Grand Theft Auto SA Sweet Mission

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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Sweet's Missions

This mission line begins after completing the Ryder mission in Ryder's mission
line. These missions are denoted by an S' on the radar. Travel to Ganton and
step into the red marker to begin.
Mission 1: Tagging Up Turf
There are a total of 100 rival gang tags in Los Santos, and you'll spray paint
over six of them during this mission. Get into Sweet's Car and follow the yellow
square on the radar to reach the first tag. A short cutscene clears the first one
for you. There are two more tags to spray over, and both are nearby. The two
tags are denoted by green squares on the radar. After finding the first tag,
equip the spray can, lock-on and hold the Shoot button until the Grove Family
gang tag covers the rival tag. If a police officer observes the action, you'll earn
one wanted star, so scan the area before you begin. Any rival gang members in
the area that see this will attack, so be careful.


Cleared Tag

Once you've cleared the two remaining tags, sprint back to Sweet's car and
follow the yellow icon on the radar to another red marker. Get out of the car
and spray the first tag and then follow the green icon to reach the second. Two
Ballas stand near this one; approach them and use the spray can to temporarily
blind them. While they're blinded, quickly spray over the tag and then sprint
away. Hit the next red marker, denoted by the yellow icon on the radar, and
jump the two fences beyond it. Climb up onto the wall behind the small
building and pull yourself up to the roof from there. The tag up here is on the
wall's northern face; spray over it and drop down to the street below.



Get into Sweet's car, follow the yellow icon on the radar and hit the red marker
to complete the mission. A can of spray paint now spawns in the upstairs room
of CJ's house.
Mission 2: Cleaning the Hood
This mission is available right after Tagging Up Turf. After the cutscene, get
into one of the cars outside and drive towards the yellow icon on the radar.
Ryder accompanies you during this mission so you'll have to wait for him to reenter the vehicle if you step out. When you reach your destination, get out of
the car and hit the red marker to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, return to your
vehicle and follow the red square on the radar. A drug dealer can be found
conversing with a fellow gang member in front of a house. A red arrow is visible
above the dealer's head. Approach the two and once the gang member leaves,
lock-on to the dealer and beat him to death.

Red Marker


Pick up the baseball bat that the dealer left behind and return to your vehicle.
Follow the yellow icon to another red marker. Drive into the red marker, then
step out of the car and enter the building there. Equip the baseball bat and
start attacking the men inside. You're outnumbered here, so don't stand in one

spot while fighting them, but rather move around the room and take swings at
them as they approach. The dealer is the main threat here, so take out the
gang members first to so you can face him without interference.



When the den is clear, head back outside and re-enter your vehicle. Make your
way to Sweet's house and step into the red marker to complete the mission.
Mission 3: Drive-thru
This mission is available following Cleaning The Hood. Get in the car with the
others and start towards the Cluckin' Bell drive-thru, denoted on the radar by a
yellow square. Once you reach the restaurant, hit the red marker to trigger a
cutscene. After the cutscene, your task is to prevent the car full of Ballas from
reaching your neighborhood. All you have to do here is drive behind, in front
of, or alongside their car so your allies can hit it with gunfire. It is best to drive
ahead of them, brake, and turn your car into theirs to slow their progression
while allowing your allies to fire at them.



Once the enemy car catches fire, drive as far away from it as you can to avoid
getting caught in the explosion. The Ballas were carrying Micro SMGs, so if you

wish you can step out of the car and pick up their weapons before moving on.
Drive back to Sweet's house and hit the red marker. Afterwards, follow the
yellow icon on the radar and drive into the second red marker to drop off
Smoke and complete the mission.
Mission 4: Nines and AK's
Time to get some weapons; hop into the driver's seat and start towards the
yellow icon on the radar. Drive into the red marker to trigger a cutscene. Once
you've regained control over CJ, take aim and shoot the bottle. There are a few
more exercises to complete; follow the instructions as they appear on screen,
then drive Smoke back to his house.

Target Practice


Afterwards you'll receive a phone call from Sweet. He tells you that, to get any
respect, you'll need to purchase some new clothes that let others know you're
part of the gang. Drive over to the clothing store that appears on the radar, hit
the red marker, then get out of the vehicle and head inside. Step into the red
marker in front of the changing room door to get started. You have to try on a
piece of clothing to see its price, but generally the clothes at Bincos aren't too
costly. Buy yourself some new threads and then head back outside to complete
the mission.

Clothing Store


Mission 5: Drive-by
Get in the car with the others and start towards the yellow icon on the radar.
Drive into the red marker to begin. You're in enemy territory, and as the
wheelman it's your job to position the vehicle in such a way that your allies can
hit the rival gang members with gunfire. There are several groups of Ballas that
must be taken out in this neighborhood; each batch is marked on the radar
with a red icon. You can shoot at the Ballas yourself with the camera looking
right or left, but for the most part you should leave it up to your allies, as your
main concern should be preventing the car from getting too damaged.

