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About Us:Thank you for selecting the website; Volunteering Solutions-India Volunteer Programs.

Volunteering Solutions is an organization that builds partnerships between International

volunteers and Indian communities. ' Our Volunteer Programs' have been set up to assist
Children's Day Care Centers and Primary Schools by introducing volunteers to teach
English and develop educational activities.
The approximate age of children in the pre-school Day Care Centers is 1 to 8 yrs old.
Grades 1 to 5 are supported in the Primary Schools.
Volunteering Solutions endeavors to offer further assistance; by giving financial support
to the local communities of the project areas and after school English teaching to
Increasingly, westerners with the available time and desire to travel to India, are looking
beyond traditional circuits in search of meaningful and socially responsible opportunities
for travel, service and cultural exchange. At the same time, institutions and organizations
throughout India suffer from staffing and funding shortages, poor administration and a
general lack of accountability.
Volunteering Solutions sits in between these groups of people and offers a real
opportunity for a personal connection and the possibility for volunteers to honor their
desire to give service to the less fortunate and interact in meaningful ways with people
from a different cultural setting, whilst helping local institutions gain staffing and
financial support, increased accountability and exposure to members of different

Program Information:Indian Volunteer Program


Skills & Education Requirements.


Volunteer activities.


Price per person & Cost Inclusion.

Orientation plan.

Download the program information (PDF)

Duration:The Volunteer Program in the year 2008/09 is available for participation with 2 week, 4
week & 8 week options. We welcome any volunteer who wishes to extend the volunteer
period beyond the options already offered. The program starts on fixed dates, which are
joined by participants from many countries.
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Skills & Educational Requirements:There are no educational requirements for this project; anyone with a heart to help is
welcome on this project! Patience, commitment and a willingness to learn is essential.
There is no maximum age restriction for our volunteer placements, but the minimum age
requirement is 18 years unless accompanied by an adult.
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Location:Our Indian Project is located in the Kangra Valley in the state Himachal Pradesh;
Situated amidst snow capped mountains and lush green, luxuriant valleys our Sites are
aided by a mild climate during summer. The region, despite its natural beauty is cut off
from main stream development and is in much need of developmental assistance in both
materials and human form.
The Project area is close to the town of Dharamsala which is 526 kilometers north-west
of New Delhi and headquarters of the Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh. The Schools
and Day Care Centers participating in this project are around Dharamsala. These are
rural communities, set in the green valleys at the foothills of the Himalayas, although all
are within 10 kilometers of Dharamsala town. The family backgrounds of the children are
mixed, although many are from farming communities in these areas.
Arriving in Himachal Pradesh is like stepping into another world. With its remarkable
natural beauty, breathtaking scenery, serene natural environment and friendly, beautiful
people; many wonderful and rewarding experiences and exciting adventures await.
During your placement we ensure your involvement is both memorable and enjoyable.
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Volunteer Activities:Activity participation in our Projects primarily relate to three broad areas of education,
care and empowerment in various institutions that we have identified as appropriate for
volunteer and project intervention. We constantly seek expansion of the positive influence

of the programs by including new activities that can engage volunteers in gainfully, for
the local population. While the needs of each region differ due to varied, cultures,
climate and social conditions there are some common activities that we offer.

Details of these activities include:

Education related:
Education volunteers offer much-needed support to local teachers. Class sizes in India
can be extremely large, leading teachers to become little more than traffic cops
attempting to keep order. Working in local schools gives volunteers a chance to meet
regularly with local children and their families. For those volunteers with a professional
interest in education, teaching gives them a chance to hone their skills in a very different
environment. The volunteer activities in the field include:
1. Regularly teaching children English and Mathematics in the schools.
2. Teaching children of migrant communities and child laborers.
3. Conducting bridge courses for school drop-outs or slower learning children.
4. Creating a playful environment to enhance the creativity of the children through
painting, playing games, singing etc.
5. Working with local teachers in creating low cost teaching material and
encouraging them in making education more fun for the children.
6. Ensuring regular health check ups of the children in each school through
cooperating with the local doctors and hospital staff.
7. Creating basic hygiene awareness amongst children on a regular basis.
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Volunteers Work Commitment - 3 to 5 hours per day

