before the arrow struck.
During a rage the Battlerager is oblivious to pain. The Dungeon
Master should not reveal the amount of damage the Battlerager
takes while in Rage.
The Battlerager can attempt to end his rage by making a Will Save
(DC 20).
Starting at 5th level, the Battleragers rage bonuses become +6 to
Strength, +6 to Constitution, and a +3 morale bonus to Will saves.
(The AC penalty remains at -2.)
Stubborn Will: Add this resistance bonus to the Battleragers Will
Toughness: The Battlerager gains the Toughness feat.

Dwarven [Hammer of Moradin]

Moradin is the primary dwarven deity and his name is only ever
spoken by dwarves with the utmost respect and reverence. Dwarven
society is a society of warriors and the vast majority of these
warriors (and other dwarves for that matter) worship Moradin.
However a special few are so utterly devoted to their deity that he
bestows upon them special powers, so that they might better serve
his cause. The "Hammers" (as they are most often called) are
devoted followers of Moradin, granted powers in return for extreme
devotion to their god and his edicts. They show the utmost respect
for clerics of Moradin and they can often be found serving them in
various capacities. Sometimes this means guarding sacred temples

to Moradin, other times it means leading special quests to recover

religious artefacts. Whatever the task assigned - it is always
extremely perilous and there is little in the way of personal reward
for the Hammer other than the favour of their deity and his clerics.
Fighters most often find themselves joining "The Hammers",
although rogues, rangers, clerics and even barbarians have been
known to join their ranks.
"The Hammers" can be identified by a special single tattoo on their
chest - showing the symbol of Moradin. All the Hammers wield
warhammers just like their god, and many of there granted powers
are based on the use of this weapon. Hammers are free to use other
weapons, but they still require a warhammer as a focus for the
granted powers.







Hurl Hammer 1/day, Moradin's Blessing

Imbue Hammer

Hurl Hammer 2/day, Fighter Feat

Whirling Hammer Shield 1/day

Hurl Hammer 3/day, Giant Killer

Whirling Hammer Shield 2/day, Forged Weapon Immunity 10/+1

Hurl Hammer 4/day, Moradin's Tremor

Whirling Hammer Shield 3/day, Forged Weapon Immunity 10/+2

Hurl Hammer 5/day, Fighter Feat



Whirling Hammer Shield 4/day, Forged Weapon Immunity 10/+3

Base Attack Bonus: +7

Alignment: Lawful Good

Race: Dwarf

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Feats: Weapon Focus (Warhammer), Power Attack, Sunder.
Special: Religion: Moradin Knowledge (Religion): 2 ranks Any
Profession or Craft skill relating to Smithing work: 3 ranks (e.g.
Blacksmith or Armourer or Weaponsmith etc.) Other: Must submit
to a special religious ceremony conducted by a cleric of Moradin at
least of 7th level. At the end of the ceremony, if a tattoo appears on
one of the dwarf's chest - then he has selected to become a Hammer
of Moradin

of rounds equal to the Hammer's level (not his total character level)
and provides a +1 enhancement bonus to the weapon. The
enhancement does allow the character to hit creatures only hit by
magical weapons (indeed for the duration of effect the weapon is
magical). This effect stacks with the bonus of a warhammer that
already has a magical bonus. If the weapon was a masterwork
weapon then it still has a +1 bonus but is now magical. Regardless
of the weapon's existing magical bonus the total bonus can never
exceed +5.

Hit Dice: D10

Fighter Feat: The character may choose one feat from the list of
fighter bonus feats.

Class Skills

Whirling Hammer Shield: The character can whirl his warhammer

around his hand spinning it in a ferociously fast circle (using a
leather thong attached to the handle of the weapon). He receives the
equivalent of half cover (+4 AC, +2 reflex saves) while the whirling
hammer shield is maintained. The character can move at half his
normal movement rate while maintaining the whirling hammer
shield, which can be maintained for the number of rounds equal to
twice his Con bonus (e.g. Con 14 = 4 rounds). Once started it can be
stopped at any time, though the ability is considered "used".

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are very
similar to those of Fighters, with some extra skills based on their
religious training and beliefs.
Climb (Str), Craft (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion)
(Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points at each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: Hammers are proficient with all simple and
martial weapons, all armours and shields. Note that armour check
penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance,
Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket and
Hurl Hammer: The character can hurl his warhammer just as if it
was a thrown weapon. He receives no attack penalty for an
unfamiliar weapon (a warhammer can't usually be thrown). The
hurled warhammer has a range increment of 20 feet and will
automatically return to the hand of the character after the attack.
Hurling counts as a normal attack action (not full) but only one
attack (i.e. the throw itself) can be made during the round in which
the warhammer is hurled.
Moradin's Blessing: The character receives a +3 circumstance
bonus to any fortitude saves required for effects relating to stone or
earth (e.g. surviving a stone to flesh spell).
Imbue Hammer: Once per day the character can imbue his
warhammer with Moradin's blessing. This effect lasts for a number

Moradin's Tremor: Once per day the character can slam his
warhammer into the ground and call upon his patron's power. The
ground in a 50 foot radius will shake violently causing all two
legged beings of Large size or smaller to make a Balance Skill
check against DC 15 or fall over prone for one round (it can not
discriminate between friend or foe - but Hammers of Moradin or
clerics of Moradin are unaffected).
Giant Killer: Whenever in combat against giants or giant kind the
character receives double his normal threat range for his
warhammer. This effect stacks with the improved critical feat and
any other similar effect.
Common enemy of the dwarves - Moradin is skilled at defeating
Forged Weapon Immunity: The character can make himself
relatively invulnerable to forged weapons using the damage
reduction indicated against any forged weapon used against him.
This effect can be used once per day and lasts for three rounds. A
forged weapon usually means any bladed weapon (sword, dagger,
scimitar, axe, falchion, spear).
This represents Moradin's mastery of the forge. It is said by dwarves
that Moradin controls all the forges in the world. Moradin himself is
immune to all forged weapons.

Dwarven [Moradins Forge Master]








Craft magic arms & armour, Weapon Focus:

Hammer, Light and Warhammer

Skill Focus: Craft: Armoursmith

+1 Str, Way of Hammer and Tongs I

Skill Focus: Craft: Weaponsmith

Weapon Specialisation: Hammer, Light

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

Forge Ring, Divine Sunder

Weapon Specialisation: Warhammer

+1 Str

Master Forger


Way of Hammer and Tongs II

Race: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful Good
Worshipper of Moradin
Basic Attack Bonus: +8
Spells: 4th level divine spell caster
Skills: 10 ranks total in Craft: Armoursmith and/or Craft:
Hit Dice: d8

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Appraise, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Heal, Jump, Knowledge,
Religion, Profession, Spellcraft
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: Simple and martial weapons,
all armour and shields
Special: Treated as paladin in regard to use of Holy Avenger sword,
Note: This is considered a spell casting class; three levels of Forge
Master equals three caster levels. The Forge Master gains domain
spells in the Mysticism domain.

Way of Hammer and Tongs: At 6th level, the Forge Master takes
half standard time for Craft: Armoursmith and Craft: Weaponsmith
(multiply GP price by 5 instead of 10 when calculating time spent).
At 10th level, the Forge Master takes only 30% of standard time
(3X GP price instead of 10X).
Divine Sunder (Su): The Forge Master can use divine guidance to
discern the weak point of a weapon or shield. The Forge Master
must declare he is using Divine Sunder prior to his attack and if the
attack is successful, the target objects hardness is halved for
purposes of calculating the attacks damage. In all other respects,
this attack is the same as a normal sunder attempt.
Master Forger: At 9th level, the Forge Master has perfected the art
of crafting magical arms and armour. The base cost for enchanting
an item is reduced by one-third in regard to creation time and actual
cost of the enchantment. Note that the base cost of creating the
initial masterwork item remains the same and XP costs are also
Spell List:
1st Level

3rd Level

Bless, Bless water, Bless

weapon, Consecrate, Create
water, Cure light wounds,
Divine favour, Endure elements,
Magic weapon, Mending
Protection from Evil, Read
magic, Resistance, Shield of
faith, Virtue

Cure serious wounds, Dispel

magic, Greater magic weapon,
Hallow, Keen edge, Magic
circle vs. evil, Prayer,
Restoration, Righteous might,
Spell resistance, Stoneskin

2nd Level

4th Level

Aid, Bulls strength, Continual

Light, Cure moderate wounds,
Dispel evil, Holy Smite, Make
whole, Resist elements, Shield,
Shield other, Stone shape,
Summon monster I

Dispel evil, Holy aura, Holy

sword, and Iron body, Miracle,
Orders wrath, Plane Shift

Dwarven [Orcslayer]

Death for them, some believe, is only a kindness, and the typical
Orcslayers attitude is one of almost suicidal recklessness.

A grim, fatal figure, the dwarven Orcslayer is filled with

unspeakable rage against orcs and other goblinoids, having suffered
great personal tragedy due to their depredations, such as finding his
family brutally butchered, losing cherished friends, or suffering
disfigurement, defilement, or other great shame. Maddened with
grief and rage, the Orcslayer devotes himself to dwarven war god,
and vows to give his life to the destruction of the goblinoids, letting
his hate and thirst for vengeance consume him. Violent, impulsive,
and prone to alcoholism and fits of deep depression, Orcslayers are
pitied by their kinfolk, and find themselves even more isolated.

An Orcslayer usually wears only handmade leather armour and

ragged clothing, leaves his beard unbraided and uncombed, and
allows personal hygiene to fall by the wayside. The Orcslayer may
have the symbol of his deity painted on his forehead in ashes and
blood before battle.
Orcslayers disdain any non-thrown missile weapons as cowardly,
and refuse to wear heavier armours for the same reason. Those with
the greatest suicidal tendencies even refuse to wear magical
versions of the lighter armours.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

rage, when the Constitution score drops back to normal. These extra
hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are. While
raging, an Orcslayer cannot use skills or abilities that require
Base Attack Bonus: +5
patience or concentration, such as moving silently or casting spells.
1Hit Dice: D12
Orcsbane, Orcslayer
He can use
feat he might have, except Expertise, item creation
feats, metamagic feats, and Skill Focus (if its tied to a skill that
Song of Wrath,
and concentration). A fit of rage lasts a number of
to 3 + the characters (newly improved) Constitution
Uncanny Dodge (Dex Bonus)
modifier. The Orcslayer may not prematurely end the rage
Any Martial
4 Proficiency
Stonehide, voluntarily;
Wall of Furyhe
I must ride it until it runs its course. At the end of the
rage, the Orcslayer is fatigued (-2 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity, cant
to the
5 have suffered
1 personal1 loss, due Orcslayer
or run) for the duration of that encounter. The Orcslayer can
depredations of orcs or other goblinoids.
goad himself into a rage only once per encounter.
Toughness Feat
The Orcslayer continues to sing throughout his rage. A magical
Uncanny Dodge
power can prevent the Orcslayer Rage from
at the start, but cannot stop it once it has begun, even if
Wall of Fury II
the dwarf fights and sings silently.
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Orcslayer Rage 3/day
If the Orcslayer also has Barbarian levels, he may use both types of
Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (goblinoids)
rageFeatin the same day. For example, an 8th/1st level
(Wis), Perform
Speak Language
10 Listen 10
7 (sing)(Cha),
+3 Toughness
Barbarian/Orcslayer could undergo 3 Barbarian rages and 1
goblinoid tongues), and Spot (Wis).
Orcslayer rage in a single day.
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
Song of Wrath: When the Orcslayer sings, he gives full vent to his
anguish, loss, and fury in a frightening song of bloodlust and death
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
to come. Any opponents hearing the song suffer a -2 Morale penalty
to Will saves, dropping to a -4 penalty when the dwarf enters his
Orcslayer Rage.



Class Skills

Class Features

All of the following are Class Features of the Orcslayer prestige

Weapons and Armour: Orcslayers are proficient with the
battleaxe, dwarven urgrosh, dwarven waraxe, greataxe, throwing
axe, and warhammer. Orcslayers are proficient with light armour,
but no shields. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier
than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide,
Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble.
Orcsbane: All dwarves are trained in special combat techniques
against orcs and goblinoids, but Orcslayers dedicate themselves to
destroying these opponents. Orcslayers choose a particular type of
weapon-usually a greataxe-and become intimately familiar with
how to utilise that weapon to best effect when engaging their
ancestral enemies. Orcslayers double the effective threat range of
their chosen weapon when fighting orcs and goblinoids. For
example, a greataxe usually threatens a critical on a 20. If the
Orcslayer had selected the greataxe as his Orcsbane weapon, it
would threaten a critical on a 19 or 20 when fighting orcs or
goblinoids. The effects of this ability stack with those of the
Improved Critical feat, if the weapon being used is of the
appropriate type, and is being used against orcs and goblinoids.
Orcslayer Rage: When he needs to, an Orcslayer can goad himself
into screaming blood frenzy. To enter this state of mindless
savagery, the Orcslayer must sing a Dwarvish warsong at the top of
his lungs while performing any activity-standing, walking or
running, attacking, etc. After 2+1d4 rounds of singing, he abruptly
enters the Orcslayer Rage.
In a rage, an Orcslayer gains phenomenal strength and durability but
becomes reckless and less able to defend himself. He temporarily
gains a +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on
Will saves, but suffers a -2 penalty to AC.
The increase in Constitution increases the Orcslayers hit points by
2 points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the

Stonehide: Orcslayers seem capable of ignoring all but the most

severe of unarmed blows, hanging onto consciousness by dint of
sheer stubborn hate, and near obviousness to pain. They may never
be staggered, and have the extraordinary ability of damage
reduction 3/- vs. subdual damage. This damage reduction does stack
with a Barbarians damage reduction, but only in regards to subdual
damage. For example, a 14th/4th level Barbarian/Orcslayer would
have a damage reduction of 2/- vs. normal attacks, but 5/- vs.
subdual attacks.
Toughness Feat: Due to his preference for light armour and brutal
melee, the Orcslayer gains the benefits of additional Toughness
feats at 2nd, 6th, and 10th level.
Uncanny Dodge: Starting at 3rd level, the Orcslayer gains the
extraordinary ability to react to danger before her senses would
normally allow her to do so. At 3rd level and above, she retains her
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flatfooted or being struck by an invisible attacker. She still loses her
Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilised. At 7th level, the Orcslayer
can no longer be flanked, as she can react to opponents on opposite
sides of her as easily as she can react to a single attacker. This
defence denies other characters the ability to use flank attacks to
sneak attack her. The exception to this defence is that a Rogue at
least four levels higher than the character can flank her (and thus
sneak attack her). The characters Orcslayer levels are cumulative
with her levels in any other class that has the uncanny dodge ability
for the purposes of determining the characters total uncanny dodge.
Wall of Fury: The rage that blinds an Orcslayer to practically
everything except his desire for vengeance and the death of orcs and
goblinoids, also acts as a powerful barrier against magical attempts
to control or influence him. At 4th level, the Orcslayer gains a +2
bonus to all Will saves vs. Enchantment spells or effects, increasing
to a +4 bonus when the Orcslayer is raging. At 8th level, the
Orcslayers bonuses against Enchantment increase to +4 normally,
and complete immunity when raging. At 8th level the Orcslayer also
gains a bonus of +4 to all saves vs. spells or powers causing

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Dwarven [Pest Hunter]
Someday the caverns will be free of pests. But now I am hunting
them one by one. -Yrbar Koboldbane, dwarven hero


commendable by other dwarves. In strongholds where they are not

constantly employed, they are often viewed with suspicion and
distaste. Many have been known to turn to illegal activities in order
to support themselves, but their willingness to enter even sewers has
proved their worth as recoverers of lost items and has earned them a
reputation for being incredibly tough.

The dwarven pest hunter is a highly skilled specialist who enters

tunnel systems with the intention of eradicating monsters that hide
within. Pest hunters are also adept at negotiating the constricted
passages created by giant rats, monstrous centipedes, and other
pests and vermin. They are used to fighting in confined spaces and
are experts at hiding in shadows, where they wait to surprise their

Outside of dwarf society, pest hunters are something of an enigma.

They do not readily fit the image other races have of the trades.
Most humans are amazed that a skill as specialised as pest hunters
even exists. Even so, they easily find work in human cities as pest
exterminators, and their services have often been called upon to
eradicate bands of raiding kobolds and goblins from their lairs.

Within dwarf societies plagued by pests, pest hunters are highly

regarded. Their willingness to enter narrow tunnels is seen as

Of all dwarves, rogues and rangers are most likely to become pest
hunters. Fighters and some clerics are less common, but not totally
unheard of.












1st chosen enemy






Close-quarters fighting






2nd chosen enemy, small one out












3rd chosen enemy, chosen weapon

To qualify to become a dwarven pest hunter, a character must fulfil
the following criteria.
Race: Dwarf
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Skills: Listen: 6 ranks, Spot: 6 ranks, Hide: 6 ranks
Special: Must have rid at least one cavern of pests.
Hit Dice: d8.

Chosen Enemy: The pest hunter specialises in hunting a specific

form of enemy (pest) that commonly plagues dwarven tunnels. A
member of this class may choose a creature from the following list:
Aberrations, Animals, Humanoids (Goblinoids), Humanoids (Orcs),
Humanoids (Reptilian), Oozes, Plants, Vermin.
As pest hunters are especially adept at fighting these monsters, they
receive a +1 bonus to damage rolls against creatures of this type, as
well as a +1 bonus to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot checks
when using these skills against their chosen enemies. If the weapon
used against the creature is ranged, the bonus applies only up to the
range of 30 feet. The damage bonus is not effective against
monsters that are immune to critical hits.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

At 3rd and 5th levels, the pest hunter may choose a new enemy
from the list, and the bonus associated with every previously chosen
enemy goes up by +1. For example, a 3rd-level pest hunter will
have two chosen enemies, with bonuses of +2 and +1.

Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Hide (Dex),
Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis),
Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).

Close-Quarters Fighting (Ex): Dwarven pest hunters are skilled in

fighting in curved and narrow underground passages. While fighting
in underground settings, the pest hunter receives a +2 circumstance
bonus to initiative, attack rolls, Hide and Move Silently checks.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Small One Out (Ex): Most creatures that plague dwarven caverns
are small but annoying, if not deadly. Pest hunters concentrate on
eliminating this kind of prey, receiving a +1 bonus to both attack
and damage rolls against Small and smaller creatures.

Class Skills

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the dwarven pest hunter
prestige class.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Dwarven pest hunters gain
proficiency with all Small simple and martial weapons, light and
medium armour, and with bucklers and small shields.

Stealth (Ex): Pest hunters constantly hone their skills related to

stealthy movement. On reaching 4th level a pest hunter gains a +2
competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks.
Chosen Weapon: On achieving 5th level, the pest hunter may
choose one light melee weapon. He gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls
and damage while fighting underground.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Dwarven [Silverbeard]
Thousands of years ago, it is said an entire pantheon of gods served
the dwarven people. Among these was the mighty Clangeddin
Silverbeard, god of battle and bravery, who wielded the fearsome
axe Giantbane. For reasons lost in the mists of time, he and the

other dwarven gods abandoned the dwarves of Urodia, leaving only

Moradin the Dwarffather to shepherd over the people. Yet there are
those fierce warriors who awake one morning to find their chins
touched with a shock of bright silver. They are the chosen of
Clangeddin, and though they stir suspicion in the hearts of other
dwarves, none can question the bravery of their deeds or the ferocity
of their blades.











Stalwart Resolve, Clangeddin's Arm 1/day





Clangeddin's Strike 1/day





Clangeddin's Rampage 1/day





Godsblade 1/day, Superior Weapon Focus





Clangeddin's Strike 2/day, Clangeddin's Arm 2/day





Clangeddin's Rampage 2/day





Godsblade 2/day, Supreme Mobility





Clangeddin's Strike 3/day





Clangeddin's Rampage 3/day






Godsblade 3/day, Clangeddin's Arm 3/day


Strength equal to 1 point per Silverbeard level. Activating the power

is a free action. The enhancement lasts 1 round.

Race: Dwarf

Clangeddin's Strike (Su): This power increases the critical

multiplier of the Silverbeard's chosen weapon (the weapon he has
Weapon Focus in) by an additional +1 when determining the
damage of a single critical hit. For example, the longsword has a
critical multiplier of x2. Using this ability, the Silverbeard can
increase that multiplier to x3. Use of Clangeddin's Strike must be
declared before rolling any damage dice.

Alignment: Any Good

Basic Attack Bonus: +8
Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Improved Critical, Power Attack, Weapon
Focus (any)
Abilities: Dex 13+, Str 15+
Hit Dice: d10

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Jump, Ride, Swim.
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features
Weapon and Armour: All simple and martial weapons, all armour
and shields
Stalwart Resolve (Su): Extraordinarily fierce and courageous, all
Silverbeards receive a +4 morale bonus to saves vs. fear.
Clangeddin's Arm (Su): The Silverbeard can invoke Clangeddin's
power to perform a feat of strength and gain a sacred bonus to

Clangeddin's Rampage (Su): Clangeddin's Rampage grants the

Silverbeard one extra partial action, which he may use in addition to
his normal actions. Activating this power is a free action. The ability
lasts a minimum of 1 round, plus a number of additional rounds
equal to the Silverbeard's Wis bonus.
Godsblade (Su): Drawing upon the blessing of Clangeddin, the
Silverbeard can transform his chosen weapon into divine energy and
attack. The transformed weapon ignores armour and enhancement
bonuses to AC, and the effectiveness of natural armour is halved.
Dexterity, deflection, dodge, and other such bonuses still apply.
Infused with holy power, the weapon deals an additional +2d6
points of bonus holy (good) damage against all of evil alignment.
Invoking and striking with the Godsblade is a full attack action.
Note that the weapon reverts to normal after the attack attempt,
regardless of its success or failure.
Superior Weapon Focus (Ex): Stacking with any existing Weapon
Focus bonus, this adds an additional +1 to all attack rolls with the
Silverbeard's weapon of choice.
Supreme Mobility (Ex): The Silverbeard gains a +6 dodge bonus
to his AC against attacks of opportunity provoked by moving into or
out of a threatened area. A condition that makes you lose your Dex
bonus to Armour Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses.
This dodge bonus supersedes that of Mobility.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Dwarven [Stonelord]
Dwarves know more secrets about stone than anyone else. They live
and die among the stones, and the earth whispers to them - or at
least to select individuals. These special dwarves are known as
Stonelords, or occasionally rockbrothers and rocksisters. They use
their connection with the earth to draw from the infinite reserves of
power within it to help them performing amazing feats.

Fighters are the most common stonelords, although dwarven

paladins and rangers adopt the mantle as well. Though uncommon,
dwarven rogues, clerics and even the occasional wizard or sorcerer
become stonelords.
NPC stonelords work in dwarven communities as protectors and
leaders. Occasionally, they work in groups, but even then their
varied backgrounds and chosen powers make them all very







Earth's Blood

Stone Power

Stone Shape

Stone Power

Meld Into Stone

Stone Power

Stone Tell

Stone Power




Stone Power


Class Features

Base Attack Bonus: +5

Weapons and Armour: Stonelords are proficient with simple

weapons, but no type of Armour or shield.

Race: Dwarf
Feats: Endurance
Skills: Craft (Stoneworking) 6 Ranks Spellcraft 3 Ranks Language
Special: To become a Stonelord, a dwarf must undergo an arduous
ritual involving immersion in sacred loam, long fasting periods deep
underground, and the ingestion of 1,000 gp worth of powdered
gemstones. The gem type chosen is then the stonelords totem gem,
and she must carry that type of stone with her at all times to access
the spell-like abilities she gains as a Stonelord.
Hit Dice: D8

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Climb (Dex), Craft (Dex), Knowledge (Any) (Int), Profession
(Wis), Spot (Wis)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier

Earths Blood: Once per day, the Stonelord can heal her own
wounds using a clump of mud. This ability heals 1d8 + class level
hit points. This is a spell-like ability. Using this ability is a standard
Stone Power: At every other level, the Stonelord can choose one
from the following list of stone powers. No power can be chosen
more than once.
Earths Strength: Once per day, the Stonelord grants herself a boost
to her Strength as if she was affected by a bulls strength spell for an
hour. This is a spell-like ability. Using this ability is a standard
Earths Endurance: Once per day, the Stonelord grants herself a
boost to her Constitution as if she was affected by an endurance
spell for an hour. This is a spell-like ability. Using this ability is a
standard action.
Earthgrip: Once per day, the Stonelord can cast hold monster on
any target on the ground, using her class level as the level of the
caster. This is a spell-like ability. Using this ability is a standard
Gravity: Once per day, the Stonelord can cast slow as a spell-like
ability using her class level as the level of the caster. Using this
ability is a standard action.
Earth Magic: Once per day, a spell cast by a Stonelord (assuming
she can cast spells) is considered maximised as if prepared with the
Maximise Spell feat, although the spells level is unaffected. The

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
spells level cannot be greater than the class level of the Stonelord.
This is a supernatural ability; using it counts as a free action.

using her class level as the level of the caster. This is a spell-like
ability. Using this ability is a standard action.

Earth Shadows: Once per day per class level, the Stonelord can
create a figment of a Medium-size earth elemental that appears in a
flanking position on the other side of the stonelords opponent for
one round. This spell-like ability allows the Stonelord to make
flanking attacks (+2 to hit, can make a sneak attack if such ability is
available) against that opponent during that round. Using this ability
is a free action.

Stone Shape: Once per day, the Stonelord can shape stone as if she
cast a stone shape spell using her class level as the level of the
caster. This is a spell-like ability. Using this ability is a standard

Earth Power: Once per day, all melee attacks made by the
Stonelord in a single round gain a +2 attack bonus and a +2d6
damage bonus. This is a supernatural ability and using it counts as a
free action.
Stoneskin: Once per day, the Stonelord grants herself skin like
stone as if she was affected by a stoneskin spell, using her class
level as the level of the caster. This is a spell-like ability and using it
is a standard action.

Meld Into Stone: Once per day per class level, the Stonelord can
merge with stone as if she was affected by a meld into stone spell
using her class level as the level of the caster. This is a spell-like
ability. Using this ability is a standard action.
Stone Tell: Once per day, the Stonelord can speak with stone as if
she cast stone tell using her class level as the level of the caster. This
is a spell-like ability. Using this ability is a standard action.
Earthquake: Once per day, the Stonelord can invoke an earthquake
as if she cast earthquake using her class level as the level of the
caster. This is a spell-like ability. Using this ability is a standard

Summon Earth Elemental: Once per day, the Stonelord can

summon a small earth elemental as if she cast summon monster III,

Elite Agents of the Throne


they bloody well wanted. History does not show what the halflings
and gnomes thought. It probably involved lunch.

"The Empire of Kar-thone was founded upon the principles of

honesty, openness, and trust. But the first Emperor, Daran the Keen,
knew that other places were not. He realised that to maintain the
safety of his newly forged nation, his fledgling government would
need to be able to deal effectively in the subtle arts. And thus, over
time he drew together those to whom stealth and guile were second
nature. He chose only men of character, however, and so the
Imperial Legion was formed. These men advised him in the ways of
misdirection and subterfuge, and never again was Kar-thone caught
unaware by an untrustworthy ally."

From this volatile situation, Daran Kar-thone learned something.

(He was not called Daran the Keen for nothing! According to
Colanx Ursulans personal journal, the First Emperor was a man of
dizzying intellect as well as physical strength and presence). What
he learned was that he needed more people like himself. Of all his
men, it was said only he could keep his wits about him when the
Saedhe ambassador Shalqueshahar came to the negotiating table.

That is all the Imperial Legion, an ENTIRE DIVISION of the Karthonian government, gets in Bartumnus Imperial Primer , the most
widely used textbook in the Empire. Whats worse, this is a big
improvement! Twenty years ago, no one would even admit that
there was such a division. And still, this is only a half of the smallest
kernel of the truth.

Next Question.

If you were smart, you would ask questions.

"But who was still around at this time that would mandate such an
Excellent question, faithful reader! Those who maintain the power
in this land would have you believe that there was no one that
Daran and his troupe of hearty souls came prancing out of the north,
met some Jolly Olde Barbarians, and then spent the rest of their
lives basking next to Ynis Glas and eating Saelean shrimps. This is,
alas, a misconception.
In fact, things were very tense for quite some time after the Empire
was initially founded. What did you expect? After the initial rush of
freedom wore off, people began to get testy. And tired. Darans
group spent several years wandering south from the ruins of Kaeron
civilisation (Bartumnus has it at 6 months, I believe). During this
time, harsh words were exchanged. Peoples tempers flared.
Enemies were made.
When all the running was finally finished, and it was time to divide
up the new lands, things became even more divided and hostile
along racial lines. The elves believed that they should get far more
land allotted to them. The dwarves thought that they should be
given control of the whole of the Empires underworld. The humans
believed that, as they were the leaders of the resistance, and as they
outnumbered all the other races three-to-one, they could do what

It is from THIS volatile situation that what was to be known as the

Imperial Legion was formed.

"But why would the Empire try to hide this from us? Why would
they lie? "
Most excellent question indeed! It is simple, really. The best sort of
lie is one that is disguised as a secret. If someone thinks that you
dont want them to know something, they will believe it, no matter
how outrageous.
The Imperial Legion has nothing to do with national security, and
national security should count itself lucky. The IL is rather sad,
really. Not a single one has any idea what their true contribution to
their country really is.
I assume that since you are still reading this, you would like to
know more.
You ARE being watched, you know.
Look behind you.
The Hidden are a secret organisation affiliated with the Imperial
Seat of Kar-thone. They operate independently of regular
government channels, and answer only to the Emperor himself.
Though their primary goal is to promote the interests of the Empire,
they have also been tasked with watch dogging those who run it,
and are authorised to take action against government officials if they
deem it necessary. As a result, only the Emperor and a trusted few
know the list of its members.
Scattered throughout the various kingdoms, the Hidden keep the
Emperor abreast of all the news from across land. It is rumoured

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
that he has agents hidden among the thieves guilds, and even in the
gangs of Mellik itself!
The Hidden are so called because that single word describes
everything that they are. When one joins, (and the Hidden accept
new members by invitation only), one becomes Hidden. Often, after
her training is complete, the initiate is required to sever all ties with
her former life. If she has relatives within the ranks of the Hidden,
she is sent far away from her family, and they are not told where she
is. She becomes a secret weapon, and can be called upon at a
moments notice to perform her duties from behind anonymitys
Or, conversely, the group sometimes approaches heroes of renown,
champions of good, and offers them membership. When such a
person becomes Hidden, however, they cannot disappear. Instead,
they are compelled to keep their newfound allegiance a secret
(giving the group powerful members, and the ever-powerful element
of surprise). Thus, it is quite possible for several different Hidden to
be operating in a single city at the same time, without any of them
being aware of one another.

At least initially.
The membership of the Hidden is made up of the best and brightest
the Empire has to offer. When they think they have a candidate for
membership, someone will be assigned to watch that individual for
days, often setting up small challenges then evaluating the ways in
which the problems are dealt with. If the performance is
satisfactory, they are approached anonymously, (usually with a bit
of dramatic flair), and are made an offer. If they refuse, the offer is
never made again.
If it is accepted, the individual is taken into the group and begins his
training. Perfected over generations, the Hidden teach to their
charges social, mental and physical disciplines designed to take
advantage of the extraordinary intellect that is the earmark of an
agent. Once his training is complete, an agent can perform in the
tensest of situations with calmness and precision.
Cold, deadly precision.







Canny Defence

Expert Tactician

Eye for Detail

Canny Stealth

Hesitation I

Studied Anatomy I

Eloquence of Wit

Choose the Moment

Studied Anatomy II


Hesitation II


Skill Points at each level : 8 + Int modifier.

Base Attack Bonus: + 5

Class Features

Hit Dice: D6
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Combat Reflexes
Special: Intelligence: 16 Charisma: 16 Bluff: 12 ranks Gather Info:
12 ranks Diplomacy: 12 ranks Disguise, Forgery, Pickpocket, Read
Lips, Escape Artist, Perform: 8 ranks in two of these

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int),
Decipher Script (Int, exclusive skill), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable
Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int),
Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate
(Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move
Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Pick Pocket
(Dex), Profession (Wis), Read Lips (Int, exclusive skill), Search
(Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex),
Use Magic Device (Cha, exclusive skill), and Use Rope (Dex).
See chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill descriptions.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency : A Hiddens weapon training

focuses on weapons suitable for stealth and sneak attacks. Thus, all
Hidden are proficient with the crossbow (hand or light), dagger (any
type), dart, light mace, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), and
short sword. Medium-size Hidden are also proficient with certain
weapons that are too big for Small Hidden to use and conceal easily:
club, heavy crossbow, heavy mace, morningstar, quarterstaff, and
rapier. Hidden are proficient with light armour but not with shields.
Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather
apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move
Silently, Pick Pockets, and Tumble and that carrying heavy gear
imposes a check penalty on Swim checks.
Canny Defence[Ex] : Hidden rely on their wit to keep them alive
and one step ahead of others. A Hidden, wearing Light Armour or
less, can apply her Intelligence bonus to her AC. In situations where
she would normally be denied her Dexterity bonus, she is also
denied this bonus.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Expert Tactician[Ex]: Hidden study their opponents, waiting for
moments of hesitation and other openings. A 2nd level Hidden gains
the Expert Tactician feat for free.
Eye for Detail[Ex]: Hidden also learn to pay more attention to their
surrounds, training to constantly keep their wits about them. As
such, beginning at 3rd level, a Hidden may apply her Intelligence
bonus to her Listen and Spot skills.
Canny Stealth[Ex]: At 4th level, Hidden can apply their
Intelligence bonus to their Hide and Move Silent skills. This is
represents a Hiddens intelligent use of cover and timing.
Hesitation[Ex]: Sometimes an opponent will offer no openings for
a Hidden to exploit. In times like this, a Hidden creates her own
hesitation in her opponent. Beginning at 5th level, a Hidden may
now feint as a move-equivalent action. At 10th level, she has
become so skilled in this, that it becomes a free action.
Studied Anatomy[Ex]: Hidden study the basic anatomy of
creatures, memorising the vital locations. To represent this, at 6th

level, Hidden get to apply their Intelligence bonus to their critical

damage. On a successful critical hit with a x2 multiplier, she would
add her Intelligence bonus. On a critical hit with a x3 multiplier, she
would add double her Intelligence bonus. And so forth.
At 9th level, further study of vital anatomy grants the Hidden an
extra +1 to their critical range with a weapon. This stacks Improved
Critical and Keenness.
Eloquence of Wit[Ex]: Hidden have extremely keen wits and have
learn to think on their feet. Because of this, at 7th level, a Hidden
may apply DOUBLE her Charisma bonus to her Bluff, Diplomacy,
and Gather Information skills.
Choose the Moment[Ex]: Not only does a Hidden know the best
place to strike an opponent, she has also learned to choose the best
possible time to strike. Beginning at 8th level, a Hidden can apply
her Intelligence bonus to her sneak attack damage. This stacks with
her Intelligence bonus to critical damage.

Elven [Ancestral Avenger]

The Ancestral Avenger is an elven warrior dedicated to fighting











Underground Tracking, Drow Bane +1/+1d6





Poison Resistance





Overcome Spell Resistance





Drow Bane +2/+2d6





Spider Bane










Drowic Change





Drow Bane +3/+3d6





Demon Bane






Spell Resistance


Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Wilderness Lore


Base Attack Bonus: +5

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Race: Elf or Half-Elf

Skill points at each Level: 2+Int modifier

Skills: Wilderness Lore 3

Feats: Alertness, Iron Will, Track
Hit Dice: d8

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction
(Wis), Knowledge (Underdark), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis),

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: Avengers are proficient in the
use of all simple weapons and martial weapons, all armour and
Underground Tracking (Ex): The character may track
underground with no penalty for poor visibility. Also, hard surfaces
like stone are treated as firm surfaces for the purpose of making
tracking attempts.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Drow Bane (Su): The Avenger gains a +1 competency bonus to
attack vs. Drow and a +1d6 damage bonus against Drow. This
increases at higher level. This ability stacks with a ranger's favoured
enemy ability (if Drow is chosen).
Poison Resistance (Su): The Avenger gains a resistance bonus vs.
poison from spiders or manufactured by the Drow equal to his class
Overcome Spell Resistance (Su): Avengers gain a +2 bonus to
overcome spell resistance of Drow and Driders. This stacks with
Spell Penetration.

Webwalking (Su): The avenger may ignore web spells and spider
webs as if affected by a freedom of movement spell. He may also
walk along webs as if on solid ground (No balance check required).
Drowic Change (Su): The Avenger may alter his appearance to that
of a Drow. This functions like the spell alter self as if cast by a
sorcerer of the Ancestral Avenger's class level.
Demon Bane (Su): The character may use the Drow Bane ability
against any chaotic evil outsider.
Spell Resistance (Su): The Character gains a spell resistance equal
to 10 + his class level.

Spider Bane (Su): The character may use his Drow Bane abilities
against aranea, driders, retrivers and bebliths.

Elven [Archer of the Guided Hand]

In the hands of a skilled warrior, the bow is an effective ranged
weapon. But in the hands of an Archer of the Guided Hand, the bow
becomes a deadly tool of war. Many use the bow, but only the
Guided Hands honour it. Only those with some Elvish blood are
capable of truly honouring and respecting this mighty tool of war.
All those of Elvish blood have some innate knowledge of the
mighty bow, but only a select few can truly make the commitment
required to mastering the bow. These few are the Archers of the
Guided Hand.

Originally founded by seven elvish brothers and sisters, the

Brotherhood of The Bond, and their champions, the Archers of the
Guided Hand, have heightened senses and a keen ability to
recognize one another. While most are found in the elven forests,
occasionally a Guided Hand will journey across Lysterra to server
his guild and his god. Most of the Guided Hands are also faithful
servants of Mielikki, the god of archery. Most of the skills of the
Guided Hand are taught by elder members, and all have to do with
attaining clarity of vision. With clarity of vision (know to the
Guided Hands as the Code of True Belief), no target can remain
hidden from an arrow fired by one of this order.












Hand's Bond






Chosen Bow (+1) Far Shot






Uncanny Dodge (can't be flanked)






Chosen Bow (+2) Keen Arrow






Defensive Shot






Chosen Bow (+3) Elemental Arrow






Flat Footed Shot (+1d6)






Chosen Bow (+4) Arrow of Entanglement






Hand's Guidance






Chosen Bow (+5) Flat Footed Shot (+2d6)Enchant Arrow


Language: Elvish, Draconic

To qualify to become an Archer of the Guided Hand, a character

must fulfil all of the following criteria:

Hit Die: d8.

Abilities: Dex 15+

Alignment: Any non-evil
Spot: 8 ranks, Hide: 4 ranks, Knowledge (Nature): 4 ranks,
Knowledge (Religion): 2 ranks
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (Bow)
Race: Elven or Half Elven
Weapon Proficiency: Shortbow or Longbow

Special: Must have been contacted by a member of the Brotherhood

Class Skills
The class skills for an Archer of the Guided Hand are identical to
that of the Fighter, plus Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge
(Religion), Hide, Spot, and Craft (Fletching).
Skill points at each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Features
All the following are class features of the Archer of the Guided
Hand prestige class.

Uncanny Dodge: Prolonged contact with The Bond allows the

character to learn from other's experiences. Once the character has
reached 3rd level, they can no longer be flanked.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Archers of the Guided Hand

gain no additional proficiency in any weapon or armour.

Keen Arrow: At 4th level, all arrows fired from the Chosen Bow
are treated as if they are keen. This effect does not stack with any
other keen effects.

Spells Per Day: Starting at 4th level, an Archer of the Guided Hand
gains the ability to cast spells as a Ranger can. The Guided Hand's
caster level is equal to the number of levels in the prestige class. In
order to cast a spell, the character must have a Wisdom of at least 10
+ the level of the spell.

Defensive Shot: At 5th level, the Guided Hand becomes skilled at

firing his bow in close quarters combat. Whenever firing a bow
would normally provoke an attack of opportunity, the Guided Hand
can make a Dexterity check (DC 15) to avoid the attack of

Hand's Bond: All of the Archer's of the Guided Hand share The
Bond with one another. The Bond is always present between Guided
Hand. The Bond allows any character to sense the presence of
another Archer of the Guided Hand within one mile per level of the
prestige class. In addition, the character gains a +4 bonus to all
Charisma or Wisdom based skills when dealing with another
Guided Hand.

Elemental Arrow: When the Guided Hand reaches 6th level, he

gains the ability to imbue one of his arrows per day with an
elemental power. The Guided Hand may choose either fire, ice,
electricity or acid to imbue into the arrow. It takes ten minutes to
imbue the arrow with the elemental power via The Bond. The
imbued arrow will deal an additional +1d6 points of damage of the
imbued elemental type. A Guided Hand may have more than one
imbued arrow at any time, and imbued arrows never lose their
power. They can be dispelled via dispel magic or anti-magic field.

Chosen Bow: By the time a Guided Hand reaches 2nd level, he has
the ability to bond with his bow. Bonding is a voluntary process as
is not required. In order to bond with his bow, the Archer of the
Guided Hand must pray and draw strength from The Bond. This
process takes one day and one night. From that point on, as long as
he uses his chosen bow, he'll gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage.
This bonus increases by one every other level of the prestige class,
to a maximum of +5 at 10th level. If the Archer is ever forced to use
another bow, he suffers from a corresponding penalty to attack and
damage until he returns to using his Chosen Bow.
A new chosen bow may be selected but not without some cost. A
Guided Hand's chosen bow is part of himself, and he loses that part
when he chooses another favourite bow. The Guided Hand must pay
a one time XP cost of (200 x the total bonus of the old chosen bow).
If the Archer's chosen bow is destroyed, even by means beyond his
control, he must still pay the XP cost. An Archer of the Guided
Hand is aware of the status of his bow via The Bond, and is aware if
it is intact or not.
The bond with the new bow does not form immediately. The bond
with the new Chosen Bow forms gradually, returning at a rate of
Far Shot: At 2nd level, an Archer of the Guided Hand gains the Far
Shot feat for free.

Flat Footed Shot: At 7th level, Archers of the Guided Hand are
given a heightened instinct about combat. Any time their target
would be denied their Dexterity bonus to their Armour Class, the
Guided Hand can sneak attack for an extra 1d6 damage. This only
applies with their chosen bow. The damage bonus increases to 2d6
at 10th level.
Arrow of Entanglement: Once per day, the Guided Hand may fire
an arrow of entanglement. Upon impact, the arrow casts entangle
centred on the point of impact. The spell is cast as a 10th level
druid. Preparing and firing an arrow of entanglement is a full round
Hand's Guidance: Once an Archer of the Guided Hand has reached
9th level, he has mastered his link with The Bond. Once per day, he
may use true strike as a spell-like ability. Use of this ability is a free
action, and grants a +20 bonus to the next attack. This bonus will
only work with the Guided Hand's chosen bow.
Enchant Arrow: Once the Archer of the Guided Hand has reached
10th level, the may form a perfect union with The Bond. Doing so
requires sacrificing some of their life energy to The Bond, resulting
in a permanent, unrecoverable loss of two points of Constitution.
Once completed, every arrow fired from their Chosen Bow has its
effective magical enchantment bonus raised by +1. For example, an
arrow+3 becomes an arrow+4, and a flaming arrow+5 becomes a
flaming arrow+6. The Guided Hand need to form the union, but
they do not gain this ability without it.

Elven [Bowcasters of Mielikki]

This order of rangers has dedicated their lives to Mielikki and
guarding her forests. In return, they have earned Mielikkis favor and
from her blessing have become archers whose arrows are vessels for
her power.

The Bowcasters of Mielikki are strong defenders of the forests, and

travel the earth attempting to maintain the natural balance.
Bowcasters do not feel comfortable in cities, but rather prefer the
woodland paths.











Bowcasting (Channel Ranged Spell)






+1 Bonus Spell

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Bonus Spell





Bonus Spell





Bonus Spell





Bonus Spell





Bonus Spell





Bonus Spell





Bonus Spell






Bonus Spell

Prerequisites: +5 Base Attack
Alignment: Lawful
Spellcaster: Spellcaster of Mielikki

Class Skills
Craft (Bowyer), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (Undead),
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Ancient History), Listen,
Profession, Concentration, Decipher Script
Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: None beyond what they have
available from other classes.

Bowcasting: Bowcasters can cast their spells and take a single

attack with their bow in the same round. For spells that require a
focus, the arrow is substituted. Spells requiring a touch target use
the arrow as the touch instrument, and the object the arrow hits is
the recipient of the attack. Note that even if the arrow does not
cause damage from a hit, the spell might if the arrow still hit the
opponent in question (i.e., if the arrow is stopped by armour from
wounding, the spell is still delivered as long as the arrow would
have hit the armoured target.) Spells requiring a range location use
the spot the arrow lands to determine the centre. If the arrow misses
its target, the spell is discharged and lost.
Bonus Spell: Similar to bonus spells for high ability scores, for
each level of this class that an arcane caster attains, she gains 2
additional bonus spells to the number of spells per day she normally
casts. These bonus spells can be added to whatever levels of spells
the caster can normally cast, but no more than one can be added to
the caster's highest caster level. Example, Mendrexen is a 9th level
wizard who takes one level of Wizard of the Assembly. He can give
himself a bonus 5th level spell (his highest as a 9th level wizard),
and one bonus spell in levels one through four. If a Wizard of the
Assembly has two arcane spellcasting classes already, she must
chose which class gains these bonuses.

Elven [Corellon Blade]


their bravery and cunning, and they are very well respected within
elven communities.

Where ever there are orcs and elves there are bound to be some
special people out there protecting the elven lands against the orcish
terror. These brave men and women are the Blades of Corellon, an
elite group of elves, sworn to Corellon himself to destroy and
undermine the orcs where-ever they go. The Blades are famous for

Most Blades of Corellon are Fighters, but you can also find Bards,
Wizards, ex-Paladins and Clerics within their ranks. The chief
qualifications for membership are a willingness to defend all elven
values, a willingness to fight orcs whereever they are, no matter the
risk or resources involved in doing so.











Blade of Corellon, Spell like abilities



























Spells per Day


Use Magic device as class skill

Elven Rage 2/day



Elven Rage 1/day

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes








Elven Rage at will

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Religion: Corellon Latharian
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Knowledge (religion): 4 ranks, Knowledge (orcs): 2 ranks,
Knowledge (war): 2 ranks, Perform: 4 ranks
Feats: Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialisation (Longsword)
Hit Dice: d8

See Chapter 4: Skills for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Armour and Weapon Proficiencies: Longsword
Blade of Corellon: Intelligent longsword enchanted by a high priest
of Corellon and is said to have a piece of the sword Corellon used to
fight Gruumsh's eye with
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Jump (Str),

Ride (Dex),

Item Purpose: Slay Orcs in the name of Corellon

Communication: Semi-empathic
Item special purpose powers: Blindness (DC18) for 3d6 rounds,
lights up when an orc is within 150ft
Intelligence: 14, Wisdom: 14, Charisma: 14

and Swim (Str).




Cure light wounds (1d8+5) on wielder or another elf 1/day



Special Power

Bane against Orcs and Orc kin

True Seeing 1/day


Can dance 1/day for 10 rounds Cure moderate wounds (2d8+5) on wielder or another elf 1/day


Haste 1/day (wielder or another elf only, 10 rounds)


Can dance 2/day for 10 rounds


Lightning bolt (10d6 points of damage, 200-ft range, DC15) 1/day


Vorpal, Telepathic

Spell List

Elven Rage: When a Blade of Corellon is fighting against orcs

he/she may fly into a screaming blood frenzy. In a rage, a barbarian
Blades of Corellon choose their spells from the following list:
gains divine strength, but becomes reckless and less able to defend
himself. He temporarily gains +4 to Strength, and a +4 morale
1st level
2nd level
bonus on Will saves, but suffers a -2 penalty to AC. The rage
Magic weapon, protection from evil, Cat's grace, invisibility, blur
functions just like the barbarians special ability rage in all other
protection from law

Elven [Forest Warrior]

Forest Warriors are specialised in fighting in the woods. They patrol
the boundaries of their forest, and sometimes track enemies and slay
them outside their woods and forests. Forest warriors must protect
all living creatures of the forest. By there very nature, Forest
Warriors can be very insular and reclusive. They associate more
often with the animals of the forest than with people living there.

Forest Warriors are usually rangers, fighters or barbarians. They are

savage masters of hit-and-run tactics, ambush, and have destroyed
more than one enemy force that attempted to enter their forest
domains. Forest warriors are, by their very nature, more prone to
violence than other of their kind. Forest Warriors are uniquely
connected with the rhythms of the forest.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes










Sneak Attack +1d6, Trackless Step





Woodland Camouflage, Woodland Stride





Sneak Attack +2d6





Totemic Magic (2)





Sneak Attack +3d6





Totemic Magic (4)





Sneak Attack +4d6





Totemic Magic (6)





Sneak Attack +5d6






Totemic Magic (8)


Woodland Stride: Exactly as the Druid ability of the same name.

Consult the Players Handbook for more information.

Race: Elf

Totemic Magic: A secret which Elven and some druids guard with
their life is totemic magic. Totemic magic is special form of magic
one can cast if he or she know how. For game purposes totemic
magic are spell-like powers. At 4th level a forest warrior knows 2
totemic inscriptions, at 6th level 4, 8th level 6 and 10th level 8.
Totemic Magic is covered in Elves of Evermeet on page 80. Below
you can find a quick list of all the inscriptions.

Base Attack Adjustment: +6

Skills: Hide: 5 ranks, Move Silently: 5 ranks, Search: 5 ranks,
Wilderness Lore: 5 ranks, Feats: Alertness, Track.
Special: Forest Warriors can never wear any armour, an exception
to this rule is the elven chain.
Hit Dice: d10


Class Skills





1 day

1 hour

+2 temporary



1 day

Enable to communicate
with one type of animal


1 day

2 hours

Bad luck enemies, -1 to

hit, -1 pen AC or -1 pen
attack rolls



1 hour

Improve missiles change

to hit by +1 to attack
rolls. It stacks with any
other bonus



6 hours

Provides the equivalent

of a Light spell on an

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Animal Empathy (Cha), Climb (Str), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal
(Wis), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) and
Wilderness Lore (Wis).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: The forest warrior is proficient with all
simple and martial weapons. Most forest warriors dislike wearing
armour however for its hampers movement.
Trackless Step: A forest warrior leaves no trail in natural
surroundings and cannot be tracked.
Sneak Attack: The most favourite tactic of the forest warrior is to
ambush or surprise enemies. With the sneak attack they become a
deadly opponent in the forest. Please the read the Sneak Attack rules
covered in the Players Handbook or Dungeon Master Guide for
more information.
Woodland Camouflage: In the wilderness, a forest warrior can
change his appearance into a facsimile of natural surroundings at
will. For purpose of gameplay the forest warrior is invisible in
woodland and overgrown areas. Al the rules for invisibility apply as
long as the forest warrior moves no harder than of its movement.
The rules are covered in the Dungeon Master Guide on page 78.



1 day

1 hour

Adds +2 on skills checks

pick pocket, hide, move
silently, listen, spot,
climb and open locks



1 hour

increment of a inscribed


1 day

1 hour

+10 feet movement.


1 day

1 hour

Swim at normal move

and hold breath for a
number of rounds equal

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes



1 day

1 hour



1 day

1 hour

+2 temporary



1 day

Inscribed a Cure Light

Wounds spell, when used
it must be rescribed (just


1 day

1 hour

Gain Scent as described

in the Dungeon Master
Guide on page 81.




1 hour

damage by +1.


1 week

1 day

Provides a +2 natural AC

The Elven Forest Warrior prestige class is especially suitable in

(how do I guess) campaigns with lots of woods and forests! DMs
might want to allow American Native Indians to take this class, due
to they fact they stand very close to nature and woodland.

Elven [Frigid Storm]

Tanark had lead the hobgoblin patrol slightly further a field than
he had intend. The beating that Grath, the scout, had received for
misleading them had been the source of much amusement for the
troops though, which was probably what had kept Tanark in charge
of this party for so long as they made their way back towards the
fortress. The sun was just setting on the horizon as the troops
gathered their weapons and prepared to march, having just cleared
the forest and hit the plains that lay between ash . Tanark was
barking orders out to his subordinates when something caught his
eye on the horizon.
Serilill had learned from his human allies in the woods near Ash
Home that the Red-Axe tribe of hobgoblins had been faring farther
and farther from their fortress to the south, and their war patrols
were coming too close to Ash Home for the comfort of the elves
who lived there. Serilill set out on his own to scout the area and see
for himself. On the third day of his patrol his keen elven eyes
picked out the muscular forms of hobgoblins moving through the
trees, he had been following them, unseen, ever since.
The flying figure sprang forth from the tree line, attaining a
dizzying height in a matter of moment. Tanark alerted his troops,
ordering them to draw bows and fire at the approaching figure.
Bring it down men! That can be only one thing, one of the
Only twenty armed hobgoblins, thought Serilill, from this range
they have no change of hitting me with those bows. I, on the other
hand, have no such problem....

The Frigid Storm is an order of elven and half-elven archers

dedicated to defending elven lands and the elven way of life. Their
founder, an arcane archer of extraordinary ability named Cendiel,
began training these magically endowed archers after founding the
elven nation of Ash Home. He hoped that they would prove a
sufficient deterrent by themselves to prevent any armed incursions
into Ash Home. As time passed the nation of Ash Home stabilised
and the Frigid Storms found themselves stagnating somewhat. At
this point Cendiel chose to start sending them out into the world on
their own to seek other enclaves of elves and protect them however
they could, whether it be by staying as defenders, or actively
seeking out threats their peace. Like Cendiel himself, many Frigid
Storms end up becoming community leaders, dedicated champions
of the elven way of life.
Ironically enough, it was with the blessing of the dwarves of the
Shard Mountains that allowed this order to come into being. Only
by being chosen by the storm spirits that inhabit the highest peaks of
those mountains can a frigid storm acquire his powers over cold and
electricity. Each potential Storm must survive 3 days and nights
alone, with only their clothes and a mundane bow and quiver of
arrows they crafted themselves. They are watched magically, and if
they succumb to the elements or to monsters, they will be recovered
and resurrected, but may never become true Frigid Storms, although
those who undertake the trial are still accorded some measure of
respect. If they endure, they will be blessed by the storm spirits,
and gain their first powers, mastery over cold. It is only with the
blessing of the dwarves that dwell beneath these icy peaks that a
potential candidate may reach the trial area, as there are serious
formalities involved in obtaining permission to travel to that region.
Thus a loose alliance between the elves of Ash Home and the
dwarves of the Shard Mountains has endured for some time.











endure cold, cold arrows

































feather fall (3/day)

far shot

endure electricity, shock arrows

flight (3/day)

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





true strike (3/day)


target. This ability is similar to the frost ability given by some

magical items, but does not stack with any other frost effect, and is
overlapped by freezing burst if a bow or arrow gives that ability.

Base attack Bonus:+6

Race: elf or half-elf
Alignment: any good
Feats: weapon focus (any bow other than crossbow), point blank
shot, precise shot
Skills: craft (bowyer) - 8 ranks, knowledge (history) - 4 ranks
Special: must undergo special initiation rite.

Class skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Craft, intuit direction, listen, ride, spot, wilderness lore, knowledge
(history), climb, jump, swim
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
Skill Points per level: 4 + Int mod

Class Features
Weapon and armour proficiency: simple and martial weapons
light armour, medium armour
Endure cold: upon completing the initiation right, the frigid storm
gains some degree of mastery over the forces of cold which grip the
shard mountain ranges peaks. She gains an ability identical to that
of the spell endure elements, except that it is always active, and only
affects cold.
Cold arrows: upon completing the initiation right, the frigid storm
gains some degree of mastery over the forces of cold which grip the
shard mountain ranges peaks. She gains the ability to enchant any
arrow she fires from her bow with freezing cold, causing any arrow
she fires form any bow to do an additional 1d6 cold damage to the

Feather fall: The Storm attunes more and more to the storm spirits
from which her powers are drawn as she progresses in level. At
third level she gains the ability to use feather fall 3 times a day.
This spell-like ability may be activated as a free action and is treated
as being cast by a sorceror of level equal to the characters Frigid
Storm level.
Far shot: As her understanding of powers of the storm increase, the
Frigid Storm learn how to better use existing wind currents to her
advantage when firing missile weapons. She gains far shot as a free
Endure Electricity: Upon reaching 7th level in this prestige class
the Frigid Storm learns how to better withstand the hazards of
lightning and storms, thus she gains an ability identical to the spell
endure elements, except that it is always functioning, and only
effects electricity. This ability operates in conjunction with the
Frigid Storms endure cold ability.
Shock Arrows: As the Frigid Storm learns to endure lightning, so
too does she learn to channel it. When she gains this ability all
arrows fired from her bow are treated as having the shock ability,
adding 1d6 electrical damage to the arrow if it strikes. This
functions like the cold arrows ability and stacks with it. Thus the
Storms arrows will now inflict +1d6 cold damage and +1d6
electrical damage.
Flight: Having gained a true rapport with the spirits of wind, the
Frigid Storm can now invoke the ability to fly as per the spell flight
3 times per day. This is treated as being cast by a sorceror of level
equal to the characters level in this prestige class. This is a spelllike ability
True Strike: Finally, the Storm learns how to request that the storm
spirits make her arrow strike true, as per the spell true strike. Using
this ability if a free action (though still spell-like) and can be
invoked anytime an arrow is fired, up to three times per day. This
ability is often used up rapidly as the Frigid Storm uses it in rapid
succession to bring down especially powerful foes with a flurry of
deadly arrows.

Elven [Knight of Evermeet]

Knights of Evermeet are the elite defenders of Evermeet, working
invisible behind the scene for Queen Amlaruil and the Elven
empire. The Evermeet knights are among the leading defenders of
the island and their secondary role is as personal defender of the

Centuries ago the Knights of Evermeet had a similar role at the

Elven Court in Myth Drannor. Since the fall of the fabulous
kingdom they now serve in small numbers in Evermeet. Elven
Knights are of good alignment and follow a code of honour similar
to a paladin: not lying, not cheating, not using poison, help elves
those are in need, and punish those that harm or threaten innocents.
Knights of Evermeet may also not associate with evil beings.











Moonhorse, Elfrune





Consort +1





Illusion Immunity





Consort +2

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Enchantment Immunity





Consort +3


















Consort +4

Consort +5


Class Features

Race: Elf

Weapons and Armour: The forest warrior is proficient with all

simple and martial weapons. Most forest warriors dislike wearing
armour however for its hampers movement.

Alignment: Any good.

Base Attack Adjustment: +5
Skills: Diplomacy: 3 ranks, Handle Animal: 2 ranks, Heal: 3 ranks,
Riding: 5 ranks.
Feats: Iron Will, Mounted Combat, Shield Proficiency, Weapon
Focus (any weapon).
Special: Knight of Evermeet follow a code of honour about the
same a paladin. They also must defend any elf they see in need and
they must fight any enemy of the elves whom they may encounter.
Hit Dice: d10

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Animal Empathy (Cha), Climb (Str), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal
(Wis), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) and
Wilderness Lore (Wis). See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players
Handbook for skill descriptions.
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Moon Horse: Knight of Evermeet receive a Mount Horse as mount

at 1st level. Should the horse die, the horse is replaced by a new
one. Just like that ;-)
Elfrune: With this small magical device, the knight is able to
communicate with the Queen and her High mages. Queen Amlaruil
is able to pinpoint the location of all elfrunes on Toril at will, so she
is able to track all her agents on the main land fairly easy.
Consort: At 2nd level the Knight attracts a personal consort. His
consort is always a Wizard from the Elven Court. The personal
consort will be 14th level or higher in ability and keeps in touch
with the knight. When the Knight attracts the consort he can choose
between a Elven Sword or Elven chain. At 2nd level the weapon or
armour will be enchanted to +1, at 4th to +2, 6th +3, 8th +4 and at
10th level to +5.
Illusion Immunity: At 3rd level Knights of Evermeet are never
fooled by illusions anymore. They see right through illusions
without any effort.
Enchantment Immunity: Knights of Evermeet are hard to be
persuaded from their tasks. At 5th level they become immune to all
Enchantment spells and mind-influencing effects.
Knight of Evermeet should be cool to play in campaign involving
an attack on Evermeet!

Elven [Silver Sword]

We first saw a minor description of the Silver Sword while
thumbing through the Sword and Fist Fighters Handbook. Later
that same day, Jon was playing his first 3E game with myself as the
DM . He had previously chosen an elven ranger as his character and
we both felt that this was a goal that his character might want to
work towards. After doing some research, we found that no
description for this class is currently in any manuals. We hope that
you enjoy using these guidelines as much as we enjoyed coming up

with them. The Silver Sword is a modification on the Arcane Archer

and Blackguard. Certain descriptions and phrasing were taken from
the D&D 3E Dungeon Masters Guide. - David Mann
Rangers are the most respected of all Elven warriors and the highest
revered of these are the elite Silver Swords, whose battle prowess is
legendary even outside the First Nation. Often used as diplomats,
and because of their reputations, the mere sight of a Silver Sword is
enough to call both warring factions to the table. (SEE DND 3E











Gain skill diplomacy/ Enchant Sword +1





Whirlwind Attack +2





Enchant Sword +2

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Whirlwind Attack +3





Enchant Sword +3





Whirlwind Attack +4





Enchant Sword +4/ Summon Griffon (see side Notes)





Whirlwind Attack +5 Griffon Abilities: Share Saving Throws





Enchant Sword +5/ Griffon Abilities: Speak w/ Master






Death Blow (see Notes)

Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1
Alignment: Any non-chaotic, non-evil
Class: Access to all Ranger Class Skills
Race: Elf or half-elf
Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting and Ambidexterity feats
Special: Base Wisdom Score: 14 Base Charisma Score: 14
Hit Dice: D10

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Animal Empathy (Cha, exclusive skill), Climb (Str), Concentration
(Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),Handle Animal (Cha), Heal
(Wis), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge
(nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis),
Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Rope (Dex),
Wilderness Lore (Wis)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier:

Whirlwind Attack: At 2nd level, the Silver Sword gains the feat
Improved Whirlwind Attack, even if he/she does not have the
prerequisite feats. (see Players Handbook Chapter 5: Feats for feat
description). For every two levels in increase in prestige class
beyond 2nd level, the Silver sword gains +2 enemy and +2 foot
increase in his Whirlwind Attack ( 7 enemies in a 7 radius at 2nd
level, 9 enemies in a 9 radius at 4th level, +11 enemies in a 11
radius at 6th level, +13 enemies in an 13 radius at 8th level, +15
enemies in a 15 radius at 10th level).
Death Blow: Once per day, based upon a successful attack roll, the
Silver Sword may deliver a Death Blow. The targeted enemy must
make a save vs. fortitude at DC 20 or be slain immediately. Any
creatures targeted above Large in size receive +4 size adjustment to
their save and do so for damage of their current hit points.
Summon Griffon: At 7th level, the Silver Sword gains the ability to
summon 1 griffon. The griffon may be used as a guardian, a helper,
or a mount. The Silver Sword may only have one griffon at a time.
If the griffon dies, the Silver Sword must wait one month before
he/she is able to call another. The new griffon has all the
accumulated abilities due a servant of the Silver Swords current
level. Because the griffon is a magical creature, no bonus is given to
the griffons hit die, natural Armour, or strength. However, the
griffon does receive a +1 bonus to their intelligence for every level
of the Silver Sword beyond 7th level as well as certain special
abilities (See Monster Manual pg. 113 for griffon HD, attack, and
saving throw info.)
Griffon Abilities

Class Features

Silver Sword



All of the following are Class Features for the Silver Sword prestige


Improved Evasion


Share Saving throws


Speak with Silver




Blood Bond

Gain + 2 Languages: Because Silver Swords are often used as

diplomats, they must be able to effectively communicate will many
different types of races. Through rigorous training and study, the
Silver Sword becomes aquatinted with not only that races language,
but with their customs as well. Silver Swords gain +2 Languages
per level increase in their prestige class.
Morale Affect: Silver Swords are renown for their battle prowess
and expertise on the fighting field. When allies are accompanied by
a Silver Sword, they receive a +2 to Morale checks and Will saving
throws. All non-elven enemies receive a -2 to Will saving throws.
Enchant Sword: At 1st level, every non-magical sword that the
Silver Sword holds in his hands becomes enchanted, gaining a +1
enchantment bonus. Unlike magic weapons enchanted by normal
means, the Silver Sword need not spend money or experience points
to enchant the weapon. However, this effect is limited to the current
sword(s) he/she is using and only functions for that character. For
every two level increases in prestige class, the sword(s) that the
Silver Sword uses gains a +1 greater proficiency (+1 at 1st level, +2
at 3rd level, +3 at 5th level, +4 at 7th level, and +5 at 9th level).

Improved Evasion: If the griffon is subjected to an attack that

normally allows a reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no
damage on a successful throw and only half damage on a failed
saving throw. Improved evasion is an extraordinary ability.
Share Saving Throws: At the Silver Swords option, he/she may
share saving throws with the griffon. The griffon must be within 10
of the Silver Sword. The characters base save or the griffons may
be used, but not combined, whichever is higher.
Speak With Silver Sword: The griffon and the Silver Sword may
communicate with one another verbally as if speaking a common
language. Others creatures do not understand the communication
without magical help.
Blood Bond: The griffon gains a +2 bonus to all attacks, checks,
and saves if it witnesses the Silver Sword threatened or harmed. The
bonus lasts as long as the threat is immediate or apparent.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Elven [Solonors Bowhunters]
Solonor Thelandira is the elven god of archery, hunting, and
wilderness survival. He prefers action to talk, and is almost never
away from the hunt. Whether bringing down fantastic game or
fighting against the powers of evil, he wields Longshot, his magical
longbow, always.
While nearly all surface elves hold archery skills in high regard,
those who would emulate Solonor and become Bowhunters must
reach a level of focus far beyond that of most of their kin.
Bowhunters use longbows in preference to all other weapons (in
fact, they must forfeit the use of all other ranged weapons to
become members of this class).

Unlike Arcane Archers, Solonors Bowhunters place no special

value on the study of magic. Rather, they place great emphasis on
mastering the wilderness and hunting. While quite effective in the
majority of adventuring environments, they never feel as
comfortable when they are outside of the wilderness. This feeling
will build to the point of distraction if they dont return to a
wilderness area for at least a few days each month (all attacks, skill
checks, and saves suffer a cumulative -1 penalty after each full
month outside a wilderness area).
Rangers, barbarians, and fighters (respectively), are most common
among those elves who seek Solonors path. Rogues make fine
Bowhunters. There are even a few bards, clerics and druids that
choose this path, but Bowhunters coming from the remaining
classes are exceedingly rare. Among the elven sub-races, grugach
and sylvan elves have proportionally more representatives in the
ranks of Solonors Bowhunters.












1st Shot Initiative: +0, Hunting, Clear Shot






1st Shot Initiative: +1, Close Shot






1st Shot Initiative: +2, Twin Nock






1st Shot Initiative: +3, Prone Shot, Zen Archery






1st Shot Initiative: +4, Improved Twin Nock






1st Shot Initiative: +5, Transit Shot






1st Shot Initiative: +6, Triplet Nock






1st Shot Initiative: +7, Pierce-All Shot






1st Shot Initiative: +8, Improved Triplet Nock






1st Shot Initiative: +9, Soul Shot

Alignment: non-evil, non-lawful.
Race: Elven, Half-Elven.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Skills: Craft (Bowyer/Fletcher): 2 ranks, Hide: 4 ranks, Knowledge
(Nature): 2 ranks, Move Silently: 4 ranks, Wilderness Lore: 8 ranks.
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus
(Longbow or Composite Longbow), and Tracking.
Other: Must worship Solonor Thelandira.
Hit Dice: d10

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: Solonors Bowhunters do not gain any new
weapon or armour proficiencies upon entering this prestige class. In
fact, all Bowhunters must forego the use of medium and heavy
armour, shields, and all ranged weapons aside from longbows or
composite longbows.
First Shot Initiative Bonus: So long as you have your bow nocked
and ready, you gain this bonus to the first shot you fire in any
encounter but only if that is the first action you take. Any other
actions and all shots after the first ignore this bonus.

Class Skills

Hunting: Bowhunters gain a tracking bonus equal to their class level

when on the trail of any wilderness animal.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Clear Shot: You treat targets with some degree of cover as if they
had one category less than their actual cover. This has no effect
when your target has no cover or total cover.

Animal Empathy (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (bowyer/fletcher) (Int),

Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump
(Str), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex),
Profession (guide) (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and
Wilderness Lore (Wis).

Close Shot: Your ranged attacks no longer incur an attack of

opportunity when you fire while in a threatened area.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Twin Nock: As a move-equivalent action, you may nock two
arrows on your bow at one time. These cannot be aimed at separate
targets. Your attack suffers a -3 penalty to hit (one roll for both
arrows), as does your initiative when using this feat. Twin Nock
does not increase damage bonuses (if any) due to strength or
weapon specialisation.

other bonuses to defence (including enchantments to armour or

shields), still apply as normal. You may perform this feat as many
times per day as your Bowhunter class level.

Prone Shot: You may fire your bow while lying prone without

Soul Shot: At the pinnacle of a Bowhunters advancement they

learn the Soul Shot. This can be used in three ways.

Zen Archery: You acquire this feat for free. If you already have
Zen Archery, then your ranged attack modifiers for wisdom and
dexterity stack.

The first is to trap the soul of the targeted creature. This is similar to
the spell of that name (object trigger variant) save for the following

Improved Twin Nock: As Twin Nock, but your attack and initiative
penalties for using the feat are now reduced to just -1.
Transit Shot: This allows you to travel safely from wherever you
fired the shot, to the spot where your arrow lands. You may bring up
to four other beings along for the ride. They must all be willing, and
touching you at the moment you fire the arrow. Firing the Transit
Shot is a full round action and the transit time is an additional full
round. You may perform this feat as many times per day as your
class level, but never more than once per minute.
Triplet Nock: This feat is similar to Twin Nock, but you nock three
arrows at once, instead of two.
Pierce-All Shot: As a full-round action you may fire a shot with
incredible penetrating power. This shot completely penetrates all
normal physical barriers (including cover, armour, and shields). All

Improved Triplet Nock: This feat is similar to Improved Twin

Nock, but with three arrows.

The range is as per your bow, the gem is actually fashioned into the
head of the arrow, the arrow must hit the subject and they do get a
save attempt (treat your character level as caster level).
The second variation allows you to preserve a life by absorbing the
soul of a dying being into a specially prepared arrow (it must be
solid silver with green fletching and of no less than 1000 gold
pieces in value). Once absorbed, the soul can be safely preserved in
the arrow indefinitely.
The third usage allows you to implant that soul (from the second
variation of Soul Shot) into the body of a living creature. If the
receiving creature is sentient/self aware then it must be fully willing
or this form of Soul Shot will not work. Otherwise this has much the
same effect as reincarnating the soul into the type of body chosen.
Either of the first two types of Soul Shot may be used up to 3 times
per month (combined). The third variation has no usage restrictions.

Elven [Thainar]


The Thainar represent the pinnacle of Elven arcane mastery. Within

their ranks are some of the most powerful magic users in Talanu.
History tells us that Colanx the Bear was chosen by Dana to be the
first human wizard. He did not, however, fight in those dark times
alone. Among those he shared his wisdom was a Saedhe named
Javendar. By the time the fighting was over, he had become very
powerful, as had many of his Saedhe pupils. Javendar approached
his queen, Aderiel, for her blessing in the formation of a
brotherhood of wizards. Queen Aderiel realised that the wizards
could be very instrumental in protecting her newly freed people.
She gave her consent, and the Thainar were born. Having born
witness to the destructive power of magic in the wrong hands,
Javendar researched a way to ensure the Thainar would never use
their abilities for evil, leading to the Eishamiai. When construction
began on the city of Torioth, the Thainar council hall was one of the
first buildings to be built. In more recent times, the Thainar have
begun protecting not just the Saedhe and Torioth themselves, but
also other Elven interests throughout the world. News of an Elven
artefact being discovered will quickly be answered by sending
Thainar to the site to lay claim. Thainar are also sent to deal with
potentially embarrassing situations for the Saedhe.

Any Saedhe mage can submit for entrance into the Thainar. Special
consideration is given, however, to those that were trained by
Thainar, or have a Thainar member sponsoring them. Initiates are
brought before the high council, where they must perform a test of
their arcane ability. If the initiate passes the test, the council
performs the SiEral, or First Binding, on the inductee. The new
Thainars eyes turn silver, and have the ability to detect magical
auras at will. These Thainar are known as Aderi, in honour of the
Queen that approved the formation of the Thainar. Upon reaching
5th level, the Thainar must again present himself before the council.
No test is performed, but the council performs the TiEmal, or
Second Binding. Now the Thainars eyes turn gold, and he has the
ability to see invisible objects or beings, as well as retaining the
ability to detect magic. Henceforth the Thainar possesses the title of
Aretmeaning,ning golden-eye. The high council oversees the
ranks of Thainar. The council is made up of nine Areti, one
specialist from each of the eight schools, and one general arcane
practitioner. Any vacancy in the council is filled following a vote by
all Areti. As an unwritten rule, council members give up
adventuring and remain in Torioth. When placed upon the high
council, the KiEral, or Third Binding is performed. While there is
no change to their eye colour, the vision of the high council is
improved to include the abilities of the True Sight spell. All Thainar
are expected to check in with the council in Torioth at least once
every five years.




Ref Save




1st (Aderi)





Detect Magic







+1 DC







Enhanced Concentration


Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





+2 DC


5th (Areti)





See Invisible







+3 DC







Spell Resistance







+4 DC







Elemental Mastery







+5 DC



DC Increase (Ex): At 2nd level, and every even level after that, the
Difficulty Class of all spells cast increase by one.

To qualify to become a Thainar, a character must fulfil all the

following criteria.

Enhanced Concentration: The Thainar receives Enhanced

Concentration as a bonus feat.

Alignment: Any Good

See Invisibility (Sp): Upon attaining the title of Areti, Thainar

are able to at will, see objects or beings that are invisible, as well as
any that are astral or ethereal, as per the spell.

Race: Saedhe
Skills: Knowledge (Arcana): 12 ranks, Spellcraft: 12 ranks,
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 5th level Arcane spells.
Hit Dice: d4

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (all)
Int, Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), and Spellcraft (Int).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
Skill Points at Each Level: 2+ Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: Thainar gain no proficiency with armour,
shields, or weapons.
Normal Spell Progression: A Thainar advances at his normal spell
progression rate as levels are gained.

Spell Resistance (Su): At 7th level, Thainar gain spell resistance.

His spell resistance equals 10 + his level (including any previous
arcane character levels). In order to affect the Thainar with a spell, a
spellcaster must roll the Thainars spell resistance or higher on 1d20
+ spellcasters level. (See Spell Resistance, p. 150, PHB)
Elemental Mastery (Su): At 9th level, a Thainar can alter a spell
that he has mastered to use a different element from the one it
normally does (for example, a fireball that does acid rather than fire
damage). He can only alter spells that have the acid, cold, fire,
electricity, or sonic descriptors and that have been mastered as per
the Spell Mastery feat. The elemental alteration must be chosen at
the time the spell is prepared, and thus cannot be changed
spontaneously. If the Thainar has not taken the Spell Mastery feat,
he gets it as a bonus feat, rather than Elemental Mastery.
Eishamiai: Also known as the Waste. A Thainar committing any
evil act is immediately struck by the Waste. His eyes turn from
silver or gold to black, and he is blinded. Additionally, he loses 1d4
points per week in a random ability score until he can return to
Torioth and present himself before the high council. If any ability
score reaches zero before he gets back to Torioth, the Thainar dies
True Sight (Sp): A Thainar that is raised to the High Council can
see as if affected by the True Sight spell at will.

Detect Magic (Sp): As a product of the SiEral, Thainar can detect

magical auras, as per the spell, at will.

Elven [Theosopher Knight]

The elven Theosopher knight is a respected advisor, leader, and
defender of the elven people. She taps the greater power of life and
goodness to protect, heal, trick, and chastise, as the situation

demands. More duty-bound than an ordinary Theosopher, the

Theosopher knight takes vows to support people in need and to
serve the leaders of the elven communities they serve. In return for
their greater commitment, the elven nobility bestows additional
training, favours, and marks of respect upon these knights.








Code of Conduct, Elven Chainmail, Followers, Tithe, Vow 2 +

Int mod/level

+1 level

Precise Strike +1/+1d6 Concentration (Con)

+1 level

Bladesong Parry +2 Diplomacy (Cha)

+1 level

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

Stopping Arrow Knowledge (any) (Int)

+1 level

Precise Strike +2/+2d6 Profession (Knight) (Int)

+1 level

Bladesong Parry +4 Ride (Dex)

+1 level

Stopping Blade Sense Motive (Wis)

+1 level

Precise Strike +3/+3d6 Climb (Str)

+1 level

Bladesong Parry +6

+1 level



Quickened Curing

+1 level


using her abilities in a way that causes or allows harm to come to


Base Attack Bonus: +4

Elven Chainmail: A Theosopher knight is given a custom-made

suit of masterwork elven chainmail by her patron. As the knight
progresses in level, the patron will typically have the armour
enchanted for the knight as a reward for service or valour.
Alternatively, the knight may also have the armour enchanted
herself, with permission from her patron.

Hit Dice: D8
Alignment: Must be of Good alignment
Race: Elf
Feats: Iron Will, Leadership, and Weapon Focus
Special: Theosopher knight candidates must be sponsored by a
noble elven house. Demonstrated dedication, good deeds, and
character are required, as well as the signs that the elf has a calling
for this path. Leadership Ability: must have a Charisma ability
bonus of at least +1 Diplomacy Ranks: 6 Ride Ranks: 6 Good
Deeds: The applicant must be able to cite three good deeds of valour
verified by reliable witnesses. Spellcasting: Ability to cast Divine
spells before beginning training the knight must take an Oath of
service to her patron.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Escape Artist
(Dex), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str),
Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge
(nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Spellcraft (Int),
Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Theosopher knights have
proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, and with light and
medium armour, and shields. They prefer the traditional elven
weapons and proudly wear their elven chainmail, as tokens of
service to their lords and the elven people.
Spellcasting: Theosopher knights advance as spellcasters according
to their original Divine spellcasting classes, gaining one level of
casting ability for each level as a Theosopher knight. This means
that the knight adds his level as a Theosopher knight to the level of
some other spellcasting class to determine spells per day and class
level for casting.
Code of Conduct: The knight must be of good alignment and loses
all spellcasting ability if she ever willingly commits an act of evil.
Additionally, the knights code requires that she respect legitimate
authority, act with honour, help those who need help, and punish
those who threaten or harm innocents. The knight also strives to
remain free of such flaws as selfishness, greed, callousness, and

Followers: Theosopher knights gain followers at an early level. The

knight gains a +6 situation bonus to her leadership score, as
described in the Dungeon Master's Guide (p.45). Followers will
typically be elven warriors, but may include other types, at the
discretion of the player and DM. The knight is responsible for the
well being and upkeep of her followers.
Tithe: The Theosopher knight must support her lord and
community by tithing 10% of income gained.
Vow: The white knight must make and keep vows of knighthood, in
addition to the general code of conduct. These generally entail
service to her patron, faithfulness, and dedication to the elven
Precise Strike (Ex): The Theosopher learns some techniques of the
elven fighting style known as Bladesong. When using a one-handed
melee weapon, with which she has the Weapon Focus feat, the
knight gains a competence bonus of +1 to hit and +1d6 damage.
This bonus increases at 5th and 8th level. Because of the timing and
balance involved in the precision strike, the knight may make no
off-hand weapon attacks or use a shield while taking advantage of
this ability.
Bladesong Parry (Ex): Using the techniques of Bladesong, the
elven fighting style, the knight can parry more effectively in
combat. When fighting with a one-handed weapon and no shield,
she may add a +2 competence bonus to her armour class. This
bonus increases at 6th and 9th level.
Stopping Arrow (Ex): The knight learns to strike enemies with
arrows in ways that stop their advance. When using a bow (but not a
crossbow or other missile weapon), the knight may declare any
attack to be a stopping strike. The attack is made with all relevant
modifiers and a -2 situational penalty. If the attack succeeds, the
target must make a Fortitude save against a DC of 10 + the
character's Theosopher knight level + the knight's Wisdom ability
bonus. If this save fails, the target is stunned for one round, in
addition to suffering normal damage.
Stopping Blade (Ex): This ability functions exactly like the
stopping arrow ability, but must be used with a one-handed melee
weapon that the knight may use to make precise strikes. The knight
must meet the conditions for use of the precise strike ability to use
the stopping blade technique, and inflicts the precise strike bonus
damage regardless of whether or not the target saves against the
stunning effect.
Quickened Curing (Sp): All of the Theosopher knight's curing and
healing spells may be cast as free actions, as if quickened by the

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
metamagic feat. The actual level of the spell is unaffected, and takes

up a normal spell slot, as opposed to one of a higher level. This

ability is limited to one spell per round, as the metamagic feat.

