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Decoding Consumer Behaviour

Towards Toilet Seat Sanitizer

Consumer Behaviour
A research paper submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the
Submitted to:
Prof. Dr. M.N. Tripathi
Submitted by:
Pratik Agarwal
Pareenay Mehrotra
Sanjit Kumar Sahoo
Ankur Bijoy Patel
Kamal Narayan Rath
Chetan Gupta

Executive Summary

In India, the issue of hygiene and sanitation in common shared toilets have long been an area
of concern.

As we move away from the traditional Indian style of toilets to Western

commodes, the issue of hygiene, especially in the case of toilet seats has emerged as a focal
point. It is no surprise that women are particularly prone to illnesses emanating from bacterial
infections from toilet seats. Urinary tract infection is the most common form of infection due
to unhygienic toilet conditions. It is estimated to affect 150 million people every year and a
majority of whom are women.
As women increasingly take up jobs that require travel, the usage of common toilets be it at
airports, workplace, hostels, malls have seen a tremendous increase. This therefore
automatically raises the question regarding the awareness towards products which can protect
women from infections due to unhygienic toilet seats.


To find out the attitude in terms of hygiene while using public and shared restrooms.
To analyse the probable dangers associated with the use of common toilet seat in form

of infections or disease.
To find out the latest research and developments going on towards improvising

hygiene conditions for public and shared restrooms toilet seat sanitizing apparatus.
To gauge the behavioural pattern while using such products.
To explore health safety for women in workplace, hostels, malls, airport etc. in regard
to toilet sanitation, particularly how women perceive risks associated with the use of

Literature Review
Source 1: Article on Public toilet seat sanitizers Do they work or is it Peace of Mind?
By: Briana Smith, Social Media & Product Branding Specialist, WAXIE Sanitary Supply
Date: May 15, 2014
Overview: This article talks about the dilemma which people have in case of using the public
restroom. Many a time people try to hold it out for long, in order to avoid the usage of public
restroom. If they have to use one, they look out for ways to use the seats, they would clean

the seat covers with the toilet paper. They would put sanitizers on to the toilet paper and they
would clean the seats with it.
Another problem that women faced was the fact that most of the seat covers would
automatically rise up if not in use and they would manually have to pull it down, in order to
use them. Men are not that particular when it comes to using the seat. Women in addition
have to take care of their handbags as they dont want germs to accumulate if they were to
put it on the floors. Thereby, it gets difficult for women to use the sanitizers effectively.
Source 2: Germ guy- on what diseases you can catch from public toilets.
By: Vik Adhopia, CBC News
Date: Aug 03, 2015
Overview: This article laments the fact that toilet seats are indeed a great source of human
bacterial populations, which happens to exist in the form of fecal bacteria. There always
exists a minute risk for the human beings getting exposes to bacterial infection after getting
up from the toilet seat. This is due to flushing of a fully loaded toilet always sends small
water molecules airborne along with bacteria that can travel up to two meters. This always
generates a high risk for human beings for getting exposed to the bacteria.
This article also discusses the fact that there also exists a slight chance that the toilets can
give rise to yeast population at the front of the bowl and this can also touch the genitals of
human beings. And if this happens there is a chance for human beings for getting exposed to
the infections.
Source 3: Are public restrooms a health hazard?
Author: Nicky Pilkington
Overview: This article discusses about the fears of coming in contact with sexually
transmitted diseases from a public washroom. The greater concern is for those bacteria that
can be transferred in faeces. People those who are infected with bacteria, can transmit the
bacteria on their hands to flushing handles and door handles.
This articles also talks about odour that comes from the washrooms that can be caused by
urine in tile grouting. If the washrooms floors are not properly cleaned, then the uric acid
salts cannot be properly removed and in turn these salts provides food source for these

Source 4: Patent on public restroom toilet seat sanitizing apparatus.

