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Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication

Walden Road
Application for Employment BR7 5SN
United Kingdom
Please read the accompanying information and refer to the telephone +44 (0)20 8289 4900
guidance notes when completing your application. facsimile +44 (0)20 8325 8320
Please use black ink, type or use a computer.

Application for the post of:


Surname / Family Name Preferred Title:(Dr / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Other)

First Name(s) Preferred Name (If applicable)

Address Home Telephone Number

Daytime Telephone Number

Post Code Mobile Telephone Number

Email Address For academic posts only, please state DEF No.

If appointed when would you be able to start? National Insurance Number

If you are related or associated to any member of staff or student who is currently at the
College, please provide details of their name and your relationship:

If successful you will be asked to produce a document which confirms your eligibility to work
in the UK. Can you produce an original document which shows: your National Insurance
Number (not a temporary number), together with a passport or National Identity Card from a
state in the European Economic Area Agreement or any other document which proves you can
work in the UK?

Yes No
Please note that successful applicants will be required to provide photocopies of qualifications.

Please give details of your qualifications in reverse chronological order / most recent first.
School/College/University Qualifications Grades Achieved (Month & Year)

Please give details of all relevant training and professional staff development.

Course / Training Provider Title / Subject Certification Held (Month & Year)

Please give details of membership of professional institutes/societies/associations (grade of

membership and dates)

IT Skills (This section is only applicable if you are applying for a role requiring IT skills)
Please tick one:
Excellent Good Average Poor
Experienced user of Can use some of Can use Little experience of
Word/Excel/PowerPoint Word/Excel/PowerPoint Email, Web and Word Email, Web and Word

Please give details relating to your experience:

Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary, giving page number and title heading
Please refer to the guidance notes when completing your application.


Job Title Basic Salary Benefits

Name and address of employer

(Please state if self-employed) Start Date Date of Leaving

Notice Required Reason for Leaving

Summary of Role and Responsibilities

Please give details of all jobs held, including part-time employment, self-employment, work
experience and voluntary work, starting with your last employer. Please include any periods of
unemployment. For example, travelling, career break etc.
Organisation name, primary Reason for
From To business and address Job Title leaving

Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary, giving page number and title heading
Please refer to the guidance notes when completing your application.

Please use each section below to demonstrate how you have successfully performed
responsibilities similar to those set out in the job description and person specification. You
should draw on experiences from your current or previous roles or from other relevant
situations outside of work.

If you are applying for an academic post you should include details of relevant publications,
research and/or consultancy.

Reasons for applying for the post



Personal qualities

Other relevant information

Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary, giving page number and title heading
Please refer to the guidance notes when completing your application.

Please give the names and addresses of two referees, one of whom must be your present or
last employer.

Name: Name:
Position: Position:
Address: Address:

Telephone number: Telephone number:

Email Address: Email Address:
Can we approach prior to interview? Can we approach prior to interview?
Yes No Yes No

Please give details of any public duties that you currently undertake.

Have you any criminal convictions other than those which are 'spent' under the provisions of
the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details and send in a sealed envelope marked strictly con?dential and
for the attention of the HR officer along with this form.

If you require any reasonable adjustments, special considerations or additional support in
relation to disability, availability or commitments, to be made in order for you to attend an
interview then please use the space below to give details.

Information given in this application will be controlled under Data Protection legislation for
recruitment purposes within the College. If your application is successful, the information
will be used for your staff record and payroll purposes.

DECLARATION: I declare that the information given in this form and any attached document is
true to the best of my knowledge or belief and give my permission for enquiries to be made
which can verify the information. I understand that my application may be rejected and/or that
I may be dismissed following appointment if I give any false or misleading information or have
withheld any relevant details.

Signature of Applicant: Date:

Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary, giving page number and title heading
Please refer to the guidance notes when completing your application.

This section of the application for employment will be detached from your application and will
be used solely for monitoring purposes.

Ravensbourne College recognises and actively promotes the benefits of a diverse workforce
and is committed to treating all employees with dignity and respect regardless of race, gender,
disability, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief. We therefore welcome applications from
all sections of the community.

Position applied for

Where did you see this post advertised?

Gender Male Female Date of Birth

Ethnicity (Please tick one):

Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi Asian or Asian British - Indian

Asian or Asian British - Pakistani Black or Black British - African
Black or Black British - Caribbean Chinese
Irish Traveller Mixed - White and Asian
Mixed - White and Black African Mixed - White and Black Caribbean
Other Asian background Other Black background
Other Ethnic background Other Mixed background
Other White background White - British
White - Irish White - Scottish

Disability: The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines disability as: 'a physical / mental
impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry
out normal day-to-day activities'

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?: Yes No If yes, please provide details in
the box provided:

If you wish, for monitoring purposes only, you may disclose information about yourself in this
section relating to:

Religious Belief: (Please tick one)

Buddhist Christian Hindu
Jewish Muslim Sikh
No Religion Other Religion Prefer not to say

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