Elven [War Adept]

[This prestige class represents an alternate elven martial arts style,
one that uses the quarterstaff. Its loosely based on the Sylvan War
Lore style described in GURPS Martial Arts.]
In the days when the elves were young, before they discovered the
secrets of metalworking and steel weapons, their warriors devised
several styles of martial arts that relied on nothing that could not be
obtained from nature. An ancient echo of those times is the native
martial art of the wood elves, possibly the oldest martial art still in
existence. It is said that the secrets of this style were handed down
to the first masters by the elven gods themselves.

The sylvan art builds on skills that were once commonplace, but
now see expression only in the druidic orders. This martial art is a
closely guarded treasure of the wood elves, who refuse to teach it to
any without elvish blood. Even elves of other races are rarely
granted permission to learn it.
A sylvan war adept learns the value of communing with nature in its
most primeval. As part of this, he shuns armour and weapons other
than a stout oaken staff. This makes him no less deadly; a master of
this style can defeat a host of armoured opponents, using nothing
but a whirling quarterstaff.











Natures fury 3/day, trackless step





woodland grace (+5)





Defensive harmony





Hypnotic pattern





Natures fury 4/day, sylvan concealment





Natures tongues





Woodland grace (+10)





Greater defensive harmony





Tree stride






Natures fury 5/day


Class Skills

Race: Elf or half-elf

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Base Attack Bonus: +6

Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Escape Artist

(Dex), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str),
Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge
(nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Spellcraft (Int),
Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex)

Skills: Balance 9 ranks, Hide 9 ranks, Move Silently 9 ranks,

Wilderness Lore 6 ranks.
Alignment: neutral good, neutral evil, neutral, or chaotic neutral
Feats: Weapon Focus (quarterstaff), Martial Finesse (quarterstaff),
Improved Unarmed Strike, Deflect Arrows.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill points/Level: 4 + Int modifier

Special: Woodland Stride class ability.

Special: Must locate a master and persuade him or her to act as a
Hit Dice: d8

An adept who violates the alignment restrictions retains his abilities,
but may not advance further in levels in this prestige class.

Class Features
Unless otherwise noted, the adepts abilities are subject to the
arcane spell failure chance from wearing armour and/or using a
shield. Some of the abilities below reproduce feats from the martial
arts feats list (click here to see the list).
The adept gains the martial artists Wisdom bonus to AC, if he
doesnt have this ability already. Similarly, he gains a bonus to AC
according to his level, using the martial artist progression (click
here to see the martial artist class description).

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Weapons and Armour: The adept is proficient with the
quarterstaff. He does not gain proficiency in the use of any type of
armour or shield.
Trackless Step (Ex): The adept leaves no trail in natural
surroundings and cannot be tracked.
Natures Fury (Su): The adept has the ability to channel the raw
fury of nature into his body, causing him to enter a state of rage and
enhancing his strength and reflexes to a phenomenal degree. When
in this state, he gains a temporary +4 bonus to Strength and a +4
bonus to Dexterity. His base speed increases by 10 feet, and he can
choose to make a flurry of blows with a full attack action in melee,
using either unarmed strikes or his quarterstaff. This gives him one
extra attack per round while suffering a 2 penalty on all attacks; in
the case of the quarterstaff, the extra attack subsumes that obtained
by using it as a double weapon.
When in a fury, the adept cannot use skills or abilities that require
patience or concentration, such as moving silently or casting spells
(the class skills he cant use are Balance, Concentration, Heal, Hide,
Knowledge (arcana, history and nature) and Move Silently). The
frenzy lasts a number of rounds equal to three plus his Constitution
bonus (if any). At the end of the fury, the adept is fatigued (2 to
Strength, 2 to Dexterity, cant charge or run) for the duration of
that encounter. Entering the fury takes no time itself, but the adept
can only do it during his action, not in response to somebody elses
At 1st level, the adept can use this ability three times per day.
Starting from 5th level, he can use it four times per day, and from
10th level, he can use it up to five times per day.
Woodland Grace (Ex): At 2nd level, the adept gains a +5
competence bonus to Balance, Hide and Move Silently skill checks
when in a woodland or forest environment. Furthermore, when he is
in such an environment he can always choose to take 10 on a

Balance, Hide or Move Silently check, even if he is being rushed or

threatened. At 7th level, the competence bonus increases to +10.
Defensive Harmony (Su): At 3rd level, the adepts intuitive
command of the forces of magic allows him to shrug off magical
effects that would otherwise damage or harm him. If he makes a
successful Reflex or Will saving throw that would normally reduce
the effectiveness of the attack, he suffers no effect from the attack at
all. Only spells and effects with a Saving Throw entry of Will
partial, Reflex half or similar entries can be negated through this
Hypnotic Pattern (Sp): At 4th level, the adept can hold his
opponents spellbound by whirling his quarterstaff in mystical
patterns. The effects duplicate the hypnotic pattern spell as cast by a
sorcerer of his level. The save DC is 12 + the adepts Charisma
modifier. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal
to the adepts class level.
Sylvan Concealment (Su): At 5th level, the adept gains the
supernatural ability to conceal himself in woodland or forest
surroundings. When he is in such an environment, he can use the
Hide skill even in broad daylight or while under direct observation.
Natures Tongues (Su): At 6th level, the adept can speak with any
animal, beast, plant, or fey (although what can be communicated
might be limited by the subjects intelligence).
Greater Defensive Harmony (Su): At 8th level, the adept is able to
negate magical attacks that could harm him. If he fails a Reflex or
Will saving throw against an attack that allows for reduced
effectiveness on a successful save, the attack still only has partial
effect. Only spells and effects with a Saving Throw entry of Will
partial, Reflex half or similar entries can be affected by this
Tree Stride (Sp): At 9th level, the adept gains the ability to travel
magically by shifting between trees, as per the druidic spell tree
stride, once per day. The adepts effective caster level is 9th.

Elven [Warrior-Poet]
The elven warrior-poet is the symbol of elven kind. He
impersonates the dual nature of elves, both the natural knack in
warring and the love for beauty and knowledge. They deal death
and ecstasy with the same frightening beauty.

The warrior-poets are usually bards, rangers, fighters or wizards.

The class requires a high base attack bonus, though, so a multiclass
fighter/spellcaster will get the most benefits from this prestige class.
Warrior-poets wander alone, seeking inspiration and improving their
skill. Their nature requires chaos to create, therefore a warrior-poet
must never be lawful.























Poem of Paralysing Beauty





Smite Law









Epic (+2)






Figment of language






Poem of Deafening Beauty






Epic (+3)






Poem of Unearthly Beauty

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Unendliche Melodie

To qualify to become an elven warrior-poet, a character must fulfil
all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Race: Elf
Alignment: Any non-lawful.
Skills: Perform: 8 ranks
Feats: Combat Casting, Weapon Focus (Longsword), Quick Draw.
Hit Die: d8.

Class Skills
The prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),
Heal (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), and Ride (Dex). See
Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the elven warrior-poet
prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A warrior-poet is proficient with
all simple weapons and with the longsword. Hes also proficient
with light and medium armor.
Poem of Paralysing Beauty/Deafening Beauty: Once per day per
warrior-poet class level, he can recite a poem so beautiful that it can
actually harm the listeners. All poems take 1d4 rounds to recite, and
the warrior-poet can fight normally while reciting. Otherwise, its a
spell-like ability in what refers to concentration rolls and
opportunity attacks. Deaf creatures are immune, but otherwise all
intelligent (int>2) creatures within a 60 feet range of the warriorpoet are affected, unless they have been out of range some time
during the reciting of the poem.
The poem of paralyzing beauty requires a Will save (DC perform
skill ranks + class level + charisma mod), failure meaning the
creatures are paralyzed for a number of turns equal to the amount by
which they failed the save roll. The poem of deafening beauty
requires a Ref save (DC perform skill ranks + class level + charisma
mod), failure causing all creatures listening to the poem to be
permanently deafened. The poem of unearthly beauty, the most
powerful creation of the warrior-poet, makes the creatures affected
roll Will saves twice (DC 10 + half of perform skill ranks +
charisma mod). Failure in the first slays the creature, failure in the
second shifts the creatures alignment two steps towards chaotic
However, the warrior-poet himself and his friends are also affected,
albeit less strongly: the DC for their saves is one half (round down)
of the enemys.
Epic: The warrior-poet has the ability to excel in adventuring by
visualizing the epic he will write about himself when he succeeds.
Once per day, he can start narrating aloud his actions, and that will
give him strength to overwhelm difficulties and get the best of his
abilities. This effect lasts for (class level) turns, or until he stops
narrating, whichever happens first. In the meanwhile, he gets a
morale bonus for all his skills, attacks, damages, and armor class
equal to his epic ability level (+1 at 2nd, +2 at 5th, +3 at 8th).

Smite Law: The warrior poet has the power of disarming a lawful
creatures beliefs by exposing it to the chaotic beauty of his poetry.
Doing so, he opens a breech in the creatures defense, which he can
use to damage it physically. In game terms, once per day the
warrior-poet can make one attack with a bonus equal to his charisma
mod to the attack and another equal to his class level to the damage,
only affecting a lawful creature. If the creature isnt lawful, the
attack functions normally and the ability is not wasted for that day.
Leitmotiv: Leitmotiv is a concept invented by the musician Richard
Wagner, meaning guiding theme. It is a cue to a situation or
feeling, a way to explain without words what was going on in the
opera. The warrior-poets developed similar concepts on their own,
and use them to improve their spellcasting abilities.
When memorizing spells, an elven warrior-poet with the leitmotiv
ability can set one spell in a slot one spell level higher. He will be
able to cast that spell simply reciting one verse, thus eliminating
material and gesture components. He can do that as a free action
requiring verbal component, so he can do so while attacking but not
while casting another spell or using another of the verbal powers of
the prestige class.
He can use this ability with any other classs spells, as long as they
are selected beforehand (like wizard or cleric spells; doesnt work
with sorcerers or bards) and respecting the maximum of only one
such spell per day.
Figment of Language: A master of language himself, a warriorpoet can understand any spoken language after he hears it for 2d6
minutes. After that time, he makes an intelligence check (DC 15).
Success means he can understand and speak the language from that
time on. If he knows that alphabet the language is written in, he can
write it too.
Unendliche Melodie: Another Wagner opera concept, meaning
endless melody. The warrior-poet, at this level, is so talented and
his art is so perfect, he can convince the deities governing death to
spare him from his fate. Every time he dies, he must make a
perform check (DC 25). Success means he is resurrected as per a
True Resurrection spell by a 20th level caster after 2d4 days playing
for the gods. He cant be resurrected before this period is over,
Spells: An elven warrior-poet has to choose in the bard spell list the
spells he wants to memorize each day. Memorizing spells takes one
hour (total, not each).
1st-level bard spells

2nd-level bard spells

3rd-level bard spells


Animal trance

Bestow curse

Cause fear



Charm person


Charm monster

Cure light wounds

Bulls strength


Detect secret doors

Cats grace



Cure moderate

Cure serious wounds

Expeditious retreat


Dispel magic

Feather fall




Delay poison



Detect thoughts




Gaseous form

Mage armor


Greater magic

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
1st-level bard spells

2nd-level bard spells

3rd-level bard spells 1st-level bard spells

2nd-level bard spells

3rd-level bard spells



Remove disease

Magic weapon

Hold person

Gust of wind

See invisibility



Hypnotic pattern



Sculpt sound

Protection from


Illusory script


Sepia snake sigil

Sound burst


Silent image


Invisibility sphere


Summon monster iii


Locate object

Keen edge

Summon monster ii

Wind wall

Summon monster i

Magic mouth

Leomunds tiny hut

Unseen servant

Minor image

Lesser geas


Mirror image

Magic circle against

chaos/evil/good/ law


Major image

Obscure object

Phantom steed



Remove curse

Whispering wind

Summon swarm
Tashas hideous


terrifying Equalisers of all, for with their spells they can infiltrate
and kill with even greater impunity.

The Equaliser is a master of dealing quick, lethal blows. Equalisers

are also excellent at infiltration and stealth. Equalisers often
function as spies, informants, ideological killers and agents of
political vengeance. Their training in anatomy, stealth, close combat
techniques and deception allows them to carry out missions of death
with shocking, terrifying precision.

As NPCs, Equalisers work in secret societies or for political or

religious leaders. The Equaliser kills only for what he believes to be
a worthy cause, and takes pride in the fact that he has official
license to kill. Sometimes, less scrupulous members of a good
rulers court maintain a stable of Equalisers, insulating the leader
from his covert operatives. When not engaged in cloak-and-dagger
missions, Equalisers are typically employed in the more leisurely
aspects of religious or courtly life. Equalisers often work alone,
relying on speed and stealth to accomplish their missions and
avoiding the risks of capture or betrayal inherent in parties of any

Rogues, monks and bardic Equalisers make for the classic secret
agent in the shadows with a blade or a bow that signifies certain
death. Fighters, ex-paladins, rangers, druids and barbarians operate
as warrior Equalisers, with as much ability to kill in combat as from
the shadows. Sorcerers, wizards and clerics may be the most






















Spells per Day


Sneak Attack +1d6, Cover


Blend +2, Death Attack



Sneak Attack +2d6, Signature Weapon




Blend +4, Death Shot





Sneak Attack +3d6






Blend +6, Lightning Shot






Sneak Attack +4d6






Blend +8, Rapid Attack






Sneak Attack +5d6






Blend +10

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
To qualify to become an Equaliser, a character must fulfil the
following criteria:
Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw
Special: In addition, he must have killed someone for ideological
Alignment: LN, N, CN

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Blend* (Dex, exclusive skill), Bluff (Cha), Climb
(Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha),
Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide
(Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search
(Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Magic
Device (Cha, exclusive skill) and Use Rope (Dex).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
*See below for Blend skill description.
Skill points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Equaliser prestige
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: An Equalisers weapon training
focuses on weapons suitable for stealth and sneak attacks.
Equalisers are proficient with the crossbow (hand, light or heavy),
dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and
composite), and short sword.
Equalisers are not proficient with any types of armour or shields.
Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather
apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, and
Move Silently, and that carrying heavy gear imposes a check
penalty on Swim checks.
Note that these proficiencies stack with any weapon and armour
proficiencies already possessed by the Equaliser. A Fighter who is
proficient with a Dwarven waraxe and plate armour continues to be
proficient in both when she becomes an Equaliser.
Special: A character with 5 or more ranks in both Hide and Move
Silently gains a +2 synergy bonus on Blend checks.
Sneak Attack: If an Equaliser can catch an opponent when she is
unable to defend herself effectively from his attack, he can strike a
vital spot for extra damage. Basically, any time the Equalisers
target would be denied her Dexterity bonus to AC (whether she
actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), the Equalisers attack deals
+1d6 points of damage. This extra damage is increased at
alternating levels (+2d6 at 3rd level, +3d6 at 5th level, and so on).
Should the Equaliser score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this
extra damage is not multiplied.
It takes precision and preparation to hit a vital spot, so ranged
attacks can only count as sneak attacks if the target is 30 feet away
or less.

With a sap or an unarmed strike, the Equaliser can make a sneak

attack that deals subdual damage instead of normal damage. He
cannot use a weapon that deals normal damage to deal subdual
damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual 4 penalty,
because he must make optimal use of his weapon in order to execute
a sneak attack.
An Equaliser can only sneak attack living creatures with discernible
anatomies undead, constructs, oozes, plants and incorporeal
creatures lack vital areas to attack. Additionally, any creature
immune to critical attacks is similarly immune to sneak attacks.
Also, the Equaliser must be able to see the target well enough to
pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach a vital spot. The
Equaliser cannot sneak attack while striking at a creature with
concealment or by striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are
beyond reach.
If an Equaliser gets a sneak attack bonus from another source (such
as rogue levels), the bonuses to damage stack.
Cover: When a character becomes an Equaliser, and at each new
Equaliser level, he may create a new cover identity for himself. At
each new level, the Equaliser gains 2 extra skill points to distribute
among the Forgery, Knowledge, and Profession skills to aid in
creating his new identity. In order to use a cover identity, the
Equaliser must equip himself with the materials, attire, documents,
and knowledge (at least 2 ranks in a relevant Knowledge or
Profession) of his new persona. In addition, the Equaliser must
choose a false name for each cover identity; the name remains
permanently fixed to that cover identity.
While using a cover identity, an Equaliser substitutes his
Intelligence bonus for his Charisma bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy,
Gather Information, and Innuendo checks. He also gains a +4
circumstance bonus to Bluff checks directly related to his cover
identity. An Equaliser gains this special ability at 1st level.
Death Attack: If the Equaliser studies his victim for 3 rounds and
then makes a sneak attack with a melee weapon that successfully
deals damage, the sneak attack has the additional effect of possibly
paralysing or killing the target (Equalisers choice). While studying
his victim, the Equaliser can undertake other actions so long as his
attention stays focused on the target and the target does not detect
the Equaliser or detect the Equaliser as an enemy. If the victim of
such an attack fails her Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + the
Equalisers class level + the Equalisers Intelligence modifier)
against the kill effect, she dies. If the saving throw fails against the
paralysis effect, the victims mind and body become enervated,
rendering her completely helpless and unable to act for 1d6 rounds
plus 1 round per level of the Equaliser. If the victims saving throw
succeeds, the attack is just a normal sneak attack. Once the
Equaliser has completed the 3 rounds of study, he must make the
death attack within the next 3 rounds. If a death attack is attempted
and fails (the victim makes her save) or if the Equaliser does not
launch the attack within 3 rounds of completing the study, 3 new
rounds of study are required before he can attempt another death
attack. An Equaliser gains this special ability at 2nd level.
Signature Weapon: An Equaliser typically adopts a single weapon,
such as the crossbow or the shortsword, as his signature weapon.
The extra training and familiarity with this weapon allows the
Equaliser to use it with great precision and skill. The Equaliser adds
a +2 damage bonus with the signature weapon. If the signature
weapon is a ranged weapon, the damage bonus only applies if the
target is within 30 feet. An Equaliser gains this special ability at 3rd
Death Shot: As Death Attack, but the Equaliser may apply the
effect to a sneak attack with a ranged weapon that successfully deals
damage. An Equaliser gains this special ability at 4th level.
Lightning Shot: An Equaliser gains the ability to make an extra
attack with a ranged weapon each round with no penalty to his
attacks that round. The extra attack uses the Equalisers Dexterity

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
modifier as its attack bonus. Using Lightning Shot requires a full
attack action. An Equaliser gains this special ability at 6th level.
Rapid Attack: An Equaliser gains the ability to make one extra
melee attack each round. The extra attack uses the Equalisers
highest base attack bonus, but each attack (the extra one and the
normal ones) suffers a 2 penalty. Using Rapid Attack requires a
full attack action. An Equaliser gains this special ability at 8th level.
Spells: Beginning at 1st level, an Equaliser gains the ability to cast
a small number of arcane spells. To cast a spell, the Equaliser must
have an Intelligence score of 10 + the spells level, so an Equaliser
with an Intelligence of 10 or lower cannot cast these spells.
Equaliser bonus spells are based on Intelligence, and saving throws
against these spells have a DC of 10 + spell level + the Equalisers
Intelligence modifier (if any). When the Equaliser gets 0 spells of a
given level, such as 0 1st-level spells at 1st level, the Equaliser gets
only bonus spells. An Equaliser without bonus spells for that level
cannot yet cast a spell of that level. The Equalisers spell list
appears below. The Equalisers ability to cast these spells works like
a bard's ability to cast spells.
A 1st level Equaliser learns two spells from the Equaliser 1st level
spell list. He learns one new Equaliser spell of any spell level he can
cast at each Equaliser level thereafter. There is no limit to the
number of these spells the Equaliser can know from this list; he may
also learn more by studying arcane scrolls or spellbooks.

addition, ex-Equalisers lose the ability to deal Death Blows and

Death Attacks and can no longer cast spells as an Equaliser. An Evil
ex-Equalisers may become a member of the Assassin prestige class
without regard to other requirements of that prestige class. An exEqualiser who refrains from killing for one year and who then
successfully petitions for reinstatement with his masters may return
to the fold and can thereafter gain levels in the prestige class. Some
ex-Equalisers have been retained by their masters to train new
Equaliser recruits or to supervise networks of Equaliser agents;
these ex-Equalisers are seen to have "burned out," losing their
effectiveness in the field while still retaining their loyalty to the

New Skill
As a part of his class skills, an Equaliser gains the skill of Blend
(with a key ability of Dexterity). An Equaliser uses this skill to
blend into the crowd following a sneak attack. An Equaliser gains a
+2 bonus to Blend checks at 2nd level and at alternating levels
thereafter (+4 at 4th level, +6 at 6th level, and so on). An Equaliser
may purchase ranks in Blend as a class skill.
Check: Blend may only be attempted following an attempted sneak
attack and when there is some number of people about who are not
directly associated with the Equalisers target. The standard DC for
a Blend attempt is 15, modified as follows.

Equaliser Spell List

Equalisers choose their spells from the following list:
1st level


DC modifier

Large crowd


2nd level



Alter self, darkvision, darkness, invisibility, shadow mask, silence.



Target is guarded


Attack takes place indoors


Crowd mainly of other race(s)


Change self, charm person, ghost sound, obscuring mist, spider

climb, true strike.

It is possible for a character to cease to be an Equaliser. An
Equaliser who develops an Evil alignment, or who kills an
undeserving target for money, loses the confidence of his masters
and can no longer progress in the Equaliser prestige class. In

Retry: Usually no but if an attack remains undetected on the round

following a Blend check, the Equaliser may reattempt Blend that
round. The Equaliser may not reattempt a failed Blend check after
his attack has been noticed.

Executioner of the Eye


world and thus strengthening the Elder Elemental God in the


Executioners of the Eye practice or execute the will of the Elder

Elemental God. They bends all their being to revering the god and
attempting to locate and enact rituals to draw more power of the
God to the prime world.

Most executioners are clerics of the elder elemental god. However

other classes are also suitable to become Executioners of the Eye,
especially evil druids and wizards. Non spellcasters dont receive
spells with this prestige class.

The mean goal of the executioners is to weaken to gates of the

eternal prison of their God. To do this, executioners make sacrifices
to the Eye (an alias of the Elder Elemental God), but this is not all.
With bizarre and unspeakable mystic rituals executioners try to
locate and summon long forgotten minions of their God to the prime

The Elder Elemental God is absolutely terrifying and unpredictable

violent. Every deity is considered to be a foe of the Elder Elemental
God, with notably exceptions to Juiblex the Faceless Lord and the
Dark God and maybe some other non-human(oid) gods.












The Eyes Aid 1/day

+1 level of existing class

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Disease Immunity+

+1 level of existing class





The Eyes Aid 2/day

+1 level of existing class





Poison Immunity

+1 level of existing class





The Eyes Aid 3/day

+1 level of existing class





Acid Immunity

+1 level of existing class





The Eyes Aid 4/day

+1 level of existing class





Inspire Fear

+1 level of existing class





The Eyes Aid 5/day

+1 level of existing class






The Transformation

+1 level of existing class


Poison Immunity: Immunity to poisons, including supernatural and

spell-like poisons.

Alignment: Any evil.

Acid Immunity: Executioners are immune to all acids and

corrosive fluids and substances at 6th level.

Base Attack Adjustment: +5

Skills: Alchemy: 3 ranks, Heal: 5 ranks
Feats: Alertness, Power Attack.
Special: To become an Executioner of the Eye, one must ritual
murder 25 innocent beings and sacrifice a creature whos hit dice
exceeds the hit dice of the to become executioner. Every level the
executioner gains he must ritually murder 25 innocent beings + the
total of previous levels. So to become 2nd level he must murder 50
creatures, to become 3rd level 75 creatures, 4th level 100 creatures
and so on.
Hit Dice: d8

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Bluff (cha), Climb (Str), Concentration, Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis),
Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Knowledge Religion (Int),
Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Scry (Int), Search (Int), Sense
Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis) and Swim (Str).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: The executioners is proficient with all
simple and martial weapons and armour and shields.
The Eyes Aid: When an executioner wants too, he can call upon
the aid of his God. When aided the Elder Elemental God grants the
following benefits for a amount of rounds equal to his prestige class

Inspire Fear: At 8th level, executioners can inspire fear as a free

action at will.
The Transformation: See The Ooze form below. It said that
special followers of the Elder Elemental God can become an
amorphous creature in a very wicked and evil ritual (up to the DM,
but it should be very difficult!). At this point an Executioner of the
Eye becomes an intelligent ooze of great power. At this moment
only the highest priest of the Eye on the prime made it to this level
is Malchar.
The Ooze form
The ooze form of an executioner is a powerful shapechanging,
polymorphous, protoplasm slime-being. The ooze has full control of
its semiliquid body and can change forms very easily. The Ooze is
highest gift from the Elder Elemental God, the ooze is most
favourite by its god.
Creating A Ooze
In a very wicked and evil ritual the executioner is able to transform
himself permanently into a protoplasm ooze of great power. The
ooze is a template that can be added to any creature who is a 10thlevel executioner of the eye. The creatures type changes to
aberration. It uses all the characters statistics and special abilities
except as noted here:
Hit Dice: Same as the characters further class improvement.
Speed: Same as the characters original speed, the ooze must be in
humanoid shape however. The ooze form can also move at 20 ft.
through small cracks, gratings, or even under doors. It moves at the
same rate on walls and ceilings.
AC: The ooze form has a +10 natural armour bonus, or the
characters nat.

- +6 Strength

Attacks: The ooze retains all the attacks of its former humanoid
form. In addition the ooze can lash out with two pseudopodia each
round, each successful attack causes paralysis (see below). inflicting
1d6+str damage.

- Deal double damage with every strike

Damage: The pseudopodia inflict 1d6+str damage.

- Healing as Cure Serious Wounds and Regenerate

Special Attacks: The ooze retains all the characters special attacks
and also gains those listed below. Saves have a DC of 10 +1/2
oozes HD + oozes strength modifier.

During the Aid the executioner must kill at least one sentient being
or he cannot call upon aid for the rest of the remaining week.
Disease Immunity+: At 2nd level executioners are immune to all
diseases, including magical and supernatural diseases. At this level
executioners are also immune to paralysis and hold.

Paralysis (Ex): Touching (also its attacks) the ooze form always
triggers its paralysing ability. Creatures must make a Fortitude
saving throw or be paralysed for 3d6 rounds. The ooze can engulf a
paralysed opponent automatically.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Engulf (Ex): The ooze can move over creatures the same size or
smaller to engulf them. During the move, creatures gain an attack of
opportunity against the ooze, but doing so they are not entitled to a
saving throw. Those who do not attempt opportunity attacks must
succeed at a Reflex save or be engulfed; on a success, they are
pushed back or aside (opponents choice) as the ooze moves
forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the oozes paralysis and
suffocation (consult the DMG on page 88).
Spells: The ooze can cast any spells it could cast in its former form.
Special Qualities: An ooze retains all the characters special
qualities and those listed below:
Blindsight (Ex): The oozes entire body is highly developed
sensory organ that can ascertain prey by scent and vibration within
120 feet. The ooze retains its originally visual sense at the same
time. Damage reduction (Su): The ooze body is tough and thick,
giving the creature damage reduction 15/+1. Normal weapons just
pass through the body dealing no damage!
Regeneration (Ex): The ooze form regenerates 1 hit point of
damage each round. Fire deals normal damage. Severed parts of the
ooze join automatically when they come in contact with each other.
Mimic Form (Ex): The ooze can change form to mimic other
creatures appearances. The ooze require one standard action to
assume another shape. Most Executioners will hold their original
appearance in human form. It must be said that the oozes mass
always stays the same, its volume can of course be different. In
effect, the ooze cannot mimic creatures of another size categories
then its own. Using this ability with a disguise, an executioner gets a
+15 bonus to all checks.
Immunities (Ex): Immune to all mind-influencing effects, blinding,
poison, sleep, disease, paralysis, stunning and polymorphing. The
ooze has no front or back and therefor not subject to critical hits or
flanking. The ooze doesnt breathe and can even stay alive in
vacuum up to 1 day x constitution modifier. After that the ooze will
receive suffocation damage (1 hit point per hour).

Resistance (Ex): The ooze form has cold resistance 20.

Saves: Same as the character.
Abilities: An Ooze gains a +2 Constitution.
Skills: Oozes receive a +2 racial bonus to Search and Spot checks.
Otherwise same as the character.
Feats: Same as the character.
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organisation: Often solitary
Challenge Ration: Same as the character +2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Any evil
Advancement: By character class.

Ooze Characters
The process of the transformation is unspeakably evil and wicked
and can be undertaken with a great and evil ritual of some kind (up
to the DM). In any case, the executioner must ritual offer no less
than 100 creatures in the process. The ooze retains all Class
Features it had in its former existence.
Executioners of the Eye are very rare to say the least, and should be
introduced as NPCs very carefully! As PC they should be played
only under very unique circumstances. For example they have a
(bad) habit to sacrifice party members.
Executioners of the Eye are very rare to say the least, and should be
introduced as NPCs very carefully! As PC they should be played
only under very unique circumstances. For example they have a
(bad) habit to sacrifice party members.

The Fiana, or "warband," is one of the most elite fighting forces for
good on the face of Talanu. Combining breathtaking feats of
swordsmanship and dazzling displays of wizardry, the mere
presence of a contingent of Swordmages is often enough to make
the bad guys give up and go home.
To become a Fiana one must be chosen, usually by a member in the
field looking for new recruits. Once chosen, the prospective warriormage travels to the monastery fortress of Caer Mawr on the isle of
Trigasha. This warren, built into the side of a hill, serves as home
and study area for the new members. The land surrounding the
compound has been set up as a training ground, and is justly
infamous for the difficulty and severity of its challenges. Warriors
the world over, come to test themselves there (whether they are
Fiana-in-training or not).
Ostensibly, the Fiana are under the control and blessing of the
Militant Scarlet Order, the monks who live on the island and run
their own fighting school of sorts. In reality, however, the monks
leave all governance to the academy's mysterious head instructor,
Scathach. Without a doubt the finest trainer in the world, she was
already living in the warrens of Caer Mawr when the first monks
came to the island. The story of their initial meeting does a fair job
of conveying the Scarlet Order's relationship with her even today.
When the monks first arrived, they were unaware of her presence.
As soon as they began to investigate the tunnels of her home,
however, they knew something was wrong. Members sent in to

investigate would disappear, only to be found again the next

morning, naked and confused, hanging by their feet from a tree in
the centre of the settlement.
Soon after this began the Master of the Order, Shavila, approached
the tunnels and began to say a blessing, believing that there must be
evil spirits in the tunnels. Upon completion of the prayer, Scathach
leaped out as if from nowhere and declared that she was no ghost,
but a warrior defending her home. Startled, the Master's men leaped
to the attack, and as he watched in amazement she dispatched all of
them in the blink of an eye without injuring a single one!
Shavila was perplexed. The monks had already planned to use the
complex as a training facility. The beautiful, deadly woman standing
in front of him, however, was requiring that he kill her in order to
accomplish their goals. What was worse, he was not at all certain
that they could do it without losing many men, and in the end would
destroy what appeared to be an amazing military resource.
In a move of what he believed to be unparalleled brilliance, he
offered Scathach a deal. He challenged her to single combat,
unarmed. If she won, she could keep her home. If he won, he would
use the warren for his purposes, and enrol her as an instructor of his
men for a year and a day.
When the headmaster came to, Scathach told him that she would
gladly be an instructor anyway, and listed off the supplies she would
need to start work on the training facilities...
As mentioned above, Fiana are chosen by those in the field charged
by Scathach with finding new members. Occasionally, however, an

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
applicant will come to Caer Mawr and request admittance. Even
more rarely there will appear an extraordinary individual who is
given the chance to become Fiana without the years of study. These
few are given an extensive series of tests, tailored by Scathach for
the individual. One applicant's test went as follows He was stripped naked, had his hair put in braids, and was given
nothing but a shield and spear. He was then charged with running 10
miles through dense underbrush. If his stride faltered, or a twig of
the forest was broken, or a braid of his hair was disturbed or caught
in a tree branch, he was disqualified. To make things more
interesting, 10 members of the Fiana followed him for the course,
raining down spear upon him.

Fiana are trained in all forms of combat, but specialize in armed

melee. When they arrive at Caer Mawr, they pick a weapon type
with which they will work for the rest of their lives. Besides weapon
forms, the students are taught aerial combat, something that
Scathach emphasizes above all else, (she herself can fly under her
own power).
Once a Fiana completes training and becomes 1st level, she is free
to do as she wishes and go where she will. Many Fiana take up
positions of authority in the armies of good rulers, while others
resume their former career (often adventuring). A Swordmage's only
stricture is that they return to Caer Mawr for 1 week out of the year,
to speak with Scathach and renew their spirit.

He passed the test.



















+1 attack/armour class






Defensive Casting






+2 attack/armour class






Mind Over Matter






+3 attack/armour class






Flurry of Blades






+4 attack/armour class






Quickened Still-spell






+5 attack/armour class; Consecrated Weapon


+1 level

+1 level

+1 level

+1 level

+1 level


Class features

To qualify to become a Fiana, a character must fulfil all the

following criteria.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A Fiana is proficient with all

simple and militia weapons. They are proficient with light and
medium armour. A Fiana cannot use a shield. Note that armour
check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills
Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick
Pocket, and Tumble, and that carrying heavy gear imposes a check
penalty on Swim checks.

Alignment: Good or neutral

Base attack bonus: +7
Skills: Concentration: 10 ranks Spellcraft: 10 ranks Tumble: 5 ranks
Weaponsmith: 5 Ranks
Feats: Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Spring Attack, Still
Spell, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization
Spell casting ability: 3rd level arcane spells
Hit Die: d8.

Class skills
The Fianas class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb
(Str); Concentration (Con); Craft (Int); Hide (Dex); Jump (Str);
Listen (Wis); Move Silently (Dex); Search (Wis); Spot (Wis);
Spellcraft (Int); Tumble (Dex); Wilderness Lore (Wis). See Chapter
4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Drawback: -2 on the use of any other than the chosen weapon.

Spell Advancement: +1 level in previous arcane caster class per 2
levels of Fiana (maximum of +4 levels).
Evasion: As the Rogue ability.
Improved Attack (Ex): +1 for every 2 levels with chosen weapon
type (when wearing medium or lighter armour).
Improved Armour Class (Ex): +1 for every 2 levels (when
wearing medium or lighter armour and wielding chosen weapon
Defensive Casting (Ex): Spellcasting does not provoke an attack of
opportunity. Additionally, Fiana get an extra +4 to their
Concentration checks when wielding their chosen weapon AND
casting a spell in battle.
Mind Over Matter (Ex): -20% to arcane spellcasting failure in
light or medium armour.
Flurry of Blades (Ex): The Fiana gets one extra attack a round, at
her highest Base Attack Bonus. All the Fiana's attacks that round
suffer a -2 penalty.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Quickened Still-spell (Su): Choose 1 spell of 3rd level or less that
can be cast without somatic components, and can be cast as a free
action. The spell must be one which affects only the caster. Most
Fiana use this spell to fly at a moment's notice, or when pinned or

Deepnight). Using a Masterwork weapon, and expending 2 levels

worth of XP, the original weapon will be recreated.

Consecrated Weapon: Dedicates a specific weapon, NOT weapon

type, with which the Fiana may perform special feats. The weapon
must be of masterwork quality or greater. Magical weapons are the
most common. The wielder must also have used the weapon for at
least one year.

+5 to all attack rolls that involve more than simply
attacking i.e. called shots, disarming, etc.

Upon reaching the number of experience points necessary for 10th

level, advancement in the Swordmage class stops and the Fiana
must make the journey to Caer Mawr for the Rite of Consecration.
(Note that the Fiana is not actually 10th level at this time, as she
does not gain any of the 10th level abilities). This process
traditionally takes place during Nevioth and culminates on
Deepnight. During this time the Fiana goes through many rites of
preparation and cleansing, readying his mind and body for the
melding that is to come. He or she also uses Weapon-Smithing to
place special runes on the weapon. These runes will blend with any
runes that already exist.
Once the actual bonding has begun, the Fiana channels the XP they
have been saving, (that which just made them a candidate for 10th
level), into the weapon, using their own life force to create an
unbreakable mystic bond. This experience drain may not be
regained through magical means, (unless so ordained by a deity).
After creating the weapon they can once again advance as a
Swordmage, and after 19,000 experience points may progress to the
10th level of experience. A Swordmage does NOT gain any of the
new benefits of the consecrated weapon until they have once again
reached 10th level of the Fiana Prestige Class.
Once created, the chosen weapon may never be cast aside for a
different one, EVER. If the weapon is lost, the wielder always
knows in which direction it lies, and approximately how far. Unless
specifically targeted for destruction, the weapon never needs to
make a save, even if the Fiana fails her save for a destructive effect.
If the weapon is destroyed, the wielder may recreate the weapon,
identically, through a special ceremony, (again lasting up until

While using the consecrated weapon, the Swordmage gains the

following benefits (all sword abilities are Supernatural)


Weapon cannot be fumbled or dropped.

Wielder gains the Improved Arrow Deflection*, Great
Cleave, and Power Attack feats.
3 times per day, the Swordmage may use her weapon to
discharge one attack spell of 5th level or lower directly at the victim
of a blow. These spells must be preset into the weapon, and count
against the Swordmage's total number of spells allowed per day.
They stay in the weapon until dispelled or the mage dismisses them,
which is a free action.
Once per day, the wielder can make himself completely
immune to one form of attack (fire, cold, acid, physical blows, etc.)
for 3 rounds. This is a free action, and does not invoke an attack of
opportunity. The rounds of protection must run consecutively.
*As Missile Deflection, save that 1 missile per round per 3 levels of
Fiana may be deflected.
However, the ritual that binds the wielder and weapon together also
forever alters the recipient. From that point forward, a Fiana is
completely dedicated to that specific class of weapons, making the
use of different weapon types all the more difficult, if not
impossible. The penalty to use other sorts of weapons drops to -4.
Furthermore, the Fiana takes on a geas, which forbids him from
using different weapon classes. For example, Malakon's chosen
weapon is longsword. His geas prevents him from using anything
except for swords, and he is at -4 to use any type of sword except
for his chosen type. He can pick up and wield a mace at -4 if
necessary, but at that point he has violated geas.
If the Fiana violates the geas, he loses all Fiana class abilities save
spellcasting. The loss remains until he journeys to Caer Mawr and
spends a week atoning for Scathach.

Frost Lord
The Frost lord is a rare breed. Some come from the great cities
under the glaciers of the north others are called to places of frost to
face there destiny. Many frost lords scour the snowy areas of the

world attempting to help travellers in need; others are as cold as the

ice they emulate. Many monks follow the ways of ice as do some
rangers and barbarians. The next most common classes are sorcerer
and wizard. Some clerics of ice gods do attempt to become Frost
Lords. Most other classes are unheard of.











Endure Cold, Ice Walk





Force of the Glacier





Path of Ice





Strength of Ice





Cold Subtype





Winters touch/1





Winters Touch/2





Winters Touch/3

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Wind of the Frozen North






Shatter Hand


Force of the Glacier: The Frost Lord gains the improved bull rush
feat for free. He does not need to fill the normal prerequisites.

Base Attack Bonus: +4

Path of Ice: This spell like ability lets the Frost Lord coat a 10 x 10
portion of ground with ice. The ice lasts for a number of rounds
equal to the Frost Lords level. All creatures caught within the area
of effect must make a reflex save each round to stay afoot. The
Frost lord also receives a +4 on his check for resolving bull rushes.
He can perform this spell like ability once for every three Frost Lord

Hit Dice: D8
Alignment: Any
Class: Any
Race: Any
Feats: Improved unarmed strike, Weapon focus unarmed strike
Special: Wilderness Lore: 5 ranks Other: Must make a journey to
the great glacier and survive 3 nights without heat.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Hide (Dex), Move Silently (Dex),
Profession (Wis), Intuit Direction (Wis), Knowledge Nature (Int),
Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Listen (Wis), Wilderness Lore (Wis).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Armour and Weapon Proficiencies: The Frost Lord does not gain
any new armour or weapon proficiencies
Endure Cold: A frost lord may ignore the first 5 points of cold
damage in any given round. This includes damage from spells and
Ice Walk: The frost lord may walk across solid sheets of ice with no
worries of slipping. For all intents and purposes he treats ice as
normal dry ground.

Strength of Ice: The Frost Lord may call upon the strength of ice a
number of times equal to 1 + his con modifier per day. Strength of
ice gives the Frost Lord hardness equal to his con modifier for a
number of rounds equal to his Frost Lord level.
Cold Subtype: The Frost Lord takes on the characteristics of a cold
subtype creature as descried in the DMG. He has cold immunity and
takes double damage from fire except on a successful save. This
supersedes the endure cold ability.
Winters Touch: A number of times indicated in the chart per day a
Frost Lord can attempt a winters touch. He must designate the
attack prior to resolving success. If he misses the use is expended.
On a successful unarmed attack the Frost Lord does an additional
d10 points of cold damage. Additionally the target must make a
fortitude save DC equal to 10 + Frost Lord level + Wis modifier.
Failure indicates the cold has frozen the target solid for d4 rounds.
This effect is similar to a hold person and has no other detrimental
Winds of the Frozen North: The Frost Lord can breathe forth a Cone
of Cold at his current Frost Lord level. This is a spell like ability
and functions like the Cone of Cold spell in the PHB.
Shatter Hand: This attack is quite fearsome indeed. Any time a
creature falls victim to Winters Touch the Frost Lord may attempt
this attack. As a full round action the Frost Lord strikes a stress
point on the frozen creature. If the creature fails a fortitude save vs.
DC 10 + frost lord level + Wis modifier it shatters. This attack
causes instant death. It is a supernatural ability.

Gae Bolga
Culainn, the Hound of Mag Mor, has become something of a patron
deity for adventurers. This is not surprising, given the fact that the
irascible hero was an adventurer himself. It also helps that there are
a very few members of the demihuman community who still
remember him, and in fact rode with him and his legendary Knights
of the Red Branch. Many of his devotees see him as more of a
friend than a deity, and they love the fact that he seems to be
comfortable with this arrangement. Some more senior priests think
that it is cute, the way in which their god appears to be flustered
with all the attention he gets from worship.
In his time, Culainn and his band patrolled the plains and hills of the
north every summer, righting wrongs and meting out justice in the
name of Lugh and the Dagda. The common folks adored them, and
the vicious barbarian hordes that were routed time and again by the
young warrior hated him with all the force they could muster.
Eventually, Culainns enemies caught up with him. Khavrad
Twintounge, a devotee of Bricriu, tricked the hero into a
confrontation with the mighty Red Wyrm Gandingraman, the
Engine of Ballok. Though he prevailed, the wounds the Hound

received from the battle were fatal, and he perished in the company
of his men. He was rewarded with deification, and has become an
inspiration to adventurers everywhere. It is also recorded that he
gave a very nice and moving speech while lying on his death bed.
Since his death and deification, the church of Culainn has
flourished, and much of its success is owed to the Knights of the
Red Branch. This group, also called the Gae Bolga in honour of
Culainns magical spear, were his inner circle during his life, and his
greatest servants afterwards. As slowly, one by one, the original
group began to die off from old age and attrition, it was decided that
the knowledge they had gained from their god was too precious to
be lost. The elf Ferdiad mac Gwyr travelled on their behalf to the
Isle of Varadock, where he petitioned Scathach to aid them in
training new members of the Spears, for it was she who initially
revealed the secrets of combat to the Hound. She refused. Ferdiad,
however, merely sat down and waited, asking the question again
each time he saw her. After a month of watching him sit in the mud,
the Queen of War relented, and agreed that all those who wished to
honour Culainn should come to her. This is the arrangement today,
and Scathach shares her duties with Ferdiad himself, as the ancient
Saedhe survives still.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Only the best and most devoted worshippers are singled out for this
honour, and not all who are called are able to find the dedication
within themselves to finish their training. The chosen is alerted to
the fact by a dream, in which he senses Culainn calling to him. It is
not unusual for these dreams to continue for a period of weeks,
months, and even years, as the god shapes the lives of those he calls
to serve him. When the time is right, an emissary is sent to the
priest, and an invitation to join is extended.
After their training is successfully completed, (generally after a span
of a year and a day), the Knight is free to return to his companions
and resume his career if he was an adventurer. He is NOT allowed
to return to a church and resume an administrative position. The

Spears are charged with carrying the glory of Culainn throughout

the world, and to demonstrate that glory through feats of martial
prowess and the smiting of evil wherever it is found. If the priest is
new to the adventuring path, it is not unusual for Scathach to team a
newly trained Gae Bolga with a newly trained Fiana, and assign
them some sort of specific task in order for them to get their feet
wet, as it were. Many alumni fondly point to the scars they
received on this first mission, or at least wave stumps in the scars
general direction.
Like the Fianna, the Spears are required to return to Varadock and
Scathach for 1 week out of every year, where they spend their time
renewing their spirits and speaking with their mentor.













Riastrad 1/day; Shield Leap 1/day






Faithful Spear 1/day;






Salmon Leap 1/day; Shield Leap 2/day






Riastrad 2/day;






Faithful Spear 2/day; Salmon Leap 2/day;

Shield Leap 3/day






Leap of Glory 1/day; Seelie Sight;






Salmon Leap 3/day; Shield Leap 4/day;

Riastrad 3/day






Faithful Spear 3/day; Leap of Glory 2/day;

Culainn's Leap;






Salmon Leap 4/day; Shield Leap 5/day; Spear

of Culainn







+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class


(Wis). See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill


To qualify to become a Gae Bolga, a character must fulfil all the

following criteria.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Worshipper of Culainn
Base Attack Bonus: +8
Abilities: Strength: 16+, Dex: 14+, Cha: 16+
Skills: Jump: 13 ranks, Knowledge (Religion): 10 ranks,
Knowledge (Otherworld): 8 ranks, Ability to cast 3rd level divine
spells, Ability to Turn Undead at least 4 times per day,
Spells: Access to the War and Strength domains
Feats: Skill Focus (Jump), Weapon Focus (Barbarian Shortspear),
Weapon Specialisation (Barbarian Shortspear), Exotic Weapon (Gae
Hit Dice: d10

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Climb (Str); Heal (Wis); Intimidate (Cha); Jump (Str); Listen(Wis);
Knowledge (Otherworld) (Int); Knowledge (Religion) (Int); Ride
(Dex); Spot (Wis); Tracking (Wis); Tumble (Dex), Wilderness Lore

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapon Proficiency (Barbarian Shortspear), Power Attack, Extra
Turning, Divine Might
Weapons and Armour: A Spear is proficient with all simple and
martial weapons. They are proficient with light and medium armour
only, and can use all shields. The Gae Bolga are not allowed to use
heavy armour, and lose all class benefits while doing so.
Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather
apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move
Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble, and that carrying heavy gear
imposes a check penalty on Swim checks.
NOTE: The Red Branch ignore armour check penalties in relation
to Jump checks.
NOTE: The Gae Bolga are very skilled in the use of their Leap
feats, as well as jumping in general. They ignore restrictions on
jumping based on height, as per a monk's Leap of the Clouds ability.
Furthermore, they may execute any of their Leap feats as long as
they have at least 20' of vertical clearance. If they have only 15' of

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
clearance, the DC of the Jump check is increased by 5. A Spear may
not use her Leap feats if there is less than 15' vertical clearance.
Riastrad, "Battle Fury" (SA): Beginning at 1st level, the Gae
Bolga can call upon the power of Culainn and infuse their forms
with a measure of his fury. By spending a turning attempt, the Spear
gains a +4 holy bonus to Strength, a +2 holy bonus to Con and Dex,
and +10 holy bonus to Jump checks. These bonuses will last for 1
round per 3 character levels.
During this time, the Knight cannot cast spells, and can only engage
in melee combat. Using this power is a standard action.
Shield Leap (Ex): Beginning at 1st level, the Gae Bolga leaps to
duplicate Culainn's famous Leap Feats. By making a Jump check
DC 30, the Red Branch may make a special attack on an adjacent
foe of huge size or smaller. In effect, the Spear leaps high into the
air and, in a dazzling display of acrobatics, makes a single attack on
the foe. The attack is made with a +10 circumstance bonus, and
ignores shield modifiers to armour class, including those granted
from spells. The attack doubles the critical threat range on the
Shortspear, and this effect stacks with Improved Critical and
Keenness effects. Using this ability is a standard action.
Faithful Spear (Sp): Beginning at 2nd level, the Gae Bolga may
hurl any barbarian shortspear with amazing accuracy. By calling on
the might of Culainn and expending a turning attempt, the Knight
can make an attack with his shortspear as a ranged touch attack. If
the attack misses, the wielder can choose to either recall the weapon
to his hand, or have the weapon continue attacking. If the latter
option is chosen, the spear will continue to make 1 attack per round,
at the Red Branch's highest attack bonus, for a number of rounds
equal to his Gae Bolga level/2. The spear will even follow fleeing
opponents at a movement rate of 40', though the Spear can recall it
at any time. The spear will never travel farther than 100' from its
wielder. If it does so, it falls lifelessly to the ground. Salmon Leap
(Ex): At 2nd level, the Spear perfects another of her god's Leap
Feats. To invoke this power, she must make a Jump check DC 35. If
successful, the Gae Bolga may make a jump-charge against any one
Large or smaller opponent within 30' who has at least one adjacent
square open around them.
This single attack is in essence made from above as she plummets
down on the target. The attack is made with a +10 circumstance
bonus and automatically inflicts a critical hit upon the target.
Furthermore, the target must make a Fortitude save, DC Gae Bolga
level + damage inflicted, or be knocked in to the adjacent,
unoccupied square, and be stunned for 1d3 rounds. If the target
makes its save, the Knight bounces off the target and lands in the
unoccupied square. Using this ability is a standard action.
Leap of Glory (Ex): At 6th level, the Gae Bolga perfects another of
his god's Leap Feats, which is used in conjunction with his Battle
Fury ability. By making a Jump check DC 40 and spending a
turning attempt, he leaps above the fray cloaked in the splendid
battle rage of his god. All allies within 100' who can see the Knight
gain a +3 insight bonus to attack, damage rolls and saving throws,
while all foes within range must make a Will save, DC 10+Gae
Bolga level + Charisma Bonus or take equal penalties. This effect
lasts 1 round per 2 Gae Bolga levels. Using this ability is a standard
action. Using this ability also counts against the number of times the
spear may use his Battle Fury that day.
Seelie Sense (Ex): Beginning at 6th level, the Gae Bolga's exposure
to the tricks of the Otherworld has caused his senses to be honed to
a superhuman level. The Knight is never considered to be flat
footed, and he can no longer be flanked.

Furthermore, he gains a +10 insight bonus on Spot and Listen

checks, and a +20 insight bonus on checks to detect invisible
Culainn's Leap (Ex): As per the feat.
Spear of Culainn (Ex): By 9th level, the Gae Bolga can imbue his
weapon with the power of his deity in one of two ways. 1)
He may choose to infuse the spear with a prepared spell. Any spell
of 6th level or lower may be placed into the weapon. The spell may
then be discharged via an attack roll. The Knight must declare that
he is discharging the spell before the attack roll is made, and if the
attack misses the spell is lost. If the spell has an area of effect, the
effect is centred on the spear. The Red Branch may also discharge
the spell from the weapon without an attack roll if the stored spell
has an area of effect. If the spell is discharged, the result is centred
on the caster. The priest may store up to 3 spells per day - however,
they must be added to the spear during the priest's memorisation
period. Note that if there are spells stored in the spear, it cannot be
empowered as described below.2) By spending a turning attempt, he
may infuse his spear with the raw power of his god, in remembrance
of the original Gae Bolga in the hands of Culainn. This power
remains in the weapon for 3 rounds. During that time, the spear
behaves as if it were under the effect of a Bless Weapon spell,
automatically inflicting a critical on a threat roll. It also causes an
additional 4d6 points of Holy damage. The spear may be thrown
with a range of 200', with no range increment. While in mid-air, it
transforms into a bolt of red light which deals 5d8 points of holy
damage to the target upon impact, then explodes into a 20'r burst of
noise, dealing an additional 12d6 points of sonic damage, (Reflex
save for 1/2, DC 21). The spear reappears in the hand of the wielder
after exploding. However, throwing the spear ends the effect, even
if the attack misses.
Dariastrad, "Frenzy of the God" (SA): Once per day, the Gae
Bolga can assume a form that closely resembles the Hound's own
battle fury. By expending a turning attempt, the Spear gains a +8
holy bonus to Strength, a +4 holy bonus to Dexterity and
Constitution, and a +20 holy bonus to Jump checks. His movement
rate doubles, and he gains damage resistance 15/+1. He is also
affected as if by a Haste spell. Finally, he is surrounded by the
glowing Hero's Light, and all intelligent creatures under 8 HD
within 30' of a Knight in the throes of the Frenzy automatically
become panicked and flee the character immediately. Those over 8
HD may make a Will save DC 10+Gae Bolga level + Charisma
Bonus to merely become shaken. Unfortunately, the transformation
is so startling that allies of the priest are required to make the save
in order to avoid becoming shaken. True friends of the priest gain a
+15 circumstance bonus to the save.
This transformation has other drawbacks. While under its effects,
the Red Branch has difficulty distinguishing between friend and foe
and so he will always automatically attack the nearest creature. If
this turns out to be a friend, the priest must use his action to make a
Will save, DC 30, to realise this and orient himself on a true enemy.
One that newly chosen enemy is defeated, the priest might
potentially attack a friend again, requiring another Will save.
The transformation lasts 1 round per Gae Bolga level. Once it ends,
the following things occur: The Spear takes 20 points of damage
immediately. He also takes 1d6 temporary points of Charisma,
Strength, Dex, and Con, as the transformation wracks his body
severely. This damage may be healed magically, but 1 point of
damage in each stat will remain until it heals normally. This damage
cannot be removed except by a Wish or Miracle, as it represents
damage done to the spirit of the priest by the intensity of his god's

Giant Killer
Come closer, you filthy ogre. Greet your death, @$$hole.


Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Many giants bring great trouble to humans and other races, so there
is always a person who is eager to fight those creatures. The giant
killer is a bold man or woman on a crusade against troublesome
giants; these can be found among any race, but are especially
common among dwarves and humans. A giant killer is welcome in
any community suffering from giant raids; he or she often caries
badges or ribbons received from grateful citizens.
However, a giant killers focus on his jobs has a serious drawback:
it is often difficult for him to tell a good giant from a bad one that is

why giant killers get into trouble with cloud and storm giants. Some
even like it that way, and often give oaths to kill anything larger
than a man. Nevertheless, most members of this prestige class try
to suppress such chauvinistic thoughts.
Most giant killers were originally rangers, but rogues, fighters, and
even ex-paladins are also common. Although dedication is quite an
important virtue for giant killers (which have a lot of guilds
throughout the land), creatures of all alignments feel the call for
fighting giants, be they good or evil.












Bonus damage +1, giant lore






Bonus damage +2






Bonus damage +3, defensive technique






Bonus damage +4






Bonus damage +5, infuriate

To qualify to become a giant killer, a character must fulfill the
following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Tumble: 4 ranks
Feats: Dodge, Power Attack
Special: Must have defeated at least 3 giants of any kind.
Hit Dice: d12

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis),
Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis),
Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Wilderness Lore (Wis).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the beast-rider prestige

Bonus Damage: Every giant killer hates giants passionately and

does his best to inflict more damage upon them. For every giant
killer level attained the character gains a +1 morale bonus to
damage dealt to giants by weapons. If the weapon in question is
ranged, the bonus applies only up to the range of 30 feet.
Giant Lore (Ex): Giant killers possess a perfect knowledge of their
foes behaviour, battle tactics and way of life. Thus, they track
giants as if they had the Track feat (if they already have it, they gain
a + 2 competence bonus to the Search check). Moreover, they gain a
+2 competence bonus to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and
Wilderness Lore checks while using these skills against giants.
Defensive Technique (Ex): Giant killers learn a special defensive
technique that works best against very large creatures. They receive
a +4 dodge bonus to AC while fighting giants and a +2 dodge bonus
to AC while fighting Large or larger creatures of other types.
Remember that dodge bonuses do stack with each other.
Infuriate (Ex): This ability enables the giant killer to drive giants
into an uncontrolled frenzy. To do this, he must spend his entire turn
tumbling around and shouting obscene words (a full-round action
that provokes an attack of opportunity); the giant killer and his
target must see each other for the ability to take effect. The giant
must make a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + the giant killers
positive Charisma modifier, if any) or be infuriated. Being
infuriated causes the giant to concentrate all his attacks against the
giant killer for 2d6 rounds, forfeiting all other actions save
movement towards the target. All his attack rolls suffer a 4 morale
penalty: Moreover, the giant loses his Dexterity bonus to AC. Use
this ability 3 times per day + the giant killers positive Charisma
modifier, if any.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Giant killers gain proficiency

in all simple and martial weapons, light and medium armour, and all

Glaive of Azharadian
The Glaives of Azharadian represent the body of knights within the
Order of the Golden Sun. This is a class that is suitable for Paladins

(who may freely advance in it without forsaking the path of the

Paladin), Fighters (who have the greatest potential for mastery of
the battle axe) and particularly powerful Clerics of the Invincible
One. This is not to say that other classes cannot be considered for
the honour of becoming a Glaive.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes










Martial Axe





Unvanquished Even In Death (1/day)





Martial Bolt (Bolt of Glory 1/day)





Presence of Azharadian





Valorous Axe





Unvanquished Even In Death (2/day)





Valorous Bolt (Bolt of Glory 2/day), Wisdom of Azharadian





Virtuous Axe





Unvanquished Even In Death (3/day)






Virtuous Bolt (Bolt of Glory 3/day), Sight of Azharadian

Glaive Level



Glaive Martial


Glaive Valorous


Glaive Virtuous

Base Attack Bonus: +6
Language: Old Oeridian
Skills: Ride (4 Ranks), Knowledge Religion (2 Ranks) or Ride (2
Ranks), Knowledge Religion (4 Ranks)

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Glaive is proficient in the
use of all simple and martial weapons and all armour (heavy,
medium, and light) and shields.
Martial Axe (Ex) Stacking with any existing Weapon Focus
bonus, this adds +1 to all attack rolls with either the great axe or the
battleaxe. The Glaive must already have the Weapon Focus feat
with that weapon. The axe abilities that will follow will be used
with that weapon.
Unvanquished Even In Death (Ex) Through inner strength and
faith in Heironeous the Glaives of Azharadian can bring themselves
to excel in combat and fight beyond their normal abilities.

Feats: Weapon Focus (Battleaxe or Great Axe), Leadership

The Glaive may use this power only during his own action. It
confers the following benefits

Religion: Heironeous

+4 to Con

Alignment: Any Lawful

+4 to Wisdom

Deeds: All Glaives must have done a great deed in the eyes of the
Order and have proved their loyalty to the Free State of Onnwal and
to the ideals of the Order. He must also succeed at the Trial Martial,
and succeed at the remaining Trials to advance within the ranks of
the Glaives.
Trial: To advance in the rankings of the Order (i.e. to achieve the
first level of a new Glaive ranking) the Glaive must complete the
appropriate Trial.
Hit Dice: d10

Class Skills
Diplomacy (Cha), Etiquette (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge
(religion) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (war) (Int),
Ride (Dex), Jump (Str)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Therefore the Glaive receives a +2 to Will and Fortitude saves for

the duration of this power. It is worth nothing that the Con bonus
also confers additional hit points of +2 per character level. These hit
points are not lost first in the way temporary hit points are lost. This
ability lasts of 4 rounds plus the Glaives level. After it expires the
Glaive is fatigued and suffers a 2 to Str.
Bolt of Glory (Sp) The Glaive may cast Bolt of Glory with an
effective caster level equal to the characters levels as a Glaive plus
6. This ability requires a masterwork battleaxe or greataxe (or
Presence of Azharadian (Ex) - The presence of the Glaive is
enough to grant any allies within 60 feet a second saving throws
against fear or charm effects. Even if they fail the roll the results are
less severe: panicked characters are only frightened, frightened
characters are only shaken and shaken characters are unaffected.
Additionally if the Glaive has present his personal banner, or a
banner of the Knights of Azharadian the range of the ability is
extended to all allies who are within line of sight of the Glaive and
are aware of his presence.
Valorous Axe (Ex) Stacking with any existing Weapon
Specialization bonus, this adds +2 to all damage rolls with either the
great axe or the battleaxe.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Wisdom of Azharadian (Ex) The Glaive embodies Azharadians
natural talent for the martial life and thus selects a number of class
skills equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier. When making a skill
check with one of these skills, the Glaive may take 10 even if stress
and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so. He
becomes so certain in his skill that he can use the skill reliably even
under adverse conditions.

Virtuous Axe (Ex) The Glaive gains the Improved Critical feat
for either the battleaxe or great axe. If the Glaive already possesses
this feat add an additional +2 to the weapons threat range.
Sight of Azharadian (Ex) The supreme embodiment of the
virtues of Azharadian, the Glaive also embodies Azharadians
intuitive knowledge of his enemies. Therefore the Glaive is never
surprised and thus can always take a partial action during a surprise
round, unless physically restrained from doing so.

Gladiators from Darksun second edition, converted to 3e, for any
This is a prestige class. You can start as any class and, by using this,
You can become a Gladiator.

Most actual free gladiators are slaves who have won their freedom
in the arenas. Very few have chosen this life by choice, but some of
them gladly walk on that path by their own will. Those that does
and that finish a great career with their own life are very popular.
Others fear the arena, but most follow their path with zeal. They
dont have a choice to survive.












1d4 Unarmed combat






1d4 Unarmed combat +1 Feat Bonus






1d4 Unarmed combat






1d6 Unarmed combat +1 Feat Bonus -1 Damage Reduction






1d6 Unarmed combat






1d6 Unarmed combat +1 Feat Bonus -2 Damage Reduction






1d8 Unarmed combat






1d8 Unarmed combat +1 Feat Bonus -3 Damage Reduction






1d8 Unarmed combat







1d8 Unarmed combat (max) +1 Feat Bonus -4 Damage Reduction



learned those before. For that reason, any GOOD gladiator is a

match to anyone.

Base Attack Bonus: +6

Hit Dice: D12

Class Skills

Alignment: Gladiators may be of any alignment.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Class: Other Classes: Gladiators tend to compete with fighters.

Most hold bards in contempt (some use the words bard and
coward interchangeably) and are cautious around any type of
magic users. They get along well with rogues Most gladiators have
not had enough experience with other classes to have really formed
an opinion on them. Gladiators are warriors, but they have all put
their skill to battle and tactic for themselves.

Balance (Dex), Jump (Str), Perform (Cha), Escape artist (Dex),

Tumble (Dex)

Feats: Expertise, Weapon Focus, Combat reflexes, Dodge

Class Features

Special: Balance: 7 ranks Perform: 5 ranks Tumble: 6 ranks

Gladiators tend to fill many of the same roles as fighters, but they
tend to want all the glory for themselves. The explanation is simple:
For them, glory is a gift. If they have enough, they will get freedom.
They are experts in the art of battle, they know how to kill, and they
are very well trained in any form of brutal, very physical contest.
They know all form of confrontation. They lack the tactician mind
of the military art, but many of them are actual fighters that have

Weapons and Armour: Gladiators are proficient in all weapons,

shields, and all armours but heavy since they prefer to wear light
armours due to the mobility.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int. modifier

Multiple Specialisation: Gladiators are allowed weapon

specialisation as per fighters; they have no restriction on levels and
may buy specialisation at 1st level. They may buy specialisation
multiple times, once for each weapon they have bought weapon

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
focus with. They can also specialise themselves twice in any given
weapon if they have at least 13 in both intelligence, and in dexterity.
Unarmed Combat: Gladiators have increased damage in hand to
hand combat. Size M gladiators do additional normal damage with
their fists. They have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat for free.
When dealing hand to hand damage, they do normal damage,
without provoking attacks of opportunity. Also, at level 6, they gain
the stunning fist feat as free, of course, only if they have the

AC Bonus: The gladiator get this bonus to his AC in armour only

because he know how to optimise it to the maximum (it does not
count as a dexterity bonus). However, he does not get it if caught
flatfooted, or if he is without armour.
Damage reduction: Starting at level 4, a gladiator know how to use
his inner reserves to somewhat clear his thoughts, concentrate,
ignore pain, and oxygen his muscles so well, that he begin to
receive special damage reduction. This ability DOES NOT stack
with the barbarian damage reduction.

Gnomic [Dreamweaver]
Gnomes have always been adept at illusion magic, but inside the
halls of the Dreamweavers are a group of gnomes that can affect the
way an individual sees reality. Their illusions can influence a
creature more than any enchantment spell, and even make
permanent changes to some who are subject to their spells. They are
named for a number of magical effects that manifest in the subjects

Illusionists most commonly become Dreamweavers, although

general Wizards and Sorcerers often become them as well. Rarely, a
Cleric or Druid can become a Dreamweaver. Very few other classes
actually have the magic ability to become Dreamweavers, but Bards
occasionally become them as well, often to give subliminal
messages to continue to see the Bards performance. Dreamweavers
range from tricksters, seducers, protectors of the gnomish people,
madmen, and malefactors. Evil Dreamweavers are a frightening sort












Enter Dream 2/week






Bend Dream






Enter Dream 3/week






Trigger Illusion






Enter Dream 4/week






Group Dream






Enter dream 5/week












Enter Dream 6/week






Persistent Illusion


Skill points at each level: 4 +intelligence modifier.

To qualify for a Gnomish Dreamweaver, a character must fulfil the

following criteria

Class Features

Race: Gnome

Weapon and armour proficiency: The Dreamweaver is proficient

with simple weapons. He is not proficient with any armour.

Spellcasting: Ability to cast seven different illusions, one of which

must be 3rd level or higher.
Skills: Knowledge (Arcana): 7 Points, Spellcraft, 7 Points
Feats: Spell Focus (Illusion)
Hit Dice: d4

Class skills
The prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (all
skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int,
exclusive skill), and Spellcraft (Int).

Bonus spellcasting levels: Every level, the Dreamweaver casts

spells as if he had raised one level in his original class. All
Dreamweavers are considered Illusion specialists, even if their class
normally does not allow for specialisation, as in the can cast one
more Illusion spells per level, and must select prohibited schools in
accordance to Illusion specialisation. Sorcerers and Bards who have
known spells that are in prohibited schools can either
Enter Dream: At the first level, the Dreamweaver gains the ability
to enter the dream of one he knows. To do this, he must make an
intelligence check. The DC is dependant on how well the
Dreamweaver knows the subject.
Family, lifelong friend, lover5
Very close friend10

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Good friend15

makes a particular trigger for the illusion to appear when the subject
is awake. For example, the trigger can be thinks about cutting
down a tree or tries to enter the dungeon. The illusion can only
be seen by the subject. This lasts one week, or until dispel magic is
cast on the subject.

Met once25
Heard about, never seen30
Distance does not matter when entering the dream. The subject
whose dreams are being intruded on can make a will save with a DC
of 10+ the Dreamweavers character level. Upon successfully
entering the dream, the Dreamweaver can communicate with the
subject. He can specially prepare dream spells. However, these
spells can only be Illusion spells. A wizard, cleric, or druid sets
aside spells upon spell preparation to use as dream spells, whereas a
bard or sorcerer can use any remaining spells that he has for the day.
These are often used to convey a greater meaning, or give the
subject a nightmare. At 1st level, he can enter two dreams per week.
At 3rd, he can enter 3, and so on, every odd numbered level.
Bend Dream: At the second level, a Dreamweaver can make minor
changes when he is in anothers dream. For example, increase or
decrease his size by up to three times, alter his clothing. If he
succeeds at a concentration check with DC 12, he can alter minor
objects, such as making a table appear as if it had a mouth, or
melting a clock. If he makes a concentration check against a DC of
15, he can alter another person. However, that person gets to make a
will save to resist the change.
Trigger Illusion: At the fourth level, a Dreamweaver can cast an
illusion in anothers dream as a dream spell. When he casts this, he

Collective Dream: At the sixth level, once per week, the

Dreamweaver can bring large number of people into one dream.
However, this is taxing, and the Dreamweaver must make an
intelligence check for each individual, and at a -2 penalty for every
two people.
Parasite: At the 8th level, the Dreamweaver can create a parasite
when in someones dream. This creates a version of the
Dreamweaver that appears whenever the subject dreams. The
parasite cannot be finely controlled, only given general orders, such
as warn him against challenging the dragon or torment him about
the murder. This always takes the form of the caster, but can use
the Bend Dream ability. This lasts for one month, or until dispel
magic and remove curse are cast on the subject.
Persistent Illusion: At the 10th level, the Dreamweaver can cast
dream spells that consistently appear before the subject. Unless the
subject concentrates to make the illusions go away (make a
concentration check at a DC equal to the DC to resist the
Dreamweavers spells) the illusion will not disappear. This often
makes people think the subject is a madman. This lasts for up to one
month, or until both dispel magic and remove curse are cast on the

Gnome [Gadget Master]

The gadget master is meant to be a support character for the rest of
the party. He would make potions, devices, and weapons that could

help the party function better in about any situation. This class is
meant for players who prefer a non-combat specialist (though, this
class can function well in battles, if used properly).











Skill Dedication





Bonus Feat





Skill Dedication





Skill Expertise





Skill Dedication





Bonus Feat





Skill Dedication





Skill Expertise





Skill Dedication






Bonus Feat

Abilities: INT 15+

Feats: Skill Focus (Any)

Skills: 8 ranks in Craft (any), 8 ranks in Open Lock, and 8 ranks in

Base Attack Bonus: +1

Hit Dice: D2

Class Skills

Race: Gnome or Halfling

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Alchemy (Int), Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),
Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Forgery (Int),
Knowledge (Int), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int),
Use Magic Device (Cha),
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 10 + Int modifier

Class Features
Set Traps: Same as the Rogue ability.
Skill Dedication: When he gets this feat, the gadget master chooses
a class skill from above. He gets a +1 competency bonus to all
checks with this chosen skill. The same skill may be chosen
multiple times. This bonus stacks with other Skill Dedications or a
Skill Focus.
Skill Expertise: When he gets this feat, the gadget master chooses a
class skill from above (in which he must have maximum ranks for
his total level [i.e. not just his Gadget Master level], and in which

he has taken Skill Dedication as least once). The gadget master can
no longer have a critical failure at the chosen skill. If the player rolls
a 1 on a check for this skill, treat as a normal roll (low as it may be)
with no adverse side effects from critical failure. If the DC is missed
by an amount for which a certain amount of material is lost or
destroyed (e.g. craft and alchemy), the amount of material lost or
destroyed is halved.
Experiment Log: The gadget master takes notes on the devices,
potions, and other things on which he works and which he can
observe. Taking notes on devices or traps not his own takes a
number of minutes equal to the DC for disarming the device. Taking
notes on the brewing of a chemical or potion requires he be present
for the forming of the substance. If he can manage to follow this
book while working on a project (Concentration DC 15), he gains a
+1 competency bonus toward his roll. It must be of the same type or
similar type as observed product (i.e., observing an acid being made
will not help you make a poison). As always, the DM has the final
Bonus Feats: These feats can be used only on non-combat/nonweapon feats.

Gnomic [Scarlet Defender]

At some point in a gnomes life - or any other person with certain
gnome-like sensibilities - his perspective of the world shifts from
his traditional ground-dwelling upbringing to a higher vantage point
among the trees. No one is quite sure whether answering the call is a
long-lost cultural memory or simply some inexplicable part of
natures plan. Regardless, he finds his lifes purpose and a kindred
spirit in the forests.

Informally organised, but recognised by the gnomic nations, the

Scarlet Defenders are dedicated to protecting forests and ensuring
communities live in harmony with nature. They have a code of
honour and responsibilities to uphold good (or at least non-evil)
behaviour. Although adventurous, they usually serve the same
function as a local police force, keeping harmful civil disobedience
to a minimum and watching over children, which they recognise as
a communitys greatest resource and hope. And theyre usually
excellent storytellers - kids adore the exciting tales Scarlet
Defenders bring back from their occasional travels.


















Tree Speak; Bushytail Buddy


Nimble Fall (-20 feet)



Weresquirrel (1 day)




Splinter weapons





Nimble Fall (-30 feet)





Weresquirrel (2 day)





Uncanny Dodge





Nimble Fall (-40 feet)





Were squirrel (3 day)







Hit Dice: d8

Race: Gnome (or have a gnome sponsor)

Class Skills

Alignment: Any good.

Skills: Wilderness Lore +8, Balance +5 and Performance
(storytelling) +3
Feats: Lightning reflexes, Dodge and Mobility

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Sense Motive, Spot, Listen, Search, Performance, Climb, Jump,
Balance, Tumble, Move Silently, Hide, Wilderness Lore, Animal

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Empathy, Diplomacy, Heal and one Knowledge or Craft area
(players choice).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: Scarlet Defenders are proficient with all
light armours as well as hide, a medium armour. They are proficient
with all simple and martial weapons, as well as the hooked hammer
and hand crossbow, exotic weapons familiar in gnomic culture.
Bushytail Buddy: The character gains a squirrel familiar (as per
standard mage guidelines), unless he already has a familiar. This
new familiar gives the character +1 Jump, +1 Balance and +1
Search skill ranks, in addition to the usual Alertness feat common to
familiars. Alternately (players choice), he gains a single dire
squirrel companion, as per the spell Animal Friendship, above and
beyond any other animal companions he may already have. For as
long as the character is a Scarlet Defender, this dire squirrel
associate does not count toward his usual Animal Friendship limit.
Tree Speak: Because of their focus and special affinity, Scarlet
Defenders gain an ability to communicate with tree-dwelling
animals. This ability manifests over the course of his first class level
with full comprehension by the time he gains second level
Nimble Fall: Beginning at second level, a Scarlet Defender can
make a Jump skill check on all falls (as per the Jump skill
description), whether or not he consciously intended to. If
successful, fall damage is reduced by 20 feet at second level, 30 feet
at fifth level and 40 feet at eighth level.
Were squirrel: The character can polymorph into any known
squirrel form, in the same manner as a druids Wildshape ability.
This ability can be used once per day at third level, twice per day at
sixth level and thrice per day at ninth level. (This is not the
Lycanthropic affliction of a similar name.)
Splinter weapons: Beginning at fourth level, the character can
make any tree (of adequate mass) magically produce a single,
perfect weapon crafted from its own wood. In a Scarlet Defenders
possession, it is a +1 weapon of quality; but for anyone else, it
reverts to a simple, practice-quality toy. Splinter weapons lose their
magic after three hours. This ability is usable once per day. For
other weapon attributes, refer to the standard Ironwood spell
Uncanny Dodge: At seventh level, the character gains the sixthlevel rogue-like ability of the same name to avoid flatfooted and
flanking penalties.
Code of Conduct: A Scarlet Defenders commitment to his
community involves protecting and educating children. To that end,
a character must set aside at least one day each fortnight to spend
with youngsters, which usually involves play and storytelling (often
with lessons related to his chosen craft or area of knowledge).
Scarlet Defenders will act as travellers guides, diplomats and
rangers if asked, and will always answer the call to help other
Scarlet Defenders. Any Scarlet Defender who knowingly commits
an evil act or brings harm to nature and its inhabitants loses all his
special Class Features for at least a month and until he atones for his
actions. Such disgraced characters cannot progress in experience
levels until then.
Spells: Scarlet Defenders cast a variety of arcane and divine spells
that are bestowed on them by nature itself. They are limited to a
certain number of spells of each spell level per day, according to
class level. They prepare and cast spells in the same manner as
sorcerers (without advance preparation/study) from the following
limited list. The class gives no bonus spells for high attribute scores.

First level

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

As standard spell.

its trunk with at least one palm. The spell also is

broken if the character loses contact with the tree.


As standard spell, except that its only effective on



As standard spell, Cats Grace.

Faerie Fire

As standard spell.

Hold Animal

As standard spell.


As standard spell.

Third level


As standard spell, Expeditious Retreat.

As standard spell.

Magic Nuts

As standard spell, Magic Stone, except that the

items affected are nuts instead of stones.


As standard spell.


As standard spell.

with Nature


As standard spell, except that it sounds like

squirrel chattering instead of a bell.

As standard spell, Silence, except that the affected
area is permeated by the unfocused sounds of
nature such as babbling brooks, rainfall, chirping
crickets, calling birds and the like.

From Arrows

As standard spell.


As standard spell.


As standard spell, Invisibility, except that the

character must be within tree branches or touching

Drey: As standard spell, Leomunds Tiny Hut spell, except that the
protective sphere is created above ground in a trees branches and/or
trunk. Also, the tree itself reshapes its wood slightly to provide a
somewhat nest-like platform for the character and associates.
Thunder Nuts: As standard spell, Fire Seed, except that only the
grenade version is allowed, with specific variations:
Acorns explode with fire damage
Walnuts explode with electrical damage
Pecans explode with cold damage
Almonds explode with sonic damage.
It is useful for the GM and player to keep track of tree types in any
particular forested area.

Great Eagles
The Great Eagles of Caerbreddyn are a site to behold. Swooping
and rising against the mountains, these airborne warriors are the
chief source of pride for the people of the mountain kingdom.
Formed as an elite unit of warriors, ages ago, the Great Eagles were
nothing more than a well-trained unit of spearmen. Their chief
conceit, and the origin of their name, was the decorative eaglehelms they wore into battle. The Great Eagles dealt with problems
the Caerbreddyn army could not, and soon became well known
throughout the empire as one of the most formidable fighting forces
This remained the case until the Rain of the Manticore.
For some unfathomable reason, hordes upon hordes of Manticores
began preying upon the Caerbreddyn countryside. The Great Eagles
were dispatched to deal with the menace, but were ill equipped to
deal with so many opponents that could fly. One enterprising
commander had heard legend of an artefact that could give wings to
men, and so emboldened, he took his unit of men and embarked on
a quest to find the item. The tales of what transpired on that quest
are unknown. What is known, is those two months later the unit
reappeared - all of them now able to fly.
These new Great Eagles picked a handful of men from other units,
and in a very secret, magical ceremony, gave them wings. With

these added recruits, the Great Eagles made short work of the
Manticores by bringing the fight to the sky. Many a song was
coined that season, as luminous angels of Caerbreddyn soared
through the air and drove off the Manticore menace.
The King of Caerbreddyn, sensing a chance to increase both
fighting prowess and national pride, changed the structure of the
Great Eagles following this. The normal unit was renamed the
Golden Eagles, and they were given golden shields and spearheads
to wield in battle. The Great Eagles then became the name for those
warriors of certain merit and valour that could earn the mystical
white wings.
And thus, the majestic Great Eagles were reborn.
Great Eagles, by and large, serve the direct interests of
Caerbreddyn. They are the elite of the elite, and their very presence
brings awe and stirs national pride. Some Great Eagles, however,
are sent out as ambassadors.
These Eagles are attached to the elite troops of other nations, or to
visible and worthy adventuring parties. In any case, Great Eagles
take an oath to both the Emperor and the King of Caerbreddyn, and
will risk life and wing to defend both.
It is during this oath that they are blessed by the artefact that
eventually grants them their wings.












Wings of Man; Summon Familiar

Spells per Day

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Bonus Feat












Bonus Feat






Wings of the Eagle






Improved Manoeuvrability; Bonus Feat

To qualify to become a Great Eagle, a character must fulfil all the
following criteria.
Alignment: Any Good
Skills: Balance: 10 ranks Knowledge (Caerbreddyn History): 5
ranks Tumble: 10 ranks
Feats: Improved Initiative; Craft Wondrous Item; Spring Attack;
Weapon Focus (Mace or Spear)
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast Fly
Special: Oath of loyalty to the Emperor and King of Caerbreddyn.
Hit Dice: d6

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Craft (Int), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str),
Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).
See chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: A Great Eagles weapon training focuses
on weapons suitable for airborne combat. Eagles are proficient with
the crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), mace, short
sword, and spear (long, half, and short). Eagles are proficient with
light armour and shields. Note that armour check penalties for
armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb,
Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pockets, and Tumble
and that carrying heavy gear imposes a check penalty on Swim
Wings of the Man (Sp): Great Eagles may make Wings of flying
for 1/3 the cost (both GP and XP). These wings only function for a
Great Eagle. Unless the Great Eagle already possesses Wings of
Flying, they must create a pair before they can advance to their 2nd

+1 level existing class

+1 level existing class

+1 level existing class

Summon Familiar (Su): If the Great Eagle doesnt already have a

familiar that is a bird, they can (and must) summon a second
familiar (which must be a bird). The second familiar may use both
the Great Eagle levels and any Wizard or Sorcerer levels to
determine its power level. The Great Eagle receives the benefits of
both familiars as per the feat Bonus Familiar.
If the Great Eagle already possesses a familiar that is a bird, then
they just add their Great Eagle levels to their existing Wizard and
Sorcerer levels to determine its power.
Bonus Feats: At 2nd level, the Great Eagle gets a bonus feat. The
Great Eagle also gains an additional bonus feat every 2 levels after
2nd (4th and 6th). These bonus feats must be drawn from the
following list: Ambidexterity, Blind Fight, Combat Reflexes,
Martial Weapon Proficiency, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Improved
Initiative, Point Blank Shot (Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot),
Quick Draw, Two Weapon Fighting (Improved Two Weapon
Fighting), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus. Alternately, the Eagle
may save up two bonus feats and get either Spell Mastery or
Weapon Specialisation (with a class weapon only).
Swoop (Ex): Using a full round action, a Great Eagle may charge
from above and deal quadruple damage with the attack. The Great
Eagle must be above the target to make a Swoop attack.
Wings of the Eagle (Ex): At 5th level, a Great Eagle sprouts wings
that allow them unlimited flight, as per the Fly spell. The Eagles
wingspan is 15, and an Eagle needs that much room in order to fly
(the wings need room to flap) - flying is not exhaustive for the Great
Eagle, however.
Once the wings have appeared, they become part of the Eagles
body this gives the Eagle an additional 15 permanent HP. If the
Eagles HP total drops to less than 15 their wings become useless.
Healing the Eagle to 15 or more HP restores their use.
Additionally, as a standard action (Su), a Great Eagle may take their
wings into (and release from) their body. Once per day, this will
restore 10 HP to the Great Eagle.
Improved Manoeuvrability: At 6th level, a Great Eagles
manoeuvrability rating with their wings (both their own and their
Wings of Flying) improves to Perfect.
Spells: Beginning at 2nd level and every other level after that, a
Great Eagle may add an additional level of spellcasting to the
existing class that can cast Fly.

