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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction
The first chapter of the research facilitates researchers by providing fundamental details
regarding the present study. The chapter introduces the topic and issues on which the study is
based. For this reason, this chapter is symbolized as an introductory chapter which delineate
the significant features which the researcher aspires to undertake while accomplishing the
following research. In the context of the present study the researcher aspires to investigate the
perceptions possessed by parents and communities regarding the importance of English
language in primary and middle schools within the vicinity of Faisalabad, Pakistan. This
particular study will serve as a base for investigation of school development in Faisalabad,
Pakistan because no prior study up till now has attempted to explore the school-based issues.
This particular research will be the first study that inquires about the Perception of Parents
and Communities about the importance of English Language in Primary and Middle schools
of Faisalabad, Pakistan. In order to achieve the schema of the present study, this chapter
amalgamates the research objectives, the scope of the study and other important details which
would enable the researcher to develop the fruitful study.

1.2 Context of the Study

Language is considered as one of the important instrument that plays a significant role in the
development of an individual. In the view of McCaleb (2013 pp. 70), the proficiency in terms
of language empowers an individual to establish effective communication. The clarity within
communication enables an individual to share the thoughts with other people residing within
the certain vicinity. According to Leung, Davison and Mohan (2014 pp. 456), language is
correlated with the culture of the person, along with this language refers to the tool which
stimulates the process of communication that ultimately leads towards the sharing of the
ideas and thoughts. In the view of Baquedano-Lopez, Alexander, and Hernandez (2013 pp.
149-182), the importance of learning foreign languages in developing countries has increased
with the passage of time; this is because of the transformation of the world into global
village. As mentioned by McCaleb (2013 pp. 70), English is one of such language which is
used as a universal language, which is spoken and understood across the globe. Therefore, it
is believed that learning of foreign language is stimulated with the help of class room support
which enables the students to learn a certain language in the context of its social relationship.
In the view of Chen, Hua, Zhou, Tao, Lee, Ly and Main (2014 pp. 189), the emergence of
globalization has made the multilingual approach of an individual mandatory, which
ultimately leads an individual to become more competitive in the fiercely competitive
business world.
Learning the second language in class rooms allows an individual to communicate with the
fellow students and teachers, this intra-classroom interactions adds a substantial amount of
value in the development of confidence within the students (Evans and Cleghorn, 2014 pp.
01-19). This means that interactive sessions conducted within the class rooms enable an
individual to incorporate the aspect of proficiency and fluency within the learned language.

According to McCaleb (2013 pp. 70), the management of the schools and colleges plays a
significant role in the success of such second language learning programs as it is their
responsibility to encourage students to the speak English language in the classrooms.
As mentioned by Leung, Davison and Mohan (2014 pp. 456), the environment in which an
individual resides also plays a significant role in making children learn a particular language;
this is because facilitative environment motivates an individual to speak second language
rather than the native language. In addition to this, the methods employed by the management
of the schools also plays an important role in making a child learn a particular language other
than native language. As mentioned by Pennycook (2014 pp. 45), the establishment of
English medium culture across the schools enables the management of the primary and
middle schools to deploy healthy working environment. Therefore, it can be analyzed that
unplanned learning is better than planned learning. As the unplanned learning encompasses
the development of certain skills without any conscious awareness of the learner, this
unplanned learning facilitates the learner to acquire certain skill without making an extra
effort. As mentioned by Baquedano-Lopez, Alexander, and Hernandez (2013 pp. 149-182),
the development of an individual greatly depends upon the ability possessed by a person
regarding grasping of the particular knowledge. However, the interest level of the learner
works as a stimulator which inclines an individual towards certain domain or subject.
As mentioned by Tollefson, and Tsui (2014 pp. 189-214), parents and societal beliefs also
influence the academic performance of a child. This motivation derived from parents adds a
substantial value in the development of confidence within the learner. The world is
transforming into the highly diversified region, therefore learning the second language has
turned out to be one of the necessities of the present day world. In the view of Pennycook
(2014 pp. 45), parent engagement within child academics allows the children to learn more
effectively, as the creation of facilitative environment at homes provides an additional
opportunity for the students in a context of learning. As stated by Engestrom (2014 pp. 6796), the theory of learning represents the framework which emphasizes the process through
which certain knowledge is absorbed by an individual. The behaviourism theory focuses on
the learning carried forward by an individual through observable behaviour. In the view of
Simonson and Zvacek (2014 pp. 12), the behaviourism approach of learning primarily beliefs
that people learn more in a system in which certain response is exerted by an individual upon
some stimulus. As far as learning of the second language is concerned the unplanned learning
encompasses the behaviouristic approach. On the other hand, the cognitive perspective
represents that learning acquired by an individual refers to the mental process which entails
the involvement of individual perceptions, decision-making ability along with the quality of
memory. This theory reflects that the entire process of communication and learning
encompasses the neurological process in which the efficiency of decoding the encoded
message enhances the quality of learning. In the view of Baquedano-Lopez, Alexander, and
Hernandez (2013 pp. 149-182) the societal learning model represents that maximum
knowledge is acquired by an individual when learning takes place in small groups. The social
constructivism approach portrays that an individual is able to grasp maximum knowledge
when taught in groups. Therefore, through the analysis of the above-mentioned discussion it