Patent Details:
Publication No.
Publication Type
Application No.
Publication Date

US8079094 B2
US 11/907, 009
Dec 20, 2011

Overview: This invention relates to public restroom toilets and, more particularly, to
apparatus for sanitizing and cleansing the toilet seats within of generally sexually transmitted
germs, virus and bacteria.
The article states that many people in need of using common toilet facilities hesitate to do so
because of the fear that the sitting on the toilet seat might result in the catching of generally
sexually transmitted diseases, resulting from germs, virus and bacteria left on the seat by
previous occupants. In those circumstances where the toilet seat is nevertheless used, many of
the attending public first attempt to cover the seat with toilet paper, while others first rinse the
toilet paper in an adjacent sink before washing down the seat. The article then discusses
various problems and discomfort for women that arise under such circumstances. Although
the invention filed as a patent is the design of toilet seat sanitizing apparatus, the insights
generated form the article is very helpful to understand the general behaviour and experiences
of women under such conditions.
Source 5: Indian Health Journal, article on Urinary Tract Infection- An Evaluation.
Date: March 14, 2013.
Author: Ashok Kumar, Dept. of Biotechnology, Himachal Institute of Life Sciences, Paonta
Overview: This article explores the harmful impacts of urinary tract infection and its sources.
Urinary tract infection is defined as the colonization of an invasion of the structures in the
urinary tract by microorganisms (Metha et al. 1981). The term UTI refers to infections of the
lower urinary tract the bladder and urethra. UTI could be described based on the part of the
tract affected, for upper tract it is called Pyelonephritis and the lower part, cystitis (Stamm,
1998). There are an estimated 150 million urinary tract infections per annum worldwide.
Warren et al., (1990) reported that in the United States, urinary tract infections result in
approximately 8 million physician visits per year. Much of this increase has been related to
emerging antibiotic resistance in urinary tract pathogens. Women tend to have UTIs more
often than men because bacteria can reach the bladder more easily in women. This is partially

due to the short and wider female urethra and its proximity to anus. In the developing
countries, the disease has more prevalence due to poor personal hygiene, life style, and malnutrition and poor sanitary conditions. The disease is caused by variety of microorganisms
and at different location of urinary tract system.
Source 6: The hazards of Bathroom Seats by: Robert H. Shmerling, M.D. Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center
Date: January 13, 2011
Overview: The article depicts the common perception in the minds of users of toilet seat
facilities that a common or shared toilet is unclean and the person is likely to choose to avoid
direct contact. As it says:
If you find yourself in the unpleasant situation of having to use what is clearly an unclean
toilet, you may choose to avoid direct contact and, if available, use a covering on the seat.
Recognize, however, that although the hygiene of those who preceded you may be
disappointing, you have little to fear.
The article further explores various health hazards, which can be caused by infections from
sharing toilets. Although, it explains that the risks associated with the transmission of such
diseases are minimal, the perceived risk by women is very high.
One recent poll reported that the majority of the U.S. population never make contact with a
public toilet seat, reflecting a remarkable amount of fear. Such fear may reflect concern
about the risk of acquiring an illness, misunderstanding about how such illnesses are
contracted and a high degree of suspicion about the people who previously used the toilet.

Analysis and Interpretation

Women take more precautions than men for better sanitation facilities.
They also perceive high risks associated in form of bacterial infections that may arise

due to unhygienic sanitary conditions.

There lies a genuine fear in the minds of users of toilet seat sanitary facilities that a
shared or common facility is more likely to be unclean and unhygienic. They may also

avoid direct contact and if possible use protection measures.

UTI is one of such bacterial infection, which has serious fatal impact.
It would be interesting to know the awareness in the minds of people regarding the
possible hazards related to unhygienic sanitization and also about the developments
that are being done to cater this problem.