Halfling [Burglar]
They (hobbits) are quick of hearing and sharp-eyed, and though
they are inclined to be fat and do not hurry unnecessarily, they are
nonetheless nimble and daft in their feet. They possessed from the
first the art of disappearing swiftly and silently, when large folk they
do not wish to meet came blundering by, and this art they have
developed until to Men it may seem magical.
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord Of The Rings

The Halfling Burglar is a benign specialist at retrieving objects of

value from those who have come by them wrongly -- at least, that's
the way the Burglar sees it (admittedly, the one who has been
burgled tends to disagree). Adept at stealthy movement,
lockpicking, recognising traps, and removing them, the Burglar
aspires to a life of comfort simply by virtue of his or her talents -the ultimate in halfling accomplishment.
Burgling involves skills that most halflings learn at a young age -children are forever sneaking into each other's rooms, borrowing
each other's toys, and spying on their siblings. As the youngsters

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
mature, a few of them begin to consider the potential profitability of
their skills, turning their attention toward more lucrative and
dangerous targets. As with many kinds of thievery, burglarising has
a built-in inducement to travel--if the local authorities begin to grow
suspicious, the life of a simple Burglar can become very
complicated indeed.
Other motivations can include the recovery of property that has
been wrongfully taken from the Burglar or his or her friends.
Naturally, the Burglar won't face certain death simply to recover
stolen goods, but if the character thinks he or she can get away with
it, he or she might derive a certain amount of satisfaction from
setting matters right. Sometimes the simple challenge of slipping
into a great fortress or burglarising a well-defended treasure is
enough to draw a Burglar's interest--not so much for the value of the
goods as for the test of skills involved. Even though halflings
burglars are a peaceful as a general rule and tend to use their skills
to avoid combat, they are fully aware of the benefits their furtive
abilities provide such situations, not hesitating to use them when
they are urged to.
Like the Archer, the Burglar is the best of the best, a halfling who
has developed to perfection skills all halflings possess to some
degree--stealth, nimbleness, and unobtrusive movement. As such, he

or she is highly respected by the halfling community for his or her

expertise. Whereas an accomplished human thief usually tries to
hide his or her profession, a Burglar's trade will be well-known by
his or her halfling neighbours and his or her accomplishments
highly-regarded--indeed, it is a source of civic pride for a village to
be home to a really first-class Burglar, something for the town as a
whole to boast about. This acceptance works to the community's
benefit, since most Burglars will be willing to help out in times of
crisis by using their talents for spying or gathering information that
might prove useful to the village as a whole.
The burglar is the master of several thiefly arts, most notably Move
Silently and Open Locks, though skill at finding and removing traps
can be another lifesaving talent. Burglars can be found in all areas
of halfling society, including the comfortably wealthy as well as the
most destitute.
Most Burglars congregate in areas of larger communities, where
they can mingle with members of other races. Like most halfling
thieves, the Burglar tends to avoid halfling victims, preferring the
treasures of humanoid monsters and humans above all others.
Occasionally a Burglar will choose to use his or her skills to aid
fellow halflings who have suffered injustices; such Burglars can rise
to the status of folk hero.











Hide in Plain Sight, Darkvision 60-ft, Sneak Attack +1d6





Burglar Competence +1





Sneak Attack +2d6





Burglar Competence +2, +1 against traps





Sneak Attack +3d6





Burglar Competence +3





Sneak Attack +4d6, +2 against traps





Burglar Competence +4, Fast Sneak





Sneak Attack +5d6, Defensive Roll






Burglar Competence +5, Always Sneaky, +3 against traps


Class Skills

To qualify to become a Halfling Burglar, a character must fulfil all

the following criteria:

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Race: Halfling
Alignment: Any non-lawful, must be good
Ability Score: Dexterity 15+
Skills: Hide: 9 ranks, Move Silently: 9 ranks, Open Locks: 9 ranks,
Disable device: 9 ranks, Search: 9 ranks, Spot: 6 ranks, Listen: 6
Feats: Improved Initiative and Alertness
Other: Sneak Attack +2d6, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge (Dex bonus to
Hit Dice: d6

Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int),
Decipher Script (Int, exclusive skill), Disable Device (Int), Disguise
(Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Hide (Dex), Innuendo
(Wis), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move
Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Pick Pocket (Dex), Read Lips
(Int, exclusive skill), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak
Language (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope
(Dex), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 8 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Halfling Burglar
prestige class.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Weapons and Armour: Halfling Burglars prefer weapons that can
be wielded quickly and in relative silence. Daggers and short
swords are preferred for melee, though some specialise in other
weapons. The sling is a popular missile weapon for a burglar, as are
darts and, in areas where they are known or used, the blowgun and
hand crossbow. Thus, the weapon proficiencies of the Halfling
Burglar are similar to those of the rogue, being them proficient with
the following weapons: blowgun, bolas, crossbow (hand and light),
dagger (any type), dart, fukimi-bari, light mace, sap, shortbow
(normal and composite), shuriken, shortsword, and spring-loaded
gauntlet. They are proficient with light armour but not with shields.
Hide in Plain Sight: Having improved their furtive skills to the
utmost level, Halfling Burglars gain this ability just as
shadowdancers do (described on the page 35 of the DMG). This is a
supernatural ability.
Darkvision: The Halfling Burglar usually dwells in the darkness
when on duty. As a consequence of his long permanence under such
conditions, his eyes develop the ability of darkvision (described in
the PHB, 14). This is an extraordinary ability.
Sneak Attack: This is exactly as a rogues ability (see page 47 of
the Players Handbook).
Burglar Competence: Being a specialised kind of rogue, the
Halfling Burglar devotes a great amount of his or her time to the
development of his skills of stealth and burgling. Starting at 2nd

level, they gain a +1 competence bonus to Disable Device, Hide,

Move Silently, Open Locks and Search. Every other level thereafter,
this bonus increases by +1. For example a second level Halfling
Burglar has a +1 competence bonus to the listed skills, and a sixth
level sneak has a +3 competence bonus.
Fast Sneak: At 8th level Halfling Burlgars no long suffer the 5
penalty to Move Silently and Hide checks while moving at their
normal speed.
Always Sneaky: With this ability the Halfling Burglars may take 10
on Move Silently and Hide checks regardless of circumstances.
Unless he wishes to be detected, others must make Listen and Spot
checks to become aware of his presence.
Bonuses against traps: At the 5th level, the Halfling Burglar gains
an intuitive sense that alerts him to the dangers from traps, giving
him a +1 bonus on the reflex saves to avoid damage from traps and
a +1 dodge bonus against all attacks by traps. This bonus increases
to +2 on the 7th level and to +3 on the 10th level.
Defensive Roll: Even the best of all burglars in the world recognise
that they would have ended many of their errands in a coffin had
they not a stroke of luck at the exact moment. This is the ability to
roll with a certain amount of damage that would reduce the Halfling
Burglar to 0 or less hit points in combat (from weapon or other
blow, not a spell or special ability). The rules relating to this ability
are explained on the PHB, 48.

Halfling [Fadefoot Scout]

The fadefoot is the ultimate scout. While not very skilled in the arts
of war, this does not bother them as they are almost impossible to
catch, or even see if they dont want to be seen. Often employed by
lords as spies or scouts for their armies, fadefoots can get inside
enemy lines with ease and report back with great speed. Two or
three experienced fadefoots can change the outcome of a battle.

Most fadefoot scouts are either rangers or rogues, as moving silently

and hiding come naturally to them. Bards and monks also make
good fadefoots bards using their new abilities to stay out of trouble
and monks using them to get into trouble. As NPCs fadefoots are
usually employed (for quite a hefty sum) in a lords army, singly or
in small groups. Some become thieves, using their amazing abilities
solely for personal gain. In very rare instances they form elite units
in a large army, knifing in and causing huge amounts of damage and
confusion and getting out almost without being seen. Such units are
secluded from the rest of the army, with only the highest-ranking
officers knowing even of their existence.
















Uncanny Dodge





Fade Dog










Uncanny Dodge

























Fadewalk, Uncanny dodge


Race: Halfling

To qualify to become a fadefoot scout, a character must fulfil all the

following criteria.

Feats: Alertness, Track

Skills: Hide: 9 ranks Move Silently: 9 ranks Spot: 8 ranks

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Hit Die: d6

Class Skills
The fadefoot scout's class skills (and the key ability for each skill)
are Climb (Str), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide
(Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move
Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Tumble
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points: 6 + Int Modifier/Level

Class Features:
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The fadefoot scouts training
focuses on easily concealable, light weapons. Fadefoot scouts are
proficient with the crossbow (hand and light), dagger, dart, hand
axe, light mace, sap, shortbow, short sword, sling, shuriken, and the
throwing axe. Fadefoot scouts are proficient with light armour, but
not shields.
Fade: Fadefoot scouts can hide more effectively than any other
class, almost appearing to fade into their surroundings. When
moving up to their normal speed they gain a +4 modifier to Hide
checks. Any penalty incurred for moving faster than 1/4 their speed
is halved. Fade is an extraordinary ability.
Uncanny Dodge: Starting at the 2nd level, the fadefoot gains the
extraordinary ability to react to danger even before her senses would
normally allow her to even be aware of it. At second level and
above, she retains her dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of
being caught flatfooted or being struck by an invisible attacker. (She
still looses any dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.)
At fifth level, the fadefoot can no longer be flanked, since she can
react to opponents on either side of her as easily as she can react to
a single attacker. This defence denies rogues the ability to use flank
attacks to sneak attack the fadefoot. The exception to this defence is
that a rogue at least 4 levels higher than the fadefoot can flank her
(and thus sneak attack her).
At 10th level, the fadefoot gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to
danger from traps, giving her a +1 bonus to Reflex saves made to

avoid traps. If the fadefoot has another class that grants the uncanny
dodge ability, add together all the classes that grant the ability and
determine the character's uncanny dodge ability on that basis.
Summon Fade Dog: Fadefoot scouts can summon a insubstantial
fade dog to carry messages back to whoever the fadefoot is
currently scouting for. They cannot attack or be damaged, and only
die when their master does. They communicate with their master via
telepathy, with a range of 120 ft. The can either deliver messages
directly to another fadefoot (using the telepathy), or they can deliver
a written message or small item with a special pouch attached to
their back. The pouch is also insubstantial, and actually opens into a
non-dimensional space (as a bag of holding) of 0.1 cu feet. The fade
dog has a speed of 150 feet/round (but cannot "run"), and never
tires. It can also fadewalk (see below) up to 100 rounds worth/day.
For the purposes of antimagic fields treat fade dogs as summoned
Fadewalk: At 4th level fadefoot scouts gain the ability to fade into
and out of ethereal space as they walk. This causes them to appear
to start to fade (appear blurry) at the beginning of a step, and appear
a distance away at the end of the same step. In this way they can
walk up to 10 rounds worth in one round (this increases by 10
rounds every two levels after the 4th, but fade walking always takes
one round). They can use this ability once a week per 10 rounds
they can move (for example, a 8th level fadefoot can fadewalk 3
times a week), but even if they only move two rounds worth, it still
counts as a fadewalk. Note: fadefoot scouts can use this ability as a
defence as well. They can choose to move 0 rounds worth, and thus
enter the non-dimensional space, and exit it in the same spot the
next round. In this way they can prevent themselves from taking
damage for one round. A fade foot cannot begin or end a fadewalk
in an antimagic field (fadewalk is a supernatural ability), but they
can go "through" one, as they aren't actually in it. A fadefoot Scout
can only Fadewalk to a nearby destination he can visually see.
Fademissile: At 7th level a fadefoot can use any ranged weapon
(including thrown) they are proficient in at up to 10 times its range
increment with no penalties (it fades into a non-dimensional space),
after that they suffer normal range penalties. In this way a fadefoot
could shoot a bow up to 20 times its increment, or throw a knife up
to 15. When using this ability only use your base attack bonus, and
any magical modifiers the weapon has (its too far for dexterity to
come into play). Also, the target is considered flatfooted. Rogues
cannot use this for a sneak attack, as they cant see the target well
enough to aim for a vital spot. The fadefoot must have a clear line of
sight to use this ability. This ability is usable once a day.

Halfling [Sheriff]
Sheriffs are a prestige class found only among Halflings. Other
races have sheriff positions, of course, but the prestige class is
unique to the halfling race. The sheriff serves as protector, dispenser
of justice, and arbiter of disputes among Halflings and visitors to
halfling communities.
The sheriff is more benign constable than a tough enforcer is, but
they do represent the law and visitors and inhabitants alike are
expected to defer to their authority. The position is, in large part,
honorary - since Halflings seldom have troublemakers among their
own kind and do not typically attract or suffer ruffians of other
races. Still, the post represents the faith and confidence of the
villagers under the sheriff's protection and the sheriffs take this trust
very seriously.
The majority of a sheriff's time is spent in seeing that all goes, as it
should and in looking out for signs of trouble. Although few sheriffs
maintain a regular 'beat', they do spend a lot of time roving the
village and will even try to visit the outlying farms and isolated

inhabitants at least once a week to insure that all is well. They are
often politely nosy, asking questions about things that have
changed, displaying interest in going on. A good sheriff knows all of
the local citizenry by name and is familiar enough with normal
habits to note a break in routine. In these instances, the sheriff
makes a friendly check to be sure that nothing is amiss.
Among Halflings, there are not a lot of laws that require the
attention of law enforcement. Thievery is one, as are violent assault
and murder. In it unlikely that one villager against another would
commit these crimes, but in the rare case where this occurs and can
be proven, a thief is forced to make restitution, while a halfling
guilty of harming another is branded and banished.
Few halfling communities will tolerate the presence of a branded
criminal and most ends up in human cities, where such things are
overlooked. More common are boundary disputes, complaints from
fathers about overzealous suitors, or charges of unfair trading. The
sheriff is charged to resolve all of these disputes with calm
diplomacy, and even the loser usually comes away feeling that she
has received fair treatment.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
The sheriff also has the authority to call up the local militia in times
of crisis, crying for a muster of all that can bear arms. Though it
does not always hold true, the sheriff is usually the one to command
such an assemblage. In other cases, leadership may fall upon the
village elder or a more experienced warrior.

Rogues, fighters, rangers, and paladins commonly take up the

mantle of sheriff. Barbarians and bards tend to be too chaotic, but it
is not unknown for a monk to become a sheriff. Clerics and druids
seldom choose to join this class, and sorcerer and wizard sheriffs are
all but unknown.











Request Favour





Improved Gather Information





Uncanny Dodge





Bonus Feat





Danger Sense





Bonus Feat, Uncanny Dodge (cannot be flanked)





Improved Evasion





Defensive Roll











Bonus Feat

Base Attack Bonus: +3
Hit Dice: D8
Alignment: Any good.
Race: Halflings
Feats: Leadership, Evasion
Special: A Halfling Sheriff PC would be from Riversbend and
would have been a deputy for the head Sheriff at one time in their
lives. A Sheriff does not require training, only experience on the job.
Diplomacy: 5 ranks. Spot: 5 ranks. Special: Must have been a
member in good standing of the community for not less than one

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),
Knowledge (local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (sheriff) (Wis),
Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spot (Wis). See
Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the halfling sheriff
prestige class.
Weapons and Armour: The sheriff is proficient with all simple and
martial weapons, light and medium armour, and shields. Note that
armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the
skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently,
Pick Pocket, and Tumble.

Request Favour: Beginning at 1st level, the halfling sheriff is a

well-known and respected member of a halfling community. She is
able to request favour in any halfling community, within or outside
her home territory. This favour extends to include shelter and meals
for the sheriff and one companion. An additional companion can be
added for every two levels gained in the prestige class (two
companions at 3rd level, three companions at 5th level, four
companions at 7th level, and five companions at 9th level). These
folk are treated as honoured guests of the community, provided they
abide by halfling law and treat their hosts with due respect and
Feat Gain: At 2nd level and every two levels thereafter, the sheriff
may choose a feat from the following list. He must otherwise meet
all criteria and prerequisites for the chosen feat.
Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Expertise, Great Fortitude, Improved
Disarm, Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes,
Toughness, Track, Weapon Finesse, or Weapon Focus.
Uncanny Dodge: At 3rd level, the sheriff gains the extraordinary
ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow
him to even be aware of it. At 2nd level and above, he retains his
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flatfooted or struck by an invisible attacker. (He still loses his Dexterity
bonus to AC if immobilised.)
At 6th level, the sheriff can no longer be flanked, since she can react
to opponents on opposite sides of her as easily as she can react to a
single attacker. The exception to this defence is that a rogue at least
four levels higher than the sheriff can flank her (and thus sneak
attack her). If the sheriff has another class that grants the uncanny
dodge ability, add together all the class levels of the classes that
grant the ability and determine the character's uncanny dodge ability
on that basis.
Danger Sense: At 5th level, the sheriff's bond with his region of
influence has become so focused that he can instinctively sense
threats of significance to the entire community. In such cases, the
DM must assign a Difficulty Class based on the level of danger. For
example, a human assassin seeking a particular victim in the
community might have a DC of 30, where a horde of orcs bearing
down on the community might elicit a DC of only 10. In general,

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
the more potent the threat, the lower the DC (the DC should never
be lower than 10, however). The sheriff must make a successful
Wisdom check against the established DC to sense the threat, but
even this does not grant supernatural knowledge. The sheriff will
know only that a threat to the community exists, not the exact
nature. It is up to the character to act on this knowledge to find out
more. This is an extraordinary ability.
Improved Evasion: At 7th level, a sheriff gains Improved Evasion.
If exposed to any effect that normally allows him to attempt a
Reflex saving throw for half damage (such as a fireball), he takes no
damage with a successful saving throw and only half damage if the
saving throw fails. The Improved Evasion ability can only be used if
the sheriff is wearing light armour or no armour.
Defensive Roll: At 8th level, the sheriff can roll with potentially
lethal blows to take less damage from it. Once per day, when a
sheriff would be reduced to 0 hit points or less by damage in combat
(from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the
sheriff can attempt to roll with the damage. She makes a Reflex
saving throw (DC = damage dealt) and, if she's successful, she takes
only half damage from the blow. She must be aware of the attack
and able to react to it in order to execute her defensive roll - if she is

denied her Dexterity bonus to AC, she can't roll. Since this effect
would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half
damage, the sheriff's evasion ability does not apply to the defensive
Denial: Beginning at 9th level, once every 24 hours, the sheriff
gains the supernatural ability to deny any magical effect simply by
shouting "No!" and focusing her will into thwarting the effect.
When this ability is used, the sheriff must make a Will save (DC 10
+ caster level). If the save is successful, the intended effect is
nullified. If a spell was in preparation, the spell is neutralised and
lost from the caster's mind, just as though it had been cast. If a
magical item effect, the item loses one charge (if a charge would
have been used) and nothing happens. This ability is only effective
against magic; it has no effect on natural events or physical attacks.
Denial is a full-round action and is effective only for that round and
the round immediately following. If an effect was merely perceived
(a mage raising a wand with no intent to use it, for example), there
is no effect and the denial is wasted. The sheriff must be aware of
the attempt in order to deny it. Denial must be used to benefit or
protect the halfling community or its citizens in some manner. Any
other attempted use fails automatically.

Harper Scout
Harper scouts are members of the Harpers, a secret society
dedicated to holding back evil, preserving knowledge, and
maintaining the balance between civilisation and the wild. Harper
scouts learn arcane spells and many skills to help them in their
duties of espionage, stealth, and reporting information.
Many Harper scouts are bards, but by no means all. Ranger, rogue,
sorcerer, and wizard are common vocations for Harper scouts, since

these classes tend to have versatility and mobility. All have some
skill at manipulating others, a resistance to outside mental
influences, acute abilities of perception, and a talent for solving
Not all Harpers are members of the Harper scout prestige class, and
rank within the organisation does not depend on a characters level
in this or any other class. However, most of the higher-ranked
Harpers have at least one level in the Harper scout prestige class.



















Harper knowledge, 1st favoured enemy


Deneir's eye, Skill Focus



Tymora's smile




Lliira's heart, 2nd favoured enemy




Craft Harper Item


Class Skills

To qualify to become a Harper scout (Hrp), a character must fulfil

all the following criteria.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Alignment: Any non-evil.

Skills: Bluff 4 ranks, Diplomacy 8 ranks, Knowledge (local) 4
ranks, Perform 5 ranks, Sense Motive 2 ranks, Wilderness Lore 2
Feats: Alertness, Iron Will.
Special: Sponsorship by a member of the Harpers, approval of the
High Harpers.
Hit Dice: d6.

Appraise (Int), Bluff (Chi), Climb (Stn), Craft (Int), Diplomacy

(Chi), Disguise (Chi), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information
(Chi), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Stn), Knowledge
(all skills taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently
(Dex), Perform (Chi), Pick Pocket (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense
Motive (Wis), Speak Language (Int), Swim (Stn), and Tumble
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Features

a Harper scout with ranger levels chooses a favoured enemy that she
already has chosen as a ranger, the bonuses stack.

All the following are Class Features of the Harper scout prestige

When the Harper scout reaches 4th level, the bonus against her first
favoured enemy increases to +2, and she gains a new favoured
enemy at +L

Weapons and Armour: A Harper scout is proficient with all simple

weapons and light armour.
Spells per Day: Beginning at 1st level, a Harper scout gains the
ability to cast a small number of arcane spells. The Harper scout's
ability to cast these spells works exactly like a bard's ability to cast
spells. (They are Charisma-based and do not need to be prepared.).
A 1st-level Harper scout learns two spells from the Harper scout
1st-level spell list. She learns two new Harper scout spells of any
spell level she can cast at each Harper scout level thereafter. There
is no limit to the number of these spells the Harper scout can know
from this list. She may learn more by studying arcane scrolls or
Harper Scout Spell List'
1st level

2nd level

3rd level

change self, charm

person, comprehend
languages, erase,
feather fall, jump,
light, message,
mount, read magic,
scatterspray, sleep,
spider climb.

cat's grace,
darkvision, detect
thoughts, eagle's
invisibility, knock,
locate object, magic
misdirection, see
invisibility, shadow

suggestion, tongues

Harper Knowledge: Like a bard, a Harper scout has a knack for

picking up odds and ends of knowledge. This ability works exactly
like the bardic knowledge ability of the bard class. If a Harper scout
has bard levels, her Harper scout levels and bard levels stack for the
purpose of using bardic knowledge.
Favoured Enemy: A Harper scout selects a favoured enemy from
the following list of evil organisations that oppose the Harpers
goals: the Church of Bane, the Cult of the Dragon, the Iron Throne,
the malaugryms, the Red Wizards, or the Zhentarim. This ability
works exactly like the favoured enemy ability of the ranger class. If

Deneir's Eye (Su): A Harper scout gains a +2 holy bonus on saving

throws against glyphs, runes, and symbols.
Skill Focus: A Harper scout gains the Skill Focus feat for her
Perform skill and any one other Harper scout class skill.
Tymora's Smile (Su): Once per day, a Harper scout can add a +2
luck bonus on a single saving throw. This bonus can be added after
the die is rolled and after success or failure of the unmodified roll is
Lliira's Heart (Su): A Harper scout gains a +2 holy bonus on
saving throws against compulsion and fear effects.
Craft Harper Item: A specialised form of the Craft Wondrous Item
feat, this allows a Harper scout to create magic musical instruments,
Harper pins, and certain potions (Charisma, detect thoughts,
glibness, tongues, and truth). This ability replaces the need for any
other item creation feat for the item. The Harper scouts casting
level for these items is her Harper scout levels plus all other caster
levels from her other spellcasting classes. All the normal
requirements for an item (such as race or-spells) remain the same.
All other rules for creating wondrous items or potions apply.

Ex-Harper Scouts
It is possible for a character to violate the code of conduct of the
Harpers, endanger other Harpers through negligence or deliberate
action, or intentionally turn away from the Harpers. Such an
individual quickly gains a reputation among the other Harpers and
can no longer progress in the Harper scout prestige class.
Furthermore, the former Harper scout can no longer use the
Deneirs eye, Lhiras heart, or Tymoras smile abilities. A petition to
the High Harpers, a suitable quest decided upon by that group, and
an atonement spell from a deity chosen by the High Harpers brings
the former Harper scout back into good standing, and she can
thereafter gain levels in the prestige class.

Hell in Freeport Prestige Classes

The blackthorn, crusader, grayback, and manikin are new prestige
classes with special requirements. All four require a special
initiation (detailed in the entries), and all four change the characters
base type from humanoid to something else: construct, elemental,
outsider, or even plant.

Note that these classes are NOT intended for use by PCsthey are
far more powerful than traditional prestige classes, and are designed
to round out four very specific cultures within the infernal prison of
the Forge (see Hell in Freeport). If the DM allows his players to
take these classes, he should impose a 20% penalty on earned
experience so that they advance more slowly than conventional

Locked away from the woods and green hills of their homes, the
elves of the Forge stood little chance against their opponents in the
arena. In a desperate gamble, the clans high druid engineered a
symbiotic bargain with a local predator; a species of thorn bush that
grows only in the lower planes. This tough, predatory vine has
thorns long and sharp enough to pierce Armour, and is known for
hunting lesser fiends.

Today the pit-briers supply the elves with shelter and defence, and
some warriors take the seeds directly into their bodies (see
Initiation, below). Once the seeds take root, these warriors lose their
identities to the bramble, and are known as blackthorns. The
blackthorns are famed for their speed and cunning, and their
ferocious defence of the tribe.
Barbarians, druids, rangers, and rogues are the most common
blackthorns, and stand to gain the most from the class. Bards and
monks rarely initiate, and other classes are almost unheard of.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
































Hunters bane






Soft step





















The green teeth

Rampant growth

King in the woods


Class Features

A character must fulfil all the following criteria before becoming a


All of the following are Class Features of the blackthorn prestige


Race: Elf, half-elf.

Weapons and Armour: Blackthorns are proficient with all simple

weapons, plus the hand crossbow, longbow, longspear, rapier,
repeating crossbow, shortbow, spiked chain, and whip. They are
proficient with light and medium Armour, but not with shields.

Base Save Bonus: Reflex +5.

Skills: Wilderness Lore: 6 ranks.
Feats: Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, and Quick Draw.
Special: Initiation (see below).
Hit Dice: d8.

Initiation Requirements
The reagent is prepared from at least a dozen pit-brier seeds
harvested at the peak of growth. Only seeds from the largest and
most aggressive plants are used.
Drying and preparing the seeds requires a successful Knowledge
(nature) or Profession (gardener) check (DC 14). Implanting the
seeds into an initiate requires a successful Healing check (DC 16).
The ritual requires a 16th-level patron who can cast divine spells.
Completing the ritual drains 500 xp from the patron and requires
command plants, commune with nature, and plant growth.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Animal Empathy (Cha exclusive skill), Climb (Str), Concentration
(Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex),
Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen
(Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str),
Use Rope (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis),
Profession (Wis), Wilderness Lore (Wis).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Initiation (Su): Pit-brier seeds are planted near the blackthorns

heart, where the plant sprouts and takes root in her flesh. This
symbiotic relationship gives her supernatural powers while draining
her vitality.
The blackthorn, crusader, grayback, and manikin are new prestige
classes with special requirements. All four require a special
initiation (detailed in the entries), and all four change the characters
base type from humanoid to something else: construct, elemental,
outsider, or even plant.
Note that these classes are NOT intended for use by PCsthey are
far more powerful than traditional prestige classes, and are designed
to round out four very specific cultures within the infernal prison of
the Forge (see Hell in Freeport). If the DM allows his players to
take these classes, he should impose a 20% penalty on earned
experience so that they advance more slowly than conventional

Initial Con drain of 1d3 points, secondary Con drain of 1d3 points;
Ref save halves (DC 22). One day later the blackthorn gains a +4
inherent bonus to Dex and her type changes to Plant. All damage
taken from this catalyst is permanent ability drain, and may not be
cured by spells or healing (besides wish). Creatures who are
immune to ability drain may not become blackthorns.
Plant: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis,
stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.
The Green Teeth (Ex): The blackthorn is covered in thorny grows
that change with the seasons. She gains a +8 racial bonus on Hide
checks when outdoors in a natural setting. Natural weapons (Ex):
The blackthorn may attack with her bare hands as if attacking with
magical weapons. Each spurred fist may strike as a rapier or
punching dagger, at the characters discretion, in either case with a
+2 enhancement bonus. Its important that they gain this ability AS
IF their hands were rapiers and/or daggers for the sake of feats that
may apply to these weapons. Hunters Bane (Ex): The blackthorn

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
gains a +8 racial bonus on Move Silently and Listen checks when
outdoors in a natural setting.
Soft Step (Su): The character gains the druid abilities of nature
sense, woodland stride and trackless step.
Natural weapons (Ex): The blackthorns spurs gain the Keen
special ability.
Rampant Growth (Su): With this level, the pit-brier completely
overtakes the host body. The blackthorn gains a +2 natural Armour
bonus to AC and an additional +2 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, and
Move Silently checks when outdoors in a natural setting.

Sample Blackthorn

rangers, and 2d6 3rd-level rogues), or clan (1 blackthorn, plus 1

10th-level druid, 3 7th-level rangers, 3 7th-level rogues, and 5d10
3rd-level rogues)
Challenge Rating: 12
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Advancement: By character class
This example character is a wood elf Rog7/Rgr3/Bla2.
Sneak Attack (Ex): Whenever the characters target is denied his
Dexterity bonus to AC, or if the character is flanking her target, she
deals +4d6 extra damage.

Medium-size Plant (Elf)

Hit Dice: 7d6, 3d10, 2d8 (50 hp)

Evasion (Ex): If exposed to an attack that allows a Reflex saving

throw for half damage, the character takes no damage from a
successful saving throw.

Initiative: +11 (+7 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)

Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 20 (+7 Dex, +1 ring of protection +1, +1 amulet of natural
Armour +1, +1 bracers of Armour +1)
Attacks: +2 longspear +15/+10 melee; or mighty composite
longbow +16/+11 ranged Damage: +2 longspear 1d8+6/x3; or
mighty composite longbow 1d8+4/x3 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10
ft. (longspear)
Special Attacks: Sneak attack +4d6
Special Qualities: Evasion, uncanny dodge (Dex to AC cant be
flanked), plant
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +18, Will +5
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 24, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 15, and Cha 12
Skills: Balance +17, Bluff +10, Climb +15, Craft (weaponsmithing)
+11, Disguise +9, Hide +13, Jump +15, Knowledge (nature) +7,
Listen +14, Move Silently +7, Pick Pocket +16, Search +12, Spot
+4, Use Rope +8, Wilderness Lore +10
Feats: Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Quick
Draw, and Track
Climate/Terrain: Any land
Organisation: Solitary, company (1 blackthorn, plus 3 7th-level
rogues), squad (1 blackthorn, plus 3 7th-level rogues, 3 7th-level

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The character retains her Dexterity bonus to

AC even when flat-footed, and cant be flanked except by a rogue of
11th-level or higher.
Plant: Immune to mind-influencing effect, poison, sleep, paralysis,
stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.
Possessions: +2 longspear, mighty composite longbow (+4 Str), ring
of protection +1, amulet of natural Armour +1, bracers of Armour
Natural weapons (Ex): These weapons improve to a +3
enhancement bonus.
King in the Woods (Su): With the last growth spurt of the infernal
bramble, the blackthorn becomes a part of the forest world. She
suffers 1d4 Con drain immediately (Ref save halves [DC 26]), and
one day later she gains an additional +2 inherent bonus to Dex.
Natural weapons (Ex): These weapons may be used to deliver
powerful venom once per day. Injury DC 17, initial damage 1d6
Con, secondary damage 1d6 Con.
Spell-like Abilities: At will, entangle, commune with nature, and
plant growth. Once per day command plants, transport via plants.
These abilities are as the spells cast by a 20th-level sorcerer (save
DC 10 + Cha + spell level).

The crusaders imprisoned in the Forge have suffered perhaps the
cruellest fate of any group held there. Centuries past they were
captured as part of an invading inquisition force. In the years since,
they have tended their sputtering faith amid the violence and
degradation of the Ladder.

Many years ago, a splinter group of church fathers turned to dark

measures to improve their chances in the arena. Without properly
purified water, they distilled the ichors of the river Styx into a
blasphemous holy water. This unholy brew grants the crusaders
divine powers, but over time the infernal essence of the river robs
them of their minds.
The overwhelming majority of the crusaders are clerics and
paladins. A tiny number are druids and rangers of exceptional faith.







Spells per Day






+1 Level of existing class









+1 Level of existing class

Wings of the dove

+1 Level of existing class

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





+1 Level of existing class





Eyes of faith

+1 Level of existing class





Sword of purity

+1 Level of existing class


















+1 Level of existing class

Holy warrior

+1 Level of existing class

Champion of good

A character must fulfil all the following before becoming a crusader.
Race: Any humanoid.
Alignment: Lawful good.
Base Attack Bonus: +7.
Skills: Heal: 6 ranks, Knowledge (religion): 6 ranks.
Spells: Able to cast divine spells.
Special: Initiation (see below).
Hit Dice: d8.

Initiation Requirements
The benediction requires at least six gallons of water taken from the
Styx. This black liquid is rendered down in a still, and the resulting
treacle is mixed with soda ash to neutralise the acids. The still and
chemicals required cost 5,000 gp, and can be reused. This
distillation process requires a successful Alchemy check (DC 21).
Overseeing the ritual requires a 16th-level patron who can cast
divine spells. It drains 500 xp from the patron and requires bless,
consecrate, and hallow.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis),
Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Scry (Int
exclusive skill), Spellcraft (Int). ,
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
descriptions. Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the crusader prestige
Weapons and Armour: Crusaders are proficient with all simple
and martial weapons, all types of Armour, and shields.
Initiation (Su): To join the crusaders, the initiate drinks blessed
ichors from the river Styx. This black fluid opens the characters
mind to the invisible world, but burns away his mortal self. Initial
Int drain of 1d3 points, secondary Cha drain of 1d3 points; Will
save halves (DC 22). One day later he gains a +4 inherent bonus to
Wis and his type changes to Outsider. All damage taken from this
catalyst is permanent ability drain, and may not be cured by spells
or healing (besides wish). Creatures who are immune to ability
drain or mineral poisons receive no benefit from taking the chalice.
Outsider: Cannot be raised or resurrected. Darkvision 60 ft.

+1 Level of existing class

+1 Level of existing class

Spells per Day: The crusader continues training in magic after

taking his benediction. When a crusader level is gained, the
character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in
a spellcasting class he belonged to before taking the prestige class.
Winged Avenger (Ex): The crusader sprouts large feathered wings.
He can fly at twice his normal speed (good manoeuvrability). He
also gains Flyby Attack as a bonus feat. Magic Weapon (Su): The
crusader summons divine energy to create a blade of pure force.
This blade may be used as a short sword, longsword, bastard sword,
or greatsword. Switching between weapon functions is a free action.
The blade has a +2 enhancement bonus, and as a force effect it can
strike ethereal and incorporeal creatures. Note that this ability does
not grant free proficiencies in these weapons.
Eyes of Faith (Su): The character gains a continuous true seeing
ability, as the spell. As noted in the spell description, this divine
ability allows him to see alignments at a glance. The effect can be
dispelled, but he can create it again during his next turn as a free
action. It can be deactivated at will, also as a free action.
Sword of Purity (Su): The crusaders force weapon gains the Bane
(Outsiders, Evil) special ability. The weapon also projects a
permanent zone of truth, as if cast by a 16th-level sorcerer (save DC
10 + Cha + spell level).
Holy Warrior: The crusader gains three new abilities.
Smite Evil (Su): Once per day he can make a normal attack to deal
additional damage equal to his HD total (maximum of +20) against
an evil foe.
Immunities (Ex): Immune to acid, electricity, and petrification
Resistances (Ex): Cold and fire resistance 20. Magic Weapon (Su):
The crusaders force weapon improves to a +3 bonus.
Champion of Good: With his final level as a crusader, the
characters faith is further strengthened at the cost of his mind. He
suffers 1d4 Int drain immediately (Will save halves [DC 25]), and
one day later gains an additional +2 inherent bonus to Wis.
Magic Circle against Evil (Su): A magic circle against evil effect
always surrounds the crusader, identical with the spell cast by a
sorcerer of level equal to the crusaders character level. The effect
can be dispelled, but he can create it again during his next turn as a
free action. It can be deactivated at will, also as a free action. Battle
Hymn (Su): When fighting evil outsiders, the crusader can sing a
battle hymn as a full-round action. All lawful good allies of the
crusader within 100 ft. gain a morale bonus to attack rolls, checks,
and saves equal to one-half the crusaders class level (5) plus his
Charisma modifier. This action does provoke an attack of
Spell-like Abilities: At will consecrate, cure serious wounds,
hallow, holy aura, holy smite, and holy word. These abilities are as
the spells cast by a 20th-level sorcerer (save DC 10 + Cha + spell
Magic Weapon (Su): The crusaders force weapon gains the Holy
special ability.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Sample Crusader

Feats: Cleave, Combat Casting, Extra Turning, Great Cleave,

Improved Critical (longsword), [Martial Weapon Proficiency
(longsword)], Power Attack, [Weapon Focus (longsword)]

Medium-size Outsider (Good, Lawful, Human)

Climate/Terrain: Organisation: Solitary, company (1 crusader, plus 3

7th-level paladins), squad (1 crusader, plus 3 7th-level paladins, 5
3rd-level paladins, and 2d6 2nd-level fighters), or clan (1 crusader,
3 7th-level paladins, 10 3rd-level paladins, 5 3rd-level clerics, and
5d10 2nd level fighters)

Hit Dice: 12d8+12 (75 hp)

Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 24 (+1 Dex, +10 +2 full plate, +3 +1 large shield)

Challenge Rating: 12

Attacks: +2 longsword +16/+11 melee; or masterwork javelin

+11/+6 ranged
Damage: +2 longsword 1d8+4/17-20; or masterwork javelin 1d6+4

Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Lawful good
Advancement: By character class

Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.

This example character is a human Clr10/Cru2.

Special Attacks: Spells, turn undead

Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., spontaneous casting, law
domain, war domain
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +13

Turn Undead (Su): The character can turn undead 9 times per day.
Spontaneous Casting: The character can swap out a prepared spell
for a cure spell of the same level.

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 25, Cha 14
Skills: Concentration +8, Diplomacy +9, Heal +15, Knowledge
(arcana) +9, Knowledge (religion) +10, Listen +7, Spellcraft +7,
Spot +7

Law Domain: The character casts law spells at +1 caster level.

War Domain: The character gains free weapon feats.
Cleric Spells per Day: 6/7+1/6+1/6+1/4+1/4+1/3+1.
Possessions: +2 full plate, +1 large steel shield of fire resistance, +2
holy longsword, masterwork javelins (5).


transformation, and went on to smash his clan into the upper

echelon of the standings.

Without a mine or forge, the dwarves of the Forge were at a terrible

disadvantage in the arena. They turned first to ancestral worship and
the battle rages of their dim past, but eventually they hit upon the
brew of minerals, metals, and stone now called the shine.

Those who survive the shine gain incredible physical resilience as

heavy elements are woven into their skin and bones, but at the cost
of speed and flexibility. After many doses, the skin takes on a gray
tint and the eyes pick up a metallic gleam. Most graybacks are
clerics, fighters, and paladins, since they dont rely heavily on
Dexterity for their skills or AC. Barbarians, monks, and rangers are
badly hurt by the loss of Dex, but also stand to gain HP and
powerful new abilities. Bards, rogues, sorcerers and wizards almost
never take the shine.

Their early experiments in alchemy were horribly costly, both in

materials and fighting men. A dozen great champions fell to the
poison before Barent Lockerhelm finally survived the




























Greater earth mastery





Voice of stone




















A dream of earth

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

all the benefits of the Improved Bull Rush and Sunder feats even if
the character lacks the prerequisites.

A character must fulfil all the following criteria before becoming a


Natural Weapons (Ex): The graybacks bare fists gain the Mighty
Cleaving special ability.

Race: Dwarf.

Greater Earth Mastery (Ex): The grayback gains a +2 attack and

damage bonus if both he and his foe touch the ground. If his
opponent is airborne or waterborne, he suffers a 4 penalty to attack
and damage. Additionally, if the grayback is touching the ground he
may take a full round action to remain in his place regardless of the
force brought to bear against him. Treat this as a +20 circumstance
bonus to resist a bull rush attempt, or on any test against being

Base Save Bonus: Fortitude +6.

Feats: Endurance, Great Fortitude, Toughness.
Special: Initiation (see below).
Hit Dice: d12.

Initiation Requirements

Natural Weapons (Ex): The graybacks fists improve to a +3


The shine is brewed from mineral salts, oxides of iron and mithril,
ores of cobalt and nickel, and rare earths only found in the Hells.
Blending this toxic brew requires a successful Alchemy check (DC
21), and requires an outlay of 5,000 gp, including 2,000 gp for
specialised alchemical equipment, which can be reused. The ritual
requires a 10thlevel patron who can cast arcane or divine spells. It
drains 500 xp from the patron and requires flesh to stone, stone
shape, and stoneskin.

Voice of Stone (Su): The graybacks bare fists gain the Thundering
special ability, usable three times per day.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Heal
(Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (geology) (Int), and
Profession (Wis).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the grayback prestige
Weapons and Armour: Graybacks are proficient with all simple
and martial weapons, all types of Armour, and shields.

Regeneration (Ex): The grayback becomes more rock than flesh,

and is almost impossible to put down. He treats most forms of
damage as subdual damage, and regenerates this damage at the rate
of 5 points per round. Energy attacks (acid, cold, electricity, fire,
and sonic) deal normal damage.
A Dream of Earth: With his last level as a grayback, the character
drifts into a long reverie of stone. He suffers 1d4 Dex drain
immediately (Fort save halves [DC 26]), and one day later he gains
an additional +2 inherent bonus to Con.
Spell-like Abilities: At will earthquake, meld into stone, stone
shape and stone tell. These abilities are as the spells cast by a
20thlevel sorcerer (save DC 10 + Cha + spell level).
Damage reduction 5/- (Ex): The character ignores the first 5 points
of damage from each attack.
Natural Weapon (Ex): The graybacks bare fists improve to a +4

Sample Grayback
Medium-size Elemental (Earth, Dwarf)
Hit Dice: 10d10+73, 4d12+28 (193 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 10 ft.

Initiation (Su): This toxic brew petrifies bones and connective

tissue, making the character slow and ponderous but incredibly
tough. Initial Dex drain of 1d3 points, secondary Dex drain of 1d3
points; Fort save halves (DC 22). One day later the character gains a
+4 inherent bonus to Con and his type changes to Elemental (Earth).
All damage taken from the shine is permanent ability loss, and may
not be cured by spells or healing (besides wish). Creatures who are
immune to ability drain or mineral poisons receive no benefit from
taking the shine.

AC: 21 (+7 +2 breastplate, +4 +2 large steel shield)

Stonelegs (Ex): The graybacks speed is halved (no lower than 10

ft. when in Armour), and his weight doubles. His carrying capacity
also doubles, as if he were one size category larger.

Special Qualities: Elemental, stonelegs, avalanche

Natural Weapons (Ex): The grayback may attack with his bare
hands as if attacking with magical weapons. Each stony fist may
strike as a heavy or light mace, at the characters discretion, in
either case with a +2 enhancement bonus. They gain this ability AS
IF their hands were maces for the sake of feats that may apply to
these weapons.
Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not
subject to critical hits.
Avalanche (Ex): The grayback blooms stony material all over his
body, particularly along his hands and forearms. These growths give

Attacks: Natural weapon +22/+17/+12 melee; or masterwork

throwing axe +15/+10/+5 ranged
Damage: Natural weapon 1d8+9/19-20; or throwing axe 1d6+5
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Natural weapons

Saves: Fort +18, Ref +4, Will +5

Abilities: Str 20, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12
Skills: Climb +11, Craft (blacksmithing)
(Armoursmithing) +8, Knowledge (geology) +8



Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Endurance, Great Cleave, Great

Fortitude, [Improved Bull Rush], Improved Critical (natural
weapons), Power Attack, Quick Draw, [Sunder], Toughness,
Weapon Focus (natural weapons), Weapon Specialisation (natural
Climate/Terrain: Any hill, mountains, and underground

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Organisation: Solitary, company (1 grayback, plus 6 7th-level
fighters), squad (1 grayback, plus 6 7th-level fighters, 3 7th-level
rangers, and 2d6 2nd-level fighters), or clan (1 grayback, plus 1
10th-level cleric, 6 7th-level fighters, 3 7th-level rangers, and 5d10
2nd-level fighters)

Natural Weapons (Ex): The characters fist is equal to +2 heavy

mace of mighty cleaving.

Challenge Rating: 14

Stonelegs (Ex): The characters speed is halved, and his weight

doubles (to 400 pounds). His carrying capacity also doubles, as if he
were one size category larger.

Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Chaotic good

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not

subject to critical hits.

Avalanche (Ex): When fighting with his natural weapons, the

character gains all the benefits of the Improved Bull Rush, Mighty
Cleaving, and Sunder feats.

Advancement: By character class

This example character is a dwarf Ftr10/Gry4.

Possessions: +2 breastplate, +2 large steel shield, masterwork

throwing axes (5).


Like the other terrestrial races trapped in the Forge, gnomes were
cut off from their traditional sources of strength. Without the
research and inquiry that form the basis of gnomic society, they
stood little chance in the arena.

in the manlike constructs called manikins. The first gnomes to

abandon their bodies were artificers and mages. Their brains were
carefully implanted in manikin shells, and they were taught to take
advantage of the strengths of these new forms. The first trials were
wildly successful, and in the months that followed dozens of
gnomes and a handful of humans have gone under the knife.

They recruited an automaton named Iron Jack to help, and recycled

automata bodies for parts. Eventually their experiments culminated

Manikins are almost always bards, sorcerers, or wizards, though the

occasional multiclass rogue initiates to gain new spell-like abilities.







Spells per Day







+1 Level of existing class





















Chisel and maul

+1 Level of existing class







+1Level of existing class





















+1 Level of existing class

Water bearer

+1 Level of existing class

+1 Level of existing class

+1 Level of existing class

Northern crown

+1 Level of existing class

+1 Level of existing class

Southern cross

+1 Level of existing class


Initiation Requirements

A character must fulfil all the following criteria before becoming a


A manikin frame must be milled from a block of pure aluminium,

weighing approximately 300 pounds. Nerves of glass, muscles of
fine tungsten wire, relays of brass, and joints of porcelain and
mercury are also required.

Race: Any humanoid.

Base Save Bonus: Will +6.
Feats: Iron Will, Quicken Spell, Spell Penetration.
Spells: Able to cast arcane spells.
Special: Initiation (see below)
Hit Dice: d6.

Creating the body requires a successful Craft (metalworking) check

(DC 20). Installing the complex internal structures require a
successful Craft (automata) check (DC 22). Transplanting a subject
brain into its new body requires a successful Healing check (DC
20). Failure on the transplant check applies a 2 modifier to save
against the initial ability damage. Assembling the manikin costs
50,000 gp, including 20,000 for specialised lathes and tools, which
can be reused. The ritual requires a 16th-level patron who can cast
arcane spells. Completing the ritual drains 500 xp from the patron
and requires animate objects, limited wish, and magic jar.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script
(Int, exclusive skill), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken
individually) (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int,
exclusive skill), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (Int),
Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha, exclusive skill).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Natural Weapons (Ex): The manikin may attack with her bare
hands as if attacking with magical weapons. Each metal hand may
strike as a club with a +2 enhancement bonus. They gain this ability
AS IF their hands were clubs for the sake of feats that may apply to
these weapons.
Cuirass (Ex): The character can stiffen her carapace as a full-round
action, granting her a hardness rating of 10 until her next turn. This
ability can be used any number of times per day.
Northern Crown (Su): The manikin has a reserve of magical
energy she can draw on to instantly cast certain spells. She chooses
a number of spells of 3rd-level or less equal to her Int or Cha
modifier. The manikin can cast these spells as if they were prepared
with the Quicken Spell metamagic feat, even if she lacks the feat.

Class Features

Spell Resistance 17 (Ex): This ability can be activated and

deactivated as a free action.

All of the following are Class Features of the manikin prestige class.

Spell-like Abilities: At willblur, fly, and mirror image. Once per

day dimension door, ethereal jaunt, haste. These abilities are as the
spells cast by an 18th-level sorcerer (save DC 10 + Cha + spell

Weapons and Armour: Manikins gain no proficiency in any

weapon or Armour.
Initiation (Su): Initiation as a manikin is quite straightforward. The
subjects brain is removed and implanted into a magically prepared
Golem shell. Freed from old duties the brain can develop its pure
intellect, but at the cost of its attachment to the immediate world.
Initial Wis drain of 1d3 points, secondary Wis drain of 1d3 points;
Will save halves (DC 18). One day later the manikin gains a +2
inherent bonus to Int and Cha, and her type changes to Construct.
All damage taken from this catalyst is permanent ability loss, and
may not be cured by spells or healing (besides wish). Creatures who
are immune to ability drain may not become manikins.
Special note: all manikins are Medium-size creatures. If the initiate
was a Small character, she loses all benefits from her old size
Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease,
and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage,
ability damage (except damage taken from the manikin prestige
class), energy drain, or death from massive damage. Constitution
score becomes . Cannot heal damage naturally, but can be
healed. Cannot be raised or resurrected.

Natural Weapons (Ex): The manikins bare hands gain the Ghost
Touch special ability.
Southern Cross (Su): The manikin suffers 1d4 Wis drain
immediately (Will save halves [DC 18]), and one day later she gains
an additional +1 inherent bonus to Int and Cha. Spell Resistance 19
(Ex): This ability can be activated and deactivated as a free action.
Spell-like Abilities: At will detect Scrying, divination, and Scrying.
Once per day animate objects, antimagic field, and spell turning.
These abilities are as the spells cast by a 20th-level sorcerer (save
DC 10 + Cha + spell level).
Natural Weapons (Ex): The manikins bare hands improve to a +3
enhancement bonus.

Sample Manikin
Medium-size Construct (Gnome)
Hit Dice: 12d4 (34 hp)

Darkvision: 60 ft.

Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)

Spells per Day: The manikin continues training in magic after

taking her new form. When a manikin level is gained, the character
gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in an
arcane spellcasting class she belonged to before taking the prestige

Speed: 30 ft.

Water Bearer: The manikin gains three new abilities.

Damage: +2 club 1d6+2; or+1 light crossbow 1d8+1/19-20

Spell Resistance 13 (Ex): This ability can be activated and

deactivated as a free action.

Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.

Spell Storing (Ex): A single targeted spell of up to 3rd level can be

stored in the manikins metal frame. (The spell must have a casting
time of 1 action.) Any time she deals damage to a creature in melee
combat, she can immediately cast the spell on that creature as a free
action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Chisel and Maul (Ex): The manikin gains the Sunder feat as a
virtual feat even if she lacks the prerequisites. She also does double
damage with her natural weapons when attacking an object or
Spell Resistance 15 (Ex): This ability can be activated and
deactivated as a free action.
Spell-like Abilities: At willheat metal, rusting grasp, and shatter.
Once per day, she can cast disintegrate as a melee touch attack.
These abilities are as the spells cast by a 15th-level sorcerer (save
DC 10 + Cha + spell level).

AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +2 ring of protection +2, +2 amulet of natural

Armour +2, +2 bracers of Armour +2)
Attacks: +2 club +8/+3 melee; or +1 light crossbow +9 ranged

Special Attacks: Spells

Special Qualities: Construct, darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +11
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con , Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 12
Skills: Alchemy +8, Craft (automata) +18, Innuendo +4, Knowledge
(arcana) +20, Knowledge (automata) +17, Listen +4, Scry +20,
Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +17, Spot +7
Feats: Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Iron Will,
Quicken Spell, [Scribe Scroll], Silent Spell, Spell Penetration
Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground
Organisation: Solitary, company (1 manikin, plus 3 7th-level
wizards), squad (1 manikin, plus 3 7th-level wizards, 5 3rd-level
wizards, and 2d6 2nd-level fighters), or clan (1 manikin, 3 7th-level
wizards, 10 3rd-level wizards, and 5d10 2nd-level fighters)

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Challenge Rating: 12

2ndblur, ghoul touch, knock, mirror image, see invisibility,

summon monster II, web.

Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Lawful neutral

3rdblink, dispel magic, fireball fly, invisibility sphere, lightning


Advancement: By character class

4thbestow curse, dimension door, minor creation, polymorph self.

This example character is a gnome Wiz10/Man2.

5thcone of cold, dominate person, greater shadow conjuration,

hold monster, sending, telekinesis, teleport, wall of force, wall of

Construct: The character is immune to mind-influencing effects,
poison, and disease. She is not subject to critical hits, subdual
damage, ability, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

6thacid fog, analyse dweomer, chain lightning, control water,

Possessions: +1 light crossbow, +2 club, ring of protection +2,
amulet of natural Armour +2, bracers of Armour +2, wand of dispel
magic (27 charges remaining), wand of fly (40 charges), spellbook.

Wizard Spells Known (4/6/5/5/4/4/2):

1stfeather fall, mage Armour, magic missile, shield, shocking
grasp, silent image, spider climb

Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu











God Speed, Improved Critical (Katana)






Quick Draw (Katana), Battou-Jitsu






Battou-Jitsu Sou Ryu Sen






Ryu Kan Sen






Ryu Sho Sen






High Jump, Ryu Tsui Sen






Do Ryu Sen






Ryu Sou Sen, Ken Ki






Kuzu Ryu Sen






Improved God Speed, Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki


Class Skills

To qualify to become a student of the Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu, a

character must fulfil all the following criteria:

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Alignment: one of the following: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral,

Neutral Good, or (True) Neutral

Balance (Dex) Climb (Str) Craft (Int) Escape Artist (Dex) Hide
(Dex) Jump (Str) Listen (Wis) Move Silently (Dex) Sense Motive
(Wis) Spot (Wis) Swim (Str) Tumble (Dex)

Ability Scores: Dex 19+, Wis 16+

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Base Attack Bonus: +6

Skill Points are Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Skills: Sense Motive: 4 ranks, Jump: 9 ranks, Knowledge (Fighting

Styles): 4 ranks
Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Alertness, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Katana), Weapon Focus (Katana)
Special: Must contact a master of Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu, and get
them to train the character. Basic training takes 1 year. Hiten
Mitsurugi-Ryu Fighting Style
Hit Dice: d10.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: The duellist is proficient with all simple
and martial weapons, but no type of armour. The only shield they
are proficient with is the buckler.
God Speed (Su): +4 to initiative (stackable with Improved
Initiative), a +4 Dodge bonus to AC (stackable with Dex Modifier),
+1 competence bonus to hit with the Katana (and Wakizashi)

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
The character only gains these bonuses when wearing light or no
Battou-Jitsu: Standing with his Katana (or Wakizashi) sheathed,
and hand on the hilt of the Katana (or Wakizashi), a master of the
Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu can use the Battou-Jitsu to either strike his
opponents melee weapon, or as an attack.
As an attack to strike the opponents melee weapon, the wielder of
the Battou-Jitsu must ready the attack before hand, and then make a
successful Sense Motive check (DC: 20). If he succeeds, he can
then attempt to strike his opponents weapon (see Striking a Weapon
in the Player's Handbook pg. 136). In the opposed attack rolls for
striking the weapon, the wielder of the Battou-Jitsu gets a +4 due to
the God Speed. If the wielder of Battou-Jitsu successfully strikes the
weapon, then it negates the next attack from that opponent using
that weapon. (If the Opponent has multiple attacks, then only the
first is cancelled.) This is considered a Full Round action/attack.
As an attack to strike the opponent, treat it as a normal attack, with a
+2 to hit due to the God Speed.
Battou-Jitsu Sou Ryu Sen: As with the Battou-Jistu, the BattouJitsu Sou Ryu Sen starts off with the Katana (or Wakizashi)
sheathed, and one hand on the hilt of the Katana (or Wakizashi).
Unlike the normal Battou-Jitsu, the Battou-Jitsu Sou Ryu Sen can
only be used to attack the opponent, but it attacks the opponent with
both the Katana (or Wakizashi) and the sheath
The master of Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu must ready the Battou-Jitsu Sou
Ryu Sen and strike just before his opponent strikes him. Either the
Katana (or Wakizashi) the Sheath both strike at the highest attack of
the character, but both at 2 unless the character has the
Ambidexterity Feat. If he does, then there is no penalty to strike. As
would be expected, the Katana (or Wakizashi) strike is slashing
damage, and the Sheath is bludgeoning. (The sheath does normal
damage, not subdual, due to the nature of the attack)
The Battou-Jitsu Sou Ryu Sen must be a readied attack, and counts
as a Full Action.
Ryu Kan Sen: With the God Speed, the master of Hiten MitsurugiRyu runs past his opponent then quickly turns around, striking his
opponent in the back.
The wielder of the Ryu Kan Sen must run at least 20 feet to his
opponent, and then either run around his opponent, or tumble past
him. If tumbling past, a tumble check (DC15) is required, if failing,
and then the opponent gets an attack of opportunity as normal. If
running past the opponent, the speed is so great, due to the God
Speed, that the opponent gets no attack of opportunity
If no attack of opportunity was granted (either by running past or by
successfully tumbling) then the wielder of Ryu Kan Sen gets to then
attack his opponent. This attack is as if the opponent has no shield
(as he is behind his target), and as if the opponent has no dexterity
bonus (unless the opponent cannot be surprised, or has Uncanny
Dodge or similar ability)
This is considered a Full Action attack.
Ryu Sho Sen: The character using the Ryu Sho Sen crouches low,
then jumps up at the opponent, attempting to slice the opponent
across the throat. The character gets a +2 to strike due to the
unexpected angle the strike comes from, and a successful hit does
double damage (damage x2. Treat as normal for combining with a
critical hit)

Ryu Tsui Sen: Even the best swordsman and knight has their
vulnerable points when attacked from the air. Using Ryu Tsui Sen,
the character jumps up into the air, then comes down upon the
opponent, using both hands to strike the enemy with a single blow.
The character makes a Jump roll using his high jump ability. To
successfully use the Ryu Tsui Sen, the character must jump at least
6 feet above his target to get enough momentum to execute this
move properly. If the high jump is less than 6 feet above the
opponent, then treat the strike as a normal strike using two hands
(x1.5 Str bonus on damage). If the high jump succeeds, then the
character gets a +4 to strike, and does double damage (x2 damage.
If a critical strike is done, then treat this as another x2 multiplier on
the damage. I.e., critical x2 and this x2 comes to x3, and bonus dice
are not multiplied)
Creatures immune to critical strikes are immune to the extra
damage done by this strike (the bonus to strike, and extra damage
due to a two-handed strike are applied however.)
Do Ryu Sen: With godlike power, the wielder of Do Ryu Sen
slashes his sword just above the ground, the force of which causes
dirt and stones to fly like a dragon, attacking the enemy. It is really
handy for those enemies out of range.
The wielder of Do Ryu Sen must make a short run (at least 10 feet)
then slash his Katana (or Wakizashi) just above the ground. Any
loose stones and dirt then fly up to hit an opponent up to 30 feet
away from where the Do Ryu Sen was executed. Damage done
depends on the amount of loose material available where the Do
Ryu Sen is executed. (DM's discretion). Suggested damages: On a
stone & dirt road: 4D6, on a cobblestone road: 2D6, on a paved road
or inside a well kept castle/keep: 0 (there's nothing for the Do Ryu
Sen to attack the opponent with) Critical for this attack is 1920/x2.)
Even a heavily armoured opponent still takes damage from this
attack as the dirt and stones can find their way through the cracks
and holes in the armour.
This is considered a Full Action attack.
Ryu Sou Sen: Randomly attacking your targets vital points at high
speed doesn't give the opponent a chance to recover from the attack.
This is ideal against enemies with high stamina.
The wielder of the Ryu Sou Sen must stand in one spot to execute
this attack. The character gets two extra attacks at the attack bonus
of his highest (first) attack, and each attack suffers a 2 penalty to hit
(as the character is sacrificing some accuracy for speed). E.g. If a
character normally has attacks of +13/+8, then they gets 2 bonus
attacks at the highest bonus (so +13/+13/+13/+8) and all attacks are
at 2 penalty (+11/+11/+11/+6).
This is a full round attack, the wielder cannot move his 5' either
before or after, and all attacks must be made against the same
Ken Ki: Ken Ki is the warrior spirit made for fighting. If at any
time a battle lasts more than 10 rounds, the warriors Ken Ki
automatically activates.
Bonuses include: +4 temporary constitution points (lost at the end of
battle) as well, the character can push his or her body beyond
normal limits.

High Jump (Ex): You are able to gain exceptional height when
jumping, even from a standing position.

The character can stay conscious, below 0 and perform full round
actions still. The character can stay conscious until 10 +
Constitution (i.e., if the character has a Constitution of 15, the
character can stay conscious until 25). If the battle ends, with the
character below 0 HP, then the character's Ken Ki fades out, but also
puts the character at 0 HP, staggered).

When trying a high jump, roll a Jump skill check. You manage to
jump up your height plus 1ft for every 3 points beyond 10 that you
make your jump check (i.e., (JumpCheck10)/3 + Height) When you
make a High jump, the character can only move up to 5 feet

Kuzu Ryu Sen: Every form of attack in every form of fighting is

centred on hitting your opponents, and protecting your own, vital
points. These points are: Head, Left Shoulder , Right Shoulder, Left
Arm ,Right Arm, Left Waist, Right Waist, Between the Legs, and
the Crotch.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Using the God Speed, the Master of Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu attacks
the opponent in all the vital points in rapid succession. There is only
two ways to counter a Kuzu Ryu Sen, as such the Kuzu Ryu Sen is
usually fatal to the opponent. The wielder of the Kuzu Ryu Sen
makes a number of attacks upon the opponent equal to 3 + Wisdom
Modifier) at his or her highest attack bonus. As well, Due to the fact
that the master of Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu will be hitting the
opponents critical points, the threat range on the attack is given a
x2 multiplier (of the base threat range). This counts as a full round
attack. The attacker must run at least 10 feet towards the opponent
before using the Kuzu Ryu Sen. As well, due to the exhausting
nature of this attack, the wielder takes 20 points of subdual damage.
If the target is at largest one size category larger than the attacker
then the attacker will end up 15 feet on the other side of the
opponent (unless there is an obstacle blocking the path, i.e., a wall)
The only two attacks able to counter the Kuzu Ryu Sen, is another
Kuzu Ryu Sen (readied so that both effectively take place
simultaneously [it's the best I can do while staying inside the 3rd
ED rules]) and an Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki. If it is countered
with another Kuzu Ryu Sen then both opponents make opposed
Wisdom checks (to determine the conviction of each) with any
circumstantial bonuses applicable applied (i.e., +4 for defending
something that you truly believe in)

Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki: The Ama Kakeru Ryu No

Hirameki is likened to the Dragon. Where you may evade the
deadly bite, the winds will draw you in so that you will be shredded
by its claws.
The wielder of the Ama Kekeru Ryu No Hirameki starts with the
Katana (or Wakizashi) in the sheath. With the incredible God Speed
the wielder can muster, he or she draws the sword so as to strike the
opponent and fell him or her in one blow. Due to the incredible
speed with which this attack is done, the opponent receives no
dodge bonus to his or her AC. If this attack is blocked (i.e., it
misses) then the speed of which the blade passes through the area
between the two opponents creates a small vacuum. While the
opponent is caught off guard, the attacker uses this vacuum to his or
her advantage. The opponent becomes off balance, and drawn in to
the vacuum, while the attacker spins around and uses the
momentum created by the vacuum to speed his or her sword even
faster for a second strike. This second strike is +4 to hit (due to the
attacker being off balance) and the opponent still doesn't get any
Dodge bonus to their AC. If the second attack strikes, then damage
is given a x2 multiplier.
This attack is very lethal to humanoid opponents. If a humanoid
opponent is struck by either strike (the first or second) then it must
make a fortitude check (DC20 + damage) or die.

Improved God Speed: The Improved God Speed supersedes the

God Speed (i.e., they don't stack, just take the bonuses from the
Improved God Speed) +8 to initiative (stackable with Improved
Initiative), a +6 Dodge bonus to AC (stackable with Dex Modifier),
+4 competence bonus to hit with the Katana (and Wakizashi)

Only a true master of fighting styles can discern exactly what this
move is, due to its incredible speed. A character must succeed a
Knowledge (Fighting Styles) DC 35 to tell what this move exactly

The character only gains these bonuses when wearing light or no


This counts as a full round attack. As well, due to the exhausting

nature of this attack, the wielder takes 30 points of subdual damage.

Hounds of Osiris
Hounds of Osiris are a speciality bounty hunter class. Their job is to
track down and capture tomb robbers,
Set worshippers, Unther freedom fighters, and other criminals.
These men and women study their targets until they know how they

fight, know how they cast spells, know how they think. The Hounds
of Osiris are known to be relentless. Hounds are usually Rangers,
but occasionally paladins, fighters, and wizards belong to this class.
Though designed with the Mulhorandi in mind, this might serve as a
template for a general bounty hunter.








One studied target

+2 Bonus vs. Studied Target

Uncanny Dodge vs. Studied Target

+2 Bonus vs. Studied Target

Evasion vs. studied target

+2 Bonus vs. Studied Target

Two studied targets

+3 Bonus vs. Studied Target

Knockout Attack

+3 Bonus vs. Studied Target

Locate Creature (1x day)

+3 Bonus vs. Studied Target

Three studied targets

+4 Bonus vs. Studied Target

Crippling Strike

+4 Bonus vs. Studied Target

Locate Creature (2x day)

+4 Bonus vs. Studied Target



Four studied targets

+5 Bonus vs. Studied Target

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

against the particular target: Attack, Damage, bonus AC, and saving
throws against their spells (refer to the chart above). It typically
takes 3 days of study to attain the level of familiarity necessary to
achieve these bonuses, and some travel is also involved. Scrying can
also be used to familiarise

Base Attack Bonus: +4

Hit Dice: D8
Alignment: usually Lawful
Class: Believer of Osiris
Special: Gather Information: 5 ranks, Intimidate: 4 ranks,
Spellcraft: 4 ranks The Hound of Osiris must successfully capture a
criminal prior to entry to this class.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Gather Information, Hide,
Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge, Listen, Move Silently, Profession,
Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim.
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + INT modifier

Class Features
One studied target: Studied Targets Hounds of Osiris are trained to
fight one particular foe. They need to study the target; records and
witnesses to their recent actions must be available (i.e.. if the foe
has gained five levels since the witness saw him, they won't be
effective). If they have access to this information, they get bonuses

A Hound can switch Studied Targets at will, thereby losing all

bonuses against their previous foe, but gaining the ability to study a
new foe. At higher levels, a Hound can study multiple targets (often
the friends and companions of those he's hunting).
Uncanny Dodge: At 2nd level, the Hound is wise to surprise
attacks by the Studied Target. The Studied Target can't catch him
flatfooted, nor can he flank him, unless he's a thief four levels
higher than the Hound.
Evasion: At 3rd level, the Hound is so familiar with the Studied
Target's spellcasting style that they get evasion against his spells, as
per the monk ability.
Knockout: At fifth level, the Hound gains an ability similar to the
assassin's paralysation ability, to knock a target unconscious with a
single blow (three rounds of observation required, target may avoid
by making a Fort Save of DC 10 + the Hound levels + the Int
modifier, knockout lasts for 1d6 rounds plus one round per Hound
level). The Hound may attempt to knock out any target, but Studied
Targets add the Hound's bonus to their DC.
Locate Creature: (Su) At sixth level, the Hound may use the locate
creature spell, once per day. This version of the spell has duration of
one round. At ninth level, they may employ this ability twice per
Crippling Strike: (Ex) At eighth level, the Hound gains the thief's
Crippling strike ability. This is applicable against all opponents, not
just a Studied Target.


Inquisitor as well. Barbarians, bards, druids, sorcerers, and rogues

are almost never Inquisitors.

Defenders of the faith, pioneers of religion, interpreters of canon

law, seekers of the truth, or scourges of their religionall can
describe the Inquisitor. These people rise above the ranks of mere
priests or adventurers. Inquisitors are the upper echelons in their
religion. They dedicate their lives-and souls-to whatever god or
religion they serve. Their powers involve divining the truth, serving
their faith, and at higher levels, contacting beings that serve their

Adventures: Inquisitors rarely go on minor quests to retrieve

treasure or kill orcs. However, when their cause is threatened, the
wrath of a righteous Inquisitor is a terrible sight to behold. Should a
holy relic be stolen, a church be desecrated, or a priest be murdered,
the Inquisitor will often embark on a holy quest to right the wrongsand punish those responsible.

Obviously, clerics are the most common inquisitors. However,

paladins and wizards often serve a deity and join the ranks of the
inquisitors. Occasionally a fighter or monk will become an

Characteristics: Inquisitors are very logical and careful. Their

powers are always used to augment their religion, one way or
another. Of course, many inquisitors argue that since they are their
religions pillars, powers that benefit themselves obviously benefit
the faith.











Repel Demons,





speak tongues 1/day+int





Detect Lie, 1/Day+wis





Holy smite, 1/day





Righteous rage, 1/day





Contact Power, 2/week





Summon Lesser Servant, 1/week

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Raise Dead, 1/week





Wrath of god, 1/day






Miracle, 1/month

Alignment: Any lawful.
Skills: Knowledge (Religion): 6 ranks, Sense Motive: 4 ranks,
Intimidate: 3 ranks, Diplomacy: 4 ranks.
Feats: Skill focus: Knowledge (Religion.), Iron Will.
Special: Must actively belong to a religion.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Concentration (con), craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), intimidate (Cha),
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), knowledge (Religion), scry (Int,
exclusive), sense motive (Wis), spellcraft (Int).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points per level: (2 + Int modifier).

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: Inquisitors are proficient with
all simple weapons, with light armor, and with shields. They
(obviously) lose no proficiencies they may already have.
Spells: If not previously able to cast divine spells, an Inquisitor
advances as a cleric of his level. If previously able to do so, he adds
a level to his spellcasting class (for the purposes of spells per day
Deity, Domains, and Domain Spells: If they possessed any priest
spells, their domain spells carry over. If they were not a cleric, they
choose the domains of the god they serve.
Spontaneous casting: If the Inquisitor had this ability, he does not
lose it. However, if he did not have it, he does not gain it with this
prestige class.
Turn or rebuke undead: If the Inquisitor was not a cleric, they
affect undead at a level equal to their prestige classs level. If they
were a cleric, each level they gain as an Inquisitor is added to their
cleric level for the purposes of turning undead.
Repel Demons: The Inquisitor gains the power to drive out demons
and devils. This is in all ways similar to turn undead (note that no
inquisitor, even an evil one, will ever knowingly traffic with demons
or devils. Hence there is no "rebuke demons" ability). Upon being
confronted by a demon, the Inquisitor may attempt to repel it. The
Inquisitor presents his holy symbol (very similar to turning undead)
and commands the demon to be gone. The demon or devil must
then roll a will save (DC equal to 10 + the inquisitors level + the
inquisitors charisma modifier). If the demon succeeds, the attempt
fails. If he misses the roll by 1-5, the demon is held back at a 10foot radius, similar to a protection from evil. If the demon misses
by more than five, (but not a natural 1), it is forced to return to its
own plane. Should the demon roll a natural one, it has a 50%
chance of being forced back to its home plane, a 35% chance of
taking 6d6 damage instantly (And still being repelled), and a 15%
chance of being destroyed. The Inquisitor may use this power up to
once a day per level.
Speak in Tongues: By calling on his deitys wisdom, the cleric
gains the ability to speak with any sentient being. Anything he says

is understood by whomever he speaks to, and he understands all

languages in turn. This power lasts for one turn per Inquisitor level.
The inquisitor may do this once per day plus his intelligence
Detect Lie: The Inquisitor is so astute that he is able to discern
whenever anyone tells a lie, attempts to evade an answer, tells a
half-truth, or even gives misleading information. He may use this
power on any statement that another person makes, but only up to
once per day plus his wisdom modifier.
The attempt is
automatically successful in that the Inquisitor knows if the previous
statement was at all untrue. However, he does not necessarily know
what the actual truth is. He may make a special Sense Motive roll,
DC 20. If successful, the Inquisitor knows the truth.
Righteous Rage: This power is similar to that of a barbarian.
However, the Inquisitor may only enter it when he is truly angered
by some affront to his religion.
Thus, encountering an angry
Minotaur is not justification for a holy rage. If the same Minotaur
desecrates a holy symbol, or insults the Inquisitors deity, then the
Inquisitor may enter the purity of rage. Unlike a barbarian, the
Inquisitor does not frenzy. Rather, his senses becomes sharpened
and he becomes as focused as the point of a dagger, determined to
eliminate the threat. His scores themselves do not increase.
However, he enjoys many benefits. He gains a +2 morale bonus to
fortitude saves, and a +4 moral bonus to will saves. In addition, he
gets a +2 insight bonus to all attack rolls. Finally, he is
automatically considered to be proficient with whatever weapon he
is currently using (no benefits if he already is).
Holy Smite: With this power, the Inquisitor directly channels his
deitys anger through himself. Very similar to the paladins smite
evil ability; the Inquisitor is able to attack any enemy of his religion.
The Inquisitor adds his charisma modifier to the attack, and deals +1
damage per level. In addition, the Inquisitors charisma bonus may
be calculated in to a creatures damage reduction or magic
resistance. (thus an Inquisitor with a charisma of 14 smiting a
creature with damage reduction 15/+2 will inflict full damage). The
Inquisitor may only use Holy Smite once per day. However, since it
is the Inquisitors perceptions of what an enemy is, holy smite
always works (unlike smite evil.)
Contact Power: At this level, the Inquisitor has accrued such
standing with his deity that he may actually speak with the deity for
a brief time. Up to twice per week, the Inquisitor may attempt to
contact the deity directly. Most deities will choose to answer the
inquisitor (woe to he who attempts to speak to a deity frivolously).
The Inquisitor may only speak for about one round per level. At the
end of which, he must make a will save at a difficulty equal to
13+the number of rounds the conversation lasted. Speaking with
gods is taxing for the mind. Should the saving throw fail, he has a
50% chance of forgetting the information and a 50% chance of
falling unconscious for 1d6 rounds. (if the saving throw is a 1, he
does both).
Summon Lesser Servant: With this power, the Inquisitor is able to
petition his deity to send aid. In effect, this is a Summon Monster
VI spell with alignment restrictions (only creatures that are of the
deitys alignment, or of neutral alignment or animal intelligence,
may be summoned). This power may be used only once a week and
is in addition to any other summoning powers the inquisitor may
have. The creature will remain for 2 rounds per level of the
Wrath of God: The Inquisitors fury when confronted with
heathens. Once a day, he may rain down fire and brimstone upon
his enemies. Any of the casters enemies within a ten foot radius of

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
his primary target must make a reflex save, DC 18 or take 1d8
damage per inquisitor level (save for half). The main target must
save at DC 20. Note that innocent beings are not subjected to the
wrath even if they happen to be within the targeted areaonly the
casters enemies.

Miracle: At this level, the Inquisitor is able to cause tremendous

changes from the power of his faith. Once a month, he may cast the
spell Miracle. This is in all ways similar to the cleric spell, except
the experience point penalty is 3,500 experience, rather than 5,000.

Item Hunter
Item hunters are a loose guild of people who in a general spirit of
fun chase down the major magic items that tend to go missing in
this setting.
The general populace sees them as a nuisance, while those who
have lost items and are familiar with the portals and the item hunters
consider them to be a menace at best.
Even so, they are one of the best sources of reliable news from afar.
They also tend to know more about the workings of the portals and
what can be found on different worlds than most other people.

While some item hunters consider it a full-time profession, most

have other interests. Wizards, Sorcerers, Rogues, Bards, Fighters
and a rare Ranger can be found among the item hunters. The
irreverent nature of item hunters usually, but not entirely, precludes
interest from Clerics, Druids, and Paladins.
There are no guild dues, nor formal meetings or agendas. Most only
gather when interested in a particular item has been reported
missing. Then those who are interested scour the worlds trying to
find it. A wild party typically follows a successful hunt. Most
hunters keep items that they find. A few return them to the previous












Language, Portal-Common

+1 level of existing class





Language, Elvish

+1 level of existing class





+1 level of existing class





+1 level of existing class









+1 level of existing class





+1 level of existing class





+1 level of existing class





+1 level of existing class






Portal Lore

Open Portal

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class


Class Features

To qualify as an item hunter, a character must fulfil all of the

following criteria.

All of the following are class features of the item hunter prestige

Base Attack Bonus: +4

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Item hunters gain no

proficiency in any weapon or armour.

Skills: Knowledge, (Portals): 6

Feats: Endurance
Special: must have participated in an item hunt before.
Hit Die: d6

Class Skills
The item hunters class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
appraise, bluff, concentration, decipher script, disable device,
disguise, gather information, knowledge (all), listen, search, spot,
use magic device
Skill points at each level: 4 + Int modifier

Spells per day: An item hunter who was previously an arcane

spellcaster continues to gain access to more powerful magic as an
item hunter.
When a new item hunter level is gained, the character gains new
spells per day as if she had also gained a level in the arcane
spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige
class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of
that class would have gained. If a character had more than one
arcane spellcasting class before she became an item hunter, the
player must decide which class to assign each level of item hunter
for the purpose of determining spells per day. It the item hunter did
not previously belong to an arcane spellcasting class, she gains the
ability to cast arcane spells exactly as a wizard. Her spell
progression is exactly the same as a wizard.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Languages: An item hunter quickly learns the two common
languages of the portal universe: portal common and elvish.
Portal Lore: An item hunter picks up a great deal of knowledge in
his travels. This is handled just like bardic knowledge. The item
hunter adds his level and his Intelligence modifier to the knowledge
check. If the item hunter was previously a bard, his level of item
hunter is added to his bardic knowledge check.

Open Portal: This ability does not remove the need to cast a spell
to activate an open portal. It allows the item hunter to open a portal
that is closed by a key, or a portal that only operates at certain times.
Once the portal has been opened, it must be activated in the normal
This is an extraordinary ability.

There are those who excel through keen swordplay, some who twist
magic whether arcane or divine to thwart their enemies, and some
who use guile to best their foes. However, the Juggernaut is none of
these. Instead, he focuses his skills on one thing: Staying alive.
Many a wizard or fighter has fallen to the resilience of the
Those that take this prestige class forgo superb offensive
capabilities in exchange for an incredible defence. Even though they
cannot command others or use incredible combat prowess, their
toughness usually ensures that they are the last one left standing in a
fight. Such is the goal that they seek.

By far, the most common Juggernauts are fighters and barbarians

who seek to bulk themselves up. A cleric, with the powers of the
juggernaut and her natural healing abilities, will be long-lasting
indeed. Occasionally, rangers, paladins, and monks may decide to
train themselves as a Juggernaut to keep alive longer. Druids and
bards have no special predilection to this class, and a wizard or
sorcerer juggernaut is almost unheard of. Humans often take this
prestige class to keep themselves alive. Dwarves and half-orcs,
hardy as they are, often take levels of this prestige class to be an
invincible fighting force. The larger monster races, such as gnolls,
bugbears, and hobgoblins, may well find this a useful prestige class
to have.
















Improved Concentration














Damage reduction 5/+1



















Hardiness, 1/day






Regeneration 3


Class Features:

Feats: Endurance, Toughness, Great Fortitude.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Juggernaut is proficient in

all simple and martial weapons, and all types of armour and shields.

Base Attack Bonus: +4

Special: Must be proficient in light armour and medium armour.
Hit Die: d12

Class skill

Toughness: At levels 1, 4, and 7, the Juggernaut gains the

toughness feat, thus giving him 3 extra hp.
Improved concentration: Should the juggernaut ever have to make
a concentration check, he automatically gets a +2 competence

The Juggernauts class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are

Damage reduction: At level 5, the Juggernaut gains damage

reduction of 5/+1.

Climb (Str), craft (Int), heal (Wis), jump (Str), profession (Int), ride
(Dex), and swim (Str).

Stabilise: The juggernauts hit points automatically stabilise when

they reach 0 or lower. He still dies if reduced to 10, however.

Skill points at each level: 2 + Int modifier.