is quite evident that perception of the parents and the community are significant in making an
individual to learn the second language effectively. In addition to this, the learning models
also represent various schools of thoughts regarding the acquisition and utilization of
knowledge by an individual. In the context of the present study the utilization of the abovementioned learning models would enable the researcher to extract maximum the insights
regarding the perceptions of parents and the society upon the adoption of English language
within the primary and middle schools.

1.3 Aim of the Research

According to Hair Jr, Wolfinbarger, Money, Samouel and Page (2015 pp. 123), the aim of the
research refers to the foundation of the study upon which the entire research is based upon.
The aim and objectives of provides delineate to the researcher regarding the areas of core
significance. The aim of the research plays a significant role in the successful development of
the business as it facilitates the researcher to highlight the areas of core importance. In a
context of the present study the researcher aspires to investigate the perceptions of the parents
and the society upon the adoption of the English language within primary and middle
schools. Therefore, the current study aspires to focus upon the importance of adopting
English language within the schooling systems and its impacts upon the progressive
development of the students careers.

1.4 Objectives of Research

The objectives of the research enable the researcher to highlight various aspects of the study
which ultimately leads the researcher to accomplish successful completion of the research.
Moreover, the research objectives allow the researcher to develop a well-defined map of the
study which has to be employed by the researcher in order to complete the study successfully.
As far as the present research is concerned the research objectives are mentioned as under,

To study the perspective of parents about the English Language skills development of

To evaluate the perception of communities about the English Language skill
development of child
To study the perceptions of parents and communities about the importance of the
English language culture for the primary and middle schools of Faisalabad, Pakistan

1.6 Questions of Study

As the present study aspires to articulate the impact of the perceptions possessed by parents
and society upon the adoption of English language within primary and middle schools the
questions of the research are mentioned in this section. The main research question for this
dissertation is:
What is the Perception of Parents and Communities about importance of the English
Language in Primary and Middle Schools of Faisalabad?

The auxiliary research questions are:


What is the role of parents in English Language development of the child?


What is the role of communities in English Language development of the child?

3.How the nexus of parents and communities can improve the English language culture of the
primary and middle schools of Faisalabad specifically in D Ground, Motorway City, Millat
town and Nishatabad?

1.7 Scope of Study

The purpose of this research is to explore the perceptions of Parents and Communities about
importance of theEnglish Language in Primary and Middle schools. Therefore, this research
aspires to articulate the qualified command over languages which empower children with the
confidence to express their feelings and ideas to their parents, teachers, friends and
community members. Hence, this research will enable the policy makers to formulate such
strategies which empower them to develop a competitive academic system within the vicinity
of Faisalabad.

