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QDC – 260906 QDC07/01/06

Lateness and Absence Policy for FE Students

The College’s Further Education courses require a high level of active participation
on the part of students. It is in the best interest of every student to ensure that they
attend all classes and timetabled activities associated with their course. This policy
sets out the minimum standards and expectations that the College requires in terms
of student attendance and punctuality, and the sanctions that may be taken if
students do not engage fully with their course.

Punctuality and Lateness

1. Students are expected to arrive punctually at classes and other timetabled

activities. The late arrival of students may delay the start of teaching or be
disruptive or distracting for other students and the staff teaching. For this reason,
lateness will be challenged by staff when appropriate and admission of
latecomers is at the discretion of the tutor in charge of the activity. Persistent
lateness may result in a warning or the formal application of the student
Disciplinary Regulations.


2. The pattern of learning and teaching, and attendance expectations of your course
are set out in your Course Handbook. Attendance at timetabled course activities
is compulsory.

3. Tutors will record all unauthorised student absences and unauthorised late
attendance on an Absence and Punctuality Record Card.

4. All students at the College are required to achieve an attendance rate of at least
70% of the working days during the term. Students are issued with ID cards at the
beginning of term and every student is responsible for swiping their ID cards in
and out each day. It is very important for students to do this because it provides a
record of each student’s daily attendance at the College.

5. If a student fails to achieve an attendance rate of at least 70%, without providing

valid reasons, they may have deemed themselves to have withdrawn from the

Authorised absences

6. There are occasions when students will have valid reasons for any absence. This
is known as an authorised absence and will not be counted against the student.
Students should inform their tutors, preferably in writing, as soon as they know
that they are going to miss a class. Similarly, students should make every effort to
contact their tutor if they are likely to arrive late.

7. The College understands that there are occasions when a student can only give
short notice that they will need to miss College or will be arriving late. In such a
situation, students will be permitted to give verbal notice to their tutors, but will be
expected to follow this up in writing.

Quality Team Approved by Quality Development Committee: 26 September 2006

QDC – 260906 QDC07/01/06

Unauthorised absences

8. When a student does not attend and does not provide their tutor with a valid
reason, this will be deemed an unauthorised absence. In such cases a warning
letter may be issued to the student and placed on their record.

Warning letters

9. Students will be issued with a first warning letter following three unauthorised
absences or incidents of lateness. Students will be issued with a second warning
letter following a further three unauthorised absences or incidents of lateness.
Students will be issued a third and final warning letter following a further three
unauthorised absences or incidents of lateness. Failure to adhere to the final
warning may lead to the student forfeiting their place on the course.

Appeal against warning letters

10. In cases where students believe that their reasons for absence were valid or
believe the warning letter was inappropriately issued, students have the right of
appeal. In the first instance, the student should contact the Programme Area
Leader to arrange a meeting to explain their concerns. If students are not satisfied
with the outcome of this meeting or believe they have been unjustly treated, then
they may approach the Quality Team to submit a complaint under the College’s
Complaints Procedure

Quality Team Approved by Quality Development Committee: 26 September 2006

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