Hardiness: Once per day on achieving level 9, he may steel himself

against all attacks and keep himself alive. He gains +4 to strength
and constitution, and thus gains 2 additional hit points per level.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
(These are not lost first the way temporary hit points are). He also
gains a +2 morale bonus to saves and AC, and spell resistance of 10
+ his intelligence modifier (if positive). This lasts for a number of

rounds equal to 2 + his newly improved constitution modifier. Once

the hardiness ends, the Juggernaut is winded, giving him a 2
penalty to strength and dexterity, and preventing him from running.

Kensai means "Sword Saint" or "Sword Master" and is usually
applied to characters who have perfected the art of fighting with the

sword. This can also be broadened to encompass swords, halberds

or other polearms. The character must learn to master his weapon
and himself, and must study and learn other arts, and styles.










Immunity to Fear, Ki Attack (+1), Ki Damage




Power Attack Feat




Sunder Feat, Ki Attack (+2)




Blind fight Feat




Ki Attack (+3), Wisdom modifier to AC




Improved Blind fight Feat(Sword and Fist)




Natural Armour +1, Ki Attack (+4)




Quick Initiative +1, Riposte Feat(




Natural Armour +2, Ki Attack (+5)






Quick Initiative +2, Natural Healing, Parry All

Base Attack Bonus: +7
Alignment: any Lawful

the experience for an encounter. When wearing any Armour the

Kensai receives none of his speed and Armour class bonuses;
initiative modifiers, natural Armour bonuses, Wisdom modifier to

Feats: Weapon Focus (sword), Weapon Specialisation (Sword),

Quickdraw, Improved Initiative, Expertise (Sword), Improved

Kensai may take the weapon finesse feat to use with medium and
large size weapons. Note that Armour check penalties for Armour
heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape
Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble.

Special: Sense Motive: 5 ranks Intimidate: 5 ranks Diplomacy: 2

ranks Knowledge (Martial Arts): 5 ranks

Immunity to Fear: The Kensai is immune to the fear, magical or


Hit Dice: D10

Ki Attack: The Kensai has learned to focus his Ki into his weapon
of choice, there by creating a weapon equivalent to +1 per 2 levels,
(Max +5 at 9th). He does not gain the actual attack and damage
modifiers, just weapon ability in terms of damage reduction.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Bluff(Cha), Climb(Str), Craft(Int), Diplomacy(Cha),
Intimidate(Cha), Jump(Str), Knowledge(Int), Profession(Wis),
Search(Int), Sense Motive(Wis), Swim(Str), Tumble(Dex).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the weapon master
prestige class.
Weapons and Armour: A Kensai is proficient in all martial and
simple weapons, and Armours. However when using a weapon
other than the type the Kensai is specialised in he receives on half

Ki Damage: The Kensai may use his Ki to gain maximum damage

out of 1 attack per 2 levels (Max. 5 times per day at 10th level).
Prior to rolling attack rolls the Kensai must declare the use of this
ability, hit or miss counts as use for day.
Wisdom Modifier to AC: As per the monk ability.
Natural Armour Class: Starting at 7th level the Kensai gains a
supernatural ability during melee combat, he can sense the flow of
and battle and move accordingly. This bonus is only during melee
and cannot be used if caught flat-footed. Max bonus +2 at 9th level.
Quick Initiative: Starting at 8th level the Kensai gains the
supernatural ability to react quicker than most people during a
battle. Max bonus +2 at 10th level.
Natural Healing: At 10th level the Kensai has gained an
exceptionally quick recovery time. He recovers twice his character
level in hit points each night, and temporary ability damage is also

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
recovered at twice the normal rate (4 points per day of complete bed
rest). Also, one point of temporary ability damage is recovered per
day even if the character is active.

Parry All: When the Kensai uses a full round action in total defence
he gains an additional +2 to AC (Dodge bonus), cumulative with
any bonus gained from tumble skill.

Knife Fighter
The Knife Fighter is the master of the dagger, equally adept at
wielding the often-underestimated weapon in close combat, and as a
lethal thrown weapon. Mobile, calculating, and brutal or elegant,
Knife Fighters usually pursue careers as pit fighters, facing other
such combatants in ruthless, often illegal bouts, or as skilled
enforcers and assassins for certain criminal elements.

Because of the classes typically shadowy background, it is

extremely difficult although not impossible to obtain Knife Fighter
tuition outside of the domain of the criminal underworld. As a
result, few individuals, other than Rogues and Fighters, enter this
prestige class. Of the various races, Humans are as suited to the
class as they are any other, Halflings find themselves to be adept
knifeflingers, and Half Orcs, and other savage humanoids, find the
class, and its usual background, suitably violent. Dwarves, Elves,
and Gnomes usually view knife fighting as disdainful and







Dual Blade, Point Blank Shot

Versatile Blade, Vicious Strike +1d4

Intercepting Blade I, Snatch Blade

Dual Throw

Back to Sender

Intercepting Blade II, Vicious Strike +2d4

Improved Two Weapon Fighting

Intercepting Blade III



Vicious Strike +3d4

Base Attack Bonus: +5
Hit Dice: D8
Feats: Ambidexterity, Dodge, Weapon Focus (dagger).
Special: To qualify to become a Knife Fighter, a character must
fulfil all the following criteria

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),
Knowledge (Streetwise)(Int), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis),
and Tumble (Dex). See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook
for skill descriptions.
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the tunnelrat prestige

Weapons and Armour: Knife Fighters are proficient with daggers.

Knife Fighters are proficient with light armour, but no shields. Note
that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to
the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently,
Pick Pocket, and Tumble.
Back to Sender: If a Knife Fighter with this extraordinary ability
makes a successful Snatch Blade attempt, he may immediately
launch the caught projectile back at the attacker who threw it,
making a standard attack roll using that weapon. Using this special
ability doesn't count as an action. It is not possible to use Back to
Sender on a weapon that has been "returned" using this ability,
although a weapon thrown using this ability may be caught using
Snatch Blade.
Double Throw: A Knife Fighter can throw two daggers
simultaneously per attack, providing he has one in each hand. If
both are thrown at a single target, make two separate normal attack
rolls; if each is thrown at a different target, use standard Two
Weapon Fighting Penalties (taking into account Ambidexterity, Two
Weapon Fighting feat/Dual Blade special ability, etc.)
Dual Blade: When wearing light or no armour, and armed with a
pair of daggers, the Knife Fighter can fight as if he had the Two
Weapon Fighting feat. If the Knife Fighter already has the Two
Weapon Fighting feat, he gains the benefits of the Improved Two
Weapon Fighting feat when armed with a pair of dagger, and
wearing light or no armour.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Improved Two Weapon Fighting: When wearing light or no
armour, and armed with a pair of daggers, the Knife Fighter can
fight as if he had the Improved Two Weapon Fighting feat. If the
character already has this feat, he reduces the penalty to his second
attack with the offhand weapon to 2, when using Improved Two
Weapon Fighting.

Once per round when he would normally be hit with such a thrown
weapon, he may make a Reflex saving throw against a DC of 20 (if
the thrown weapon has a magical bonus to attack the DC increases
by that amount). If he succeeds, he catches the weapon. He must be
aware of the attack, and not flatfooted. Attempting to snatch a
thrown weapon doesn't count as an action.

Intercepting Blade: The Knife Fighter becomes extremely

proficient at using an offhand dagger as a parrying implement.
When armed with a pair of daggers (one in each hand), and wearing
light or no armour, the Knife Fighter gets a bonus of +1 to his
Armour Class at 3rd level. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level,
and +3 at 9th level. If the Knife Fighter uses the offhand dagger to
attack, he loses the Armour Class bonus for the rest of the round.
The Armour Class bonus is an Armour bonus, as the offhand dagger
is essentially being used as a "shield".

Versatile Blade: The Knife Fighter learns to make more effective

use of the dagger, and may choose to make Slashing or Piercing
attacks with it.

Point Blank Shot: The Knife Fighter gets the Point Blank Shot feat
for free.
Snatch Blade: The Knife Fighter may snatch small thrown
weapons, such as daggers, dart, and rocks, out of the air. He must
have at least one hand free (holding nothing) to use this ability.

Viscous Strike: At 2nd level, the Knife Fighter gains the

extraordinary ability to inflict grievous wounds with a dagger in
melee, gaining a bonus of +1d4 points of damage added to his
normal roll. When making a vicious strike, the Knife Fighter cannot
attack with a weapon is his other hand, although he can defend with
it (and can use the Intercepting Blade special ability). Like critical
hits and sneak attacks, Vicious Strike is ineffective against
constructs, oozes, undead, and fortified armour. Every four Knife
Fighter levels gained thereafter, he increases the damage by +1d4. If
the Knife Fighter also has the Rogue's Sneak Attack ability, and
utilises it successfully, the Vicious Strike damage stacks with the
Sneak Attack damage.

Knight [Black]
Black knights are corrupted knights, who serve the forces of
darkness with the same relish as they once dealt justice to evildoers.
NPC black knights can be found leading the armies of evil overlords
or fiends, or in loose bands ravaging isolated villages and hamlets.
While they scorn all who profess to be virtuous or law-abiding, their

greatest hatred is reserved for those who were once their cousins in
arms. The greatest and most infamous black knights are sometimes
known as antipaladins.
The black knight fills much the same role as the blackguard prestige
class in the DMG. If a campaign is to feature a champion of evil,
it should thus include either black knights or blackguards, but not











Frenzy 2/day





Smite hero










Frenzy 3/day





Aura of fear





Damage reduction 1/





Frenzy 4/day





Greater frenzy





Damage reduction 2/






Frenzy 5/day


Class Skills

Base Attack Bonus: +6.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Alignment: Any evil.

Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate

(Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int),
Profession (Wis).

Feats: Power Attack, Cleave.

Special: Must have been a knight and violated the knights code.
Hit Dice: d12

The knight gains the following additional class skills based on his
background, as determined by race:
Human Handle Animal (Wis), Ride (Dex)

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Dwarf Knowledge (engineering) (Int)

three times per day from 4th level, four times from 7th level, and
five times at 10th level. Entering the frenzy takes no time in itself,
but the black knight can only do it during his action, not in response
to somebody elses action.

Elf Balance (Dex), Tumble (Dex)

Gnome Hide (Dex), Move Silently (Dex)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points/Level: 4 + Int modifier (x4 at 1st level)

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: As a former knight, the black knight is
proficient with simple and martial weapons, shields, and all types of
Frenzy (Ex): When he needs to, a black knight can fly into a
murderous frenzy, gaining terrifying strength and stamina but
becoming reckless and less able to defend himself. He temporarily
gains +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution and a +2 morale bonus to
Will saves, but suffers a 2 penalty to AC. The increase in
Constitution increases the black knights hit points by 2 per level,
but these hit points go away at the end of the frenzy when his
Constitution score drops back to normal. Starting at 8th level, the
bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase to +6 each, and the
morale bonus to Will saves increases to +3.
When in a frenzy, the black knight cannot use skills or abilities that
require patience and concentration, such as moving silently or
casting spells. He can use any feat he has except for Expertise, item
creation and metamagic feats, and Skill Focus (if its tied to a skill
requiring patience or concentration). The frenzy lasts for 3 rounds
plus his (newly improved) Constitution modifier. The black knight
can prematurely end the frenzy voluntarily. At the end of the frenzy,
the black knight is fatigued (2 to Strength, 2 to Constitution, cant
charge or run) for the duration of that encounter. He can only fly
into a frenzy once per encounter, and only a certain number of times
per day, determined by level twice per day initially, increasing to

Smite Hero (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, the black knight can make a
single melee attack against an enemy knight at a +4 attack bonus
and a damage bonus equal to his black knight level (if he hits). This
ability is usable once per day. If he accidentally smites an enemy
who is not a knight (i.e. is fallen or does not have any knight class
levels), the smite has no effect but is still used up for the day.
Evasion (Ex): At 3rd level, the black knight gains evasion. If
exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a
Reflex save for half damage (such as a fireball), he takes no damage
with a successful saving throw. This is an extraordinary ability, and
functions even if the black knight is wearing heavy armour or
carrying a heavy load.
Aura of Fear (Su): From 5th level, the black knight radiates a
malign aura that can unsettle his enemies or cause them to flee from
the battlefield. The aura potentially affects all creatures who are
within 10 feet and have hostile intent towards him. Only creatures
with less HD or levels than the black knights total character levels
are affected. The aura is always on; the black knight does not have
to activate it.
A potentially affected creature that succeeds at a Will save (DC 10 +
half the black knights total character levels + his Charisma
modifier) remains immune to his aura of fear for one day. On a
failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 2d6
rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 2d6 rounds.
This is a mind affecting, fear based effect.
Damage Reduction (Ex): At 6th level, the black knight gains the
extraordinary ability to shrug off some amount of injury from each
blow or attack. Subtract 1 from the damage the black knight is dealt
each time he is dealt damage. At 9th level, his DR rises to 2.

Knight [Blood Knight of Erythnul]

Designer's Note: This prestige class is based on the deity Erythnul
from the World of Greyhawk setting. It can be readily adapted to
a similar deity from any other setting.

Blood Knights are elite soldiers dedicated to serving Erythnul and
his clergy. Usually they will be found wreaking havoc in battle,
leading bandits, killing, maiming and murdering simply because it
pleases them and their patron. Alternatively they may serve as
soldiers for cults or sects of the deity, or as the military strength of a
temple dedicated to the deity. Occasionally they will be found alone
or in small groups. One favoured activity of the Blood Knights,

under direction from clerics of Erythnul, is that of killing lawful

good clerics - who are thoroughly despised by their patron deity.
They will often form small groups of murderous fighters, bandits,
rogues and assassins and go on a killing spree in civilised areas.
Causing fear among the general population is often one of their
main aims, as a result the more gruesome the carnage that they
leave in their wake, the better.
Evil fighters are most commonly Blood Knights. However clerics
(of Erythnul), rangers and barbarians can also be found in their
number. Rogues and Bards would rarely find this group appealing,
while druids, sorcerers and wizards are unheard of as Blood
Knights. Paladins and clerics of other deities are never found as
Blood Knights as both are often the target of Blood Knight
missions, raids and/or assassinations.












The Eye's Aid 1/day

+1 level of existing class





Disease Immunity

+1 level of existing class





The Eye's Aid 2/day

+1 level of existing class





Poison Immunity

+1 level of existing class





The Eye's Aid 3/day

+1 level of existing class





Acid Immunity

+1 level of existing class

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





The Eye's Aid 4/day

+1 level of existing class





Inspire Fear

+1 level of existing class





The Eye's Aid 5/day

+1 level of existing class






The Transformation

+1 level of existing class

Base Attack Bonus: +7

Level of Cleric






Feats: Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Cleave



Special: Intimidate: 4 ranks Knowledge (Religion): 3 ranks Ride: 3

ranks Other: Must find and kill a lawful good cleric. Must be
defeated in single combat, though not necessarily honourable
combat. The killing of the cleric is instrumental is the creation of the
knight's blood armour (see below). The applicant must also supply a
suit of masterwork full plate armour - see below.



Hit Dice: D10

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Race: Any (though very rarely anything other than Human or HalfOrc) Religion: Erythnul (or suitable substitute from another setting)

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are very
similar to those of Fighters, with some extra skills based on their
religious training and beliefs.
The Blood Knight's class skills (and key ability for each skill) are
Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (religion)
(Int), Ride (Dex), Swim (Str).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points at each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: Blood Knights are proficient with all
simple and martial weapons, all armours and shields. Note that
armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the
skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently,
Pick Pocket and Tumble.
Blood Armour: After meeting the pre-requisites for this class, the
Blood Knight participates in a special ceremony, conducted by a
cleric of Erythnul of at least 8th level. The Blood Knight candidate
must provide a suit of masterwork full plate armour. During the
ceremony, the blood from the deceased lawful good cleric (slain by
the Blood Knight) is poured over the armour and given divine
blessing by the cleric of Erythnul. At the end of the ceremony, the
suit of armour now has a magical bonus based on the level of the
cleric that was slain.

Knight [Cavalier]

This armour is an absolutely sacred possession and a Blood Knight

would rather die than loose it. None of their special powers function
without them wearing it. Blood Knights can, at any stage of their
life, attempt to acquire better armour by killing a higher level cleric.
Protection from Law: As per the spell (cast as cleric of same level
as Blood Knight) - spell like ability.
Blood Rage: The Blood Knight can induce a blood rage upon
himself. This rage is a form of blood lust and gives the Blood
Knight +2 Str, +2 Con and a damage reduction of 3/+1. The rage
lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Blood Knights level (not
total character level). If the Blood Knight fails to spill any blood by
the end of the rage, then he suffers the anger of his deity in the form
of a ten hit point loss. A blood rage can be induced once per day,
only after being wounded by five hit points or more (though this can
be self inflicted).
Maiming Strike: Once per day the Blood Knight may inflict a
maiming strike with his main weapon. It must be declared before
the attack roll is made. On a successful hit, the target must make a
Fortitude saving throw against DC 10 + damage inflicted by the
attack. If the saving throw fails, then the target receives -2 to their
strength and dexterity ability scores for one whole day. Strikes from
different Blood Knights on the same victim are cumulative.
Summon Life from Blood: Whenever a blood knight is wounded
by 15 hit points or more (in one blow - cant be self inflicted) by a
piercing or slashing weapon, he may elect to summon monsters to
his aid. The type of monsters summoned is indicated in brackets.
The monsters summoned fight at the blood knights discretion until
they are dead or until a number of rounds equal to the blood knight's
level (not total character level) has elapsed. They appear the round
after the wound was inflicted in the nearest position to the blood
knight that is unoccupied.
Cause Fear: The blood knight can cause fear as per the spell fear,
once per day cast as a sorcerer at the same level as the blood knight.
Cause Envy: The blood knight can curse any being with an envious
affliction that degrades their ability to get along with other people.
The victim must make a will save at DC 15 or suffer -2 charisma for
one week. This can be used once per day.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
The Cavalier is the ultimate mounted warrior of civilised cultures,
especially those of Middle Ages technology and outlook. In a
campaign, he's the shining knight who leads his fellows on an
eternal quest for truth, justice, and the elimination of evil. To the
world at large, he's a mighty hero. To his friends and allies, he's a
staunch friend, a tireless cheerleader, and often an over enthusiastic
pain in the neck.
The cavalier may take many forms. The honourable noble defending
his lord's name. The mounted knight leading the charge on the
battlefield. The mysterious samurai ready to die before dishonour. In
any form, what separates this warrior from a fighter or paladin is his
breeding. Practically raised in the saddle, the Cavalier can
outperform most any other character on horseback. Similarly, his
training in battle and armament has been focused to seize upon that
advantage to maximum effectiveness. What results is a powerful
figure, both in image and power, ready to go to his death in the
pursuit of honour and his lord's name.

As NPCs, Cavaliers fight at the head of their lord's armies, using

their morale abilities to press home victory. Otherwise, cavaliers
may be found at jousts and tournaments, or in the field pursuing
those men or beasts that imperil his lord's rule.

Cavaliers are known for their fearlessness and their sense of honour.
A cavalier will not: attack an unarmed foe, engage in missile combat
with a foe that is not equipped with a missile weapon, break their
word, compromise their honour to spare their own life, sneak attack
an opponent, or in any other way act dishonourable. To do so causes
the cavaliers beliefs to collapse, and his saving throw bonuses and
ability to inspire others is gone. This will also happen if a cavalier
changes to a non-lawful alignment. Until the cavalier atones, the
character may not advance in level as a cavalier.


Fighters and paladins are ideal for Cavaliers. Those trained in

honour and proficient on horseback can most easily cut the parading
image needed to carry their lord's standard. Rangers also make less
appropriate candidates, generally serving out on the borderlands as
representatives of their lord among the wilds. Under some
conditions, a cleric may accept this role, although they would
approach it differently, as a defender of the faith. Wizards and
sorcerers prefer not to so rely on close combat fighting, as it plays
against their advantages, while a barbarian, bard, druid, or rogue
would find it difficult to be considered for knighting by a noble lord.

The Cavalier is an expensive character to maintain. They require the

most expensive of everything, they do not willingly put up with less
than the most expensive equipment, clothes, weapons or armour.
Because vendors recognise this fact they raise the price accordingly.
A Cavalier must add 25% on to the price of everything, item or
service, they wish to purchase.

Most cavaliers are human, as most lord's sponsoring these knights

come from that race. However, elven cavaliers of noble houses are
also quite common. Half-elves of noble heritage may also be
sponsored by a lord if proven worthy. Dwarves do not pursue such a
class due to their dislike of horses, and gnomes and halflings are too
small to properly utilise the mounts and weapons required. Halforcs cavaliers are unknown, as few lords are willing to sponsor such
beings for the honour of knighthood.

A cavalier will never wear a light or non-metal armour and will

always prefer plate armour (breast plate, half plate and full plate)
than any other type (Which makes the Monk a poor choice as a
Cavalier). They would always prefer these to even better non-plate
armour. (A knight would prefer a normal breastplate to an elven
chain mail +5). If possible they would tend to buy a master craft or
magical plate armour before anything else. Cavalier will never don
light or non metal armours, if they do they receives an additional
armour check penalty of an 2 and a penalty of 2 on attacks rolls this
represent how uncomfortable a cavalier will feel in these armours.


Nine Points of
Knightly Virtue

Knightly Code of Chivalry

Knightly Rules for Chivalrous Love

1. Honour

1. Thou shalt believe all thy church teaches, and observe all its

1. Thou shalt avoid avarice like the deadly

pestilence, and shalt embrace its opposite.

2. Loyalty

2. Thou shalt defend thy church.

2. Thou shalt keep thyself chaste for the sake of

her whom thou lovest.

3. Liberality

3. Thou shalt defend thy King and Queen unto death.

3. Thou shalt not knowingly strive to break up a

correct love affair that someone else is engaged in.

4. Pride

4. Thou shalt defend thy country against all whom oppose it,
without cessation and without mercy.

4. Thou shalt not chose for thy love anyone whom

a natural sense of shame forbids thee to marry.

5. Good Faith

5. Thou shalt defend that of any charge unto death.

5. Be mindful completely to avoid falsehood.

6. Bravery

6. Thou shalt respect all those whom are weak, the poor and
the innocent, and shalt constitute thyself the defender of them.

6. Thou shalt not have many who know of thy love


7. Glory

7. Thou shalt never lie, and shalt remain faithful to thy pledged

7. Being obedient in all things to the commands of

ladies, thou shalt ever strive to ally thyself to the
service of Love.

8. Courtesy

8. Thou shalt never brandish thy weapon in anger, nor for evil

8. In giving and receiving love's solaces, let

modesty be ever present.

9. Unselfishness

9. Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they

be not contrary to the laws of god.

9. Thou shalt speak no evil.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
10. Thou shalt be everywhere and always thy champion of the
Right, the Good and the True, and forever the foe of Injustice,
Tyranny, and Evil.

10. Thou shalt not be a revealer of love affairs.

11. Thou shalt always fight fair and in an honourable fashion.

11. Thou shalt be in all things, polite and


12. Thou shalt be generous and give largesse to everyone.

12. In practising the solaces of love, thou shalt not

exceed the desires of thy lover.











Weapon Focus(Lance), Leadership





Block, Armour Mastery, Followers





Courage, Vault





Weapon Focus(Sword), Followers, Weapon Specialisation(Lance)





Swift Ride





Aura of Courage, Followers





Heraldic Awe, Glorious Steed





Weapon Focus(Bludgeon), Weapon Specialisation(Sword), Followers





Indomitable Mind






Circle of Protection vs. Chaos, Weapon Specialisation(Bludgeon), Followers


Class Features

To qualify to become a cavalier, a character must fulfil the

following criteria.

All of the following are Class Features of the cavalier prestige class.

Race: Human, Half-Elven or Elven

Alignment: Any Lawful
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Skills: Riding: 8, Diplomacy: 4, Knowledge (Nobility): 4, Handle
Animal: 4
Feats: Mounted Combat, Ride by Attack, Spirited charge
Hit Dice: d10
Prohibited Class: Rogues
Special: The Cavalier pledge fealty to a noble lord or a worthy
sponsor. If the character does not own a mount, the lord must
provide one. This mount of highest quality will have +2 HP per hit
dice, up to the maximum hit points available.
Paladins: Paladins who choose to be Cavaliers are the exception to
the rule on Paladins multi-classing. They may freely mix
Cavalierhood with Paladinhood.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate
(Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), and Sense Motive (Wis).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2+ Int modifier.

Weapons and Armour: Cavaliers are proficient with all simple and
martial weapons, with medium and heavy types of armour, and with
shields. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than
leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide,
Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble.
However, in practice, a cavalier is limited in what weapons and
armour he will use. His station demands he use the finest quality
knightly weapons he can procure, for his training in them gives him
great effectiveness. Only after the lance and sword are mastered will
he seek out other weapons. Likewise, any weapon that deals out
damage at a distance (ranged or reach weapons) calls into question
the cavalier's honour, and will only be used in the gravest of
circumstances. Likewise, a cavalier will go for armour that befits his
station. Plate armour is his preferred armament, and anything
beneath scale mail will be refused as the outfitting of commoners
and brigands. This list of preferences applies even in the case of
magic armour, such that Chain Mail +2 will not be worn if banded
or splint mail of the normal sort is available.
Armour Mastery: Cavaliers are renowned with their skills in
handling Master Craft Plate Armour donning them faster and
moving more gracefully with them than other classes. They can don
a Master craft plate armour set using the donning hastily table and
can remove them is half the time that is normally required They can
move in a Master craft plate armour with the speed when they not
wearing any armour. Master craft Plate armours armour Check
penalties are reduced by two while maximum dexterity are increase
by two.
Aura of Courage: Allies within 10 feet of the cavalier gain a +4
morale boost on saving throws against fear effects. Granting the
morale boost to allies is a supernatural ability.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Circle of Protection vs. Chaos: A cavalier radiates a strong aura of
law that is a beacon to creatures strongly aligned to Chaos. A
protection Circle may be called into being and acts a number of
times equal to 1/3 rd the Cavaliers Level per day
Courage: Cavaliers are fearless, either through choice or because
they do not believe they can be harmed, as a result they are immune
to fear (magical or otherwise).
Followers: The prestige of the cavalier attracts armed followers to
his side at early levels. At 2nd level, he has 1-4 followers, at 4th
level 2-8, at 6th level 3-12, at 9th level 6-24, and at 10th level 1248. The total at each point is adjusted for the cavalier's Charisma
The number ranges are not cumulative; if a dice roll for new
followers at a new level is equal or less than the current number, no
new followers are gained for that level. A cavalier's followers will
not demand wages or salary, but must be fed, cared for, and
rewarded as suitable for the conditions. There is a 5% chance (1 on
d20, adjusted by Charisma modifier) that any particular follower at
8th or 10th level may be monster of similar alignment, whose hit
dice will be at least 1, plus any positive Charisma modifier.
Glorious Steed: The Cavalier's abilities in horsemanship translate
to other mounts as well. Initially, the Cavalier can handle and ride a
Pegasus as he would a normal mount. Likewise at this level, a
female elven cavalier (and only a female elven cavalier) may take a
unicorn as a mount. Next, this ability expands to include
hippogriffs, and upon reaching Finally, a Cavalier may handle and
ride a Griffon or similar creature (DM's judgement) as a steed.
These special mounts are subject to any riding abilities the Cavalier
has gained through feats or Class Features.
Heraldic Awe: Any intelligent creature of the same or fewer hit dice
as and similar alignment to the cavalier has a chance of joining the
cavalier as his follower. When the cavalier encounters the monster
and is allowed time to speak, he may display his heraldic devices
and speak of his service in honour to his lord.
The monster, if vulnerable to Enchantments, must make a Will save
against (d20 + Cavalier class level + Charisma modifier) or else be
awed by the noble presence before him. The awed creature be
favourably disposed toward the Cavalier, and may be convinced to
join with him on a quest if the two's goals match up. Any creature of
opposite alignment and less hit dice must make a similar save, or be
struck with fear at the sight. This is a supernatural power, and will
have no effect against a creature immune to enchantments or of
bordering alignment. Neutral creatures are immune to either effect,
and neutral cavaliers are unable to cause either awe or fear, though
they may make any creature leave them be with the same technique.
Indomitable Mind: Through self belief a Cavalier gains a +2 bonus
to saving throws against spells and effects from the Enchantment

Leadership: At 1st level, the Cavalier receives the Leadership feat

(see DMG, page 45), even if he doesn't have the prerequisites.
Swift Steed: The Cavalier can urge their mount to greater speed
than normal. The additional speed possible equals a 10' bonus to
movement rate, and can be sustained for up to 6 turns. The
additional speed thus gained has no ill effect upon the mount,
although normal rest and feeding are always required.
Vault: The Cavalier may vault into the saddle with bulky armour
and have the steed underway as a free action.
Weapon Block: The Cavalier is well enough trained in his class
weapons that, when using a shield and a weapon in which they have
Focus, they may make extra blocks during a combat round, equal to
their level divide by 2.
Similarly, the Cavalier may choose to substitute a shield block for
one of these extra actions. A shield block subtracts a further point
from the attacker's roll, plus an extra point subtraction for each
point bonus of the shield. However, after a shield block, subsequent
attackers may ignore the AC bonus given by the shield for the rest
of the round (the shield is extended too far beyond reach to
effectively defend).
Weapon Focus Bonus (Bludgeon): The Cavalier is +1 to hit with
the heavy mace, heavy flail, or heavy pick. The plus does not apply
to damage, nor does it allow the cavalier to cause full damage to
those opponents whose damage reduction is equal to the bonus
given. This bonus is cumulative with any other bonuses the cavalier
might have with the chosen weapon.
Weapon Focus Bonus (Lance): The Cavalier is +1 to hit with the
lance, if used while mounted. The plus does not apply to damage,
nor does it allow the cavalier to cause full damage to those
opponents whose damage reduction is equal to the bonus given.
This bonus is cumulative with any other bonuses the cavalier might
have with the lance.
Weapon Focus Bonus (Sword): The Cavalier is +1 to hit with
either the falchion, longsword, or scimitar. The plus does not apply
to damage, nor does it allow the cavalier to cause full damage to
those opponents whose damage reduction is equal to the bonus
given. This bonus is cumulative with any other bonuses the cavalier
might have with the chosen sword.
Weapon Specialisation (Bludgeon): As the fighter ability Weapon
Specialisation adds a +2 damage bonus with the bludgeoning
weapon chosen as a focus.
Weapon Specialisation (Lance): As the fighter ability Weapon
Specialisation adds a +2 damage bonus with the lance chosen as a
Weapon Specialisation (Sword): As the fighter ability Weapon
Specialisation adds a +2 damage bonus with the sword chosen as a

Knight [Chaos Knight]

Chaos Knights are warriors with a divine cause, and in this they are
similar to paladins. Chaos knights represent a focused manifestation
of chaos, possessing great combat skill and the ability to find and
destroy Law with divine might. Chaos knight run the gamut from
good to evil, with good chaos knight freeing slaves, overthrowing
tyrants, promoting freedom and the individual. Evil chaos knights

are terrible, slaying all in their path, especially those who rely on or
support Law. Chaotic Neutral Chaos knights (who are rare) are
wandering purveyors of disorder. Wherever they pass, they often
prefer to remain uninvolved, but woe to the sheriff or overlord who
crosses the chaos knight.
Clerics and fighters are excellent candidates for this class. Rangers
and barbarians and bards may also take this philosophical







Spells per day

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes











Detect Law, Chaos touch





Smite Law, Luck of chaos





Resist Law, Aura of freedom





Fortune of Chaos (1 /day)





Chaos Flail





Fortune of Chaos (2/day)


















Fortune of Chaos (3/day)

Fortune of Chaos (4/day)


smites a creature who is not lawful, the smite has no effect but is
still used up for that day. This is a supernatural ability.

Race: Any

Luck of Chaos: (Su) A chaos knight of second level or higher adds

his charisma modifier (if positive) to all saving throws.

Alignment: Any chaotic (usually not chaotic neutral)

Base attack bonus +5
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks
Feats: Weapon focus with any type of flail
Hit Dice: d10

Class Skills
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),
Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Ride (Dex)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points per Level: 2+Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: Chaos knights are proficient with all
simple and martial weapons, all armour, and shields.
Detect Law: (Su) At will, the chaos knight can detect law as a
spell-like ability, This duplicates effect of the detect law spell.
Chaos touch: (Su) The forces of change and disorder are at a chaos
knights command: Every day, they may polymorph a number of hit
points equal to their charisma modifier times their level. They must
touch the subject to use this power, and the subject (if their HP is
equal or less than the chaos knights remaining chaos touch total)
receives no saving throw. This is otherwise identical to the spell
polymorph other. For example, a level 7 chaos knight with a
charisma of 18 (+4 modifier) could polymorph 28 HP of creatures
every day (7 times 4 = 28). These points need not all be spent on a
single creature. If the chaos knight tries to polymorph a creature
with more remaining HP than he can polymorph, he does not lose
any of his points: nothing occurs. The chaos knight can use this on
himself by spending his maximum available points for that day.
Spell resistance applies.
Smite law: (Su) Once a day, a chaos knight of 2nd level or higher
may attempt to smite law with a normal melee attack. He adds his
charisma modifier (if positive) to the attack roll and deals one extra
point of damage per class level. If the chaos knight accidentally

Resist Law: (Su) Any Lawful creature striking a chaos knight of

3rd level or higher must make a fortitude save (DC= 10+Chaos
knights level + charisma modifier) or suffer 1d4 points of divine
energy damage. This functions only if the chaos knight is aware of
the attack and is able to react to it, i.e. it does not function while the
Chaos knight is flat-footed, paralysed, or attacked by an invisible
Aura of freedom: (Su) A Chaos knight of third level or higher may
act as though he were affected by a freedom of movement spell for a
number of rounds per day equal to their class level. All allies within
30 feet of the chaos knight who are able to see him gain a +2 morale
bonus to saving throws against compulsion and charm spells, such
as charm person and dominate person.
Fortune of Chaos: (Su) The chaos knight can reroll any roll they
have made. They must keep the new roll, even if it is worse than the
original. This can be used a number of times per day equal to the
listed number.
This stacks with the ability of the luck domain of clerics.
Chaos Flail:(Sp) At fifth level, o the chaos knight may declare that
they are empowering a chaos flail. If the enchanted flail strikes a
lawful creature, the lawful creature must make a will save (DC 10 +
Chaos knights class level + charisma modifier) or gain a negative
level. The ability to deal out these negative levels lasts for one hour
per chaos knight level or a number of successful strikes equal to the
chaos knights class level, whichever comes first. A dire flail gains
this power with both weapon heads. This is a spelllike ability with
a casting time of one action. This can only affect a flail and has a
range of touch.
Spells: A Chaos Knight casts and prepares spells in the same way as
a paladin, using wisdom. The DC to resist a Chaos Knights spell is
10+wisdom modifier spell level. They cannot cast a spell opposed
to their alignment. They choose their spells from the following list:
*cast as chaos spell only.
Level 1:

Level 3:

Protection from Law, Random

action, Summon monster 1*,
Cure light wounds, Inflict light
wounds, Divine favour,
Resistance, Read Magic,

Cure moderate wounds, Inflict

moderate wounds, Summon
monster 3*, Magic circle
against Law, Prayer

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Entropic shield
Level 2:

Level 4:

Shatter, Tashas hideous

laughter, Misdirection, Resist
elements, Summon monster 2*,
Aid, Remove paralysis, Colour

Confusion, Cure Serious

wounds, Inflict Serious wounds,
Freedom of movement, Dispel
law, Break enchantment, Blink

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Knight [Commander]
[This prestige class is modelled after the war master in Sword and
Fist, which is incidentally a candidate for the class with the silliest
ability name around. It also steals some abilities from the Akodo
champion prestige class in Oriental Adventures.]
Knight commanders are captains, leaders of fighting men and
women in the field. Knights and fighters predominate in their ranks,
although rangers, martial artists and even the occasional barbarian
and spellcaster may be found taking this prestige class. It should be
said that a knight commander is not just a fighter, although she will
usually be found on the battlefield, and anyone taking this class will
almost certainly have significant fighting skill. Her role is to lead,
direct and inspire forces, not to take unnecessary risks on the

In some lands, knight commanders are graduates of an established

military academy, such as the Furyondan College of War in
Greyhawk. In other lands, those who aspire to this rank must serve
lengthy apprenticeships to ranking officers. In both cases, the most
common path to becoming a knight commander is via service in the
army; although particularly valiant adventurers who display
outstanding leadership qualities may also be invited join this
prestige class.
NPC knight commanders usually serve as officers in the armies of
the realm. Their responsibilities include leading companies of elite
knights and guardsmen, taking charge of castle garrisons, and acting
as advisers and strategists to high ranking military officers and











Inspire courage, tactical bonus +1, cool head





Great leader +1, stalwart presence





Tactical bonus +2





Inspire greatness (1 ally)





Great leader +2





Tactical bonus +3





Inspire greatness (2 allies)





Great leader +3





Tactical bonus +4






Inspire greatness (3 allies)


Class Features

Base Attack Bonus: +6

All the following are Class Features for the knight commander.

Skills: Diplomacy 6 ranks, Intimidation 5 ranks, Knowledge (war) 4


Weapons and Armour: The knight commander is proficient with

all simple and martial weapons, shields and all types of armour.

Alignment: Any nonchaotic.

Inspire Courage (Ex): The commander has the ability to inspire

courage in her allies, bolstering them against fear and improving
their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to see the
commander, and hear and understand her words. Affected allies gain
a +2 morale bonus to saving throws against charm and fear effects
and a +1 morale bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls. This is a
mind affecting ability, and the bonus is lost if the commander is
incapacitated, falls under a hostile charm or compulsion effect, or
flees the battle.

Feats: Leadership, Weapon Proficiency (all martial weapons).

Hit Dice: d8.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate
(Cha), Knowledge (war) (Int), Jump (Str), Profession (Wis), Ride
(Dex), Sense Motive (Cha).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points/Level: 4 + Int modifier

Tactical Bonus (Ex): The commander and all allies who are in sight
of her gain a +1 competence bonus to the following: initiative rolls;
saving throws vs. traps, and AC vs. attacks by traps; and Spot and
Listen skill checks to detect enemies. At 3rd level the bonus
increases to +2. At 6th level it increases to +3, and at 9th level, to
+4. To gain this bonus, an ally must be able to see the commander,
and hear and understand her words. The bonus is lost if the
commander is incapacitated, falls under a hostile charm or
compulsion effect, or flees the battle.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Cool Head (Ex): As a trained and experienced leader, the knight
commander gains a +3 bonus to Diplomacy skill checks.
*OA: This ability doesnt stack with the Cool Head ancestor feat
detailed in Oriental Adventures, if that feat is available in the
Stalwart Presence (Ex): At 2nd level, the commander gains
immunity to fear (magical or otherwise). Allies within 30 feet of her
gain a morale bonus to their saving throws against fear effects equal
to her Charisma bonus, if any (note that this doesnt stack with the
bonus granted by the inspire courage ability, above).
Great Leader (Ex): At 2nd level, the knight commanders
Leadership score is increased by 1. This bonus increases by 1 every
three levels thereafter (to 2 at 5th level, and 3 at 8th level). This
bonus stacks with other bonuses to Leadership.

Inspire Greatness (Ex): A knight commander of 4th level or higher

can inspire greatness in another creature, granting extra fighting
capability. For every three levels the commander gains beyond 4th,
she can inspire greatness in one additional creature. To inspire
greatness, the commander must meet her allys gaze, and the ally
must be within 30 feet. A creature inspired with greatness gains
temporary Hit Dice, attack bonuses, and saving throw bonuses as
long as the champion continues participating in the same battle. The
target gains the following boosts:
+2 Hit Dice (d10s that grant temporary hit points);
+2 competence bonus on attacks;
+1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves.
Apply the targets Constitution modifier, if any, to each bonus Hit
Die. These extra HD count as regular HD for determining effects
such as the sleep spell. Inspire greatness is a mind affecting ability.

Knight [of Principle]


Knights make great commitments to kill great evil foes, normally

the strongest on the battlefield.

Knights of Principle are defenders of weak and law. They are

slayers of evil and givers of peace to the just. Knights of Principal
always give to communities they interact in with a positive out
come. Knights will go on quests to gain much fortune just to give it
back to the commoners. Knights love to take from evil characters
and bring it back to those whom were stolen from. Most of the times

Knights of Principle are normally humans or creatures that have

been left down by society and want to reclaim its justice. Knights of
Principle usually worship Heironeous, Yondalla, Pelor, St. Cuthbert,
or Moradin. Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma are important for
Knights of Principle, but the character has to be quite rounded.
Knights of Principle always have great respect for everything that is
not evil.

















Smite Evil (1/day), Detect Evil and Undead


Protection from Evil; Chaos (1/day), Spells 1st




Challenge Evil (1/day), 1 Extra Bonus Feat




Smite Evil (2/day), Avenge Ally





Protection from Evil and Chaos (2/day),





Spells 2nd Level





Smite Evil (3/day),





Protection from Evil and Chaos (3/day), 1 Extra

Bonus Feat





Challenge Evil (2/day)






Smite Evil (4/day), Spells 3rd Level






Protection from Evil and Chaos (4/day)











Smite Evil (5/day), 1 Extra Bonus Feat






Protection from Evil and Chaos (5/day), Spells 4th

Level, Favourite Enemy (2nd)






Challenge Evil (3/day)

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Alignment: LG, NG, or NG
Feats: Combat Reflexes
Base Attack Bonus: +10 (Melee and Ranged)
Skills: Ride +5, Climb +5, Jump +5, Heal +5, Knowledge (any) +5,
Knowledge of three languages

Avenge Ally- If an ally is slain in a round the Knight of Principle

gets an attack of opportunity on the person who killed their ally
without provoking an Attack of Opportunity. The movement is
limited to a five-foot step. The Knight of Principle can use this feat
as many times per day and as many times per round as long as
within the 5 feet movement
Knights Honour- Will never associate with Evil, must give to the
needy (10% of wealth per year).

Hit Dice: 1d10

Peoples Inspiration- Every fifth level A Knight of Principle gets a

Bonus feat starting at level 3.

Special: Smite Evil, Kill a 5 dice creature alone

Detect Aura of Undead and Evil- As a spell like ability.

Donate: 25% of wealth to his/ her deity, or give 30% to local

peasants or the poorest locals

Favourite Enemy- A Knight of Principle gains a favourite enemy at

7th level and every 6 levels after that.

Class Skills
Class Skills: Climb (strength), Craft (intelligence), Diplomacy
(charisma), Heal (wisdom), Intimidate (charisma), Jump (strength),
Knowledge [Religion] (intelligence), Listen (wisdom), Profession
(wisdom), Ride (dexterity), Swim (strength)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

No Experience penalty: When multi-classing there is no penalty

with Paladins or Clerics
A Knight of Principle can still gain levels in Paladin after receiving
a level in Knight of Principle and vice versa.
The Knights of Principle have great honour between each other, a
Knight turning evil or chaotic loses all his spells and abilities.

Class Features

Spells Casting: Starting at second level a Knight of Principle gets

spells. They get another level of spells every 4 levels. The Knight of
Principle must have a wisdom of 11 + the spells level. The DC of
the spell is 11+ level of the spell + wisdom bonus. The caster level
is that of the level of the Knight of Principle. The Knight of
Principle gets bonus spells based on ability bonus in wisdom.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Simple Weapons, Marital

Weapons, All Armour, Shields

Spells: Are based on Wisdom for their power, and amount of spells
by the Knight of Principle.

Smite Evil- Knights of Principle may attempt to smite an evil

creature with one normal melee attack. S/he adds Charisma bonus to
the attack roll and deals 1 extra point per level. If attack is on a nonevil creature, no bonus is added and smite evil has been used for

First Level

Third Level

Bane, Bless, Bless Weapon,

Create Water, Cure light
wounds, Detect Chaos, Divine
Favour, Light, Purify food and
drink, Read Magic, Resistance

Bulls Strength, Cure serious

wounds, Discern Lies, Know
Direction, Prayer, Scare,
Undetectable alignment, Dispel
Evil, Magic Circle against Evil,
Orders Wrath

Second Level

Fourth Level

Aid, Augury, Calm Emotions,

Cure moderate wounds,
Daylight, Darkvision,
Endurance, Jump, Pass without
trace, Suggestion

Cure critical wounds, Dispel

Evil, Haste, Holy Sword,
Remove Deafness/ Blindness,
True Strike, Zone of Truth, Holy

Skill Points: 5+ intelligence modifier

Protection from Evil- Protection from evil as a spell like ability as

the listed number of times per day.
Protection from Chaos- Protection from chaos as a spell like
ability as the listed number of times per day.
Challenge Evil- Once per day the Knight of Principle can select a
single foe (Evil) that s/he is determined to defeat. The Knight of
Principle gets +2 to all roles against the opponent.

Knight [of Telatium]


become one of the most successful branches of the Church of

Telatium, and the branch with the least problems with corruption.

The Knights are the most liberal branch of the Church of Telatium.
They were created because the leaders of the church realised that in
a world of magic, a country without magic stood little chance of
defending itself if war were to break out between Telatium and just
about anybody else. So the four orders were created. The knights
were given license to use magic in the service of the church.

The knights wear a special Armour into battle, from which their
magical ability arises. This Armour contains a complex lattice of
runes, each if which represents a spell that the knight is capable of
casting. The four knight orders represent the four elements that God
used to create the world from. Finisterre represent Air, Herati
represent Fire, Ir'Kithlen represent Water and the Tolgarien
represent Earth. Because of this, in some parts of the world these
knights are called Elementalist Paladins.

Because of this, the church had to bring in mages from other

countries to train the Knights. The influence these mages have
exerted over the knights have made them far more tolerant of the
'heathens' of other countries, and have even allowed the knights to
develop good relations with some of the non human races that are in
close proximity to Telatium.
This has created intense rivalries between the knights, and some of
the more conservative branches of the church that view the knights
as being corrupted by the heathens. Despite this, the knights have

The Knights were created six hundred years ago, when Telatium
started its expansion. The Church realised that it needed warriors
who could use magic if it was ever going to find success in its
military endeavours. Because of this, the knights did most of the

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
fighting, and bleeding during the three hundred years of war leading
up to the final assault of modern day Fount of Valnar (Then

The four orders of knights that make up the collective organisation

known as the Knights of Telatium all have one goal in common: To
keep the peace, and to defend Telatium with their lives.

Since then the Knights have defended Telatium in the few wars with
other countries that have broken out from time to time. The Knights
have also attempted to keep peace within the borders of Telatium.

The Knights greatest assets draw from their devotion to the code of
chivalry. It is known far and wide that you can trust the word of a
Knight of Telatium, as well as his honour, valour, and equity.
However, it is also well known that the Knights are not to be trifled
with, as they make a unified and fierce opponent.

This peace was interrupted briefly in 1047 when the Hand of God
tried to declare that the Knights of Telatium were a heresy. This led
to a short period of fighting between the two branches of the
Church. Fighting that eventually led to the defeat of the Hand, and a
dropping of the charges.
In recent years, the Knights have attempted to secure good relations
between themselves, and neighbouring countries. It is not unusual to
find Knights of Telatium in the southeastern portion of Llanowar, or
in the Free Cities.

The Knights also enjoy good relations with the people Telatium and
those of nearby countries. They generally can travel freely in all
nearby lands, and receive respect. This is one of the hardest points
for the Hand of God to deal with, as they are hated outside Telatium,
and feared within it.

The Finisterre Knights are the knights of air. They are known as the
most religious of the four knightly orders. They are trained in many

of the healing arts, and are therefore known as the 'combat medics'
of the Church. The Finisterre are viewed widely as almost a type of
fighting monk.



Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save





Rune Transfer



Lay on Hands


































Turn Undead

Enhanced Lay On Hands

Disrupting Weapon

Extra Turning


Hit Dice: d10

To become a Finisterre Knight of Telatium, a character must fulfil

all the following requirements.

Class Skills

Race: Human

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Base Attack Bonus: +6

Skills: Knowledge (Religion): 2, Ride: 1, Heal: 2, Knowledge
(Nobility & Royalty): 1

Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis),

Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty) (Int),
Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense
Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis)

Feats: Mounted Combat, Weapon Focus

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Special: In addition, the Knight must have been a squire to another

Knight of Telatium. This also requires being a member of the
Church of Telatium. A Knight of Telatium also cannot cast spells
from any other source accept for those granted by their god. This
means that they can only cast cleric spells or paladin spells (If
granted by their God). If an initiate has the ability to cast other
spells, they must forfeit that ability to cast those spells.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the Finisterre Knight
prestige class.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Rune Transfer: Rune Transfer is the method in which a Knight
may put new spells onto their Armour. The Knight may cast the
Rune Transfer ritual. This spell will either transfer new spells onto
his Armour, or it can move the knight's entire rune assemblage to
another set of Armour. This spell can only be cast once a week has
past since the last casting on that set of Armour. Also, all runes in
the Armour must be fully charged (See Rune Magic below). The
runes will only work on specially made, or treated Armour. The
Armour must have flat, etch able surfaces on which the runes reside
(No chain mail or padded Armour for example), it must also be
masterwork Armour. Finally, A priest of Telatium must bless the
Armour (Treat it as if the Priest made a set of magic Armour, and
put the spell bless into it.) Only one rune can be added in a casting
(or an entire assemblage can be moved to a new set of Armour that
has no runes on it.) A knight can have as many runes as needed on
his set of Armour, however it is unlikely that a knight will receive
lots of spells at any one time. Mostly, runes are given to a knight as
rewards for performing his duties. It is possible that a knight may
run across a set of runes, and use his rune transfer ritual to add those
spells to his Armour (as long as they are on his list of acceptable
Rune Magic: The magic of the Knights is called Rune Magic. The
name was given because all of the spells a knight has access to are
runes engraved upon his Armour. Without his Armour a knight
cannot cast spells. Each spell is one rune. Each grouping of runes of
similar power is know as a structure. (Each structure being of a
different spell level) Power is restored over time. I recommend that
the Armour charges at dawn each day.
To put this all simply, each structure represents a level, and that
structure contains enough energy to cast only so many spells of that
level per day. This power rises with the level of the character, and
thus follows the spell progression chart.
Spells are added to the Armour by use of a special spell, which is
central to the first level structure, (and doesn't count as rune for the
above chart) this spell is Rune Transfer, and is detailed above.
The Finisterre Knight Order uses the Wisdom ability score for the
purposes of their spells.
Finisterre Knight Spell List:
1st Level

Cure Minor Wounds, Deathwatch, Shield of Faith, Endure Elements

(Electricity, Sonic), Protection From Evil, Shield, Feather Fall,
Obscuring Mist, Resistance, Message, Shocking Grasp, Jump

Cure Moderate W
Sonic), Gaseous F
Wind, Invisibility

2nd Level

4th Level

Cure Light Wounds, Resist Elements (Electricity, Sonic), Wind Wall,

Detect Thoughts, Spiritual Weapon, Consecrate, See Invisibility,
Mirror Image, Darkvision, Levitate

Cure Serious Wou

Lightning, Restora

Lay on Hands: (As Per Paladin this description comes from the
Players Handbook, page 42) A Knight of Telatium can heal wounds
by touch. Each day they can cure a total number of hit points equal
to their wisdom bonus times their level. For example, a 4th level
Finisterre Knight with a 16 Wisdom (+3 Bonus) may cure up to 12
points of damage. The Knights can cure themselves. They may
choose to divide their curing among multiple recipients, and they
dont have to use it all at once. Lay on Hands is a spell-like ability
whose use is a standard action.
Turn Undead: At 4th Level, a Finisterre Knight may turn undead.
They may use this ability a number of times a day equal to 3 plus
their Wisdom Modifier. The Knight turns undead as a cleric one
level lower.
Enhanced Lay on Hands: The Finisterre Knight may heal twice
the normal amount with the Lay on Hand ability. Each day they can
cure a total number of hit points equal to their wisdom bonus times
their level times two. For example, a 7th level Finisterre Knight
with a 16 Wisdom (+3 Bonus) may cure up to 42 points of damage.
The Knights can cure themselves. They may choose to divide their
curing among multiple recipients, and they dont have to use it all at
once. Lay on Hands is a spell-like ability whose use is a standard
Disrupting Weapon: Any weapon held by the Finisterre Knight
will act as if under the effects of a Disruption magical effect (DMG
Page 186). Any undead struck by the weapon in combat must
succeed at a fortitude save (DC 10 + the Finisterre Knights Level)
or be destroyed. Note: this does not require that the weapon is a
bludgeoning weapon.
Extra Turning: The Finisterre Gains the Extra Turning Feat (PHB
page 32, 42, 82). This feat allows the Finisterre Knight to turn
undead four more times per day, this makes for a total number of
times per day equal to 4 plus their Wisdom modifier.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
The Herati Knights are the knights of Fire. The Herati are the
police, and the Information gatherers. The Herati can go from being
reasonable to breaking heads at the snap of a finger. Despite this,
they are also known for their ability to keep level headed, and cool
in any situation.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes












































Rune Transfer

Lay on Hands

Sense Lie


Flaming Weapon

Truth Force

To become a Herati Knight of Telatium, a character must fulfil all
the following requirements.
Race: Human
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Skills: Knowledge (Religion): 2, Ride: 1, Diplomacy: 1, Gather
Information: 1, Intimidate: 1
Feats: Alertness, Expertise
Special: In addition, the Knight must have been a squire to another
Knight of Telatium. This also requires being a member of the
Church of Telatium. A Knight of Telatium also cannot cast spells
from any other source accept for those granted by their god. This
means that they can only cast cleric spells or paladin spells (If
granted by their God). If an initiate has the ability to cast other
spells, they must forfeit that ability to cast those spells.
Hit Dice: d10

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate
(Cha), Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty) (Int), Knowledge (Local)
(Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex),
Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the Knight prestige class.
Rune Transfer: Rune Transfer is the method in which a Knight
may put new spells onto their Armour. The Knight may cast Rune
Transfer. This spell will either transfer new spells onto his Armour,
or it can move the knight's entire rune assemblage to another set of

Armour. This spell can only be cast once a week has past since the
last casting on that set of Armour. Also, all runes in the Armour
must be fully charged (See Rune Magic below). The runes will only
work on specially made, or treated Armour. The Armour must have
flat, etch able surfaces on which the runes reside (No chain mail or
padded Armour for example), it must also be masterwork Armour.
Finally, A priest of Telatium must bless the Armour (Treat it as if the
Priest made a set of magic Armour, and put the spell bless into it.)
Only one rune can be added in a casting (or an entire assemblage
can be moved to a new set of Armour that has no runes on it.) A
knight can have as many runes as needed on his set of Armour,
however it is unlikely that a knight will receive lots of spells at any
one time. Mostly, runes are given to a knight as rewards for
performing his duties. It is possible that a knight may run across a
set of runes, and use his rune transfer ritual to add those spells to his
Armour (as long as they are on his list of acceptable spells.)
Rune Magic: The magic of the Knights is called Rune Magic. The
name was given because all of the spells a knight has access to are
runes engraved upon his Armour. Without his Armour a knight
cannot cast spells. Each spell is one rune. Each grouping of runes of
similar power is know as a structure. (Each structure being of a
different spell level) Power is restored over time. I recommend that
the Armour charges at dawn each day.
To put this all simply, each structure represents a level, and that
structure contains enough energy to cast only so many spells of that
level per day. This power rises with the level of the character, and
thus follows the spell progression chart.
Spells are added to the Armour by use of a special spell, which is
central to the first level structure, (and doesn't count as rune for the
above chart) this spell is Rune Transfer, and is detailed above.
The Herati Knight Order uses the Charisma ability score for the
purposes of their spells.
Herati Spell List:
1st Level

3rd Level

Endure Elements (Fire),

Burning Hands, Detect Magic,
Cause Fear, Magic Weapon,
Inflict Light Wounds, Nystuls
Undetectable Magic Aura,

Inflict Serious Wounds,

Protection From Elements
(Fire), Searing Light, Glyph of
Warding, Flame Arrow, Fireball,
Vampiric Touch, Suggestion

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Faerie Fire, Flare, Colour Spray,
Magic Missile, Bane
2nd Level

4th Level

Produce Flame, Inflict

Moderate Wounds, Calm
Emotions, Resist Elements
(Fire), Zone of Truth, Flaming
Sphere, Daylight, Continual
Flame, Pyrotechnics, Heat

Inflict Critical Wounds, Wall of

Fire, Fire Shield, Flame Strike,
Rainbow Pattern, Wall of Fire

for 1 round per level. The Knight must concentrate on one subject
who is within range (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels). The Herati will know if
the subject deliberately and knowingly speaks a lie by discerning
disturbances in their aura caused by the lie. The ability does not
revel the truth, uncover unintentional inaccuracies, or necessarily
reveal evasions. Each round the Herati may concentrate on a
different subject.
Alertness: The Herati gains the Alertness Feat (PHB page 80). Over
time, the Herati gains finely tuned senses. The effect of this is that
the Herati gains a +2 bonus on all Listen checks and Spot checks.

Lay on Hands: (As Per Paladin this description comes from the
Players Handbook, page 42) A Knight of Telatium can heal wounds
by touch. Each day they can cure a total number of hit points equal
to their charisma bonus times their level. For example, a 7th level
Herati Knight with a 16 Charisma (+3 Bonus) may cure up to 21
points of damage. The Knights can cure themselves. They may
choose to divide their curing among multiple recipients, and they
dont have to use it all at once. Lay on Hands is a spell-like ability
whose use is a standard action.
Sense Lie: Once per day per level, a Herati Knight can sense if a
person is lying. This does not mean they detect if they are telling the
whole truth, or are bending the truth only lies are detected. This
functions as the Discern Lies spell (PHB page 195). This effect lasts

Flaming Weapon: Any weapon held by the Herati Knight can act
as if under the effects of a Flaming magical effect (DMG Page 186).
Upon command, the weapon is sheathed in fire. The fire does not
harm the hands that hold the weapon. A flaming weapon deals +1d6
points of bonus fire damage on a successful hit. If this ability is used
with a ranged weapon, the flame will affect the ammunition of the
weapon. Damage done is not rolled again in the event of a critical
Force Truth: Once per day per level, a Herati Knight can force a
person to tell the truth. This ability allows the Herati to cause a
person to make a Will saving throw (DC 20 + Herati Level) or they
will answer the Knights question honestly, and completely, without

The Ir'Kithlen Knights are the knights of water. They are known for
being a bit more on the reckless and adventuresome side. Most of

the Ir'Kithlen spend a goodly amount of their time out on the ocean.
Most of their magic relates to the sea, and to the shady arts. Many
Ir'Kithlen are 'reformed' Thieves. The Ir'Kithlen are the least pious
of the Church Knights













































Rune Transfer

Lay on Hands

Uncanny Dodge

Water Breathing

Frost Weapon

Control Weather

To become a IrKithlen Knight of Telatium, a character must fulfil
all the following requirements.
Race: Human
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Skills: Knowledge (Religion): 2, Swim: 1, Profession
(Seamanship): 1, Intuit Direction: 1, Profession (Navigation): 1

Feats: Dodge, Quick Draw

Special: In addition, the Knight must have been a squire to another
Knight of Telatium. This also requires being a member of the
Church of Telatium. A Knight of Telatium also cannot cast spells
from any other source accept for those granted by their god. This
means that they can only cast cleric spells or paladin spells (If
granted by their God). If an initiate has the ability to cast other
spells, they must forfeit that ability to cast those spells.
Hit Dice: d10

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Skills

The IrKithlen Knight Order uses the Intelligence ability score for
the purposes of their spells.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

IrKithlen Spell List:

Balance (Dex), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis),

Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int),
Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Swim (Str), Use
Rope (Dex)

1st Level

3rd Level

Obscuring Mist, Entropic

Shield, Endure Elements (Cold),
Protection from Chaos,
Expeditious Retreat, Change
Self, Create Water, Bless Water,
Random Action, Chill Touch,
Sleep, Silent Image

Protection From Elements

(Cold), Water Breathing, NonDetection, Neutralise Poison,
Create Food and Water, Sleet
Storm, Invisibility Sphere, Slow

2nd Level

4th Level

Fog Cloud, Invisibility, Locate

Object, Aid, Darkness, Resist
Elements (Cold), Blur, Cats
Grace, Knock, Web

Wall of Ice, Dimension Door,

Ice Storm, Freedom Of
Movement, Control Water,
Control Weather

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the Knight prestige class.
Rune Transfer: Rune Transfer is the method in which a Knight
may put new spells onto their Armour. The Knight may cast Rune
Transfer. This spell will either transfer new spells onto his Armour,
or it can move the knight's entire rune assemblage to another set of
Armour. This spell can only be cast once a week has past since the
last casting on that set of Armour. Also, all runes in the Armour
must be fully charged (See Rune Magic below). The runes will only
work on specially made, or treated Armour. The Armour must have
flat, etch able surfaces on which the runes reside (No chain mail or
padded Armour for example), it must also be masterwork Armour.
Finally, A priest of Telatium must bless the Armour (Treat it as if the
Priest made a set of magic Armour, and put the spell bless into it.)
Only one rune can be added in a casting (or an entire assemblage
can be moved to a new set of Armour that has no runes on it.) A
knight can have as many runes as needed on his set of Armour,
however it is unlikely that a knight will receive lots of spells at any
one time. Mostly, runes are given to a knight as rewards for
performing his duties. It is possible that a knight may run across a
set of runes, and use his rune transfer ritual to add those spells to his
Armour (as long as they are on his list of acceptable spells.)
Rune Magic: The magic of the Knights is called Rune Magic. The
name was given because all of the spells a knight has access to are
runes engraved upon his Armour. Without his Armour a knight
cannot cast spells. Each spell is one rune. Each grouping of runes of
similar power is know as a structure. (Each structure being of a
different spell level) Power is restored over time. I recommend that
the Armour charges at dawn each day.
To put this all simply, each structure represents a level, and that
structure contains enough energy to cast only so many spells of that
level per day. This power rises with the level of the character, and
thus follows the spell progression chart.

Lay on Hands: (As Per Paladin this description comes from the
Players Handbook, page 42) A Knight of Telatium can heal wounds
by touch. Each day they can cure a total number of hit points equal
to their intelligence bonus times their level. For example, a 7th level
IrKithlen Knight with a 16 Intelligence (+3 Bonus) may cure up to
21 points of damage. The Knights can cure themselves. They may
choose to divide their curing among multiple recipients, and they
dont have to use it all at once. Lay on Hands is a spell-like ability
whose use is a standard action.
Uncanny Dodge: The IrKithlen Knight gains the ability to react to
danger before their senses would normally allow it. The IrKithlen
gains the ability to retain their Dexterity bonus to AC regardless of
being caught flat-footed, or struck by an invisible attacker. (They
still lose the AC bonus if immobilised.) (PHB page 48).
Water Breathing: Once per day, the IrKithlen Knight can breath
under water as per the Water Breathing spell (PHB page 271).
Frost Weapon: Any weapon held by the IrKithlen Knight can act
as if under the effects of a Frost magical effect (DMG Page 186
like Flaming, but cold). Upon command, the weapon becomes very
cold. The cold does not harm the hands that hold the weapon. A
frost weapon deals +1d6 points of bonus cold damage on a
successful hit. If this ability is used with a ranged weapon, the frost
will affect the ammunition of the weapon. Damage done is not
rolled again in the event of a critical hit.
Control Weather: The IrKithlen can control weather as if using
the Control Weather spell. They can use this ability continuously
(PHB page 188).

Spells are added to the Armour by use of a special spell, which is

central to the first level structure, (and doesn't count as rune for the
above chart) this spell is Rune Transfer, and is detailed above.

The Tolgarien Knights are the Knights of the Earth. The Tolgarien
Knights are the elite warriors of the church. More than once these

heavily armed and Armoured knights have been referred to as

'moving rocks.' The Tolgarien are the only knights known to have
active ties with the Elves.












Rune Transfer

Lay on Hands

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes


































Defensive Stance

Wall of Stone

Wounding Weapon

Summon Valnars Form

To become a Tolgarien Knight of Telatium, a character must fulfil
all the following requirements.
Race: Human
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Skills: Knowledge (Religion): 2, Ride: 1, Handle Animal: 1, Intuit
Direction: 1, Wilderness Lore: 1
Feats: Endurance, Track
Special: In addition, the Knight must have been a squire to another
Knight of Telatium. This also requires being a member of the
Church of Telatium. A Knight of Telatium also cannot cast spells
from any other source accept for those granted by their god. This
means that they can only cast cleric spells or paladin spells (If
granted by their God). If an initiate has the ability to cast other
spells, they must forfeit that ability to cast those spells.
Hit Dice: d10+1

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Animal Empathy (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle
Animal (Cha), Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty) (Int), Knowledge
(Religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex),
Wilderness Lore (Wis)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the Knight prestige class.
Rune Transfer: Rune Transfer is the method in which a Knight
may put new spells onto their Armour. The Knight may cast Rune
Transfer. This spell will either transfer new spells onto his Armour,
or it can move the knight's entire rune assemblage to another set of
Armour. This spell can only be cast once a week has past since the
last casting on that set of Armour. Also, all runes in the Armour
must be fully charged (See Rune Magic below). The runes will only
work on specially made, or treated Armour. The Armour must have
flat, etch able surfaces on which the runes reside (No chain mail or
padded Armour for example), it must also be masterwork Armour.
Finally, A priest of Telatium must bless the Armour (Treat it as if the
Priest made a set of magic Armour, and put the spell bless into it.)
Only one rune can be added in a casting (or an entire assemblage
can be moved to a new set of Armour that has no runes on it.) A
knight can have as many runes as needed on his set of Armour,

however it is unlikely that a knight will receive lots of spells at any

one time. Mostly, runes are given to a knight as rewards for
performing his duties. It is possible that a knight may run across a
set of runes, and use his rune transfer ritual to add those spells to his
Armour (as long as they are on his list of acceptable spells.)
Rune Magic: The magic of the Knights is called Rune Magic. The
name was given because all of the spells a knight has access to are
runes engraved upon his Armour. Without his Armour a knight
cannot cast spells. Each spell is one rune. Each grouping of runes of
similar power is know as a structure. (Each structure being of a
different spell level) Power is restored over time. I recommend that
the Armour charges at dawn each day.
To put this all simply, each structure represents a level, and that
structure contains enough energy to cast only so many spells of that
level per day. This power rises with the level of the character, and
thus follows the spell progression chart.
Spells are added to the Armour by use of a special spell, which is
central to the first level structure, (and doesn't count as rune for the
above chart) this spell is Rune Transfer, and is detailed above.
The Tolgarien Knight Order uses the Constitution ability score for
the purposes of their spells.
Tolgarien Spell List:
1st Level

3rd Level

Magic Stone, Calm Animals,

Entangle, Endure Elements
(Acid), Know Direction,
Goodberry, Summon Natures
Ally I, Guidance, Mending,
Sanctuary, Disrupt Undead,
True Strike

Protection From Elements

(Acid), Stone Shape, Plant
Growth, Meld Into Stone,
Summon Natures Ally III,
Remove Disease, Haste, Shrink

2nd Level

4th Level

Enlarge, Reduce, Barkskin,

Soften Earth or Stone, Summon
Natures Ally II, Warp Wood,
Shatter, Bulls Strength, Resist
Elements (Acid), Melfs Acid

Spike Stones, Control Plants,

Divine Power, Summon
Natures Ally IV, Stoneskin,
Polymorph Self

Lay on Hands: (As Per Paladin this description comes from the
Players Handbook, page 42) A Knight of Telatium can heal wounds
by touch. Each day they can cure a total number of hit points equal
to their constitution bonus times their level. For example, a 7th level
Tolgarien Knight with a 16 Constitution (+3 Bonus) may cure up to
21 points of damage. The Knights can cure themselves. They may
choose to divide their curing among multiple recipients, and they
dont have to use it all at once. Lay on Hands is a spell-like ability
whose use is a standard action.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Defensive Stance: Once per day, the Tolgarien Knight can use the
Defensive Stance ability (DMG page 33 under Dwarven Defender).
While standing in a single defendable spot, the Tolgarien Knight
gains +2 Strength, +4 Constitution, +2 resistance bonus to all saves,
and +4 dodge bonus to AC. See the DMG for specifics.
Wall of Stone: Once Per Day, the Tolgarien Knight can create a
wall of stone as per the Wall of Stone spell (PHB page 270).
Wounding Weapon: Any weapon held by the Tolgarien Knight will
act as if it is under the effects of a Wounding magical effect (DMG
Page 187). A weapon of wounding deals damage to a creature such
that a wound it inflicts bleeds for 1 point of damage per round

thereafter in addition to the normal weapon damage the weapon

deals. Multiple wounds from a weapon result in cumulative
bleeding loss (two wounds for 2 points of damage per round, and so
on). The bleeding can only be stopped by a successful Heal check
(DC 15) or the application of any cure spell or other healing spell
(heal, healing circle, and so on).
Summon Valnars Form: This ability allows the Tolgarien Knight
to call upon his god, and ask for God to send his form. This ability
is mostly up to the GM, and will not always work. When it does
work, the Telatish God will send a form that it feels is appropriate.
What comes can be anything from another Knight of Telatium, to
the Holy form of Valnar himself.

Knight [of the Bleeding Rose]


found on the partner's bed when waking up one morning, a few days
after the death of the beloved.

Named after the symbol that marks their suffering, these people are
on a quest to honour the memory of their beloved one. They are
constantly torn apart by the sweet memories of happy moments
contrasted by the feeling of loneliness and loss.

KBR like to use discreet and subtle methods rather than great flashy

Exactly how the Bleeding Rose actually appears to the lover is

unknown, it is not even sure that it is real. Usually the rose will be

Their appearance often resembles that of renaissance nobles (long

cape, rich clothing, armed with some duelling sword of the epoch,
etc.). They tend to use theatrical gestures when doing great deeds.











Serrated Blade





Charm Person





Hold Person





Sub Rosa





Hail of Thorns





Greater Sleep





Coup de grace


Skill Points at each Level: 4 + Int modifier

Since this is essentially a character concept, the DM should feel free

to adjust the requirements if necessary.

Class Features

Skills: Decipher Script: 6 ranks, Balance: 8 ranks, Tumble: 8 ranks,

Move Silently: 10 ranks

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: The KBR gains no new


Feats: Weapon finesse (Rapier), Iron Will, Dodge, Quick Draw

The Bleeding Rose: Each rose looks a little different, but all have
the particularity to bleed. This is more a symbol than a real object, it
only requires the KBR's devotion that exist. Usually the KBR will
hold the rose in one hand (considered empty for the purpose of the
weapon finesse feat and spellcasting) and his rapier in the other. The
KBR may draw special powers form this rose by tearing off specific
parts of it (those parts regrow immediately). Every time he does
that, he looses 1HP (only recoverable through a good night's rest,
filled with the dreams of his lover), because the rose is part of him.
If he uses some of the rose's blood instead, he does not loose any
HP, but becomes fatigued (p.84 of the DMG). He can even choose
to tear away the heart of the rose, in which case the KBR
immediately dies beyond resurrection. This despair act can have
huge consequences, to be discussed with the DM and in the spirit of
the class. Should such a character ever cause the death of a rose
plant (even inadvertently), he may not use his KBR abilities for a
period of 24 hours. The rose itself is indestructible and should it go

Special: Must have lost the loved one. (This is purposefully vague,
there could be situations where death of the beloved one isn't the
only reason for a character to walk this path).
Hid Die: d8

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape
Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Move
Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive
(Wis), Spot (Wis) and Tumble (Dex).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
lost, it just disappears from where it was and reappears in the KBR's
Code of Conduct: A Bleeding Rose has a kind of code of conduct.
Everything he does is in the name of his loved one. The less he
upholds her memory, the more will his rose wither, until it
completely turns to dust. If this ever happens, a KBR looses all
KBR class levels and memories concerning the bleeding rose.
Serrated Blade (SU): Ripping off a thorn from the rose (taking one
point of damage), the rapier becomes jagged and even sharper. This
effectively adds a +2 to damage for the round. Using this power is a
free action, usable once per round.
Charm Person (SP): Gently tearing away a petal from the rose
(taking one point of damage), the KBR overwhelms a humanoid
target with feelings of love and sympathy. Treat this as a Charm
person spell (DC 13 + Cha mod.), usable 3 times per day and
activated as a standard action. A target that successfully saved
against this effect cannot be affected again until 24 hours have
passed. The KBR must have a free hand to pluck off the petal.
Hold Person (SP): By drinking some of the rose's blood, the KBR
is invested with the power to awake a maelstrom of passion and
torment which completely overloads a humanoid's heart and brain.
The victim must be aware of the KBR and within 30 ft. The effects
of this spell-like ability work as the Hold Person spell (DC 13 + Cha
mod.) and may be used trice a day as a standard action. The KBR
only remains fatigued during one entire round after the use of this
Sub Rosa (SU): KBRs like getting along unnoticed. By placing a
petal on his tongue (and taking one point of damage), a KBR's steps
become as soft as rose petals and an aura of discretion sheathes his
entire being. Anyone trying listen to or spot a KBR in this state
suffers a -5 penalty to his check. Tracks left behind while being sub

rosa increase their DC to track by 5. The power works for KBR

level + Cha modifier minutes and is activated as a standard action.
He can at anytime spit or swallow the petal (free action) to put an
end to the effect. At the end of the duration, the petal simply
dissolves on his tongue.
Hail of Thorns (SP): Like a metaphor to express the wrath he feels,
a KBR may take three thorns (thus taking three points of
damage)from the rose and fling them at his opponents. While midair, the thorns multiply and spread out, before crashing like a hail of
thorns onto the enemies. This spell-like ability has a cone area of 25
ft and deals 1d6/KBR level of damage and may be used three times
a day as a standard action. Spell resistance applies and a successful
Reflex saving throw against DC 13 + Str Mod halves the damage.
The KBR must have a free hand to pluck off the thorns.
Greater Sleep (SP): The KBR takes five petals from the rose
(loosing 5 HP), lays them on the palm of his hands and then blows
them at his targets as one would blow a kiss. The victims feel a
warm sensation of well-being, and fall asleep, thinking to be in the
arms of their partners. Treat this as if the KBR just cast a Greater
Sleep spell. Replace the maximum HD affected by (2 x KBR level)
and targets must be of the humanoid type. The DC is 13 + Cha Mod.
The KBR must have a free hand to pluck off the petals.
Coup de grce (SU): By dripping seven drops of the rose's blood
onto the rapier, the blade becomes a deadly weapon that seeks the
heart of their opponents and delivers an intense sensation of despair
in the victim, which will often simply die of the emotional shock.
The KBR must take a full-round action that attracts attacks of
opportunities (but this can't disrupt this action) to prepare his blade
and then launch a single attack at his opponent. If the attack is
successful, consider that the enemy was just dealt a coup de grce,
except that the save is a Will save whose DC is also modified by the
KBR's Cha mod. This ability may be used once a day.

Knight [of the Watch]











Request Aid





Mount of Quality





Mounted Expertise +1





Spinning Polearm 1/day





Mounted Expertise +2





Spinning Polearm 2/day





Mounted Expertise +3





Spinning Polearm 3/day












Base Attack Bonus: +5
Alignment: Lawful
Craft (Armoursmithing) or Craft (Weaponsmithing): 5 ranks Ride: 5
Feats: Mounted Combat, Weapon Focus (any Polearm)

Special: Must have the sponsorship of a current Watcher

Hit Dice: d10

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Craft (Armoursmithing, Blacksmithing, Weaponsmithing) (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis),
Ride (Dex), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) (Int), Profession
(Soldier) (Wis)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: A watcher is proficient with all simple and
martial weapons, light, medium, and heavy Armour, and shields.
Request Aid: At 1st level, a watcher receives a tabard and standard
which advertise his/her affiliation. When seen by landowners in
Bissell, Gran March, or Keoland, a watcher can request
reasonable aid (a small amount of provisions, shelter for the night,
etc.). Abuse of this benefit can lead to complaints and the revoking
of membership.
Mount of Quality: At 2nd level, a watcher receives a heavy
warhorse with maximum hit points and a +1 bonus to all saves from
the organisation. If killed or lost, the watcher cannot requisition
another mount of quality for one year.
Mounted Expertise: At 3rd level, a watcher gains a +1 bonus to all
attack rolls, Dex checks, Reflex saves, and mount-related skill
checks (Handle Animal, Ride, etc.) while mounted. This reflects the

special bond that forms between a watcher and his mount, and is
applicable only when the watcher is riding his/her mount of quality.
The bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, and +3 at 7th level.
Spinning Polearm: At 4th level, the watcher has learned how to
spin his/her Polearm at a great rate of speed. This allows the
watcher to duplicate the Deflect Arrows feat. This ability is
physically taxing and may only be performed once per day,
increasing to twice per day at 6th level, and three times per day at
8th level. The watcher must rest for at least one hour between uses
of this special ability.
Squadron: At 9th level, the watcher is assigned a squadron of 15
1st-level warriors (see the warrior entry in the Dungeon Masters
Guide), 3 1st-level fighters, and 1 3rd-level fighter. These
individuals are dedicated to the organisation and assigned to the
watchers command; they have no overriding loyalty to the watcher,
although s/he may earn such from them. The watcher is responsible
for the squadrons care, including housing, general equipment, and
pay. Failure to fulfil these responsibilities may result in the revoking
of membership.
Stronghold: At 10th level, the watcher is deeded a tract of
borderland which is henceforth under his/her protection. The
watcher is responsible for applicable taxes, yearly tribute, and any
other expenses owning such land may incur. The land may have a
keep or tower, but if not, the watcher is solely responsible for
constructing a desired stronghold. Failure to fulfil these
responsibilities may result in the revoking of membership.

Knight [of Veluna]











Request Aid










Royal Audience





Protection from Evil





Protection from Evil 5 Radius





Protection from Evil 10 Radius





Protection from Evil 15 Radius





Protection from Evil 20 Radius





Protection from Evil 25 Radius






Protection from Evil 30 Radius


Class Skills

Base Attack Bonus: +7

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Alignment: Lawful Good

Craft (Armoursmithing, Blacksmithing, Weaponsmithing) (Int),

Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis),
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) (Int), Ride (Dex)

Skills: Craft (Armoursmithing) or Craft (Weaponsmithing): 5 ranks

Ride: +5
Feats: Weapon Focus (any lance), Weapon Focus (Battleaxe)
Special: Must have the sponsorship of a current Knight of Veluna
Hit Dice: d10

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Features

Stipend: At 2nd level, a knight begins receiving a small stipend of

3 gp per week.

Weapons and Armour: A knight is proficient with all simple and

martial weapons, light and medium Armour, and shields.

Royal Audience: At 3rd level, a knights reputation is such that s/he

may request an audience with a ruler and expect a favourable
response (as determined by the DM).

Request Aid: At 1st level, a knight receives a tabard and standard

which advertise his/her affiliation. A knight can request
reasonable aid (a small amount of provisions, shelter for the night,
etc.) from any other member of the Order of the Hart without fear of
refusal. Larger (or more dangerous) requests are adjudicated by the

Protection from Evil: At 4th level, a knight undergoes a ritual

which formally charges him/her with the defence and best interests
of Veluna. Thereafter s/he radiates an aura of protection from evil
(see the protection from evil spell in the Players Handbook). This
increases to a radius of 5 feet at 5th level, and an additional 5 feet
for every level thereafter. The aura does not function beyond the
recognised physical boundaries of the nation of Veluna.

Knight [Purple Dragon knight]

The famous Purple Dragons of Cormyr are regarded across Faern
as exemplars of disciplined, skilled, loyal soldiers. Their reputation
is deserved partly because of the heroic actions of their leaders, the
Purple Dragon knights.
Purple Dragon knights develop uncanny skills related to coordinating and leading soldiers. Most are fighters, rangers, or
paladins, but a few bards, clerics, and rogues have been known to
become Purple Dragon knights. Sorcerers and wizards tend to join
the War Wizards, Cormyrs elite brigade of fighting spellcasters,
while barbarians are too undisciplined, and druids and monks too

uncivilised in Cormyr to enter this career. , In general, NPC

knight commanders are responsible for leading the troops of the
nation of Cormyr. Player character knights either are retirees,
special liaisons to the army, or recipients of honorary titles. A
characters level in this prestige class is irrelevant to his rank in the
military, although higher-ranked knights tend to be of higher level.
It is not necessary to have this prestige class to serve in the Purple
Dragons at large.
This prestige class can be used as a model for officers in other
countries, members of knightly orders and so on: It is not necessary
to have this prestige class to be an officer of the Purple Dragons, but
most high-ranking officers do.












Rallying cry, heroic shield






Inspire courage (1/day)












Oath of wrath, inspire courage (2/day)






Final stand


Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

To qualify to become a Purple Dragon knight (Prp), a character

must fulfil all the following criteria.

Class Features

Alignment: Any nonevil and nonchaotic.

All the following are Class Features of the Purple Dragon knight
prestige class.