Research Matrix
Decision Problem

Research Objective

Information Need



Is the product aligned 1. To
the 1.The
sanitation 1. Literature review
2. Open interview
with the consumer
awareness about
3. Focus group
the product
consumers face
4. Observation
2. How do consumers 2.Attributes
the 5. Survey


using it?
3. How do consumers


product after using

consumers seek in
the product
3.Willingness of


consumer to tackle




The research will be conducted in two different phases. The first phase will involve
exploratory research, which will give qualitative analysis using secondary data from Internet,
published sources and literature review etc. along with the primary data to be collected from
our target customers. The target customers will include pilot users of the product that will
give qualitative review on the product attributes, their satisfaction or dis-satisfaction level and
the issues concerned with their first use. The insights generated from the non-users will be
more focused on the need and awareness level of the product. Also, we will conduct a
participant observation exercise at different locations to capture some insights on the natural
setting where we expect product usage.
The exploratory research will be followed by the quantitative study. As a part of this study,
we will conduct a pilot test for the product within our target segment. Different
questionnaires will be prepared for pilot users and for non-users to gauge different
dimensions of our analysis. Surveys will be conducted to collect primary data which would
be analysed to produce answers to the above mentioned research problems.

Qualitative Research
The first phase will consist of identifying the needs for the product in the market. This will
include the analysis of published literature, which elaborates the attitudes and preferences of

our target customers. Further to this, primary data will be collected from the following

Open interview with two participants

Focus group discussion with six participants
Observation at target places

Quantitative Research
The exploratory phase will be followed by descriptive phase, which involves quantitative
analysis of various responses we receive on the survey administered by us.

Survey with 30 participants at KIIT and ITER

Qualitative Research
Qualitative research was conducted from the primary data sources. Key insights from the
various forms of research used are as follows:

Participant Observation
The major purpose of this exercise was to analyse the systematic description of events,
behaviours, and artefacts in the social setting chosen for study. It will provide the context for
development of survey guidelines and interview guidelines. The following sites were
observed in a natural setting and qualitative insights are generated to further guide the
interview and focused group discussion:
1. Malls and Multiplex - The users at any mall were observed to be more sophisticated
and looked for extreme level of hygiene. The first thing most of them noticed were the
cleanliness of the floor and then the washbasin. If they found it appropriate they
moved ahead with using the toilet. Many even requested the cleaning person in charge
to clean the seat and toilet before they used it. They even looked for tissue paper and
dustbins to guess the level of hygiene of the toilet. The frequency of cleaning was
high but suffered when there was peak time of a movie interval etc.
2. Workplace - The toilets are observed to be more cleaned and hygienic. Apart from
cleaning, care is also taken to keep the air fresh and pleasant. Women generally
checked the washbasin and the floor to guess the cleanliness of the toilet. They also
request the person in charge to do a personal cleaning if required. The frequency of
cleaning was highest as the person in charge cleaned the toilet almost after every use.
3. Hostels, dorms or shared residential apartment - The frequency of cleaning was
found to be the least among the three. It was roughly once or twice a day. The users
were also less. The users did not have any other option but to use the toilet hence they

followed unwritten rules so that the toilets are clean enough for everyone's use and
each of them is comfortable. Air fresheners were kept to keep the air fresh. They did
not use the toilet under extreme unhygienic conditions and moved to other toilets.

Unstructured long form conversational interviews

We conducted two such interviews to generate behavioural insights and individual
perceptions that arise in the minds of women while using common sanitary facilities. Face to
face interviews were conducted to capture the insights from Class/Sec A/B women using
shared hostel sanitary facilities or might have been used to share toilets at workplaces.
Candidate Selection
Based on background research, we identified the ideal candidates to answer the questions and
to give a representing opinion of that particular group. Various possible demographics of
people were interviewed classified on the following factors:
1. Hostel residents
2. Professionals at workplace
3. Frequent travellers
The interview questions were of two formats
1. Traditional: These were a predetermined set of questions present throughout all
2. Laddering: These were free-thinking questions which were asked on obtaining certain
responses from interviewees
The following are the insights generated from these interviews; transcripts of the interviews
can be referred in Appendix I.
Key Inferences:
Key Places Identified:

Railway stations

Willingness to try and regular use:


Willingness to try the product is very high as all the members showed a strong

inclination towards trying the product.

All of them doubted the efficiency of such a product in public places and also found
the idea of carrying the product uncomfortable signalling that the product can face a
tough time generating regular users.