1.8 Significance of the Study

As the present study aspires to articulate upon the perceptions of parents and the society
regarding the adoption of English language in primary and middle schools, this study is to
facilitate the academic policy makers of Pakistan to formulate such strategies that
corresponds with the cultural values of the people residing within the particular vicinity. In
addition to this, the current study will also contribute in the progressive development of
schools in Pakistan as it enables the management of the schools to implement effective
change. Overall, this study would contribute a substantial value in the progressive
development of the s
In order to complete the study and to attain the aims of the research the dissertation comprises
of five chapters, therefore the outline of the present study is mentioned as under;

Chapter 1: Introduction: The first chapter of the research constitutes of the line of
action adopted by the researcher in order to accomplish the particular study. This includes the
research objectivesociety as a whole. Therefore, this research will contribute a substantial
amount of value within the field of academics within the vicinity of Faisalabad.

Chapter 2: Literature Review: The second chapter integrates the analysis,

assessments and the inspections of the work carried forward by the prior researchers in the
specific field.

Chapter 3: Methodology: The third chapter of the research signifies the procedures
and process employed by the researcher which enables the researcher to satisfy the
predefined goals and objectives.

Chapter 4: Data Analysis: The chapter of data analysis entails the procedures
adopted by the researcher to analyze the gathered data. This chapter enables the researcher to
compute results acquired through the collected data.

Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations: The final chapter of the research

includes the overall findings of the research. However, this chapter also includes the
recommendations proposed by the researcher in according to the findings accumulated
through data analysis.
1.10 Chapter Summary
The analysis of the entire chapter reveals that this study aspires to articulate upon the impacts
of the perceptions of the parents and the society regarding the adoption of English language
within primary and middle schools of Faisalabad. Furthermore, this chapter highlights the
step by step approach the employed by the researcher in order to accomplish this study. In
addition to this, the chapter also includes research objectives and questions which enables the
researcher to develop an organized study. However, the outline of the entire dissertation is
also portrayed in this chapter which highlights the line of action utilized by the researcher for
the successful completion of the study. In addition to this, the chapter also includes the
background of the study which enables the researcher to provide brief theoretical foundations
regarding the chosen topic. According to the research outline mentioned above, literature
review chapter will be added after completing the introduction section of the dissertation. The
next chapter will explore the theoretical and academic relevance of research objectives
developed earlier through assessing them under the light of past studies.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction
The literature review is second chapter in the process of a particular dissertation or research
project. The literature review involves analysis and evaluation of findings related to past
research studies. Therefore, this study has taken into account the concepts and theories that
have included in past studies to understand the between variable of study. The concept of
parent involvement has been thoroughly discussed in this literature review. Furthermore,
there are different types of parental perceptions regarding English language education that
have been covered in this chapter. It has been examined during process of literature review

that community makes a major contribution in children's efforts to learn English language.
Additionally, this literature review has highlighted the importance of English language in
primary and middle schools. Moreover, it has covered the significance to learn English
language. Finally the perceptions and views of parents and communities have been evaluated
to acquire English language skills by children.
2.1 Parental Involvement
As described by Hafiz, Tehsin, Malik, Muhammad and Muhammad (2013 pp. 209-223), the
involvement of parents varies on the basis of culture of a particular society. It has been said
that the parental involvement fall into different categories that has major impact on
performance and development of their children. The expectations of parents from their
children influence performance of their children. The parental involvement involves a variety
of activities such as to support children in reading and writing. Furthermore, it includes
motivating and encouraging children to achieve their academic tasks without any dependency
on others. The parents monitor and supervise various activities of their children that includes
in-house and outhouse tasks. The parents teach their children to enhance their knowledge and
skills on a wide range of subjects.
As stated by Jeynes (2007 pp. 82-110) the perception of parents regarding child education has
become an indispensible part in learning and development of child. It is examined in a
research study that positive relationship exists between the involvement of parents and
children's educational success. The relationship is found to possess highly strong during the
years of secondary school. It is evaluated in another research that parental involvement and
children's performance is inconsistent with each other. Parents perception is effective in
creating an environment for children at home as well as at school. The parental involvement
is highly associated to children achievement in terms of learning language. The involvement
of parents can be classified into different major categories; these are parents responsibilities
in home activities, parents responsibilities in academic tasks either direct or indirect.
As described by Driessen, Smit, and Sleegers (2005 pp. 509-532); Melhuish, Phan, Sylva,
Sammons, SirajBlatchford and Taggart, (2008 pp. 95-114), the involvement of parents has a
major role in the tasks of children in school. Therefore parents engage in the communication
with teachers to analyze performance of their children. Furthermore, they evaluate
attendance of regulatory of children in a school. The parents check academic reports of their
children and examine reason behind their good and bad performance. There are parents who
are worried about extracurricular activities of their children. According to the view of parents,
extracurricular activities play a major role in the learning of their children. The parents have
become highly active related to the performance of their children due to the high competition
in schools.
2.2 Theories of Parental Involvement
As described by Green, Walker, Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler (2007 pp. 532), the Epsteins
theory of framework has described the involvement of parents in different areas. The
framework is beneficial in understanding and developing a relationship between parents and