Base Attack Bonus: +4

Skills: Diplomacy or Intimidate 1 rank, Listen 2 ranks, Ride 2
ranks, and Spot 2 ranks: Feats: Leadership, Mounted Combat.
Special: Membership in the Purple Dragons.
Hit Dice: d10.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride
(Dex), Swim (Str).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Weapons and Armour: A Purple Dragon knight is proficient with

all simple weapons, light armour, medium armour, and shields.
Rallying Cry (So): The knight can utter a powerful shout (typically
For Cormyr!) that causes all allies within 60 feet to gain a +1
morale bonus on their next attack roll and increases their speed by 5
feet until the knights next turn. Traditionally, the rallying cry is
used when a formation of soldiers is about to charge. This mindaffecting ability may be used up to three times per day.
Heroic Shield: A knight can use the aid another action (see page
135 of the Players Handbook) to give an ally a +4 circumstance
bonus to AC instead of the normal +2.
Inspire Courage (Su): This ability has the same effect as the bard
ability of the same name. The knight makes an inspirational speech,
bolstering his allies against fear and improving their combat

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
abilities. To be affected, an ally must hear the knight speak for a full
round. The effect lasts as long as the knight speaks and for 5 rounds
after the knight stops speaking (or 5 rounds after the ally can no
longer hear the knight): While speaking, the knight can fight but
cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as
scrolls), or activate magic items by magic word (such as wands).
Affected allies receive a +2 morale bonus on saying throws against
charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon
damage rolls.
Fear (Su): Once per day, a knight can evoke a fear effect (DC 13 +
the Officers Charisma modifier). His allies are immune to the

duration of the encounter, the knight has a +2 morale bonus on

melee attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks
made against the challenged target.
The effect is negated immediately if the knight makes an attack or
casts a spell-targeted at any creature except the challenged opponent
(attacks of opportunity do not count) or if the knight uses a fullround action to move away from the challenged opponent.
Final Stand (Su): Once per day, a knight can inspire his troops to a
heroic effort, temporarily increasing their vitality. All allies within
10 feet of the knight gain 2d10 temporary hit points: This ability
affects a number of creatures equal: to the knights class level + his
Charisma modifier and lasts an equal number of rounds:

Oath of Wrath (Su): Once per day, a knight can select a single
opponent within 60 feet and swear an oath to defeat him: For the

Mage [Anatomist]
Anatomists devote their careers to the scientific study of the body,
often using magical means to aid or inform their research. These
arcanists are profoundly fascinated by the seemingly infinite
mysteries of the human form. Anatomists gain their knowledge after
years of extensive research, typically performed on cadavers. Their
exhaustive experience makes them vastly superior doctors when
compared with the typical village healers who rely chiefly on herbal
medicines to cure the sick. It also makes them superb investigators
into matters of death.

The Imperial City of Perelinn is home to a guild of Imperial

Physicians-in-Extraordinary and Physicians-inOrdinary. From this latter group, an investigative unit called the
Anatomists has been formed by Imperial decree to assist the Citys
exemplary Wharf Yard inquisitors. The Anatomists serve to apply
their knowledge of anatomy and medicine to the process of solving
murders and other bodily crimes. Sometimes seen as ghouls, these
men and women often as not mean the difference in solving a








Improved healing, autopsy

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class

Weapon finesse (dagger)

+1 level of existing class

Anatomical attack +1d6

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class

Weapon focus (dagger)

+1 level of existing class

Anatomical attack +2d6

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class

Weapon specialisation (dagger)

+1 level of existing class


Anatomical attack +3d6

+1 level of existing class

Base Attack Bonus: +4
Hit Dice: D4
Feats: Skill Focus (heal) or Spell Focus (necromancy).
Special: To qualify to become an anatomist, a character must fulfil
all the following criteria. Concentration: 4 ranks. Heal: 4 ranks.
Special: The anatomist must regularly practice his skills or loose his
unique Class Features (namely Improved Healing, Autopsy, and
Anatomical Attack). At the very least, he must perform one
dissection on a human subject per month in order to prevent these
specialised skills from atrophying. If the anatomist lapses in the

dissection schedule for more than a month, he can no longer use the
above mentioned Class Features. They may be easily regained,
however, simply by performing twice the minimum number of
dissections that were missed. Each formal study requires one
complete day that cannot be spent in other pursuits. An anatomist
must also petition for service in the Physician-in-Ordinary division,
which includes many tests, questionings, and a benefactor within
the Imperial Physicians Guild. It has become common for
anatomists to be dispatched to cities throughout the Empire, so
permanent residence in Perelinn is not necessary (in fact a candidate
willing to travel to smaller cities is more apt to receive a

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha),
Forgery (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all;
Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: An anatomist is proficient with the club,
dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, quarterstaff, rapier, and
short sword. They do not gain any proficiency in the use of
armour. :
Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather
apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move
Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble, and that carrying heavy gear
imposes a check penalty on Swim checks.:
Improved Healing: Anatomists make excellent doctors, gaining a
+2 competency bonus to their Heal skill checks. Patients resting
under his care recover hit points or ability score points at an
accelerated rate: 3 hit points per level per day of light activity, 4 hit
points per level per day of complete rest, and 3 ability points per
day. A single anatomist can care for up to 12 people in this fashion.
Autopsy: Anatomists have the ability to divine the cause and time
of death by thoroughly examining a corpse. This involves a careful
dissection taking about 30 minutes. The anatomist makes an
Intelligence check, adding his level, against the autopsys DC of 15
+ 1/day since the corpses death. The accuracy of the estimated
moment of death decreases with elapsed time since the actual event.
For instance, if the subject died an hour before the autopsy, the time
of death can be fixed to within 1d4 rounds (after one day, the
estimate is only accurate to within 1d4 hours, and so on). :
Spells: An anatomist continues training in magic, though now in a
much more specialised field. Thus, when a new anatomist level is
gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also
gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before he added
the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a
character of that class would have gained.:
For example, if Delfburn, a 10th level wizard, gains a level in
anatomist, he gains new spells as if he had risen to 11th level in
wizard. If, by chance, the character had no spellcasting abilities
before taking this prestige class, they gain the same number of
spells per day as a Paladin of equal level. Lastly, due to their
extreme devotion to their field of research, anatomists can only gain
certain spells as they advance (see the Anatomist Spell List below).
Weapon Finesse: At 3rd level, the anatomist has begun to master
the intricacies of small edged or cutting weapons, and gains the
Weapon Finesse feat with the dagger for free. :
Anatomical Attack: Starting at 4th level, an anatomists
extraordinary knowledge of the body allows them to inflict extra
damage whenever they attack humans and zombies or skeletons
animated from human corpses. He deals +1d6 points of damage in
addition to his regular strike, and this increases by +1d6 points

every three levels (+2d6 at 7th, +3d6 at 10th, and so on). If the
anatomist is of another race, or has specifically chosen another race
as their main field of study, then his anatomical attack affects that
race rather than humans. :
Weapon Focus: At 6th level, the anatomists studies and continual
use of small bladed weapons provide him with the Weapon Focus
feat with the dagger. :
Weapon Specialisation: At 9th level, the anatomist is truly a master
of small bladed weapons, and gains the special feat of Weapon
Specialisation with the dagger. :

Anatomist Spell List

Anatomists choose their spells from the following list: 0 level arcane mark, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, mending,
prestidigitation, read magic.
1st Level

4th Level

7th Level

Cause Fear, Chill

Touch, Comprehend
Languages, Detect
Undead, Enlarge,
Ray of
Reduce, Sleep,
Unseen Servant.

Animate Dead,
Charm Monster,
Enervation, Fear,
Lesser Geas, Locate
Creature, Modify
Phantasmal Killer,
Polymorph Other,
Polymorph Self,
Rarys Mnemonic

Create Undead,
Ethereal Jaunt,
Finger of Death,
Insanity, Limited
Wish, Power Word:
Stun, Simulacrum,

2nd Level

5th Level

8th Level

Alter Self,
Bulls Strength,
Cats Grace,
Darkvision, Delay
Poison, Detect
Endurance, Ghoul
Touch, Locate
Object, Resist
Elements, Scare.

Animal Growth,
Dominate Person,
Death Ward, Dream,
Freedom of
Movement, Hold
Monster, Magic Jar,
Mind Fog,
Permanency, Rarys
Telepathic Bond.

Clone, Discern
Location, Horrid
Wilting, Iron Body,
Mass Charm, Mind
Blank, Polymorph
Any Object, Power
Word: Blind,
Symbol, Trap the

3rd Level

6th Level

9th Level

Gentle Repose, Halt

Undead, Hold
Protection From
Elements, Secret
Page, Suggestion,
Vampiric Touch,
Water Breathing.

Circle of Death,
Flesh to Stone,
Geas/Quest, Mass
Repulsion, Stone To
Flesh, Tensers
True Seeing.

Astral Projection,
Create Greater
Undead, Dominate
Monster, Energy
Drain, Power Word:
Kill, Shape Change,
Soul Bind,
Temporal Stasis,
Wail of the
Banshee, Weird,

Mage [Arcane Devotee]

Naturally, arcane devotees are always arcane spellcasters. Sorcerers
and wizards are the most common type, but some music-oriented

deities tend to have more bard devotees, and a rare few of the more
evil deities have been known to have assassin devotees that focus on
cruel and terrible forms of death magic.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes






Spells per day





Enlarge spell

+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class





alignment focus





Bonus feat

+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class





Sacred defence +2

+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class





Divine shroud

+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

To qualify to become a arcane devotee (dev) of a particular deity, a
character must fulfil all the following criteria.
Spellcasting: ability to cast 4th-level arcane spells.
Skills: knowledge (religion) 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks.
Feats: enlarge spell.
Patron: an arcane devotee must have a patron deity, and it must be
the deity of which she is a devotee.
Hit Dice: d4.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), concentration (con), craft (Int), knowledge (all skills
taken individually) (Int), profession (Wis), scry (Int), and spellcraft
See chapter 4: skills in the players handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points at each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are Class Features of the arcane devotee prestige
Weapons and Armour: Arcane devotees gain no proficiency in any
weapon or armour
Spells per day: an arcane devotees training focuses on arcane
spells. Thus, when a new arcane devotee level is gained, the
character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in
whatever arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before he added
the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a
character of that class would have gained (bonus metamagic or item


+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

creation feats, bard or assassin abilities, and so on). This essentially

means that he adds the level of arcane devotee to the level of
whatever other arcane spellcasting class the character has, then
determines spells per day and caster level accordingly.
If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class before he
became an arcane devotee, he must decide to which class he adds
each level of arcane devotee for the purpose of determining spells
per day.
Enlarge spell: The arcane devotee may cast a spell as if it were
under the effects of the enlarge spell feat. He does not need to
prepare this spell in advance, and it does not increase the casting
time or use a higher spell slot. This ability can be used a number of
times per day equal to 1 + the arcane devotees charisma bonus
(minimum of once per day)
Sacred defence: Add this value (+1 at 2nd level, +2 at 4th level) to
the arcane devotees saving throws against divine spells, as well as
the spell-like and supernatural abilities of outsiders.
Alignment focus: A 2nd-level arcane devotee chooses one
component of his deitys alignment. He now casts spells of that
alignment at +1 caster level. If his deity is neutral, he chooses one
component of his alignment for this focus. If the arcane devotee and
his deity are neutral, the character chooses chaos, evil, good, or law
for his focus.
Bonus feat: At 3rd level, an arcane devotee can choose any one
item creation feat or any feat from the following list: spell focus,
greater spell focus, spell penetration, greater spell penetration,
improved counterspell, magical artisan, or shadow weave magic
(devotees of shar only).
Divine shroud (su): Once per day, a 5th-level arcane devotee may
surround himself with a shroud of glowing divine power that
protects him against enemy spells. The shroud is of a colour
appropriate to the arcane devotees patrons Alignment constant blue
for law, shimmering white for good, wavering black for evil, or
flickering yellow for chaos. The shroud grants spell resistance of 12
+ the characters caster level as if he were under the effects of a
spell resistance spell. This ability can be invoked as a free action
and lasts a number of rounds equal to the arcane devotees charisma
bonus + 5.

Mage [Arcane Duellist]

The Arcane Duellist is a master of one on one magical combat.
Keen eyes, quick decisions, and raw magical power are the primary
tools of the Duellist. Different personalities are drawn to this path of
arcane mastery for different reasons. Some seek to better compete
against their peers, others to defend against the most powerful of
evil forces, and a few walk the path of the Duellist to satisfy
personal goals of arcane power and ambition. For every Duellist

however, disputes between students of the arcane arts are settled

through contests of magical power. The degree of control over
arcane energies and the raw potency of an Arcane Duellists spells
are often unmatched, and make them powerful adversaries.
Experienced, aware, and exceptionally intelligent, the Arcane
Duellist can be a deadly foe.
Arcane Duellists can be any alignment and any race, though
humans, elves and half-elves are the most common of this rare

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
prestige class. Religion is usually of no consequence to the Arcane
Duellist, though patronage to a deity does not bar entry to the class.
Wizards are most suited to follow the path of the Arcane Duellist, as

their limitless selection of spells offers more dynamic options,

though some keen Sorcerers have found success in this prestige
class as well.








+0 (+1)




Feat: maximise spell, react


+1 (+1)




+1 spell DC, control damage


+1 (+1)




Improved Evasion


+2 (+2)




max spell modifier -1


+2 (+2)




+1 spell DC, school mastery


+3 (+2)






+3 (+3)




max spell modifier -1


+4 (+3)




+1 spell DC


+4 (+3)




pierce spell resistance



+5 (+4)




max spell modifier -1, DC +1


Class: 10th level in either Sorcerer or Wizard
Abilities: Exceptional intelligence (18 or higher) Above average
dexterity (13 or higher)
Skills: Spellcraft 10 ranks Knowledge
Concentration10 ranks Spot5 ranks




Feats: Combat Casting Spell Penetration plus one other metamagic

feat (item creation feats excluded)
Hit Dice: 1d4

Class Skills
The prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (all
skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int,
exclusive skill), and Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis).
See Chapter 4: Skills for skill descriptions.
Skill Points per level: 2+intelligence bonus

Class Features
The Arcane Duellist continues to advance in arcane spell casting
ability, following the memorisation and spells known chart from
their prior arcane class.
Spell casting remains linked to the prior major ability score
(Intelligence for Wizards, Charisma for Sorcerers)
Touch/Ray Attack bonus: The number in parenthesis is an
additional bonus that is applied only to attack rolls of touch and ray
based spell effects.
React: DC of all skill checks is 10+opponents total level
At the beginning of any round, the Arcane Duellist can attempt to
analyse and prepare for an incoming attack. This is a sequence of
spot, spellcraft and arcane lore checks at the above DC.

Spot discerns slight body movements which foretell the timing of

the opponents action. If Spot succeeds, Spellcraft may be used to
gain knowledge of the action. If Spellcraft succeeds, arcane lore can
be used to give the Arcane Duellist an idea of how best to react to
the opponents action. Each successful skill check grants a
cumulative bonus of +2 to saving throws against the incoming
attack, to a maximum of +6. This ability can be used against only a
single opponent each round.
+1 DC modifier to spells: The DC of all spells cast by the duellist
is increased by 1. The bonus is cumulative with all other bonuses
which may affect spell DC, including itself. Therefore, the Arcane
Duellist has +1 DC at level 2, +2 DC at level 5, +3 DC at level 8,
and +4 DC at level 10.
Control Damage: Spellcraft check at DC 15+ level of spell
Upon casting a spell, the Arcane Duellist can attempt to make all,
half or one-quarter of the spells damage subdual damage. Spells
which would normally result in death can also be controlled, with
the subdued effect being one day of unconsciousness per level of the
spell. Spells which would drain an ability score to zero will not
drain the last point, but will make the victim unconscious for a
period of 1d4 days. This attempt requires a spellcraft check as
outlined above.
Improved Evasion: As outlined in the players handbook, pg. 51.
All reflex saves result in no damage if successful, and only half
damage if the saving throw is failed.
Maximise Spell modifier: The memorisation penalty for the
maximise spell feat is reduced by one. This bonus is cumulative
with itself, resulting in no penalty for memorising a spell as a
maximised spell by level 10.
School Mastery: The Arcane Duellist chooses any single school to
master. This gives an extra spell memorisation slot for each spell
level that must be used for the mastered school. All spells cast from
this school are much more potent, having either a +2 to their DC
modifier, or an extra +1/die of damage. The form of this potency is
chosen by the Arcane Duellist and cannot be changed thereafter. The
Arcane Duellist also gains +2 to saving throws against spells from
this school. Due to this concentration on one particular sphere of
arcane magic, one single school must be chosen to which the Arcane
Duellist will be barred from. No spells can ever again be cast from

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
this barred school, though magic items which mimic effects may
still be employed.
Counterspell: The 3rd level spell Dispel Magic is now considered
automatically memorised as a quick spell, akin to Feather Fall.
Therefore, it can be cast as a free action at any time. In addition, any
bonuses from the react ability, as well as DC modifiers from ability
scores and class apply to dispel rolls.
Pierce Spell Resistance: All checks to overcome an opponents
spell resistance are made with a bonus of 2 +Intelligence modifier.
This bonus is cumulative with any other bonuses from feats or other
sources the Arcane Duellist may have.

New Spell
Damage Manipulation
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 (Arcane Duellist only)

Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target: creature touched
Duration: 1 min/level
Saving throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: yes (harmless)
This spell alters the way in which the affected creature manipulates
magical energies, resulting in all magical damage being subdual
damage. Spells which do not cause direct damage but which would
normally result in death instead result in unconsciousness for 1d4
hours. Spells which would drain an ability score to zero will not
drain the last point, but will make the victim unconscious as above.
In many ways, this spell mimics the control damage extraordinary
ability of the Arcane Duellist. It is often used by Duellists on other
spell casters with whom they are about to settle a friendly

Mage [Archmage]
The highest art is magic-often referred to as the art. Its most
advanced practitioners are frequently archmages, bending spells in

ways unavailable to other spellcasters. The archmage gains strange

powers and the ability to alter spells in remarkable ways, but must
sacrifice some of her spell, capability in order to master these arcane







Spells Per Day





High Arcana

+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class





High Arcana

+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class





High Arcana

+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class





High Arcana

+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class





High Arcana

+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class


Skill points at each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

To qualify to become an archmage (acm), 4 character must fulfil all

the following criteria.

Class Features

Spellcasting: ability to cast 7th-level arcane spells, knowledge of

5th-level or higher spells from at least five schools.

Weapons and Armour: Archmages gain no proficient any weapon

or armour.

Skills: knowledge (arcana) 15 ranks, spellcraft 15 ranks.

Spells per day: When a new archmage level is gained, the character
gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever
arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige
class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of
that class would have gained (bonus metamagic or item creation
feats, bard or assassin abilities, and so on). This essentially means
that he adds the level of archmage to the level of whatever other
arcane spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells
per day and caster level accordingly.

Feats: skill focus (spellcraft), spell focus in two schools of magic.

Hit Dice: D4.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), concentration (con), knowledge (all skills taken
individually) (Int), profession (Wis), scry (Int), search (Int), and
spellcraft (Int). See chapter 4: skills in the players handbook for
skill descriptions.
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

If the character had more than one arcane spellcasting class before
he became an archmage, he must decide to which class he adds each
level of archmage for the purpose of determining spells per day.
High arcana: The archmage learns secret lore unknown to lesser
wizards and sorcerers. She gains the ability to select a special ability

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
from among the following by permanently eliminating one spell
For example, a 15th-level wizard normally can cast two 7th-level
spells per day (not counting bonus spells for specialisation or high
intelligence). A wiz13/acm2 who chooses the arcane reach ability
forfeits one 7th level spell, and so can only cast one 7th-level spell
per day, not counting bonus spells.
The archmage may choose to eliminate a spell slot of a higher level
than that required to acquire the high arcana in question, if she so
Arcane fire (su): The archmage gains the ability to channel arcane
spell energy into arcane fire, manifesting as a bolt of raw magical
energy. The bolt is a ranged touch attack - archmage Perendra
Raslemtar of Tethyr with long range (400 feet + 40 feet/level of
arch- mage) and deals 1d6 points of damage per level of archmage
plus 1d6 points of damage per level of the spell channelled to create
the effect. Therefore, a 5th-level archmage that channels a 7th-level
spell into arcane fire deals 12d6 points of damage to the target if it
hits. This ability costs one 9th-level spell slot.
Arcane Reach: The archmage can use touch spells on targets up to
30 feet away. If the spell requires a touch attack (melee or ranged),
the archmage must make a ranged touch attack. If selected class a
second time as a special ability, the range increases to 60 feet. This
ability costs one 7th-level spell slot.
Mastery of Counterspelling: When the archmage counterspells a
spell, it is turned back upon the caster as if it were fully affected by
a spell turning spell. If the spell. Cannot be affected by spell turning
(for example, if it is an area or effect spell), then it is merely
counterspelled . This ability costs one 7th-level spell slot.
Mastery of Elements: The archmage can alter an arcane spell when
cast so that it utilises a different element from the one it normally
does. For example, an archmage could cast a fireball that does sonic
damage instead of fire damage. , This ability can only alter spells
with the acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic descriptors. The spells
casting time is unaffected. The caster decides whether or not to alter
the spells energy type and chooses the new energy type when he
begins casting. This ability costs one 8th-level spell slot.
Mastery of Shaping: The archmage can alter area and effect spells
that use the following categories burst, cone, cylinder, emanation, or
spread* the alteration consists of creating spaces within the spells
area or effect that are not subject to the spell. The minimum
dimension for these spaces is a 5-foot cube.

For example, the archmage could cast a fireball and leave a hole
where his ally stands, preventing any fire damage. Furthermore, any
shapeable (s) spells have a minimum dimension of 5 feet instead of
10 feet.
This ability costs one 6th-level spell slot.
Spell power +1: This ability increases the dc for saving throws
against the archmages arcane spells and caster level checks for her
arcane spells to overcome spell resistance by +1. This ability can
only be selected once, and stacks with spell power +2 and spell
power +3, as well as spell power effects from other sources, such as
from the red wizard prestige class. This ability costs one 5th-level
spell slot.
Spell power +2: as spell power +1, except the increase is +2 instead
of +1. This ability can only be selected once, and stacks with spell
power +1 and spell power +3, as well as spell power effects from
other sources. This ability costs one 7th-level spell slot.
Spell power +3: as spell power +1, except the increase is +3 instead
of +1. This ability can only be selected once, and stacks with spell
power +1, spell power +2, as well as spell power effects from other
sources. This ability costs one 9th-level spell slot.
Spell-like ability: The archmage can use one of her arcane spell
slots (other than the slot expended to learn this high arcana) to
permanently prepare one of her arcane spells as a spell-like ability
that can be used twice per day. The archmage does not use any
components when casting the spell, although a spell that costs xp to
cast still does so and a spell with a costly material component
instead costs her 10 times that amount in xp. This ability costs one
5th-level spell slot.
The spell-like ability normally uses a spell slot of the spells level,
although the archmage can choose to make a spell modified by a
metamagic feat into a spell-like ability at the appropriate spell level.
For example, the archmage can make lightning bolt into a spell-like
ability by using a 3rd-level spell slot to do so, or a maximised
lightning bolt into a 6th-level spell-like ability the archmage may
use an available higher-level spell slot to be able to use the spelllike ability more often. Using a slot three levels higher than the
chosen spell allows her to cast it four times per day and a slot six
levels higher lets her cast it six times per day. For example, Hezark
(wiz15/acm2) is a pyromaniac and never wants to be denied the
ability to cast fireball, so she permanently uses, a 9th-level spell slot
to get fireball as a spell-like ability usable six times per day. She
forfeits a 5th-level spell slot to master the ability if selected more
than one time as a special ability, this can apply to the same spell or
to a different spell.

Mage [Demiurgus]
The Demiurgus were the artificers and wondrous craftsman
responsible for the items and ships that composed the backbone of
the Al'Malamut Empire. They created the vessels, weapons and
magic items used by the Priests of Ptah to carve out an Empire
thousands of years ago. After the Collapse of the Empire they were
thought lost, but the Demiurgus have been found in increasing
numbers among the Cult of Ptah. Today they are still an integral part
of the Cult of Ptah, and are sought after because of their abilities to
unique create magical items.

Most commonly Wizards and Sorcerers who worship Ptah become

Demiurgus because of their innate abilities to create magic items.
Clerics make a close third to these classes because of their more
limited selection of item creation feats. Barbarians, Bards, Fighters,
Monks, Rangers, and Rogues would not find much use in this class
because of their limited to non-existent item creation abilities.
NPC Demiurgus are usually found working closely with the Cult of
Ptah creating magic items to further the churches aims. They do hire
out to others often, but the needs of the Cult come first.











Detect Magic, Identify 1/day, Artificer

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Item Creation Feat










Identify 2/day





Item Creation Feat










Identify 3/day





Item Creation Feat












See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier

Base Attack Bonus: +2

Hit Dice: D4

Class Features

Alignment: Any Lawful

Race: Any. The Demiurgus used to be completely human, but as the
priesthood of Ptah's diversifies the Demiurgus has begun to
Feats: Skill Focus (any Craft), and any one (1) of the following:
Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wand,
Craft Wondrous Item, and Forge Ring
Special: Craft (any one skill): 8. Knowledge (Arcana): 8. 3rd Level
Arcane or Divine spells. This Class is only open to devout followers
of Ptah.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (any)
(Int), Knowledge (Arcana and Wildspace Religion, or "Egyptian"
Religion) (Int), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha,

Weapons and Armour: The Demiurgus gains no proficiency in

weapons, armour or shields.
Artificer: The Demiurgus stacks all of the levels for one other
spellcasting class and their levels in Demiurgus for purposes of item
Detect Magic: The Demiurgus can cast Detect Magic at will.
Identify: Can cast Identify as a supernatural ability. 1/day at 1st
level 2/day at 4th level, and 3/day at 7th level.
Enigma: Choose one of the following Enigma's, you may choose
each Enigma more than once and stack their abilities.
Enigma of Creation: The construction costs of magic item creation
is now 5% less.
Enigma of Flame: The experience costs of magic item creation is
now 5% less.
Enigma of Understanding: The time costs of magic item creation
is now 5% less.

Mage [Demonologist]
Demonologist dabble in the dark arts of magic, summoning demons
to do their bidding and dealing with the forces and energies of chaos
and otherworldly realms. Their art is sometimes alien to the human

mind and some of the more exotic topics of demonology are so

wired and horrible, that the human brain could barely understand
and comprehend such topics. Therefore, demonologist sooner or
later become insane and fall prey to demons with their will
undermined by these alien forces."











Cast Demonic Spells

















Demonic Secret

Fiendish Servant, Demonic Secret








Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes






















Demonic Secret

Demonic Secret

Base Attack Bonus: +5






Fiendish Servant: Upon or after reaching 5th level, a demonologist

can call a fiendish servant. Use the rules found in the DMG, page 31
- Blackguard, Fiendish Servant.
Insanity: With each new level of demonologist a character gains, he
also receives 1d6 IP, possibly resulting in gaining a disorder (see the
insanity rules).

Hit Dice: D4
Alignment: Any evil
Class: Character must be 10th + Wizard
Special: Spells: Character must know a minimum of 5 calling spells
Skills: Diplomacy 3 ranks, Knowledge (Demons) 4 ranks,
Knowledge (The Planes) 4 ranks

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (The Planes), Knowledge (Devils),
Profession, Scry, Sense Motive, Spellcraft and Spot.
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the demonologist prestige
Weapon and Armour: Demonologists are not proficient with any
type of armour, nor with shields. They are proficient with the Club,
Dagger, Crossbow (Hand and Light) and the Quarterstaff.
Caster Demon Spells: The character can learn demonic spells.
Only demonologists can learn these spells.
Demonic Secrets: At 1st level and every two levels thereafter, the
Demonologist may learn one Demonic secret which he can choose
from the following table. Each secret can only be taken once:
Demonic Secret Effect
Demonic Aura
Demonologist under permanent protection as
per the Protection from Law spell
Demonic Bargains
+2 permanent ranks on Bluff, Diplomacy,
Intimidate, Sense Motive
Demonic Caster
Demonologist is treated as +1 caster level
when casting demonic spells
Demonic Health

+1 Con permanent

Demonic Mind

+1 Int permanent

Demonic Spell
Demonologist learns a Demonic spell for free
(can be taken more than once)
Demonic Strength

+1 Str permanent

Demonic Control

+2 knowledge bonus to checks to Control a

Demonic Summon +2 knowledge bonus to checks to Prepare a

Pentagram to summon demons

Demon Rules: There are some special rules concerning

Demonologists and demons which are explained here:
Demon Types: Old world scholars and demonologists recognise
three types of demons: Demonic Servants (Chaotic Evil Outsider of
up to 8 HD), Lesser Demons (Chaotic Evil Outsider of 9to 16 HD)
and Greater Demons (17+ HD).
Summoning Demons: To summon a demon, the demonologist first
must discover the name of the demon to be summoned. This may be
done by researching into ancient tomes of demonic lore, being given
a name by another demonologist, learning a name from another
demon, etc. Failure to learn the name does not prevent the
demonologist to summon the demon - it just makes it more risky.
Next the demonologist must prepare a pentagram, taking great care
while inscribing it on the floor. To determine whether or not the
pentagram has been successfully inscribed, the GM makes a secret
INT-check (DC 25). Failure means, the demonologist has a smaller
chance of controlling the demon.
Next the summoning spell is cast.
Once the demon appears, the demonologist must attempt to control
it by making a WIS-check (DC = HD of the demon). Success results
in the demon being willing to serve the caster for 1 hour per
demonologist level. If the test fails, the demon will either attack or
enslave the caster. If the demon's name is not known, the check is
made with a -2 penalty. If the pentagram is incomplete, there is an
additional -2 to the check.
Demonic Bargains: All demons - even those successfully controlled
by the demonologist will refuse to offer aid without gaining
something in return - usually souls. This means that characters
summoning a demon become bound to the demon's ruling deity in
some way, transmuting their minds and body. This degeneration is
reflected by the Demonologist gaining disorders and insanity points.
Each initial summoning of a demon by a character causes the
permanent loss of 1d4 point of Con. A demonologist whose Con
falls to or below zero becomes enslaved by the demon.
Successive Summoning: Once a bargain has been struck with a
demon, it can easily be re-summoned, require ring no pentagram or
loss of Con, but the caster must still attempt to control the demon.
Failure results in the demon acting as it wishes. The caster simply
casts the appropriate spell and the demon(s) appear.
Summoning Power: Certain demonic spells enable the caster to
conjure up forces that can be used to augment the demonologists
magic. These forces are risky to use and alien to a caster's body and
mind. Merely learning such spells results in the acquisition of a new
disability, and each casting gives the caster 1 IP.
Binding and Dispelling Demons: There are demonic spells to
summon and bind or dispel a demon and prevent the demon from
using any of its abilities or moving. Dispelling sends the demon

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
back to his home plane. These spells help to defend against uncontrolled demons.

Mage [Energy Master]

As mages skilled in use of specific energy, the Energy Master are
specialists of Acid, Electricity, Cold or Fire energy. They cast spells

based on these energy. Most Energy Masters are skilled wizards and
sorcerers, and a small number of bards study this type of magic.
Some of them are also clerics or druids, classes related to elemental







Arcane Spell





Energy Substitution

+1 level of existing class





Aura of Energy, Spell Thematics

+1 level of existing class





Energy Lore, Spell Power +1

+1 level of existing class





Enhanced Energy, Breath Weapon

+1 level of existing class





Metamagic Feat, Improve Familiar

+1 level of existing class





Spell Power +2

+1 level of existing class





Aura of Bursting

+1 level of existing class





Energy Touch

+1 level of existing class





Metamagic Feat , Spell Power +3

+1 level of existing class






Energy immunity

+1 level of existing class


Class Features

Base Attack Bonus: +2

All the following are Class Features of the Energy Master prestige

Feats: Spell Focus Evocation, Combat Casting.

Special: To qualify to become an Energy Master (Acid Master from
acid, Electrical Master from Electricity, Frost Master from Cold and
Flame Master from fire).
Skills: Concentration 12 Ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks,
Spellcraft 12 ranks. Spellcasting: Ability to cast at least five
invocations spells, plus: - Melfs Acid Arrow*, Mestils Acid
Breath*** and Stinking Cloud* for Acidic Masters. - Snillocs
Snowball Swarm***, Ice Storm* and Wall of Ice* for Frost
Masters. - Gedlees Electric Loop***, Lightning Bolt* and
Scintillating Sphere*** for Lightning Masters. - Aganazzars
Scorcher**, Fireball* and Wall of Fire* for Blaze Masters Shatter*, Shatterfloor*** and Shout* for Shout Masters *Spell
listed in the Players Handbook ** Spell listed in the Forgotten
Realms Campaign Settings *** Spell listed in the Magic of Faerun.
Hit Dice: D4

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Knowledge (all skills, taken
individually), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), Search
(Wis), Spellcraft (Int).
See Chapter 4 in the Players Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Weapons and Armour: Energy Masters gains no proficiency in any

weapon or Armour.
Spell per Day: When a new Energy Master level is gained, the
character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in
whatever arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before he added
the Energy Master prestige class. He does not, however, gain any
other benefit a character of that class would gain. This essentially
means that he adds the level of Energy Master to the level of
whatever other arcane spellcasting class the character had, then
determines spell by day and caster level accordingly. If a character
had more than one arcane spellcasting class when he become an
Energy Master, he must decide to which class he adds each level of
Energy Master for the purpose of determine spells by day.
Energy Substitution: Any spell with a energy designator (such as
[Fire] for Fireball) cast by an Energy Master, has it energy changed
to the same as the Energy Master. For example, a fireball cast by a
Frost Master would have its energy designator changed to [Cold].
This ability does not change any other aspect of the spell, and the
spell is prepared (for wizards) and cast normally.
Aura of Energy: At 2nd level, the Energy Master generates an aura
of energy, which grants him resistance against his type of energy
magic and effects. This works just like endure elements spell,
absorbing only damage. It is a supernatural ability, and the Energy
Master cannot suppress it.
Spell Thematics: The Spells of an Energy Master has a distinct
visual and auditory effects. This effects adds +5 to the DC of any
Spellcraft check made to identify a spell cast for a Energy Lord.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
The effects are:
Acid: Corrosive sounds, bubbles and fog effects.
Cold: Cold fog, ice crystal effects, noisy and cold winds.
Electricity: Lightning visual and sounds.
Fire: Blazing sounds, heat waves and flame effects.
Energy Lore: At 3rd level, an Energy Master can add to his
repertoire any spell of his energy type, including spells of any
spellcasting class. For example, a sorcerer that becomes an Flame
Master would be able to learn flame strike, a spell only available to
Spell Power: Add this value to the DC for saving throws and to
caster level checks to overcome spell resistance for spells the
Energy Master from the schools of Evocation, Transmutation or
Conjuration spells (with the energy type description). This stacks
with other spells power effects that affect the specified spells (like
Spell Focus) and is applicable with energy substitution.
Enhanced Energy: At 4th level, any creature damaged by the spells
of the Energy Master suffer additional effects according to the type
of energy (Fortitude negates, DC as the spell):
Acid: extra acid damage in the next round. 2d4 at 4th level, 4d4 at
7th level and 6d4 at 10th Acid Master level.
Cold: slow spell and lasts for 1 round at 4th level, 2 rounds of 7th
level and 3 round of 10th Frost Master level.
Electricity: extra lightning damage. 1d6+2 at 4th level, 2d6+4 at
7th level and 3d6+6 at 10th Electrical Master level.
Fire: extra fire damage in the next round. 1d8 at 4th level, 2d8 at
7th level and 3d8 at 10th Flame Master level
Breath Weapon: This ability allows a 4th level Energy Masters to
spew fort a breath attack similar in nature to that of a Dragons
Breath Weapon (Close range for Cone, Medium range for Ray; Ref.
half, SR neg.). The breath is different for each type of Energy
Acid: Ray of acid
Cold: Cone of Cold
Electricity: Ray of Lightning
Fire: Cone of Fire
The ability deals up to a total of 1d6 points of damage per Energy
Master level, to all creatures within the attacks area of effect. He
can make a single breath attack with his total number of dices, or
many attacks, as long as he does not exceed his maximum damage.
Each attack must deal a minimum of 2d6 points of damage. For
example, a 10th level Flame master could breath one cone for 10d6
points of damage, two cones for 5d6 or five cones for 2d6 of
damage each. This ability otherwise work as a 3rd level spell.
Metamagic Feat: in the 5th and newly in the 9th level, the Energy
Master gains a bonus metamagic feat.
Improved Familiar: When reaches the 5th level, an Energy Master
is able to acquire a new familiar, a Mephit linked to his own energy
(Ice Mephit for Cold, Air Mephit for Electricity, Fire Mephit for

Flame and Ooze Mephit for Acid). The benefit for having this
familiar is Fast Healing 1. For the description Mephits see the
Monster Manual.
Aura of Bursting: A 7th level Energy Master generates an aura of
bursting energy around his body. This works as the resist elements
spell, absorbing only his own energy, and causing 1d4+2 points of
this type of damage (Ref. Neg.) against melee attacks. This is
always active and does not stacks with Aura of Energy
Energy Touch: Once per day, a 9th level Energy Master may
invoke a supernatural energy concentration. Like a standard action,
he can charge his hand with this energy. The Energy Master need
then but touch the target to bring the full effect of the Energy Touch
to bear. This ability otherwise work as 7th level spells. Each energy
type has different effects:
Acid: The target must then make a fortitude save to avoid being
killed by a splash of corrosive acid. If the save is successfully, the
victim takes 6d4 points of acid damage. If the save is failed every
portion of his body is destroyed slowly by the acid. The character is
unconscious and enters in a state of suspended animation (see
temporary stasis spell in Players Handbook), receiving 2d4 points
of damage every round until the acid is neutralised and she is
restored to normal. If the hit points of the victim falls bellow 10,
he is dead and cant be resurrected without a divine intervention, a
miracle or wish spells.
Cold: The target must then make a fortitude save to avoid being
frozen alive and encased completely in ice. If the save is
successfully, the victim is still chilled to the bone and takes 3d8
points of cold damage. If the save is failed, the character freezes;
every portion of his body turns to solid ice. The character so frozen
is still alive and enters a state of suspended animation (see
temporary stasis spell in Players Handbook) until the ice melts and
she is restored to normal. Should the frozen victim be hit for more
than 10 hit points of damage, her form shatters, slaying her
instantly. If it occurs, he cant be resurrected without a divine
intervention, a miracle or wish spells.
Electricity: The target must then make a fortitude save to avoid
being electrocuted by a lightning discharge. If the save is
successfully, the victim takes 3d8 lightning damage. If the save is
failed, the character receives a charge of electricity. The character is
stunned and enters a state of suspended animation (see temporary
stasis spell in Players Handbook) until the energy is dispelled and
he is restored to normal. If anything touch the victim, he is died and
deals 3d8 lightning damage in all at 5 feet. If it occurs, the victim is
carbonised and cant be resurrected without a divine intervention or
a miracle or wish spells.
Fire: The target must then make a fortitude save to avoid being
burned alive and set on fire. If the save is successfully, the victim
takes 3d8 points of fire damage. If the save is failed, the character
burns; the flames burns every portion of his body. The character is
stunned and enters a state of suspended animation (see temporary
stasis spell in Players Handbook) and receives 1d8 points of
damage every round until the flames is extinguished and she is
restored to normal. If the hit points of the victim falls bellow 10,
he is dead and cant be resurrected without a divine intervention, a
miracle or wish spells.
Energy Immunity: At the 10th level, the Energy Master gains
immunity against his energy type.

Mage [Hathran]
Hathrans comprise an elite sisterhood of spellcasters who lead
Rashemen. They are also known as the Witches of Rashemen.
Within the borders of Rashemen, their powers are greater than other

spellcasters of their level. In Rashemi society, hathrans occupy the

place reserved for powerful clerics in most Faernian cultures. They
heal the sick and wounded, care for the souls of their followers,
recruit champions from other planes, and raise the dead. Within the

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
hathran class (which means learned sisterhood in the language of
Rashemen), 1st-level characters are called blethran (sisterkin).
The 9th- and 10th-level hathrans are called othlor (true ones) and
have complete authority over all other Witches: Hathrans have the
power of life and death over all citizens of Rashemen, although to
misuse this authority is a serious offence against the sisterhood.
When travelling in Rasheman hathans always wear masks. Many
are sent outside their home- Rasheman to study other cultures and
keep watch on important figures.
To be a hathran requires a certain depth of knowledge in arcane and
divine magic. Usually hathrans are cleric/wizards, but some of the
sisters have developed their powers as bards, druids, rangers, or
sorcerers. The concept of rivalry between spellcasters is considered
insane by hathrans, and they share spells with any hathran they
deem able to handle the responsibility.
In Rashemi society, the creation of magic items is left to the male
spellcasters, and hathrans are not allowed to learn item creation
feats. (To do so causes expulsion from the sisterhood and
banishment from Rashemen, so great is the social stigma.) The only
exceptions are scrolls, which are used to train lesser members in
arcane and divine magic. Rashemi wizards who hope to become
hathran use their bonus feats for metamagic feats or Spell Mastery.

Alignment: Lawful good, lawful neutral, or neutral good.

Race: Human female of Rashemen or Rashemi descent.
Spellcasting: Able to cast 2nd-level arcane spells and 2nd-level
divine spells.
Feats: Ethran.
Patron: Chauntea, Miclikki, or Mystra.
Special: Member in good standing of the Witches of Rashemen.
Hit Dice: d4.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Animal Empathy (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft
(Int), Intuit Direction (Wis), Knowledge (all skills taken
individually) (Int), Perform. (Cha), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int),
Swim (Str), Speak Language, Spellcraft (Int), and Wilderness Lore
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + lilt modifier.

To qualify to become a hathran (Hth), a character must fulfil all the
following criteria.







Spells Per Day






Cohort, place magic

+1 level of existing class











Fear (1/day)

+1 level of existing class






Circle leader

+1 level of existing class































+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class

Fear (2/day)

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class

Fear (3/day)

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class

Greater command

Class Features
All the following are Class Features of the hathran prestige class.
Weapons and Armour: Hathrans gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency
(whip). They gain proficiency in no new armour.
Spells per Day: A hathrans training focuses on arcane or divine
spells. Thus, when a new hathran level is gained, the character gains
new spells per day as if she had also gained one level in a
spellcasting class (her choice) she belonged to before becoming a
hathran. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of
that class would have gained (improved chance of controlling or
rebuking undead, metamagic or item creation feats, and so on). This
essentially means that she adds the level of hathran to the level of
whatever other spellcasting class the character has, then determines
spells per day and caster level accordingly. Since all hathrans are

+1 level of existing class

multiclass spellcasters, some choose to expand their skill in the

arcane, others the divine and the remainder strike a balance between
the two.
The hathrans also have a short custom spell list. These spells are
arcane spells and must be acquired like any other arcane spell. They
use spell slots of the appropriate level in the hathran's arcane
spellcasting class.
1st level-Scatterspray
2nd level-Moonbeam.
3rd level -Flashburst, Moon Blade.
5th level-Moon Path.
Cohort: The hathran gains a cohort as if she had the Leadership feat
(see page 45 of the DUNGEON MASTERS Guide). This cohort is

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
either a Rashemi female with the Ethran feat or a Rashemi male
with at least one level of barbarian. This cohort does not count
against any cohorts (or followers) the hathran may acquire by taking
the Leadership feat.
Place Magic: The hathrans ties to the land of Rashemen are so
strong that when in her homeland, she can draw upon the power of
the land and its spirits to allow her to cast spells without preparing
them. When using place magic, she may cast any arcane spell she
knows or any divine spell on her spell list. The spell uses spell slots
as normal. Casting with place magic is a full-round action. If the
spell has a casting time of 1 action or longer, 1 full round is added
to the casting time of the spell. If the hathran wishes to use a
metamagic feat she knows on a place magic spell, 1 additional full
round is added to the casting time of the spell.

Note that when on her home soil, a hathran may use divine spell
slots of the appropriate level to cast any of the spells on the hathran
spell list, even if she doesnt know the spell as an arcane spell.
Fear (Su): A hathran can cast fear as a sorcerer of her highest
spellcasting level. The ability is usable once per day at 3rd level,
twice per day at 6th level, and three times per day at 8th level.
Circle Leader: The hathran gains the ability to become a circle
leader, who is the focus person for hathran circle magic. See
Chapter 2: Magic for a description of circle magic.
Greater Command (Su): The hathran can cast a quickened greater
command once per day as a sorcerer of her highest spell casting

Mage [Magistrate]
The Magistrate are those Tirasim who have been tapped by their
government and charged with rooting out crime and corruption
within the Tirasim Republic. They are honourable men and women

whose values are rigorous obedience to the Chief Judge of the

Tirasim Republic, respect for the dignity of all those they protect,
compassion, fairness, and uncompromising personal and
institutional integrity. Magistrate members are arcane spell casters
with their own spell list.












Detect Evil Magic,







Dispel Evil Magic

Detect Lies


























































Class Skills

Alignment: Any good.

The Magistrate class skills are: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con),

Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather
Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (politics) (Int),
Knowledge (Tirasim underworld) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession
(Wis), Scry (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak
Language, Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Use Rope (Dex).

Skills: Knowledge (politics): 2 ranks. Gather Information: 4 ranks.

Search: 2 ranks. Diplomacy: 4 ranks
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Spells: Able to cast arcane spells
Special: Be appointed to the position by either the Chief Judge or
the High Judge of the Tirasim Republic.
Hit Die: d8.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Magistrate prestige

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Dagger, dagger/punching,
mace/light, club, quarterstaff, crossbow (light and heavy), sap, short
sword, whip. Those of the Magistrate also gain proficiency with
light armour.
Armour check penalties apply when using the following skills:
Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick
Pocket, and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer a 1 penalty for
every 5 pounds of armour and equipment carried.
Detect Evil Magic: Those of the Magistrate are able to detect evil
magic at will. This functions exactly as the detect magic spell
however it only detects evil magic. Detect evil magic is a spell-like
Dispel Evil Magic: The Magistrate can dispel evil magic once per
day per two levels. The caster level is equal to the Magistrates
character level. Dispel evil magic is a spell-like ability.
Immunity to Illusions: The Magistrate gains a +1 per Magistrate
level on saving throws against all types of illusions.
Immunity to Enchantment: The Magistrate gains a +1 per
Magistrate level on saving throws against enchantment.
Detect Lies: Beginning at 2nd level, the Magistrate may attempt to
detect lies once per day. In order to use this ability, the Magistrate
member must make a Wisdom check, with his Magistrate level
added, against a DC of 15 + the Wisdom bonus of the subject. If the
Magistrate succeeds, he can discern if that individual is lying to

him. If the Magistrate fails the check, no information is gained. For

every two levels beyond 2nd level, the Magistrate may attempt this
once more each day.
Spells: Those of the Magistrate cast arcane spells. To cast a spell,
the Magistrate must have an Intelligence of at least 10 + the spells
level, so an Magistrate with an Intelligence of 10 or lower cannot
cast these spells. Magistrate bonus spells are based on Intelligence,
and saving throws against these spells have a Difficulty Class of 10
+ spell level + Intelligence modifier.
Magistrate Spells
Those of the Magistrate choose their spells from the following list:
1st Level

2nd Level

Arcane mark, comprehend

languages, detect
chaos/evil/good/law, detect
magic, detect poison, protection
from chaos/evil/good/law, read
magic, remove fear.

Augury, calm emotions, detect

thoughts, enthral, hold person,
locate object, silence, zone of

3rd Level

4th Level

Dispel magic, helping hand,

invisibility purge, magic circle
against chaos/evil/good/law,
remove curse.

Detect scrying, dismissal,

divination, locate creature,
scrying, sending, spell
immunity, status, tongues.

Mage [Mask Mage]

The Mask Mage is a slightly mysterious combination of a crafts
master and a wizard. In many cases, they make a living from

making masks for ceremonies, masque balls, and other celebrations.

Concentration on this craft, along with diligent study of magic,
allows them many extra abilities.

















Spells per day


Craft Wondrous Item Feat


Mask of the Apprentice



Mask of the Seer




Mask of the Beast





Mask of the Mortal





Mask of Air





Mask of Water





Mask of Earth





Mask of Fire






Mask of the Divine

In order to become a Mask Mage, a character must fulfil the
following requirements
Spellcasting: 6 levels or higher
Feats: Silent Spell, Still Spell
Spellcraft: 3 Ranks

Craft (Mask making): 1 Rank

Hit die: d4

Class Skills
The Mask Mage's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Forgery (Int), Knowledge

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
(Arcana) (Int), Perform (Cha), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + lilt modifier.

Craft Wondrous Item: The Mask Mage gets the Craft Wondrous
Item feat free at first level.
Mask of the Apprentice: 4 times per day, the Mask Mage can make
a mask appear on her face. This mask is fully animated, and may
resemble any normal animal. The masks last 3 days.

Class Features
All the following are features of the Mask Mage prestige class:

Mask of the Seer: 1 time per day, the Mask Mage can use a mask
to cast True Seeing.

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: A Mask Mage is proficient

with all simple weapons.

Mask of the Beast: 1 time per day, the Mask Mage can use a mask
to cast Polymorph Self.

Spellcasting: Mask Mages can cast spells from the Mask Mage
spell list, below. See also the Spells per Day entry in the Mask
Mage Table.

Mask of the Mortal: 1 time per day, the Mask Mage can use a
mask to appear to be any one mortal of their current size category.
This is proof against almost all forms of detection. (A Spellcraft
check with a DC of (30 + Character Level of Mask Mage) defeats

Spell List
0th Level

2nd Level

Dancing Lights, Detect Magic,

Mage Hand, Mending, Arcane
Mark, Prestidigitation

Blur, Darkness, Daylight,

Glitterdust, Hypnotic Pattern,
Mirror Image, Magic Mouth,
Tasha's Hideous Laughter

1st Level

3rd Level

Charm Person, Erase,

Hypnotism, Silent Image,
Ventriloquism, Obscuring
Mist, Change Self

Charm Monster, Illusory

Script, Major Image, Legend
Lore, Sepia Snake Sigil,
Polymorph Other, Polymorph

Mask of Air: 1 time per day, the Mask Mage can use a mask to cast
Air Walk, Control Winds, or Chain Lightening.
Mask of Water: 1 time per day, the Mask Mage can use a mask to
cast Water Breathing, Control Water, or Ice Storm.
Mask of Earth: 1 time per day, the Mask Mage can use a mask to
cast Spike Stones, Wall of Stone, or Stoneskin.
Mask of Fire: 1 time per day, the Mask Mage can use a mask to
cast Wall of Fire, Fire Shield, or Fire Seeds.
Mask of the Divine: 1 time per day, the Mask Mage can use a mast
to cast any divine or arcane spell up to 5th level.

Mage [Master of Mysteries]


influence of the divine on the arcane, and reinforces the flavour of

the setting.

The Master of Mysteries is a speciality wizard class available to

those favoured by the gods of Mulhorand.

Most Masters of Mysteries belongs to the orthodox members of the

Mulhorandi pantheon, but the renegade deities of the Mulhorandi
pantheon (i.e.. Set, Sebek) have their own Masters too.

These hale men are the seekers of lost lore, and keepers of known
lore. They guard the places of the dead. They are teachers and
healers. In Mulhorand, they are feared as wise men, miracle
workers, and enforcers of the will of the gods (especially Thoth,
who does not suffer those who steal the secrets of the Book of the
Unlike conventional mages, the Master of Mysteries straddles the
line between priest and wizard, mixing spells divine and arcane.
Masters must reach at least 5th level in the cleric class, and although
they study spells as wizards, they must maintain their service to
their deity in order to gain spells. More potently, they can use divine
power to empower their arcane magics, making them more
powerful and difficult to resist.
The Master of Mysteries is primarily meant for campaigns where
they want a more Egyptian feel to the campaign. To accomplish this,
were raising a few red flags, particularly in the mix of the divine
and the arcane, which is normally a no no, but really reinforces the

Southern Magic
All spells known by the Master of Mysteries is written in ssThoth,
the so-called language of Southern magic. SsThoth is a hieroglyphic
script that combines divine and arcane symbology, making it nearly
impossible for nonMulhorandi to translate without special
knowledge. Although several foreign sorcerers (all but one of them
Halruaan) have broken the code, it has been the policy of the
priesthood of Thoth to track down and either kill or feeblemind
anyone who breaches this sacred secret. The church of Thoth has
sent spies and assassins abroad to carry out their wishes. A Read
Southern Magic spell is identical to a read magic spell, except it
reads ssThoth script. [Designers Note: Since one of the more
intriguing aspects of Egypt is its exotic and mysterious script, Read
Southern Magic is meant as a magical echo; it provides
opportunities for PCs to look for a Realms equivalent of a Rosetta
Stone. If this doesnt appeal to you, feel free to ignore it.
















Divine Enhancement

Prayer of Recall

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes



































Amulet (mekhet)

Animal Form

Holy Seal

Figurine (Shabti)

Hit Dice: D4
Alignment: any.
Race: +3
Spells: Knowledge (astrology): 3 ranks, Knowledge (religion): 5
ranks, Profession (scribe): 3 ranks, Spellcraft: 4 ranks
Spells: Able to cast 3rd level priest spells Worshipper of a god of
the Mulhorandi pantheon

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Wis),
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Astrology) (Int),
Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge
(Religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Speak Language, and Spellcraft
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + INT modifier

Class Features
Divine Enhancement: The Master of Mysteries may use a divine
spell slot to enhance an arcane spell. Enchanting spell gives variable
effects, depending on what spell level is used to enhance it. Only
one effect may be chosen at a time. For any of the metamagic
effects, the spell effect need not be specified beforehand (hence it's
pretty damn expensive). No spell can be divinely enhanced that
would take it beyond 9th level (thus you can't use a 9th level divine
spell to enhance a 6th or higher level spell, as adding four levels
would take it to at least 10th level.
The slot must be designated as "enhancement" when he prepares the
The caster may choose the desired enhancement when the spell is
1st 9th Level spell: 1/2 /level (round fractions down) penalty to
target's saving throw
+1/level to spell penetration level.
+1/level to Attack roll with spell
+2/level to Concentrate roll
2/level to opponent's Spellcraft roll (for purposes of penalising
6th level spell Any +1 level spell metamagic feat on the spell cast

7th level spell Any +2 level spell metamagic feat on the spell cast
8th level spell Any +3 level spell metamagic feat on the spell cast
9th+ level spell Any +4 level spell metamagic feat on the Spell cast
Prayer of Recall: At second level, the Master of Mysteries may
leave open Divine spell slots to remember cast arcane spells. If a
Master casts an arcane spell and has an available divine magic slot,
a Spellcraft roll made at a DC of 15+spell level will allow the
Master to successfully remember the spell, placing it in the divine
spell slot. The open divine spell slot must be the same level as the
one that was cast.
Horoscope: The Master can chart someone's horoscope, once per
day. The Master must know the date and place of the subject's birth,
and the subject's true name. If the roll is successful, then the Master
will produce a scroll that will cast an Augury spell (once) when it is
consulted. The success of the Augury is 70% +1%/level, with an
additional bonus of +1 per point made by a Knowledge: Astrology
roll over a DC of 20 (i.e.. if the Master rolls a 24 on his astrology
roll, he gets +4% success chance to the Augury). The horoscope is
not particularly accurate over the long term: every day after the
chart is drawn penalises the Augury by 10%. It requires an hour to
craft a person's horoscope.
Mekhet At the holy time of the day that the Master receives his
Priest's spells, he may also pray for a mekhet, or amulet. This
amulet will contains a single use Abjuration spell; breaking the
amulet (a full round action) /will release the spell. The Master will
not receive a mekhet that contains a spell he cannot cast. The Master
may not have more than one mekhet at a time, nor wear the mekhet
with any other type of amulet.
The Master may surrender his mekhet so it may be buried with a
sanctified dead body of a Mulhorandi faithful; when he does so, he
receives a gift of maat from his deity: +2 to all saving throws and
ten bonus hit points, which last until the next sunset. The gift of
maat can only be received once per week.
If a person is buried with a mekhet, the abjuration on the mekhet is
automatically triggered when the body's container (the sarcophagus
or the mummy wrappings) is disturbed.
Figurine (Shabti): At seventh level, the Master can craft a shabti, a
warrior figurine, a rough wooden figure about eight inches in
length. It requires one hours work and a Craft roll with a DC 20 to
successfully carve the shabti. If successful, the Master has a figurine
which he can throw down to Transform itself into a fighter of equal
level to one half the creators Master level, (theyre armoured in
bronze half plate [+6 AC, otherwise identical to normal half plate]
and shield, and equipped with a longsword or scimitar, and possess
the following stats: S14 I14 W14 D14 C14 Ch14). The shabti will
fight for its master until its killed, or until ten round +1 round per
Masters wisdom bonus, after which it crumbles into dust. Each
Master may only have one Empowered shabti at a time.
The Master may surrender his shabti so it may be buried with a
sanctified dead body of a Mulhorandi faithful; when he does so, he
receives a gift of maat from his deity: +2 to all saving throws and

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
ten bonus hit points, which last until the next sunset. The gift of
maat can only be received once per week.

The Master can assume the Animal form once per day, for one
round per Master Level, plus one round per wisdom stat bonus.

If a person is buried with a shabti, the shabti will come to life when
disturbed or when the container of the body hes meant to protect
(the sarcophagus or the mummy wrappings) is disturbed.

Holy Seal: At tenth level, the Master can inscribe an object with a
holy seal of his deity. If anyone other than a Master or Priest of the
deity touches the object on which the holy seal has been placed,
they will receive three blights: a deadly poison (Contact DC 22,
Initial: 1d6 STR, Secondary: 1d6), a disease (Mummy Rot, see
DMG p. 75), and a major curse (see Powers and Pantheons, p. 120).

Animal Form: At 9th level, the Master of Mysteries will be able to

assume a hybrid animal/human form, depending on the deity he
serves. This form has the body of a human, but a head belonging to
an animal sacred to the Master's deity. While assuming the animal
form, the Master receives SR 15+1/Master Level, Damage
Reduction 1 pt per Master Level/+3, +1 to all saving throws, and the
following powers.
Crocodile (Sebek): +4 to Strength.

If a holy seal that's been placed on a tomb door of a Mulhorandi

worshipper is broken by one who does not serve the Master's deity,
on the rising of the new moon, a mummy will be summoned that
will pursue the person who broke the seal. This spirit of vengeance
has an additional hit die per level of

Crow (Nephthys): The Master may fly at a base Movement rate of

90 (average). When the animal form expires and if the Master's still
airborne, she will feather fall safely to the ground.

Master's seal and +1/Master level to all attack and damage rolls.
Anyone slain by this mummy cannot be raised or resurrected. Only
the death of the mummy or the one who broke the seal will end its

Cow (Hathor): All healing spells cast by Master have maximum

possible effect.

Except for tombs, the Master can place the Holy Seal on only one
object at a time.

Falcon (HorusRe): The Master will gain +3 damage and +1

improved critical rolls with all staves and maces.

Mysteries Spell List: Masters of Mystery know Wizard/Sorcerer

spells from the following spheres: Abjuration: Conjuration:

Goose (Geb): +4 to all Spot, Search, Listen rolls, +2 to Initiative

Ibis (Thoth): If the Master makes a Spellcraft roll with a DC of
20+Spell level when he casts a spell, the victim gets a 4 penalty to
saving throws, and any Counterspell rolls to recognise the Master's
Lion (Anhur): Fast Heal 3 points per round.
Phoenix (Osiris): Immune to energy drain effects, undead take
2d12 hit points if they strike him.
Snake (Set): Any weapon held by the Master is coated with Serpent
of Set venom (Injury DC 24, Initial: 1d6 STR, Secondary: 1d6)
Woman (with Horns) (Isis): May recall Master level worth of
spells cast while in Animal form.

In addition, they also know all Divination spells, at one level lower
than Sorcerer/Wizardry counterparts (1st and 2nd level Wizard
Divinations are 1st level Mystery spells, 3rd level Wizard
Divinations are 2nd level Mystery spells, etc. 7th level Wizard
Divinations are 6th level Mystery spells).
Masters of Mystery also know Evocation and Necromantic spells,
but at one level higher than Wizards (a 1st level Wizard Evocation
spell is a 2nd level Mystery spell, a 2nd level Wizard Necromantic
spell is a 3rd level Mystery spell, etc).
Option: As an alternative for Set worshippers, Set Masters knows
Necromantic spells as one level lower, and divinations at one level
Masters of Mystery are barred from spells from the Enchantment
and Illusion schools.

Mage [Ordainer]
These specialized spellcasters have been trained in the city of
Ymandragore to serve the Sorcerer King with unflinching loyalty as
his agents on the continent of Onara. Because of their particular
abilities in absorbing, leeching and channelling magical energies,
Ordainers are especially suited to the task of perpetually seeking out
the signs of magical ability across the many lands they travel. They
bring these wayward spellcasters back to Ymandragore for
instruction and proper education in the magical arts. Once
unopposed in this task due to an ancient treaty between the Sorcerer
King and the rulers of Coryani, this treaty was revoked during the
reign of the Empress Shar valAssante when an ordainer demanded
that her twin sons be given to the Sorcerer-King for instruction. Her
refusal sparked the First Coryani-Ymandragore War, the first
conflict Ymandragore failed to decisively win. Now forced to take a

more covert attitude, the Ordainers move like phantoms in the mist,
seeking out those arcane gifted. Refusal is never an option. Those
who oppose the Ordainers, or refuse to travel back to Ymandragore
with them, invoke the ire of the Sorcerer King and the Ordainers.
All Ordainers are formidable spellcasters endowed with extra
abilities that make them extremely dangerous to all users of magic.
While the motivations and moral outlook of individual Ordainers
may vary, they are all unquestionably loyal to the Sorcerer King and
his teachings, serving him without question and to the death.
NPC Ordainers met across Onara, regardless of whatever else they
are occupied with at the moment, are always engaged in the service
of the Sorcerer King. Those in Ymandragore spend their days
instructing the students of the various magical academies, as well as
acting as a sort of watch for threats, both from outside as from











Absorb Spell (3), Power Metamagic Ability


Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Absorb Spell (6), Absorb Charges





Absorb Spell (8), Arcane Healing





Absorb Spell (10), Spell Thief





Absorb Spell (12), Eldritch Storm, Reform Magic

Alignment: Any non-good
Skills: Concentration skill: 8 ranks Knowledge (Arcana) skill: 8
ranks Spellcraft skill: 8 ranks
Feats: Any two Metamagic feats
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast 4th level Arcane spells
Special: Must have trained as a spellcaster in Ymandragore. Also,
all Ordainers must swear full allegiance and loyalty to the Sorcerer
Hit Die: d4

Class Skills:
The Ordainers class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),
Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis),
Ride (Dex), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), and Spellcraft (Int). See
Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Ordainer prestige class.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Ordainers focus completely on
their magical talents. As such, they are not proficient with any
weapon or armour, though they usually carry these features from a
previous class.
Spells Known: These are bonus spells known to the Ordainer,
gained as the appropriate arcane spellcasting class gains spells.
These are not bonus spells added to the number of spells that the
ordainer can cast. An Ordainer cannot benefit from spells known if
he cannot cast spells of that level.
Absorb Spell: This spell-like ability allows the Ordainer to siphon
magical energy directed at him in the form of a directed or singletarget spell. As a free action, the Ordainer must successfully make a
Concentration check of DC 15 + spell level or suffer full spell
effects as normal. If successful, the effects of the spell are nullified
and the Ordainer stores the spell levels as extra magical energy he
can use to power other abilities. An Ordainer can only store a
maximum number of 3 spell levels per day at 1st level, increasing to
6 spell levels at 2nd level, 8 spell levels at 3rd, 10 spell levels at 4th,
and 12 spell levels at 5th level. Any spell levels in excess of the
maximum an Ordainer can absorb have a chance of dealing damage
to the ordainer as follow: 1-2 extra spell levels, no effect; 3-6 extra
spell levels, 1d4 points of damage per extra spell level (Fort save
half, DC 10 + extra spell levels); 6-12 or more extra spell levels,
1d4+2 points of damage per extra spell level (Fort save half, DC 10

Mage [Rage Mage]




+ extra spell levels). If the Ordainer absorbs more then 12 spell

levels over his maximum in one round an Eldritch Storm occurs,
one which the Ordainer has no control over, and in which he does
takes damage from (see below). This is an extraordinary ability.
Power Metamagic Ability: An Ordainer can use stored spell levels
to power any metamagic feat known, providing with stored spell
levels the extra level slots an enhanced spell normally takes. Spells
can either be prepared normally in their metamagic-enhanced
versions, in the case of wizards, or can also be cast in their
metamagic-enhanced versions on the fly. Power Metamagic Ability
is a full-round action. This is a supernatural ability.
Absorb Charges: As absorb spell, but the Ordainer can also siphon
out charges from magical items. For each charge absorbed the
Ordainer gains 1 stored spell level. An item that has all its charges
absorbed crumbles into dust, its magical energies depleted. It takes a
full round to absorb 1 charge off an item. This is a spell-like ability.
Arcane Healing: Once per day, as a spell-like ability, an Ordainer
can use stored spell levels to heal himself. For every spell level
stored, an Ordainer heals 1d6 hit points. Arcane healing uses up all
spell levels stored when it is used. Arcane healing is a full-round
Spell Thief: An Ordainer can steal spells directly from another
spellcasters mind. Once per day per Ordainer class level, as a
standard action, with a successful touch attack, an Ordainer can then
make a caster level check (DC 1d20 + target spellcaster level + spell
resistance, if any) to steal one random spell of a level up to 2 lower
than the Ordainers class level. The bonus from the Spell
Penetration feat can be applied to this roll even if the target
spellcaster does not normally have spell resistance. The stolen spell
is immediately erased from the target spellcasters list of prepared
or known spells and transferred to the Ordainers prepared or known
spells. This spell is retained by the Ordainer until cast, and can be
scribed into a scroll or spellbook, or learned by a sorcerer or bard,
as normal. This is a spell-like ability.
Eldritch Storm: Once per day, an Ordainer can release all magical
energy stored in a powerful burst of energy. As a full-round action,
the Ordainer releases all spell levels stored in a 20-foot diameter
centered on him. All creatures in the affected area must make a Ref
save (DC 10 + Ordainer class level + spell levels used, for half
damage) or take 1d6 per spell level used points of damage. Eldritch
storm uses up all spell levels stored when it is used. An Ordainer is
not affected by his own eldritch storm, though he is affected by
another Ordainers storm, with a chance to absorb the spell energy
as normal with the use of the absorb spell ability. After using an
eldritch storm, an Ordainer must make a successful Concentration
check (DC 10 + spell levels used) or become fatigued (-2 Str, -2
Dex, cant charge or run) for 1d6 rounds. This is a spell-like ability.
Reform Magic: An Ordainer can use spell levels stored to cast
spells intimately known to him. A sorcerer may use stored spell
levels to cast any spell known, totalling the amount of spell levels
stored. A wizard may used stored spell levels to cast any spell know
through the use of the Spell Mastery feat, totalling the amount of
spell levels stored.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

up, however, a Rage Mage often reveals himself by flying into an

Eldritch Fury.

Tortured souls who have seen the worst of the world, Rage Mages
are arcane spellcasters who have suffered great psychological
trauma to the extent that it affects their magic. While many are
envious of the power these beings wield, they do not often
contemplate the consequences or limitations that powers have.
Under peaceful, normal circumstances, there is nothing that would
mark a Rage Mage as unusual. As soon as a situation starts heating

Wizards and Sorcerers can become Rage Mages under the right
circumstances, as can the occasional Bard. Most other classes can
not become Rage Mages because they can not cast Arcane spells.
NPC Rage Mages often keep to themselves, using their powers as
rarely as possible, exploding with magical temper if pressed into
combat. Those who do battle with a Rage Mage quickly decide they
are better off fleeing.












Eldritch Fury (1/day), Strength of Anguish +1dX, Traumatic







Strength of Anguish +2dX






Blunted Wrath, Strength of Anguish +3dX;






Eldritch Fury (2/day), Strength of Anguish +4dX;






Strength of Anguish +5dX;






Strength of Anguish +6dX;






Eldritch Fury (3/day), Strength of Anguish +7dX;






Halted Fury, Strength of Anguish +8dX;






Strength of Anguish +9dX;







Strength of Anguish +10dX;


To become a Rage Mage, a character must fulfil all of the following
Alignment: Any Chaotic.
Skills: Spellcraft: 8 Ranks, Knowledge (Arcana): 8 Ranks. Feats:
Combat Casting, Enlarge Spell, Empower Spell, Maximise Spell
(Wizards who become Rage Mages must also have the feat Spell
Mastery). Spellcasting: Ability to cast 1st-level Arcane spells.
Special: Traumatic experience (see below).
Hit Dice: d4

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Concentration (Con), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually)
(Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), and Spellcraft
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 3 + Int modifier

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: A Rage Mage gains no additional weapon
or armour proficiencies.
Spells per Day: A Rage Mage continues to train in magic, as it is
his chief tool in the search for revenge. Thus, when a new Rage
Mage level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he

had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before

he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other
benefit of a character of that class would have gained (improved
chance of controlling or rebuking undead, metamagic and item
creation feats, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the
level of Rage Mage to the level of some other spellcasting class the
character has, then determines spells per day and caster level
If a character had more than one spellcasting class before he became
a Rage Mage, he must decide to which class he adds each level of
Rage Mage for purposes of determining spells per day when he adds
the new level.
Strength of Anguish: A Rage Mages primary talent is the ability to
cast combat spells that deal far more damage than their
counterparts. Because this extra energy comes from the Mages pain
and anger, these bonuses only apply during an Eldritch Fury. When
rolling for damage dealt by a spell cast during an Eldritch Fury, add
one die of the appropriate type to the damage roll for each level of
Rage Mage the character has. This does not count against the limit
for dice which some spells apply (for example, a 7th level
Wizard/4th level Rage Mage who casts Lightning Bolt rolls 11d6
for damage, even though the spells normal maximum is 10d6).
These additional dice are not further increased by the feat Empower
Spell, but are affected by the feat Maximise Spell.
Eldritch Fury: The terrifying power which gives Rage Mages their
name is the ability to fly into a frenzied state similar to the
Barbarians Blood Rage. While in this state, the Rage Mage adds a
number of dice of the appropriate type to any rolls for damage
caused by spells he casts as determined by his level (see Strength of
Anguish, above), and the range and affected area of spells is
increased by one half of maximum (a fireball, for example, would
go from a twenty-foot spread to a thirty-foot spread). A Rage Mage
in this state is reckless, however, and pays little attention to his own

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
safety or that of his friends. A Rage Mage receives a -2 penalty to
Armour Class while Furious, and casts area-effect spells without
regard to the whereabouts of other party members. A Rage Mage
receives a +4 bonus to Intelligence, resulting in the ability to cast
extra spells, +4 to Wisdom, and +2 to the difficulty of all saving
throws against his spells.
A Rage Mage is winded and stupefied at the end of a Fury, and
receives -2 to Wisdom and Strength scores until the end of an
encounter. A Rage Mage may only enter Fury once per encounter,
and may choose to end a Fury prematurely, but will still be winded
(except after seventh level, when only a full-length fury exhausts
the Rage Mage). A Rage Mages Fury normally lasts 3 rounds plus
the Mages (newly improved) Wisdom bonus.
While a Rage Mage is in Fury, his clothing is stirred as if he stands
in the centre of a small cyclone, his eyes glow, and other impressive
effects may also manifest. This visual display gives the Rage Mage
a +10 competence bonus to Intimidation checks, but also incurs a
-10 penalty on all checks that need to foster a sense of calm in
something (Handle Animal, for example). A Rage Mage who is
riding when he enters Fury will find his mount impossible to
control, and must make a successful Ride check (DC 25) or be
thrown by the panicked creature.
Traumatic Experience: Rage Mages do not choose to become what
they are. Rather than controlling the power and emotion at their

disposal, they allow it to control them, a form of insanity. This

insanity is brought on by some horrible psychological trauma that
the character must experience shortly before becoming a Rage
Mage. Examples could include watching helplessly as friends or
family are slain, coming home to a journey to find everything
familiar destroyed as a result of their own actions, or something
along those lines. Watch The Crow for a good example of a
Traumatic Experience.
Each time something similar to the Rage Mages original trauma
occurs, there is a chance that the Mage will lose control and enter an
Eldritch Fury involuntarily. When this happens, the Rage Mage
lashes out with their most destructive (though not necessarily
highest-level) spells at everything in sight that relates to their
trauma, and can not choose to prematurely end the Fury. At third
level, a Rage Mage gains sufficient control of their emotions to
make one Will saving throw (Difficulty equal to 20 plus the number
of levels in Rage Mage, minus one for each previous round the
Mage tried and failed) to control the Fury and end it prematurely. At
eighth level, this control improves to the point where the Rage
Mage may end involuntary Furies prematurely, and makes a saving
throw (same Difficulty as before) to keep from entering Fury in the
first place. Players may choose not to attempt saving throws to enter
Fury instead. Involuntary Furies still count against the Rage Mages
daily limit.

Mage [Red Wizard]

The Red Wizards are the masters of Thay, the conquerors of that
lands native Rashemi, and the would-be magical overlords of
Faern. They focus on a school of magic more intently than any
specialist, achieving incredible mastery of magic within a very
narrow focus. Seen as cruel and evil tyrants by people across Toril,
a few choose to leave their region, assume secret identities, and
practice magic without having to worry about political alliances and
possible slave uprisings.

Early in their careers, would-be Red Wizards specialise in a school

of magic and acquire the Tattoo Focus feat that prepares them for
entry into the full Red Wizard prestige class. All Red Wizards have
some skill as a specialist wizard, and most follow that path
exclusively, but a few dabble in other sorts of learning (such as
combat or divine magic). While it is possible for a sorcerer or bard
to become a Red Wizard, such misfits are ridiculed in their
homeland and are incredibly rare













Enhanced specialisation, specialist defence +1







Spell power +1







Specialist defence +2







Spell power +2







Bonus feat, circle leader







Spell power +3







Specialist defence +3, scribe tattoo







Spell power +4







Specialist defence +4







Great circle leader, spell power +5



Race: Human from Thay.

To qualify to become a Red Wizard (Red), a character must fulfil all

the following criteria: Alignment: Any none good.

Skills: Spellcraft 5 ranks.

Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3rd-level arcane spells.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Feats: Tattoo Focus and a total of three metamagic feats or item
creation feats

additional prohibited school or schools using the rules on page 54 of

the Players Handbook.

Hit Dice: d4.

He can never again learn spells from those prohibited schools: He

cannot choose the same prohibited schools he chose as a 1st-level
wizard. He can still use the prohibited spells he knew prior to
becoming a Red Wizard, including using items that are activated by
spell completion or spell trigger.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Innuendo (Wis),
Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int),
Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Spellcraft (Int).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier: Class Features

Class Features
All the following are Class Features of the Red Wizard prestige
Weapons and Armour: Red Wizards gain no proficiency in any
weapon or armour.
Spells per Day: A Red Wizards training focuses on arcane spells.
Thus, when a new Red Wizard level is gained, the character gains
new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever
arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige
class: He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of
that class would have gained (bonus metamagic or item creation
feats, bard or assassin abilities, and so on): This essentially means
that he adds the level of Red Wizard to the level of whatever other
arcane spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells
per day and caster level accordingly.
If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class before he
became a Red Wizard, he must decide to which class he adds each
level - of Red Wizard for the purpose of determining spells per day.
Enhanced Specialisation: Upon becoming a Red Wizard, the
character increases his devotion to his wizard school of
specialisation. In exchange for this, the Red Wizard must sacrifice
study in one or more schools: The Red Wizard must choose an

For example, Ghorus Toth is specialised in the school of

Transmutation. His prohibited schools are Abjuration and
Enchantment (option 3). When he becomes a Red Wizard, he must
choose one of the other categories of prohibited schools for
Transmutation listed in the School Specialisation sidebar the
Players Handbook. His options are (1) Conjuration, (2) Evocation,
or (4) any three schools: He cannot choose option (3) because there
is no way to select that option without selecting schools from which
he is already prohibited. If he chooses option (4) he cannot choose
Abjuration or Enchantment because those are already prohibited
schools for him. He decides to select Conjuration as his additional
prohibited school.
Specialist Defence: Add this value to the Red Wizards saving
throws against spells from his specialist school.
Spell Power: For spells involving the Red Wizards specialist
school, add this value to the DC for saving throws and to caster
level checks to overcome spell resistance. The value starts at +1 at
1st level and goes up to +2 at 4th level, +3 at 6th level, +4 at 8th
level, and +5 at 10th level. This ability stacks with other spell power
effects that affect spells from the Red Wizards specialist school.
Bonus Feat: The Red Wizard can choose an item creation feat,
metamagic feat, or Spell Mastery (see page 54 of the Player's
Circle Leader: The Red Wizard gains the ability to become a circle
leader, who is the focus person for Red Wizard circle magic. See
Chapter 2: Magic for information on circle magic: Scribe Tattoo:
The Red Wizard gains the ability to place the Thayan wizards
magic tattoos upon willing and qualified novices, giving them the
Tattoo Focus feat and inducting them into his circle.
Great Circle Leader: The Red Wizard can be the centre of a great
circle, which can have up to nine assistants instead of just five. See
Chapter 2: Magic for information on circle magic.

Mage [Runecaster]
A skill originally developed by the dwarves and giants, the ability to
create runes of power has spread beyond the hills and mountains.
Those that choose to master this ability are runecasters, creating
incredibly potent symbols that last for multiple uses and can be
triggered without being touched. An established runecasters goods
are usually adorned with many runes, making his equipment very
impressive looking and a true threat to thieves.

Most runecasters are clerics or adepts because a majority of the

practitioners of this ability are dwarves and giants. Some rangers
and paladins have chosen to become runecasters, particularly since
the Thundering has resulted in many young dwarves leaving home
to explore the wilderness. A few rare druids have chosen the path of
the runecaster as well, although generally only in areas where druids
are so scarce that they have to rely on runes to protect a large area.
Runecasting clerics and paladins use their abilities to protect their
temples and holy items, while ranger runecasters use them to guard
trails, lairs of threatened animals, and natural refuges.







Divine Spells






Rune craft +1







Rune power +1 ,







Improved Runecasting







Rune craft +2


Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Rune power +2







Maximise rune







Rune craft +3







Improved Runecasting







Rune power +3







Rune chant



as passing the rune. A rune must have an unbroken line of effect

to a target to affect that target and the target must be within 30 feet.

To qualify to become a runecaster (Rnc) a character must fulfil all

the following criteria.

A rune that is triggered when passed can be set to almost any special
conditions the runecaster specifies. Runes can be set according to
physical characteristics (such as height or weight) or creature type,
subtype, or species (such as drow or aberration). Runes can also
be set with respect to good, evil, law, chaos, or patron deity. They
cannot be set according to class, Hit Dice, or level. Runes respond
to invisible creatures normally but are not triggered by those who
travel past them ethereally. When placing a rune with a pass
trigger, a runecaster can specify a password or phrase that protects a
creature using it from triggering the rune

Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells.

Skills: Spellcraft 8 ranks, Craft 8 ranks (see the Rune Magic section
of Chapter 2: Magic for appropriate Craft skills).
Feats: Inscribe Rune:
Hit Dice: d8.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis),
Knowledge (arcana), (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), 'Profession
(Wis), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), and Spellcraft (Int).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features
All the following are Class Features of the runecaster prestige class.
Weapons and Armour: Runecasters gain no proficiency in any
weapon or armour
Spells per Day: A runecasters training focuses on divine spells.
Thus, when a new runecaster level is gained, the character gains
new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever
divine spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige
class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of
that class would have gained (improved chance of controlling or
rebuking undead, metamagic or item creation feats, and so on). This
essentially means that he adds the level of runecaster to the level of
whatever other divine spellcasting class the character has, then
determines spells per day accordingly: If a character had more than
one divine spellcasting class before he became a runecaster, he must
decide to which class he adds each level of runecaster for purposes
of determining spells per day and caster level.
Rune Craft: Add this bonus to the runecasters Craft cheeks made
to inscribe runes.
Improved Runecasting: As a runecaster rises in level, he can create
runes that function more than once and have different means of
being triggered. The extra features increase the cost of the rune,
however, as shown on the table below.
Works When Read or Passed.
Any attempt to study, identify, or fathom a runes meaning counts as
reading the rune. Passing through a portal that bears a rune counts

Rune Power: For runes created by the runecaster, add this value to
the DC of all saves and attempts to erase, dispel, or disable the rune,
and to caster level checks to overcome the spell resistance of a
target. Maximise Rune: The runecaster can create runes that are
maximised, as if under the effects of a Maximise Spell feat, without
altering the level of the spell being used to create the rune:
Maximising a rune adds +5 to the DC of the Craft check required to
inscribe it.
Rune Chant: Whenever the runecaster casts a divine spell, he may
trace a rune in the air as an extra somatic component for the spell:
This allows the runecaster to gain the benefit of his rune power
ability for the spell. For spells with a casting time of 1 action, this
increases the casting time to 1 full round. All other spells have their
casting time increased by 1 round. This ability cannot be used on
stilled spells, and it does not function with the maximise rune



Runecaster Base Price



Spell level* x caster level x

f0 gp


Spell level* x caster level x

charges x f0 gp

Charges per day

Spell level* x caster level x

charges x 400 gp


Spell level* x caster level x

2,000 gp

Works when touched

Base cost

Works when read or


Base cost x 2


*A 0-level spell counts as level.

