05the Implementation of HACCP System To The Emerald Hotel

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This report was carried out focusing on food safety quality improvement in The Emerald Hotel
realizing that food safety protects customers health and well-being by safeguarding food from anything
that could harm them to adopt HACCP systems worldwide is due primarily to the added food safety
protection provided to the customer that finally they are integral for revenue growth and profitability in a
competitive market place. The author has studies both theories and builds on efforts to conceptualize in
hotel owner expectation toward the feasibility study to implement HACCP system that should be one of
the priority system requirement that will provide the benefit to all stakeholders no matter what enhance
hotel positioning, image of social responsiveness, increased customers confidence, maintaining or
increasing market access , reduced operational costs and finally gain a competitive advantages, including
theoretical research making the implementation guide line step by step in the real situation. In addition,
the author analyzing the investment performed this implementation by referring to overall return on
investment. This is the informative data to the owner to observe as it highlight is the degree to which
return on investment (ROI) represents a fundamental indicator of performance to ensure the win-win

Applying HACCP to The Emerald Hotel

According to Cookery For The Hospitality Industry. A Food Safety Program based on the principles
of HACCP will consist of a set of HACCP or Food Safety plans which are followed in day-to-day
operations and which are supported by standard procedures for good hygiene practice.
For HACCP plans to be effective, the unique features while the process steps in preparing food
are often the same , every food service/catering business is different. There will be different food safety
hazards caused by factors such as:
Different menus;
The working space available;
The type and condition of equipment used;
The selection and supply of ingredients uses;
The processes used for the preparation production and service of foods ; and
The standard of good hygiene practices employed in the operation.
It is important to note that the complexity of the HACCP plans will be dependent on the
complexity of the food operation. For example, a cook-chill operation for a large hospital will require
more complex in-dept HACCP plans than a small cook-serve operation in a restaurant.
Principle 1
List all potential hazards associated with each step, conduct a hazard analysis, and consider any
measures to control identified hazards
Firstly, the HACCP team must decide whether any of the process steps associated with the
product(s) is potential sites for biological, chemical or physical contamination. There will be any issues
that will need to be considered during the hazard analysis stage.
Principle 2
Determine critical Control Points
The HACCP team needs to assess which process steps and procedures for the product (s) are
critical to the safety of the product. A Critical Control Poing (CCP) is defined as a step at which control
can actually be applied and is essential to prevent, eliminate or reduce a hazard to an acceptable level A
typical food item or recipe will have at least one or more CCPs.
Principle 3
Establish critical limits for each CCP
Having identified the Critical Control Points for the product(s) the HACCP team now need to set
Critical Limits. The Critical Limits are the specific standards with in the Preventative Measure that must be
met to ensure that the hazard is controlled eliminated or reduced.
Principle 4
Establish a monitoring system for each CCP
Establishing CCPs in the operation and setting specific criteria for their control is of little value
unless they are monitored.

Principle 5
Establish corrective action
The HACCP team needs to establish what immediate corrective action procedures must be
followed when monitoring procedures to show that a Critical Limit has not been met. Corrective Action
Procedures should be documented and later reviewed.
Principle 6
Establish verification procedures
To make sure that the HACCP Program is working correctly, verification and auditing procedures
need to be developed and scheduled. Verification should be viewed as an HACCP health check
Principle 7
Establish documentation and record keeping
Efficient and accurate record keeping is essential to the application of an HACCP Program. The
HACCP plans and any associated records will need to be kept on file, easily accessible and kept up-todate. The complexity of the record keeping system will be dependent on the complexity of the food
preparation operation. For example, a cook-chill operation for a large hospital will require a more
sophisticated record keeping system than a small cook-serve operation in a restaurant.
1.1 Putting the HACCP Plan into action
According to Cookery For The Hospitality Industry. Once the HACCP team has developed the
HACCP plans, they will need to be implemented into the operation. As with any other system, developing
the Food Safety Program is just the beginning. To ensure that the Food Safety Program is successful, the
standards and systems set up must become a part of everyday life. They should be regarded as an
integral part of the business, and not just as an add-on that meets legislative requirements or customer
demands. The only way to achieve this is to ensure:
1.1.1 management commitment
1.1.2 a thoroughly trained and motivated team
1.1.3 Staff ownership
1.2 Communicating the Food Safety Program
According to Cookery For The Hospitality Industry. All staff needs to understand the purpose of
the Food Safety Program, what it involves and most importantly, what their role is in making it happen.
After all, any staff member who lacks commitment to food safety could threaten the entire Food Safety
Program as well as the viability and reputation of the business. As a professional chef, it is likely that you
will have responsibility for regularly communicating food safety standards to your staff.