schools. The parent involvement is divided into different categories that include parenting,
volunteering, communicating, Home learning, decision making, and community
2.2.1 Parenting
As ascertained by Hill and Tyson (2009 pp. 740), the concept of parenting suggests creating a
co-operation between parents and schools. It helps parents to gather information related to
their children in terms of their academic means. Furthermore, teachers also need to
understand and analyze the different aspects of children in terms of family life. The
administration and teachers has to ensure that parents get appropriate and accurate
information with respect to their children academic performance. Hence it leads towards the
development of good behavior in children. It helps to enhance confidence of children in a
particular school. The co-operation between parents and schools increase awareness and
enables children to meet challenges. Additionally, the development in the perception of
parents facilitates in integrating innovative learning programs that later expands the
effectiveness of students performance.
2.2.2 Communicating
According to Griffin and Steen (2010 pp. 218-226), there are schools that have developed the
practice to arrange meetings and engage in extensive communication to parents with respect
to children educational development. The communication helps to resolve problems that
create hurdles in performance of children. The communication involves activities such as
parents-teachers meeting, school conferences etc. Therefore parents get to know the
weaknesses of children that need to be focused to improve. The communication channels
being used by the schools should be improved as the existing era is known to be of
advancements. Most of the schools these days, focus on updating parents regarding childs
progress through electronic channels.
2.2.3 Volunteering
As stated by Epstein and Sanders (2006 pp. 81-120), the relation with families can be strong
by providing options or chances to parents to participate as volunteer in the events and
activities of school. Parents, who participate in school events becomes highly comfortable in
communication with children. The volunteer activities are more encouraged in primary
schools as compared to secondary schools. The volunteering has major contribution in the
development of skills among children. Parents are likely to appreciate efforts of children and
teachers in volunteering type. Additionally, teachers get able to identify children weakness
and provide attention to get over those hurdles. This monitoring practice contributes for the
childs progress and performance. The teachers are able to explore the practices that will help
in reducing childs weaknesses. It is essential for the schools to promote the volunteering
practice among children because it will benefit in increasing the students effectiveness and
performance which motivate them to excel in academics and education.
2.2.4 Home Learning

