NASA To Deliver Big News On Mars' Atmosphere Thursday.: in A Paper

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NASA to deliver big news on Mars' atmosphere Thursday.

NASA is promising another big Mars announcement on Thursday.

The space agency will be delivering new findings on theRed Planet's
NASA isn't divulging any information ahead of its Thursday afternoon
news conference and the agency declined to comment after a request
was made Wednesday. NASA plans to announce scientific findings
from its ongoing Mars exploration on Thursday at 2 p.m. ET at its
headquarters in Washington.
However, for those who cannot wait until Thursday to learn more about
the new findings, a little Googling might reveal a few clues for what to
expect. Four of the speakers participating in NASA's news conference
are listed as authors in a paper addressing NASA's MAVEN spacecraft's
findings on Mars' atmosphere.
The paper details how the loss of atmospheric particles into space
could have contributed to the evolution of the Red Planet's climate over
the last 4 billion years.

The MAVEN, which stands for Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution,
has been on a mission to study the planet's upper atmosphere since its
arrival to Mars' orbit in September 2014.
The spacecraft was tasked with finding out how Mars transformed from
a warm, wet planet during its early history to the cold, dry planet that it
is today, according to NASA.
The spacecraft was also looking into whether gas loss through Mars'
atmosphere may have been a driving force behind the planet's climate
Based on its findings, MAVEN's mission could offer insight into the
history of Mars' climate, water and habitability.
NASA has been making waves with its announcements lately.
In September, the agency revealed that it discovered flowing water on
the ancient Martian surface, which could potentially support life or offer
refuge to microbes.
"The existence of liquid water, even if it is super-salty briny water, gives
the possibility that if there's life on Mars, that we have a way to
describe how it might survive," said John Grunsfeld, associate
administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA during
September's announcement.

And in July, NASA said its Kepler spacecraft found"Earth's bigger, older
cousin," a significant discovery highlighting the first planet that is
roughly Earth-size to be discovered in the habitable zone of a star that
is similar to our Sun.
Although it is not clear what NASA will be announcing on Mars'
atmosphere, the agency plans to broadcast the event live on NASA
Television and its website. It will also be answering questions through
social media and will use the hashtag #AskNASA.

La NASA revela que una

tormenta solar destruy la
atmsfera de Marte.

(CNN) La NASA dijo este jueves que una tormenta solar destruy la
atmsfera de Marte.
La agencia espacial cre gran expectativa sobre sus nuevos hallazgos
sobre la atmsfera del planeta rojo y transmiti la rueda de prensa en
Que se esperaba del anuncio?
Sin embargo, para quienes no pueden esperar para conocer los
nuevos hallazgos, hacer una bsqueda en Google podra revelar unos
cuantos detalles acerca de qu podemos esperar. Cuatro de los que
participarn en la conferencia de prensa de la NASA son los autores
de un informe que aborda los hallazgos de la nave espacial MAVEN de
la NASA en la atmsfera de Marte.
El informe detalla cmo la prdida de partculas atmosfricas hacia el
espacio podra haber contribuido con la evolucin del clima en el
Planeta Rojo durante los ltimos 4.000 millones de aos.
La sonda MAVEN, que significa Atmsfera de Marte y Evolucin
Voltil, ha estado en una misin para estudiar la atmsfera superior del
planeta desde su llegada a la rbita de Marte en septiembre de 2014.
A la nave espacial se le asign la tarea de averiguar cmo Marte se
transform de ser un planeta clido y hmedo durante su historia

temprana, a ser el planeta fro y seco que es ahora, de acuerdo con la

La nave espacial tambin investig si la prdida de gas a travs de la
atmsfera de Marte puede haber sido una fuerza conducente detrs
del cambio climtico del planeta.
Con base en sus hallazgos, la misin de MAVEN podra ofrecer datos
sobre la historia del clima de Marte, el agua y la habitabilidad.
"Acaso se pareca #Marte ms a la Tierra? Se darn ms detalles
sobre la atmsfera de Marte el jueves a las 2 p.m., hora del este."

La NASA ha estado causando revuelo con sus anuncios ltimamente.

En septiembre, la agencia revel que descubri agua que flua por la
superficie antigua de Marte, lo que podra albergar vida u ofrecer
refugio a los microbios.
"La existencia de agua lquida, incluso si es agua sper salada, da la
posibilidad de que exista vida en Marte, que tenemos una manera de
describir cmo podra sobrevivir", dijo John Grunsfeld, administrador
adjunto de la Directiva de Misiones Cientficas de la NASA durante el
anuncio de septiembre.
Y en julio, la NASA dijo que su nave espacial Kepler haba encontrado
"el primo mayor y ms antiguo de la Tierra", un descubrimiento










aproximadamente es del tamao de la Tierra que fue descubierto en la

zona habitable de una estrella similar a nuestro sol.
Aunque no est claro qu anunciar la NASA sobre la atmsfera de
Marte, la agencia tiene previsto transmitir el evento en vivo por NASA
Television y su sitio web. Tambin responder preguntas a travs de
las redes sociales, con la etiqueta #AskNASA.

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