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Taller de Proyectos
Microsoft Project 2007
(en inglés)

2º Parte

1. To learn how to add the resources and cost into tasks.
2. To learn how to track the project.
3. To learn how to select and display a report.

Sociocultural Project
ACE2090 Engineering Practice Tutorial 2

ACE 2090 Engineering Practice

Tutorial 2 – MS Project 2007 Part 2

1. To learn how to add the resources and cost into tasks.
2. To learn how to track the project.
3. To learn how to select and display a report.

Example Used in this tutorial:

Please download the project named “ace2090_t2.mpp” from the course website.

Initial scheduled Durations: 24 days (What is the critical path?)

A. Resources
View → Resource Sheet

I. Terms:
Resources: People, equipment, and consumable items used to complete project tasks.

Resource Name: Assign the name of the resource. You will see this name beside the Gantt chart bar.

Resource Types: Work, Material, and Cost.

- Work: (i) Human resource, like people in the company, consultants, freelancers … (ii)
equipment which are charged on hourly or daily basis, like rented construction equipment.
(Counted by time)
- Material: The supplies or other consumable items that are used to complete tasks in a
project, like computers, wires … (Counted by quantity)
- Cost: It is a new function in Project 2007. It is the single expense of the project. (Counted by

Material Label: Indentify the quantity of the material that will be consumed. This field is only workable
if the type is chosen as “Material”.

Initials: Project will automatically generate it.

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ACE2090 Engineering Practice Tutorial 2

Group: Identify whether the resource belongs to a particular department.

Max. Units: Is a percentage that indicates the resource’s allocation in daily scheduled work time.
Percentage Meaning
100% (default) Single Person – Full time (40 hrs / week)
<100% Single Person – Part time (Max. unit * 40 hrs / week)
100% > A team – Max. unit * 40 hrs / week

Std. Rate: The amount shows how much cost is added to the project for each hour of work assigned for
a material resource.

Ovt. Rate: Set the overtime (OT) for a work resource.

Cost/ Use: Set the charge of a material resource per use.

Accrue. At: Specifies how the Project accounts for the timing of resource costs in the budget for the
- Prorated (By default): Project adds in costs at the time when work is scheduled.
- Start: Cost is paid before the work starts.
- End: Cost is paid after the work ends.

Base Calendar: Set the type of the calendar, standard (by default), 24 hours or night shift.

Code: Identify the resources.

II. Add Resources to project

Type all the information in the Resource sheet. (From ID 9 – ID 11)

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ACE2090 Engineering Practice Tutorial 2

III. Change the working time

1. Define holidays for all people
Step 1: Tools → Change Working Time
Step 2: For Calendar: Standard (Project Calendar)
Step 3: Select the dates in the calendar. Now select 4/10/2007 – 5/10/2007.
Step 4: In the “Exception” tab, type “Company holiday” in the Name field.
Step 5: Press “tab” and click “OK”.

2. Define working days for specific person

Step 1: Tools → Change Working Time
Step 2: For Calendar: Manager
Step 3: In the “Work Weeks” tab, click “Details…”
Step 4: Select “Monday”, “Wednesday” and “Friday”
by holding the “Ctrl” key.
Step 5: Select “Set days to nonworking time”. Then click OK.

IV. Assign the resources to tasks

After you have filled in all the resources, you can assign them into the specific tasks.

1. Assigning the Work Resources

Step 1: View → Gantt chart
Step 2: Select the task “Program Design (Core)”
then click the button (Assign Resources
button) in the toolbar.
Step 3: In the Resource Name field, choose
“Junior Programmer Team A” and then click
“Assign” button.
Step 4: Change Units of “Junior Programmer
Team A” to “300%”

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ACE2090 Engineering Practice Tutorial 2

Now repeat Step 2 to 4 for the rest tasks according to the following table:

Task Resources Units

Program Design (Core) Senior Programmer Team 50%
Program Design (Interface) Junior Programmer Team B 200%
Senior Programmer Team 50%
System Analysis System Analyst 100%
Documentation Senior Programmer Team 100%
Debugging Debugger 100%
Product Testing Tester 400%
Approval Manager 50%

Note: You can keep the Assign Resources box open while you work.

Before resource assignment:

Original scheduled duration: 24 days

After resource assignment:

New scheduled duration: 15.75 days (Why?)

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ACE2090 Engineering Practice Tutorial 2

It is because Project recalculates the duration of the tasks.