The parents involvements in the educational development of children highly occur at home.
The teachers need to identify about the learning of children that takes place at home strives to
capitalize upon it. The teachers are required to enhance understanding of parents in terms of c
their children academic curriculum. Furthermore, teachers need to aware children with
respect to practices and systems that are followed in children. This type of parents
involvement enables to reduce gap that exist between schools and families due to the
different cultures. Therefore, it is necessary that teachers provide detail to parents related to
learning process and activities in schools that help parents to positively contribute in
educational growth of their children. Moreover, the learning errands proposed for the students
should be reviewed at home as well since it helps in smoothing childrens concept regarding
the tasks. For this concern, parents perception requires to be increased as they are
responsible for their childrens learning interest and performance.
2.2.5 Decision Making
As explained by Domina (2005 pp. 33-249), the parents take major decision with respect to
the activities and education of children. The decisions are aim to enhance skills and
performance of their children. The benefits from this type of parental involvement are
increased awareness in families. Furthermore, it develops ownership and connection feelings
between parents and teachers. In addition, the perception of parents is also essential because
they are the decision makers of students educations. It is their responsibility to shape the
educational strategies for their children. The selection of an appropriate school helps in
reducing the parental stress regarding the decision making process of their childs progress.
2.2.6 Community Collaboration
According to Epstein (2005 pp. 151-170), teachers and parents put efforts to organize
resources that are supportive in the education of children. The co-operation among parents,
teachers and society has a major positive contribution in development and learning of
children. There are high learning opportunities for children by maintaining collaboration
among community, families and schools. The children increase their interaction with
communication that enhances their social skills.
2.3 Education and Its Importance
As described by Abdal, Khan, Azhar, Shahzad and Amir (2013 pp. 65); Memon (2007 pp. 4755) education is considered as one of the activities to interact and socialize with society. It is
examined as one of the obligation of families in a particular society. Education contributes in
the quality and growth of a specific economy and makes a positive contribution in the
achievement and career development of an individual person. It has been realized that success
of an economy is related to the level of education of society. The investment in education
sector of Pakistan is very adversely affects educational development of children. The
education is one of factors that are included in millennium development goals. The basic
level of education in Pakistan is very low that is not considered as good for a particular

As ascertained by Khalid and Khan (2006 pp. 305-322); Kazmi and Quran (2005 pp. 90-107),
there are various factors that affect the development and growth of children education in
provinces of Pakistan. The dropout or failure rate of children in the province of Baluchistan is
high because parents are not educated. Furthermore, there are inadequate facilities for
children in schools in the province of Baluchistan. Moreover, there is no training that has
been provided to teachers in terms of providing education to children. The traditions, values
and customs of community creates hurdle in education of children and the income of their
children, therefore they cannot facilitate education. The developing countries such as
Pakistan, India, etc are required to efficiently utilize resources that help to provide education
in primary and secondary schools. UNESCO has emphasized the importance of education in
the development of children.
2.4 Importance of English Language
According to Ali, Ahmad, Manzoor and Naseer (2014 pp. 21-33), English language has
become necessary since the inception of English imperialism. The English language is
officially spoken in America, Australia, Indian sub-continent etc. The English language has
become a common platform of communication in the world. There are some countries that
do not adopt English language and are stick to their native language. The perception of
English language significance varies from country to country. The English language is
identified and spoken in every corner of the world that provides convenience to individuals
during travelling in different countries (Coleman, 2011 pp. 9-21; Norton, 2006 pp. 22-33).
The trade agreements, newspaper, journal articles are published in English language in
various countries.
According to Hashwani (2008 pp. 20-24); Cummins, Bismilla, Chow, Cohen, Giampapa,
Leoni and Sastri (2005 pp. 38); Norton (2006 pp. 22-33), the English language is commonly
used in different and industries over the world. The English language helps an individual to
stand and compete in a society. English has become the international language for
communication with individuals and business. The English language has enabled a person to
share and communicate their ideas and opinions with others in a society. The English has
become the compulsory subject in higher education of Pakistan. Therefore, English language
in necessary is primary as well as secondary schools. It is identified in a research that
opinions of parents, teachers and communities are important with respect to the learning of
English language in primary and secondary schools.
2.5 Parents Perception Regarding English Learning of Child
According to Rowe, Ozcaalikan and Goldin-Meadow (2008 pp. 182-199), the parents
accelerates the learning and development of English language of a child. If the parents are
well educated then it helps their children to learn and adopt English language easily. In
contrast to this, if parents have low educational background then they cannot support their
language in education and English language learning. The literate parents need to identify
level of learning of their children. Therefore, it helps them to incorporate the skills of English
language in their children. The parents with low educational level can hand over this
responsibility to teachers and mentors to help their children in learning of English language.

