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STU211 7/05
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children. They are

dogs and 3-year-old
Pigs are smarter than
to play video games.
affectionate and like
n while the chick is
k to each other … eve
Hens and chickens tal
still in the egg.
up of
or a small ball to a gro
If you give an apple d of like they’re
h it together, kin
turkeys, they’ll play wit
on a football or soccer
e turns babysitting
thers—they even tak
Cows are excellent mo
for each other!
tty much the same
s and tongues in pre
Fish use their mouth mouths to
hands. They use their
way that we use our e their babies!
food, and to hid
build nests, to catch
collegeVSKfinal 7/13/05 3:15 PM Page 5


© Aequalis

dairy products that you
The meat, eggs, and s that you see
the small fam ily farm
no longer come from nsive factory
y’re produced in inte
in children’s books. The
nt, routine bodily
suffer from confineme
farms, where animals
l slaughter techni que s. In order for a cow to produce
mutilations, and painfu
milk, she must first have a calf.
blade. Baby cows Female cows are artificially
ks sliced off with a hot
Chickens have their bea rs of birth.
ir mothers wit hin 24 hou inseminated shortly after their
are separated form the
in half and their tails cut off. first birthday. After giving birth,
Pigs get their teeth cut
they lactate for 10 months, then
FACTS? READ ON ... they are reinseminated, and the
this way. NEED MORE
It doesn’t have to be
cycle starts again.
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Chickens are killed when they

are less than 2 months old, pigs
are slaughtered at the age of 6
months, and cows barely see their
feed, and
“rendered,” made into first birthday.
er factory -farmed
fed back to oth
anima ls— including hen s. Animals are shoved, kicked,
and tossed into crowded
have their
Cattle raised for beef Pigs in factory farms spend their lives on trucks for long, often
out and
horns and testicles cut concrete floors in extremely cramped crippling rides through
burns inflicted on pens. The male piglets get their testicles sweltering heat or freezing
hout ,
them (branding)—all wit yanked out without painkillers. rain to the slaughterhouse. Food
ded, painkillers. water, and veterinary care aren’t
Chickens are kept in extremely crow
have been bred and Fish feel pain as do all animals, especially “wasted” on animals who are
filthy sheds. They machines
can Dairy cows have electric when they’re hooked through the mouth going to be killed. Countless
drugged to the point where they to the ir hug e, swollen or dragged out of the ocean in nets to die
inves tigation hooked up animals arrive at the
barely walk. One recent PETA ries—
s and inju
birds’ heads off udders, causing cut slow, agonizing deaths by crushing, slaughterhouse with broken er for “free-range”
foun d work ers ripping live
lting pus , blo od, and suffocation, or disemboweling. . There are no regulations whatsoev
to write graffiti with their blood
and and the resu bones or other injuries—or dead . Most “free-range”
t milk meat, dairy products, and eggs
so hard that they expelled scabs all end up in tha and forced to endure long
squeezing them sed by animals are still muti lated
mustache. The stress cau Workers hoist them upside-down food or water. All of
feces onto other birds. m conditi ons leads to trips to slaughterh ouse s with out
factory -far and slit their throats. Some ral behaviors, and
disease, lameness, and them are denied most of their natu
Egg-laying hens are packed so tight
ly into
so by age animals get stunned, but many lives viole ntly cut short.
reproductive problems, , all have their
cages that they can’t even stretch one
ere d. animals are completely conscious
4 or 5 they are slau ght they are
les waste kicking and crying out, as
wing. The birds’ bones and musc
and by the time “‘The live cows cause a skinned and cut to pieces.
away from lack of use, are torn
d, their bodi es have to After birth, male calves lot of injures,’ said
they’ re slaug htere rs and shipped
use from their mo the Martin Fuentes, [a
be turned into soup or cat food beca y spend
out for anyth ing else. to veal farms, where the slaughterhouse worker]
they’re too worn rt chains in
their lives on sho whose arm was kicked
s are
Male chicks hatched on egg farm row stalls. The y’re
filthy, nar and shattered by a ,
thrown into a and fed “During one inspection
unable to move around dying cow. ‘The line is nine
mechanical grinder while ficie nt foo d so that federal officials found
nutrien t-de never stopped simply live cattle dangling
from an
they are still alive, pale and soft
their flesh will be because an animal is overhead cha in.”
ed. t
when serv alive.’ —The Washington Pos
collegeVSKfinal 7/13/05 3:15 PM Page 9

