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Strategy to Pass Tests of PPSC

PPSC tests are generally divided into following parts.

1. Pakistan Affairs
2. General Knowledge and Current Affairs
3. Islamiat
4. Urdu
5. Mathematics
6. English Grammar
7. Job Related
Serial No. 14 are part of every test while Serial No. 57 are also part of some
tests. So there is a need to emphasize more on the first 4 fields. These fields
need cramming of events, dates etc. serial No. 4 and 5 requires practice and by
continuous practice one could master these fields. In this thread I am going to
suggest a strategy for each section according to my experience of PPSC tets. I
hope, this will be helpful for many candidates.
Pakistan Affairs:
Prepare the following topics and keep in mind ''How, When, What, Why and
1.Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Date of birth, Date of Death, Educational Services (when established different
institutions), Writings.
2. Hindi Urdu Controversy
3. Formation of Indian National CongressWhen and by who?
4. Shimla Deputation :
When, comprised of how many members, who was head?
5. Partition of Bengal:
When, population, who was viceroy of India, annulment of Partition.
6. Formation of All India Muslim League
When, who proposed the idea, first president, first secretary, who drafted
7. Lucknow Pact

when, where, President etc.

8. Khilafat Movement
when, Rowlett Act, Jallianwala Bagh incident, Non cooperation movement
9. 19201940
Delhi Proposals, Simon Commission, Nehru Report, 14 Points of Quaid e Azam,
Allahabad Address, Round table Conferences, congress ministries (Pirpur
Report, Shareef Report, Day of Deliverance etc.)
10. Pakistan Resolution
When, President, Moved by, seconded by from (Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan)
11. Constitutional Development
MintoMorley Reforms, Montague Chelmsford Reforms, Government of India Act,
1935, Cripps Mission Plan, Wavell Plan, Cabinet Mission Plan, 3rd June Plan.
First Prime Minister, First Governor Genaral, First Cabinet, First President, First
Governor State Bank, First Chiefs of Army, PAF and Navy, First Captain Pakistan
Cricket Team, Objectives Resolutions, Constitutions (1956, 1962, 1973), Latest
Amendments, Martial Laws, Fall of Dhaka etc.

Quaid e Azam ( Born, Death, Buried, education, when joined Congress and
Muslim League, When left congress)
Allama Iqbal (Born, Death, Buried, Education, writings, title of SIR,
Teachers name etc) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan ( Born, Death,Buried,
Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar (Born, Death, Buried, newspapers)
Bahadur Shah Zafar (born, death, buried)
Kanpur Mosque Incident ,Indus Water Treaty, Simla Agreement, Districts of
Punjab,Area of Pakistan (by province) GDP growth rate,Literacy rate,National
(Flower, Bird, Animal, Game, Poet etc) Current Cabinet,Current Governors,
Current Chiefs (Army, PAF, Navy,ISI, Supreme Court etc)

General Knowledge
1. International Organizations

UNO (Including Organs), OIC, SAARC, ASEAN etc.

Members, Observers, General Secretary, Headquarter, 1st session)
Headquarters of following organizations.
ILO, IMF, World Bank, Amnesty International, ECO, WTO, Red Cross, NAM,
WHO, IAEA, NATO, Interpool etc.

2. Countries
Presidents and Prime Ministers, Capitals, Currencies, News Agencies, Airlines,
3. Everyday Science
Inventions (Radio, Electric Bulb, Microscope, Telescope, Telephone etc) , Theory
of Relativity, Laws of Motion, Laws of Inheritence, Discovery of Penicillin, most
abundant element, Dengue virus, planets, Hepatitus C, Units and instruments,
4. Largest Tallest, Smallest
Rivers, Mountains, oceans, Ports, Islands,etc
5. Games
Current Champions of different games
Gold medals for Pakistan in hockey
6. Current Affairs

Pakistani Ambassadors (USA, UK, UN) USA Ambassador to Pakistan

USA special envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan, CIA chief
USA secretary of state USA vice president etc. NATO Chief
Keep in touch with newspapers for current affairs preparation)

7. Miscellineous USA 1st President total states in USA

38th parallel line

country of UNO General Secretary
Neighbour countries of Pakistan
stock market index(Tokyo, Beijing, Newyork, London)


1. Holy Prophet (PBUH)

Born, Death, Age, Prophethood, Wives, Father, Mother, Grand Father, Uncles,
Sons and Daughters.
2. Prophets
Basic information (Titles, Revealed Books, ages, Miracles)
3. Pious Caliphs
Father, Mother, wives, ages, tenure of Caliphate, Major battles and information
about (Hazrat Imam Hassan (RA), Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA).
4. Sahaba Karaam (R.A)
Ashra e Mubashra, Titles

5. Holy Quran
Meaning of Quran, Revealation Period, Surahs (Makki, Madni, first revealed, last
revealed), Surahs on the name of Prophets, Surah without Bismillah, Surah with
Bismillah 2 times, Name of only Sahabi mentioned in Quran, Word Muhammad
(PBUH) in Quran how many times, Titles of different Surahs, Manzils, Ayaat e
6. Battles
Different Battles (Badar, uhd, Khanduq, Yarmook etc) Year, Muslim Army,
Oponent Army, Shaheeds,
7. Basics
Basic information about Namaz, Roza, Zakaat, Hajj, Jihad, Qayamat, Ijtehad etc
8. Angels
Names of different Angels and their work (duties)
9. miscellenious
Information about Islamic countries
Other Religions i.e. Christianity, Jewism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Budhism,
Zartisht etc
(Information about books, period of starting, who started? Etc)
First in Islam (Mosque, Battle, Shaheed, Mo'azzan, First person to accept
Islam amongst Adult, Females, children and slaves.

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