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Subject Code: MB915

MBA I Semester [R09] Regular Examinations, January 2010

Time: 3 Hours

Max Marks: 60

Answer any Five Questions including Q.No 8 which is compulsory

All questions carry EQUAL marks

1. Up to what extent does culture influence business? Examine the key cultural components
that affect business
2. What is disinvestment? Explain the concept of disinvestment with an Indian context in
3. What is fiscal policy? What are its objectives?
4. What is Balance of Payments? What do you understand by cyclical and monetary
disequilibrium of BOP? Discuss.
5. Discuss the free trade agreements and its effect on external trade with special reference to
Indian Economy.
6. WTO is the third pillar of global business Discuss.
7. Critically evaluate the intellectual property rights under WTO.
8. CASE(Compulsory)
In January of last year, the S.S. Vulgass an oil tanker of the Big Dirty Oil
Company ran around in the area lust north of Vancouver, spilling millions of gallons of
crude into the waters and on to the beaches of British Columbia and southern Alaska. The
damage to the industry, the ecology and the quality of life of the local residents is
incalculable but in any case will require many millions of dollars for even the most
minimal clean up.

Subject Code: MB915

The ship struck a small atoll well-marked on the navigational maps, but it was a
dark night and the boat was well off course. On further investigation, it was discovered
that the Captain of the Vulgass, Mr.Slosh, had been drinking heavily. Leaving the
navigation of the ship to his first mate, Mr. Mudd, he retired to his cabin, to sleep it off.
Mr. Mudd had never taken charge of the ship before, and it is now clear that he misread
the maps, misjudged the waters, maintained a speed that was inappropriate and the
accident occurred. Subsequent inquiries showed the captain Slosh had been arrested on
two drunk driving convictions within months of the accident. The Vulgass itself, a double
hulled tanker, was long due for renovation and it was suggested, would not have cracked
up if the hull had been trebly reinforced, as some current tankers were.
R.U. Rich, the chief Executive officer of Big Dirty Oil declared the accident a
tragedy and offered two million dollars to aid in the clean up. The premier of British
Columbia was outraged. Environmental groups began a consumer campaign against Big
Dirty Oil, urging customers to cut up and send in their Big Dirty Oil credit cards in
protest. In a meeting to the shareholders just last month CEO Rich proudly announced the
largest quarterly profit in the history of the Big Dirty Oil Company. He dismissed the
protests as the outpourings of Greenies and other fanatics and assured the shareholders
that his obligation was, and would always be, to assure the highest profits possible in the
turmoil of todays market.
(a). The question is, who is responsible?
(b). Against whom should criminal charges be leveled?

Subject Code: MA115

MBA I Semester [R07] Supplementary Examinations, January 2010
Time: 3 Hours

Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1. How can an offer be accepted? State the rules relating to the communication of acceptance.
2. If a contract is broken, the law endeavors, so far as money can do it, to place the injured
party in same position as if the contract had been performed comment
3. Explain the nature of a contract of sale of goods and bring out clearly the distinction
between a sale and agreement to sell.
4. What is dissolution of a firm? In what different cases will the court orders dissolution of a
firm at the suit of a partner?
5. Write a short answers (a) Promissory Note
(b) Bill of exchange
(c) Cheque
6. Give the statutory provisions regarding the removal from the register of companies of
defunct companies.
7. Describe the assessment procedure in income tax act 1961 with example.
8. Explain the excisable goods and its classification in central excise tax

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