Cuisine Syria Info Menu Four Seasons Ramadan Set Menu 1 20140623

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Ramadan Set menu 1

SYP Inclusive taxes 2400

On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots
Juices and drinks
To be served on the tables
Kamar eldien, erk sous
Tamer Hindi (tamarind drink)
(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Cream corn soup
Choice of western and Arabic breads on the tables
Syrian Mezzeh on the table
Hummus, Moutabal, Keshkeh, eggplant Moutabaq, Mouhamarah
Mixed pickles, Fatuosh, Tabouleh, beetroot motaball
Spinch be alzet, Capsicum salad, Moudrdara
Hot mezzeh station
Fattah humus Station
Damascene Foul Station
Kebbeh hamis
Burak bel lahmeh
Chicken finger
Cheese burack
Main course station
Shrhaat be allben
Vegetable chicken with lemon sauce
White rice
Assorted of freshly oriental Ramadan dessert (family style
Ramadan Set menu 2
2400SYP Inclusive taxes
On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots
Juices and drinks
To be served on the tables
Kamar eldien, erk sous
Tamer Hindi (tamarind drink)
(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Cream mushroom soup
Choice of western and Arabic breads on the tables
Syrian Mezzeh on the table
,Hummus, Baba ganoush, njwmieh , Mouhamarah
,Swiss chard bel zet, mixed pickles, Armenian salad, Tabouleh
Artichoke Istanboly, fakhdet tart or, Sorkey, Argula salad
Hot mezzeh station
Fattah chicken station
Damascene Foul Station
Kebbeh hamis
Spanish Burak
Fish finger
Potato cheese ball
Main course stayion
Basmshkat with mashed potato
Grilled chicken with baked potato and chili sauce
White rice
Assorted of freshly oriental Ramadan dessert (family style)

SYP Inclusive taxes 2400

Ramadan Set menu 3

On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots
Juices and drinks
To be served on the tables
Kamar eldien, erk sous
Tamer Hindi (tamarind drink)
(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Clear Vegetable soup
Choice of western and Arabic breads on the tables
Syrian Mezzeh on the table
Hummus, potato Moutabal, Mthoumeh, eggplant Moutabaq, Mouhamarah, Mixed pickles, oriental salad,
Tabouleh, kebbet adds, Capsicum salad, chicken with tararour , Azaz Olives salad
Hot mezzeh station
Fattah daoud basha Station
Damascene Foul Station
Kebbeh hamis
Chicken mouskhan
Lafaief sojoqu
Main course station
Stuffed chicken Oozie
Vegetable rice
Lahmet hanano
Assorted of freshly oriental Ramadan dessert (family style)
Ramadan Set menu 4
Inclusive 2400
On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots
Juices and drinks
To be served on the tables
Kamar eldien, erk sous
Tamer Hindi (tamarind drink)
(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Chicken vermicelli soup
Choice of western and Arabic breads on the tables
Syrian Mezzeh on the table
Hummus berrouty, beetroot Mutable, labeh with herbs, olive salad, Mouhamarah, Spanish be alzet, Mixed
pickles, aragula salad , Tabouleh, Yalnji,okra be alzet , Fatouche Halabi
Hot mezzeh station
Fattah mackdous Station
Damascene Foul Station
Kebbeh hamis
Cheese burak
Lafaiefe be alsojuk
Habret samack
Main course station
mougrbieh with Lamb chunks
Grilled chicken with smoked sauce
Mandy rice
Assorted of freshly oriental Ramadan dessert (family style)
Inclusive 2400
On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots
Juices and drinks
To be served on the tables
Kamar eldien, erk sous
Tamer Hindi (tamarind drink)

