The Confession That Merck Pharma Created The Pread of AIDS

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The Confession That Merck Pharma Created

The Spread Of AIDS

ByWhiteout Press February 7, 2014

No modern disease is more controversial or

debated than HIV/AIDS. Most diseasecausing viruses, bacteria or fungi have been
on Earth for millions of years. But
something began happening in the midnineteenth century that created dozens of
new cross-mutated viruses, including birdhuman, pig-human, and most fatal and
notorious of all: monkey-human, or
HIV/AIDS. From the Whiteout Press
Timeless section.
Ever since AIDS first appeared in the early
1980s, rumors have persisted over where
the incurable and fatal disease came from.
The worlds most respected doctors and
scientists, including the National Cancer
Institute in Washington and the Pasteur
Institute in Paris, rushed to take apart this
new virus to discover what it was and what
caused it. After decades of research by those
two and thousands more, two facts have
been universally agreed upon - the new
virus originated in Africa and it is a humanmonkey virus.
Those two admissions have led to jokes, assumptions and even cruel innuendo over how the disease
came to be after millions of years. But absent from the decades of jokes and assumptions about eating
monkey brains or human-monkey sexual intercourse creating AIDS, was any factual scientific
explanation regarding where HIV/AIDS really did come from.
For 35 years, it seems governments and the scientific and medical communities have been content with
letting the world believe that HIV/AIDS was accidentally invented when some poor African either ate
an infected monkey, which is hard to believe since its been such a common diet for centuries, or he
had sex with an infected monkey. But is that really how AIDS was created?
The Coming Plague
In 1996, the young cable TV company Turner Broadcasting System (TBS) produced and aired a twopart documentary titled, The Coming Plague. In typical Ted Turner fashion, the series took a
frightening look at the various infectious diseases circulating the world today that could possibly cause
the next deadly pandemic. One part of the two-day show discussed the value of vaccines in preventing

the next global epidemic.

It was during this section of the TBS documentary that filmmakers dug up and included a decades-old
audio recording of a discussion between a half dozen of the worlds foremost vaccine inventors.
Included in the casual, light-hearted debate are historian and doctor Edward Shorter, Dr. Albert Sabin
(namesake of the Sabin Vaccine Institute), and most importantly, Dr. Maurice Hilleman - Chief of the
Merck Pharmaceutical Vaccine Division. These are the microbiologists that created the worlds first
generation of vaccines, including the famed polio vaccine in 1953.
Among the confessions made by Mercks Dr. Maurice Hilleman are the revelations that the
pharmaceutical giant knowingly and willingly injected tens of thousands of unsuspecting human test
subjects with vaccines tainted with a host of horrifying micro-organisms. As detailed in 2013 in the
Whiteout Press article, Measles Outbreak heats up Vaccine Debate, the worlds earliest vaccines from
drug companies like Merck contained the cancer-causing SV40 virus, as well as the AIDS-causing
monkey virus. HIV/AIDS didnt have a name in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Since it was a virus that
only existed in monkeys, it was simply called, the monkey virus.
Dr. Maurice Hilleman & Merck accidentally invent HIV/AIDS
For as plain and obvious as Dr. Hillemans admission is of accidentally creating and spreading the
HIV/AIDS virus in this taped group discussion, its probably no wonder this historic audio clip is so
rarely brought to the publics attention. In it, Hilleman explains how Mercks insistence on producing
vaccines and rushing them to market caused him and the rest of the corporations scientists to release
vaccine concoctions that they knew contained deadly viruses and diseases, including the monkey virus.

