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Women in Leadership: Your Success is in Your Attitude

According to the article about a women in leadership by Sarah Medlicot,

we try to figure out what is the magic factor being a successful leader
which is come from the attitude. She who has been a business and
leadership coach for over eleven years empowers and motivates her
teams through inspiration and passion rather than domination and control.
This would give the excellent result with generous profit in future.
Effective leadership comes from how we use our masculine and feminine
qualities completely to achieve goals. As in the In United States, 30% all
of the business are owned by women. There are seven factors that can
lead the greater success for women in business and creating lasting
success. Firstly, in changing your mental attitude and try to convert all the
negative thinking to the positive one. Likewise, make the fears turn into
teachers and weakness into strength.
Effective leadership may be influence by your emotional/social
intelligence which is your ability to communicate with your feeling with
healthy way when needed. Thirdly, is flexibility on how you bring your life
staying connected with the vision of your business organization. For the
fourth factors are your leadership skills. This shows on how you manage
your time, energy, money, communication and organizational skills to
make it all happen.
Successful leadership women always have high perseverance towards
herself for being committed in the business and staying the course even
going through hard times. Other factor are, relationship building who have
the abilities to create alliances that will support your enterprise. And last
but not least is taking control of your life, which is having willingness on
doing personal growth.
For conclusion, In order to cultivate a healthy mental attitude, we have to
setting our mind; replace the old thoughts and beliefs with the truth.
Always believing in yourself and being independent. Try in a week to
practice and count your word and commitment. Mental attitude is a power
tool to success. Suppress the old negativities in your life and develop the
new one. Hopefully, our country will produced a lot of successful women in
leadership in many aspects.

Original article :
Eating with the Sheikh: Why Eat Vegetables

According to the Islamic Academy articles utterances by Mohammed Ilyas

Attar Qadri about why we should take vegetables. These articles are
based on the conversation between a man and the sheikh which is the
vegetables is usually a part of sheikhs diet. Overviews from the sheikh
about the wisdom of taking vegetables are they have cure for several
ailments. Sayidina Jabir bin Abdullah has narrated that the the vinegar is
the best gravy and the prophet of Muhammad S.A.W also use to like
In a narration of Abu Naeem, the prophet S.A.W said, which is eating the
squash may strengthen the brain. In other narrations, the prophet asked
his wife Aishah to add a few piece of squash whenever she cooks because
it may strengthens the depress heart. When we apply this regularly and
become a habits, we do get a reward from Allah S.W.T of following a
sunnah and yet we get benefits from it. Sayyiduna Zahbi narrates in Tibb
e Nabwi the prophet S.A.W said, eating squash may increases the brain
capabilities, cleans the chest and strengthens the heart.
Another question asked by someone to the sheikh about olives that often
on his tablecloth and avoiding them from throwing the seeds must be a
reason. He did eat the seed as a blessing. Based on the Holy Quran 24:35
is olive tree is a blessed tree. 70 prophets A.S made dua, for its blessing.
While the seeds that he keep is to respect the olive seed by the guidance
of the conscious. Plus, the prophet S.A.W said, eat olives and use its oil
can cure 70 disease and one of them is leprosy. Taking 25 grams olive oil
daily will cure chronic constipation, and increase appetite.
Other healthy sunnah that we can follow is drinking water before meal.
Based on the quote of Saiyiduna Luqman, drink water before meal is
heath, during meal is medicine and after meal is burden. The doctor also
agrees about the beneficial to drink water before eating fruits. It also
beneficial to take water before a cup of tea or coffee.

As a conclusion, we need to change our eating behaviour and eat

vegetables regularly and follow the sunnah of prophet Muhammad S.A.W
did. Not because of the reward that we will get, but for our healthier life
on future and for our next generation exactly. Hopefully, our country will
develop together with healthier people in every age.

Original article :

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