Ramadan Set menu 5

(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Cream spinach soup
Choice of western and Arabic breads on the tables
Syrian Mezzeh on the table
Hummus, eggplant Mutable, keshkeh, kabet adds, Mouhamarah, okra be alzet, Mixed pickles, fatoush ,
Tabouleh, Yalnji, Armanieh Salad ,beetroot moutabal
Hot mezzeh station
Fattah humus station
,Damascene Foul station
Kebbeh hamis
Chicken finger
Meet burak
Main course station
Bash & askrou
Whit rice
Rousted chicken Morocco style with vegetable
Assorted of freshly oriental Ramadan dessert (family style)
Ramadan Set menu 6
Inclusive 2400
On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots
Juices and drinks
To be served on the tables
Kamar eldien, erk sous
Tamer Hindi (tamarind drink)
(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Cream potato soup
Choice of western and Arabic breads on the tables
Syrian Mezzeh on the table
Hummus, baba ganusgh, njwmieh, chicken with tartour, Mouhamarah, eggplant moutbak, Mixed pickles,
aramnieh salad, Tabouleh, Yalnji,argula salad, olive salad
Hot mezzeh station
Fattah hummus station
Damascene Foul station
Kebbeh hamis
Chicken mouskhan
Lafaief sojoquk
Cheese burack
Main course station
Moulokieh with chicken
Whit rice
Grilled fish with hara sauce
Assorted of freshly oriental Ramadan dessert (family style)
Ramadan Set menu 7
Inclusive 2400
On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots
Juices and drinks
To be served on the tables
Kamar eldien, erk sous
Tamer Hindi (tamarind drink)
(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Carrots soup
Choice of western and Arabic breads on the tables

Syrian Mezzeh on the table

Hummus, baba ganusgh, keshkeh, fhdet tartour , Mouhamarah, olive salad , Mixed pickles, fatoush,
Tabouleh, Yalnji,beetroot moutabal ,argula salad
Hot mezzeh station
Fattah chicken station
Damascene Foul station
Kebbeh hamis
Chicken finger
Moufrket mushroom
Spinach burack
Main course station
Kabbeh labanieh
Vermicelli rice
Kaab algzal
Assorted of freshly oriental Ramadan dessert (family style)
Ramadan Set menu 8
SYP Inclusive taxes 2400
On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots
Juices and drinks
To be served on the tables
Kamar eldien, erk sous
Tamer Hindi (tamarind drink)
(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Cream corn soup
Choice of western and Arabic breads on the tables
Syrian Mezzeh on the table
Hummus, eggplant moutbal, keshkeh, beetroot moutabal , Mouhamarah, Swiss chard be alzet , Mixed
pickles, fatoush, Tabouleh, Yalnji
Hot mezzeh station
Fattah mackdous station
Damascene Foul station
Kebbeh hamis
Fish finger
Habret samack
Meet burack
Main Courses Station
Whit rice
Braised morocco chicken
Shrhat with mushroom and lemon sauce
Assorted of freshly oriental Ramadan dessert (family style)
Ramadan Set menu 9
SYP Inclusive taxes 2400
On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots
Juices and drinks
To be served on the tables
Kamar eldien, erk sous
Tamer Hindi (tamarind drink)
(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Chicken vermicelli soup
Choice of western and Arabic breads on the tables
Syrian Mezzeh on the table
Hummus, Baba ganousgh, njwmieh, kabet ads, Mouhamarah, chicken tartour, Mixed pickles, fatoush,
Tabouleh, Yalnji,moudrdara , Sorkey