**The minimum runecaster level to inscribe a rune of this type. -
Indicates the default ability granted by the Inscribe Rune feat.
If the spell has a component or XP cost, add that cost times the
number of charges to the base price of the rune.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
If the spell has a component or XP cost, add 100 times that
cost to the base price of the rune.

Mage [Thaumaturge Elemental Mage]

Thaumaturges are spellcasters who are fascinated by secret lore and
the mysteries of the Art. They are especially curious about the
various abilities elementals possess.







Spells Per Day





Special Senses

+1 existing class





Fire Elemental

Floating Slot





Augment Life

Floating Slot





Air Elemental

+1 existing class





Fast Healing

Floating Slot





Water Elemental

Floating Slot





Spell Resistance

+1 existing class





Earth Elemental

Floating Slot






Floating Slot






True Elemental

+1 existing class

To qualify to become a Thaumaturge, a character must fulfil all the
following criteria.
Skills: Knowledge (Arcana): 10 ranks, Knowledge (Planes): 10
ranks, Spellcraft: 10 ranks
Feats: Spell Focus [transmution], Skill Focus [spellcraft]
Spells: Ability to prepare and cast arcane spells of 4th level or
Hit Die: d4

Class Skills
The Thaumaturge's class skills (and the key ability for each skill)
are Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge
(Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), Spellcraft (Int)
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features
All the following are class feature of the Thaumaturge prestige
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Thaumaturges gain no
additional proficiency in weapons, armour, or with shields.
Spells Per Day: At 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th level, the Thaumaturge
gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a
spellcasting class. Levels of Thaumaturge, though, still stack with

the character's base spellcasting levels to determine caster level. He

does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class
would have gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking
undead, metamagic or item creation feats, hit points beyond those
he receives from the prestige class, and so on), except for an
increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more
than one spellcasting class before becoming a Thaumaturge, he
must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of
determining spells per day.
Floating Slot: This is a spell slot at the characters highest accessible
spell level. As the character gains access to higher spell levels, these
slots move up to the new highest spell level.
Special Senses: The Thaumaturge gains blindsight and tremor
sense, both of them have a range of 30 feet per class level.
Fire Elemental: From his studies of fire elementals, the
Thaumaturge gains the ability burn (DC 20 + Con modifier). He
also gains the ability to cast pyrotechnics once per day as a spelllike ability.
Augment Life: The Thaumaturge gains a +2 bonus to Con and
whenever he takes the toughness feat, he adds his Con modifier to
the number of hp he gains. This ability is not retroactive.
Air Elemental: From his studies of air elementals, the Thaumaturge
gains breathlessness (does not need to breathe). He also gains the
ability to cast fly once per day as a spell-like ability.
Fast Healing: Knowledge obtained from the planes allows the
Thaumaturge to speed up his own healing processes, allowing him
to heal at a rate of 1 point per round.
Water Elemental: From his studies of water elementals, the
Thaumaturge gains freedom of movement as the spell as a spell-like
ability usable once per day as well as a swim speed of 60 ft.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Spell Resistance: Gained from gradually increasing levels of
energy from his studies, the Thaumaturge gains spell resistance of
20 + 1 per caster level.

Regeneration: The Thaumaturge gains new insights into his own

anatomy and gains the ability to further increase his healing ability.
He now regenerates 1 point per round.

Earth Elemental: From his studies of earth elementals, the

Thaumaturge gains stone shape as a spell-like ability usable once
per day. He can also burrow through both dirt and stone (leaving
behind a tunnel or not at his discretion) at his normal movement

True Elemental: The Thaumaturge gains a perfect understanding of

elementals and attunes his body to resemble an elementals. His type
changes to elemental and he gains all the immunities common to an
elemental (sleep, poison, paralysis, stunning, and is no longer
subject to critical hits, sneak attacks, or flanking). Additionally, he
can now bind a particular element to himself. He gains immunity
from one type of elemental damage (fire, cold, acid, or lightning).
This immunity cannot be later changed once it is selected.

Mage [Warrior Mages]

In the beginning, the Warriormages were the elite guard of the
Bloodmoon Mages. They were hand picked from the warriors of the
realm. The Mages found warriors with potential, and trained them in
the arts of blending magic with fighting. They fought in battalions
along side the Mages and normal fighters in the Great War against
the Chaotic Dark Lord.

Warriormages Citadel can generally be found in any major city.

Local leaders or organisations often employ them. They are no
longer, just the elite guard of the Mages. Candidates interested in
become Warriormages must journey to the Home Citadel and apply
for admittance into the order.
Upon joining the order the Warriormage give up the use of normal
armour and shields, in exchange they learn how to create magical
armour and enchant their weapons.

Over the centuries, they have developed into orders that still fight


















Enchant Weapon +1


Uncanny Dodge(Dex bonus to AC)



Enchant Weapon +2




Mage Armour +6 AC, +1 saves vs. magic





One Metamagic Feat





Enchant Weapon +3





Mage Armour +8 AC





Enchant Weapon +4, +2 saves vs. magic





One Metamagic Feat






Mage Armour +10 AC


Alchemy, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Jump, Knowledge (All),

Profession, Ride, Scry, Spellcraft, Swim

Alignment: Non Chaotic

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Base Attack Bonus: +5

Skill points at each level 4 + Int Modifier.

Skills: Concentration 2 ranks Knowledge Arcane 4 ranks Spellcraft

2 ranks
Spells: Must be able to cast 1st level Arcane Spells
Feats: Weapon Focus, Combat Casting
Hit Dice: d8

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the Warrior-mage prestige
Weapons and Armour: Warrior-mages are proficient with all
simple and martial weapons. The Warrior-mages special abilities do
not function if they are wearing armour or shields of any kind. They
do function normal with items such as rings of protection. Although
they can use any weapons, Warrior-mages choose one primary

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Instead of using spell components, they use their weapon as their
spell focus. When casting spells, they must be holding this focus
weapon. They can change their focus weapon, but only once in a 30
day time period and they perform this in an elaborate 24 hour
personal ceremony in which they can do nothing else. The only
exception to this is if something happens to destroy their focus
weapon. They lose the ability to cast any spells until they choose
and create another. Warrior-mages will never willingly discard the
weapon they have chosen as their current focus. Warrior-mages do
have to study their spells much like normal Wizards, if they loose
their spell books, they are unable to cast until they replace it.

Warriormage has seen a fireball before, so he recognises the spell

being cast and gets a plus.

Enchant Weapon: Through rigorous training in magic and

weapons, the Warriormage is able to wield his focus weapon as if it
were a +1 magic weapon. This + does not transfer to anyone else
who might get a hold of the weapon and does not work for any other
weapons the Warriormage may have. As they raise in levels, this
ability gets more powerful. At level 3 it is +2, at level 6 +3, at level
8 +4

1st level

3rd level

Jump, Magic Missile, Mount,

Shield, Shocking Grasp, True

Displacement, Flame Arrow,

Fly, Haste, Keen Edge,
Lightning bolt, Protection from

2nd level

4th level

Blur, Endurance, Melfs Acid

Arrow, Protection from Arrows,
Resist Elements

Fireshield, Stoneskin, Shout

Saves vs. Magic: As the Warriormage gets better and blending

magic and weapons, he gets better and avoiding the effects of spells
cast at him. This + is only effective if the Warriormage knows the
spell is coming and has knowledge of the spell. Example, Ron the

Mage Armour: As the Mage Armour spell in the Players handbook

but at level 4, the plus is 6 to AC . This also gains in power as the
Warriormages does. At level 7 it becomes +8 and at level 10 it
becomes +10. Unlike normal spells, this ability can be used once
per day per Warriormage level but only last half the duration of the
version on the PHB. Uncanny Dodge Uncanny Dodge as in the
DMG Spells per Level
Spells Allowed for Warrior-mages

Mage Slayer

they can brutally punish spellcasters with the power of their will

Many powerful wizards, sorcerers, and clerics are so secure in their

power that they grow overconfident. Those that come up against a
mage slayer dont often feel that way again. A mage slayer is trained
specifically to fight against spellcasters (not just wizards, as the
name might imply.) They are trained in the subtle gestures that
spellcasters use. At lower levels, they are able to determine residual
effects of spells, and quickly identify spellcasters. At higher levels,

Paladins, monks, and rangers often hone their skills to take down
evil clerics, wizards, and sorcerers that abuse their magic to enslave
or murder others. Fighters, rogues and barbarians may simply wish
to increase their training against spellcasters, whom they are often
vulnerable to. Occasionally a druid may specialise in preserving the
balance of magic. For obvious reasons, clerics, wizards, sorcerers,
and bards rarely become mage slayers.











Spell resistance; favoured enemy (spellcasters), detect magic (at will)





Smite spellcaster










Mystic Knowledges: (+2 to spellcraft and arcane)





Discerning Mind (+2 illusion & enchantment saves)





Dispel Magic, 1/Day/level










Distract Spellcaster (at will)





Spell Turning, 1/day per level






Drain will


Class skills

Base Attack bonus: +4

The prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Feats: Iron Will

Concentration (con), craft (Int), jump (Str), knowledge (arcana)

(Int), listen (Wis), read lips (Int), sense motive (Wis), spellcraft
(Int), spot (Wis).

Skills: Spellcraft: 5 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana): 5 ranks, Listen: 4

ranks, Concentration: 4 ranks
Hit Die: d8

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Skill points at each level: 4 + Int modifier.

Mystic knowledge: The mage slayer gains a +2 competence bonus

to all spellcraft and knowledge (arcane) checks.

Class Features:

Discerning Mind: He gains a +2 bonus to all saving throws versus

enchantment or illusion spells. (this stacks with the Iron Will feat).

Weapon and armour proficiency: Mageslayers are proficient with

all simple and martial weapons, with light armour, medium armour,
and shields.

Dispel Magic: Once a day per level, the Mage Slayer may cast
dispel magic at a caster level equal to his prestige class level.

Spell resistance: The Mage Slayer gains a spell resistance equal to

10 + the total number of prestige class levels.
Favoured enemy (spellcasters): The Mageslayer gets a +1 bonus
to bluff, listen, sense motive, spot, wilderness lore, and damage rolls
to enemies that cast spells.
Detect Magic: The mage slayer may detect magic as a standard
action as the arcane spell.
Smite Spell caster: A Mageslayer of second level or may attempt to
Smite a spellcaster. This is similar to a paladins smite evil effect:
Once a day, he may add his positive charisma modifier to the attack
roll and deals one point of extra damage per prestige class level.
Toughness: As the feat of the same name.

Spell Turning: As the arcane spell.

Distract Spell caster: Normally, casting a spell provokes an attack
of opportunity. A Mageslayer may forgo this attack to attack the
spell casters mind directly (and need not be within melee range to
do so). Should the mage slayer choose to do this, the target must
immediately make a concentration check at a DC equal to 15 + the
mage slayers level. Failure means that the mage loses his spell.
Deplete Spells: At this level of mastery, any form of attack by the
mage slayer has dire consequences for any spellcaster. Immediately
after scoring a hit, the Mageslayer may forgo damage and instead
deal temporary ability damage. The ability is whichever one the
spellcaster draws his or her power from-wisdom for clerics and
druids, charisma for sorcerers, and intelligence from a mage. The
damage dealt is equal to 1 + the mageslayers charisma modifier.
The target may make a will save (DC 15) for half damage. Failure
indicates that he or she may lose access to spells due to ability loss.

A few dwarven clans actively work to overcome the illithid threat.
To this end, select dwarves are trained specifically to hunt and slay
illithids (mind flayers). The dwarves call such hunters Caradhaker,
which loosely translates as "mindstalker". Mindstalkers are at their
calmest and most confident when an encounter with mindflayers is
imminent, and they are violently competent in the midst of an
illithid encounter.

Those who take up the training to become a Caradhaker are devoted

for life. The skills, once learned, cannot be unlearned, and the secret
passwords and signs used by fellow members to identify each to the
other are also not easily forgotten. Whats more, the sect gives
special quests to those dwarves whose devotion is found wanting,
and those who do not perform the quest are marked as no better than
illithids and are treated as fair game by all other Mindstalkers.
Mindstalkers wear their heads shaven, except for a long queue
(reminiscent of githyanki hair style) (Their beards remain inviolate,
of course) and experienced Mindstalkers wear mummified,
shrunken illithid heads on their harnesses as a mark of their
dedication and proof of their successes.











Illithid Sense





Illithid Track





Lucid Buffer





Cerebral Blind





Blast Feedback





Brain Nausea





Anti Mucous Bulwark





Create Desh (Urlamp)





Create Kulgari (Path Bolts); Mulgari (Deprivation)






Ashek Kuldell (Severing Axe)

Base Attack Bonus: +5

Hit Dice: D10

Race: Character MUST be a Dwarf
Feats: Blind Fight

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Special: Climb 8 ranks Intuit Direction 4 ranks

by this blast, including the dwarf using this power, are stunned for
3d4 rounds, but so is the attacking illithid....

Class Skills

Brain Nausea: This allows a Mindstalker to change his pheromone

biochemistry through mental discipline and biofeedback techniques.
This subtle chemical change causes all creatures that come into
physical contact with the dwarf subconsciously to prefer NOT to eat
a brain, for the creatures taste preferences have been altered. The
illithid does not realise that it is taking any course of action other
than what it would have "naturally" decided.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance, Climb, Read Qualith, Intuit Direction, and Innuendo
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + INT modifier

Class Features
Illithid Sense: This gives the Mindstalker a chance to integrate
subtle clues spoor, "tunnel vibrations", and even psychic emanations
that indicate the presence of illithids within 200 feet. This functions
passively. Whenever the character comes within 200 feet of an
illithid, the character must make a check against a DC = Illithid's
level modified by the Mindstalkers level. This does not give
direction or distance.
Illithid Track: The mindstalker can track the trail of an illithid
through the tunnels and caves of the underworld. Otherwise this is
identical to the Track Feat in PHB.
Lucid Buffer: This gives the Mindstalker a +4 bonus in defending
themselves against psionic attacks and powers.
Cerebral Blind: This is a complex mental maze incorporating both
linear and analogue elements, hundreds of similar but subtly
different mental pathways that confuse the illithid for 1d4+1 rounds.
While the illithid is confused, it can take no other action; however,
neither can the dwarf do anything but mentally 'hold' the illithid in
place, possibly giving his or her compatriots a few free rounds of
action. This also gives the mindstalker up to five chances (once per
round) to close his mind after it has been opened (will save vs. DC
= illithid level).
Blast Feedback: This sets up a feedback loop with the attacking
illithid (this only works against Illithid Mindblast, not other psionic
attacks). Blast feedback doesn't trigger if the Mind Blast doesn't hit
the mind. If a Lucid Buffer protects the Mindstalker, then this does
not operate. If the Lucid Buffer fails, then the dwarf can use this
feat). Basically the Illithids own power is redirected back at it,
catching the mind flayer in its own mindblast All creatures affected

AntiMucous Bulwark: The Mindstalker can consciously take

control of his own biochemistry to exude an oily, alkaline sweat
over his or her entire body for a period of one turn per level.
Because the sweat can get in a dwarf's eyes and slick his palms, the
Mindstalker suffers a 1 penalty to all attacks, but when an illithid
makes a successful physical attack, the illithid suffers 1d10 hp of
damage and loses 1d10 percent of magic resistance.
Create Desh (Urlamp): This magical dwarven lamp, usable once
per 24 hours, creates a light spell centred on the wick in a 30' radius
for two hours. This light also makes illithids completely blind for
the while in its area of effect, functioning just as a creature moving
in complete darkness. Blinding an illithid cause it to break off
attacking for 1d4 rounds if it makes a will save vs. DC 14, or to flee
the radius of illumination otherwise.
Create Kulgari: A Kulgari bolt is an enchanted crossbow bolt.
When fired in a random direction, it instantly homes on the closest
illithid within a one-mile radius as swiftly as a normal bolt shot
from a crossbow. If there is no illithid in a one-mile radius, it simply
fires normally. If no barriers intervene (and it will go around
corners, up stairs, and such), it flies from the darkness to attack the
illithid as if it were under 3/4 cover (likely surprising the illithid far
more than harming it). The reason these bolts are also called Path
Bolts is that while homing in on illithids, it leaves a glowing,
phosphorescent trail that fades away after twenty minutes, allowing
illithid hunters to trail the illithid.
Create Malgari: These crossbow bolts destructively interfere with
an Illithids spell resistance for one turn. Each bolt reducing spell
resistance by 3 to 18%.
Ashek Kuldell: Against illithidkin, a dwarf's axe is considered to
have a +3 enchantment bonus and does double damage. Against true
illithids, it still has the +3 bonus but the axe does triple damage,
severing one tentacle on an attack roll of 19, and two tentacles on an
attack roll of 20. Each tentacle lost inflicts and addition 1d8 damage
upon the illithid.

Monk [Dragon Mountain Initiate]

[This prestige class represents a martial arts style that emphasises
the use of weapons. Unarmed combat is also possible, but there are
no abilities that specifically require this.]
The Way teaches the importance of non-action, or action without
conscious intent. Whereas normal fighters use conscious intent in
making their moves in combat, a true master understands her
technique so well that she can fight as if by instinct. Her actions
seem to flow naturally and without any seeming effort on her part,
but her blows are preternaturally accurate; nor can she be taken
unawares, because she never needs to pause and think about what to
do. The Dragon Mountain style of martial arts epitomises such

There are few true masters of the Dragon Mountain style, and none
that advertise their presence the Way frowns on self promotion.
Because of this, finding a teacher will usually be a drawn out affair,
requiring a prospective student to chase several false leads before
hopefully meeting with success. Even then, there is no guarantee
that the master will agree to act as a teacher. The art is old, and its
secrets precious; the student must convince the master that she is
worthy to learn.
This style concentrates on the use of weapons, in particular the
longsword, spear, bladed staff (Dragon 281) and two bladed sword,
although unarmed combat techniques are also taught. It is a
balanced style, featuring both offensive and defensive abilities. A
master of the art can even parry magical attacks, and either close for
melee using weightless leaps, or attack supernaturally from a

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes










Instinctive strike, acrobatics (+10)





Artless parry +1





Weightless leap





Improved arrow deflection





Ki strike +1





Prescient dodge, acrobatics (+20)





Distant strike





Artless parry +2





Unerring strike






Weapon insight


If the initiate has Weapon Finesse with her unarmed attacks, they
can be used with the abilities described below.

Base Attack Bonus: +6

Weapons and Armour: The initiate is proficient in the use of all

simple and martial weapons. She is not proficient with any type of
armour or shield.

Skills: Concentration 6 ranks, Jump 9 ranks, Tumble 9 ranks.

Alignment: Any lawful.
Feats: Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Great Leap, Mobility, Weapon Focus
(at least one of: unarmed strike, longsword, spear [any], bladed
staff, two bladed sword), Martial or Weapon Finesse (same weapon
as for Weapon Focus).
Special: Must locate a master, and persuade him or her to act as a
Hit Dice: d8

An initiate who ceases to be lawful retains her abilities, but may not
advance further in levels in this prestige class.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft
(Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Hide
(Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion)
(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Swim
(Str), Tumble (Dex)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points/Level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features
Unless otherwise noted, the initiates abilities are subject to the
arcane spell failure chance from wearing armour and/or using a
shield. Some of the abilities below reproduce feats from the martial
arts feats list (click here to see the list).
The initiate gains the martial artists Wisdom bonus to AC, if she
doesnt have this ability already. Similarly, she gains a bonus to AC
according to her level, using the martial artist progression (click
here to see the martial artist class description).

Instinctive Strike (Ex): At 1st level, the initiate can add her
Wisdom bonus (if any) to damage rolls in place of her Strength
bonus, when using a weapon with which she has Martial or Weapon
Finesse. The Wisdom damage bonus is multiplied by 1.5 for two
handed weapons and by 0.5 for offhand weapons, just as for
Acrobatics (Ex): At 1st level, the initiate gains a +10 competence
bonus to her Balance, Jump and Tumble skill checks. At 6th level,
this bonus increases to +20. In addition, she can always choose to
take 10 on a Balance, Jump or Tumble check, even if circumstances
would normally not allow her to do so.
Artless Parry (Ex): At 2nd level, the initiate gains a +1 insight
bonus to AC when wielding a weapon with which she has Martial or
Weapon Finesse. Furthermore, this bonus is not lost even if she is
stunned, flatfooted or attacked by an invisible foe, nor is she in
danger of dropping her weapon if she is stunned. At 8th level, the
AC bonus increases to +2.
Weightless Leap (Su): At 3rd level, by channelling her ki the
initiate can leap huge distances in seemingly effortless fashion. Her
jumping distances when making a Weightless Leap are doubled.
This ability can be used up to three times per day.
Improved Arrow Deflection (Ex): At 4th level, the initiate gains
the benefits of the Improved Arrow Deflection feat, if she does not
have it already. She does not have to meet the usual prerequisites for
this feat. The initiate must have a weapon in hand with which she
has Martial or Weapon Finesse in order to deflect arrows.
Ki Strike (Su): At 5th level, the initiate gains the benefits of the Ki
Strike feat. Her melee attacks gain a +1 ki enhancement bonus. If
she already has this feat, the ki enhancement bonus stacks. The
maximum ki enhancement bonus possible is +3.
Prescient Dodge (Ex): At 6th level, the initiates senses and instinct
help her avoid blows that would fell a lesser person. She gains two
levels of the Uncanny Dodge ability, if she doesnt have them
already (doesnt lose Dex bonus when flatfooted or attacked by an
invisible foe; cannot be flanked except by a rogue or martial artist 4
levels higher). Furthermore, should a foe makes a successful critical
hit or sneak attack on her, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
or sneak attack is negated (i.e. it is treated as only a normal hit).
This does not stack with the benefit provided by fortified armour.
*OA: Prescient Dodge also protects against the bonus damage dice
inflicted by use of the Iaijutsu Focus skill, such as Iaijutsu duel (if
such duels take place).
Distant Strike (Su): At 7th level, the initiate gains the supernatural
ability to strike her foes at a distance with a melee weapon. Her
physical position remains unchanged, so her target cannot retaliate
without a means of bridging the gap.
Using Distant Strike is a full round action, and requires a weapon
with which the initiate has Martial or Weapon Finesse. The target
can be up to 120 feet away, and must be clearly visible to the
initiate. She makes a Concentration skill check at DC 10 + (range in
feet to the target)/10. If the Concentration check is successful, she
can attack the target with up to her full allotment of attacks,
including extra attacks from an offhand weapon, haste or weapons
of speed, if applicable.
Distant Strike only lets the initiate attack one opponent at a time.
She cannot use it to make attacks of opportunity at a distance, nor
can she make use of feats such as Cleave, Great Cleave or
Whirlwind Attack. Special attacks like a Stunning Attack, Blinding
Strike, Paralysing Blow or Quivering Palm cannot be delivered via
a Distant Strike, nor can touch spells and effects.
Distant Strike can be used a number of times per day equal to half
the initiates class level. If the Concentration skill check is failed, it
still counts as a use of the ability.
Unerring Strike (Su): At 9th level, the initiate can use her ki to
guide her weapon to its destination with supernatural accuracy.
When making an Unerring Strike, she gains a +20 insight bonus to
her attack roll, and she ignores miss chances due to concealment.
The Unerring Strike applies to all melee attacks made in one round
with a weapon with which she has Martial or Weapon Finesse. This
ability can be used up to three times per day.
Weapon Insight (Ex): At 10th level, the initiate gains a +1 insight
bonus to attack and a +2 insight bonus to damage with one type of
weapon with which she has Martial or Weapon Finesse.
Furthermore, when wielding such a weapon, she can use her ki to
deflect magical attacks aimed at her as though they were normal
missiles. Attacks that can be so deflected include any spells, spell
like abilities and supernatural abilities that involve an attack roll to
hit. Each such attempt counts against her limit on missile deflection
attempts per round, and the Reflex save DC is 20 + spell level.
Targeted missile spells that do not need an attack roll to hit, such as
magic missile, can also be deflected, but the save DC in this case is
25 + spell level. For spells that produce multiple missiles (like
magic missile), one deflection attempt is required per missile. A
spell that is deflected dissipates harmlessly.
Very large projectiles such as boulders or siege missiles cant be
deflected, nor can gaze attacks, breath weapons, area effect spells
(such as fireball or lightning bolt), or spells that are not specifically
described as having a discernible missile form (such as charm

New Feats
Many of these feats work by channelling the characters ki, or life
force. Such feats are supernatural, and can be suppressed by an
antimagic field or similar effects.
*OA: All these feats are available to the shaman as martial arts
bonus feats.

Blinding Strike
You can blind opponents by striking at vulnerable nerve points.

Prerequisite: Stunning Fist, Wis 17+.

Benefit: You can make three blinding strikes per day, although only
one such attack can be made per round. You must announce your
intent before making your attack roll. The attack must be made as an
unarmed strike, and the target must be a humanoid. In addition,
creatures immune to critical hits cannot be affected. If you hit and
the target takes damage, it must then make a Fortitude saving throw
(DC 10 + one half your level + your Wisdom modifier) or be
blinded for 1 round per level you possess.
If you announce a Blinding Strike and miss your attack, it still
counts toward the total number of Blinding Strikes for that day.
*OA: This feat is identical to the Falling Star Strike feat found in
the Oriental Adventures sourcebook, except for the limitation on the
number of times it can be used per day.

Your hyperacute senses allow you to function while blinded or in
total darkness.
Prerequisite: 13th level, Wis 17+, Blind Fight.
Benefit: You gain the blindsight extraordinary ability (see DMG).
Your blindsight has a range of 30 feet. It relies mainly on
heightened sensitivity to vibrations in the air and ground, and can be
thwarted by deafening attacks. This feat is not subject to the arcane
spell failure chance from wearing armour or using a shield.

Defensive Art
You have extensive training and experience in defensive fighting
techniques, letting you execute them without a second thought.
Prerequisite: Wis 13+.
Benefit: You gain the benefits of the Expertise feat. Defensive Art
and Expertise do not stack if you have both feats, the changes to
your attack rolls and AC still cannot exceed your base attack bonus.
This feat can be used to meet the requirements for feats that have
Expertise as a prerequisite.
*OA: This feat can be used as a prerequisite for the Superior
Expertise feat in the Oriental Adventures sourcebook.

Endure Elements
Your training has inured you to extremes of heat and cold.
Prerequisite: Base Fortitude save bonus +6, Endurance. Feats and
special abilities that provide save bonuses (e.g. Great Fortitude)
dont count for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites.
Benefit: You gain fire resistance 5 and cold resistance 5. This feat is
not subject to the arcane spell failure chance from wearing armour
or using a shield.

Enhanced Trip
You are skilled in tripping or throwing opponents to the ground.
Prerequisite: Wis 13+, Improved (or Enhanced) Unarmed Strike.
Benefit: You gain the benefits of the Improved Trip feat, even if
you dont meet the usual prerequisites for the feat. Furthermore, you
can make a Dexterity check instead of a Strength check as part of
the trip attempt. You must be unarmed or wielding a weapon with
which you have Martial or Weapon Finesse to use this ability. This
feat can be used to meet the requirements for feats that have
Improved Trip as a prerequisite.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes


You can deal extremely damaging blows with your unarmed attacks.
Prerequisite: Improved (or Enhanced) Unarmed Strike.
Benefit: The base damage inflicted by your unarmed attacks
increases by 1 rank, from the following table. Each rank must be
taken in sequence, starting from 0; thus, for example, an 8th level
character cant take this feat once to gain 1d8 unarmed damage.
This feat can be taken multiple times.

Improved Arrow Deflection

You are adept at deflecting multiple incoming arrows, darts and
crossbow bolts.
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +6, Deflect Arrows.
Benefit: As Deflect Arrows, except you can attempt to deflect a
total number of ranged attacks per round equal to one plus your
Dexterity bonus (if any). Exceptional ranged attacks still cant be

Ki Strike


Damage dice



Base Attack Bonus +1

Your melee attacks are charged with ki.


Base Attack Bonus +6



Base Attack Bonus +12

Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +8, Improved (or Enhanced)

Unarmed Strike, Wis 13+.

* A character with Enhanced Unarmed Strike starts with rank 0 in

this feat.
The listed damage dice are for Medium sized characters. Characters
who are smaller or larger use different dice, as per the rules in the
DMG and MM for modifying damage by size.

Enhanced Unarmed Strike

You are skilled at fighting with your bare hands and feet.
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain the benefits of the Improved Unarmed Strike feat
from the PHB. Your unarmed strikes do 1d6 points of damage (for
Medium sized characters; smaller or larger characters adjust damage
dice as the rules in the DMG and MM). You can also choose to deal
your damage as either normal or subdual without penalty. This feat
can be used to meet the requirements for feats that have Improved
Unarmed Strike as a prerequisite.

Grappling Focus
You are trained or experienced at grappling and pinning techniques.
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1, Improved (or Enhanced)
Unarmed Strike.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to grapple checks and Escape Artist
skill checks to escape a grapple or pin. You can also deal normal
damage while grappling, rather than subdual damage, without
suffering a penalty on your grapple check.

Benefit: Your melee attacks are treated as if made with a weapon

with a +1 enhancement bonus. This extends to any melee weapon
you wield; however, if your weapon is itself enchanted, you can
choose to have it retain its own enhancement bonus in place of your
ki (remember that enhancement bonuses dont stack). Ki Strike
never affects special weapon abilities, such as the bane
enchantment. This feat is a supernatural ability, and can only be
taken once.
(Note that the enhancement bonus applies to both the attack roll and
the damage dealt, as with any enhancement bonus.)

Light Step
Your mastery of ki allows you to reduce the impact of your
footsteps to a bare minimum.
Prerequisite: Base Reflex save bonus +7, Balance skill, Spider
Climb, Dex 19+, Wis 13+.
Benefit: You gain a +10 competence bonus on Balance and Move
Silently skill checks, and to Reflex saves to avoid pits and similar
traps. You can also always take 10 on Balance and Move Silently
checks, even if circumstances would normally prevent you doing so.
Its practically impossible to track you (20 penalty), unless the
tracker is using scent or some other non-visual means of tracking.
You can stop using Light Step and deliberately walk with normal
steps if you so desire. This is a supernatural ability.

Extreme Balancing
Characters with very high levels of the Balance skill can walk
across seemingly impassable surfaces with a successful skill check:

Great Leap



You can jump remarkable distances and perform spectacular

acrobatic stunts.


Thin ice, upright, at normal speed


Rim of an empty cauldron without tipping it over

Prerequisite: Base Reflex save bonus +4. Feats and abilities that
provide save bonuses (e.g. Lightning Reflexes) dont count for the
purpose of meeting the prerequisites.


Bamboo saplings


Rice paper, without scuffing it

Benefit: You gain a +5 competence bonus to Jump and Tumble skill

checks. In addition, you are not subject to the normal limits on
vertical or horizontal jumping distances, and you can always choose
to take 10 on a Jump or Tumble check, even if circumstances would
normally prevent you from doing so.


Grass tops

Flowing lava (DC 20 Ref save to avoid taking 2d6 fire
damage each round)


Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Powerful Grip
It is exceptionally hard to disarm you in combat.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on your opposed attack roll when an
opponent attempts to disarm you. This bonus stacks with that
provided by spiked gauntlets. It does not apply to your own attempts
to disarm your opponents.
Special: Powerful Grip is a bonus feat for fighters. It can be taken
whenever a fighter is eligible for a bonus feat.

with a 5 penalty. Furthermore, you can climb surfaces that other

characters would find impossible, by making a Climb check at DC
30. This is a supernatural ability.

Still Mind
You are better able to ward off magical attacks that affect your
Prerequisite: Iron Will.

Purify Body

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on saves against mind altering spells

and effects. This stacks with the bonus gained from the Iron Will

By means of meditative techniques, you can purge your body of


Strength of Many

Prerequisite: Great Fortitude.

Benefit: You can delay or negate the onset of a poisons secondary
effects (if any), by entering a meditative trance. If you meditate for
ten minutes, you receive a +4 bonus to your saving throw against
the poison. If you meditate for twenty minutes, the bonus increases
to +6. While in your meditative state, you are effectively helpless
but aware of your surroundings. You can cease meditating at any
time, but doing so also causes the poison to take effect. You must
meditate for at least ten minutes to gain a bonus to your save. The
longest you can maintain your meditative state is one hour per three
character levels, or part thereof.
Purify Body is not subject to the arcane spell failure chance for
wearing armour or using a shield. At the DMs option, certain exotic
poisons may exist that negate this feat.

Slow Fall
You can use nearby surfaces to slow your descent when falling.
Prerequisite: Base Reflex save bonus +3. Feats and abilities that
provide save bonuses (e.g. Lightning Reflexes) dont count for the
purpose of meeting the prerequisites.
Benefit: When falling, if you are within arms reach of a wall or
similar hard surface, you take damage as if the fall is 20 feet shorter
than it actually is.

Spider Climb
You can ascend and descend surfaces with uncanny speed.
Prerequisite: Base Reflex Save bonus +5, Climb skill, Great Leap.
Benefit: Your climbing speeds are doubled compared to normal.
You can climb at your normal movement rate without taking a
penalty on your Climb skill check, or at double your movement rate

By focusing your ki, you can perform feats of incredible strength.

Prerequisite: Endurance.
Benefit: Once per day, as a free action you can gain an
enhancement bonus to your Strength equal to your character level.
The extra strength lasts for 1 round. Strength of Many is a
supernatural ability.

Strength of Will
By focusing your ki, you can form a last ditch defence against
mental attacks.
Prerequisite: Concentration skill.
Benefit: Once per day, if you fail a Will saving throw, you can
substitute a Concentration skill check for your failed save. The DC
for the skill check is the same as that for the original save, and all
modifiers that applied to the save also apply to the skill check
(substitute your Wisdom modifier for your Constitution modifier). If
your skill check is successful, you are treated as if you had made
your save.
Strength of Will is a supernatural ability. Its use is not subject to the
arcane spell failure chance from wearing armour or using a shield.

Stunning Fist
You are able to stun opponents by striking them at critical points.
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +4, Improved (or Enhanced)
Unarmed Strike.
Benefit: You gain the benefits of the Stunning Fist feat from the
PHB, even if you dont meet the standard prerequisites for the feat.
You can make one stunning attack per day for every four full levels
you have attained. Only one stunning attack can be attempted per

Monk [Kobukan]
The Kobukan are dedicated martial artists who have mastered the
Bo staff (quarterstaff). They have perfected the art of staff fighting
and use the wooden rods with deadly efficiency. Most live or come
from a monastic order and have sought to improve their martial
The vast majority of Kobukan are former monks who have taken up
the way of the staff. Fighters are the next likely to join the ranks,
followed by rogues and clerics. Druids occasionally study the

kobujutsu art. Barbarians generally prefer more intimidating

weapons, and wizards and sorcerers, while naturals with staves
often have problems meeting the requirements. Human, elves, and
half-elves are the most common practitioners with occasional halforc monks.
Monks may freely multi-class with kobukans, with the DMs
permission. Often, the more militant monastic orders will maintain
groups of highly trained kobukans to teach their style to students.
Hardstyle martial artists will often alternate between deadly staff
strikes and rapid kicks from round to round.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes










Staff Utility





Limb Block





Ki Strike 1/day





Flurry of Blows





Enhanced Deflect Arrows





Ki Strike 2/day















Ki Strike 3/day






Empower Staff


from attacking normally during the round. This is an extraordinary


Base Attack Bonus: +6

Evasion: The Kobukan gains the evasion ability like a rogue or

monk. If the character already has the evasion ability, it becomes
improved evasion. This is an extraordinary ability.

Skills: Balance 4 Ranks Jump 8 Ranks Tumble 8 Ranks

Feat: Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Expertise, Quarterstaff
Proficiency, Two Weapon Fighting
Hit Dice: d8

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex) Climb (Str) Craft (Int) Escape Artist (Dex) Hide
(Dex) Jump (Str) Listen (Wis) Move Silently (Dex) Sense Motive
(Wis) Spot (Wis) Swim (Str) Tumble (Dex)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Kobukans gain no new
proficiency, but they retain any proficiencies acquired from other
Empower Staff: The pinnacle of Kobukan power, the Kobukan
may infuse his staff with some of his own mystic power. By
meditating with his staff for ten rounds, he can empower his staff
for 12 hours. The empowered staff gains a +2 magical enhancement
bonus and either the Shock, Frost, or Flaming ability as chosen by
the Kobukan. Once made, this cannot be changed until empowered
again. Magical weapons may be empowered, and they gain a
stacking bonus to magical enchantment and the elemental ability.
The Kobukan may only use this ability once per day. It is a
supernatural ability.
Enhanced Deflect Arrows: The Kobukan had gained the skill and
speed with his staff to be able to use it to deflect ranged weapons
targeting him. Rather than one arrow as per the Deflect Arrows feat,
he may attempt to deflect one arrow per attack he is allowed. Thus,
a Kobukan that has three attacks per round may attempt to deflect
three ranged attacks per round. This does not prevent the Kobukan

Flurry of Blows: The Kobukan of this level gains the ability to use
a flurry of blows attack with a quarterstaff just as a monk can with
unarmed strikes and monk weapons. This flurry is with just one
end of the quarterstaff (which is a double weapon). Attacking
using it as double weapon incurs the additional penalties for fighting
with two weapons. This is an extraordinary ability.
Ki Strike: The Kobukan may make an attack at +4 to hit, and +1
per Kobukan level to damage. This attack may be used a limited
number of times per day. If the attack misses, the ki strike is
expended. This is a supernatural ability.
Limb Block: When using the Expertise feat, a Kobukan gains a
special ability. By blocking his opponents limbs rather than
weapons, the Kobukan may inflict damage upon his opponent. If an
opponent attacks a Kobukan who is using Expertise and misses, he
must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Kobukans Level) or suffer
damage. The foe suffers 20 AC damage (if positive). For example, a
hobgoblin with an AC of 16 attacks a monk 8/kobukan 3 who is
using Expertise to fight defensively. The hobgoblin misses his
attack and must make Fortitude save (DC 13) or suffer 4 hit points
of damage (20 AC of 16). Opponents with an AC of 20 or better are
too well protected to be damaged. This is an extraordinary ability.
Staff Utility: The Kobukan is trained to use his staff to aid in his
endeavours. When able to use his staff to aid him, a Kobukan gains
a +4 circumstance bonus to all Balance, Jump, and Tumble checks.
This bonus is granted due to training to use the staff for balance,
pole vaulting, and pivot points. A Kobukan cannot attack on any
round that he uses his staff for this bonus. In addition, the Kobukan
may attack with staves using his unarmed attack bonus rather than
armed attack bonus. This is an extraordinary ability.
Sweep: By dropping to a crouch and swinging his quarterstaff in an
arc, the Kobukan may attempt a trip attack against every opponent
in 180 degrees either in front or behind him. He suffers a 1 penalty
to hit for each opponent in his arc. He can make one attack of
opportunity against each foe tripped up to his dexterity bonus
(similar to the Combat Reflexes feat). The Kobukan can only
attempt to sweep opponents that he would normally be able to make
a trip attack against. This is a full round action. This is an
extraordinary ability.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Monk [Kuma Fighter]
There are few rare monasteries that teach something other than the
usual monks way of living and teach the way of the bear. Kuma is a
style of fighting that focuses on the bears nature and is taught that
you cannot be defeated when truly empowered with the force of a
bear and the speed of a fist. A Kuma holds great respect for all bears
and are so in depth in training and meditation that they tone
themselves into a bears instinctive abilities and force in battle. A

Kuma is a very good doing adventurer that always helps those in

need and is completely unselfish to those around him/her. Most
Kumas are monks with few exceptions. As NPCs Kumas are
usually adventuring as part of a party striving to complete some sort
of goal or training in monasteries.
This prestige class is compatible with the Monk class - a Monk
character can take levels as a Kuma, and then return to normal
Monk training (assuming no levels in other classes have been








Claws, Sunder feat




Improved Evasion, Eagle Claw feat


Ki Strike +1


Natural Armour +1


Bear Shape (black) 1/day


Ki strike +2, Natural Armour +2


Bear Shape (brown) 1/day


Bear hug, Natural Armour +3



Bear Shape (dire) 1/day, Ki Strike +3


Class Features

Base Attack Bonus: +4

Claws: A Kuma may make unarmed attacks as slashing weapon.

Hit Dice: D8

Sunder: Same as the feat.

Alignment: Any lawful

Scent: The Kuma gains a bears sense of smell therefore gaining +2

to spot and listen also a 50% chance of smelling anyone in a 20ft
radius and 75% if that person has a strong smelling Item such as
poison or perfume.

Feats: Unarmed strike Stunning fist

Special: Skills: 8 ranks in jump must retrieve bears claw without
killing the bear you get it from.


Improved Evasion: Same as monk ability.

Eagle Claw: Feat (sword and fist).
Ki Strike: Same as monk ability.

An initiate who ceases to be lawful retains her abilities, but may not
advance further in levels in this prestige class.

Natural Armour: The Kuma gains armour bonus as shown due

tough, durable skin. As a bear has thick hide the Kuma has
unusually tough skin.

Class Skills

Bear Shape: The Kuma can shape (as polymorph self) once per
bear shown per day.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Intuit
Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge Nature (Int), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Wilderness Lore
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points 4 + Int modifier.

Bear Hug: The Kuma gains the extraordinary ability to deliver a

bear hug to medium and large sized humanoids. The Kuma must
make an unarmed attack and if the attack hits then the Kuma deals
1d8 + strength x2 + unarmed damage and the opponent must make a
successful fortitude save vs. DC 30 or be disabled for 1d4 rounds.
The Kuma can do this in bear form.
Special: Upon taking this prestige class the Kuma retains the monks
unarmed attacks and damage, stunning attacks per day, ac bonus and
unarmoured speed as the Kuma levels for example: A 6th level
monk/ 4th level Kuma fighter has these abilities as a 10th level

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Monk [Mountain Spirit Adept]
[This is an example of an internal style, concentrating on spiritual
development and channelling ki. This results in a range of
supernatural abilities, including spellcasting.]
Martial arts styles can be roughly classified as either external or
internal. An external style is one that emphasises physical
strength, speed and power. Such styles teach ways of defeating
ones opponents in battle, by direct application of skill at arms.
An internal style, by contrast, is one that emphasises inner strength.
Fighting techniques are important only to provide a focus for the

martial artists training; more important are philosophical and

spiritual development, and learning how to control ones ki. The
Mountain Spirit martial arts style is an example of such an internal
The Mountain Spirit style is not as well known as most other martial
arts styles. By itself, it isnt as suited to most martial artists
purposes as an external style might be, since it provides relatively
few techniques that are directly useful in a combat situation.
Nevertheless, its practitioners gain many powerful abilities as they
discover the secrets of ki, including disabling attacks and healing
magic. A master of this style can thus prove an unexpectedly
formidable adversary in combat, or a worthy addition to an

adventuring party.












Immovable stance (1/day), purify body, stunning attack

















Immovable stance (2/day), new spell level





Slam touch





Diamond body









Immovable stance (3/day)






Paralysing touch, new spell level

Ki healing




Base Attack Bonus: +5

An adept who ceases to be lawful good or lawful neutral retains her

abilities (except for spellcasting), but may not advance further in
levels in this prestige class.

Skills: Tumble 6 ranks, Concentration 6 ranks, Knowledge

(religion) 8 ranks
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Expertise (or Defensive Art),
Improved (or Enhanced) Unarmed Strike, Improved Trip, Iron Will,
Great Fortitude
Spells: Able to cast divine spells.
Alignment: Lawful neutral or lawful good.
Special: Must locate a master, and persuade him or her to act as a
*OA: In an Oriental Adventures setting, substitute Defensive Throw
and Great Throw for the Iron Will and Great Fortitude feats. This
means that a character who qualifies for this prestige class will also
qualify as a master of the Gentle Way martial arts style detailed in
that book.
Hit Dice: d8

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy
(Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int),
Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Move
Silently (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Tumble (Dex)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points/Level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features
Unless otherwise noted, the adepts abilities (except spellcasting)
are subject to the arcane spell failure chance from wearing armour
and/or using a shield. Some of the following abilities reproduce
feats found in the martial arts feats list (click here to see the list).

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
The adept gains the martial artists Wisdom bonus to AC, if she
doesnt have this ability already. Similarly, she gains a bonus to AC
according to her level, using the martial artist progression (click
here to see the martial artist class description).
Weapons and Armour: The adept gains proficiency with all simple
weapons, the shortsword, and the longsword. She does not gain any
armour or shield proficiency beyond what she already has.
Bonus Spells: For each level in this class that the adept attains, she
gains bonus spells to the number of divine spells per day that she
normally casts. These bonus spells can be added to whatever levels
of spells she can currently cast, but no more than one can be added
to her highest current spell level. If the adept has two divine
spellcasting classes already, she must choose which previous
spellcasting class gains the bonus. Once she has chosen how to
apply her bonus spells, they cannot be shifted.
Stunning Attack (Ex): At 1st level, the adept gains the benefits of
the Stunning Fist feat, if she doesnt have it already. She can use this
ability once per prestige class level per day. Only one stunning
attack is allowed per round. The save DC is 10 + the adepts
prestige class level + her Wisdom modifier. If she already has the
Stunning Fist feat, she uses the higher of the two limits on the
number of uses per day, and the higher of the two save DCs.
Purify Body (Ex): At 1st level, the adept gains the Purify Body
feat, if she doesnt have it already. This ability isnt subject to the
arcane spell failure chance from wearing armour or a shield.
Immovable Stance (Ex): At 1st level, the adept can make herself
immovable. She automatically wins the opposed Strength check
when an opponent attempts to bull rush her. A creature with the
Improved Grab ability must move into her space to grapple her,
since it cannot pull her into its space. No spell or other effect can
force her to move. If she becomes frightened or panicked, she
suffers the full effect of the fear but does not run away. She cannot
move, even to make a 5foot step, while this ability is in effect. The
ability lasts for up to 1 round per character level, and the adept can
use it once per day. Starting at 5th level the adept can use this ability
twice per day, and from 9th level, three times per day.
*OA: This ability is identical to the Gentle Way Mastery ability
found in the Oriental Adventures sourcebook, except that it is usable
multiple times per day at high levels. It does not stack with the
mastery ability.
Ki Healing (Su): At 4th level, the adept gains the ability to cure her
wounds, and those of others, by channelling her ki. She can cure a

number of hit points up to her Wisdom bonus times her class level
per day. This can be spread among multiple uses.
Using Ki Healing is a standard action that provokes attacks of
opportunity. Its use is not subject to the arcane spell failure chance
from wearing armour or a shield.
New Spell Level: At 5th level, and again at 10th, the adept gains the
ability to cast spells of one level higher than he was previously able
to cast. Initially she can cast 0 spells of this level, but bonus spells
(such as from a high ability score or her adept bonus spells) can
increase this number.
Slam Touch (Su): At 6th level, the adept gains the ability to hurl
her opponents away from her using her ki. This ability requires that
an opponent she has chosen to receive her AC bonus from the
Dodge feat attacks her and misses. She can then make an immediate
improved trip attack against that opponent. The attempt counts
against her allowed attacks of opportunity per round. If she
succeeds in the trip attempt and then hits with her unarmed strike,
her opponent is knocked back up to 20 feet + 10 feet x the adepts
Wisdom modifier in addition to taking unarmed damage. If its
progress is interrupted by a solid object, for example by striking a
wall, it takes 1d6 points of damage for every full 10 feet of knock
back remaining. The adept can choose the direction in which her
opponent is thrown. The opponent is prone at the end of the round.
Creatures up to one size larger than the adept can be successfully
thrown in this way. Only one slam touch can be attempted per
round, and only up to three times per day.
*OA: This ability subsumes the use of the Defensive Throw feat.
Diamond Body (Su): At 7th level, the adept can control her
metabolism to the extent that she becomes immune to all poisons.
Paralysing Touch (Su): At 10th level, the adept can paralyse a
humanoid opponent by projecting the force of her ki through her
hands. She can make one paralysing attack per day, and she must
announce her intent before making her attack roll. The attack must
be made as an unarmed strike, and creatures immune to critical hits
cannot be affected. If the monk hits, the target takes no damage but
must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the monks prestige class
level + her Wisdom modifier) or be paralysed for 1d4+1 rounds.
If the adept announces a Paralysing Blow and misses her attack, it
still uses up the ability for that day.
*OA: This ability is identical to the Freezing the Lifeblood feat
from the Oriental Adventures sourcebook, except for the limit on
uses per day.

Monk [Order of the Fist]

[This prestige class represents the archetypal Shaolin replica. It can
be considered to occupy the same niche as the standard D&D
The Order of the Fist occupies a temple located on a high mountain,
far from the nearest city. There, its monks meditate on the Way and
carry out arduous mental and physical exercises. The Order regards
physical training and spiritual enlightenment as complementary
one cannot be had without the other. Its entrance tests are legendary
for their exacting nature, designed to test a prospective student to
the limit. These tests are not only of physical ability but also of
mental toughness, patience and humility monks are supposed to
be scholars and philosophers, not just fighters.
A key principle of the Way that the Order teaches its members is the
importance of balance and harmony in all things. This is a highly
abstract concept, and the actual application of the teachings is left

up to individual monks. Many interpret it to mean a withdrawal

from worldly matters, and seek a life of contemplation. Others see
the world as violent and disharmonious, and wish to bring about
peace. The latter may sometimes be encountered as lone monks,
wandering the land and fighting evildoers. Evil monks, on the other
hand, believe that the natural way of things is for the strong to rule
over the weak. The order teaches that fighting should only be for
self defence or the defence of others, but these monks tend to
interpret such restrictions loosely, if they care about them at all.
The Orders fighting style emphasises mobility. A monk of the Fist
moves constantly, seeking to keep her opponent guessing before
striking with lightning speed. Unarmed combat techniques are
taught, but weapons training is also important, with the spear and
quarterstaff being favoured weapons. Longswords and short swords
are also often used. High level monks are deadly even when
unarmed, and can blind, paralyse and even kill their opponents with
a touch.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes


Base Attack Bonus: +6

A monk who ceases to be lawful retains her Class Features, but may
not advance further in levels as a monk.

Skills: Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks, Jump 9 ranks, Tumble 9

Alignment: Any lawful.

Class Skills

Feats: Dodge, Enhanced Unarmed Strike, Great Leap, Mobility,

Spring Attack, Stunning Fist.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Special: Must pass the entrance tests of the Order of the Fist.
Hit Dice: d8

Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft

(Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Hide
(Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion)
(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Swim
(Str), Tumble (Dex)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points/Level: 4 + Int modifier











Enhanced unarmed damage (1d8), fast movement





Acrobatics (+10)





Ki strike +1





Blinding strike





Flying leap





Enhanced unarmed damage (1d10)





Paralysing blow, acrobatics (+20)





Ki strike +2





Lightning attack






Quivering palm

Class Features
Unless otherwise noted, the monks abilities are subject to the
arcane spell failure chance from wearing armour and/or using a
shield. Some of the abilities below reproduce feats from the martial
arts feats list (click here to see the list). A monk who is using a
weapon in one hand can mix armed and unarmed attacks as she
desires. She can also deal her unarmed damage as either normal or
subdual, as she desires. By default it does normal, but there is no
penalty for converting between the two.
The monk gains the martial artists Wisdom bonus to AC, if she
doesnt have this ability already. Similarly, she gains a bonus to AC
according to her level, using the martial artist progression (click
here to see the martial artist class description).
Weapons and Armour: The monk is proficient in the use of simple
weapons and exotic monk weapons (kama, nunchaku and
siangham). She does not have proficiency in any type of armour or

unarmed attacks deal 1d10 points of damage on a successful hit. If

the monk takes the Enhanced Unarmed Damage feat separately, the
benefits dont stack.
Fast Movement (Ex): The monk has a speed faster than the norm
for her race by +10 feet when not wearing armour, and carrying no
more than a light load.
Acrobatics (Ex): At 2nd level, the monk gains a +10 competence
bonus to her Balance, Jump and Tumble skill checks. At 7th level,
this bonus increases to +20. In addition, she can always choose to
take 10 on a Balance, Jump or Tumble check, even if circumstances
would normally not allow her to do so.
Ki Strike (Su): At 3rd level, the monk gains a +1 ki enhancement
bonus to her melee attacks. If the monk takes the Ki Strike feat
separately, the ki enhancement bonus stacks. At 8th level, the ki
enhancement bonus is increased by an additional +1. The maximum
ki enhancement bonus possible is +3.

*OA: A monk in an Oriental Adventures setting is also proficient

with the butterfly sword, jitte, sai, shuriken, three section staff and

Blinding Strike (Su): At 4th level, the monk gains the benefits of
the Blinding Strike feat, if she doesnt have it already. She does not
have to meet the usual prerequisites for the feat. The save DC is 10
+ the monks prestige class level + her Wisdom modifier. If she
already has this feat, she uses the higher of the two save DCs.

Enhanced Unarmed Damage (Ex): At 1st level, the monk gains

the benefits of the Enhanced Unarmed Damage feat, at rank 1 (1d8
points of damage). She does not have to meet the usual prerequisites
for the feat. At 6th level, she gains this feat at rank 2,i.e.e her

Flying Leap (Su): At 5th level, the monks ki allows her to leap
huge distances with seeming ease. Her jumping distances when
making a Flying Leap are doubled. This ability can be used up to
three times per day.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Paralysing Blow (Su): At 7th level, the monk can paralyse a
humanoid opponent by projecting the force of her ki through her
hands. She can make one paralysing blow per day, and she must
announce her intent before making her attack roll. The attack must
be made as an unarmed strike, and creatures immune to critical hits
cannot be affected. If the monk hits and the target takes damage, it
must then make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the monks prestige class
level + her Wisdom modifier) or be paralysed for 1d4+1 rounds.
If the monk announces a Paralysing Blow and misses her attack, it
still uses up the ability for that day.
*OA: This ability is identical to the Freezing the Lifeblood feat
from the Oriental Adventures sourcebook, except for the limit on
uses per day.

Lightning Attack (Su): At 9th level, by focusing her ki the monk

gains the ability to strike with incredible speed. She can gain the
benefits of a haste spell for a total of up to 1 round per class level
per day. The effects need not be for consecutive rounds, and do not
stack with those from an actual haste spell. Using Lightning Attack
is a free action.
Quivering Palm (Su): At 10th level, the monk gains the use of the
quivering palm, as described in the PHB. The attack must be made
as an unarmed strike, and the Fortitude save DC is 10 + the monks
prestige class level + the monks Wisdom modifier. The target must
have less levels or HD than twice the monks prestige class levels.
The Quivering Palm counts as a death attack, and so can be
countered by death ward and similar magic.

Monk [Pelor]
As the darkness is growing in the lands all around the grand temple
of Daspain the archbishop has allowed a new breed of defender for

Pelor. They are known as the Monks of Pelor. They fight evil as the
light of their mighty God shines into their hearts making their blows
strike true.











Rays of Rage (1 day)





Defender of Pelor





Reach of Pelor





Rays of Rage (2 day)





Lay on Hands





Instil Pelors Strength (1 day)





Rays of Rage (3 day)





Ki Strike (+1), Control Damage





All Seeing-All Knowing






Resist Flame


Class Skills

To qualify to become a monk of Pelor, a character must fulfil all the

following criteria.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Base Attack Bonus: +6.

Heal, Ride, Diplomacy, Spot, Listen, Climb, Search, Move Silently,

Tumble, Jump, Escape Artist, Hide, Swim, and Balance.

Religious Order: Pelor.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skills: Knowledge (Religion): 5 ranks.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Feats: Alertness, Improved Unarmed Strike, Toughness.

Hit Dice: d8.

A monk who ceases to be lawful retains her Class Features, but may
not advance further in levels as a monk.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the monk of Pelor prestige
Weapons and Armour: The monk is not permitted to use either
weapons or armour and shields; they are the embodiment of the
gods higher enlightenment. They also use the Monks corresponding
unarmed attack chart found on page 38. When using the chart use
the corresponding numbers in relation to the characters total level.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Rays of Rage: The monk embodies the righteous power of Pelor
into his body, giving him a bonus of +4 to strength, +2 to
constitution, and a +4 bonus to will saves, and the rage lasts 2
rounds per level of the monk of Pelor. Immediately following the
rage the monk must meditate for 1 full hour to cleanse his body of
the impurity of battle. If it isnt possible, the monk will loose 1
point of strength per hour until he meditates.
Defender of Pelor: The monk is now a stern defender and can now
add his level to his current AC (on top of all monk related AC
modifiers) when he is defending holy ground of Pelor. Be it temple
grounds or a graveyard full of long dead Pelor worshippers if the
ground is holy to Pelor then the monk gains this ability.
Reach of Pelor: The monk can use a round to focus his usual melee
attack as a ranged attack equal in distance to his monk of Pelor level
x 5 feet. This act doesnt incur an attack of opportunity.
Lay on Hands: Same as paladin, except it only heals the monk.
Instil Pelors Strength: Once per day the Monk can instil 1d6
points of strength to themselves or any creature/character touched.
This ability lasts for 1 round a level.

Ki Strike: Same as Monk abilities.

Control Damage: Allows the monk to lessen the damage he has
inflicted upon a foe ranging from the max (which he is what he
rolled) to 1 point of damage. Example- Lei hits his target and deals
8 points of damage, he can now choose to deal anywhere from 1
point of damage to the full 8 in which he rolls. (very handy ability
when friends are accidentally hit)
All Seeing-All Knowing: When declaring to use this ability before
meditating the monk gains certain ability modifiers. After 4 hours of
meditation he requires no more sleep and is able to function
normally. He also is so in tune with his surroundings that he gains
the benefits as though he can see 360 degrees enabling him to not be
surprised. Plus all of his skills involving wisdom or intelligence
gain a +1d4 modifier for the duration of that day. This ability can be
used up to three times per week.
Resist Flame: The monk has now a resistance to flame both
magical and non-magical, the first 15 points of flame damage is

Monk [Sacred fist]


enemy, a lucky dodge and the point of impact levels a large bolder
sending fragments of small dagger like bits across the cavern.

Out of the now ruined temple walks a man. He swore not to use his
powers for destruction.

Crouched now with a small slice across his right cheek the enemy
finally speaks,

And the last towers come falling down, a brief smile forms on his
lips. Now with clenched fists he heads towards his next and maybe
final mission, to face the killer of his master.

"So you have mastered the Sacred fist."

Over a year later the final battle is at hand. Found deep in the
underdark was the place of hiding for him.
A hand flows, pulling back the fabric of space and time. With the
concentration of a god he leads this point of sheer will towards his

Exclusively Monks, these ascetics develop their ki in such a way as

to project the force of their punches over distance. This is done
through intensive study, but not at the expense of their monk
The Sacred Fist is allowed to freely mix with their monk class.



UA Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save








Far punch 1/day 5', Far strike 1/day 30'






Far punch 2/day 10'







Far strike 2/day 60' Channel







Far punch 3/day 15', Far strike 3/day 90'







Burst 1/day


Class skills

Base attack Bonus: +4

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Class: Monk

Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal

(Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Listen
(Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spot
(Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).

Skills: Concentration 10 ranks

Feats: Improved unarmed strike, Stunning fist, Skill focus
Alignment: any lawful
Hit dice: d8

See Chapter 4: Skills for skill descriptions.

Skill points 4+ Int modifier

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Features
Armour and Weapon Proficiencies: The Sacred fist gain no
further armour or weapon proficiencies and looses all class skills if
in armour.
Unarmed Bonus: The attack bonus is on the Sacred Fists unarmed
attack, from the previous monk class.
Far punch: This attack must be declared at the beginning of the
round before any attacks are made. All attacks for that round are
made by concentrating on one point and leading it towards another
point. This allows him to make unarmed attacks at a distance.
Damage is as per the Monk class.
He must have complete concentration in order to focus on this
power, so if in any point or the round he takes damage or fails a
save he must make a concentration check at 10+damage or loose the
far punch that round.
Far strike (EX): Similar to far strike but all the energy is
compounded into one attack at your highest base attack.

Channel (EX): For every round spent channeling inner energy add
a +1 damage to far punch, a +2 damage to far strike, or +1d8
damage to burst. Also the same rules of concentrating apply here as
do for far punch and burst. You may only channel a number of
rounds equal to your sacred fist level+ Con bonus.
Burst (EX): As a full round action all inner power can be pulled
together to unleash an explosion of energy 5' by 100'. Anything in
its path is bombarded with 10d8 points of force damage, Ref for
half. The attack comes at the end of the round and the rules of
concentration apply as do for far punch and channel.
The abilities of the Sacred fist allow you to make unarmed attacks
and only unarmed attacks at a distance. This also includes almost
anything you can do on an unarmed attack trip, disarm, stunning
fist, however this does not allow you to make a bull rush or make
touch spells at a distance, no grappling either. If the action normally
provokes an attack of opportunity against the opponent this negates
it. And all automatic actions (i.e. if you try to trip and fail your
opponent automatically gets to try to trip you) are negated.

Monk [Shaolin Fist]

This is a special prestige class available to high level monks only. It
is an ancient form of unarmed combat studied and perfected by
monks throughout the centuries.

Before studying the Shaolin Fist, any monk must be able to tumble
to his best ability and must know how to perform acts in front of
audiences. Shaolin Fist requires that the monk show off his skills
any opportunity he gets without necessarily getting into a fight.
Although Shaolin Fist is unarmed combat, the monk can "perform"
with any weapon.

Any student of the Shaolin Fist who loses his ability to advance in
monk levels also loses the ability to advance in Shaolin Fist levels,
but he retains all the abilities.











Thunder Fist 1/day/level






Improved Lightning Fists +1






Superior Weapon Focus Ki Combat Reflexes +1






Thunder Fist 2/day/level, Improved Damage Lightning Fists







Ki Combat Reflexes +2






Shadow Kick 1/day/level Improved Lightning






Fists +3, Ki Combat Reflexes +3






Thunder Fist3/day/level







Shadow Kick 2/day/level, Ki Combat Reflexes +4




Base Attack Bonus: +5

A monk who ceases to be lawful retains her Class Features, but may
not advance further in levels as a monk.

Class: Monk
Feats: Lightning Fists, Improved Disarm, Weapon Focus (Unarmed
Strike), Combat Reflexes

Class Skills

Special: Skills (Ranks): Tumble (8), Perform (4)

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Hit Dice: D8

Balance (Dex) Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis),

Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Perform (Cha) Tumble (Dex)

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

still gets a bonus if the Shaolin Fist is trying to disarm a large

weapon or a two handed weapon.
Superior Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike): At 4th level, the
Shaolin Fist has studied the unarmed strike techniques to such an
extent that he gets an additional +1 unarmed attack bonus to all his

Class Features
Unarmed Damage Bonus: This is a bonus to add to your monks
damage dice, and it also represents the ability to hit creatures with
damage reduction.
Thunder Fist: Use this as a standard attack action. The Shaolin Fist
obtains the ki energy required for this attack vocally, it is not
possible to make this attack quietly. This is a double fisted attack to
the chest of the victim sending vibrations throughout the body and
making a low frequency thunderous sound.




Small Creatures are reduced to 0HP and thrown

15ft/level unless they roll a successful Fort Save
against a DC 15 + Shaolin Fist Level, in which case
they take regular unarmed damage.

Ki Combat Reflexes: At 4th level, the Shaolin Fist is no longer

restricted to one attack of opportunity per enemy. He can attack one
enemy with up to two attacks of opportunity. At 6th level, he can
attack an enemy with 3 attacks of opportunity, at 8th level up to 4
attacks and at 10th level 5 attacks per enemy.
Shadow Kick: This is the secret of Shaolin and is available only to
high level monks. A Monk cannot raise his Shaolin Fist level to 7th
unless he is Monk Level 10th or higher. The ki energy required for
this attack is attained vocally as a free action before the attack. The
attack consists of leaping and kicking the opponent multiple times
without hitting the ground. Shaolin Fist can be a maximum of 5 ft /
level away from the opponent when starting the attack, after that the
attack is completely airborne The attack causes massive internal
bleeding and organ failures.


Medium Creatures suffer the Monk's Unarmed

Damage x2 and are thrown 5 feet per level of the
Shaolin Fist. If they successful Fort Save against a
DC 15 + Shaolin Fist level, they take the regular
Unarmed Monk Damage

You roll the attack dice normally after announcing the attack, using
the appropriate attack die. If successful, you kick your opponent for
every attack you have left in that round, each does normal damage.
(ex. A level 10 Monk / Level 7 Shaolin Fist has 5 unarmed attacks
(+14/+11/+8/+5/+2). When starting the Shadow Kick Attack, he
rolls the first attack die at +14, if he hits, all subsequent attacks are
automatic hits and he does 5x(d10+3) damage) This attack is a
supernatural ability.

Large and

Large Creatures suffer the Shaolin Fist's Unarmed

Damage x2 unless they roll a successful Fort Save
against a DC 15 + Shaolin Fist Level, in which case
they take normal unarmed damage.

Multiclass Notes: When determining unarmed base attack bonus

totals and number of unarmed attacks, use the same rules as for all
multiclass characters, but instead of base attack bonus table, use the
Monk's Unarmed Base Attack Bonus table.

If you roll a critical hit while using the Thunder Fist, the multiplier
on the damage is increased by +1 and distance thrown is doubled
(ex. Critical Hit on a medium creature would deal Unarmed
Damage x3 and throw the creature 10 feet per Shaolin Fist level)
Improved Lightning Fists: This improves the Shaolin Fist's
Lightning Fists feat, reducing the penalty by +1 at level 2, +2 at
level 5 and +3 at level 8.
Ki Disarm: The Shaolin Fist can add his Dex and Wis bonus to his
disarm mock attack roll instead of the strength bonus. His opponent

A level 6 monk / level 4 Shaolin Fist has a combined unarmed

attack bonus of +8, thus from the monk unarmed attack bonus table,
he can attack 3 times at +8/+5/+2.
Unarmed Damage does not increase in the same way, a level 6
monk will deal 1d8 unarmed damage regardless of multiclass,
however the Shaolin Fist damage bonuses do apply.
A level 6 monk / level 4 Shaolin Fist will deal 1d8+2 damage and
will be able to inflict damage to creatures with a +2 damage
reduction rating.

Monk [Silent Fist]

Lamio Derado, a wealthy man who had made many enemies in his
life, was just going to bed. Just then, he heard a thumping noise
outside his room! He step outside the door, looking around
cautiously. He didnt see the hand lash out from his bedroom, but he
felt it strike his back, he dropped down dead. The Silent Fist flew
out of the house. The alarm had been sounded. He created a false
image of himself, while everyone followed that, he sat and waited
till the heat cooled down, found an area of shadow, and

The Silent Fist Clan are a group of assassins who use theyre hands
as deadly weapons. They sometimes kill for wealth, but many sell
themselves out to the highest bidder as mercenaries. They are well
known and feared, for they have three ways to kill a person,
instantly! They always where black, and have a very stylish
appearance to them, for cold-blooded killers that is! Theyre main
base of operations can be place according to your campaign. They
have one main base and one small base in every large town.
Their master (leader) is Razorfist, a 10 Monk/10 Silent Fist. You can
give your own skills and feats to Razorfist, according to your own











Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes











+1 lvl


Poison Use and Death







+1 lvl









+1 lvl


Death Knell and TwoWeapon Fighting






+1 lvl


Shadow Control, Blind

fighting, Control Shadow






+1 lvl


Quick Death






+1 lvl


Shadow Control Hide in







+1 lvl


Quivering Palm






+1 lvl


Shadow Control Silent







+1 lvl









+1 lvl


Shadow Control Shadow



Class Features

Base Attack Bonus: +4

Weapon Proficiencies: When taking this prestige class you gain

Katana (Masterwork Bastard Sword), Hand Crossbow, and TwoBladed Sword Proficiencies.

Skills: Move Silently: 6 ranks, Hide: 6 ranks

Class: Monk
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Monk Speed: Add this bonus to that of the monk level to determine
the characters unarmoured speed.

Feats: Dodge and Mobility

AC: Add this Bonus to your AC when not using armour.

Special: Most kill a person and bring his/her head to the Main Base
of Operations and spend one week training there.

Poison Use: A Silent Fist no longer risks poisoning himself when

poisoning a weapon.

Hit Dice: 1d8

Death Attack: This is identical to the Assassin skill of the same

name. If you dont have the DMG here is the basic info. If the Silent
Fist studies his victim for 3 rounds then makes a sneak attack with a
melee weapon that successfully deals damage, the attack could
paralyze or kill the target! If the target fails the fortitude save, (DC
10 + Silent Fist Class Level + Int Mod) he/she either dies, or is
paralyzed for 1d6 rounds +1 round per assassin level. (The assassin
choose the effect before the target makes the save) If the save passes
or the assassin doesnt make the attack within 3 rounds after
studying the target, 3 new rounds are required before attacking

Special: A monk can still go up levels after multi-classing as a

Silent Fist.

Must be a member of the clan, joining which is extremely difficult,
with any loss of clan status resulting in loss of the prestige class. In
addition it is very unlikely that a Monastic order would accept the
rejected clan member.
The clan is alignment specific and a change in attitude is noticed
quickly, so if the character moves away from Lawful Evil the
character lose all class abilities and is ejected from the Clan.
If you where armour you lose all class abilities.

Class Skills
Balance, Intimidate, Climb, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump,
Move Silently, Listen, Spot, Innuendo, Tumble, Disguise, Open
Locks, and Bluff
Skill Points: 4 + Int Mod.

Death Knell: This is identical to the level 2 cleric spell. He can cast
it 1/day. (This is in addition to his other spells)
Two-Weapon Fighting: This is identical to the feat of the same
Shadow Control: This is a large set of abilities that shows of the
Silent Fists minor talent at manipulating shadow.
At 4th level he/she gains the blind-fight feat and Control Shadow
1/day. Control Shadow is identical to the spell in the Psionics
Handbook. (Here is the info: Casting Time: 1 action, Range:
Medium, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min/level. No Saving
throw or PR. You control a target shadow of a person or object like
a puppet. The shadow can be up to 100 sq. ft. You can make the
shadow move from its source, as long as it stays on a wall or flat
surface and remains in range. This is cast in addition to the other
spells the Silent Fist has.)

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
At 6th level, the Silent Fist can Hide in Plain Sight, meaning they
can hide in any shadow not there own, even while being observed!
This can be used 2/day.
At 8th level the Silent Fist can cast Silent Image 2/day in addition
to his/her other spells. This is a level 1 wizard spell.
Finally, at 10th level, the Silent blade can Shadow Walk 1/day, as the
7th level wizard spell!

Spells: Beginning at 1st level, a Silent Fist gains the ability to cast a
small number of arcane spells. To cast a spell the Silent Fist must
have an int score of 10 + the spells level. Bonus spells are based on
int and saving throws are as follows: DC 10 + spells level + Int
Mod. When a Silent Fist has 0 spells of any level, like 0 first level
spells at level 1, he only gets bonus spells for that level. A silent Fist
prepares and casts spells just as a wizard does.

Quick Death: The Silent Fist can now perform Coup de Grace
attacks as standard attacking actions. Any enemy attempting an
attack of opportunity on the Silent Fist as a result of the Coup de
Grass, must roll a fort save (DC 10 + Silent Fist level + Cha mod)
or be too sickened by the horror of the attack and automatically miss
the attack of opportunity. This effects Coup de Grace attack only,
not all attacks of opportunity.

Assassins choose their spells from the following list:

Quivering Palm: This is Identical to the 15th level monk special

ability of the same name.

1st level

3rd level

Change self, detect poison,

ghost sound, obscuring mist,
spider climb.

Deeper darkness, invisibility,

misdirection, nondetection

2nd level

4th level

Alter self, darkness, pass

without trace, undetectable

Dimension door, freedom of

movement, improved
invisibility, poison

Morde Messenger
The concept behind this prestige class is that Death is just not a bad
guy. He has schedules to meet and a big responsibility in making
sure that this and that soul gets to where they are supposed to be. In
fact, he has quite a workload, what with people always trying to
resurrect others, animate others, bother his in-transit souls by trying
to talk with them. And then there are the stubborn souls themselves:
ghosts, revenants, haunts and the like that just don't want to accept
the reality of it all, and seek to escape his grasp. And who could
forget the free-willed undead as well... It's no wonder that people
only seem to see his grumpy side. He also has people praying to him
to take this person or that person's life... which is all very
distracting! So one day, he got fed up and decided that he was going
to go out and recruit his own followers: intelligent and wise people
to help bring the souls to him to be judged so that the other gods
would get off his back. After all, they got quite irate when the souls
of their own followers didn't make it to their planes on time. Death
sent forth an Avatar of a dashingly handsome young man to seek out
those with compassion and understanding beyond their years. And
to be fair, he did not seek to claim those people who dedicated their
lives to other gods. In fact, priests from other patrons and those who
understand the nature of the Morde Messengers welcome them into

their communities: with the power to destroy pesky undead, stave

off death or make a smooth, painless transition into the afterlife,
they can be pretty handy.
To this day Deaths avatar still roams the prime material planes
seeking out those he would call to his service. His following is
small, but they are given recompense by having more of his aid.
Death supersedes gods, for even they must answer to death, and
thus does not derive power from followers... he derives power from
the passage of each soul at it's fated time to it's final resting place
(i.e., a bonus for having work in on time).
Sorcerors with their natural connection to all things arcane, priests
and clerics able to channel divine energy, druids seeking the natural
balance in all things, fighters fit for adventure and bounty-hunting,
thieves made for stealthy pursuit, monks with their knowledge of
the celestial balance, and rangers for their tracking prowess all make
good Messengers. Morde Messengers view the undead as an affront
to their master, Death. Beyond the realm of the living, and defying
Death, theyre viewed as obstructions to the natural order of
things. Warmongers who rage incessantly across the country-side
are also viewed with contempt, for they bring unnecessary early
ends. Abominations borne from magic or other realms are seen as
creatures that mock those of the Material Plane (and under Deaths
sway), and are also ruthlessly hunted down.












Morde Turning, Detect Undead,






Speak With Dead






Invisibility to Undead






Hold Undead, Kiss of Death






Timelessness, Stall Death






Detect Undead 60, Death Knell






Negative Plane Protection






Morde Touch






Morde Immunity

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Resurrection, Resist Death


Speak with Dead: as the spell, 3/day. Additionally, the Messenger

can extract next-of-kin information from the soul of the deceased.

Races allowed: Any

Invisibility to Undead: as the spell, at will.

Base Attack Bonus: +3

Hold Undead: as the spell, 3/day.

Alignment: LN, True Neutral, NG, LG

Statistics: Wisdom 12+, Charisma 12+

Kiss of Death: the Messenger is able to cause a person to die with a

kiss. The person must be a willing subject, and may not be under the
influence of any enchantments when making this decision.

Skills: Knowledge-Funeral Rites, 10 ranks, Direction Sense, 3

ranks, Knowledge-Religion, 5 ranks, Gather Information, 3 ranks,
Move Silently, 3 ranks

Timelessness: The Messenger stops ageing and is not subject to any

magical ageing effects.

Feats: Weapon Focus: scythe, Improved Unarmed Attack

Specialised Weapon: Deaths Tooth: scythe with a silver blade.
Damage: d8+1 (+1 enchanted weapon)

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal
(Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis),
and Ride (Dex).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + INT modifier

Stall Death: The Messenger is able to revive a person who is on the

brink of death or recently dead (no more than one week old per
Messenger level). The person is restored to full health and
appearance for a number of days equal to the Messenger level. The
person is not subject to Restoration or Resurrection of any sort at
this time, since the person is not considered dead. At the end of the
Stall time, the person falls dead. If the person takes half his number
of hit points in damage during this time, he is killed a second time,
and cannot be Stalled by a Messenger. This ability is most useful for
a recently-dead person to return to his home and warn his family
members that he is dead, so that closure and proper rites can be
Detect Undead 60: the Messenger is able to automatically detect
any undead within 60, superseding the Detect Undead ability from
Level 1.
Death Knell: this ability is identical to the spell.

Class Features
Grafted on the palms of every Messenger is a blackened skull
formed from two scythes: this is the symbol of Death. All undead
instinctively recognise the symbol of the Messengers, and will
attack or flee from the Messenger. Messengers are always
recognised by the undead.
All Morde Messengers have the ability to break enchantments that
prevent souls from progressing into the afterlife, like Trap the Soul
and Magic Jar. The attempt is made at 10+the Messenger Level +
the Wisdom modifier versus the DC of the spell placed on the
Following a successful Knowledge-Funeral Rites roll (which is
based on the availability of information about the culture in
question), a Messenger is able to bless and release the soul of any
creature to the satisfaction of that followers patron deity. If the
Messenger is unaware of the patron deity of the deceased person,
this ability is not possible.
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: Scythe and long-sword, no
further armour proficiencies.
Morde Turning: by touching the palm of her hand to an individual
undead, she can force the undead to make a save vs. Turning. The
Messengers Turning Base is the usual for a priest of her level, plus
her Messenger level. If the undead makes the save, the undead takes
1d6 points of damage per Messenger level. If the undead fails the
save, it is instantly turned to dust. This touch attack can be delivered
as an open-palm bash, and the bash damage stacks with the Morde
Turning damage.
Detect Undead: as the spell, 3/day

Negative Plane Protection: the Messenger is able to ignore the

effects of negative energy attacks.
Morde Touch: the Messenger is able to provide a brief respite from
death, and can provide one person per Messenger level with 10
extra hit points. These hit points are available for a number of
rounds equal to the Messenger level. At the end of this time, the hit
points disappear. All damage taken for the duration of the ability is
subtracted first from the Morde hit points.
Morde Immunity: the Morde Messenger becomes immune to all
magical effects by undead, receives a +10 on saves versus any spell
DCs while combating them, and has a damage reduction 10/+2
versus any damage by spells or weapons wielded or controlled by
Resurrection: the Morde Messenger can call back to life any
creature. This is a special appeal to Death, and can be performed
only once per year.
Resist Death: The Morde Messenger receives for herself 10
additional negative hit points (most players receive 10 hit points
after being reduced to 0 hit points), for a total of 20 hit points below
0 hit points. Additionally, if the Messenger is reduced to negative hit
points, the Messenger is able to make saves to prevent reduction of
further hit points with a +5 modifier.
NOTE TO DM: This Prestige Class is balanced because it provides
slightly-higher saves, but a creature-specific realm of effect.
Campaigns that utilise a high percentage of undead would see more
action from this prestige class, as a low-undead incidence would
find only sparing specialist-usefulness. Campaigns that feature high
role-playing could do well with this prestige class, due to the
relatively harmless abilities that Messengers possess.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Nicknamed Nightrunners, the members of the Black Lotus Society
are ninja-like mercenaries, thieves, and assassins that work for the
highest bidder. Though they pick which contracts to accept, it is
rumoured that they turn down few. Originating in SanDea about
270 years ago, they have since spread throughout the known world.
While often under the employ of wealthy lords and merchants, the
Nightrunners are not above striking out on their own. Many
Nightrunners take to adventuring for the treasure or just to hone

their skills. Masters of stealth and espionage, the Nightrunners are

trained in anatomy and lethal strikes both armed and unarmed. Also,
Runners are taught to harness their inner strength and direct it into
the mystical arts.
Rogues and sometimes monks make the most common of
Nightrunners, though Sorcerers are indeed becoming more
common. It seems the Society has a special branch of Runners who
focus more on the use of the mystic arts as opposed to the more
martial pursuits.














Sneak Attack +1d6, Death Attack, Poison Use,






Improved Unarmed Strike, Evasion






Sneak Attack +2d6











Sneak Attack +3d6












Sneak Attack +4d6

















Sneak Attack +5d6


Class Features

Base Attack Bonus: +4

Weapons and Armour: A Nightrunners weapon training focuses

primarily on weapons that are suitable for stealth and sneak attacks.
Nightrunners are proficient with the blowgun, club, crossbow (hand,
light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, garrotte wire, kama, nage
teppo, ninja-to, nunchaku, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and
composite), shuriken, short sword, siangham, sling, staff, Wakizashi
and wrist razors. Also, many Nightrunners train with the katana,
No-Dachi and sais, but must take the exotic weapon feat to skilfully
use them. Nightrunners are proficient with light armour but may not
use shields. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier
than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide,
Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble, and that carrying
heavy gear imposes a check penalty on Swim checks.