Most work occurs in the morning before lunch but some placements will require
afternoon work as well. Volunteers are also encouraged to participate in afternoon
'optional workshops' for groups of older children and teenagers, teaching English,
community visits and basic IT skills. During some afternoons, the volunteers can take up
maintenance, renovation and decoration of their various work places like schools, daycare centers etc. Such work will not be available on a continuous basis and hence may be
seen as an extra activity that the volunteers would carry out.
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Childcare related:In addition to our attention to schools, early childhood care and education is an area of
critical need in rural areas:

Child -care volunteers assist in local Day Care Centers. The concept of "preschool"
childcare is a new one in India, where the joint family system has long provided ample
childcare providers. Unlike western countries, where child care facilities exist primarily
to free woman to work, the Day Care Center's main purpose is to provide a safe, healthy
and hygienic space for young children who would not be able to receive proper care at
home. Day Care Centers also serve pregnant women with practical intervention and
management of their pregnancy and related health issues. While often extremely effective
at improving the health of children and mothers they serve, these Centers suffer from
under funding and miss management, thus making the contributions of the volunteers
extremely important. Child care volunteers share the workload with regular staff and
help bring a level of professionalism and dedication by meeting regularly with children
and their families.
Drawing upon our experience we have taken up the responsibility of maintenance and
care of local childcare centers. Also called "Aanganwari", these centers carry out
holistic childcare in the area. In line with the expected activities of such institutions, the
volunteer activities include:
1. Ensuring maximum attendance by the children of the area to these centers
through awareness building in the community.
2. Personal attention and care to the children coming to the center everyday.
3. Assistance to the local worker for record maintenance for each child based on
health, vaccination, growth and nutritional condition.
4. Making and feeding the children a specially prepared nutritious meal everyday
with the help of a local worker.
5. Continuous survey of all pregnant women and newborn babies in the area for
regular health check ups and vaccination.
6. Creating a colorful and enjoyable environment for the children with games,
stories and other creative activities (all material support and training for such
activities would be provided by us)
7. Developing the motor skills of the little children by making them use their body
parts in various games etc.
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Afternoon activities:Volunteers often seek more working hours than have been offered by our projects so far.
For this reason, our programs would offer a number of afternoon activities that would
help the volunteers have a wider impact during their stay.

1. Additional tutoring for slow learning children: With the help of regularly updated
child records, interested volunteers can take up special classes for children that need
more tutoring in their homes. This activity can have the additional benefit of building
more confidence in the community about volunteers' work and awareness of the need for
regular schooling.
2. Maintenance of institutional facilities: During some afternoons, the volunteers can
take up maintenance, renovation and decoration of their various work places like
schools, day-care centers etc. Such work will not be available on a continuous basis and
hence may be seen as an extra activity that the volunteers would carry out.
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Women's Empowerment:Volunteering Solutions organizes a variety of educational and confidence building

activities for the benefit of adolescent girls and women of the local community. These
activities are geared towards expanding the horizon of this often-neglected section of the
community with the purpose of giving them a sense of self-worth and empowerment.
Volunteers contribute significantly in the areas of:
1. Computer training: In the fast developing world knowledge of computers can
give students an employability advantage and make it easier for them to access
modern means to information and expression. Volunteers can make use of the
well-tested and developed modules of imparting basic computer skills to
enthusiastic local girls and women.
2. English classes: In an increasingly anilingual world, knowledge of English can
make a huge difference to the confidence, employability and social status of an
individual. With English not being the first language in the rural areas, people
from a vast majority of the Indian population miss out on quality opportunities for
gaining confidence in the area of language. Volunteers, with their involvement in
teaching English to local women can help the project achieve a multitude of
objectives like empowerment and increasing employability.
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Community Visit:We recommend that all volunteers participate in a visit to the local community, to gain an
insight into how the local families live and to give feedback to the families of the children
being taught. This is an invaluable experience for all volunteers and enhances the
relationship between the communities and the volunteers. Through your positive
contribution intercultural understanding and tolerance develops.
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Community Involvements:

Volunteer life involves daily exposure to Indian Cultural rules, customs

and traditions. In order to gain the support and trust of the local
people, volunteers will do well to make every possible effort to
understand and abide by local sensitivities. Indian hospitality is
legendary, and the fact you are coming to offer assistance only
improves your chances of being welcomed warmly. At the same time,
volunteers that fail to follow the appropriate codes of conduct risk
giving unintended offense that undermines their own good standing.