Effort-driven scheduling: If you apply more resources to a job, you can get it done more quickly.
Equation: D = W / U, where
D = Duration (the length of time between the Start and Finish of the task)
W= Work (the number of person hours required to complete the task)
U = Units (the resource’s assignment units for work on the task)

2. Assigning the Material Resource

Step 1: Select the task then click the button (Assign Resources)
Task Resources Units
Product Testing IC 1000 pcs
Wafer 100 pcs

3. Assigning the Cost Resource

Step 1: Select the task “Product Testing” then click the button (Assign Resources).
Step 2: Assign “Rental Fee”. Click “Close” to close
the dialog box.
Step 3: View → Task Usage
Step 4: Double-click the cost resource “Rental Fee”.
The Assignment Information dialog box opens.
Step 5: In the General tab, type “HK$5000” in the
cost field.
Step 6: Click OK.
Step 7: View → Gantt Chart

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ACE2090 Engineering Practice Tutorial 2

V. Review resource assignment information

1. View → Task Usage

2. View → Resource Usage

3. View → Resource Graph (to check with the work over-allocation)

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ACE2090 Engineering Practice Tutorial 2

VI. Resource leveling

Resource leveling removes an over allocation by either delaying a task to which the resource has been
assigned or by splitting task.
From our example, “Senior Programmer Team” is over allocated.
Step 1: View → Resource Sheet and select “Senior Programmer Team”
Step 2: Tools → Level Resources

Step 3: Keep all default parameters and click “Level Now”.

Step 4: Click the “Selected resources” option, and then click OK.

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ACE2090 Engineering Practice Tutorial 2

VII. Cost table

View → Gantt Chart
View → Table: Entry → Cost
Enter the Fixed Cost as shown below:

Total Cost (Work * Std. Rate) + (Ovt. Work * Ovt. Rate) + (Per/Use Cost) + Task Fixed Cost
Baseline Total cost in baseline
Variance Total Cost – Baseline Cost
Actual (Actual Work * Std. Rate) + (Actual Ovt. Work * Ovt. Rate) + (Per/Use Cost) + Task Fixed Cost
Remaining (Remaining Work * Std. Rate) + Remaining Ovt. Cost

VIII. Assign Overtime working

Step 1: View → Task Usage
Step 2: Insert → Column
Step 3: Select “Overtime Work” in Field name, then click “OK”.
Step 4: Select resource “System Analyst” under “System Analysis” task.
Step 5: Enter 8 hrs in the Overtime Work field.

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ACE2090 Engineering Practice Tutorial 2

B. Tracking Progress
Baseline: The original project plan used to track progress on a project, which includes information about
tasks, resources, and assignment.

I. Save Baseline
Tools → Tracking → Set Baseline

Keep all the parameters unchanged, and then click OK.

II. Update Progress

1. Update Task Information
Step 1: View → Gantt Chart
Step 2: Double-click the task “Program Design (Core)”.
Step 3: In the Task Information dialogue box, choose “General” tab.
Step 4: Set Percent Complete to 20%

2. Update Resource Information

Step 1: View → Resource Sheet
Step 2: Change Std. rate of “Tester” to “HK$60”.

3. Update Task – Resource Information

Step 1: View → Task Usage
Step 2: Reduce the Overtime work of System Analyst to 4 hrs.

4. Update the working time

Step 1: Tools → Change Working Time
Step 2: For Calendar: Standard (Project Calendar)
Step 3: Select the dates in the calendar. Now select 8/10/2007.
Step 4: In the “Exception” tab, type “Company holiday” in the Name field.
Step 5: Press “tab” and click “OK”.

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ACE2090 Engineering Practice Tutorial 2

III. View Changes

1. Cost
View → Gantt Chart
View → Table → Cost

Note: (i) For the task Program Design (Core)

Changes in Actual and Remaining cost (Due to Progress Change)
(ii) For the task Product Testing
Changes in Variance cost (Due to resource Std. Rate change)

2. Progress
View → Tracking Gantt

l Red bars indicate the critical path!

The red/ blue bars shift to the right due to adding the holiday and the change of the overtime work.

C. Slack and Critical Path

I. Critical Path
Step 1: View → Gantt Chart
Step 2: In the Gantt chart interface, right click and choose “Gantt Chart Wizard”
Step 3: Press “Next”, then choose “Critical Path”, press “Next” for three times.
Step 4: Press “Format it” and then press “Exit Wizard”.

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ACE2090 Engineering Practice Tutorial 2

II. Slack
Step 1: View → Gantt Chart
Step 2: View → Table → Schedule

Free Slack: The amount of time a task can slip without delaying other tasks.
Total Slack: The amount of time a task can slip without delaying the project finish date.

D. Reporting

Report → Reports…

Reference: Lisa A. Bucki, “The Microsoft Office 2007 Survival Guide”


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