If the Car Health' bar in the top right corner of the screen is depleted, the car
will catch fire, forcing you to get out and leave your allies behind. If the car is
destroyed, you'll have to restart the mission because the others won't follow
you out. When first encountering a batch of Ballas, drive straight into them to
try and run a couple of them over, then just drive around the group until your
allies have managed to gun them down You don't want to remain stationary
here, as the Ballas have Micro SMGs of their own and can thus severely damage
your car.

Once the last batch of Ballas has been wiped out, you'll attain a two-star
wanted level, which means that the police will be pursuing you quite forcefully.
To lose them, seek out the spray shop as shown on the radar by a spray can.
When you reach the red marker, drive into the spray shop to get a fresh coat of
paint. The police won't be able to recognize your vehicle this way, but they'll
remain suspicious for a short while. Don't move until the two wanted level stars
cease flashing, because if you do anything deemed socially unacceptable, the
cops will be right on you again. Drive the others back to Sweet's house to
complete the mission.

Spray Shop

Wanted Level

Mission 6: Sweet's Girl

Before triggering this mission park a durable, four-door car in CJ's garage. If
you lack a weapon, there's a Micro SMG on top of Sweet's house. Trigger the
mission when ready. Sweet is in a shootout with a rival gang and needs you to
get him out of there. You'll have to get there quickly because the mission is
failed if Sweet's health bar reaches zero. It's a good idea to recruit a couple of
gang members to help out. To recruit: lock-on to one of the gang members
walking around Ganton and press the Gang Active Mode button (up on the dpad in the PS2 version). The amount of gang members that can be recruited is
dependent upon your Total Respect level, but since most vehicles can only hold
a total of four people, take three at the most.



Get in the car you stored in the garage and start towards the red icon on the
radar. If you need a weapon (which you definitely do for this), stop by Emmet's
(marked by a gun on the radar), and pick up the weapon that's there. Make
haste to Sweet's location and try to run over the line of enemies on the
sidewalk across from the motel. Some of them will likely dive out of the way,
but try your best to take out at least a few of them. If your vehicle begins to
emit black smoke, get out before it catches fire to give yourself and your allies
time to get away from the explosion.
Gun down the gang members that remain in the street, and the one located up
the motel stairway. Don't stand in the middle of the street firing; crouch or
sprint while shooting to avoid taking too much damage. When the area is clear,
get into a four-door vehicle and drive into the red marker. A couple of cars
filled with rival gang members will tail you here, but luckily Ganton isn't too far
away. Now it's just a matter of getting there in one piece. Once you've lost
them, drive into the red marker outside of Sweet's house to complete the

Mission 7: Cesar Vialpando

Red Marker

Sweet isn't happy with your sister's new boyfriend, and he wants you to go and
see for yourself. Travel towards the yellow icon on the radar to reach a garage
and drive into the red marker there. The man at the garage will give you a
lowrider outfitted with hydraulics. You can return to this garage at a later time
with another vehicle and customize it with a variety of different mods. For
now, make your way to the lowrider competition at Unity Station, which is
marked on the radar by a yellow icon.


Lowrider Meeting

Once you've reached the meeting place, drive into the red marker to enter the
Wager menu. $50 is the lowest you can wager, and since this is likely your first
time attempting this mini-game it would be best to go with that amount. This
is a simple rhythm mini-game; tilt your lowrider in the same direction as the
arrow at the bottom of the screen when it reaches the middle of the ring. You
don't have to perform exceptionally well here; your goal is to simply get a
higher score than the opposition. The mission is complete once you've managed
a higher score than your opponent.

Cesar: High Stakes, Low-rider


Cesar will phone you sometime after the completion of the Cesar Vialpando
mission in Sweet's mission line. He invites you to partake in a race, but you'll
need a lowrider to participate. If you've since parted with the lowrider that you
obtained during the Cesar Vialpando mission, you can find a parked Blade
just a couple of houses down from the red marker that the CV' on the radar
points to. Once you're in a lowrider, drive into the red marker outside of Cesar's
house to get started.



This is a simple checkpoint race; hit the final checkpoint while at the head of
the pack and you'll walk away with one grand in your pocket. Each checkpoint
is marked with a directional arrow, be sure to take note of them so you'll know
where to turn next. There isn't much more that can be said; hit the checkpoints
along the way, easy on the turns, and gun it when you reach the pier. Reach the
final checkpoint while in first place to complete the mission.

Mission 8: Doberman
Complete Ryder's, OG Loc's, and Big Smoke's mission lines and you'll eventually
receive a phone call from Sweet, telling you to head to an Ammu-nation to suit
up. The S' on your radar now points to a red marker outside of the Ammu-

nation in downtown Los Santos. Step into the red marker when you're ready to



Your goal here is to take Glen Park from the Ballas and claim it as Grove Street
territory. Obviously you're going to need guns to do this, so step into the Ammunation and purchase some. The Ammu-nation doesn't have really anything
spectacular in stock, and what is there is quite costly, so just pick up some
body armor and an SMG if you can afford it. When you're ready to get started,
make your way to Glen Park by following the green icon on the radar and step
out of your vehicle. Find and gun down a Balla while in the purple area on the
radar in order to provoke a gang war.