“Looking under a
microscope anyone
can see parasites in
animal food. One cubic
More than half of all
inch of Grade A beef
often has over 1,000 the water consumed
parasite larva in it.” in the U.S. is used to
—Dr. Richard Schulze raise animals for
food. A vegetarian
diet requires 300 gallons of water per day,
while a meat-eating diet requires more than
“Meat is dirty. I wouldn’t 4,000 gallons.
touch a hot dog without
a condom on it.”
—Bill Maher, comedian,
TV show host
planet. It pollutes
“The way that we breed animals for food is a threat to the
grain, petroleum,
our environment while consuming huge amounts of water,
pesticides and drugs. The results are disastrous.”
“I gave up meat when —David Brubaker, Ph.D., Center for a Livable Future,
Johns Hopkins University
I was twelve. … One day
I was cutting up a chicken
of milk pus cell concentration in for my mom, and I hit a
In every package of chicken, year from eating contaminated tumor with the knife.
there’s a little poop. A USDA the world—almost twice the meat, especially chicken and There was [pus] and blood
study found that 98 percent international standard of fish, and thousands die. all over the place. That
was enough for me.” Raising animals for food requires
of broiler chicken carcasses allowable pus cells.
—Josh Hartnett, actor more than one-third of all raw
had detectable levels of
materials and fossil fuels used in
E. coli, indicating fecal Most animal products are The meat
Cattle-ranching is the the United States.
contamination. packed full of antibiotics, number one cause of more water pollution
industry causes
in the United
dioxins, and foodborne Amazonian deforestation. States than all other ind
In Central America, combined. More than
Got pus? Milk does. In the pathogens like E. coli, 10 billion animals
two-thirds of the rain are raised and killed for
food every year
United States, we have the salmonella, and campylobacter. in the U.S. alone; they
forests have been cleared, have to eat, and
Millions of people get sick each their waste has to go
highest permitted upper limit primarily to raise cattle. somewhere.
collegeVSKfinal 7/13/05 3:15 PM Page 11

epidemiologists and
According to the Physicians professor at Cornell Most grocery stores stock plenty of
Committee for Responsible University states that
Medicine, “Vegetarians are “human studies also support Vegetarians and vegans fake meats. The same goes for
live, on average, six to nondairy alternatives to cheese,
about 40 percent less likely to this carcinogenic effect of 10 years longer than
get cancer than nonvegetarians, animal protein, even at usual meat-eaters. ice cream, milk, and other dairy
regardless of other risks such as levels of consumption … no products. Most restaurants—
smoking, body size, and chemical carcinogen is nearly The risk of developing even Burger King, Taco Bell,
socioeconomic status.” so important in causing heart disease among
meat-eaters is 50 percent Denny’s, and Subway—
human cancer as animal
Just to be clear, it’s not the fat protein.”
higher than among have meat-free dishes. If
vegetarians. A vegetarian doesn’t
and cholesterol that cause your cooking is halfway
eat any animal
cancer; it’s the animal protein. It’s no secret that eating decent, vegetarian and flesh—like chicken,
The fat and cholesterol cause animal products—full of vegan cookbooks line the shelves beef, pork, or fish.
heart disease; the animal saturated fat, cholesterol, A vegan doesn’t eat
at bookstores and libraries—and
protein causes cancer. Dr. T. pesticides, dioxins, hormones, two-thirds of all Americans are Meat There are so many choices, they need their animal flesh or any
Colin Campbell, one of the you can find recipes online at
and antibiotics—is bad for overweight or obese. Only 2 percent own page! Fake chicken nuggets, veggie other animal
world’s foremost your health and leads to of vegans are obese. With the list below, products—like eggs,
hot dogs, and vegan steak strips, “bacon,”
many diseases and illnesses, you can find substitutes for all milk, or cheese.
and even barbecued “ribs” are out there Vegans also don’t
including heart attacks, Keeping animal products out of your your favorites in no time. It’s easy
strokes, cancer, diabetes, and to make the transition easy. Most ethnic wear animal skins,
body will make a huge difference in to be vegan.
obesity. how you feel. Replace that hamburger restaurants, from Chinese and Indian to such as fur or
with a veggie burger and that glass of Ethiopian and Italian, offer loads of
Not worried about cancer cow’s milk with soy milk and you’ll cheap nonmeat dishes, too.
and heart disease yet? Well, have clearer skin, more energy, and a Butter Use vegetable oils or vegan margarine.
get this: Up to 33 percent of longer, healthier life. You’ll wonder Try Tofutti, Soy Delicious, or fruit sorbets.
Ice Cream
teens are obese and about why you didn’t do it sooner.
Cow’s Milk Try chocolate, vanilla, or plain soy milk, rice milk, or almond milk.
Use it any way you’d use cow’s milk.
Cheese Use soy cheese for pizza, sandwiches, and sauces. You can also make
a creamy “cheese” sauce using nutritional yeast flakes (available
health food stores).
Cream Cheese Try Tofutti brand Better Than Cream Cheese.
Sour Cream How about Tofutti Sour Supreme?
Eggs For baking, use egg replacer. For breakfast, scramble up some tofu
with onions, mushrooms, mustard, turmeric, and soy sauce.
Jell-O Use Hain’s Super Fruits, a vegan gelatin that comes in four fruit
Snacks Check the ingredient lists of snacks like chips and cookies—you’ll
surprised to find out that many are already totally vegan!
collegeVSKfinal 7/13/05 3:16 PM Page 13


© Matthew Rolston

Tobey Maguire, Hillary Swank,

Mike Dirnt (Green Day), Morrisse

Pamela Anderson, Russell Simmons,

© Lee Ro

Cara Beth Burnside, Chris Martin

(Coldplay), Jessica Biel, Mos Def,
Shania Twain … just to name
a few.

