Bulletin November 29, 2015

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Church Calendar




Mens Breakfast
December 5

8:15 a.m.

Prayer, Room 205

9:00 a.m.

Worship Service

11:00 a.m. Worship Service

7:00 p.m. The Most Excellent Way
6:45 p.m. Club Rocksalt
7:00 p.m. Ministry night
9:30 a.m.

Womens Discipleship

12:00 p.m. Mens Growth Groups

12:00 p.m. Womens Discipleship
6:45 p.m.

Worship Team Practice

Greenskeeper Workday
December 5
Girls Night Out
December 7
Childrens Christmas Concert
December 13
Lords Supper
December 20
Christmas Eve Service
December 24
Mens Retreat
January 29-31

7:00 p.m. Logos

7:00 p.m. High School Cause
6:00 a.m.

Mens Growth Groups

6:45 p.m. The Cross Road

7:00 p.m. Careers Group

Holiday Giving
There are many opportunities to give
during the holiday season. For the
next three weeks there will be various
options to give. Check out the tables
in the Welcome Area and see how
you can get involved!

9:30 p.m. Moms and Tots

7:00 a.m.

Mens Breakfast

9:00 a.m.

Greenskeeper Workday

View our calendar on your

smartphone or tablet.

Giving tree gift tags for children in

local schools
Foster Parent gift baskets
Room in




Food baskets for needy families

Info & News

Job opportunity
We are hiring for a part-time position in the church office, Monday-Friday,
12-4pm. If you are interested in this position or want more information, call
the church office for an application.
Mens Breakfast
Come Saturday, December 5 @ 7:00 a.m. to have a hearty
breakfast, good fellowship and encouragement from Gods Word!
Greenskeeper Workday
Help keep the church grounds tidy on Saturday, December 5 @
9:00 a.m. at our Greenskeeper Workday. Contact Scott Hunter @
503.930.2606 or Don Whitehurst @ 503.871.0893 to volunteer.
Check in Greeters
Family Life ministry is looking for people to join us in a low
commitment way to interact with families and create a warm
environment at the check-in stations. Just come a little before
the service you attend and welcome families and help with check-ins until
service starts. Contact Pete Potloff or fill out the Sign Me Up card today!
Mens Ministry Events
Mens Retreat is coming up January 29-31. Registration will
begin online in December. Be watching for more information!

SHC Staff
Justin Greene

Senior Pastor
Carl Chica

Pastoral Care & Missions

Matt MacCollin

Pastor of Men/Careers
Lay Elders
Chuck Moore
Ted Ferry
AJ Acker

Giving Update
The ministry of SHC is funded entirely by the
generous giving of Gods people. You will
notice that we do not pass the offering plate;
however, there are offering boxes in the back
of the auditorium. We believe from the Word
of God that the Spirit of God will lead people
towards giving back to God of their first fruits.
...God loves a cheerful giver, (2 Cor. 9:7).

Please prayerfully consider what the Lord

would have you do.
Monthly Budget Needed
Monthly Giving To Date
Fiscal ,Year to Date +/Building Fund

+$ 13,870
$ 33,738

Music Ministry
Julie Bernard

Womens Ministry
Laura Chica
Womens Biblical Counseling
Jay Duffus

Mens Biblical Counseling

Ron Groves

Scott Hunter

Facilities Manager
Russ Libby

Director of Ministries
Pete Potloff

Director of Family Life

Ed Reister

Our Purpose
Love God.
Love Others.
Reach The World.
We proclaim Him, admonishing every
man and teaching everyman with all
wisdom, so that we may present every
man complete in Christ. For this
purpose also I labor, striving according
to His power, which mightily works
within me. Colossians 1:28-29

Community Connection
Tim Saffeels
Director of Student Ministries




Finals Week at Discipleship

Part 6
The Quest for Valedictorian
Luke 9:46-50

Presented by
Pastor Carl Chica
November 29, 2015
Lack of Love (vv. 46-56). The disciples did not have much love for each
other, or they would not have argued over who was the greatest (Luke
9:46-48). Perhaps this debate started because of envy (three of the
disciples had been with Jesus on the mount), or because of pride (the
other nine had failed to cast out the demon). Also, just before this, Jesus
had paid Peters temple tax for him (Matthew 17:24-27), and this may
have aroused some envy.
In His kingdom, the example of greatness is a little child helpless,
dependent, without status, living by faith. The only thing worse than a
child trying to act like an adult, is an adult acting like a child! There is a
great difference between being childlike and childish (see 1 Corinthians
13:4-5; 14:20)!
They also showed a lack of love for believers outside their own group
(Luke 9:49-50). This is what we would expect from a son of thunder
(Mark 3:17)! Perhaps John was trying to impress Jesus with his zeal for
protecting His name, but the Lord was not impressed. Believers who
think that their group is the only group God recognizes and blesses are in
for a shock when they get to heaven.1

Everyone from common to the king was focused on Christ.
Who do people focus on as a result of your efforts?
Not asking you to see. I am asking you to trust Me.
The reality (and sufficiency) of Gods Word.
A perverted faith trusts a system of recent successes more than the


Assuming Your Great vs. Actual Greatness

Assuming Your Greatness

 Having an inflated view of your importance, gifts and


 Seeing yourself as better than others

Actual Greatness

 The example of a child

 Stooping down to greatness

Attacking Greatness

Do you ever look down your nose at the success of another


Is your missions trip greater than the other one?

Dont hinder them!

The Results of Great Discipleship

Humble Leadership

Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Compassionate, Copyright 1988, David C. Cook, Colorado Springs, CO

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