Hit Dice: D6
Alignment: Neutral or Evil
Special: Move Silently: 8 ranks Hide: 8 ranks Disguise: 3 ranks
Bluff: 5 ranks Gather Information: 4 ranks

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script
(Int, exclusive skill), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int),
Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather
Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha),
Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcane) (Int), Listen
(Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Pick Pocket (Dex),
Read Lips (Int, exclusive skill), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis),
Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha,
exclusive skill), and Use Rope (Dex).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Sneak Attack: If a Nightrunner can catch an opponent when she is

unable to defend himself effectively from his attack, ha can strike a
vital spot for extra damage. Basically, any time the Nightrunners
target would be denied his Dexterity bonus to AC (whether he
actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), the Runners attack deals
+1d6 points of damage. This extra damage increases by +1d6 points
every other level (+2d6 at 3rd level, +3d6 at 5th level, and so on).
Should the Runner score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra
damage is not multiplied. It takes precision and penetration to hit a
vital spot, so ranged attacks can only count as sneak attacks if the
target is 30 feet away or less.
With a sap or an unarmed strike, the Nightrunner can make a sneak
attack that deals subdual damage instead of normal damage. He
cannot use a weapon that deals normal damage to deal subdual
damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty,

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
because he must make optimal use of his weapon in order to execute
the sneak attack. The Nightrunner can only sneak attack living
creatures with discernible anatomies - undead, constructs, oozes,
plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack.
Additionally, any creature immune to critical hits is similarly
immune to sneak attacks. Also, the Nightrunner must be able to see
the target well enough to pick out a vital spot. The Nightrunner
cannot sneak attack while striking at a creature with concealment or
by striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
If a Nightrunner gets a sneak attack bonus from another source
(such as rogue levels), the bonuses to damage stack.
Death Attack: If the Nightrunner studies his victim for 3 rounds
and then makes a sneak attack with a unarmed or melee weapon
attack that successfully deals damage, the sneak attack has the effect
of possibly either paralysing or killing the target (Nightrunners
choice). While studying the victim, the
Nightrunner can undertake other actions so long as his attention
stays focused on the target and the target does not detect the
Nightrunner or recognise the Nightrunner as an enemy. If the victim
of such an attack fails his Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + the
Nightrunners class level + Intelligence modifier) against the kill
effect, he dies. If the saving throw fails against the paralysis effect,
the victims mind and body become enervated, rendering him
completely helpless and unable to act for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round
per level of the Nightrunner. If the victims saving throw succeeds
the attack is just a normal sneak attack. Once the Nightrunner has
completed the 3 rounds of study, he must make the death attack
within the next 3 rounds. If a death attack is attempted and fails (the
victim makes his save) or if the Runner does not launch the attack
within three rounds of completing the study, 3 new rounds of study
are required before ha can attempt another death attack.
Poison Use: Nightrunners are trained in the use of poison and never
risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying poison to a
Spells: Beginning at 1st level, Nightrunners gain the ability to cast a
small number of spells. To cast a spell, the Runner must have a
Charisma score of at least 10 + the spells level, so a Nightrunner
with a Charisma of 10 or lower cannot cast these spells. Nightrunner
bonus spells are based on Charisma, and Saving Throws against
these spells have a DC of 10 + the spells level + the Runners
Charisma modifier (if any). When the Runner gets 0 spells of a
given level, such as 0 1st level spells at first level, the Nightrunner
only gets bonus spells. A Runner without a bonus spell for that level
cannot yet cast a spell of that level. The Nightrunners spell list

appears below. Nightrunners must meditate for their spells each

morning and are cast through a brief breathing exercise and finger
positioning ritual. These spells are an extension of their ki and inner
self, similar to, but not the same as a sorcerers spellcasting.
Nightrunners automatically know all of the spells they have access
to from their list but can cast only a limited few. They make pick the
spell at the time of casting as a sorcerer can.
Improved Unarmed Strike: At 2nd level, a Nightrunner gets
Improved Unarmed Strike to reflect his specialised training in
unarmed combat. While fighting unarmed, you do not draw an
attack of opportunity from your opponents. However, you still get
an attack of opportunity when fighting against unarmed opponents.
Evasion: At 2nd level, a Nightrunner gains evasion. If exposed to
any effect that normally allows him to attempt a Reflex saving
throw for half damage (such as a fireball), he takes no damage with
a successful saving throw. The evasion ability can only be used if
the Nightrunner is wearing light armour or no armour.
Fast Movement: At 2nd level and higher a Nightrunner learns to
move faster than normal, as shown on the table below. A
Nightrunner in heavier than light armour or carrying a medium or
heavy load loses this extra speed. A dwarf or small Nightrunner
moves more slowly than a Medium-sized Runner does. At 10th
level, the Nightrunners running ability is actually a supernatural
Opportunist: At 6th level, once per round, the Nightrunner can
make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just
been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack
counts as the Nightrunners attack of opportunity for that round.
Even a Runner with the Combat Reflexes feat cant use the
opportunist ability more than once per round.
Nightrunner Spell List
Nightrunners choose their spells from the following list.
1st level

3rd level

Alarm, Change Self, Cure Light

Wounds, Jump, Mage Hand,
Silent Image, Sleep,

Cure Moderate Wounds,

Gaseous Form, Keen Edge,
Vampiric touch,

2nd level

4th level

Cats Grace, Detect Thoughts,

Invisibility, Levitate, Silence,

Improved invisibility,
Polymorph Self, Poison,
Shadow Conjuring, Stoneskin,

Table New Weapons












Small Exotic



Tiny Simple


Garrotte Wire

Tiny Exotic


Small Martial






Large Exotic




Nage Teppo

Tiny Exotic






Small Exotic






Wrist Razors

Small Exotic







Blowgun (Darts): This weapon is a small hallowed out tube in

which you may blow through to propel a 6in small dart up to fiverange increments away (50-ft.) This weapon requires the use of two

hands and loading provokes an attack of opportunity. The darts may

be coated with poison to act as long-range delivery.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Garrotte Wire: Only effective as a sneak attack. Armour is ignored
for this attack (unless there is specifically something to guard the
neck that many armours have). If the attack is successful it deals
1d10 points of subdual damage per round. Treat the attack as a
grapple with the user of the wire having a +4 on his attack role. If
the victim is knocked out, further use of the Garrotte Wire does
regular damage at a rate of 2d10 per round until the victim is dead
Ninja-to: This is a short, straight bladed sword similar to a katana,
though not as well made. It and its scabbard is often used to
conceal small items and weapons. A masterwork ninja-to may have
spring-loaded hilt-blades, hidden shuriken, spear-tipped scabbards,
No-Dachi: The No-Dachi is essentially a much larger, two handed
version of the katana.
Nage Teppo: This is a small grenade-like device used for various
reasons. It takes one round to light the fuse and provokes an attack
of opportunity. The Nage Teppo explodes in a 4 radius and deals

its primary damage to anyone at within 2 ft of the e xplosion.

Damage is reduced to 1d8 to those outside the primary blast area
who also gets a Reflex save to halve the damage.
Sai: The Sai appears as a short trident like weapon with the
extended prong being the longest. The weapon is primarily used as a
bludgeoning weapon but the centre prong is slightly pointed and is
capable of being used for stabbing. The outer prongs are used to
block and catch weapons.
A Sai user gets +4 in his attempt to disarm his opponent. Sai are
often used in pairs and anyone who uses them in this way gets a +1
situation bonus to his AC.
Wrist Razors: These weapons consist of two or three 1 long blades
protruding from the back of their wearers hands. Commonly used
in pares, these weapons may also be made masterworked with
retractable blades which are highly illegal in most cities. Also, use
of these in combat adds +2 to attempts to disarm opponents due to
the ease of trapping weapons between the blades.

Combine the martial artist, the stealthy assassin, and the wily rouge
and you add up to the ninja. Master thieves skilled in infiltration, a

ninjas greatest work isnt noticed until the light of day comes to
reveal their presence. But even if a guard were skilled enough to
spot a ninja in action, theyre no easy prey, for ninjas train in
combat almost as much as espionage.













Evasion, Slowfall (20ft) Poison Use






Deflect Arrows, Sneak Attack +1d6






Uncanny Dodge (Dex bonus to AC)






Slowfall (30ft), Sneak Attack +2d6, Leap of the Clouds






Hide in Plain Sight, Uncanny Dodge (Cant be Flanked)






Sneak Attack +3d6






Slowfall (50ft), Charm






Sneak Attack +4d6






Slippery Mind







Slowfall (Any), Sneak Attack +5d6

Alignment: Any but Lawful Good
Skills: Hide: 10 ranks, Move Silently: 10 ranks
Feats: Track, Alertness, Improved Unarmed Strike (or equivalent),
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Shuriken

Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump

(Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform
(Cha), Pick Pocket (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read Lips (Int), Search
(Int), Sense Motive (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex),
Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex), and Wilderness Lore
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Hit Dice: d6

Skill points at each Level: 6+Int modifier.

Class Skills

Class Features

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A Ninja's weapon training

focuses on weapons suitable for stealth and sneak attacks. Thus all
Ninja's are proficient with the crossbow (hand or light), dagger, dart,
light mace, sap, shortbow, short sword, and katana. Ninjas do not
gain proficiency in any Armour.

Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape
Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex),

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Skill Bonus applies to Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently,
Spot, Wilderness Lore, and one other non-craft/non-profession of
the players choice.
Charm: The ninja can charm any intelligent being with HD up to
double the ninjas level, within 30. The target is allowed a will save

to resist. (DC=15 + ninja level + charisma modifier) This ability is

usable a number of times per day equal to the ninjas charisma
modifier. If a creature succeeds its save, its immune to the ninjas
charm ability for one week. The ninja and the target must speak a
common language. (See Charm and Compulsion on P.73 of the

Paladin [Glaive of Azharadian]

The Glaives of Azharadian represent the body of knights within the
Order of the Golden Sun. This is a class that is suitable for Paladins

(who may freely advance in it without forsaking the path of the

Paladin), Fighters (who have the greatest potential for mastery of
the battle axe) and particularly powerful Clerics of the Invincible
One. This is not to say that other classes cannot be considered for
the honour of becoming a Glaive.











Martial Axe





Unvanquishable (1/day)





Martial Bolt (Bolt of Glory 1/day)





Presence of Azharadian





Valorous Axe





Unvanquishable (2/day)





Valorous Bolt (Bolt of Glory 2/day), Wisdom of Azharadian





Virtuous Axe





Unvanquishable (3/day)






Virtuous Bolt (Bolt of Glory 3/day), Sight of Azharadian


Glaive Martial

Trial: To advance in the rankings of the Order (i.e. to achieve the

first level of a new Glaive ranking) the Glaive must complete the
appropriate Trial.


Glaive Valorous

Hit Dice: d10


Glaive Virtuous

Glaive Level


Base Attack Bonus: +6
Language: Old Oeridian
Skills: Ride (2 Ranks), Knowledge Religion (4 Ranks)

Class Skills
Diplomacy (Cha), Etiquette (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge
(religion) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (war) (Int),
Ride (Dex), Jump (Str)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Feats: Weapon Focus (Battleaxe or Great Axe), Leadership

Religion: Heironeous Knight of the Order of the Golden Sun
Alignment: Any Lawful
Deeds: All Glaives must have done a great deed in the eyes of the
Order and have proved their loyalty to the Free State of Onnwal and
to the ideals of the Order. He must also succeed at the Trial Martial,
and succeed at the remaining Trials to advance within the ranks of
the Glaives.

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Glaive is proficient in the
use of all simple and martial weapons and all armour (heavy,
medium, and light) and shields.
Martial Axe (Ex) A Glaive acts as a +1 enchantment for damage
reduction purposes. The Glaive must already have the Weapon
Focus feat with that weapon. The axe abilities that will follow will
be used with that chosen weapon.
Unvanquishable (Ex) Through inner strength and faith in
Heironeous the Glaives of Azharadian can bring themselves to excel
in combat and fight beyond their normal abilities.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
The Glaive may use this power only during his own action.
Therefore the Glaive receives a +2 to Will and Fortitude saves for
the duration of this power. This ability lasts of 4 rounds plus the
Glaives level. After it expires the Glaive is fatigued and suffers a
2 to Str.
Bolt of Glory (Sp) The Glaive may cast Bolt of Glory with an
effective caster level equal to the characters levels as a Glaive. This
ability requires a masterwork battleaxe or greataxe (or better).
Presence of Azharadian (Ex) - The presence of the Glaive is
enough to grant any allies within 60 feet a second saving throws
against fear or charm effects. Even if they fail the roll the results are
less severe: panicked characters are only frightened, frightened
characters are only shaken and shaken characters are unaffected.
Additionally if the Glaive has present his personal banner, or a
banner of the Knights of Azharadian the range of the ability is
extended to all allies who are within line of sight of the Glaive and
are aware of his presence.

Valorous Axe (Ex) A Glaive acts as a +2 enchantment for damage

reduction purposes. The Glaive must already have the Weapon
Focus feat with that weapon.
Wisdom of Azharadian (Ex) The Glaive embodies Azharadians
natural talent for the martial life and thus selects a number of class
skills equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier. When making a skill
check with one of these skills, the Glaive may take 10 even if stress
and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so. He
becomes so certain in his skill that he can use the skill reliably even
under adverse conditions.
Virtuous Axe (Ex) The Glaive gains the Improved Critical feat
for either the battleaxe or great axe. If the Glaive already possesses
this feat add an additional +1 to the weapons threat range.
Sight of Azharadian (Ex) The supreme embodiment of the
virtues of Azharadian, the Glaive also embodies Azharadians
intuitive knowledge of his enemies. Therefore the Glaive is never
surprised when in possession of his/her chosen weapon and thus can
always take a partial action during a surprise round, unless
physically restrained from doing so.

Pankraton Master
Come let us fight like real men, with just our hands...

Pankraton Masters are those warriors who have mastered the
physically demanding martial art of Pankraton (all-powerful). In
unarmed combat, the Pankraton Master is devastating, outside of
that arena he remains a competent warrior. The Pankraton Master
lives and dies for (and by) his reputation. He must be ready to fight
an opponent at a moments notice. A Pankraton Master can expect
to be called upon to demonstrate his prowess in any community that

he enters and he must be prepared to fight a new challenger in every

polis and with each passing day. Only with very good reason
(injury, a challenger so weak that he is no challenge, and so on) can
the Pankraton Master refuse such casual challenges without causing
irreparable harm to his reputation. Heavy armor and weapons are
disdained by the Pankraton Master who needs nothing more than his
bare hands to cripple or kill an enemy. While a Pankraton Master
would not be so foolish as to venture upon a battlefield without
armor, in most circumstances they feel no need to restrict their
mobility (or look cowardly) by wearing armor.












Bonus Feat, Damage Reduction 0/






Heavy Hands, Improved Grapple






Exhaust Opponent






Improved Dirty Fighting






Bonus Feat, Damage Reduction 1/






Eyes of Fire, Killing Hands






Come Back for More






Savage Reputation, Unstoppable






Bonus Feat, Damage Reduction 2/-






Divine Combatant

To qualify to become a Pankraton Master, a character must fulfil the
following criteria.
Base Attack: +5
Skills: Intimidate: 5 ranks Jump: 4 ranks Tumble: 4 ranks

Feats: Pankraton, Dirty Fighting and Weapon Focus (Pankraton).

Special: The character must have won at least one high-profile
match involving unarmed combat.
Hit Dice: D12

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Skills

techniques. The Pankraton Master now receives a +2 synergy bonus

on all grapple checks when wearing light or no armor.

The Pankraton Masters class skills (and the key ability for each
skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha),
Jump (Str), Knowledge (any Athletic/sporting related) (Int),
Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Swim (Str) and
Tumble (Dex) Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Exhaust Opponent (Ex): As Gladiator (S and F, 22).

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Pankraton Master
prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Pankraton Masters
gain no additional proficiency in any weapon or armor.
Bonus Feat: At 1st, 5th, and 9th level, the Pankraton Master receives
a bonus feat chosen from the following list:
Ambidexterity, Close Quarters Fighting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge
(Mobility, Spring Attack), Expertise (Improved Trip, Knock-Down),
Fists of Iron, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (Pankraton),
Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes (Prone Attack),
Power Attack (Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Power Lunge, Great
Cleave), Run, Stunning Fist, Toughness, Weapon Finesse
(Pankraton), Weapon Specialization (Pankraton).
Damage Reduction (Ex): The Pankraton Master has toughened his
body and will to such an extent that he can shrug off some blow
entirely. The Pankraton Master gains damage reduction as listed on
the table below. This damage reduction is increased by one (1)
against subdual damage. If the Pankraton Master already has
damage reduction as an ability, this adds to their existing damage
Heavy armor saps the Pankaton Masters confidence in himself and
lowers the effectiveness of this ability, reduce the Pankraton
Masters damage reduction by one (1) if he is wearing medium
armor or a chain shirt and by two (2) if he is wearing heavy armor,
in both cases to a minimum of 0.
Heavy Hands (Ex): At this point, the Pankraton Masters blows fall
with remarkable force. When striking to subdue, the Pankraton
Master adds a +1 circumstance bonus to all damage inflicted with
unarmed strikes and grapples. Further, the Pankration Master
receives a +1 circumstance bonus with unarmed attacks on any
living creature of size large or smaller without armor or a natural
armor of +4 or less. Improved Grapple (Ex): By this stage, the
Pankraton Master has become a master of basic wresting

Improved Dirty Fighting (Ex): At this level, the Pankraton Master

has achieved mastery of the art of the low blow. When making a
full attack in light or no armor, the Pankraton Master may add his
+d4 dirty fighting damage bonus to all of his attacks. Eyes of Fire
(Ex): The Pankraton Masters reputation and will are strong enough
to impose them upon his enemies. With a free action and a
successful Intimidation check against an living being of size large or
smaller within 10 feet, he can force the being to make a Will Save
against a DC of 10 + Charisma Bonus + Pankraton Master level or
be at a -1 morale penalty to attack and saves against fear for a
number of rounds equal to the Pankraton Masters level. Once a
being has saved against Eyes of Fire, the Pankration Master may not
attempt to use it against them for full day. Killing Hands (Ex): The
Pankraton Master has hardened his body into a weapon easily
capable of killing. The base critical threat range for the Pankraton
Masters unarmed strikes and grapples is increased to 19-20.
Come Back for More (Ex): Once per day, the Pankraton Master
can will himself to overcome pain and injuries. By spending a full
minute resting the Pankraton Master heals himself of 1d8+Wisdom
Bonus points of damage and an additional amount of subdual
damage equal to his Pankraton Master level. The Pankraton Master
also gains the benefits of an Aid spell for a number of rounds equal
to his Pankraton Master level plus his Wisdom bonus.
Savage Reputation (Ex): The Pankration Master is known far and
wide for his combat skills, he receives a +2 reputation bonus to all
intimidate checks. Unstoppable (Ex): The Pankraton Master will
not be swayed or tossed aside from his goal. He receives a +2
synergy bonus to all saves against fear, and on all rolls to resist
being knocked down, tripped or otherwise impeded (including
magically such as the Web spell).
Divine Combatant (Su): The Pankraton master has achieved such a
level of physical and martial perfection that he receives the
blessings of the Gods in his actions. The Pankraton Masters hands
and body are now treated as a magical weapon with a bonus equal
to the Pankraton Masters Charisma bonus (this bonus is also added
to any grapple checks the Pankraton Master may make). The
Pankraton Masters Charisma bonus is used as a bonus to his armor
class when he is wearing light or no armor. Lastly, the Pankraton
Master receives a +2 circumstance bonus to all social checks the
GM deems appropriate.

Pirate of the Daggers

Master of the high seas and raiders of shipping lanes, the pirate is a
high seas adventurer who lives the life of a freebooter. The pirate
either hunts enemy trade ships in their lieges service or hunts any
trade ship for profit. A powerful pirate can gain a reputation along
the entire Southern coast if they are excessively cruel or if very

Fighters, rogues, and bards make the most common pirates however
many sorcerers and wizards may chose the life of a pirate for the
money to fund their research. Barbarians, monks, clerics and druids
seldom become pirates.
NPC pirates are usually captains of their own ships, crewed by
standard warriors, or occasionally a pirate ship will have a crack
boarding party of pirates. These are the ships that gain the feared
reputation that pirates are well known for.












Bonus Feat






Uncanny Dodge (AC)






Bonus Language

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Evasion, Enhanced Mobility






Bonus Feat






Acrobatic Attack






Uncanny Dodge (cannot be flanked)






Command a Ship






Bonus Feat






Secret Lore

To qualify to be a pirate, a character must fulfil the following
Base Attack Bonus: + 4
Skills: Profession (Sailor): 4 ranks, Balance: 4 ranks Use Rope: 4
Feats: Dodge, Mobility
Special: In addition a pirate usually has to pass an initiation such as
defeating a member of the crew in a one on one fight. Privateers
may have to be accepted by a good kingdom such as Caerbreddyn
Hit Dice: d8.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Chr), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intuit Direction
(Wis), Jump (Str), Profession (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use
Rope (Dex).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A pirates weapon training
focuses on weapons suitable for shipboard combat. Pirates are
proficient with the crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any
type), rapier, cutlass (treat as short sword), sap, shortbow, (normal
or composite), and short sword. Pirates are proficient with light
armour and shields. Note that armour check penalties for armour
heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape
Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pockets, and Tumble and
that carrying heavy gear imposes a check penalty on Swim checks.
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, the pirate gets a bonus feat. The pirate
also gains an additional bonus feat every 4 pirate levels after 1st
(5th, and 9th). These bonus feats must be drawn from the following
list: Ambidexterity, Blind Fight, Combat Reflexes, Martial Weapon
Proficiency*, Exotic Weapon Proficiency*, Improved Initiative,
Point Blank Shot (Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot), Quick Draw,
Two Weapon Fighting (Improved Two Weapon Fighting), Weapon
Finesse*, Weapon Focus*.
Some of the bonus feats available to a pirate cannot be acquired
until the pirate has gained one or more prerequisite feats; these feats
are listed parenthetically after the prerequisite feat. A pirate can

select feats marked with an asterisk (*) more than once but it must
be for a different weapon each time. A pirate must meet all
prerequisites for a feat including ability score and base attack
bonus minimums.
See Chapter 5:Feats in the Players Handbook for descriptions of
feats and their prerequisites.
Uncanny Dodge: Starting at 2nd level, the pirate gains the
extraordinary ability to react to danger before their senses would
normally allow them to even be aware of it. At 2nd level and above
they retains their dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being
caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. (They still lose
their Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilised.)
At 7th level, the pirate can no longer be flanked, since they can
react to opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as they can
react to a single attacker. This defence denies rogues the ability to
use flank attacks to sneak attack the pirate. The exception to this
defence is that a rogue of at least four levels higher than the pirate
can flank them (and thus sneak attack them).
Bonus Language: At 3rd level, the pirate gains a free language due
to their extensive travels. The language must be chosen from ones
along the Southern coast of Talanu or one spoken by a fellow
crewman (doesnt need to be another pirate.)
Evasion: At 4th level, a pirate gains evasion. If exposed to any
effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving
throw for half damage (such as fireball), they takes no damage with
a successful saving throw. Evasion can only be used if the pirate is
wearing light armour or no armour. It is an extraordinary ability.
Enhanced Mobility: At 4th level, a pirate gains enhanced mobility.
When not wearing any armour, the pirate gains an additional +2
dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity caused when they
move out of or within a threatened area.
Acrobatic Attack: At 6th level, if the pirate attacks by jumping at
least 5 ft. into their opponent, jumping down at least 5 ft. onto their
opponent, or swinging on a rope or similar object into their
opponent, they gain a +2 circumstance bonus to attack and damage
rolls. This is an extraordinary ability.
Command a Ship: At 8th level, the pirate has gained enough of a
reputation to be offered a ship of their own (if they havent gained
one already). The ship will either be one under a powerful pirate
lord or have recently lost a captain and want the best for their leader.
In the case of privateers the ship is one of the kings best pirate
hunting vessels.
Secret Lore: In their far-flung travels pirates hear and sea many
things that others would like to know. The pirate gains knowledge
of either a royal shipwreck, the location of buried treasure hidden by
another pirate (perhaps a rival or a superior), the location of an
uncharted island only they and others in their crew know of, or
some other secret the DM desires at the players discretion.

Ranger [Master Ranger]

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

to trust these souls, and even the mightiest oak will lend its shelter
to assist a Master Ranger.

Vigilant, stoic, silent as the breeze, and as difficult to spot as a wolf

in a large forest; the Master Ranger is the epitome of what all
rangers wish to achieve. Their paths are often a lonely one, giving
up a civil life in the pursuit to become closer to nature and its
creatures. The Master Ranger has learnt what few have dared to,
how to survive in the harshest conditions at the cost of social
standing, and some of their wits. Long exposure to nature, and its
animals have caused these typically normal souls to loose touch
with what totally defines their humanity. In place is the
ferociousness of the tiger, the guile of a fox, and the ability to move
through the wildernesses unobserved. These Master Rangers, have
learned to toss aside hatred for specific races, in order to replace it
with unerring loyalty to nature, and its deities. Animals have learnt

Although they have lost touch with society, this does not make them
less dangerous, in fact it probably makes them more so. Striking
like a coiled snake with their swords, or taking down an enemy
from safe distance before it gets the chance to cause harm; these
abilities are bestowed upon the Master Ranger. What makes this
worse is the Master Rangers unwavering commitment to track their
foe, until the danger has been dealt with. Often resulting in more
then a few deaths of unlucky goblin parties, or those who seek to
cause forests harm. The reputation in which Master Rangers receive
as the greatest survivalists ever is well founded; anyone who is able
to survive with just their wits and weapons alone is a worthy
companion to seek for a party.











Ranger Spells, Trackless Step Range Increase +5ft/level Lose Favoured Enemies





Conceal Reduction 5%, Scent





Int 2, Wilder Bonus, Woodland Stride





Animal Empathy +2, Nature Sense





Greater Two-Weapon Fighting Enhanced Tracker





Conceal Reduction 10%, Cha -2





Animal Empathy +4, Hawkeye/ 3 levels





Absolute Ambidexterity, Ignore Elements





Cha 4, Forestfold/4 levels






Supreme Two-Weapon Fighting Conceal Reduction 20%, Perfect Tracker


Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier.

To become a Master Ranger, a character must fulfil the criteria


Class Features

Alignment: Not Chaotic Evil (Too unpredictable, nature would

destroy them)

Note: If a Master Ranger willingly commits acts of transgression

against nature they lose all special abilities listed for a year and a
day. This may be reverted with the Atonement spell, cast by a cleric
with an Animal Domain, or who follows a nature deity. Those who
commit acts against nature while influenced by mind spells, or
effects which cause loss of self-control, lose all special abilities for
a week. Again Atonement may revert this, allowing the Master
Ranger their special abilities.

Base Attack Bonus: +9

Skills: Wilderness Lore (10 ranks), Knowledge (Nature) (8 ranks),
Animal Empathy (6 ranks), Handle Animal (6 ranks), Hide (4
ranks), Move Silently (4 ranks), Intuit Direction (4 ranks)
Feats: Ambidexterity, Skill Focus: Wilderness Lore, Track, Twoweapon Fighting, Improved Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus
(Any sword), Weapon Focus (Any bow)
Languages: Sylvan
Special: Must have at least one animal companion. Must have
survived 7 days in wilderness with only weapons, and divine spells;
must be alone during this time. Must also be able to cast animal
Hit Die: d8

Class Skills
The Master Rangers class skills, (and the key ability for each skill)
are exactly the same as the Ranger found in the Players Handbook.
See Core Rule Book I for details of skills.

Ranger Spells: The Master Ranger will also be able to attain up to

the fourth level in Ranger spells by adding his own level for
purposes of gaining spells. Such that a 10 Ranger/ 10 Master Ranger
would have all available Ranger spells if their wisdom normally
permits. (Wisdom 14+)
Wisdom modifier is still used, and the casting level of the Master
Ranger is half his Master Ranger, and Ranger classes. That is to say
a 10 Ranger/10 Master Ranger would count as a level 10 for
determining spell caster level.
Trackless Step: The Master Ranger has become adept at moving
through brush, forestry, and other wilderness settings that normal
people would leave tracks in. Thus the Master Ranger gains the
Trackless Step ability exactly similar to the druids ability of the
same name.
Range Increase 5 ft/level: Every level that the Master Ranger
gains, he gets to add an additional 5 ft. to his bows missile range.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Thats to say at 5th level with a Composite Longbow, the Master
Ranger will have a total range of 135 ft. (110 ft + 25 ft.) A Master
Ranger that uses the Hawkeye spell as well will only have a total
range of 190 ft. (110 x1.5 + 25 ft.)
Lose Favoured Enemies: The Master Ranger, in order to survive
the harsh wildernesses of the world, has learnt to put aside hatred
for all creatures. Thus the Master Ranger loses all previous
Favoured Enemies he had as a ranger, and also may not gain
anymore through the feat; Extra Favoured Enemy.
Conceal Reduction: At 2nd level, the Master Ranger gets the
ability to reduce the concealment percentage of an enemy who is
covered by 5%. At 6th level this increases to 10%, and at 10th level
it increases furthermore to 20%. This signifies the Master Rangers
ability to fire missiles at concealed opponents, even when hiding
partially behind a tree.
Scent: The Master Ranger gains the wolfs infallible sense of smell.
The Master Ranger is granted the extraordinary ability, Scent.
(Check Monster Manual for Details.)
Int 2: Unfortunately, constant time away from civilization has its
affect even on the most social of people. The negative to
intelligence reveals that to touch base with nature, the Master
Ranger must let go of society, becoming more feral then others
would think possible.

belong to. Nature Sense for a Master Ranger is similar to that of the
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting: The Master Ranger gains the
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting Feat found in the Masters of the Wild
resource book. Using anything more then light armour causes the
Master Ranger to lose this ability until suitable armour is worn.
Enhanced Tracker: The Master Ranger can focus on the tracks
their prey, and determine location that the creature is heading to.
The Master Ranger gains a +5 competency bonus for tracking
purposes; this is added to their Wilderness Lore Bonus.
Cha 2/-4: The Master Ranger takes a further step away from
society, finding that talking is a waste of precious time, unless all
involved have something worthwhile to say. The stoic-ness of the
Master Ranger is almost legendary, and at 6th level receives a 2 to
Cha. This increases to a 4 Cha penalty at 9th level.
Hawkeye: At 7th level the Master Ranger gets to cast Hawkeye
once per day per every 3 levels of Master Ranger to enhance their
maximum bow range. Thus at 7th level a Master Ranger can cast
Hawkeye 2 times per day. See Masters of the Wild for description of
Hawkeye spell.
Absolute Dexterity: The Master Ranger no longer suffers penalties
to their primary and off hand. A Master Ranger using two medium
weapons receives a 2 to their attack modifier.

Wilder Bonus: Constant time in the wild increases the strength, and
endurance of the Master Ranger. For purposes pertaining to heavy
action, the Master Ranger is considered to have the Endurance Feat
from the Players Handbook. Also, the Master Ranger has learnt
how to hide from Natures deadliest foes by using Nature herself. In
natural settings the Master Ranger gains a +5 competency check for
hiding and moving silently in wilderness settings. Note: This does
not include dungeons, or even frontier towns.

Ignore Elements: The Master Ranger has lived in the harshest

conditions nature can throw at them, and they have lived to tell the
tale. For purposes considering suffrage for extended exposure to
hostile conditions, (etc. extreme cold causing hypothermia, heat
causing skin to blister and puss, or water pressure damage) the
Master Ranger receives a +6 circumstance modifier for saves
against hostile conditions.

Woodland Stride: The Master Ranger moves with grace and

fluidity that embarrasses, even the most agile of cats. Even when
wearing a cloak, plants do not attach themselves to the Master
Ranger or his gear. Woodland Stride acts exactly the same as the
druids ability of the same name.

Forestfold: The Master Ranger gains the ability to cast Forestfold

for every 4 levels they have achieved. (8th level Master Ranger
would gain two uses of Forestfold.) This acts like the 3rd level spell
of the Ranger, granting the Master Ranger a +20 to hide and move

Animal Empathy: At 4th level, the ranger gains a +2 circumstance

bonus to Animal Empathy, and Handle Animal Checks. The Master
Ranger shares his home, and food with creatures of the wild, and so
has learnt how to read their movements and tones. Animal Empathy
and Handle Animal increase to +4 at level 8.

Supreme Two-Weapon Fighting: Even the typical ranger prides

themselves on their ability to dish out attacks faster then the eye can
see. However, it is only the Master Ranger that has mastered this
practice, causing his figure to move in a blur of blades and death.
The Master Ranger may make a 4th attack with their offhand
weapon, albeit they suffer a 20 penalty to the attack role. The
Master Ranger may only use this ability if they do not wear medium
or heavier armour, thus they may only have light of no armour at all.

Nature Sense: Constant contact with the varying conditions of food

and water has allowed the Master Ranger a superb knowledge of
how food should look, feel, and smell, as well as the viscosity and
look of pure water. A Master Ranger is able to determine whether or
not food and water is suitable for consumption. Also, life in the wild
has allowed the Master Ranger to know what animal they are
looking at, including species, gender, and natural terrain type they

Perfect Tracker: The Master Ranger can read tracks as surely as a

scholar can read words. Not only does a Master Ranger get a +10 to
Track attempts, but also they can (90% of the time) determine the
exact number of enemies they track, the size category they belong
to, and a general condition of the prey. (Injured drag their feet, near
death drag themselves etc.)

Ranger [Stalker]
Not all rangers get lost in the woods some choose to use their skills
in towns and cities, protecting the people of their home against the

ravages of crime. The scourge of the underworld these rangers are

the exact opposite of the criminals they oppose, and as everyone
knows the two sides of the coin are not far apart.











Photo Memory +1, Streetwise +1, Interrogation

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Photo Memory +2, Methodical Investigation (take 10)





Photo Memory +3, Streetwise +2





Photo Memory +4, Nondescript Manner, Sneak Attack +1d6





Photo Memory +5, Streetwise +3





Photo Memory +6, Methodical Investigation (take 20)





Photo Memory +7, Streetwise +4, Sneak Attack +2d6





Photo Memory +8, Nondescript Manner (+10 Disguise)





Photo Memory +9, Streetwise +5






Photo Memory +10, Sneak Attack +3d6


of 20, the Stalker can determine the general alignment (either

law/neutrality/chaos or good/neutrality/evil) of the target character.

In order to become a Stalker, a character must fulfil the following


Streetwise: The Stalker specializes in the streets of any civilized

village, town or city. The Stalker gains a +1 bonus to Urban Lore
checks, increasing to +2 at 3rd level, +3 at 5th level, +4 at 7th level,
and +5 at 9th level.

Abilities: Intelligence: 15+

Skills: Spot or Listen: 5 ranks Hide or Move Silently: 5 ranks Bluff
or Disguise: 5 ranks Search or Gather Information: 5 ranks Sense
Motive or Intimidate: 5 ranks Wilderness Lore or Urban Lore: 8
Feats: Track, Alertness, Iron Will
Alignment: any neutral
Hit Die: d8.

Class Skills
The Stalkers class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information
(Int), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Innuendo (Cha), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis),
Wilderness Lore (Wis), Urban Lore (Wis).
Additional Skill Points per level: (6 + Int. Mod.)

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Stalkers become proficient only
with weapons they can easily conceal. Their weapon proficiencies
are limited to blowgun, dagger, dart, knife, short sword, staff, sling,
garrote, rapier (sword-cane) and stiletto. Stalkers are proficient
with light armour but not with shields. Note that armour check
penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance,
Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and
Interrogation: The Stalker gains this ability at 1st level, allowing
her to acquire special knowledge about the individual she is
interrogating. By succeeding at a Sense Motive check against a DC

Sneak Attack: The Stalker is quiet and deadly in combat. She uses
the Sneak Attack just like the Rogue ability, her bonus starting at a
+1d6 at 4th level, increasing to +2d6 at 7th level, and +3d6 at 10th
level. These bonuses stack with those of the Rogue and other
classes offering the Sneak Attack ability.
Methodical Investigation: The Stalker is very patient and exacting
about her work, and at 2nd level is assumed to have taken 10 on all
Search and Gather Information checks whenever she is called upon
to make them. The assumption later increases to taking 20 at 6th
Nondescript Manner: The Stalker is adept at being among those
who are unaware of her presence. By 4th level she has learned to
blend so well into crowds of people that she may still use the Hide
skill while being observed, so long as she within 10 feet of a
sufficient group of people as determined by the DM. Her drabness
and unremarkable appearance has gotten to such a point that by 8th
level, she can add a +10 to Disguise checks whenever she is called
upon to make them.
Photographic Memory: A Stalker listens to every word spoken in a
crowded tavern, watches every person she encounters, and scans her
eyes over every aspect of a crime scene shes examined. Such
attention to detail has trained the Stalkers mind to record such
information as if she were taking a photograph, giving her an
unparalleled memory. The Stalker receives a bonus equal to her
level which she adds to Intelligence checks made when attempting
to recall details about anything shes seen or heard since achieving
each level, at a DC based on the amount of time in the past that the
Stalker wishes to recall. The DC starts at a base of 10 for within the
past 24 hours, and increases by 5 for the past week, 10 for the past
month, 20 for the past 6 months, and 25 for the past year. If the roll
fails, the memory is too vague to be of any use to the Stalker. If the
roll succeeds, the DM tells the Stalker what she wishes to
remember. This ability can be used once per day.

Rogue [Guild Thief]

Guild thieves are thieves who operate in urban areas as part of an
organised thieves guild. They control and manipulate almost all the
crime in their home cities. Guild thieves are usually organised into
divisions (assassins, beggars, bounty hunters, burglars, con artists

and tricksters, cutpurses and pickpockets, enforcers and thugs,

racketeers, scouts and spies, and fences, pirates, and smugglers),
each of which is led by a guildmaster responsible for crimes of that
type. The guildmasters report to a head guildmaster. Guild thieves
generally only know their own minions, their co-workers, and their
superior. This web of secrecy preserves the organisation, because

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
any that are captured can only sell out a few others. Most guild
thieves are rogues, although specialists in some divisions are more
likely to be fighters or rangers. Clerics of evil deities (particularly
Mask and Shar) take roles in many divisions, and sorcerers and
wizards also have important roles, but their prominence is

dependent on the land in which they operate. (Some lands have few
sorcerers and wizards or discourage them from staying or
developing by placing many restrictions on them.) Guild thieves
excel at working with others, intimidating common folk,
administering punitive beatings, and acquiring important contacts.












Sneak attack +1d6,doublespeak






Bonus feat, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC)






Sneak attack +2d6, reputation +1






Bonus feat, reputation +2






Sneak attack +3d6, uncanny dodge (can't be flanked), reputation +3


Class Features

To qualify to become a guild thief (Gld), a character must fulfil all

the following criteria.

All the following are Class Features of the guild thief prestige class.

Skills: Gather. Information 3 ranks, Hide 8 ranks, Intimidate; ranks,

Move Silently 3 ranks.
Special: Membership in a thieves' guild.

Weapons and Armour: Guild thieves gain proficiency in all simple

weapons and light armour.
Sneak Attack: As the rogue's ability. This stacks with any sneak
attack ability from another class.

Hit Dice: d6.

Doublespeak: A guild thief gains a +2 bonus on all Bluff,

Diplomacy, and Innuendo checks.

Class Skills

Bonus Feat: A guild thief gains a feat from the following list:
Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cosmopolitan, Education, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (hand crossbow), - Leadership, Lightning Reflexes,
Track, Skill Focus (any guild thief class skill), Still Spell, Street
Smart, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Sts), Craft (Int), Diplomacy
(Cha), Disable Device (Den), Forgery (Int), Innuendo (Wis),
Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Sts), Knowledge (local), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Den), Open Lock (Den), Pick Pocket (Den),
Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), and
Use Rope (Den).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
Skill Points at Each Level, 6 + Int modifier.

Uncanny Dodge: As the rogue ability. If a guild thief has another

class that grants the uncanny dodge ability, add together all the class
levels of the classes that grant the ability and determine the
character's uncanny dodge ability on that basis.
Reputation: Add this value to the character's Leadership score (see
the Leadership feat, page 45 of the DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide).
Most guild thieves with an interest in collecting followers have a
permanent base of operations within a city, which gives an
additional +2 bonus on their Leadership score according to Table 226: Leadership Modifiers, page 4f of the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Rogue Scholar
The Rogue Scholar prestige class is what one may call a master
acquirer of knowledge. His life is dedicated to the pursuit of

knowledge through any means necessary. Wizards, sorcerers, or

rogues that have decided to put their special skills to use advancing
their minds as opposed to their coin purses usually pursue this class.
Through a cunning combination of stealth and book smarts the
Rogue Scholar lives by the saying Knowledge is power.












Adv. Research, Spell casting abilities





Sneak attack +1d4





Lore, Knowledge

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





Trap Sense +1, Sneak Attack +2d4





Knowledge, Trap Sense +2, Illusion Intuition +1





Trap Sense +3, Illusion Intuition +2, Sneak

Attack +3d4





Knowledge, Trap Sense +4, Illusion Intuition +3





Trap Sense +5, Illusion Intuition +4, Sneak

Attack +4d4





Superior Disguise, Knowledge, Illusion Intuition







Spell Resistance, Sneak Attack +5d4


Knowledge: At 3rd level he gains a knowledge skill of choice and

every other level after

Statistics: 13+ Int.

Skills: Knowledge (Arcane) 2 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 2 ranks,
Decipher Script 7 ranks, Move Silently 1 rank, Hide 1 rank, Literate
in at least 3 languages, Skill Focus

Trap Sense: Based on the ideas of how you have seen people
protect their valuable possessions and your understanding of
security you gain an intuition about where traps may be set. +1 save
vs. traps per level up to +5

Feat: Knowledge skill.

Illusion Intuition: +1 save vs. illusion up to +5

Hit Die: d6

Superior Disguise: At 9th level the Rogue Scholar has learned to

magically disguise himself to more easily enter an establishment.
This is a spell ability that works as Alter Self per a sorcerer of the
same level and can be used twice a day.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script
(Int), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Speak Languages
(Int), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magical Device (Int), Balance (Dex),
Bluff (Cha), Hide (Dex), Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Climb (Str), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist
(Dex), Open Locks (Dex), Scry (Int)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level 8 + Int Modifier.

Spell Resistance: At 10th level you have mastered the

extraordinary ability to avoid magical attacks and gain a SR of 20.
This can be lowered as a standard action so that he may be healed or
have another spell cast on him, but it must stay down until it is reestablished on another turn, also as a standard action. SR does not
apply to his own spells or spell abilities.
Spell Casting Abilities: Through extensive research he has gained a
rudimentary understanding of spell casting. Since it is derived
mostly from basic ideas of magic this skill only covers a limited
amount of spells from the Divination and Illusion Schools of magic
as used by a sorcerer.
Spell List

Class Features

Level 0

Level 3

Weapons and Armour Proficiencies: Light Armour, Dagger, Hand

or Light Crossbow, Light Mace, Heavy Mace, Sap, Club,

Detect Poison, Dancing Lights,

Ghost Sounds, Detect Magic,
Read Magic, Prestidigitation

Tongues, Illusory Script, Major
Image, Invisibility Sphere

Advanced research: As a proficient seeker of knowledge the

Rogue Scholar is able find and gather information on any subject
provided he has access to a library or other collection of knowledge.
He must make an Int check + level.

Level 1

Level 4

Comprehend Languages, Detect

Secret Doors, Identify, Change
Self, Silent Image,

Arcane Eye, Detect Scrying,

Locate Creature, Scry, Illusory
Wall, Improved Invisibility, Box
of Crayons

Sneak Attack: Through your excursions you have found that a

stealthy approach to combat is the safest way to go when infiltrating
your target. +1d4 every other level starting at 2nd level.
Lore: The Rouge Scholar has by now gained enough knowledge
through his Adv. Research that he may recall coming across
something about a people, places, or objects. He must make an Int
check + level.

Level 2
Detect Thoughts, Locate
Objects, See Invisibility,
Continual Flame, Invisibility,
Minor Image, Misdirection

A Ronin is a warrior who was once a Samurai in the service of a
warlord. The warlord has since died in a manner that has stripped

the Ronin of their honour. The Ronin is unable to work in the

service of another lord and often becomes an adventurer.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes











Without Honour, Intimidating






Great Cleave, One Hit One Kill +1 once per day






One Hit One Kill +1 twice per day






Extra Attack once per day






One Hit One Kill +2 once per day






Greater Defence, One Hit One Kill +2 twice per day






High Initiative






One Hit One Kill +3 once per day






Extra Attack twice per day






One Hit One Kill +3 twice per day


Without Honour: With the death of the samurais lord, his honour
also died. Regardless of their alignment, Ronin no longer feel
compelled to follow the martial code they once did, and many
change to a chaotic alignment.

Hit Dice: 1d10

Base Attack Bonus: +4
Skills: Intimidate: 4 ranks, Jump: 4 ranks, Ride: 4 ranks, Spot: 4
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative,
Power Attack, Weapon Focus: Bastard sword.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), and Spot
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Intimidating: The Ronin gains a +2 bonus to Intimidation skill

Great Cleave: The Ronin gains the abilities of this feat.
One Hit One Kill: While using this ability the Ronin must use the
full attack option but exchange their regular attacks for one attack at
the specified bonus to hit that causes double damage. If a critical
strike is rolled the attack causes triple damage. Because of the
extreme focus required for this, the bonus is also subtracted from
the Ronins AC until the beginning of their next round. The bonus to
hit counts as a magical bonus for determining damage against
creatures with magic resistance. This attack must be called before
the Ronin attacks and is lost if the attack misses. The attacks from
all bonuses are separate so a 5th level Ronin will be able to use a +2
bonus once per day and a +1 bonus twice per day.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Extra Attack: The Ronin receives one additional attack of


Class Features

Greater Defence: The Ronin has become adept at foreseeing the

attacks of their opponent and may add their wisdom modifier to AC
as long as they are not wearing armour or using shields.

Weapons and Armour: Ronin are proficient with all simple and
martial weapons, with all types of armour, and with shields.

High Initiative: The Ronin gains a +2 bonus to initiative.

The Scout is an invaluable tool for the party, able to feel danger.
However, they arent too skilled with weapons, and cant wear
heavy armour. Scouts always find their way ahead of the group,
leading parties into dungeons and enemy territory for whatever
reason. They are made leaders.
Rogues, monks, and bardic scouts are the most associated to this
prestige class, being well respected members of any party of







adventures. Fighters, rangers, paladins, and barbarians become

scouts to improve their sense of danger and balance it with their
offensive combat skills. Sorcerers, wizards and clerics arent
inclined to be scouts at all.
NPC Scouts come from anywhere. They could be wild scouts in the
woods, who spy on others but never get caught, or they could be
people in cities who offer to be a guide through the town for a price.
They can also be found in charge of cities and major towns, and if
you look at most capable leaders, they show abilities of the scout.
(empathy, understanding, compassion, and trust)

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes








+2 Spot, Feel Danger





Navigate 10' radius





+1 AC





Sense Hostility





Navigate 20' radius





Leadership +4





+2 AC





Supernatural Disarm





Know Danger






Leader (+1), Navigate 30' radius

To qualify to become a scout, a character must fulfil all the
following criteria.
Skills: Hide: 2 ranks, Intuit Direction: 4 ranks, Listen: 4 ranks,
Spot: 8 ranks.
Feats: Expertise, Improved Disarm.
Hit Dice: d6.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex*), Bluff (cha), Climb (Str*), Concentration (Con),
Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha),
Escape Artist (Dex*), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex*),
Innuendo (Wis), Intuit Direction (Wis), Knowledge (any) (Int),
Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex*), Perform (Cha), Profession
(Wis), Read Lips (Int), Scry (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis),
Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex*), and Use Magic Device
(Cha). * Characters armour check penalty, if any, also applies
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Navigate: The scout can tell how a passage bends from around the
corner and without any sources of light or sound. This is a
supernatural ability, treat it as though her visual range for purposes
of mapping out the area always extend to this range. The scout
can make a sense roll applying her level as a positive modifier to
spot unsafe ground (meaning that if she were to step on it would
suddenly be dangerous. she doesnt sense if another character would
be in danger). This ability can be used to find the way out of a maze,
to find a safe passage through a set of traps, etc.
This ability begins with a range of 10 feet radius, reaching 20 feet at
5th level, 30 feet at 10th level, 40 feet at 14th level, and finally, 50
feet at 18th level.
Armour Class bonuses: At level 3, and by each four more levels,
the scout receives a natural armour class bonus because of her
extraordinary senses. There may be cases where these bonuses are
nullified (see Feel Danger above).
Sense Hostility: At level 4, the ability to feel danger becomes much
easier to the scout. She can sense when danger, hostility, anger,
rage, or jealousy or other dangerous (determined by the DM)
emotions are within about 20 feet away. She can then point it out to
the group and they can plan a surprise. Keep in mind that this ability
is not infallible. Two dwarves in a heated argument appear to be just
as dangerous as two dwarves with weapons at the ready, prepared to
attack the characters.

Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Leadership: At level 6, scouts enjoy a +4 bonus to their Leadership

ability (See the Dungeon Masters Guide, page 45, for Leadership).

Class Features

Supernatural Disarm: At level 8, the scouts disarm ability

becomes supernatural. If the scout is higher level than the character
she is disarming, the weapon has a 50% chance of deciding that the
scout becomes the new owner of the item (if the weapon has the
ability to return to its owner upon command). Example - Dawn is a
level 18 scout, and she tries to disarm Wulfgar, a barbarian with the
famous warhammer Aegis-Fang (which returns to its owners hand
upon the mental command to do so). If she succeeds her disarm roll,
theres a 50% chance that Aegis-Fang wont return to Wulfgars
hands after he tries to mentally return it there.

All of the following are Class Features of the scout prestige class.
Weapons and Armour: A scouts weapon training is very limited,
since he likes much more to play teamwork than lone combat.
Scouts are masters of combat strategy, and when they are not
shouting commands for their party friends alongside of the combat,
they will prefer to disarm their opponents rather than risk being
injured on battle. Scouts are proficient with all simple weapons.
Scouts may wear light armour, though they avoid the use of helmets
(that prejudice their keen senses) and shields greater than a buckler.
+2 Spot.
Scouts naturally have a +2 bonus to any spot checks they make.
Feel Danger: The scout almost always has a bad feeling when
something bad is about to happen (at this level, she can only
recognises imminent danger, such as assassin ambushes or really
powerful monsters willing to kill them). It is treated as a
supernatural ability, though some spells or outsiders may pass
unnoticed by her (up to the DM).

Know Danger: At level 9, the scouts ability to sense hostility has

got to the point where she can differentiate between the two
dwarves arguing and the two dwarves prepared for an attack. At this
point, the scout knows if there will be danger ahead. (Usually their
senses can tell ahead of time when something bad will happen. if
the PCs do something spontaneous that angers everyone, thats
when the scout becomes alert to the situation, usually trying to talk
the hostile parties out of a fight).
Leader: Due to their amazing senses, scouts find their way into
leadership rather easily. This ability bestow a morale bonus to
whoever the scout is leading. The Scout must be the leader of the

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
group (the direct leader). A scout general wouldnt increase the
morale of all her troops, but a scout leading a small group into
enemy territory would be a force to be reckoned with! The morale

bonus applies to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. This
bonus is increased to +2 at 15th level and +3 at 20th level.

Sarbreenar First Light


protect the city from her enemies. Entry into the First Light is based
upon reaching certain levels of athletic ability.

The First Light are the army of the City of Sarbreenar. Due to the
dangers faced by the city, training is hard but useful to helping












Trooper 2nd Class











Special Abilities:
Bonus Feat



Trooper 1 Class

Magic Weapon 1/day, Chain of

Command +1



Guardsman 2nd Class

Create food and water 1/day, Bonus





Guardsman 1st Class

Bulls Strength 1/day, Chain of

Command +2






Aid 1/day, Bonus Feat





Sergeant at Arms

Magic Vestments 1/day, Chain of

Command +3






Master Sergeant at Arms

Greater Magic Weapon 1/day, Bonus







Guard Commander 2nd Class

Sending 1/day, Stoneskin 1/day,

Chain of Command +4






Guard Commander 1st Class

Righteous Might 1/day, Greater

Scrying 1/day, Bonus Feat






Captain of the Guard

Shield of Law 1/day, Chain of

Command +5


Class Features:

To qualify to become a member of the First Light, a character must

fulfil the following criteria.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency Members of the First Light

are proficient in the use of all simple and martial weapons, and all
armour (Heavy, Medium, and Light).

Base Attack Bonus: +3

Skills: Climb +1, Jump +1, Ride +1, Swim +1

Bonus Feat Must be taken from one of the feats listed under the
Fighters Bonus Feats.

Patron: The city of Sarbreenar asks you to sign up as a Trooper, or

you join up. Advancement up to Sergeant, once enrolled, is
allowable, but all further advancement (past Sergeant) is by
promotion only.

Chain of Command As the character rises up through the

organisation, they gain bonuses toward using Diplomacy, Sense
Motive, and Spot. So at 2nd level, they get +1 on using those skills, it
becomes +2 at 4th level, and so on till +5 at 10th level.

Hit Dice: D10

Innate Abilities A member of the First Light becomes able to

cast certain magics once a day, depending on the level reached by
the character. Their casting level is equal to their class level in the
First Light Prestige Class. These are

Class Skills:
Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Jump, Ride, Sense
Motive, Spot, Swim.
Skill points = Int + 2 a level

Magic Weapon, Create Food and Water, Bulls Strength, Aid, Magic
Vestments, Greater Magic Weapon, Sending, Stoneskin, Righteous
Might, Greater Scrying, Shield of Law

Sarbreenar Honest Watchers

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

helping protect the city from criminals. Entry into the Honest
Watchers is based upon reaching a certain level of ability in skills
useful as a watcher.

The Honest Watchers are the Watch of the City of Sarbreenar. Due
to the dangers faced by the city, training is hard but useful to












Patrolman 2nd Class






Special Abilities:
Bonus Feat


Sleep 1/day, Aware +1


Patrolman 1 Class






Constable 2 Class

Cure Light Wounds 1/day, Magic

Weapon 1/day






Constable 1st Class

Hold Person 1/day, Aware +2






Deputy Marshal

Cure Moderate Wounds 1/day, Aid

1/day, Bonus Feat







Discern Lie 1/day, Magic Vestments

1/day, Aware +3







Cure Serious Wounds 1/day, Bonus







Watch Commander 2nd Class

Greater Magic Weapon

Stoneskin 1/day, Aware +4






Watch Commander 1st Class

Cure Critical Wounds 1/day, Greater

Scrying 1/day, Sending 1/day






High Constable

Shield of Law 1/day, Aware +5



Class Features:

To qualify to become a member of the Honest Watchers, a character

must fulfil the following criteria.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency Members of the Honest

Watchers are proficient in the use of all simple and martial weapons,
and Light and Medium armour.

Base Attack Bonus: +3

Skills: Diplomacy +1, Search +1, Sense Motive +1, Spot +1

Bonus Feat Must be taken from one of the feats listed under the
Fighters Bonus Feats.

Patron: The city of Sarbreenar asks you to sign up as a Patrolman,

or you join up. Advancement up to Sergeant, once enrolled, is
allowable, but all further advancement (past Sergeant) is by
promotion only.

Aware As the character rises up through the organisation, they

gain bonuses toward using Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Search, and
Spot. So at 2nd level, they get +1 on using those skills, it becomes +2
at 4th level, and so on till +5 at 10th level.

Hit Dice: 1d10

Innate Abilities A member of the Honest Watcher becomes able

to cast certain magics once a day, depending on the level reached by
the character. Their casting level is equal to their class level in the
Honest Watchers Prestige Class. These are

Class Skills:
Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Jump, Listen, Ride, Search, Sense
Motive, Spot, Swim.
Skill points = Int + 2 a level

Sleep, Cure Light Wounds, Magic Weapon, Hold Person, Cure

Moderate Wounds, Aid, Discern Lie, Magic Vestments, Cure
Serious Wounds, Greater Magic Weapon, Stoneskin, Cure Critical
Wounds, Greater Scrying, Sending, Shield of Law

Sarbreenar Sentinels
The Sentinels are the Scouts and Rangers of the City of Sarbreenar.
Due to the dangers faced by the city, training is hard but useful to

helping protect the city from outside threats. Entry into the Sentinels
is based upon reaching a certain level of ability in skills useful as a







Special Abilities:

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes














Seeker 2nd Class


Seeker 1 Class

Favoured Enemy, Woodsman +1






Scout 2 Class







Scout 1st Class

Bulls Strength 1/day, Woodsman +2






Patrol Leader

Control Plants 1/day, Bonus Feat






Master Scout

Polymorph Self 1/day, Woodsman







Principle Scout

Commune with Nature 1/day,

Greater Magic Weapon 1/day, Bonus






Warden Commander 2nd Class

Sending 1/day, Stoneskin 1/day,

Woodsman +4





Warden Commander 1st Class







High Warden

Grand Weapon Mastery







Class Features:

To qualify to become a member of the Sentinels, a character must

fulfil the following criteria.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency Members of the Sentinels are

proficient in the use of all simple and martial weapons, and Light
and Medium armour.

Base Attack Bonus: +3

Skills: Intuit Direction +1, Sense Motive +1, Spot +1, Wilderness
Lore +1
Patron: The city of Sarbreenar asks you to sign up as a Seeker, or
you join up. Advancement up to Patrol Leader, once enrolled, is
allowable, but all further advancement (past Patrol Leader) is by
promotion only.

Bonus Feat Must be taken from one of the feats listed under the
Fighters Bonus Feats.
Woodsman As the characters rises up through the organisation,
they gain bonuses toward using Hide, Intuit Direction, Move
Silently, Search, Spot, and Wilderness Lore. So at 2nd level, they get
+1 on using those skills, it becomes +2 at 4 th level, and so on till +5
at 10th level.

Hit Dice: D10

Favoured Enemy Choose one enemy (Species) as a hated

enemy, and gain all bonuses and negatives as a ranger.

Class Skills:

Innate Abilities A member of the Sentinels becomes able to cast

certain magics once a day, depending on the level reached by the
character. Their casting level is equal to their class level in the
Sentinels Prestige Class. These are

Animal Empathy, Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Intuit

Direction, Jump, Knowledge (Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Ride,
Search, Spot, Swim, Use Rope, Wilderness Lore.
Skill points = Int + 4 a level

Barkskin, Magic Weapon, Bulls Strength, Control Plants,

Polymorph Self, Commune with Nature, Greater Magic Weapon,
Sending, Stoneskin, Greater Scrying, Righteous Might, Shield of

There comes a time in a fight between good and evil when evil must
be dispatched as quickly as possible but preparing for a full fledged
war will not only cost valuable time but also result in the loss of
countless innocent lives. That is when the forces of good call upon
the shadows. Shadows execute evil tyrants quickly and cleanly ... or
die trying. Something between Assassins and Bounty Hunters,
shadows make the wrong things right. They fulfil a special notch in

society with their special skills and devotion to their code. Unlike
assassins who kill anyone for money, shadows only kill to further
the cause of good and their deity. They never hurt a good soul
knowingly and never charge any money for their services. Rogues,
of course, make excellent shadows followed by Fighters and
Rangers who also make good candidates. Other classes are rarely
seen as a shadow. An NPC shadow is likely to be an assassin trying
to execute an important person who is seen as a threat by the
hierarchy of his deitys temple.








Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes





SA +1d6, Unarmed attack






Weapon Focus






SA +2d6, Stunning Fist











SA +3d6






Improved Evasion






SA +4d6
















SA +5d6

Base Attack Bonus: +4
Skills: Hide 9 Ranks, Move Silently 9 Ranks
Alignment: Any Good
Feats: Improved Initiative, Quickdraw, Iron will
Special: Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Must worship a good deity
Hit Dice: d 6

Shadows who no longer qualify for the prestige class or who are not
good aligned anymore lose all special abilities of the class. Those
who ever knowingly harm someone who is good and didnt attack
them first lose all abilities until they go to a cleric of their deity and
get atoned.

Weapon Focus: The Shadow gains a free Weapon Focus feat at 2nd
level. This represents the Shadow's need to be distinct and build his
reputation. The weapon chosen must be a Martial or Exotic Weapon
that the character chose as his signature weapon.
Unarmed Attack: The character gains the unarmed attack feat at
1st level. This represents the shadows intense training in martial
Stunning Fist: The shadow gains the Stunning fist feat at 3rd level.
This allows the shadow to make an unarmed attack and if it hits, the
target must make a fortitude save DC 10 + shadows wisdom
modifier + half the shadows level or be stunned for one round. The
shadow can only do this once per day for every four levels he has
Improved Evasion: Similar to Evasion except if the character fails
his save he only takes half damage. A successful save results in no

Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Disguise, Hide, Move Silently,

Listen, Intimidate, Intuit direction, Spot, Spellcraft, Wilderness lore

Spells: Shadows can also cast spells. Like sorcerers, these spells
come from within, however, their spell list is very limited. Shadows
start out knowing 4 0th level and 2 1st level spells of their choice
from their spell list. From thereon every time they gain a level they
may pick 2 new spells but they must be chosen from the list below.
Shadows may not learn new spells by borrowing someone elses
spell book or scroll. A shadow must have wisdom of 10 + level of
the spell to cast the spell and the DC for these spells is 10 + level of
the spell + shadows wisdom modifier. Shadows get bonus spells for
a high wisdom.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Spell List

Skill points at each level :4 + Int mod.

0th level

3rd level


Hold person, polymorph self,


1st level

4th level

Shield, true strike, spider climb

Improved invisibility, freedom

of movement, dimension door

Class skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Class Features
Weapon and armour proficiency: All rogue weapons and one
extra martial or exotic weapon proficiency (shadows choice). This
weapon is a signature weapon and must be picked when this
prestige class is chosen and can never change. Shadows are
proficient in all light armour and no shields.
Sneak Attack: Any time a person would be denied their Dex bonus
to AC, a shadow may add an extra +1d6 points of damage to his
attack. This bonus goes up by an extra +1d6 for every two levels
that a shadow achieves after 1st.


2nd level
Invisibility, mirror image, alter

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
It is a frustrating reality that there is no shortage of power in
Shadow. This simple fact has occasionally led some to try to find a
way to use that power against itself. They pay a terrible price of
isolation, even more than the average shadow chaser, for the price
of this power is ones entire life. Most Shadow Chasers can take
comfort in the fact that they could always pack up and go home and
leave all this madness behind them, even if they would never do so.
The Shadowblade no longer has a choice.
The Shadowblade draws upon the power of Shadow to more
effectively fight the creatures it spawns. This gives them a direct

bonus in combat against more powerful creatures, and it also gives

them benefits based upon an understanding of how shadow warps
perception. While it is possible for a particularly driven character to
become a Shadowblade on their own, it is more common for the
way to be opened by a mentor (usually one capable of using the
Parting the Veil ability) who offers the potential Shadowblade the
Choice - take up the blade and leave everything behind, or turn
away from the path. Beyond that, there is little consistency in the
relationship between Shadowblades and their Mentors.
As an upshot of this, there is a loose sort of camaraderie among
Shadowblades, but little in the way of real organization.











Mark Of Shadow, Weapon Focus 1





Shadow Strike +1 2





Drawing of Shadows 2





Shadow Strike +2 3





Sense Shadows, Weapon Specialization 3





Shadow Strike +3 4





Cloak of Shadows 4





Shadow Strike +4 5





Parting the Veil 5






Shadow Strike +5 6

Class Skills

leave most Shadowblades forced to live an existence based on cash

on hand.

Skills: Balance, Bluff, Drive, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge, Move

Silently, Profession, R/W language, Speak Language, Search, Spot.

Charismatic Heroes, or those with similar Favor abilities, must

entirely rebuild their network of contacts, a task that takes 12
weeks, -1 week per point of charisma bonus.

Skill Points at each level: 4 + int modifier

Classes: 2 levels of Dedicated Hero
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Feats: Awareness, 1 Archaic Weapon Feat
Hit Dice: d8

Class Features
Weapon Focus The Shadowblade receives the Weapon Focus feat
for an Archaic Weapon.
Mark of Shadow The character is now of shadow, which means
that their action affect memories like a shadow creature.
Unfortunately, the character is no longer recognizable as themselves
(except to those with Awareness, including dwellers of shadow). To
his family and loved ones, he has disappeared without a trace.
This has the unfortunate side effect of isolating the person from
people and society. While they may get to know people again, it will
be as a different person in their eyes. Whats more, the barriers to
attempting to establish a new identity are daunting, which tends to

This also means that the character will register as shadow to

detect shadow and other effects.
Shadow Strike The Shadowblade can draw upon the power of
shadow to harm creatures spawned by it. This manifests as an
ability to overcome damage reduction as if the Shadowblade were
using a +1 weapon. This bonus increases by one every other level,
and is counted only for penetrating damage reduction, not for attack
or damage.
Drawing of Shadow The shadowblade can draw the Shadows
around himself more tightly, allowing him to carry archaic weapons
openly without them being noticed. While this can simply mean the
weapon is invisible to unaware eyes (or appears as something more
mundane), it frequently manifests as a weapon being sheathed
someplace improbable, such as within a coat.
Sense Shadow This functions identically to the Shadow Slayer
ability of the same name.
Weapon Specialization The Shadowblade receives weapon
specialization with an archaic weapon which they have Weapon
Focus for.
Cloak of Shadows The Shadowblade can use the faceless
anonymity of shadow to blend into a crowd, and gain a +10
circumstance to Hide checks where the goal is to blend into a group.
Additionally, anyone attempting to locate the Shadowblade under

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
these circumstances takes a -5 penalty to their spot or search unless
they have the awareness feat.
Parting the Veil The Shadowblades mastery of shadow is such that
they can help others see the truth of things. When another character
is making the saving throw to see if they remember a Shadow event,

the Shadowblade can spend an action point to allow them to

automatically succeed the saving throw. It is possible that a
shadowblade can use this ability to help a loved one from their
previous life recognize them, but such things tend to bear the seeds
of tragedy.

Shadow Adept

in some aspects of the Art in order to reap greater benefits


Some spellcasters who discover the existence of the Shadow Weave

are cautious, altering their magic slowly. Others are more reckless,
and hurl themselves into the abyss of the Shadow Weave,
immediately acquiring all the gifts available to the casual student
and discovering secrets unavailable to all but the most dedicated.
These spellcasters are the shadow adepts, who make great sacrifices

Most shadow adepts are sorcerers or wizards, and they gain the
greatest power from this path. However, any spellcaster can tap the
Shadow Weave, and a few bards, druids, and rangers have been
known to make this choice: Among clerics, only the followers of
Shar are common in the ranks of the shadow adepts













Shadow feats







Shadow defence +1, low-light vision







Spell power +1







Shield of shadows







Metamagic feat, shadow defence +2







Spell power +2







Shadow walk, darkvision







Shadow defence +3, greater shield of shadows







Spell power +3







Shadow double




Class Features

To qualify to become a shadow adept (Sha), a character must fulfil

all the following criteria.

All the following are Class Features of the shadow adept prestige

Alignment: Any non-good.

Weapons and Armour: Shadow adepts gain no proficiency in any

weapon or armour : Spells per Day: A shadow adepts training
focuses on magic. Thus, when a new shadow adept level is gained,
the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a
level in whatever spellcasting class he belonged to before he added
the prestige class. He does not, how-ever, gain any other benefit a
character of that class would have gained (improved chance of
controlling or rebuking undead, metamagic or item creation feats,
and so on) This essentially means that he adds the level of shadow
adept to the level of whatever other spellcasting class the character
has, then determines spells per and caster level accordingly.

Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3rd-level arcane or divine spells.

Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks.
Feats: Shadow Weave Magic and any metamagic feat: Hit Dice:

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Hide
(Dex), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int), Profession
(Wis), Scry ant), Spellcraft (Int).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier:

If a character had more than one spellcasting class before he became

a shadow adept, he must decide to which class he adds each level of
shadow adept for the purpose of determining spells per day.
Shadow Feats: A shadow adept gains the Insidious Magic,
Pernicious Magic, and Tenacious Magic Feats: Low-Light Vision
(Su): A shadow adept gains low-light vision if he doesnt already
have it.
Shadow Defence: Add this value to a shadow adepts saving throws
against spells from the schools of Enchantment, Illusion, and
Necromancy, and spells with the darkness descriptor.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Darkvision (Su): A shadow adept can see in the dark as though he
was permanently affected by a dark-vision spell.
Metamagic Feat: The shadow adept can choose any one metamagic
Spell Power: Add this value to the DC for saving throws and to
caster level checks to overcome spell resistance for spells the
shadow adept casts from the schools of Enchantment, Illusion, or
Necromancy, and spells with the darkness descriptor. This stacks
with other spell power effects that affect the specified spells.

spell resistance of 12 + the characters shadow adept level on

attacks against the shadow adept that originate from the other side
of the shield, as if the shadow adept were under the effect of a spell
resistance spell..
Shadow Walk (Sp): A shadow adept can cast the shadow walk spell
once per day.

Shield of Shadows (Su): A shadow adept can create a mobile disk

of purple-black force as a standard action. The shield of shadows
has the effects of a shield spell and also provides three-quarters
concealment (30% miss chance) against attacks from the other side
of the shield: As with the shield spell, the shadow adept can change
the defensive direction of the shield of shadows as a free action
once per round on his turn. The shadow adept can see and reach
through the shield, so it does not provide cover or concealment to

Shadow Double: Once per day, a shadow adept can use a standard
action to create a double of themselves woven from shadow stuff.
The double has the ability scores, base AC, hit points, saves, and
attack bonuses as its creator, but no equipment. (Any apparent
clothing or equipment is non-functional.) The double can attack the
creators enemies if given a weapon or items (since it can use
anything its creator can) or function as the target of a project image
spell, duplicating the creators actions and acting as the origin of the
creators spells when it is within a direct line of sight: Mentally
commanding the double is a free action. Using it as the originator of
a spell counts as an action for the creator and the double: Causing
the creator or the double to leave the plane they share dismisses the

The shield of shadows lasts 1 round per caster level per day and
need not be used all at once. Creating or dismissing the shield of
shadows is a standard action: At 8th level, the shield also grants

The double lasts 1 round per caster level. The death of the double
does not affect the shadow adept or vice versa. The double still lasts
to the end of its duration if its creator dies.

Shadow Eye
Shadow Eyes prefers to be unseen but see "everything of interest".
Because they are very curious and suspicious, it will be just
"everything" They often works alone, but don't make habit of this.
In solo, they first do some reconnaissance, then one silent and
unseen but perfectly accurate move, of which the victim often not
knows until it's too late...
They aren't just thieves or mages, they are the something in
between, combining the abilities of both for one goal - to be unseen
and unheard of but get the stuff they seek, be it knowledge or item.
They somehow reminds of bards or spell filchers, but are different.
They're not bards, since they do everything in opposing way - they

hide and crawl where bards sings and marsh. And they're not spell
filchers, too, since their magic isn't inborn and their abilities are
result of hard work, and they work only for themselves, not for
guild or any other abstract.
Main task carried by them in party is to scan the suspicious places
before all the party comes unknowingly in danger without warning.
They lurks in shadows, and shadows favour them but not without
price. With time Shadow Eyes becomes less and less "real" and
more "shadowy". This gives them some bonuses at some cost.
They're becomes unremarkable, somewhat "transparent", and uncharismatic.
They're stealthy, and skilful; they're magic, and intuitive...
They're eyes in darkness and ears on the wall...















Low-light vision +20' per level (up to 120')







Shadowform 1/day







Ranged touch +10' per level (up to 60')







Low-light vision becomes darkvision







Ranged touch becomes blindsight, can see invisible and








Xray vision +2' per level (up to 10')







Feel the flight







Wraithform 1/day







Bonus metamagic feat








Smart arrow

* - additional attacks are only with ranged weapon. Don't forget that
there is some rounding when calculating attack bonus for

multiclassed characters. IMHO it is much fairer to round these

bonuses AFTER addition.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Further Progression
Attack, AC, Charisma penalty, Saves, Skills bonuses and spells - as
described in text.
At each odd class-level (11, 13, 15, etc) Shadow Eye gains
additional +10'/5'/1' to their darkvision/blindsight/x-vision ranges.
At 12th class-level they can use both abilities modifiers for skills
where they can choose an ability to use (look at class skills list).
At 14th class-level they gain ability to truly become a Shadow,
Wraith or Ghost once a day for their level minutes or until chooses
so, gaining ALL special abilities of creature chosen.
At 16th class-level they gain a second bonus metamagic feat.
At 18th class-level they can use either Shadowform, Wraithform or
"became a spirit" abilities one extra time per day (ability is chosen
at time of use).
At 20th player-level they finally became an unmaterial undead of
their choice, retaining all their class/race abilities and gaining all
special abilities of chosen undead (in case of contradicting abilities
choose what is most favourable for Shadow Eye).

Spells: Must be able to cast 1st level arcane spells.
Skills: Spot 4, Search 4, Listen 4, Hide 2, Move silently 2, Climb
skills 2.
Alignment: Any non-Lawful alignment.
Hit Points: d4

Class skills
Alchemy (Int), Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (distraction and
feints only, no penalty) (Cha), Climb (Str/Dex), Concentration**
(Con/Wis), Decipher script (Int), Disable device (Int), Heal**
(Wis/Int), Hide (Dex), Innuendo** (Wis/Int), Jump** (Str/Dex),
Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move silently (Dex), Open lock**
(Dex/Int), Read lips (Int), Scry (Int), Search (Int), Sense motive**
(Wis/Int), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex),
Use rope (Dex).
** - for these skills at DM's option Shadow Eye is allowed to
choose base ability from two listed.
Shadow Eyes gains a 6 skill points per level, plus their Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapon and Armour proficiencies: Shadow Eyes are proficient
with light melee weapon like rapier, shortsword and dagger, and
with all types of Bows, X-Bows. Shadow Eyes never wear any
armour which implies spell casting or skill usage penalty. Instead,
due to their half-shadow nature, they gain an evasion AC bonus of
+1 per 4 levels and their opponents suffer have a miss chance of 3%
per Shadow Eye's level (5% for ranged attacks).
Super Vision: From first level Shadow Eye gains a low-light vision
(or range bonus if he already had have low-light vision, such as
elves, or darkvision as dwarves) of +20 feet per level, to a
maximum of 120. At fourth level it becomes a true darkvision
(including base low-light vision, if any).

From third level Shadow Eye gains a "ranged touch" - ability to

sense hard, material objects at range, similar to blindsight, but
limited to hard (touchable) substances. It improved at rate of +10
feet per level, to a maximum of 60 feet. At fifth level he develops
really improved blindsight, which allows to see everything,
including invisible and ethereal object, even if they aren't material
(ghosts, for example).
From sixth level he gains most outstanding of his vision abilities, Xvision, which allows to see through solid obstacles, for 2 feet per
level to a maximum of 10 feet of stone (add a half of this range
when looking through wood and reduce by one-quarter when look
through metal like steel or lead).
Weapon abuse: Becoming the Shadow Eye means to forever lose
any additional attack with melee weapon, since he prefer to acts as
remote as possible. But this has a positive side in reducing penalty
for additional attacks with ranged weapons from 5 to 4.
Additionally, at 7th level they add a Wis bonus to ranged attack,
since they're "feel" how arrow will go, and at 10th level they add an
Int bonus instead, and once a day can shoot an arrow (as full-attack
full-round action) with their Int modifier as magical enchantment
Charisma penalty: Shadow Eyes aren't charismatic at all. They're
somewhat dull and "shadowy", for they are blending with shadows,
looking somewhat sick or tired. This implies a penalty for all
charisma and charisma-based skills checks when it comes to inspire
people or force them to do something.
AC bonus: But being blended with shadows not at all that bad...
Perhaps, not for Shadow Eyes, as they gain an evasion AC bonus of
+1 per four levels, and, moreover, their opponents suffer a miss
chance equal to 3% per Shadow Eye's level (5% when attacking
with ranged weapon - it's hard to say where's Shadow Eye
Skills bonus: Being so shadowy and very "out of focus" also helps
Shadow Eye with being unnoticed, so they gain a competence bonus
equal to half their level for Hide, Move Silently and Listen checks;
also, having such a vision, they gain a bonus of full their level to
their Spot and Search checks.
Shadowshape: At second level Shadow Eye gains the ability to
became a shadow on the wall, floor or other mostly even surface.
This lasts for his level in minutes or until he chooses to end this
state. In this form he cannot move but gains a bonus to Hide of half
their level, +2 bonus to Fort saves and can't be touched or targeted
by spells. However, area spells affects him at half power (if effect
can be halved, otherwise - up to DM). This ability can be used once
a day and only if there is something than give enough light to throw
a shadow.
At 8th Shadow Eye also gain Wraithform, as per spell, twice per
Spellcasters: Add their Shadow Eye level is added to their caster
level to determine the amount of spells to cast and DC to save
versus them. But they're limited in their ability cast spells. First of
all, they can study only spells from Shadow School. Second, they
are limited in number of spells known - total sum of level of all
spells known must not exceed 10 + Int modifier multiplied by their
caster level. This is not strange, because they MUST know their
spells well - at any time Shadow Eye can drop any spell and cast
any other of one level lower, even if that to be cast wasn't
memorised. If Shadow Eye is ever to be disjoined with his
spellbook he can cast any his spell as a one-level higher without any
other penalty and without even memorising it beforehand!
And at 9th level they gain a feat, as Wizards do.

Skull Legion Mercenary

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
The Skull Legion is a feared and ferocious band of fighters that
originated in the Autocracy of Ortlund more than a decade ago,
and survives even to this day. Having served as part of that mighty
Rulers massive army, the Skull Legion was once employed as its
vaunted shock troop vanguard. Their howling cries and blood
smeared bone-faced helms dented the mettle of even hardy veteran

soldiers. With such a reputation it is no surprise then that the Legion

consists entirely of half-orcs, and proudly so. Because attrition has
reduced the Legion to less than 40 strong, the band now serves in a
much reduced capacity, forced to travel throughout the lands in
search of petty lords and nobles who are willing and able to retain
their dedicated services for adequate sums of gold. Though a
shadow of their former glory, they still retain the rigorous standards
of discipline and training that made them famous and successful!












Forced March, Ferocious Reputation






Shielded Overrun






Dual Strike feat






Improved Shield Bash






Bonus Feat






Improved Shield Bash +2






Bonus Feat






Improved Shield Bash +4






Bonus Feat






Inspire Allies


Class Features

To qualify to become a Skull Legion Mercenary, a character must

fulfil all the following criteria

All of the following are Class Features of the Skull Legion

Mercenary prestige class

Race: Orc.

Weapons and Armour Proficiencies: Skull Legion Mercenaries

are proficient with all simple, and martial weapons, Light and
Medium armour, and shields. Note that Armour check penalties for
Armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb,
Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble.
Also, Swim checks suffer a 1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armour
and equipment carried.

Armour and Weapon Proficiencies: Shield, Light Armour,

Medium Armour, any weapon.
Alignment: Any Lawful (except Lawful Good).
Skills: Knowledge(Warfare): 2 ranks.
Base Attack Bonus: +3.
Feats: Weapon Focus (any melee), Power Attack, Combat Reflexes.
Equipment: Light or Medium armour, Large shield, and weapon
(w/ Weapon Focus).
Special: A character must join the Legion as part of the training
requirement . Advancement as a Legionnaire is only possible while
serving as one of its active members. If a character leaves the
Legion, he loses all special abilities unique to this prestige class,
except Two-Weapon Fighting proficiency with Shield Bash. An
appropriate skull-faced helm is provided on loan.
Hit Dice: d10.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Climb(Str), Craft(Int), Handle Animal(Cha), Knowledge(Warfare)
(Int), Heal(Wis), Jump(Str), Ride(Dex).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Forced March*: A Skull Legion Mercenary can sustain travel

beyond the normal 8 hours. During this forced march period, the
Legionnaire may re-roll any single Con check roll, once.
Ferocious Reputation: Because of the Legions grizzly bone-faced
helms and the trademark smearing of blood across it, and their
fearless attitude in battle, they have earned the respect of soldiers
everywhere. When in battle against foes who recognise their
identity (use Knowledge(Warfare) or Int Check vs. DC 10; no roll
required for those who have already fought with or against them),
the enemy suffers a 1 morale penalty to all their attacks and saving
throws for the first minute of combat (i.e. first 5 rounds), after
which time training, instinct and the boost of adrenaline kicks in,
restoring normal composure.
Shielded Overrun: Essentially this is a group overrun with shields.
When two or more Legionnaires equipped with Large shields
combine to overrun, they get +4 AC to fend off blows from the
automatic attacks of opportunity their charge attracts, due to unique
training and practice. In addition, if resisted, they get +2 on their Str
check per attacker (maximum bonus +6) during the overrun to
force a trip and are able to ignore the penalties for a failed trip
attempt (i.e. are not themselves tripped by defenders that round)
during the overrun as per the rules in the PHB (pg. 139). Failure
simply ends in stalemate and they remain adjacent to the defenders

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
position. However, they charge in formation, and if any one attacker
is resisted, all are stalemated.
Dual Strike: If two Legionnaires flank an opponent, they both get
+4 bonus on their attack rolls, instead of just +2 (as per new feat
listed in the Sword & Fist supplement by WOTC).
Bonus Feats: As per the Fighter class bonus feats list (PHB pg. 37);
these feats are in addition to the normal feat acquisition rate every
two levels.
Improved Shield Bash: When a Skull Legion Mercenary has a
fellow Legionnaire on either side of him, he does not lose his AC
bonus when performing a Shield Bash that round. Furthermore, all
Legionnaires, regardless of formation, may strike with a proficiency
as though he had the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. This reduces the
Shield Bash penalty to 2 primary/6 shield hand, and specifically

applies to Shield Bash secondary attacks only. The +2, and +4

versions of this ability add to the Shield Bash attack proficiency,
effectively reducing the penalty to: 2 primary/4 shield, and 2
primary/2 shield, respectively.
Inspire Allies: At this level, the mere presence of such a capable
Legionnaire adds a morale bonus to all those around him as though
he had received a Bless spell. All allies within 50 of this
Legionnaire gain +1 to attack rolls and saving throws. This effect is
not cumulative with a Bless spell, or another Legionnaire. This
effect is permanent during the combat for as long as the legendary
Legionnaire is conscious and standing, and not the subject of
negative spell effects (i.e. such as Web, Hold Person, or other effect
which would compromise his ability to engage in free-willed
combat). It can be countered, just as the Bless spell, with a Bane
spell. This is an extraordinary ability.