The parents need to encourage their children to learn English language as it positively
contributes in educational development. The parents need to motivate their children with
respect to the learning of English language (Csizer and Kormos, 2009 pp. 98-119).
Furthermore, parents need to aware with respect to the performance of their children. It help
parent to assess abilities of children with respect to the learning of a particular skill.
As stated by August, Carlo, Dressler and Snow (2005 pp. 50-57), parents have to spend
ample time with children to adequately guide them in learning English language. The parents
that provide positive feedback to children in learning lead towards building confidence in
them. The parents have to keep realistic expectation from their children to enhance their
language skills. The parents need to emphasize or appreciate the efforts of their children that
positively affect perception of children to learn English language. The parents need to put
efforts to enhance vocabulary of children and helps them to understand its uses in different
contexts. The development of good interpersonal relations between parents and children
positively helps to learn English language. The parents make proper planning that consist of
different to enable a child to learn English language over time (Proctor, Carlo, August and
Snow, 2005 pp. 246). The opportunities need to be given to children by parents to learn
English language independently as well.
2.6 Perception of Communities in English Learning of Child
As explained by Janagarajah (2007 pp. 923-939), the community is defined as boundaries
where child and individual grow up; therefore it affects their learning process. The language
that is used in a particular community affects the process of English language learning of a
child. The communities consist of the relatives, friends, and other members of a society that
has consistent interaction with children. If English language in frequently used in particular
society then if affects development of a child. Every individual and child has a need to be
associated with other members; therefore they adopt rules and practice that is followed in a
particular society. Therefore, if English language is commonly used by members of
community then it encourages children to learn a particular language. The community is
effective in enhancing motivational level of students. If community discourages children
efforts to learn English language then, they will not be able to get proficiency in it. The
community provides opportunities to children of real world to learn any language or skills.
The community helps to provide necessary tools to children to be easily to easily learn an
English language (Geva and YaghoubZadeh, 2006 pp. 31-57). The members of society
transfer their acquired information to children to build their skills in English language.
As described by Nystrand (2006 pp. 392-412), the quality of learning English language is
dependent on the nature of interaction with society. The community helps children to make a
clear goal with regard to learning and development of English language. There are different
types of people who exist in a society and they play a different role in the learning of child.
There are some members that motivate and facilitate children to enhance their English
language learning skills. In contrast to this, there are individuals of community that
negatively affects the growth of a child to learn particular language skills. Therefore, it is
considered as the responsibility of parents to enhance their relations with members that help

children in their learning and growth (Wright, 2007 pp. 1-26). Furthermore, parents need to
reduce interaction with those individuals who discourage children to learn a skill.
2.7 Parents and Communities Perception regarding the Development English Language
Culture of the Primary and Middle Schools
As explained by Ambreen and Mohyuddin (2013 pp.140-147), the children of primary and
secondary schools have huge interaction with teachers as well as parents. Therefore, their
behavior and perception with respect to learning English language has a contribution in
child's development. The parents perception regarding English education motivated them to
identify and choose schools that encourage English language learning in primary and
secondary schools. The perception of parents regarding the development of English language
culture in schools in dependent on the important that is given by them. If parents that English
language does not play any significant role in children's life then it adversely affects children
to learn this skill. On the other hand, parents who are aware with respect to the importance
and role of English language at international level emphasize children to learn this skill.
The honesty and sincerity of principle and teachers are required to develop the culture to
learn English language in schools. If the schools take English language learning as
unnecessary activity then it negatively affects the learning of English language in schools. It
is identified in one research that communities and parents optimistic perceptions are vital for
the educational success of children (Munir and Ur Rehman, 2015 pp. 637-650). The parents
and individuals of society who provides help and support to children leads towers an easily
adoption of English language.
2.8 Research Gaps
The research gap examines areas that have not covered by past studies related to the parents
and communities perception about the importance of English language in primary and
secondary schools. The past research studies has developed an understanding with respect o
parental role and learning of English language by children. The past studies have identified
the significance of parents and communities perception about the importance of English
language of a child but they have not involved evaluation of a particular area or city. There
are few studies in past that have covered areas of with respect to the perception of parents and
communities to understand to develop skill of English language among children. Therefore,
this study has been taken into consideration to explore aspects with regard to parents and
community perception in the growth of skills among children.
2.9 Chapter Summary
The motivation as well as support of parents enables children to learn English language
frequently during their primary and secondary schools. There are different types or theories
related to parental involvement. The types of parental involvement that have been discussed
in this study are parenting, communicating, volunteering, home learning, decision making,
and community collaboration. The behavior and actions of members of community either
make a positive or negative contribution in learning of English language among children. The

