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Public Relations
Coca-Cola Zero Campaign
Instructor: Nguyn Trn Kiu Vn
Groups members:
Full name
Nachtergaele Baudouin

Student code

Vu Camille


Ng Th M Linh


Guillet Mat


Trng Minh Nht


HCM City, 06/2014


Table of contents
Table of contents ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Instructors assessment ........................................................................................................................... 4
Work tasks ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Dedication ............................................................................................................................................... 6

Introduction about the company and the campaign .................................................................. 7


History of Coca-Cola company: ............................................................................................... 7


OBJECTIVE OF THE CAMPAIGNS: ............................................................................................. 9


TARGET MARKET: .................................................................................................................. 10


The Public Relations Campaign: ................................................................................................ 12


How to communicate? .......................................................................................................... 12


The basis of the Communication in Coca Cola Company ...................................................... 14


The Public Relations Plan ...................................................................................................... 17


Before launching the product................................................................................................ 17


Launching the product .......................................................................................................... 17


Maintaining Public Relations after the launching ................................................................. 20

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 23
References ............................................................................................................................................. 24


Public Relations
Design a Public Relations Campaign for
Coca-Cola Zero
In Vietnam



Instructors assessment


Work tasks
Nachtergaele Baudouin
Vu Camille
Guillet Mat
Ng Th M Linh

Trng Minh Nht

The PR plan (before day)
Launching the product (date and after)
Basic communicate, the target and sum up the
The Public Relations campaign, How to
communicate and edit the last version of the
report, make the ppt
Introduce Coca-Cola Company and campaign


We sincerely thank Ms. Nguyn Trn Kiu Vn for teaching with enthusiasm and giving
supports so that we can finish the project in the best way.
However, making mistakes cannot be avoided so feel pleased to give us your complaints or
any advices. That is helpful for us to do next projects.



Introduction about the company and the campaign

1. History of Coca-Cola company:

( )
The Coca-Cola was first introduced in 1886 and was invented by pharmacist John Pemberton as a
patent medicine in Columbus, Georgia.

John Pemberton ((July 8, 1831 August 16, 1888) ( )


And then, in 1889, the Coca-Cola formula and brand was bought out by a businessman Asa Griggs
Candler who incorporated The Coca-Cola Company in 1892. His marketing tactics led Coca-Cola
becomes one of the most popular brand in the world now.

Asa Griggs Candler (December 30, 1851 March 12, 1929)

( )

One of The Coca-Cola Company's headquarters buildings in Atlanta, USA

( )


According to the 2005 Annual Report, the coca-colas Product could be found in over 200 countries
over the world, with consumers downing more than 1.8 billion each day.In 2010, it was announced
that Coca-Cola had become the first brand to top 1 billion in annual UK grocery sales. The CocaCola Corporation have been being offered more than 500 brands besides its name Coca-Cola such as :
Tab, Fanta, Sprite,The Company has been being spent a big amount of money in advertising and
creating a lot of PR campaigns throught the world. In 2011, Coca-cola's advertising expenses
accounted for 3.256 billion dollars.The "cocacola" is one of the most common English word ranked
after "OK". Depending on Interbrands Best Global Brands report in 2013, Coca-Cola brand's value is
79,1 billion dollars.

Top 10 valuable brand in the world 2013

( )


The Coca-Cola Company has revealed so many PR campaigns that help their brand become much
more popular and try to make their products become a part of life. Some of the success PR campaigns
are "Open Happiness", "Share A Coke", "Northern Lights", Happiness Is Movement. The main
objective of Coca-Cola Company as a business entity is profit maximization. Their PR campaigns
conducted to the achievement this primary objective in so many ways.

Establishing the awareness of Coca-Cola brand and its products

Informing and educating buyers

Encouraging product trial among potential new customers (occasionally, only in new markets)

Short-term sales by the means of stimulating action (seasonal, introduced in major

supermarkets, and relevant information is communicated to the potential and existing customers)

Tranquilizing customers and reinforcing their particular desirable buying behavior (integrating
the consumption of the drink to the lifestyle of the customers, achieving their lifelong loyalty)
With Coca-Cola Zero PR Campaign hold in Viet Nam, they have focused on the following objectives

Establishing the awareness of Coca-Cola brand and its products to the Vietnamese market.