Gang War

Three waves of Ballas will enter the Glen Park territory currently being
contested; you must survive each wave by killing all of the Ballas to complete
the mission. Purple icons on the radar reveal the locations of your enemies, so
keep an eye on your radar at all times to ensure that you aren't attacked from
both sides. Most of the Ballas will spawn on the bridge. Position yourself near
the side of the bridge and pick them off as they move down the hill to meet
you. Body armor and a health regeneration pack can be found on the street
surrounding Glen Park, so sprint away and grab these if you're in need. After

surviving all three waves, chase down and kill the final Balla to claim the
territory for the Grove Street Families.
After the mission you'll learn how the Los Santos turf war works. Claiming
territory is a good way to make some money, and you can also collect weapons
and ammunition from fallen enemies. To contest a territory, kill gang members
in their territory until a gang war is provoked.
Mission 9: Los Sepulcros
Step into the red marker outside of Sweet's house sometime between 9:00 and
17:00 to get started. Make sure you have a powerful weapon, such as an SMG or
AK47, before attempting this. Target each of the two gang members with blue
arrows over their heads and recruit them. Afterwards get in the car with Sweet
and the others and start towards the yellow marker on the radar. You're on a
time limit here, but luckily there's plenty of time to make it. Drive into the red
marker when you arrive. Climb over the wall and approach Sweet to trigger a

Gang Member
All you have to do here is take down Kane, the Balla marked on the radar with
a red square. Kane is wearing body armor, so he'll take a significant amount of
gunfire to drop. First and foremost, however, is dealing with the group of Ballas
that accompany Kane. Gun them down as you close in on Kane; be sure that
none are left standing so you can face Kane with a number advantage. With
you, Sweet, and your allies firing at Kane, he should fall quickly. Once Kane has
been dealt with, get back in the car with Sweet and head back to Ganton.
Drive into the red marker to complete the mission.

Mission 9: Reuniting the Families
Get in the car with the others and follow the yellow marker on your radar to
reach the motel. Drive into the red marker there to trigger a cutscene. Things
take a turn for the worst as a SWAT team shows up to storm the place. Once
you've regained control over CJ, do not engage the SWAT outside, but inside
turn around and head through the door there to enter the motel.

Motel Raid
You're going to have to be light on your feet here as the SWAT inside the motel
are carrying SMGs and wearing body armor. Remain crouched at all times as you
move through the hotel, because doing so both steadies your aim and allows
you to quickly roll behind cover. Head up the stairs and take out the two SWAT
down the hallway. As you turn the first corner, three SWAT step into the
hallway; immediately roll through one of the doorways down the hall to avoid
getting cut down by their gunfire. At the end of the hall, some SWAT grapple
down from a helicopter through a skylight. Kill them off, then those down the
adjacent hallway as well. As you move down this hall, turn into the first room
on your left to meet with the woman there; she'll replenish your health bar.


Health Replenish

Sweet is at the very back of the motel, so move to the end of the hallway and
take out the SWAT there. Move slowly down the hall, as enemies will step in as
you progress. Meet with Sweet in the room at the end of the hall to get to the
roof. Lock-on to the SWAT hanging off of the helicopter and take them out,
then manually aim at the helicopter and unload into it until it loses control and
crashes. Follow Sweet down the fire escape to meet with the others.



This is an on-rails sequence; you are armed with an AK47, and your job is to
prevent the car from being totaled by the police pursuing you. Pound the police
cars with gunfire until they explode; hit their fuel tanks for instant destruction.
Occasionally an officer will jump onto the hood of the car and start punching
you; shoot him off quickly, as getting hit makes it difficult to aim and also
lowers your health. Make it to the end of the line with the car intact to
complete the mission.
Mission 10: The Green Sabre
This is the mission that will get you out of Los Santos. It's a good idea to clear
any missions left undone in Los Santos before attempting this one. Hit the red
marker when you're ready to go. Answer the phone once you're out of the

house. It's Cesar; he wants you to meet him under a freeway in Verdant Bluffs.
Stop by the Ammu-nation in downtown Los Santos first and pick up a powerful
weapon and body armor if needed. Follow the yellow marker on your radar,
drive into the red marker and step out of your vehicle. Get in the car down the
alleyway to trigger a cutscene.

After the cutscene, immediately get in a car and speed towards the yellow icon
on the radar. You have to make it to the site before Sweet's health bar is
depleted. Drive into the red marker to save Sweet. Now you must fight off the
Ballas until the police arrive. Crouch down behind cover and pick them off one
by one. Keep an eye on your radar at all times to avoid getting hit from behind;
the red icons on the radar denote the position of Ballas. After several waves of
reinforcements, the police arrive and the mission ends.

Previous: - Ryder's Missions
Next: - Big Smoke's Missions

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