Dear Clubbies

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Dear Clubbies,

hop all r fine

had a good time with u ppl.

besides i wanna share with u few thins. pl don think i m

exaggeratin/advisin/criticisin, etc. I jus wanna share so that it ll be useful

hop u too felt how the showdown was..

don be worried. in our batch also v had 1 or 2 showdowns which v ourselves were
not satisfied.
yet from the audience pt of view, those were n ur inaug were good.
jus take care of following so tat the future shows shall hit n ultimately satisfy.

i found many thins were missin ... not been passed on to u properly ... myt be
an improper transfer of knowledge from batch to batch. Try to avoid it in
future. Transfer it properly to the successors.

1. stage presence:
wat ever practise u do, either enough to the self or not, u should show urself on
stage, wel versed in wat u r doin.
be confident. atleast pretend to be confident. audience should c u playin n singin
casually. don show awkward faces or actions even to the mixer
singers shall utilise the complete front stage. tat will project a good stage
appearance. if its a duet, group, all lead singers shall be equally on front stage.
irrespective of mistakes happenin in mixin, notes, timin, etc., show a lively n
confident action n face oly always.
always keep a lively n as much as possi smilin face. ur face should show that u r
playin casually n u r not playin in stress.

2. Mixin:
sound check should be done atleast 30 mins before the schedules time of show and
one of u shall be at the center of the audi observin induvidual instrument and direct
for volume level . once sound check n adjustment is over, no instrument should
touch their individual volume control
all change in level ll be thru mixer as per the direction given by OURS
if some problem in output don expose the problem to audience. continue playin.
audience should never feel that without that instrument also the song can be done.
the problem of mixer always happens.
tat will come oly by practise. it should be ours to decide the level n he should adjust
accordin to our directions.
one of us (shall change per song) should always sit wit the mixer.

3. Level:
level we set in instruments especially for pad is v imp. for practise in club u ll set it
more. but on stage u sd reduce it.hop u kno it. so set the stage 1 hr before show n
adjust pad level peacefully, guided by one of us from center auditorium.
i found few rythm fm pad out of scale of the song. pl tak care the beats on the
rythm too have scales to be merged with scale of the song.

4. Bass :
a lot of concentration is needed, especially in taking notes . sit with a keyboard, key
boardist, bass guitar, bass guitarist n take notes. no matter if it takes long time.
it may even take 5 days for a song. practise a lot once u r done wit notes.
Concentrate on notes. Practice until u r confident abt it. Den proceed for slide, slap
n picks.
Tre r some critical thins like start n stop of slide too sd be properly on note, etc. tat ll
come by practice.
5. singers :

U were showing good interest. Yet practice a lot to stand on scale. Every moment of
the song , u sd tak care tat u r not falling out of scale. If u do sufficient practice, den
tat ll tak u in proper scale n v shall tak care of rest viz., style etc.
Singers ll be noted in priority by the audience. Always render a lively
appearance n sing.
Never show ur back to audience.
Also concentrate on energy level of voice, dynamics of vocal parts of the
N a major mistak which singers would do in cludin me had done is tat, till the
finishin of every line, v sd give complete controlled energy. Tre is a human tendency
to fade away the voice energy towards the finishin of every line.

I was v happy tat all are energetic n enthusiastic. Utilize tat completely in practice.
Den oly v shall b happy n satisfied rather than oly audience get. Continue the spirit.
Practice well. Keep rockin.
Tre may be many thins GOOD n BAD out of my knoleg too. Nobody is perfect. Jus
take my words as suggestions. Don develop hatred too
Let me repeat n b clear. M not findin fault. These mistakes v have also done. Jus try
to put these into actions. Hop tat ll make outcome better, which would provide self
satisfaction indeed.
Love u all
Asfaq Thahir M.,
CIT Music Octaves - 09

Note: shall be shared to all ppl including all yrs in club. A print out being
taken to club n discussed is highly appreciable.

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