Excursions:Back to Top of Page

Volunteering Solutions - India provide the following

excursions during your placement. All excursions are
included in the Program fee under all duration Programs.
1. Trekking in Himalayas - two days/one night camping, meals & transfer.
2. Taj Mahal experience one of the eight wonders of the world - two days/one
night stay in Agra, meals & transfer.

Amritsar - visit the Golden Temple & India/Pakistan

border - two days/one night stay, meals & transfer.

Click to get more information about the excursions:-

Price per person:Cost of Package (NOT INCLUDING FLIGHTS & INSURANCE)

Volunteering Solutions Program strives to keep costs low whilst still offering a
professional and reliable service to volunteer abroad. Compare our prices and services
to other organizations and you would be surprised to see the difference.
Program Charges

To see the charges in your currency, we recommend you click here.

Program Fee India Volunteer Program1week

2 weeks

3 weeks


5 weeks

6 weeks

7 weeks


US$ 590

US$ 690

US$ 790

US$ 890

US$ 990

US$ 1090

8 weeks
US$ 1190

Extra week
US $ 100

We endeavor to take the 'worry' out of your volunteer placement by including all of the
main arrangements within the cost of the Program Fee.
Your iSPiiCE program includes:

1. Application fee.
2. Meet & Greet at New Delhi Airport & transfer to the Hotel in Delhi.
3. Pre Departure Info Kit, which would have all information regarding your
program, work area information, city, things to bring, immunizations along with
your 100% comprehensive Insurance details and welcome details in Delhi

4. All excursion/trips are included in a program fee.

5. Himalaya trek and McLeod Ganj visit including one night's camping,
Transfer, meals.

6. Visit Taj Mahal - regarding one of the eight wonders of the world. One
night stay.

7. Visit the Golden Temple at Amritsar, one night stay Transfer,

accommodation, meals.

4.All transportations are included in a program fee.

5.Volunteer work with community in rural areas.
6.Emergency support.
7.All meals are included in program fee. (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)
8.All accommodation for the duration of your placement is included in program fee.
9.English speaking Guides for the duration of your placement.
10.Cultural and language Orientation Program in Himachal Pradesh before volunteer
start there work.
11.Basic teaching materials and use of Computer/Internet.

12.All material required for various activities during the volunteer work like color,
pens papers, sports equipment etc.
13.Workshops Program to include yoga teaching.
14. Basic sporting equipment for volunteer activities in the Camp.
15. Popular workshop subjects include Hindi class, Indian cooking, Yoga and
decorative Henna painting.
16. Delhi airport drop at the end of your project.

Other facilities provided by iSPiiCE for comfort and recreation of volunteers

a. Amenities like refrigerator, DVD player, television etc.
b. Video and books library; Board Games.
c. Information and assistance for independent excursions during the weekends.
What program fee does not cover?

8. Airfare, Insurance, Visa and Visa extension fee.

9. Any personal expenses.
10. Mineral water and soft drinks.
11. Laundry, telephone, immunizations.

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The Orientation plan

The Volunteering Solutions Orientation plan eight weeks project Itinerary.

Sample Schedule Project Itinerary eight week Option

Following is the sample schedule for the volunteering program for Eight weeks
Volunteer Projects /India. Although subject to minor change, the schedule would largely

follow the described framework.

Day 1 (Sunday) - Delhi

Arrival in Delhi.

Pick up at New Delhi Airport Between 12:00 am Sunday to 02:00 pm Sunday and
transfer to Hotel in Delhi.

Transfer to the Camp (Himachal Pradesh) by over night train on late Sunday

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 2 ( Monday) - Camp

Arrival at Camp/Welcome Meeting/Orientation.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 3 (Tuesday) - Camp

Visit to all work areas/Meeting about work area distribution.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 4 to 6 (Wednesday to Friday) Camp.

Volunteer work.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 7 & 8 (Saturday & Sunday) Trekking in Himalayas.


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 9 to 48 Camp.

Volunteer work.

Free weekends.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 49 & 50 (Saturday & Sunday) Amritsar trip.

Departure from Camp to Amritsar Trip (To Visit Golden Temple & Wagha Border)
at 07:00 am.

One night stay in Amritsar.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 51 to 53 (Monday to Wednesday) Camp.

Volunteer work.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 54 (Thursday) Over night train.

Departure from camp to Agra - one night stay.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 55 (Friday) Agra.

Arrival in Agra to the hotel - one night stay.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 56 (Saturday) Agra to Delhi.