Slaighre Maighdeann
Slaighre Maighdeann: Sword Maidens of Maeve has always had her
devoted priests and priestess - they would follow the normal path of
a priest for the first portion of their career, and then they would
embark on a path that corresponded to their favoured domain. A
devotee of Luck and Trickery advance as a new Rogue would, all
while increasing their Cleric spell levels; and a devotee of
Protection and War advance as a new Fighter, all while increasing
their Cleric spell levels.
This was the way of things for many ages that is until
Caitlin of Darenford chose a new path.
Caitlin was a devotee of Maeve. She began her career as a priest,
but soon began to develop her warrior and bardic skills. While still
worshipping Maeve, Caitlin had a great desire to become one of the
powerful and glorious Fiana. She was a graceful fighter, but she had
greater beauty than she had toughness and spell-casting ability. She
could not pass the Fiana's tests.
Fleeing back to her village of Darenford in defeat, she prayed to
Maeve to give her the strength and ability to become one of those
fabled warriors. Maeve could not grant this desire, but she did offer
the next best thing - she offered Caitlin the chance to develop the
gifts she did posses.
Maeve taught Caitlin how to wield Maeve's favoured greatsword,
with greater balance and grace, and how to use her allure and voice
to aid her battle. When Caitlin had mastered this, she became a
Slaighre. Maeve sent her throughout Talanu, finding more followers
of a like mind, and training them in the same manner.

A time came when Caitlin was seduced by a striking warrior,

stripped of her sword, and then nearly slain in battle. A number of
her apprentices lost faith with her and left the path of the Slaighre.
Maeve decided it was time that Caitlin learn to master a deadlier
weapon than her greatsword: her persuasion.
Maeve instructed Caitlin in the further arts of seduction, and song,
and pleasing dance. She showed Caitlin the intricacies of statecraft,
and how her charm and beauty could be used to guide men and
women of power. When Caitlin learned all she could, she became a
Maighdeann - and having mastered both disciplines, she was
forevermore a Slaighre Maighdeann, or a Sword Maiden. She
became known throughout Talanu as the Intoxicating Blade.
Caitlin trained more followers of Maeve in both classes, though
because of her hurt pride, she deigned that a man would never be
allowed to follow the second path. She also decreed that a Slaighre
Maighdeann must master the sword of Maeve before she may
master the kiss of Maeve.
Slaighre Maighdeann begin as Swords, mastering the greatsword,
learning how to use balance and song in battle, and harnessing the
full power of distraction their considerable beauty and presence can
be made to cause.
After this way is passed, female Swords take the road of the
Maiden. Maidens are taught to change their appearance (to facilitate
the many relationships a kingmaker must maintain) and to release
the full power of their persuasion. In the end, Maidens fully master
the art of charm and enchantment, and finally become Sword














Weapon Specialisation






Improved Balance






Improved Monkey Grip












Seductive Defence

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

Warsong: If a Sword has access to bardic songs, she may, as a free

action, in addition to an attack, sing a song. She may continue to
fight and sing any song, even if the song does not typically allow it.
Spellcasting is still disruptive to bard songs. This is an extraordinary

Statistics: Charisma 20
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Skills: Balance: 8 ranks, Bluff: 4 ranks
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Monkey Grip
(Greatsword), Weapon Focus (Greatsword).
Hit Dice: d8

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Escape Artist, Handle
Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Performance, Profession, Ride, Spot,
Swim, Tumble.
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Seductive Defence: A Sword is so intoxicatingly beautiful and

alluring in battle, that she may add her Charisma bonus to her
armour class. In situations where a Sword would normally be
denied her Dex. bonus, she is also denied this bonus. This defensive
ability does not work on unintelligent undead or constructs. As long
as a creature can see, hear, or smell the Sword, she can gain her
bonus. This is an extraordinary ability.
Spells: A Sword may add one level of casting ability to one of her
spell casting classes (be it divine or arcane). The spells must be
chosen from the following list:
0-Level Sword Spells (Cantrips)

3rd-Level Sword Spells

Cure Minor Wounds; Daze;

Guidance; Inflict Minor
Wounds; Virtue.

Cure Serious Wounds; Dispel

Magic; Displacement; Greater
Magic Weapon; Haste; Inflict
Serious Wounds; Keen Edge;
Magic Vestment; Vampiric
Touch; Water Walk.

1st-Level Sword Spells

4th-Level Sword Spells

Chill Touch; Cure Light

Wounds; Divine Favour; Inflict
Light Wounds; Mage Armour;
Magic Fang; Obscuring Mist;
Random Action; Shield of
Faith; Shocking Grasp.

Air Walk; Cure Critical

Wounds; Divine Power; Fire
Shield; Freedom of Movement;
Improved Invisibility; Inflict
Critical Wounds; Poison Touch;
Shout; Stoneskin.

2nd-Level Sword Spells

5th-Level Sword Spells

Blur; Bull's Strength; Cat's

Grace; Cure Moderate Wounds;
Darkness; Inflict Moderate
Wounds; Invisibility; Mirror
Image; Protection from Arrows;
Sound Burst.

Bigby's Interposing Hand;

Circle of Doom; Death Knell;
Mind Fog; Mislead; Resist
Elements; Righteous Might;
Slay Living; Spell Resistance;
Spiritual Weapon.

Skill Points: 4+Int. Modifier.

Class Features
Weapon & Armour Proficiency: None.
Weapon Specialisation: As the Fighter Feat - for greatsword only.
This represents the Swords further bond with Maeve's chosen
Improved Balance: +2 skill focus to balance skill. Sword is
considered to never be off balance (and as such, opponents do not
get +2 to hit them), and they may make their full movement while
balancing, only making one balance check per round. This is an
extraordinary ability.
Improved Monkey Grip: The Sword does not have a -2 penalty to
weapons she has Monkey Grip for. The Sword may also use a
similar weapon of one size category larger in two-hands (i.e. a
Huge-sized, greatsword). This is an extraordinary ability.







Bard Songs


+0 (+1)




Bonus Feat

+1 bard song level


+0 (+1)




Alter Self

+1 bard song level


+1 (+2)




Leadership; Bonus Feat

+1 bard song level


+1 (+2)





+1 bard song level


+2 (+3)




Geas; Persuasion

+1 bard song level


Class Skills

Sex: Female

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Statistics: Charisma: 22
Skills: Bluff: 15 ranks Diplomacy: 5 ranks Disguise: 5 ranks
Intimidate: 5 ranks Performance: 10 ranks

Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Disguise, Diplomacy,

Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Innuendo, Jump,
Knowledge (All), Listen, Performance, Pick Pockets, Profession,
Ride, Speak Language, Spot, Swim, Tumble.

Feats: Seductive Defence

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Hit Dice: d6

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Skill Points: 6+Int. Modifier.

Class Features
Weapon & Armour Proficiency: None
Bardic Knowledge Check: If the Maiden already has the Bardic
knowledge special ability, then she may add the number in
parentheses to her check.
Bonus Feat: The Maiden may choose an extra feat from the
following list of feats (to be chosen from the "Song and Silence"
guidebook). These feats will all be geared towards persuasion.
Alter Self: As per the spell, except duration lasts until caster ends
the spell. Can be used at will. This is a spell-like ability.
Leadership: The Maiden gets the Leadership feat for free.
Intoxicate: One time per day/ per Maiden Level, the character can
use her stunning beauty to drain opponents' strength a number of

points equal to her Charisma bonus. This supernatural ability affects

all enemies who can see her (but like the Seductive Defence, does
not affect Constructs and unintelligent undead). All affected
opponents get a Will save versus a difficulty of Maiden's Charisma
Bonus + Character Level. If an opponent successfully saves, but
doesn't succeed by more than the Maiden's Charisma Bonus, they
still lose 2 strength points. This loss of strength lasts for a number of
minutes equal to the Sword Maiden's level (Sword + Maiden
Geas: Once per day, a Maiden may Geas as per the spell, as a
standard action.
Persuasion: The Maiden is no longer affected by geas, charm, or
enchantment spells, spell-like, supernatural, or extraordinary
abilities. In addition, a Maiden cannot be bluffed or seduced by
anyone who has a lower Charisma that she does.
Bard Song: A Maiden's Bard level increase by one per level for the
purposes of Bard songs only. If a Maiden does not have any Bard
levels, this ability is of no benefit for her.

Spiral Dancer
Koroth roared his annoyance as his blade was again turned aside by
the spinning, leaping little runt. The plan had been simple, Koroth
and his "boys" (a rag-tag group of mismatched orcs, goblins and
kobolds numbering no more than a handful, which nonetheless the
ogre thought of as his army) waited for the lone figure to draw near.
Boggo let loose with his shortbow, then Gimpy and Waggle ran in
with the net. In seconds the victim (which Koroth always referred to
as "special customer") would be helpless while he and his boys
made off with some well earned cash. At least that's how it was
supposed to go.
Boggo let loose alright, just not with an arrow. The victim heard the
noise and turned in time to see the two goblins running from the
bushes unravelling a net as they ran. Then it happened. The victim
started some sort of spinning, whirling dance type thing { sort of
like the high summer stomp Koroth's brothers used to do when they

danced on the seasonal halfling, but a lot more graceful and a lot
quicker } there was a flash of sunlight off metal and the whispering
ring of swords being drawn. The goblins never knew what killed
them. Then chaos erupted as the whirling figure was among the rest
of the band. Screams sounded, gurgles rattled and now it was just
Koroth, all on his own again. No, it was worse, bleeding from
several bad wounds he had yet to land a decent blow on the pointy
ear. Koroth cursed loudly as another ragged cut appeared on his
arm. Worse yet again, all that keeping track of those swirling blades
was giving him one seriously mean headache
The Spiral Dancers are students of a school of fighting that teaches
the advantages of mobility in combat. By performing a string of
steps in quick and varied succession the dancer builds momentum
allowing him to parry blows, hit harder and faster and confuse the
opponent. Against multiple opponents, the dance allows them to
cause chaos as they slip and leap between and around opponents,
never striking where expected and never moving in a predictable











Momentum, Dance 1/day, Weapon Combination,





Blade flurry 1/day , Uncanny Dodge (Dex bonus to AC), Endurance





Shielding blade, Switch weapon, Ambidexterity





Dance 2/day, Leap attack





Leading blow +1d6, Dancing step





Blade flurry 2/day, Improved combination





Uncanny dodge (cant be flanked), Endurance 2





Dance 3/day, Defensive roll,





Shielding blade 2 , Shimmer






Leading blow +2d6 , Flurry 3/day , Grand Finale

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Skills: Skill focus( perform), mobility, dodge, weapon finesse
Base Attack Bonus: + 5
Skills: Perform: 4 ranks (dance must be chosen as on of the
Hit Dice: D8

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Jump, Perform, Sense Motive,
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill points per Level: 3 + Int mod.

Class features
Armour and Weapon Proficiencies: Spiral dancers gain no
additional proficiency with armour or weapons.
Momentum: Starting at 1st level, the dancer may add 1 to their
initiative total each round during melee (must be in melee, the
dancer cannot sit back and speed up before entering combat) as the
dance evolves with the combat situation and the actions become
more instinctive. The maximum that may be added each round is 1
and the maximum total that may be added is 1+ level in dancer
class. (e.g. 2 points may be added at first level, but spread out over 2
rounds). This initiative modifier is a reflection of the dance's
influence on the character's fighting strategy and thus is always
Dance: The dancer performs a whirling dance that moves him
across the battlefield and combines footwork and weapon style to
confuse opponents. The dance steps act to increase the dancers
agility and reaction times. To perform the dance, the dancer must
succeed in a perform check (DC=20). If the roll fails, the dancer
cannot begin the dance that round but may try again later (the dance
attempt is not used up for the day until a successful check has been
made). If successful the dancer receives a +2 bonus to AC and +4 to
dexterity. A dancer can maintain a dance for a number of rounds
equal to his constitution modifier + class level. After that many
rounds, a second dance check must be made (DC= 25 + 1 for each
check made so far, including initial one). If this succeeds, the dance
may continue for another round following which a check must be
made the start of each new round. The dance can be ended
voluntarily at any time.
Special: If the dancer takes damage from a physical attack, he must
make a check at the beginning of the next round to continue dancing
(DC= 15 + 1 per 2 points of damage). Ranks (but not modifiers) in
concentration skill are taken from the damage taken before the DC
modifier is calculated.
Once the dance ends, the character is fatigued for 10 minutes for
each round over his normal duration (con mod + class level) that the
dance continued. This fatigue period is shortened by 10 minutes for
each 5 minutes of rest the dancer takes. A dancer cannot dance when
fatigued, exhausted, or wearing medium or heavier armour. He also
cannot dance if encumbered.
While dancing, the dancer can only use melee attacks, any other
action ends the dance without a check and the attempt is considered
over for the day. (other actions include, drinking a potion, changing
weapons - see below - getting stuff from backpack, picking up an
object etc.)

Weapon Combination: The Dancer selects a combination of two

weapons that he has trained with. He is considered to have the two
weapon fighting feat when using those two weapons (in that
particular order, e.g. longsword primary, shortsword secondary does
not equal shortsword primary, longsword secondary). If the two
weapon fighting feat is already held, the dancer receives an
additional +1 to hit when using that combination. At each level that
the dancer receives in this class, he may select a new combination
of weapons to add to his list of practised pairs.
Endurance: The dancer gains +2 to his con modifier for purposes
of calculating dance duration.
Blade Flurry: The dancer can make a second set of attacks with his
two weapons (only two extra attacks are gained, no matter what
attack option or feat is being used at the time). These attacks are
made at the highest attack bonus, modified for two weapon fighting
(if necessary) but these ,and every other attack in the round are
subject to a further -3 penalty apiece. This can only be performed
once per day at second level, twice at sixth and three times at tenth.
Regardless of scoring a hit or not, the attempt is used once rolled.
Note, this causes a dancing check to be made (DC 25) is used while
dancing, if the check fails, the player must decide whether to end
the dance or abort the flurry. The flurry is not used in this case and
can be attempted later, but the check counts toward the total number
of checks for modifying the dance DC to continue.
Uncanny Dodge: Dex bonus to AC. You know what this is, do I
really have to type it?
Shielding blade: The character may make a free offhand parry once
per encounter. The player may declare this parry at any time before
damage is rolled (and before any subsequent attacks are made). To
succeed in parrying, the dancer must make an opposed attack roll
with their secondary weapon (offhand weapon). If successful the
dancer has parried the blow. This is a free action and does not count
towards attacks in any round, nor does it provoke a dancing check.
At ninth level, the dancer may attempt this twice per encounter.
Once declared, the attempt is considered used whether successful or
Switch weapon: Once per round as a free action, the Dancer may
draw a weapon, sheath a weapon, or switch a weapon from one
hand to another.
This does not provoke an attack of opportunity and does not
provoke a dancing check if used while dancing.
Ambidexterity: The dancer, through his training and practise gains
the ambidexterity feat if he has not already acquired it. There is no
bonus for already possessing the feat.
Leap attack: Once per round as a standard action, the Dancer may
jump forward 10 feet (no skill check required). This action does not
provoke Attacks of Opportunity for moving through threatened
areas, but the Dancer suffers a -2 penalty to AC for one round. The
Dancer may then immediately perform a standard attack action, at
+2 to attack and damage rolls.
This action may be used while dancing and does not provoke a
dancing check.
Leading Blow: If a dancer hits with their primary weapon, they can
declare a leading blow. The next attack they make with the offhand
weapon (even in the following round) is made at a further -3
modifier to the attack roll. If successful the dancer inflicts an
additional 1d6 points of damage. At tenth level this additional
damage rises to 2d6. This ability can only be used once per
encounter whether the offhand attack was successful or not and does
not provoke a dancing check.
Dancing Step: The continuous motion of the dance allows the
dancer to take an additional 5ft step in a round that he declares the
use of this skill. Like the normal 5ft step, this does not count as a
move equivalent action but does provoke an attack of opportunity

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
where applicable. This ability can be used once per point of Dex
modifier (dexterity is taken to mean the dexterity score while
dancing) per day. This ability can only be used while dancing and
does not provoke a dance check.

or special ability) would reduce him to 0 or less hit points, the

dancer may make a reflex save (DC = damage suffered) to avoid
damage. If successful the dancer only suffers half damage. This
action, whether successful or not, ends a dance without a check.

Improved Combination: The dancer selects a combination of

weapons that they already know (from the 1st level ability weapon
combination) and is considered to have the improved two weapon
fighting feat with that combination. An additional combination is
chosen at each level of dancer achieved. If improved two weapon
fighting is already known, the second offhand attack is made at a -3
modifier instead of -5.

Shimmer: The dancer gains the effects of a Blur spell while

dancing, This is an extraordinary ability and ends when the dance

Uncanny dodge: Can't be flanked - as rogue ability.

Endurance 2: All that dancing has built up the dancer's constitution
granting an additional +2 to his con modifier for purposes of
calculating dance duration.
Defensive Roll: Once per day, the dancer may avoid taking damage
by rolling with a blow. If a blow (weapon or other attack, not a spell

Grand Finale: The dancer may make a grand blow as the

culmination of his dance. The finale must be declared before any
attack roll is made and the dancer must have been dancing for at
least 2 full rounds. In addition to this, the grand finale cannot be
performed if the dance check has failed for that round as the dancer
is simply too tired to work up to the finish. All blows dealt in that
round gain a further +2 to hit and the dancers full dexterity modifier
is added to each set of damage (this is not multiplied in a critical hit,
nor is it added to a sneak attack). Upon taking this action, the dance
ends after the attacks have been made (or at the beginning of the
characters next round if an attack is held) regardless of the
character's success or failure.

Stormtrooper of Isis
The official background of the Stormtroopers of Isis tells the tale
that Lady Isis was so impressed by the creativity and faith of
Darkstar that she charged him with creating an organisation to
spread the faith and defend the helpless and crush evil wherever it
may be found.

Today, there are two branches of the Stormtroopers. The largest

body is found on Oerth (Erypt), with a monastery near the free city
of Greyhawk, and lead by a human paladin. This group numbers
about one hundred members, all battle proven adventurers with a
demonstrated record of supporting the causes of Law and Good.
Officially, the only requirement is a strong devotion to Isis.
This path is the path of the warrior, advancing the cause of Isis by
kicking butt.












Gain +1 to save against all fear-effects






Feat from the Fighter list, Reduce arcane spell casting failure



































Reduce arcane spell casting failure
Feat from the Fighter list, Reduce arcane spell casting failure
Reduce arcane spell casting failure
Feat from the Fighter list, Reduce arcane spell casting failure
Special: Must know or be able to prepare arcane spells of 2nd level
or higher, and a proven devotee to Isis

Base Attack Bonus: +5

Hit Dice: D8

Class Skills

Alignment: Lawful Good

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Class: Believer Of Isis

Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (any) (Int), Knowledge

(Arcana and Wildspace Religion, or "Egyptian" Religion) (Int),
Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha, Exclusive)

Race: Human
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks
Feats: Two MetaMagic Feats

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

She gains +2 more at each odd level of the prestige class.

At each even level, she gains +3 spells per day. She does not learn
any new spells, she can merely cast more.

Class Features
Armour and Weapon Proficiencies: All simple and martial
weapons, proficiency with all light, medium and heavy armour,
proficiency with shields
Spells: At prestige class level one, the character gains the ability to
cast two more spells per day. These are permanent additions to any
spells per day the character can already cast. Only one of these can
be added to the highest level spells per day in a given class.

Fear: Gain +1 to save against all fear-effects at class level 1.

Feat: +1 feat from the Fighter list at each level 2, 6, 10.
Spell Failure: Reduce arcane spell casting failure incurred by
armour or shield by 5% at each level 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 (to 25% at level
10). Failure chance cannot fall below zero. This does not reduce
failure chance from any other source.

Swiftwind are an overt and flashy, but highly exclusive society of
adventure seekers, with members from all walks of life and
professions. The need for speed, extreme nimbleness, and a bit of a
restless nature are the only common traits that all members share.
Swiftwind are a more visible cousin to The Hidden, operating from
a different arm of the secret organisation within the Imperial
Legion. Potential members are screened to exclude those of an evil

inclination, and any member that becomes evil is immediately

discharged from the ranks of the Swiftwind. Members discharged as
such do not lose any of the Swiftwind abilities they have thus far
gained, and there are indeed a few evil ex-Swiftwind scattered
throughout Talanu.
One pledge, however, must be kept in order to retain Swiftwind
abilities. As these abilities are partially a result of an ancient pact
with elders from the elemental plane of Air, Swiftwind may NEVER
summon creatures from the elemental plane of Earth.













Evasion; +1 Initiative; +10' Base Move; Feather Fall1/day







Bonus Feat; Haste1/day







+2 Initiative; Freedom of Movement1/day







Improved Evasion; Nimbleness







+3 Initiative; Free- Action Spell 1/day







Bonus Feat; +20' Base Move, Freedom of Movement2/day







+4 Initiative; Haste2/day














+5 Initiative; Freedom of Movement3/day







Bonus Feat; Free- Action Spell 2/day; +30' Base Move




(like Saves and Special Abilities) follow the chart below. The
default base class used is Sorcerer/Wizard.

To qualify to become a Swiftwind, a character must fulfil all the

following criteria.

Hit Dice: d4

Alignment: No Evil

Class Skills

Race: Any
Statistics: Dexterity: 18+
Skills: Jump: 10 ranks Tumble: 10 ranks
Feats: Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, and Quickdraw.
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 1st level Arcane spells.
Special A Swiftwind chooses one of their existing classes to act as a
base class for the Prestige Class. For instance if a Swiftwind
chooses Wizard as its base class, they would get the Skills, Skill
Points, Hit Die, Base Attack Bonus, and Spell Level of Wizard of
equal level. They only get these abilities of the class... all others

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge
(Arcana) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), and
Spellcraft (Int).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill
descriptions. Skill Points at Each Level: 2+ Int modifier.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Class Features

Haste (Sp): As per the 3rd level spell. This increases to 2/day at 7th

Weapons and Armour: Swiftwind are proficient with all simple

weapons. They are not proficient with any type of armour or shields.

Freedom of Movement (Sp): As per the 4th level spell. This

increases an addition 1/day every three levels.

Evasion: As the 2nd level Rogue Ability.

Improved Evasion: As the Rogue Special Ability.

Initiative (Ex): Beginning at 1st level and every other level

thereafter, a Swiftwind gains an additional +1 to their Initiative.

Nimbleness: Swiftwind are amazingly elusive. This ability allows

the Swiftwind to double their inherent Dexterity bonus to AC.
Bonus from items or spells are never doubled, and anything that
would make the character lose their Dexterity bonus negates this as

Base Move (Ex): Starting at 1st level, the Swiftwinds Base Move
increases by 10. It increases an additional 10 each, at both 6th and
10th level.
Feather fall (Sp): As per the 1st level spell.
Bonus Feat: Beginning at 2nd level and then every four levels after
that, a Swiftwind receives a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be
taken from the following list: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility,
Quicken Spell, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot, Run, Run-by Attack,
Shot on the Run, Spring Attack, Two-weapon Fighting, Whirlwind
Attack. The Swiftwind must meet the normal prerequisites of the
chosen feat.

Free-Action Spell (Su): Beginning at 5th level, once per day, a

Swiftwind can cast any one spell as if it had been quickened,
regardless of the spell level. This increases to two spells a day at
10th level.
Air Walk (Sp): As per the 4th level spell.
Spellcasting Ability: The Swiftwind adds +1 per level to one of
their existing Arcane spellcasting classs levels, for spellcasting
purposes only.

Swordsman of Yad'ael
Nar Mimbar, the oldest and largest city in the Dol Kalzarn region, is
home to a myriad of cultural, social, and magical achievements that
are unable to be found in lesser cities. The Yad'ael Duelling School,
one of two such schools in Nar Mimbar, is one of these
achievements. Yad'ael founded the school in KY 114, after a famed
dispute with the head of the other major duelling school, If'aran, in
regards to training styles. If'aran believed that the thin blade, a hard
to master cousin of the rapier, was by far the superior weapon for
any swordsman to use. Yad'ael disagreed, believing that the time
spent in learning to use the thin blade, would be better utilised in
other techniques. Yad'ael's style was met with a measure of criticism
at first until he had proven, through a series of duels with If'aran's
best students, that it was the equal of If'aran's style.
Within three years Yad'ael had acquired the funding and support to
found his own, rival school within the bounds of Nar Mimbar.

Within a century the Yad'ael Duelling school had reached a level of

respect and status equal to its rival. Unfortunately, Yad'ael failed to
live to see this happen. After killing a swordswoman student of
If'aran's in a duel, Yad'ael was challenged by If'aran himself. The
duel was an impressive thing to watch and in the end both lay,
mortally wounded on the ground. Intervention to save either one
was refused as part of the duel, so the two great swordsman died
their, the victims of their rival's blade.
The Yad'ael Duelling School, like the rival If'aran school, only
permits Aeldaekflar and half-Aeldaekflar with suitable connections
and influences within the nobility of Candrles admittance into the
school. On top of this a three thousand gold admittance fee is
charged to help to pay the instructors of the applicant to gauge his
skill and determine if it is appropriate. Each year after this in which
the student trains results in a further fee of another three thousand
gold. A typical student takes two years to complete training at the
school to learn the basics of the style.






Special Abilities:





Swordsman's Defence





Weapon Mastery





Sixth Sense





Whirlwind Defence





Improved Reactions





High Weapon Mastery





Fleet Footed





Precise Strike











Grand Weapon Mastery

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Alignment: Any
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Feats: Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Focus(Rapier)
Skills:Tumble: +4, Bluff: +3, Intimidate: +3,
Hit Dice: d12

Fight with honour: A Swordsman of Yad'ael may not take undo
advantage over an opponent in single combat. This is not due to a
sense of fair play or chivalry as much as a sense of professional
pride and honour. His reputation is at stake! Therefore, he will not
take a two weapon advantage over an opponent armed with a single
weapon, use poison, flaming oil or a shield. Such tricks and
protections are beneath him.
Weapon selection: The Swordsman of Yad'ael must use weapons
that *can* be wielded in one hand in order to gain many of the
Swordsman's special abilities. This means the weapon can be used
two-handedly but has to be light enough to be used in one. The
Swordsman could use his special abilities with a bastard sword
provided he had the exotic weapon feat and therefore capable to use
it in one hand.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise(Cha),
Gather Information (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump
(Str), Listen (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex)

Weapons and Armour: Swordsmen of Yad'ael are not proficient

with any weapons or Armour. Note that Armour check penalties for
Armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb,
Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble.
Swordsman's Defence: At 1st level, the Swordsman of Yad'ael may
use his Wisdom bonus to his AC when unarmoured or wearing
Armour that has no Armour check penalty.
Weapon Mastery: At 2nd level, the Swordsman of Yad'ael may,
with any melee weapon that can be wielded one-handedly, and that
the Swordsman of Yad'ael has Weapon Focus in, inflict the next
higher damage die when facing a single opponent. 1d6 = 1d8, 1d8 =
1d10, 1d10= 1d12. He cannot gain this bonus if more that one
opponent threatens him.
Sixth Sense: At 3rd level, the Swordsman of Yad'ael retains his Dex
bonus to AC even when flat-footed or attacked by an invisible
opponent. This is an extraordinary ability.
Whirlwind Defence: At 4th level, when fighting defensively, the
Swordsman of Yad'ael may take (up to) -1 to all attack rolls per
class level and add +1 to his AC. e.g. a 7th level Fighter/5th level
Swordsman may take -5 to all his attack rolls to gain a +5 AC for
that round.
Improved Reactions: At 5th level, the Swordsman of Yad'ael gains
a +2 competence bonus to initiative checks.
High Weapon Mastery: At 6th level, when fighting a single
opponent with any weapon that the Swordsman of Yad'ael qualifies
for Mastery in, the Swordsman's critical threat range is doubled. He
does not gain this bonus if more that one opponent threatens him.
Fleet-Footed: At 7th level, the Swordsman of Yad'ael's movement
rate increases by +10' when the Swordsman is unarmoured or
wearing Armour that has no action check penalty.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Precise Strike: At 8th level, on a successful critical hit in single

combat the Swordsman inflicts 1 point of temporary Str or Dex
damage - his choice. This damage increases to 2 points at 10th level.
Again, it must be with a weapon that can be wielded in one hand.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4+Int Modifier

Evasion: Gained at 9th level. As the rogue ability.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the Swordsman of Yad'ael
prestige class.

Grand Weapon Mastery: This ability is gained at 10th level in any

weapon that the Swordsman of Yadael qualifies for Mastery in.
Successful critical hits in single combat inflict 1 temporary point of
Con damage. Furthermore, successful critical rolls are now Deadly
Critical "threat" rolls . Make another threat roll at -5 that if
successful inflicts one more die damage (plus bonuses) and
additional Precise Strike and Con damage.

The Hunt
All the world is a very narrow bridge
From the Manual of Fate, as recorded by Fatima

Carefully the Candidate is studied from afar. Placid pools are stared
within until they reveal the Candidate and her actions to those who
are to present the Test. There is an ancient tale where ones heart,
still beating and cloaked with dripping blood, is weighed upon a
scale against a feather. If it is found to be heavier then a feather, and
thus unworthy and too full of evil, the soul being tested never gets
to enter the Ever Lasting Paradise. If the scales are balanced or
tipped in the hearts favour, Eternal Death is avoided. The Candidate
is tested in this fashion, always compared to a feather, always on the
border between death and success.
Secret tests and puzzles are laid carefully within the path of the
Candidate. If there is the hint of failure, any hesitation not gainful to

mastering the obstacle, the Candidate is cast off, never to have

known the narrow path she had tenuously began to tread upon.
Many of these obstacles are foes manipulated into facing the
Candidate, and with their defeat, the Candidate makes another step
down the path and into her destiny. Some of the obstructions
presented to the Candidate are puzzles, tricks, and traps, capable of
killing or maiming. The defeat of both foes of the body and foes of
the mind harden the Candidate and simultaneously further the goals
of the testers.
It is only after the testers chant mighty spells that the Candidate
faces her final test. She wakes that morning in the Ever Paradise, the
resting place of good souls and spirits, whose foundation is built
upon the hopeless souls of the faithless. It is within this verdant
garden of delights that the Candidate is presented with her choice;
to reside within the Paradise of her reward, or to return to the
Imperfect Mortal World, to face and hunt down members of a
hideous cult who will surely slay and devour countless innocents.
Members who happen to be her family, dearest friends and lovers. It

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
is said that this choice burns an indelible mark upon the very soul of
the Candidate. If the Candidate relents and chooses to stay within
the Ever Paradise, she will awaken normally the next dawn and
remember the delights of her dreams, the passions of her
imagination. No sign or token is granted; some unworthy former
Candidates waste away, wrapped in their memory of just a taste of
the sweet ambrosia that is the Ever Paradise. If the path of the
Hunter is chosen, it will forge the Candidate into the slyest and
supplest of rapiers. The forging process readies the Candidate to be
plunged into the vilest hearts of evil, and to face the deadliest
abominations, knowing her keen edge can prevail.
Success is not guaranteed. Neither is survival. For those who choose
to step down the left hand path, the one leading back to the Ever
Imperfect Mortal World Without End, their hunt has just begun. The
dreamspell woven around them settles into their bones, tightening
everywhere at once, marking them. During this time the candidate
fully believes they are awake, back within the Mortal World, and are
fulfilling their promise to Hunt each member of this vile cult. The
sights, smells, sounds, feelings, breath, heartbeats, all are real and
vivid. For to walk the dreamspell back to the Mortal World is to live
through Hunting each of the Candidates friends, and killing them. It
means to consciously choose to Hunt living family members, and
destroy them. It means to Hunt every lover and slay them in their
sleep. Those who fail in this never awaken. Once the Hunt is over,
the Candidate awakens and remembers the face of every friend,
family member, and lover she has slain, and every act and
considered choice that lead to each slaying. Many Candidates are
frantic in their need to discover if their deed, so true and alive to
them in the dreamspell, has followed them in their now realised
waking. Some will taste blood in their mouth, others will have
blood under their fingernails. If the candidate does not break, she is
And some of the mysteries are never explained. All of this and more
was foretold by the strange book discovered deep within the fey
mound, the one with thin metal plates for pages and a strange,
twisted wire binding. I remember cradling the book within my night
dark hands and resting it in my lap legs folded beneath me,
absorbing me with a tale in which I could not believe I would ever
take part. I have taken, since then, to calling it the Book, or Manual
of Fate. All of the things it spoke of have come true. I can neither
speak nor think a lie; I have walked the Hunt and become an

Those who created the Hunt, I have never met. All I know is that
many of the tasks set before me in the last three years have been
carefully manipulated into my way as a part of the testing. I at first
suspected that it was a secret branch of the Hidden, but now my
suspicions run far a field of that. I have trained with the Hidden, I
have run with Whit and we have both excelled in our lessons as they
have been presented to us. I have seen the Swiftwind in their eyeblurring glory. Nothing within or of either of them even
approximates the Hunt.
I do not know how I caught their notice, those who guide the Hunt. I
know that they snared me within their Dream, and presented me the
Choice. I could not let countless innocent lives end, after I had
struggled through the claustrophobic darkness to banish Arawn and
foil an even older, more hideous pact. Even if that meant taking the
life of gentle Sanantha, handsome Malakon, brave Thea, and all of
my other friends who have now become my brothers and sisters, but
in the Dream were my vilest enemies. It was the smallest of
consolations that I have never held a lover in my arms; to have to
have slain him also might have persuaded me to stay within the
Ever Paradise. I cannot write more of those deeds, their memories
are still fresh within my consciousness and too easy to call up. My
lessons are not during the daytime or the night; I am trained during
the Dream, taught things that I never suspected I was or would ever
be capable of accomplishing. Taught the complex matrixes of the
Construct, and how to guide the Else to channel within my blade
and unbind the essential forces that once held the Construct
together. Instructed by deeply cowled Necromancers in robes white
as bleached bones how the Undead cling tenuously to existence, and
how to use the Else to sever those almost tangible bonds. Guided by
faceless strangers on how to strike the most devastating of blows
upon twisted aberrations, formless oozes and fiendish denizens of
far away planes. Some training locales still are fresh within my
mind, their twisted hideous nature suited to support the creates that
laired within them.
I have been told and shown that when a Hunt is called, it will be
done so by the Dream. The name, face, mannerisms, and current
location of the vile fiend I am to Hunt is to be revealed to me. There
is, of course, a general mandate to use my training in furthering the
Light. Those things that normally consider themselves safe, beyond
the meagre abilities of an Assassin, will be disabused. To all others I
am a nameless face, always changing shape and direction, a member
of the crowd or an ally. To my mentors I am a Hunter; deep within
my soul I finally know who I am.











Sneak Attack +1d6; Death Attack





Informed Strike





Sneak Attack +2d6









Sneak Attack +3d6; Informed Strike; Touch of Life; Wings of Fate









Sneak Attack +4d6; Sunder the Spirit









Sneak Attack +5d6






Blade of Truth; Touch of Life; Sunder the Spirit

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
To qualify to become one of the Hunt, a character must fulfil the
following criteria.
Alignment: Any non-evil
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Skills: Climb: 5 ranks Healing: 2 ranks Hide: 10 ranks Knowledge
(Anatomy): 4 ranks Move Silent: 10 ranks Tumble: 10 ranks
Feats: Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (Necromancy), and Weapon
Hit Dice: d6.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int),
Decipher Script (Int, exclusive skill), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable
Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int),
Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate
(Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Anatomy)
(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform
(Cha), Pick Pocket (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read Lips (Int,
exclusive skill), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim
(Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha, exclusive skill), and
Use Rope (Dex)
See chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Special: A member of the Hunt must put one skill point per level
into their Knowledge (Anatomy) skill, or they lose their benefits.

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: The Hunt are proficient with the crossbow
(hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow
(normal and composite), and short sword. The Hunt are proficient
with light armour but not with shields. Note that armour check
penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance,
Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pockets, and
Tumble and that carrying heavy gear imposes a check penalty on
Swim checks.

Sneak Attack: As the Rogue ability. Increases +1d6 every 2 levels,

beginning at 1st level. Stacks with other class given Sneak Attack
Death Attack: Beginning at 1st level, a member of the Hunt uses
their total Hunt level to determine their Death Attacks. This stacks
with the bonus from any Assassin levels.
Informed Strike [Ex]: Beginning at 2nd level, a member of the
Hunt can Sneak Attack Aberrations and Jelly/Ooze class creatures,
due to their extensive study of all types of anatomy. Beginning at
5th level, their training allows them to make Death Attacks versus
these types of creatures.
Touch of Life [Su]: Through their study of the Necrotic arts, the
Hunt have learned the secret of sneak attacking undead. Beginning
at 5th level, they can actually briefly channel a burst of positive
material energy as they complete their attack. Note that this causes a
flash of light, (DC 20 to spot), making this sort of attack difficult to
conceal. At 10th level, they may make a Death attack against
Undead creatures. If the target fails its save, it evaporates in a very
bright flash of light and a clap of thunder (DC 10 on spot/listen
checks if within 100).
Wings of Fate [Sp]: Although the Hunt do not gain access to
further arcane spells in their studies, their prior knowledge and Hunt
training eventually allows them to overcome most physical barriers
between themselves and their target. Starting at 5th level, a member
of the Hunt may fly as the spell like ability for up to 10 minutes per
day per 2 levels of Hunt. This ability requires a partial action to
initiate, but is a free action to dismiss.
Sunder the Spirit [Su]: Beginning at 7th level, the character can
Sneak Attack Constructs, in essence attacking the magical bond that
has caused the creature to live (usually focusing on the
enchantment that holds the animating spirit). Note that with
Constructs such as Golems, each Sneak Attack gives a cumulative
10% chance that the animating spirit is freed, causing the Construct
to go on a rampage (see Golem description in the Monster Manual).
At 10th level, Assassins may make a Death Attack versus
Constructs. If the target fails its save, there is a 15% change that it is
instead affected as per the Confusion spell for 1d4 rounds.
Blade of Truth [Su]: At 10th level, Assassins can Sneak Attack
most other creatures that are normally immune to critical hits and
Sneak Attacks. At this point, they have made such an in-depth study
of their art, and have magically enhanced their instincts and abilities
to such a degree, that no foe is beyond their reach. Creatures
included in this grouping, however, are still immune to Death
The DM may, at her discretion, prevent Sneak Attacks against
certain creatures. This should be the exception rather than the rule,

Thri-Kreen Slayer

wielding the weapons of the Elven people and those of the dread

Originally appearing in Elves of Athas, Conversion by Andrew

Snow On the whole of Athas only one creature consistently
threatens the very existence of the Elven people, the Thri-Kreen,
whose speed, numerous arms, venom, and taste for Elven flesh put
them at odds with the desert running Elves. Enter the Thri-Kreen
Slayer, Elven warriors specially trained to actually hunt the hunters.
Wearing armour made from the exoskeleton shells of their foes and

Although any class can become Thri-Kreen Slayers a great many of

them are psychic warriors, Fighter/Psionics or Fighter/ psychic
warrior. Arcane spell casters are rare due to the need for armour that
often goes along with hunting Thri-Kreen, Rogue characters often
bring an entirely different approach to hunting their prey, rather than
frontal assaults the rely more on stealth. Cleric Slayers are rare but
blend the powers of defensive powers of Divine magic and the
offensive Psionic powers that go along with this prestige class.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Race: Athanian


Alignment: Any Non-Lawful

Base Attack Bonus: +4







+35+ (not including
Points/ Day:


Lore 4+3Ranks Listen
+1 4 Ranks Spot
+3 4 Ranks+5
+1 Fighting,+4Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (Any One Thri-Kreen Weapon)
Special: Must Own Masterwork Scale Mail made from the
of a Thri-Kreen
7 Dice: d8+5














class skills (and
ability for each
10 Prestige+7
+7 the key +3
+7 skill) are:+9
Concentration (Con), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Psionics) (Int),
Knowledge (Kreen) (Int), Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis),
Wilderness Lore (Wis)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Armour Skill 1: The Thri-Kreen Slayer has learned how to get

ventilation while wearing her armour, from
this point on she
suffers no ill effects from wearing her Thri-Kreen Scale Mail in the
heat of the Athasian sun.
Skill has
1 learned to move with
2: The Thri-Kreen
None ease while wearing her chosen armour. Thus cutting the
armour check penalty for wearing the masterwork mail from -3 to -1
Feat None
the max Dex bonus from +3 to +5.
Venom Resistance
Mastery: None
At this point the Thri-Kreen Slayer has truly
mastered combat while wearing her scale mail. First she learns wear
Thri-Kreen Bane +2/+2d6
the truly sturdy parts of her armour are giving her a +2
Bonus Feat, Kreen Bane
movement while wearing her scale mail bringing her speed back up
Skillthe max Dex2 to +6.
2 Note:
1 These
its normalControl,
level and
bonuses only occur for the Thri-Kreen Slayer, so a 10th level ThriKreenSlayer
Bane who
2 only
2 be giving
lends his armour to an ally will
Bonus Feat, Insect Bane

Bonus Feats: With the exception of Weapon Specialisation the

Imp. 2 Weapon, Insect Mine

bonus feats a Thri-Kreen Slayer receives come from the list of

Armour Mastery Insect Killer
Venom Resistance (Ex): Come level 3 a Thri-Kreen Slayer has
built up a resistance to the venom secreted by a mature Thri-Kreen,
this translates to a +4 to all saves versus any venom secreted by any

Skills Points at Each Level 2 + Int Modifier

Kreen Bane (Su): At level 5 the attack bonus against Thri-Kreen

extends to all subspecies of Kreen thus making them the ideal
enemy of the whole Kreen Empire.

Class Features

Pheromone Control (Sp): To better hunt her prey the Thri-Kreen

All of the following are Class Features of the Thri-Kreen Slayer

Prestige class.
Weapons and Armour: Thri-Kreen Slayers are proficient with all
simple and martial weapons, light and medium armour, and with all
Power Points: Thri-Kreen Slayers gain power points as they go up
in level, as indicated by their progression table above. These power
points are added to the characters previous total. Thri-Kreen
Slayers do not gain bonus power points.
Discovered: Thri-Kreen Slayers discover powers as shown on the
above table. The powers are added to the characters previous total
power known. Psionic attack and defence modes are discovered as
though the character were a psychic warrior of the same level as the
prestige class (characters do not forget previously discovered attack
and defence modes), the powers chosen are from the group
normally allowed to Psychic Warriors.
Thri-Kreen Bane (Su): Beginning at level One a Thri-Kreen Slayer
receives a competence bonus when Fighting Thri-Kreen (Kreen of
the Tyr region) in the form of a +1 attack bonus, and +1d6 damage
bonus. At higher levels this bonus increases to +2/ +2d6 and +3/
+3d6. This is a supernatural ability.
Note: This Ability Stacks with the favoured enemy bonus conferred
to a Ranger.
Armour Skill (Ex): During the course of a Thri-Kreen Slayers
battles against his insect-man foes he learns to better wear and
attack in the armour made from the shell of his foe as stated below.

Slayer has learned to control the pheromones she secretes. As a

move equivalent action 3/day she can attract or repel all Kreen
within 50 yards, the DC to resist this ability is 10+Slayer Level plus
Cha modifier.
Insect Bane (Su): From this point on the attack bonuses against
Thri-Kreen extend to all insects.
Insect Mind (Sp): The mind of the Kreen is different than that of a
mammal, making it hard to breach with Psionic attacks directed at
them granting them a +2 to all saves versus Psionic attacks launched
by mammals. Though by level 8 the Thri-Kreen Slayer has learned
to think like an insect, eliminating all the penalties associated with
contacting an insect mind. Unfortunately this works both ways
while the power is in effect not granting the Elf the +2 bonus she
would receive against Psionic attacks launched by an insect mind.
This power is not continuous though and the Slayer can turn it on
and off at will.
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting: At 8th level the Thri-Kreen
Slayer has mastered her two-weapon style and gains improved twoweapon fighting for free.
Insect Killer (Sp): Come 10th level the Thri-Kreen Slayer knows
how her insect foes so well that they are able to level massive blows
against her foes. Once per day the slayer may make a full round
attack that, if it hits, will automatically be a critical hit that deals
maximum damage and then applies the +3d6 for the foe being an
insect. Thus a slayer using a long sword would deal 16 (2x8,) plus
18 (3d6), plus any strength, magic pluses, and any weapon

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Rogues are renowned for their ability to find and remove the
deadliest of traps, pick the cleverest of locks, evade sword and spell
at a whim, and come through it all with a smile on his face. Rogues
are an essential unit in any dungeon crawl, what with their expertise
in passing through various obstructions unscathed, but none do it so
well as a Troubleshooter. Unlike Rogues, Troubleshooters are
trained specifically for party support and dungeon crawling,
boasting a small amount of extraordinary abilities under their

fingertip to use to their own designs. From the deepest, darkest,

crypt, to the clammy halls of Lord Lorans Castle, these specialising
experts in the arts of disarming can be invaluable.
Few can benefit from being a Troubleshooter as much as the Rogue
can, but Rangers, and even Fighters make exceptionally good
Troubleshooters. Perhaps a Wizard, Sorcerer, or Cleric would like to
expand on their areas of expertise, in case they ever find themselves
in a pinch without a rogue at hand, though these few are minuscule
and far between.






Special Abilities










Detect Traps 1/day, Detect Secret Doors 1/day





Daring Rescue





Detect Traps 2/day, Detect Secret Doors 2/day





Luck of the Devil





Detect Traps 3/day, Detect Secret Doors 3/day





Improved Evasion





Detect Traps 4/day, Detect Secret Doors 4/day





Daredevils Gamble






Detect Traps 5/day, Detect Secret Doors 5/day

Alignment: Any non-lawful.
Race: Any.
Base Attack: +4
Skills: Open Lock: 6 ranks, Disable Device: 6 ranks, Move Silently:
4 ranks, Search: 4 ranks.
Feats: Skill Focus: Disable Device, Alertness.
Hit Dice: 1D6

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable
Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide
(Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move
Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int),
Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A Troubleshooter is efficient
with all simple weapons, light armours, but not shields. Note that

armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the
skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently,
Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer a 1 penalty for
every 5 pounds of armour, equipment, or loot carried.
Intuition: A Troubleshooter who merely passes within 10 feet of a
secret passage or trap is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if
she were actively looking for the door or trap. The Troubleshooter
has seen so many traps and secret passages in his career that
detecting such subtleties has become second nature to him.
Detect Secret Doors: This spell-like ability is as per the spell,
Detect Secret Doors. The number of uses per day is indicated upon
the level progression chart.
Detect Traps: Upon activation of this spell-like ability, the
Troubleshooter becomes aware of traps within the room he is in. He
automatically knows which direction the trap is in and how the trap
is triggered. This takes a full-round action in which the
Troubleshooter simply surveys the room. The number of uses per
day is indicated upon the level progression chart.
Daring Rescue: This extraordinary ability allows the
Troubleshooter to save his friends at the expense of his own safety.
If at any time a trap is triggered by anyone but the Troubleshooter,
and he is within touching distance of the victim, he may make a
Reflex save versus the DC of the trap. If successful, the
Troubleshooter manages to pull the victim from safety, but takes the
full effects of the trap instead.
Luck of the Devil: With this extraordinary ability, the
Troubleshooter is entitled to re-roll any check that involves Reflex,
Disable Device, or Open Lock. The Troubleshooter must accept the
consequences of this roll, for not all luck is good. The
Troubleshooter may use this ability once per day.

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Improved Evasion: This extraordinary ability, gained at 9 th level,
works like evasion. The Troubleshooter takes no damage at all on
successful saving throws against attacks that allow a reflex saving
throw for half damage (breath weapon, fireball, and so on). Whats
more, he takes only half damage even if he fails his saving throw,
since the Troubleshooters reflexes allow him to get out of harms
way with incredible speed.

Daredevils Gamble: Lets admit it, sometimes even a

Troubleshooter cant figure out a trap. With this extraordinary
ability, the Troubleshooter may intentionally trigger a trap he knew
was there prior to the attempt. As per usual, the Troubleshooter is
entitled to a reflex save, though prior to this, he must roll
percentiles. If the result is equal to or above 50%, than the
Troubleshooter gains a +3 circumstances bonus to his saving throw,
if below, he receives a 3 circumstances modifier.

Underworld Scourge
The Underworld Scourge is a prestige class dedicated to those
seeking to build an illegal empire often under the very noses of
town guards and officials. The Underworld Scourge specialises in
gathering information of an embarrassing nature as well as
dedicating themselves to the seedier side of city and large town life.
An Underworld Scourge slowly builds an extensive list of contacts,
gossips and underlings that through a web of deceit, lies and favours
seeks to control large tracts of the underground in cities and their

surrounding areas. The Underworld Scourge has within his power

the ability to obtain information regarding any and or all illegal
activity within 2-3 weeks of being in a new city or town. After a
period of time the Underworld Scourge develops a network of
smugglers, corrupt town guards and guilds men that allow him to
move items into and out of a city without notice. However, the life
of the Underworld Scourge is often brutally short, one cannot make
such a foray into the crime world without attracting unwanted
attention whether it be through persistent militia and magistrates or
from rivals seeking to do the same.







Spells per Day






Sneak Attack +1d6, Illegal Contacts, Rival /







Territorial Alertness






Sneak Attack +2d6, Rival / Enemy






Resist Poison






Lieutenant, Rival / Enemy, Mobility






Sneak Attack +3d6






Rival / Enemy, Bonus Feat






Lightning Reflexes






Rival / Enemy






Sneak Attack +4d6, Guildmaster


Statistics: Charisma: 14+

Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Any) (Int), Listen

(Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Pick Pocket (Dex),
Read Lips (Int, exclusive skill), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis),
Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha,
exclusive skill), and Use Rope (Dex).

Alignment: Neutral or Evil

Skill Points / Level: 6 + Intelligence Modifier

Skills: Move Silently: 8 Ranks, Hide: 8 Ranks, Bluff: 8 Ranks,

Listen: 5 Ranks, Gather Information: 5 Ranks, Appraise: 4 Ranks,
Sense Motive: 8 Ranks, Diplomacy: 5 Ranks

Class Features

Hit Die: D6

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Underworld Scourge gains

no new weapon or armour proficiencies.

Class Skills:

Sneak Attack: The Underworld Scourge gains sneak attacks as a

rogue. If the Underworld Scourge gets a sneak attack bonus from
another source (such as rogue levels) the bonuses to damage stack.

Intelligence: 16+

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script
(Int, exclusive skill), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int),
Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather
Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha),

Rival / Enemy: One cannot attempt to make advancements in the

underworld without stepping on a few toes. In fact, there are so
many attempting to do the same thing that one cannot help but make
new enemies. Starting at 1st level and every second level thereafter,
the Underworld Scourge gains a rival or an enemy (GMs

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
discretion). Upon reaching 3rd level this rival can either advance to
a level 2 rival or a new level 1 rival can be added to the mix (GMs
Discretion). Needless to say that this rivalry is deadly serious and
often ends poorly for the player character.

time the Underworld Scourge has advanced enough to reach this

stage it is highly likely that she has had many attempts on her life.
As a result, the Underworld Scourge has developed a highly specific
immune system that aids in resisting toxins in the body.

Illegal Contacts: At 1st level, the Underworld Scourge gains an

abundance of secret information. This power works just like Bardic
knowledge, except that it more based on illegal activity, political
manipulation, crime, and rumour.

Guildmaster: If the character has survived long enough to reach the

10th ranking of Underworld Scourge not only should she be
congratulated for doing so but she should also be honoured by her
comrades and enemies alike. Upon reaching the 10th rank, the
Underworld Scourge takes on the title of Guildmaster, which acts as
the feat Leadership listed in the Dungeon Masters Guide. Should a
character ever reach the 10th ranking it is highly advised that the
character be retired as each region can only have one Guildmaster
and as a result attempts on the characters life will increase

Territorial Alertness: This acts as the feat Alertness with a +2

bonus to Sense Motive in addition to the bonus to Listen and Spot
checks when the character is in the major city or towns in which he
has connections.
Lieutenant: Upon reaching the 5th rank of Underworld Scourge,
the player has taken an underling and made them a lieutenant who
can handle his affairs when the player is away for extended periods.
With a lieutenant, the players empire continues to flourish even if
the player is campaigning. However, if the Underworld Scourge has
been absent too long or is notoriously abusive to those beneath him,
she may find their empire taken over by the lieutenant or his
rivals and be forced to fight to regain them.
Mobility: At 5th level the Underworld Scourge gains the Mobility
feat as a class feature. This feat is the same as that listed in the
Players Handbook.
Resist Poison: This feat acts as the feat of the same name taken
from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Source Book. By the

Spells: Beginning at 2nd level, the Underworld Scourge gains the

ability to cast a small number of spells.
1st level

3rd level

Change self, detect poison,

comprehend languages,

Non-detection, misdirection,
illusory script.

2nd level

4th Level

Alter self, pass without trace,

undetectable alignment, detect
thoughts, invisibility, see

Arcane eye, emotion, detect

scrying, dimension door,
improved invisibility.

One part rogue, one part barbarian, the valkyries are proud warrior
women skilled in mounted combat. They often band together to raid
civilised lands, riding out of the shadows to rain death upon their
foes. Valkyries are renowned for their terrifying war cries and
ferocious combat style.
All valkyries were barbarians at some point in their lives. Those
women with a background as rogues as well are often attracted to
the valkyrie lifestyle. The occasional bard or druid will join the
ranks as well, benefiting from higher hit points and improved

combat skill. The rare sorcerer can be found among them, but
wizards are almost unheard of. Humans and half-orcs are the most
numerous valkyries.
Most valkyries avoid the trappings of civilisation, living a nomad
lifestyle with her horse and her sisters. They occasionally interact
with barbarian tribes for trade and to find mates. Some valkyries
have been known to adopt the female children who survive
barbarian raids and raise them as their own. Valkyries can work well
with barbarians, but the usually male dominated barbarian lifestyle
can lead to conflicts. Bands of valkyries are often on friendly terms
if not allies with local druids and elves











Mounted Combat +1





Yell 1/day





Mounted Archery +1





Furious Attack 1/day





Battle Cry 1/day, Mounted Combat +2, Yell 2/day





Damage Reduction 1/-, Furious Attack 2/day, Rage 1/day





Mounted Archery +2





Battle Cry 2/day, Damage Reduction 2/-, Furious Attack 3/day, Warcry 1/day,
Yell 3/day





Mounted Combat +3






Damage Reduction 3/-, Furious Attack 4/day, Rage 2/day

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

Battle Cry: At this level, the valkyrie gains the ability to emit a
battle cry. This has the effect of a scare spell cast as if the character
were a sorcerer of the character's level. This is a supernatural ability.

Attack Bonus: +6

Damage Reduction: Just like a barbarian, the valkyrie shrugs off

wounds in battle. The amount of this reduction increases as the
character increases level, and it stacks with damage reduction
gained from other classes. This is an extraordinary ability.

Hit Dice: D12

Alignment: Non-Lawful
Feats: Feat Mounted Combat, Weapon Focus (Any Spear)
Special: Gender Female Intimidate 8 Ranks Jump 8 Ranks Ride
(Horses) 8 Ranks Tumble 4 Ranks The character must be able to
Rage at least once per day

Furious Attack: The valkyrie may take a full attack action and
deliver one devastating blow. The attack roll gains a +1 bonus for
each valkyrie class level and if successful inflicts triple damage. If,
by chance, a critical hit is scored on the Furious Attack, it inflicts
quadruple rather than triple damage. This is an extraordinary ability.

Class Skills

Mounted Archery: The valkyrie gains the indicated bonus to all

attack rolls while using ranged weapons from a mount.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Climb (Str) , Craft (Int) , Handle Animal (Cha) , Intimidate (Cha) ,
Intuit Direction (Wis) , Jump (Str) , Ride (Dex) , Spot (Wis) , Swim
(Str) , Tumble (Dex) , Wilderness Lore (Wis)
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Mounted Combat: The valkyrie gains the indicated bonus to all

melee attack rolls made while on a mount.
Rage: The character may enter a rage just like a barbarian. The
number of times the character may rage stacks with any previous
rage ability gained from other classes.
Warcry: This great shout creates the effect of a fear spell cast as if
by a sorcerer of the character's level. A warcry is a full round action.
This is a supernatural ability.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Valkyries are proficient with all
simple and martial weapons, light and medium armour types, and

Yell: The valkyrie may spend a partial action and yell, affecting one
target within 20 feet as if she cast cause fear (cast at the valkyrie's
character level). At 2nd level, this can be done once per day. The
valkyrie gains an addition yell at level 5 and level 8. This is an
extraordinary ability.

The Warlord is skilled in both magical and military arts, making
him an extremely formidable opponent. The Warlord considers a
trained body as important as a trained mind, and prides himself on
keeping his combat skills as sharp as his magical talents.

Warlords are among the most honoured and respected citizens in

Drychtnothian society, but are feared and despised elsewhere.
Warlords are of all types, the savage, brutal killer, wallowing in the
violence of the battlefield, or the heroic warrior, fighting with
honour and taking lives only when necessary.
Warlords serve the Kings of Drychtnoth. To be a Warlord, you must
receive training in the Academy of Olanigan.











Defiling; Martial Weapon Proficiency





Strength Training; Intimidation bonus





Strategy +1; Martial weapon proficiency





Light Armour Proficiency; Armour Casting





Imbue Personality into weapon





Strategy +2; Martial weapon proficiency





Medium Armour Proficiency





Improved Armour Casting





Defiling II; Martial weapon proficiency






Destroyer; Strategy +3

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes

Defiling: By draining the life out of vegetation around, the Warlord

can cast spells higher than 1st level. (Note: Wizards in Inzeladun,
unless they are defilers, alienists, or witches cannot cast spells
higher than 1st level. This does not apply to sorcerers.)

Base Attack Bonus: +5

Hit Dice: D8

Strength Training: Strength is raised to 14 if it is not equal to that

or higher.

Feats: Combat Casting, Concentration

Special: Spellcraft: 6 ranks Knowledge: Heraldry 3 ranks Alchemy:
6 ranks

Strategy: By spending a time before an attack (at least ten minutes),

the Warlord lays out a strategy of attack that grants all party
members a +x to initiative and a +x to attack bonuses and damage.

Class Skills

Armour Casting: The Warlord reduces spell failure penalties due to

light armour by half.

The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Improved Armour Casting: The Warlord reduces spell failure

penalties due to medium armour by half and due to light armour by

Knowledge (Heraldry); Knowledge (Religion) Knowledge (History

- battles); Alchemy; Spell craft

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Defiling II: By draining the life energy out of a creature (one

energy level per spell level) the Warlord gains Quicken spell and
Spell Penetration on the spell cast.

Class Features

Destroyer: The Warlord can annul the spell casting ability of any
spell caster for 1 hour if that spell caster is within sight. The spell
caster must make a will save vs. 16+the Warlords level.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Armour and Weapon Proficiency: No new proficiencies

Warlord of Tempus

proficient in shields and do train with them occasionally to be

prepared in times of drastic measures.

Many fear the fierce and Powerful, Magical, Tempus Warlord. In the
eyes of Tempus you are only granted the Tempus Warlord status if
you are worthy of it by proving yourself in battle situations and your
faith in Tempus. The mighty must prevail in most battles, as are the
words of Tempus himself. They favour their weapon of the deity so
much, that they lose interest of all other weapons therefore losing
their proficiency in it too. Every morning they train for about an
hour to retain their mastery in the weapon. They also fight only in
light armour, as they believe medium and heavy armour impedes
their 2 weapon fighting style and movement. It is also is against
their code to use any armour heavier than light armour and will
remain that way even after levelling up another class. They are

Mainly faithful and heroic War Clerics (Fighter\Clerics or normal

Clerics) of Tempus become Tempus Warlords, to improve their
skills further in combat while retaining their Spellcasting. Other
Classes, who reach these requirements can also become Tempus
Warlords, but are extremely rare. Tempus Warlords dont just excel
in their fighting abilities, but are excellent Divine Spellcasters. So
they retain their Spellcasting and continue to advance with it as in
the previous class. They combine their Spellcasting with their
fighting skills, to become mean fighting machines of Tempus.
Tempus Warlords believe that the only way to resolve a battle is upfront with Tempus Wrath. At times, where Tempus Wrath is out of
range, they resolve to their godly granted spells to smite their foe.







Class Spells






Tempus Wrath, Tempus Battleaxe







Tempus Adept +1












Tempus Adept +2







Skin of Tempus, Bonus Feat







Tempus Adept +3























Tempus Adept +4


Might of Tempus


Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Abilities: Strength 14, Dexterity 15, Wisdom 12
Alignment: Any Chaotic Alignment
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 8 ranks, Knowledge (War) 6 ranks,
Spellcraft 4 ranks
Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity, Weapon Focus,
Hit Dice: d10
Spells: Must be able to cast 3rd level Divine spells Domains:
-Destruction, Protection, Strength and War
Special: Must be a follower of Tempus and Worship him Prohibited
to use any form of Ranged Weapon or Melee weapon other than
Tempuss Wrath (Chosen melee weapon of the Deity)

Upon reaching his first level of Tempus Warlord, you must go to a

High Tempus Temple and request from your deity the status of a
Tempus Warlord. The character must have proven himself to
Tempus in battles of triumph and valour. If so, he is granted the
status Tempus Warlord and 2 of your most powerful Battleaxes
Magically Transform into Magical Tempus Battleaxes that retain
their old magical abilities of the previous normal battleaxes. Your 2
Battleaxes will be known as from now Tempus Wrath. If these
weapons are missing you must make an act of atonement (as the
spell Atonement in the Players Handbook) to receive new
Masterwork Tempus Battleaxes. You could also go out on a quest to
find your missing weapons. If they are broken, they just turn into
useless dust, and you must make an act of atonement to receive new
Masterwork Tempus Battleaxes A Tempus Warlord can use normal
Battleaxes, and gain the abilities as below in place of Tempus
Wrath, but obviously prefer to use the Tempus Battleaxe.
Severity of making an act of atonement is determined by the DM.
(Depending on how, or what happened)

Class Skills


The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Very Restrictive Code of Conduct

Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis),

Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (War) (Int), Intuit Direction
(Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis)

It is a violation against their code to use any Ranged weapon
(Crossbows, slings etc.), or any melee weapons other than Tempus
Wrath. Tempus Warlords using any weapon other that Tempus
Wrath must make an act of Atonement, as the spell Atonement in
the Players Handbook. That is why a Tempus Warlord always caries
extra normal Battleaxes with them.
Normally Tempus Warlords gather followers for great battles to
come in the future. They construct a castle with a big Cathedral
inside it in the name of Tempus, to spread his word and gather more
Tempus followers. A Tempus Warlord likes to go out adventuring to
uphold his prestige and spread the word of Tempus. He prefers to
adventure with adventurers who are Tempus followers, but does
accept other deity followers in the hope to change their beliefs to the
mighty Tempus. Tempus Warlords respect other Orders with the
same type of purpose as theirs. Taking into account the issues of
alignments and opposing alignments. It has happened that at least
once in their Warlord careers, that a Tempus Warlord crosses paths
with another Tempus Warlord. If they are opposing each other, in
the eyes of Tempus may the best man win. Once the best Warlord
wins the battle, he is entitled to his belongings and his weapons as a
gift of valour. These items and weapons may be kept, or can be
returned back to your High Temple, which will be returned back to
Tempus in Limbo.

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features
Weapons and Armour: Tempus Warlords are only proficient and
restricted to the Battleaxe (Tempus Wrath), and only Light Armours
and Shields
Spells Per Day: Add +1 Level of Previous class. A Tempus Warlord
adds his level to the previous level to determine the effective Caster
Level and Spells per day
Turn or Rebuke Undead (Su.): Upon reaching the class of a
Tempus Warlord, your turning\rebuking abilities count as only the
previous class if it was available. (E.g. Cleric 10\ Tempus Warlord 2
turns or rebukes as a 10th level Cleric.
Bonus Feats: At 5th level the Tempus Warlord gets a Bonus Feat
which must be drawn from the Fighters list.
Tempus Battleaxes: Your deity magically transforms your
Battleaxes, to Tempus Battleaxes, retaining its old magical abilities.
Statistics of Tempus Battleaxe are as below:





Range Increment



Tempus Battleaxe -



5 lb.


Tempus Battleaxe: This battleaxe looks very much similar to the

normal Battleaxe, except from very slight modifications, and a rare
metal type found on Limbo (Home to Tempus) which makes it a
more potent weapon. The weapon is much lighter that the original
battle axe, which makes it easier to use in battle (Where its critical
threat range comes in). At first glance reveals just a normal
Battleaxe with an engraved Symbol of Tempus on the middle of the
axe blade. Further study reveals Great Craftsmanship of the
weapon, which makes it look slightly better than a normal
Masterwork Battleaxe. It is a big violation for anyone else other
than the Tempus Warlord to use these gifts bestowed upon him. If a
Tempus Warlord recognises any other class fighting with a
Tempus Battleaxe, that creature must be questioned upon, or resort
to violence. (According to the Character alignment is how the
situation will be handled). If it is a Tempus follower using a Tempus

Battleaxe, the follower must atone depending on what the

circumstances are.
Here are some circumstances of how to react in the above several
descriptions if Item was- found, bought accidental usage without
knowing etc, resolves to light actions. If item was- Stolen, Killed for
etc, resolves to harsh actions).
Tempus Wrath (Su.): Tempus Warlord can only apply this ability
with Tempus Battleaxes or normal Battleaxe. Wielding this weapon
grants the Tempus Warlord a +1 attack and +1 to damage Bonus.
This is in addition to all other bonuses. The weapon you select must
be a Battleaxe with Weapon Focus. (Favoured Deity Weapon).
Tempus Adept (Su.): This reduces your penalties with the Tempus
Battleaxe to normal Battleaxe. This is like Ambidexterity in the

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Players Handbook except Tempus Adept reduces the penalty by
another 1 every 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th levels, to a total of 4 at the
end, which resolves to no penalties at 8th level.
Skin of Tempus (Su.): As a free action once per day, a Tempus
Warlords skin turns hard like stone, granting him a Damage
reduction of 5/- and a fire resistance of 20, for 3 rounds + Con
Might of Tempus (Su.): As a free action once per day, Tempus
Warlords can channel the Might of Tempus through the Tempus

Warlords body. This transforms the Tempus Warlord into a feat of

power and into a similar figure of a man who looks like he came out
of a bloody war. Your armour is battered and is also covered with
occasional bloodstains. Might of Tempus lasts for 3 rounds + Con
modifier and this appearances end. (True seeing reveals as above.)
You gain +3 on Attack and Damage rolls
You gain +3 on All Saves
You gain +2 Natural Amour

Wilderness Scout
Ever the ears and eyes of the expedition or army she scans ahead
for. The Wilderness Scout is a remarkably talented individual who
must brave the dangers of a vanguard position. Only her keen senses
can warn her and those she protects from potential danger, both
natural - as in dangerous terrain, and tactical - as in hostile forces.
The need for stealth and minimal encumbrance preclude a lack of

protective armour, so this class relies upon not being seen by those
that are a potential threat. Driven by a love of the outdoors, the
unknown and the need for challenge, the Wilderness Scout finds
them in abundance serving the rigorous demands made of her. These
may even include functioning as an intermediary spokesperson
between two armies where a herald or page is unavailable. From
day to day, rapid, tireless reconnaissance and wary intuition guide
the Wilderness Scout in her role. These are not only her strengths,
but also her trademark qualities.











Still Watcher, Coded Signals





Locate Water, +2 Hide





+2 Spot, +15 Move (+10 small)





Sense Danger





Expeditious Route





Sense Danger +2





Enhance Ambush





Sense Danger +4





Wilderness Lore, Endure Hustle






Sense Danger +8

To qualify to become a Wilderness Scout, a character must fulfil all
of the following criteria
Skills: Hide: 5 ranks. Intuit Direction: 5 ranks. Listen: 5 ranks.
Spot: 8 ranks.
Feats: Alertness, Endurance.
Hit Dice: d6.

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:
Balance(Dex), Climb(Str), Craft(Int), Diplomacy(Cha), Escape
Artist(Dex), Hide(Dex), Intuit Direction(Wis), Jump(Str),
Knowledge(Evaluate Enemy Forces)(Int), Knowledge(Hearth Lore)
(Int), Knowledge(Regional Topography)(Int), Listen(Wis), Move
Silently(Dex), Search(Int), Spot(Wis), Swim(Str), Tumble(Dex),
and Wilderness Lore(Wis).

See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the Wilderness Scout
prestige class.
Weapons and Armour: Wilderness Scouts are proficient with all
simple weapons, and light armour. They do not use shields. Note
that Armour check penalties for Armour heavier than leather apply
to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move
Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer a 1
penalty for every 5 pounds of armour and equipment carried.
Still Watcher: When in cover (i.e. shadow, building, or brush, etc.)
the Wilderness Scout may add her Wis bonus to her Hide check if
she remains perfectly still. Only add if a positive bonus; no
detrimental effects for a negative Wis modifier.
Coded Signals: The Wilderness Scout is able to communicate with
her main group by way of imitation bird calls, or other animal

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
sounds and/or hand signals if within range to see and/or hear her.
This requires her to teach someone in the main body of the group
her coded language prior to its usage.
Locate Water: Enables the Wilderness Scout to find fresh sources
of drinking water in wilderness areas. This is essentially a
specialised Wilderness Lore check Get along in the wild
except that it only provides water. May be used if an actual
Wilderness Lore check is failed. Check vs. DC 10 using Spot skill
bonuses and add Knowledge Skill(Regional Topography) to this
result. Fresh water is found for one extra person for every 2 points.
by which the check result exceeded 10. Procedure takes 1d6
hours to accomplish.
Increased Movement Rate: Medium sized Wilderness Scouts gain
an additional 15 per round movement, while Small sized ones gain
Sense Danger: Represents the Wilderness Scouts intuitive ability to
sense danger ahead. Whenever the Wilderness Scout suspects she is
in danger, she can make a check (DC 20) adding her Wis bonus to
the roll. This extraordinary ability is a full round equivalent action.
Every 2 levels grants a bonus to the Wilderness Scouts ability to
succeed with the Sense Danger check as listed in the Wilderness
Scout table. This extraordinary ability works for any situation which
could effect the character, for good or ill, including magic effects,
and natural dangers such as a rock slide or quicksand. However

harmless effects such as Magic Mouth would not trigger it, for
Expeditious Route: The Wilderness Scouts expert use of the terrain
allows her to take the shortest possible route between two locations.
Short cuts effectively reduce distances and therefore travel times.
Increase the overall distance travelled by 1d20% across trackless
terrain for each full day of outdoor travel (8 hours or more) (see
PHB pg. 143 Overland Movement).
Enhance Ambush: If an ambush in preparation is supervised by the
Wilderness Scout, she may give the rest of the group a circumstance
bonus equal to her Spot skill bonus towards the eventual Hide
check. The group must not change position during that time for the
bonus to apply.
Endure Hustle: A Wilderness Scout can sustain travel beyond the
normal walking pace for longer periods of time. Often speed is
essential, and the distances to traverse are great. Wilderness Scouts
take only half the normal effects of subdual damage associated with
the Hustle movement rate after the first hour (see PHB pg. 143), if
they succeed with a Con check (DC 15 + # of current hours at
Hustle pace). She gets +4 to this roll due to her Endurance.
Wilderness Lore: The Wilderness Scout acquire this skill as per the
listed description in the PHB. If the Wilderness Scout already
possesses this skill, she gets a +2 bonus instead.

The Wu-Jen is the sorcerer of the clan. These tattooed spellcasters
provide magical support for the samurai while also being trained as
samurai themselves, though at a slower rate than their warrior
brethren. Wu-Jen, like other samurai, must adhere to the Code of
Bushido, the Way of the Warrior.

Only characters with some magical training and some combat

training can become Wu-Jen. Any character class that qualifies may
take this prestige class. Most often the character that becomes a WuJen is mostly likely a fighter/sorcerer. The fighter/wizard can
become a Wu-Jen as well, but typically this variant of the Wu-Jen is
a hermit, only getting involved in martial life when his daimyo calls
for him.







Class Spell




Tumble Bonus, Meditation, Tattoos





Great Cleave, Ki Initiative





Blades of Fury





Supreme Cleave





Supreme Mobility





Blades of Death





Ki Attack





Ki Magic 2/day





Superior Spell Penetration






Master of Dragons


Base Attack Bonus: +6
Hit Dice: D6
Feats: Cleave, Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus

Special: Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty): 4 ranks Craft

(Tattooing): 4 ranks Concentration: 6 ranks Knowledge (Arcana): 6
ranks Spellcraft: 6 ranks Alchemy 4 ranks

Class Skills
The Prestige class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Dungeons and Dragons 3e

Prestige Classes
Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (any, weaponsmithing
and tattooing primarily) (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Code of Bushido) (Int),
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Scry (Int), Spellcraft (Int)
and Tumble (Dex).
See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the weapon master
prestige class.
Weapons and Armour: Wu-Jen are proficient in the use of all
simple weapons plus the katana (bastard sword), Wakizashi
(shortsword), daikyu (longbow), kama, lajatang, nunchaku, sai,
shuriken, and siangham. They are proficient in the use of light and
medium armour (remember that these armours interfere with
spellcasting) and they are not proficient with shields. Note that
armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the
skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently,
Pick Pocket, and Tumble.
Code of Bushido: See the Sword and Fist supplement pg. 30.
Tumble Bonus: At 1st level, the Wu-Jen gains a +2 competence
bonus to his Tumble checks.
Meditation: Wu-Jen can meditate to focus their minds and rest their
bodies. 1 hour of uninterrupted meditation equals 2 hours of sleep.
While meditating the Wu-Jen is oblivious to hunger, thirst, heat and
cold. He is still conscious and aware, so he suffers no surprise
Tattoos: Wu-Jen can create magical tattoos on themselves and
others. Each tattoo functions once and then disappears. Tattoos can
be made permanent but this is rarely done because of the cost to the
Wu-Jen. Only spells of 0th- 4th level can be placed in/on a tattoo. A
character can only have a total number of tattoos equal to 8 + Con
Modifier. Tattoos must be "tapped" or touched and willed to go off.
Tattoos that are permanent have a special usage cost. Each one cost
1+ spell level in HP to activate each time it is used and the duration
is equal to the spell as cast by the tattooer. All rules governing
psionic tattoos also govern arcane tattoos. See Psionic Handbook for
more details.
Great Cleave: The Wu-Jen gains this feat for free and 2nd level.
Ki Initiative: Sometimes decisive action must be taken. The WuJen must act quickly. Once a day for every two levels as a Wu-Jen,
the Wu-Jen can boost his initiative by +3 for 1 round.
Blades of Fury: When a Wu-Jen delays his attack until after he is
attacked in a round, he takes advantage of the opening and gains a
+2 to attack and damage rolls against that opponent.

Supreme Cleave: The Wu-Jen can take a 5 foot step before making
a Cleave or Great Cleave attack.
Supreme Mobility: The Wu-Jen gains +6 dodge bonus versus
attacks of opportunity from moving into an opponent's threat range.
This ability supersedes Mobility, but it does not stack.
Blades of Death: When fighting with the katana using both hands,
the Wu-Jen gains double his Str bonus to damage instead of 1.5
Ki Attack: By focusing his ki, the Wu-Jen's weapon becomes able
to hit creatures with damage reduction as if his sword were magical.
The bonus for the sword is equal to the Wu-Jen's Wis Modifier. This
does not add to the attack or damage bonuses.
Ki Magic: Three times a day, the Wu-Jen can cast a spell as if the
spell were affected by the Maximise Spell feat but with none of the
penalties or restrictions applied to spells by this feat.
Superior Spell Penetration: The Wu-Jen gains a +4 bonus to caster
level checks against spell resistance. This ability supersedes the
Spell Penetration Feat.
Master of Dragons: This is the ultimate ability granted by the WuJen prestige class. At any given time, there are ten Master of
Dragons in the world. Each Master corresponds to one of the five
good dragons or one of the five evil dragons. The Dragon Gods
Bahamut and Tiamat choose who becomes a Master of Dragons.
There is no other way to attain this title. (In other words it is up to
the DM) Rumour has it that there is a Master of Dragons that serves
as a Chosen One for each of the Dragon Gods. One would be the
Master of Metallic Dragons, the other is the Master of Chromatic
Dragons. Their half-dragon templates are based on Bahamut and
Tiamat themselves. These are only rumours. None of the Masters
has every confirmed or denied the rumours.
The Master of Dragons has the following Abilities: All benefits
of the Half-Dragon template, with the following exceptions: The
Master can choose whether or not he looks like a half-dragon and
can shift between his natural form and the half-dragon form at will.
The Master can fly even if he does not have wings due to his size.
All HD are rerolled to apply the increased hit dice of the halfdragon template.
The Master of Dragons gains a dragon companion of their type
equal to their number of HD. This companion can provide aid and
advice to the Master but is not expected to follow the Masters every
command. They are friends, not master and slave.
Example: Jong Li is a Fighter 2/Sorceror 8/Wu-Jen 10. He is lawful
good and has become a Master of Gold Dragons. He takes the halfdragon template as a master of dragons with all of the benefits of
being half gold dragon. His companion is a 20 HD gold dragon.

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1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means
the copyright and/or trademark owners
who have contributed Open Game
Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means
copyrighted material including derivative
works and translations (including into
other computer languages), potation,
compilation, abridgement or other form in
which an existing work may be recast,
transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute"
means to reproduce, license, rent, lease,
sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit
or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game
Content" means the game mechanic and
includes the methods, procedures,
processes and routines to the extent such
content does not embody the Product
Identity and is an enhancement over the
prior art and any additional content clearly
identified as Open Game Content by the
Contributor, and means any work covered
by this License, including translations and
derivative works under copyright law, but
specifically excludes Product Identity. (e)
"Product Identity" means product and
product line names, logos and identifying
marks including trade dress; artefacts;
creatures characters; stories, storylines,
plots, thematic elements, dialogue,
incidents, language, artwork, symbols,
designs, depictions, licenses, formats,
poses, concepts, themes and graphic,
photographic and other visual or audio
representations; names and descriptions of
personalities, teams, personas, licenses
and special abilities; places, locations,
magical or supernatural abilities or effects,
logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and
any other trademark or registered
trademark clearly identified as Product
identity by the owner of the Product
Identity, and which specifically excludes
the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark"
means the logos, names, mark, sign,
motto, designs that are used by a
Contributor to identify itself or its
products or the associated products
contributed to the Open Game License by
the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or
"Using" means to use, Distribute, copy,
edit, format, modify, translate and
otherwise create Derivative Material of
Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your"
means the licensee in terms of this
2. The License: This License applies to
any Open Game Content that contains a
notice indicating that the Open Game
Content may only be Used under and in
terms of this License. You must affix such
a notice to any Open Game Content that
you Use. No terms may be added to or

subtracted from this License except as

described by the License itself. No other
terms or conditions may be applied to any
Open Game Content distributed using this
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the
Open Game Content You indicate Your
acceptance of the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In
consideration for agreeing to use this
License, the Contributors grant You a
perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive license with the exact terms of
this License to Use, the Open Game
Contribute: If You are contributing
original material as Open Game Content,
You represent that Your Contributions are
Your original creation and/or You have
sufficient rights to grant the rights
conveyed by this License.
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must
portion of this License to include the exact
text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any
Open Game Content You are copying,
modifying or distributing, and You must
add the title, the copyright date, and the
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original
Open Game Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not
to Use any Product Identity, including as
an indication as to compatibility, except as
expressly licensed in another, independent
Agreement with the owner of each
element of that Product Identity. You
agree not to indicate compatibility or coadaptability with any Trademark or
Registered Trademark in conjunction with
a work containing Open Game Content
except as expressly licensed in another,
independent Agreement with the owner of
such Trademark or Registered Trademark.
The use of any Product Identity in Open
Game Content does not constitute a
challenge to the ownership of that Product
Identity. The owner of any Product
Identity used in Open Game Content shall
retain all rights, title and interest in and to
that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open
Game Content You must clearly indicate
which portions of the work that you are
distributing are Open Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its
designated Agents may publish updated
versions of this License. You may use any
authorised version of this License to copy,
modify and distribute any Open Game
Content originally distributed under any
version of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST
include a copy of this License with every

copy of the Open Game Content You

11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may
not market or advertise the Open Game
Content using the name of any
Contributor unless You have written
permission from the Contributor to do so.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible
for You to comply with any of the terms of
this License with respect to some or all of
the Open Game Content due to statute,
judicial order, or governmental regulation
then You may not Use any Open Game
Material so affected.
13. Termination: This License will
terminate automatically if You fail to
comply with all terms herein and fail to
cure such breach within 30 days of
becoming aware of the breach. All
sublicenses shall survive the termination
of this License.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this
License is held to be unenforceable, such
provision shall be reformed only to the
extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright
2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000,
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on original material by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

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