Hot mezzeh station

(French service )
Fattah daod basha station
Damascene Foul station
Kebbeh hamis
Lafaief sojoquk
Habret samack
Cheese burack
Main Courses Station
Tbakh roho with lamb chunks
Whit rice
Friekeh with grilled chicken
Assorted of freshly oriental Ramadan dessert (family style)
Ramadan Set menu 10
2400SYP Inclusive of taxes
On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots
Juices and drinks
To be served on the tables
Kamar eldien, erk sous
Tamer Hindi (tamarind drink)
(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Cream mushroom soup
Choice of western and Arabic breads on the tables
Syrian Mezzeh on the table
Hummus, eggplant moutabal , labneh with herbs, capsicum salad , Mouhamarah, arty choky astanbuly ,
Mixed pickles, fatoush, Tabouleh, Yalnji, olive salad , Argula salad
Hot mezzeh station
Fattah humus station
Damascene Foul station
Kebbeh hamis
Potato cheese ball
Chicken finger
Spinach burack
Main Courses Station
Whit fish with hara sauce
Syadieh rice
Grilled chicken with mushroom sauce, suttee vegetable
Assorted of freshly oriental Ramadan dessert (family style)
Iftar Buffet Menu 1
3000SYP Inclusive of taxes
On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots, dried plum
Juices and drinks station
Kmer Eldien
(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Mushroom soup
Flowered oriental bread (zaatr, spices, saj) pita bread
Cold appetizers
Mixed green salad, Caesar salad, different dressing, Grilled garden salad
,Hummus Shaba, Tabouleh, Baba Ganough, Fattouch

Yalenji, chicken with tarrtour, njwmieh, kabet adds, Arugula salad, mixed pickles
Foul and Fattah station
Fattah bel samneh
Traditional Syrian foul served from the pot in bowls with
Yogurt sauce or olive oil and lemon juice with the condiments
Shawarm station with condiments
Hot appetizers
Kebbeh Hamis
Cheese Burak
Chicken finger
Moufrket mushroom
Habret samack
Main courses
Kebbeh labanieh
Vermicelli rice
Kaab algzal
Steamed vegetable
Yabrak with shrhat
Oriental home-made dessert
Halawa Bel Jeben with kishta
Kataief Assafiri
Kunafa Osmalya
Madluka with kishta
Kunafa nabulsie
Coconut harissa
International Dessert
Opera cake
Chocolate mousse
Strawberry chocolate mousse
Choux a la crme
Seasonal Fruit tart
Oriental Ice Cream and international Station (live)
Bouza Arabie
Selection of ice cream
SYP Inclusive of taxes 3000

Iftar Buffet Menu 2

On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots, dried plum
Juices and drinks station
Kmer Eldien
(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Vegetable soup
Flowered oriental bread (zaatr, spices, saj) pita bread
Cold appetizers
Mixed green salad, Caesar salad, different dressing, Classic Caprese, spinach salad with exotic fruits blue
cheese sauce

Hummus, eggplant mutable, Tabouleh, beetroot moutabal, Armanieh salad,Yalenji, Fhadet tarrtour, keskeh
, olive salad , Arugula salad, mixed pickles
Foul and Fattah station
Fattah mackdous
Traditional Syrian foul served from the pot in bowls with
Yogurt sauce or olive oil and lemon juice with the condiments
Shawarm station with condiments
Hot appetizers
Kebbeh Hamis
Lafaiefe be alsojuk
Chicken finger
Cheese burack
Grilled lamb liver with tomato sauce
Main courses
Bsmashkat with crushed potato
Lemon rice
White fish with lemon sauce
Grilled vegetable
Friekeh with lamb chunks
Oriental home-made
Halawa Bel Jeben with kishta
Kataief Assafiri
Kunafa Osmalya
Madluka with kishta
Kunafa nabulsie
Coconut harissa
International Dessert
Opera cake
Chocolate mousse
Strawberry chocolate mousse
Choux a la crme
Seasonal Fruit tart
Oriental Ice Cream and international Station (live)
Bouza Arabie
Selection of ice cream
Iftar Buffet Menu 3
SYP Inclusive of taxes 3000
On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots, dried plum
Juices and drinks station
Kmer Eldien
(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Chicken with vermicelli soup
Flowered oriental bread (zaatr, spices, saj) pita bread
Cold appetizers
Mixed green salad, Caesar salad, different dressing, Egg noodles salad with teriyaki chicken, Artichokes
salad with ginger mayo dressing