Visit the Taj Mahal in the morning regarding one of the eight wonders of the world
& back to Delhi by afternoon train in a hotel flights back at home or continue with
your trip.
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

The Volunteering Solutions Orientation plan four weeks project Itinerary.

Sample Schedule Project Itinerary four weeks Option

Following is the sample schedule for the volunteering program for four weeks Volunteer
Projects /India. Although subject to minor change, the schedule would largely follow the
described framework.
Day 1 (Sunday) Delhi.

Arrival in Delhi.

Pick up at New Delhi Airport Between 12:00 am Sunday to 03:00 pm Sunday and
transfer to Hotel in Delhi.

Transfer to the Camp (Himachal Pradesh) by over night train on late Sunday

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 2 (Monday) Camp.

Arrival at Camp/Welcome Meeting/Orientation.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 3 (Tuesday) Camp.

Visit to all work areas/Meeting about work area distribution.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 4 to 6 (Wednesday to Friday) Camp.

Volunteer work.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 7 & 8 (Saturday & Sunday) Trekking in Himalayas.


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 9 to 20 Camp.

Volunteer work.

Free weekend.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 21 & 22 (Saturday & Sunday) Amritsar trip.

Departure from Camp to Amritsar Trip (To Visit Golden Temple & Wagha Border)
at 07:00 am.

One night stay in Amritsar.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 23 to 26 (Monday to Wednesday) Camp.

Volunteer work.
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.
Day 27 (Thursday) Over night train.

Departure from camp to Agra.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 28 (Friday) Agra.

Arrival in Agra to the hotel - one night stay.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 29 (Saturday) Agra to Delhi.

Visit the Taj Mahal in the morning regarding one of the eight wonders of the world
& back to Delhi by afternoon train in a hotel flights back at home or continue with
your trip.
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

The Volunteering Solutions Orientation plan two weeks project Itinerary.

Following is the sample schedule for the volunteering program for two weeks volunteer
projects/India. Although subject to minor change, the schedule would largely follow the
described framework.
Sample Schedule (Two weeks volunteer program)
Day 1 (Sunday) Delhi

Arrival in Delhi.

Pick up at New Delhi Airport Between 12:00 am Sunday to 02:00 pm Sunday and
transfer to Hotel in Delhi.

Transfer to the Camp (Himachal Pradesh) by over night train on late Sunday

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 2 ( Monday) Camp

Arrival at Camp/Welcome Meeting/Orientation.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 3 (Tuesday) Camp

Visit to all work areas/Meeting about work area distribution.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 4 to 6 (Wednesday to Friday) Camp.

Volunteer work.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 7 & 8 (Saturday & Sunday) Trekking in Himalayas.


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 9 to 10 (Monday to Tuesday) Camp.

Volunteer work.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 11 (Wednesday) Amritsar trip.

Departure from Camp to Amritsar Trip (To Visit Golden Temple & Wagha Border)
at 07:00 am.

One night stay in Amritsar.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 12 (Thursday) Over night train.

Departure from Amritsar to Agra.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 13 (Friday) Agra.

Arrival in Agra to the hotel - one night stay.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 14 (Saturday) Agra to Delhi.

Visit the Taj Mahal in the morning regarding one of the eight wonders of the world
& back to Delhi by afternoon train in a hotel flights back at home or continue with
your trip.
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

How to Apply?
Below are the simple steps for you to understand the procedure.
12. Fill out the application form online. The page will ask you about your personal
information and about your choice of volunteering program.
13. We process your application, once accepted, you would be advised to pay your
Application fee of 100 US $ at least 30 days prior to your program start date.
Please Note: - This Application fee is not an extra fee but part of your total program fee.
The balance of the program fee payment is required on the day of your arrival or on the
morning after, to the Project Coordinator of Volunteering India in US $ or in Indian
Rupees cash.
14. Upon receipt of the Application Fee, your place on the program is secured; you
will receive a confirmation email along with your Pre Departure Info kit, which
would have all information regarding your program, work area information,
accommodation, city, things to bring, immunizations along with your 100%
comprehensive Insurance details and welcome details in Delhi Airport.
During the above process, you can communicate with us by email: for any support that you require.
Invaluable Work Experience opportunity: College/University Graduates;
... Compliment your Degree... Take time out before embarking on your chosen career path.
Give of your wealth of life experience: Mature Age;
..immerse time and energy in a new culture for a worthwhile cause.
Be Adventurous! Make a Difference!

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