education is considered as important because it positively contributes in achievements of

children. The education is important because it helps to enhance confidence among
individuals. The education has become like basic necessity to survive and live in a society.
Furthermore, it is discussed in literature that English language has also become an
indispensible part of a particular individual or society. The significance of English language
is analyzed in a way that, it is used as a common language over the world. It is evaluated that
both parents and communities can encourage or discourage children to learn a particular
during the stages of primary and secondary schools. The third chapter will determine the
research methodology adopted for the completion of present study.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

The third chapter of the research encompasses the process and procedures utilized by the
researcher while accomplishing the particular study. This chapter undertakes the philosophy,
approach and strategy along with data analysis procedures employed by the researcher in
order to satisfy the predefined objectives of the study. As the present study aspires to evaluate
the perceptions possessed by parents and the society regarding the adoption of English
language in primary and middle schools within the vicinity of Faisalabad the methodology of
the current research is mentioned as under
3.2 Research Philosophy
In context of the present study the researcher has utilized positivism as the research
paradigm. The reason behind using this philosophy for the study refers to the nature of the
study which reflects the study being quantitative. In addition to this, the positivism enabled
the researcher to relay the analysis of the gathered quantitative data on the basis of
mathematical findings. Therefore, the utilization of this philosophy empowers the researcher
to develop such fruitful study and satisfy the predefined objectives of the study. Saunders,
Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2011 pp. 5) stated that selection of an appropriate research
philosophy represents the mindset of the researcher while analyzing the gathered data.
Thereby, using positivism philosophy permits the researcher to analyze the data without any
personal prejudices and biasness
3.3 Research Approach
As the present study aspires to evaluate the perceptions of parents and society regarding the
adoption of English language in primary and middle schools, the researcher has chosen
inductive approach as research approach for the present study. The inductive research
approach facilitates the researcher to focus upon the areas of core importance in reference to
predefined research objectives and questions. The theory formulated in this approach is based
upon the analysis and evaluations carried forward with the help of primary and secondary
data. Saunders, Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2011 pp. 5) justified that the adoption of the
inductive research approach enables the researcher to test the gathered data after the
formulation of theory.
3.4 Research Design
In context of present study, the explanatory and descriptive research designs have been
adopted by the researcher, this is because both the research designs enabled the researcher to
investigate regarding the identified research problem in detail. Furthermore, the chosen
research design also facilitates the researcher by providing a multi dimensional picture
relating to the issue as it also undertakes the usage of secondary information. The study of
Hair Jr, Wolfinbarger, Money, Samouel and Page (2015 pp. 123) explained that the chosen
research design empowers the researcher to identify the effects of the variables chosen within
a research.
3.5 Research Strategy

As far as the present research is concerned, survey strategy is used by the researcher in order
to gather the required data. As the present study aspires to investigate the perceptions
possessed by parents and society regarding the adoption of English language in primary and
middle schools the survey strategy requires the circulation of the questionnaires amongst the
respondents of the study. In addition to this, the survey strategy also empowered the
researcher to analyze the gathered data with an ease, as this strategy quantifies the responses
gathered from the respondents upon the established ranking scale. On the other hand, the
adoption of other research strategies would have made the present study more complex and
time consuming. As expressed by Bryman and Bell (2015 pp. 56) survey strategy refers to the
time effective approach deployed by the researcher in order to collect the data.