Conclusion and Recommendation

To sum up, you may come up with they are question Why would you spend so much money
and effort to enact a program that your customers never see? I would answer that there is nothing more
important than having systematic procedures to assure food safety for all your steak holders. To make
the clear understanding that to be a five star hotel, implement HACCP system is not a requirement.
However, simple is that sufficient food and safety system consisting of temperature control of food
processing, kitchen staff hygiene, food contamination, proper food purchasing procedures and inspections,
pest control, theoretical and practical training for kitchen staff while stringent monitoring and recording,
verification, review and maintenance are necessary to be fulfilled.
You may think it takes time to get a positive ROI, but why you do not think about to gain
competitive advantage and gathering the market share from individual market that HACCP system is one
of our weapons. Then we will be in a position of market leader and other will follow. Imagine when other
competitors think the same thing, but you are so much ahead and gain benefit from your investment.
So at that time you will have more choice of strategies and have more rooms to play the game. By all
means, the key hygiene rules must be establish, why dont we work a little bit harder to learn and
adhere to the quidelines which are the key to a successful will be done in order to keep the certification.

I totally feel I did the right choice to do my internship in Thailand and particularly at The
Emerald Hotel. At the beginning of my internship many colleagues asked me why I do not go the five star
hotel where should have a better facilities and system. My answer is to me I would like to enhance my
experiences in different from what I have seen before. Turn back to seven months ago; I took The
Oriental Professional Thai Chef Programme at the Mandarin Oriental Bangkok. I obtain the diploma and
Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering. During my three months at The Oriental, I had a chance to work
almost all sections at the Thai kitchen. In my opinion, I am very impress with the system and professional
staffs here and it become my perception of standardize kitchen operation.
1. Personally Beneficiate
I made my own decision to do my internship in the Kitchen again at The Emerald hotel that
has a lower star rating than The Mandarin Oriental. Therefore, I can see many points for improvement and
have a strong confidence to give my opinion or suggestion to my supervisor. In addition because of my
planning and focusing to do my internship in the Kitchen and request to move around to different
kitchens within five months, therefore, I also can learn many kitchen operation styles, systems, characters,
recipes and people. I generate my knowledge and horizontal comparison of kitchens in the hotel.
2. Beneficiate Professionally
I had considered what topic I should choose for my business development. During my mind
mapping process, I also think about improve in cost control system, information technology apply to
kitchen operation, effectiveness of stock control and implementation of HACCP system. Finally, I select
HACCP topic due to
1. I have had some knowledge and award in food safety in catering
2. I know that in Thailand still lacking manpower about HACCP expert
Therefore, I would like to increase my future career opportunity and this topic also is my
personal interest. To gain this kind of knowledge will be able to use in daily life and it is the basic
component of human life.
3. The Emerald hotel beneficiate
I am very confident that my project will be a guide line for the management when they think
about how to improve hotel food safety standard. It may not yet come to the stage of HACCP
implementation, but only want to create the key hygiene rules is also available in my report. In term of
risk management and financial analysis for decision making, the management can use my assumption and
input the up-to-date figure, then it definitely fruitful to the further development.
Apart from HACCP implementation, some of my suggestions I also mention about marketing
strategies which the management can use if they think my idea is practical and possibly to be accomplish.
Finally, in the long run if the management uses my business improvement project to apply
with the hotel, it will become the country benefit that upgrades the hotel standard in Thailand
a referable and credible hotel standard, promotes the education and development of hotel personnel,
and offers protection to hotels and consumers in the end.

Graham Dodgshun & Michel Peters (2004). Cookery For The Hospitality Industry, Cambridge, UK.
www.haccpacademy.co.za, (2009)
ArabianBusiness.com staff writer on Thursday, 01 February 2007
Investopedia, (2009)
Hmcclubhotel.com, (2009)
Ginette Provost,for about.com
Chris Guilding (2002). Financial Management for Hospitality Decision Makers, Oxford, UK
James, D.; Ababouch, L, (2005). Sixth World Congress on Seafood Safety, Quality and Trade, Sydney,
Australia, Washington

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