© Steve Lee. Home Economist: Siân Davies
© Lee Roth/sta
© Robert Sebree
collegeVSKfinal 7/13/05 3:16 PM Page 15

Chickpea Salad Sandwich

• 1 15-oz. can chickpeas Shepherd’s Pie
Vegan BLTs and chickpea salad sandwiches are • 2 Tbsp. vegan mayonnaise • 4 or 5 medium potatoes, diced
Vegan Blueberry Pancakes a sure way to brighten up your day. • 1 Tbsp. mustard (yellow or Dijon) • 2 Tbsp. margarine
courtesy of • 2 stalks celery, chopped • ⁄4 cup soy milk or nondairy creamer

• 2 cups white flour, preferably unbleached FBLT (Fakin’ Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato) • ⁄2 cup chopped green pepper
• Salt and pepper, to taste
• 3 Tbsp. sugar, preferably Sucanat • 3 strips fake bacon (try Lightlife’s Smart • ⁄2 cup chopped red onion
• 1 bag veggie burger crumbles
• 3 Tbsp. baking powder, preferably Bacon) • ⁄4 tsp. lemon juice
• 1 can mushroom gravy
aluminum-free • Vegan mayonnaise (try Nayonaise or • Salt and pepper, to taste • 1 small can mixed peas, corn, and carrots,
• 1 tsp. sea salt Vegenaise) • 4 slices bread drained
• 2 cups vanilla soy milk • 2 slices bread • Lettuce, tomato, or other vegetables • Garlic powder and cayenne, to taste
• 3 Tbsp. canola or safflower oil (optional) • Romaine lettuce, torn into pieces (optional)
• 1
⁄2 cup frozen blueberries • 1 tomato, sliced Boil the potatoes for 20 minutes, or until tender.
• 1
⁄2 cup fresh blueberries • Salt and pepper, to taste Place the chickpeas in a large bowl. Mash with Drain and mash with the margarine and the soy
a masher or fork. Stir in the mayonnaise, milk or nondairy creamer. Add the salt and
Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl and sift Fry (or microwave) the fake bacon slices in a mustard, celery, green pepper, onion, lemon pepper, to taste. In a medium bowl, mix the
together. Add the soy milk and oil and mix until frying pan until brown around the edges. juice, salt, and pepper. Spread onto your crumbles, mushroom gravy, peas, corn, carrots,
the batter is smooth. Ladle the batter onto a Spread your vegan mayo on the bread and favorite bread and pile on lettuce, tomato, and and spices and pour into a pie pan. Top the
hot pancake griddle. Add the frozen layer on the bacon strips, lettuce, and tomato. any other of your favorite veggies. Also tastes crumble mixture with the potatoes, spreading to
blueberries. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes on each Sprinkle on some salt and pepper for extra great toasted! the edges. Bake in a 350°F oven for 30 to 40
side. Serve with the fresh blueberries. flavor. minutes, until the potatoes are browned and the
Makes 2 sandwiches crumble mixture bubbles out the edges.
Makes 4 servings Makes 1 sandwich

Makes 4 to 5 servings
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Easy Burritos Pour the box of cake mix into a bowl.

• 1 pkg. rice (brown or white) Add the soda, mix, pour into a cake pan, and
• 1 small jar salsa bake. For a yellow or lemon cake, try Sprite or
• 1 can pinto beans 7-Up. You won’t believe how well it works.
• 1 can vegan refried beans
• 1 pkg. soft tortillas Makes 1 cake

Cook the rice according to the directions on Peanut Butter Chocolate Pie
the package. When done, add the jar of salsa • 1 lb. firm (or extra firm) tofu
and the pinto beans and cook while slowly • ⁄2 cup melted vegan chocolate chips

stirring over low heat. Cook the refried beans (Ghirardelli double chocolate chips are
in a separate pan. Heat the tortillas in a dry vegan)
pan or in the microwave for a few minutes. • 1
⁄2 cup smooth peanut butter
Put a thin layer of refried beans on a tortilla, • 1
⁄2 cup soy milk
then place the rice mixture on top. Roll it all • 1 pre-made graham cracker pie crust
up and enjoy!
Toss the tofu into a blender with the soy milk
Makes 4 servings and purée it. Melt the chocolate in a pan over
low heat or in the microwave. Combine with
the peanut butter and blend. Pour the Want to do something good for yourself, animals, and the planet?
Let peta2 help.
E-mail and we’ll hook you up with more info,
mixture into the blended tofu and blend stickers, and even
other caring people in your area—basically anything you need or
want. For tons
Cola Cake again. Pour into the pie crust. Chill for an more information on easy ways to make a huge difference, check
• 1 box Chocolate Duncan Hines Cake Mix hour or so and enjoy.
• 10 oz. (about 11⁄4 cups) dark-colored soda—
cola, root beer, etc. Makes 1 pie
collegeVSKfinal 7/13/05 3:16 PM Page 19

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