Jumaa Prayer Bulletin November 27, 2015

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Jumaa Prayer

for the Muslims of Africa and beyond

West Africa Advanced School of Theology

November 27, 2015

Intercede for the Muslim World!

My deliverance draws near speedily, my salvation has gone forth, and my arms will rule the peoples; the coastlands wait
for me, and for my arm they hope (Is. 51:5, RSV).

Today's Prayer Requests: From Students, Alumni, and Missionaries

COTE D'IVOIRE : Pray for pastors and churches in the Muslim-dominated north. In general they find favor in the
communities. There are many groups in these communities, some more open than others. Please pray that the Lord
would give His people fruit wherever they are, and that His Spirit would lead them to those in the lesser-reached
groups who are willing to listen to the message of salvation.
MALI: Please pray for a worker ministering to young boys, called garibu. Under the care of teachers who educate
them in the Koran, garibu boys spend most of their time collecting money for their teachers and must beg for food.
She shares several requests: Pray for us as we are searching for the area of town where we will begin a center. Pray
for the team of volunteer workers to come together. So far there is me and only one other person. Pray that the
marabouts [Muslim leaders] would be in favor of our helping the boys by feeding them, sharing basic hygiene, telling
Bible stories, etc. Pray also for funding and especially for wisdom in making this ministry self-sustaining.

In the News
As of November 18, the Balkan nations of Macedonia, Serbia, and Croatia joined Slovenia in closing its borders to
any refugee who is not fleeing war in Syria, Afghanistan, or Iraq. Hundreds from other nations are stranded on the
Greece-Macedonia border, unable to go further. Please pray for believers who go each day to the border to offer hope,
for God's wisdom, strength, and direction. Says one worker: We give out food and water, talk and pray with people,
share faith and life. Pray particularly for Iranians seeking asylum. This worker notes, A lot of the Iranians have
come this way because of a desire to convert or having converted. It's amazing the number of them that are very open
and seeking.

From Global Initiative*

Pray for more workers at the Oasis Center, a ministry to Muslims in a major European city. This center offers to
immigrants Spanish and English lessons, literacy training, help for schoolchildren, and art classes, with the aid of
volunteers from all over the world. Pray that the Lord would call and send others who have the gifts and heart to
serve effectively with this team.

For Muslim Women**

Intercede for a Syrian Christian woman of Muslim background who is navigating an abusive home situation.
Prayer Resources
*Global Initiative is a ministry of Assemblies of God World Missions, USA. Visit http://globalinitiativeinfo.com/ for information
about praying for Muslims and weekly requests.
**Muslim women need your prayers! You can join a prayer network and receive regular requests at http://sayhelloinfo.com/.
For suggestions on starting a prayer group, see http://waastjumaa.blogspot.com/2014/09/waast-jumaa-prayer-groups.html.
For news updates concerning persecuted Christians, visit http://morningstarnews.org/, http://worldwatchmonitor.org/, and
For the 2015 World Watch List of countries where Christians are most persecuted, and prayer requests, see http://bit.ly/1zWfwMb.
For prayer requests, visit http://www.opendoorsusa.org/pray/ and http://www.persecution.com/public/pray.aspx.
To help you answer Muslims' questions about Jesus and the Bible, explore http://answeringislam.org/.

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