3.6 Sources of Data Collection

The source of data collection refers to all the resources through which the data has been
extracted by the researcher in order to satisfy the predefined goals and objectives of the study.
In context of present research development of this research undertook the data from the
primary sources and well as from the secondary sources. The secondary sources of data
include all the information collected from the books, journal articles and certain online
sources. The secondary sources of data entail the refined information processed by the prior
researcher in the common domain. On the other hand, the primary data utilized in this
research is accumulated with the help of the respondents of the study. The adoption of both
the data sources enabled the researcher to get the multi dimensional picture of the issue as the
secondary data reflects the point of view possessed by the prior researchers, whereas the
primary data portrays the perceptions of the respondents. According to Hair Jr, Wolfinbarger,
Money, Samouel and Page (2015 pp. 123), the sources of data collections adds a substantial
value in reliability of the research, as it supports the research with the opinions expressed by
the previous researchers.
3.7 Data Collection Method
The data collection method plays a significant role in the progressive development of the
research. As the present study is concerned, the secondary data have been gathered with the
help of prior researches and books. However, the primary data is collected with the help of
the questionnaires comprising of close-ended structured questions. These questions were
evaluated on the basis of likert scale ranked from one being strongly agreed to five which
demonstrates the notion of strong disagreements. The utilization of questions for data
collection enabled the researcher to gather the data relevant to the present study.
3.8 Sample
The subset of the entire population is called the sample. In context of present study, the
sample size comprises of approximately 40 respondents from the population of such areas
specifically having two public primary and two public middle schools in the vicinity of

Faisalabad Pakistan. In addition to this, the sample constitutes of such individuals whose
children are studying in the chosen primary and middle schools. Those respondents involve
the parents and communities as they will give their perceptions regarding the current research
issue. The estimated sample is chosen with the help of non-probability sampling technique
called convenience sampling as it has enabled the researcher to collect data with an easy
approach. Therefore, the names of the schools and the area from where the population and by
extension the sample is randomly derived as follows.

Government Girls Primary School in D Ground


Government Boys Primary School motorway colony


Government Boys Elementary School, Millat Town


Government Girls Elementary School, Nishatabad

Ethical Considerations
Ethical considerations refer to the essential part of the study. It is mandatory for the
researchers to consider all the ethical concerns while accomplishing the research. There are
three types of ethical considerations which include autonomy, anonymity and confidentiality
(Saunders, Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2011 pp. 5). Keeping their importance in mind,
the researcher has assured that none of the ethical values are desecrated. Therefore the
secrecy of the private information of the respondents along with the freedom of speech refers
to the one of the concerns assured by the researcher.
3.9 Data Analysis
After the collection of data, data analysis is carried forward by the researcher. In context of
present study, the researcher has utilized the statistical software called SPSS in order to
evaluate the responses gathered from the respondents. The adoption of the statistical
instrument enabled the researcher to pursue sound analysis of the accumulated results. It has
involved the reliability statistics and graphical representation of the data with the help of
descriptive statistics. Hair Jr, Wolfinbarger, Money, Samouel and Page (2015 pp. 123) stated
that selection of an appropriate data analyzing tool facilitates in extracting relevant research
findings and results.
3.10 Chapter Summary
The analysis of the chapter reveals the entire methodology used by the researcher in order to
satisfy the predefined goals and objectives of the study. Initially, it has been observed that
author has adopted a systematic research methodology for the assortment of relevant research
data and information. It has been identified that the researcher has used positivism as the
philosophy of the research, whereas the inductive research approach has also been applied by
the researcher. Likewise, the author has implemented the survey strategy as the action plan
and explanatory as research design. In addition to this, questionnaires refer to the data
collection instrument formulated by the researcher whereas the analysis of the gathered is

carried forward with the help of SPSS. The upcoming section is named as data analysis
chapter in which collected information and data is analyzed and findings are interpreted. The
next chapter will explore the research results and findings.

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