Other Derived Implications:

Users are looking for a product to be kept in the toilets and not something, which they

have to carry.
Along with killing infection, toilets should also look clean and dry.
Indian toilets are more preferred than western toilets for public use.

In-depth telephonic interviews

In order to analyse behaviour and capture the insights from target group, we conducted
telephonic interviews. The interviews were taken in a manner where no initial context was
given to the interviewees regarding the product. They were asked about their habits and needs
related to hygiene. The insights generated from this exercise are:
Insights drawn:
Based on the conversation with the interviewee we have summed up following insights and
factors that determine the prospective attributes of a toilet seat sanitizer. The insights drawn
are specific to Sec A/ B consumer class and thus cannot be extended to other economic
1. Where do they find issues with toilet hygiene?
They are not very afraid of using the toilet at home as they know with whom they are
sharing the toilet. They prefer to avoid public toilets, which they find are very
unhygienic. Their major contact with public toilets occurs in offices and malls. In
offices with dedicated cleaner they dont find any problem with the hygiene. But with
offices catering to larger employee base, they are reluctant to use the commode and
they dont preferably sit on it to use it. In malls with high footfalls, its the same case.
2. How do they currently behave when they see unclean toilets?
If they find the toilet seat wet, they either skip the particular commode or in case of no
other option they dont sit on it. But they are reluctant to use any wipe off tissue to
make it dry.
3. Perceived health issues with using unclean toilets?

Rashes on the body. Skin diseases. Due to unhygienic surroundings they may also get
infected with disease of the person who has used that toilet previously. No particular
urinal disease they identify with.
4. What remedial measures do they think of currently?
Proper cleaning staff should be maintained at public places. In India toilet usage
manners are absent. Places are in general dirty and it can be resolved only when
people learn to behave in a healthy manner. On an individual level they cannot think
of any product, which can aid hygiene under such conditions.
5. Sanitizers role in todays general routine?
It can be used on hands only before eating etc. Using it on any surface etc. is
something, which makes them too sensitive to hygiene. For toilet seats they wont
prefer to use sanitizers on tissue and wipe off.
On providing the context of a spray on product for toilet seats further insights were given by

Such kind of product is good only when it dries quickly after usage.
It should be handy and be available in a comfortable packing

Focused Group Discussions

The focus group helped the participants to bring out their feelings about their relevant
experiences in this category and they were quite willing to do that as the topic was very close
to them. Essentially, the focus group helped us understand how our target segment looks at a
particular feature, what value they derive from it and how much important it is for them.
Also, the focus group helped us confirm our hypotheses on a qualitative level. Written means
were used to record the session. Some of the guidelines followed during the focus group
session were:

Establish rapport with the interviewees

Set objectives
Probe the respondents and provoke intense discussion in the relevant areas
Attempt to summarize the groups response to determine the extent of disagreement

We conducted a focus group interview in order to understand the user perception behind toilet
hygiene and also the viability of the concept of toilet seat sanitizer.
Size 6 members
Time Duration 30mins


Jayashree Sahoo
Archana Tripathy
Ankita Pattnaik
Swapnali Mohapatra
Ipsita Mishra
Kritika Singh

Moderator Pratik Agarwal

Setting the Focus Group:
We made sure that the focus group was homogeneous in terms of socio-economic
characteristics viz. they were all students in the age group 22-28 years.
Key Insights:
1. Meaning of hygiene: All the 6 members had agreed that the hygiene was most
essential when it comes to toilet use especially in a common area. All of them wanted
dry seat and scented air to ensure the use is hygienic. 50% (3/6) said that they would
strictly wish to have dustbins and tissues in the toilet they use. The other half
considered tissues to be added factor of hygiene.
2. Most unhygienic toilet places: All members generated the following list of places,
which they consider are most unhygienic:
Railway Station
3. Price Sensitivity: While most members liked the concept in overall sense but pointed
out a lot of shortcomings because of which only 66% (4/6) agreed that they would pay
Rs.150 for 150 sprays
4. Concept limitations: Most members agreed that the perfume/fragrance was good and
would appreciate it as a room freshener but as the spray came out as liquid, they
would rather be suspicious of using it, as they do not want their toilet seat to be wet.
Dryness effect was crucial to all of them. Also all of them did not like the idea of
carrying something all the time, they would rather appreciate if such a product is kept
in the public toilets or being used by the cleaning team there.
5. Promotion: Most of them did not like the idea of self-carrying the product. Though
the self-carry idea was accepted to work for frequent travellers.
6. Home use: None of the member agreed that this could be product, which should be
promoted in homes or personal toilets.