Hummus, Baba ganoush, Tabouleh, Capsicum salad, fatoush salad,Yalenji, mohammra , labneh with herbs
., olive salad , Arugula salad, mixed pickles
Foul and Fattah station
Fattah chicken
Traditional Syrian foul served from the pot in bowls with
Yogurt sauce or olive oil and lemon juice with the condiments
Shawarm station with condiments
Hot appetizers
Kebbeh Hamis
Potato cheese ball
Fish finger
Spinach burack
Chicken mouskhan
Harack be asbaoo
Main courses
Stuffed chicken roll
Oozy rice
Shrhat with mushroom and lemon sauce
Kubbeh moshmashieh
Kofta Anadoul
Oriental home-made
Halawa Bel Jeben with kishta
Kataief Assafiri
Kunafa Osmalya
Madluka with kishta
Kunafa nabulsie
Coconut harissa
International Dessert
Opera cake
Chocolate mousse
Strawberry chocolate mousse
Choux a la crme
Seasonal Fruit tart
Oriental Ice Cream and international Station (live)
Bouza Arabie
Selection of ice cream
Iftar Buffet Menu 4
On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots, dried plum
Juices and drinks station
Kmer Eldien
(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Cream corn soup
Flowered oriental bread (zaatr, spices, saj) pita bread
Cold appetizers
,Mixed green salad, Caesar salad, different dressing

Grilled garden salad, nicoise salad

Hummus, Baba ganoush, Tabouleh, Capsicum salad, fatoush salad,Yalenji, mohammra , labneh with herbs
., olive salad , Arugula salad, mixed pickles
Foul and Fattah station
Fattah chicken
Traditional Syrian foul served from the pot in bowls with
Yogurt sauce or olive oil and lemon juice with the condiments
Shawarm station with condiments
Hot appetizers
Kebbeh Hamis
Chicken finger
Meet burack
Habret samack
Grilled sausage with pomegranate sauce
Moufrket potato
Main courses
Mahshi be Oobo
White rice
Grilled chicken mouskhan
Shkriea be almozat
Mix baked vegetable
Oriental home-made
Halawa Bel Jeben with kishta
Kataief Assafiri
Kunafa Osmalya
Madluka with kishta
Kunafa nabulsie
Coconut harissa
International Dessert
Opera cake
Chocolate mousse
Strawberry chocolate mousse
Choux a la crme
Seasonal Fruit tart
Oriental Ice Cream and international Station (live)
Bouza Arabie
Selection of ice cream
Iftar Buffet Menu 5
3000SYP Inclusive taxes
On the table
Dates, dried figs, dried apricots, dried plum
Juices and drinks station
Kmer Eldien
(French service )
Syrian lentil soup
Cream corn soup
Flowered oriental bread (zaatr, spices, saj) pita bread
Cold appetizers

,Mixed green salad, Caesar salad, different dressing

Classic tomatoes caprese, Vegetable tagliatelle with pesto roast chicken, green beans and potatoes
Hummus, Baba ganoush, Tabouleh, Capsicum salad, fatoush salad,Yalenji, mohammra , labneh with herbs
., olive salad , Arugula salad, mixed pickles
Foul and Fattah station
Fattah chicken
Traditional Syrian foul served from the pot in bowls with
Yogurt sauce or olive oil and lemon juice with the condiments
Shawarma station with condiments
Hot appetizers
Kebbeh Hamis
Lafayef Soujok bel Jebneh
Cheese burack
Chicken mouskhan
Spinach burack
Fish finger
Main courses
Ablama (stuffed zucchini)
White rice
Grilled morocco chicken with vegetable
Arman be almozat
Daoud Basha
Oriental home-made
Halawa Bel Jeben with kishta
Kataief Assafiri
Kunafa Osmalya
Madluka with kishta
Kunafa nabulsie
Coconut harissa
International Dessert
Opera cake
Chocolate mousse
Strawberry chocolate mousse
Choux a la crme
Seasonal Fruit tart
Oriental Ice Cream and international Station (live)
Bouza Arabie
Selection of ice cream

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