In fact, in one section of the discussion, Hilleman

explains to group laughter from fellow scientists and
vaccine developers about how much difficulty he had
finding African monkeys to grind up and put in the
vaccines that werent infected with the fatal monkey
virus. The history lesson details how AIDS may
have jumped from monkeys to humans in Africa, but
it made a pit stop in America first.
Summing up the below audio taped recollection,
Hilleman explains how Merck imported infected
monkeys, put them in vaccines for humans in US
labs, and sent the vaccines back to Africa where they
were tested on unsuspecting victims. It was at that
moment that HIV/AIDS was born and the monkey
virus not-so-mysteriously became a human-monkey
Transcript of group discussion
Years after Dr. Maurice Hilleman retired from leading Mercks Vaccine Division, he and fellow vaccine
pioneers gathered to discuss the early days of vaccine development. The below transcript is from the
documentary originally produced by Dr. Leonard Horowitz and released by TBS in 1996. It was also
recently made available by
From the 1996 Turner Broadcasting System (TBS) special, 'The Coming Plague.' VIDEO BELOW
Dr. Horowitz (introduction): Listen now to the voice of the worlds leading vaccine expert Dr.
Maurice Hilleman, chief of the Merck Pharmaceutical Companys Vaccine Division, relay this problem
he was having with imported monkeys. He best explains the origin of AIDS. But what you are about to
hear was cut from any public disclosures.
Dr. Hilleman: I think that vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the
twentieth century.
Film Narrator: Fifty years ago when Maurice Hilleman was a high school student in Miles City,
Montana, he hoped he might qualify as a management trainee for the local JC Penny store. Instead, he
went on to pioneer more breakthroughs in vaccine research and development than anyone in the history
of American medicine. Among the discoveries he made at Merck are vaccines for mumps, rubella and
Dr. Shorter: Tell me how you found SV40 in the polio vaccine?
Dr. Hilleman: Well, that was at Merck. Yeah, I came to Merck. And uh, I was going to develop
vaccines. And we had wild viruses in those days. You remember the wild monkey kidney viruses and so
forth? And finally after six months I gave up and said that you cannot develop vaccines with these
damn monkeys. We're finished and if I can't do something I'm going to quit, I'm not going to try it. So I
went down to see Bill Mann at the zoo in Washington DC and I told Bill Mann, I said, Look, I got a
problem and I don't know what the hell to do. Bill Mann is a real bright guy. I said that these lousy
monkeys are picking it up while being stored in the airports in transit, loading, off-loading. He said,
very simply, you go ahead and get your monkeys out of West Africa and get the African Green, bring

them into Madrid, unload them there. There is no other traffic there for animals. Fly them into
Philadelphia and pick them up. Or fly them into New York and pick them up, right off the airplane. So
we brought African Greens in and I didn't know we were importing the AIDS virus at the time.
Multiple voices/fellow vaccine developers: (explosive laughter)It was you who introduced the
AIDS virus into the country. Now we know! (laughter) This is the real story! (laughter) What Merck
won't do to develop a vaccine! (laughter).
AIDS & Cancer - two confessions in one
The documentary goes on to include interviews with both Dr. Maurice Hilleman and Dr. Albert Sabin,
Mercks two top competing vaccine developers in the 1960s and 70s. Almost surprisingly, the film
doesnt expand upon the creation and spread of HIV/AIDS from Mercks early vaccine attempts.
Instead, it goes on to describe how Merck infected millions of unsuspecting Americans with their polio
vaccine tainted with the cancer-causing SV40 virus.
The film explains how Dr. Sabin and his team worked to develop vaccines that used and included live
viruses while his in-house competitor Dr. Hilleman and his team worked on vaccines that used killed
viruses. Hilleman reluctantly explains how in his frantic quest to keep pace with Sabin, he tested
Sabins vaccine for the cancer-causing virus SV40. The samples tested positive, just as Hilleman
suspected because the SV40 virus, as he explains, was in all the early vaccines.
Dr. Hilleman then goes on to detail how he confronted Dr. Sabin and explained that he was going to
reveal the presence of the cancer-causing virus in Sabins vaccines. Surprisingly, Sabin became
defensive and dismissed the accusation as warrantless fear due to a lack of understanding on the part of
those less knowledgeable. Unsuccessful in his warning, Dr. Hilleman then explains why little attention
was ever paid to the presence of viruses like the cancer causing SV40 and the AIDS causing monkey
Dr. Hilleman: We have a new era here. We have a new era of detection. And the important thing is to
get rid of these viruses.
Dr. Shorter: Why would he [Sabin] call it an obfuscation if it was a virus that was contaminating the
Dr. Hilleman: Because, well, there are forty different viruses in these vaccines anyway. Yellow fever
vaccine had leukemia virus in it. This was in the days of very crude science.
So, there you have it, right from the mouth of the Merck vaccine developer himself. And for those who
insist that this kind of deadly deception regarding vaccines ended decades ago and could never occur
today, just remember, thats exactly what they said then too. Readers are free to make up their own


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