Findings from Exploratory Research

From the exploratory research through the focused group interviews, in depth interviews and
through the secondary data sources, we could derive the need and potential for such a product
concept in the market. We also found the common attributes that people value in such a
product. There are quite a few differences in terms of the behaviour and the motive behind
using the product for personal care. Most of them were related to the past experiences of the
Key attributes that people value in the product are:
1. Germ killing effectiveness:
a. Laboratory results as a proof of effectiveness
b. Gives a logical reasoning for a rational use of the product
c. Many believe that it gives psychological reliance on the product
2. Ease of use
a. It should be easy to apply
b. Direct application verses indirect application
3. Ease of carrying
a. The size must be comfortable enough to carry around while going to restroom
b. The size must be compatible to fit well in their handbag or carry bag
4. Fragrance
a. Strength of the fragrance
b. Type of fragrance
5. Time of action
a. Instant dryness after application
6. Product form
a. Spray or gel
7. Price
a. Some people were price sensitive
b. Premier pricing would appeal only to high-end class of customers
Quantitative Research
We conducted a survey with 30 participants under our target group at KIIT and ITR. We were
looking at what drives the customers willingness to purchase such products. We have the
following variables.

Likelihood of purchase
Frequency of toilets usage outside
Perception of toilet hygiene Public toilets
Perception of toilet hygiene Workplace / Study place
Perception of toilet hygiene Malls / Multiplexes
Perception of toilet hygiene Airports
Frequency of issues Public toilets
Frequency of issues Workplace / Study place
Frequency of issues Malls / Multiplexes
Frequency of issues Airports

The exploratory research helped us in identifying close to 8 different attributes, which can
possibly affect the purchase behaviour of the customer for this new product segment. The 8
attributes are as shown in the below table:


Likelihood of purchase


Retail ChainsGrocery stores

Medical shopsOnline order

Likelihood of Purchase:
The likelihood of purchase is driven not just by the perception of hygiene at various places
but also by the actual usage of rest rooms outside home and the issues faced at the rest rooms
at various places. The hygiene of restrooms at Airports and Public toilets are not significant
due to the infrequency of cleaning. High cleanliness maintained at workplaces is a

demotivating factor for the purchase of the product while the level of hygiene and the
frequency of issues faced at mall restrooms are clear motivators for the purchase likelihood.
Hence, targeting consumers who are frequent visitors of malls and multiplexes is the ideal
Product Strategy:
Analysis done on the importance of attributes indicates there are three segments of customers
in the market for this product.
a. Segment 1 is the economy class that frequently visits malls and multiplexes and plans
to use this product in these places. Their importance for Price, Ease and Carry are the
b. Segment 2 is the premium class customer who do not frequent malls but rather plan to
use this product at homes. Mostly, a maid shall be using this product at their houses.
Their importance for Price, Ease and Carry are the least for these reasons.
c. Segment 3 is the middle segments that visits malls regularly but are not so price
sensitive. They would like to give higher importance to Ease of use and Ease of
carrying the product.
d. Germ killing is obviously very important for all the three segments.
e. Segment 1 has the highest inclination towards purchasing this product followed by
Segment 3 and finally Segment 2.
f. Conduct product campaigns at these locations and distribute free samples to induce
This analysis also shows that the Economy class frequent mall-visitors are the ideal targets
for the products. Affordable price with ease of use and ease of carry is the ideal positioning
to attract these customers.
Communication and Positioning Strategy:
Consumer preferences indicate that the convenience dimension (loaded on comfort, ease,
confidence and carry) plays a major role in the purchase decision of the product by
consumers compared to the effectiveness dimension. The effectiveness of the product is taken
for granted; as such a product cannot function without being anyway. Position the product as
a handbag essential for Class A category woman. Also, the distribution system has to focus
on the medical stores, retail chains and grocery stores.
So, while the

product needs to be effective, the communication strategy should focus

majorly on the convenience dimension provided by the simple product.


