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UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems



Module Title: Older Adult and Other Populations
Name of Assignment: Older Adult Essay
Module Co-ordinators: Dr Mary McGrath
External Examiners: Professor Lesley Beagrie.
Requirements for Submission
Submit one electronic copy via SafeAssign in Blackboard.
Submit one hard copy which should be placed in the undergraduate submission
box, First Floor, UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems.
Word Limit: 1500 words
Submission Date: 15.00 hrs, Tuesday 17th November 2015
Submit to: Dr Mary McGrath.
This essay/assignment must comply with the UCD School of Nursing,
Midwifery and Health Systems Policy on Plagiarism and Referencing
Guidelines. Please ensure you read both documents before submission. This
essay/assignment must be accompanied by the appropriate signed and dated
Assignment Submission Form
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Stage 2 BSc. (Nursing)

Older Adult and Other Populations - NMHS 20010 Assignment

Critically discuss how using a model of individualised person centred nursing can
enhance care for older people. Include a discussion on how person centred nursing
can raise awareness of the importance of respect for the individual.
That the student will demonstrate a clear understanding of using a person centred
approach to care, and recognise that older people can be equal partners in their
Assignment Guidance:
The assignment requires you to discuss: the importance of person centred care in
relation to the older adult, and to identify how a person centred model can improve
the caring experience of an older person.
Applying the principles of person centred care, describe in detail how the recognition
of older people as partners in their care can be promoted in clinical practice.
Support your discussions with appropriate literature, and always remember to keep
the perspective of the older person in focus when writing and reflecting on your
Suggested Readings
An Bord Altranais (2009) Professional Guidance for Nurses Working with Older
People. Available online at:
McCormack, B. (2003) A conceptual framework for person-centred practice with
older people International Journal of Nursing Practice, 9(3) pp.202-209.
McCormack, B. and Breslin, E. (2010) The Implementation of a model of PersonCentred practice in older person settings. Available online at:
McCormack, B. and McCance, T. (2010) Person-Centred Nursing Theory and
Practice. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.

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A School of Nursing Midwifery and Health Systems Undergraduate Assignment form
must accompany the essay. Available to download from

The essay must comply with the UCD School of Nursing Midwifery and Health
Systems Referencing Guidelines Academic Year 2014-2015 available on the UCD
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems webpage.
Late Submission Application Form:
Please note extensions to the deadline will only be granted in extenuating
circumstances and must be negotiated in advance (at least a week before the due
date) with Dr Mary McGrath (Module Co-ordinator). A late submission form available
from the UCD School of Nursing Midwifery and Health Systems web page must
accompany the assignment.
All relevant forms and guidelines can be accessed from
The UCD School of Nursing Midwifery and Health Systems web page
Click on Current Students, or access this information via
Blackboard click the Module Information tab.

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