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Parameswar 1

Siddharth Parameswar
Mr. Umile
AP English 11
13 November 2015
Notes: The Great Gatsby
1) Is Nick Reliable?
Nick is not a reliable character because he is biased, but also a liar. He is against most of
the characters, especially Tom, but is overly impressed with Gatsby. In addition, Nick is usually
under the influence so in theory his descriptions are not reliable. An example is Now he was a
sturdy straw hated man of thirty, with a rather hard mouth and supercilious manner. Two
shinning arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and give him the appearance of
always learning aggressively forward. In this excerpt, Carroway is trying to portray Tom as an
impetuous, arrogant, and overly belligerent so that it would give the reader that incorrect view of
him through the duration of the story.
2) Leitmotifs

Decay Images
- The book revolves around the idea of Decay. The word is mention numerous times. The
decay and death of the American dream is most prevalent type of decay in this novel. For
example the quote, They were careless people, Tom and Daisythey smashed up things and
creatures and then retreated back to their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was
that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made shows the view
that the American Dream is an illusion in which people only see their dreams but destroy it

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themselves. In addition, F Scott Fitzgerald elegantly portrays the mental effects of the crushed
dreams can be. An example of this is the deterioration of Daisys mind. Daisys picture perfect
romantic life caused her mental deterioration until her unfortunate breaking point, this applies to
Gatsby as well. Another example is of Tom Buchanan. The true reason for Buchanans sadness is
not because he was betrayed but because for the first time in his life something didnt go the
right way for him. He does not love Daisy. He is much more upset with the death of Myrtle than
the affair Daisy had.

Automobile Images
- Gatsby described his car as rich cream color, bright with nickel, swollen here and there
in its monstrous length with triumphant hatboxes and supper-boxes and tool-boxes, and terraced
with a labyrinth of windshields that mirrored a dozen suns. By looking at the descriptions it is
lucid that the Rolls-Royce is meant to impress. This clearly fits Gatsbys way of life and and the
irony is that it will never be accepted as old money. So in another way the car shows Gatsby as a
outsider looking in. It shows his downfall especially with the death of Myrtle.

Water Images
- Water is everywhere in this book, and portrays an ominous feel and foreshadows tragic events.
One example is of the light at the end of Daisys dock that shone upon the water. This portrays
a rift in the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy. In addition, the water is physically
separating the two gathers which shows the prediction of future ominous events. Another
example is when Gatsby stands at the puddle glaring at Nick. This shows his sadness and
heavyheartedness, but also portrays the foreboding events between Gatsby and Daisy.

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Light and Dark

- An example of light and dark is the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy. Gatsby
portrays more of an airy persona in which he lives to throw lavish parties and to entertain his
party. In the end, he gave up his life for the love of his live without realizing it. Daisy, on the
other hand, is more of a dark character and persona. Ominous loom her presence from the
beginning of the story. She is very materialistic and when Gatsby is swooned by here she takes
his money and puts the blame on him for killing Myrtle.

3) Romantic vs Modern Era Literature

- Romanticism and Modern literature are polar opposites regarding reason and logic.
Romanticists mainly focus on nature, religion, God, and the supernatural, while Modernists are
more geared towards the future. Books of Modernists usually included things like machinery,
technology, and weapons. In addition, Modernists focus on technologies affect on society but
also the detrimental values it brings.

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