Appendix I
Interview Transcripts:
Interview 1
Name Shweta Sahoo
Age - 27 Years
Occupation - Teaching associate
Gender - Female
Annual house hold income - Rs. 11 Lakhs
Sanjit - What does toilet hygiene mean to you?
Shweta - Toilet hygiene to me is not just how clean a toilet is but also how comfortable I am in using
it. It should have certain features to signal the level of comfortable use.
Sanjit - Would you use a toilet, which does not meet your level of hygiene in a common area?
Shweta - I would definitely avoid it as I have seen the consequences of using unhygienic toilet.
Sanjit -What kind of consequences discourages you from using such a toilet?
Shweta -A close friend of mine suffered from urinal infection because of such uses. This kind of thing
scares me and would also scare a lot of other women/girls.
Sanjit - What have you been using to obtain the cleanliness required on the toilet seat?
Shweta - I generally do not use the toilet if I do not find it clean enough but if at all would have to, I
use tissues and hand sanitizer to make myself comfortable.
Sanjit- Have you heard of any products, which can be used to provide seat cleanliness?
Shweta - Well, I have heard of some spray for seat and then an automatic system to dry the seat but
none is found in India.
Sanjit - Are you aware of toilet seat sanitizer concept and its availability in market?
Shweta - No, I have never heard of it.


Sanjit - The product is in the form of spray, which can kill germs within 5 seconds. Would be inclined
to buy such product?
Shweta - Yes definitely I would love to give it a try and if it matched my need would go ahead for
regular use.
Sanjit - What is the likely price that you would pay for such a product?
Shweta - Would love to have a little cheaper product of such kind if I decide to use it regularly but if
its high priced, I would still buy it at least for certain really unhygienic places.
Sanjit - Would you like the product to deliver any other thing?
Shweta - yes, may be some light fragrance, ability to dry quickly and also it should appear to be a
sanitizer (would prefer a transparent packing).
Sanjit - Do you feel there is a potential group, which would be in the need of such a product?
Shweta - I think frequent travellers, special women would live to have such product.
Sanjit - Anything else that you wish to add?
Shweta - I would like the company to work more on what is the actual need and come out with
something, which can help us. It is needed for safety and comfort both.
Interview 2
Name Shruti Mishra
Age - 24 years
Occupation - Student
Gender - Female
Annual house hold income - Rs. XX Lakhs
Sanjit - What does toilet hygiene mean to you?
Sruthi - Toilet hygiene to me means everything from the washbasin cleanliness to floor cleanliness.
They signal me about the hygiene of the toilet as well. Apart from this the practice which people
follow is also important, many a times I face situations where in the toilets are cleaned otherwise but
the continuous use by people who do not flush, make it unhygienic.
Sanjit - Would you use a toilet, which does not meet your level of hygiene in a common area?

Sruthi - I would definitely not use it at any cost. I am scared of many infections, which might catch
up due to unhygienic conditions of toilet but yes, I have used such toilets in past when no other option
was available.
Sanjit - What have you been using to obtain the cleanliness required on the toilet seat?
Sruthi - I generally avoid the use of such toilets and have not yet tried anything to make them
comfortable for use. The reason being that these are the toilets in the areas like hospitals, railway
stations, trains where no effort would anyways work to make them clean. All what I do is to use
Indian toilet in these places and it at all required to use a western toilet, I do not go for the complete
sitting position and use it in half sitting condition only.
Sanjit- Have you heard of any products which can be used to provide seat cleanliness?
Sruthi - Well yes, I know of toilets, which have auto-cleaning system. Many of the corporate offices
have it now-a-days. I really do not know of any such product and I more over even doubt that any
such product can at all be of any help.
Sanjit - Are you aware of toilet seat sanitizer concept and its availability in market?
Sruthi - No, what is that?
Sanjit - The product is in the form of spray, which can kill germs within 5 seconds. Would be inclined
to buy such product?
Sruthi - I really do not know. A spray cleaning the toilet seat! Can you tell me more about the way
this product is made to be used?
Sanjit - Well, just like any perfume spray, it comes in a tin packaging with a spray mechanism, which
can be used to clean the toilet seat by simply spraying the sanitizer on the seat. It takes about 5
seconds to kill the germs.
Sruthi - Sounds good but I still do not know about buying it regularly but definitely would like to
give it a try.
Sanjit - Why do you say that you would still not buy it for regular use?
Sruthi - Well, as I said, the places where I find toilets unhygienic to use, I still doubt if this product
would work in those places.
Sanjit - What is the likely price that you would pay for such a product?
Sruthi - I would pay any price if the product can in 5 second clean the seat completely that is not just
that it kills the germ but also gives a clean look to the seat. It should be dry, clean.
Sanjit - Do you feel there is a potential group, which would be in the need of such a product?

Sruthi - May be it can be a good product for the cleaning agencies who work in malls, restaurants etc.

In-depth Interview Telephonic


Hello How are you doing?


I am not doing fine. I have been ill for past 1 week.


What has happened to you?


Nothing but a little bit of cold and fever


How have you contracted this illness?


I believe its the lack of hygiene all around


Have you been to any public place or used any public toilet in past 1


No I have been using my office toilet only


What do you want to say about the hygiene condition of your office toilet?


My office has a very clean toilet. My floor has very few ladies there so I
can use it without any apprehensions. The cleaning lady is appointed for
the whole day and cleans it regularly in 3-4 hours.


Have you ever found any circumstances of wet toilet seat of used
commode, which has not been flushed?


Never in my office. I would say my office building is a green building

with all sorts of amenities. It has automatic lights which opens and closes
as the door gets opened or closed. They have proper dispenser, which can
be used to spray on the tissue and wipe off the seats to get them clean.


You never get wary of wiping off the seat with your hand?


MmmmNomay be because I never found any dire use of that. I

preferable want my toilet seat to be dry. When its not I dont use it or in
emergency situations I dont sit on it.


Have you ever encountered any situation of unclean toilets?


Yes..many mallsand restaurants.


What do you do then?


As I said I dont sit on it then.


Taking cue from the dispenser you had in your office, have you ever used


Yes, I just wanted to try it once. (She Laughs) Its almost like a hand
sanitizer in a spray form with good smell.


Do you want such products to be installed in malls etc.?



Yes, it would be good to use them there. But I dont know. Major problem
is of wet seats. I cannot say Ill be comfortable in wiping it off there if it is
too wet.


So if it is dry would you use it?


Yes, probably. But I dont really see much of its use. I mean I believe if the
commode itself is not cleaned by harpic etc, ill still contract disease as I


get in touch with it. I think its inner cleaning is also very important.
So lets say you have a toilet seat which is wet and you have two options,
either use a dab on tissue and wipe off option or use a hygiene spray and
spray all the seat wherever you want to get it clean what would you prefer?


Does your spray anyhow dry out the seat? (She laughs)


That is not possible with this product


Then in that case its usage will be limited. I need to think when ill use it. I
mean if it can only be used when the toilet seat is dry then I may lose the
patience to take it out from my pocket and spray and wait. Ill just see that
its clean and I am in hurry and lets just get done with it. It has to be
developed into a habit because like sanitizers etc. then only it can be used


Ok Thanks for your inputs.

Appendix II
Market research
Dear Respondent,
Thank you for your time and consideration. We are students from second year at XIMB conducting
this survey as part of our academic coursework. This survey has been designed to know your
valuable inputs on Toilet Seat Sanitizer. We assure you that the data from you would be kept
absolutely confidential and would be used to do an analysis only at an aggregate level.
(Pratik, Sanjit, Pareenay, Ankur, Kamal, Chetan)
This survey is about a product concept that is described as follows:













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