Introducing Coke Zero's image as the low calorie, non-alcoholic beverage. Best choice for the
young Vietnamese customer who wants to be fit and also wants to have a good taste.

Presenting Coke Zero as the healthier alternative when compared with Pepsi Next

Increasing Consumers, Sale and Profit


( )

The Coca-Cola products is genally for all kind of customers from children to adults at all ages, trying
to satisfy the needs of a whole line of different people. However, there are some brand of Coca-Cola
which target specific customers. For instance:

Coca-Colas diet soft drink: for who are older in age from 25 to 39.

PowerAde Sport Water: for who are fit, healthy and do sport.

Winnie the Pooh sipper cap Juice Drink: for children between 5 to 12.


Coca Cola Diet: adults of ages 30-50, who are health conscious but still love the great taste of

This kind of target market refers to market segmentation. In general, the market target of Coca-Cola
has primary target market of those who are 13 to 24 year olds and a secondary market of 10 to 39.
















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Older Kids











( l)

They have a wide variety of drinks to satisfy everyones needs. But what is interesting now is to bring
Coca Cola Zero in Vietnam. So, our target so far is mostly young adult men:

The key message: Just Add Zero" ,Great Taste, Zero Sugar to show the value of
nutrition of this product to young generation in Viet Nam and other ages.

The key target market for Coca-Cola Zero in Viet Nam is 20 - 29 years old males. This
audience could be reached through mens lifestyle, sports, street and university press and
metro newspapers.

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The Public Relations Campaign:

1. How to communicate?

Launch an event for Coca Cola Zero

The launching event is the first step to introduce Coca-Cola Zero to the public. By inviting a
lot of journalists from big magazines and newspapers, hot bloggers, famous singers, models in a
luxury place like the New Word Hotel. About the journalists and bloggers: you have to make sure that
you give them enough information to do their job effectively, it can be a press kit for example. Explain
why this product is different from the others. And dont forget to broadcast the video clip of CocaCola Zero around the world during the event. Besides that, you should provide free cans of Coca-Cola
Zero to the persons who attend to the event that will improve your public face.
At the end of the event, provide some gifts like a cup, t-shirt, raincoat


Promotions of Coca-Cola Zero

Any success campaign cant succeed without promotions. So we must design some promotion
events for this new product in Viet Nam. Coca-Cola Zero is an energetic and dynamic product of
Coca-Cola. Make people remember and talk about this product is the most important thing. We aim to
make it become a part of their conservation. A word of mouth will work better than anything else.
Here are some ideas of promotion events for Coca-Cola Zero:
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Product sampling: give the sample of Coca-Cola Zero to a lot of people in the
public places like malls, parks, universities, high school, stadiums...
Organize big events like concert or fashion show: using the color, text, logos,
icons and animations to design the outfits that the models will wear during the
Get shelves in supermarkets, plazas, malls, and stores and display Coca-Cola Zero
in an attractive way to catch the eyes of consumers.

(Source: )

By sponsoring different university projects and sport events will increase

consumers awareness about this product.
Create a contest on the social media could be a good idea. The principle of the
contest is to take a picture with a Coca-Cola Zero can and/or bottle. The best
picture will win a prize valued at 50 000 000 VND.

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Publicity of Coca-Cola Zero

To make sure that Coca-Cola Zero will have a maximum impact to everyone, the strategy of
publicity cant be missing. The image of Coke Zero must appears everywhere like in the street, in
stores, at sport events and also in the media. There are a lot of methods in advertisement that can be
used like: print media (newspaper, magazine...), television and radio advertisement (Yan TV and Yan
Radio..). Create a fan page on Facebook where consumers can share their opinions.
Truck advertising is one of the popular ways to communicate directly to your target audiences.
This way can take a lot of public attention. This truck can travel around some poor areas in Viet Nam.
Stop by each area, this truck will have some activities like helping people, give the free Coca-Cola
Zero. This project can be called A Tour of Coke Zero.


2. The basis of the Communication in Coca Cola Company

The Companys Values

As we said before, Coca-Cola was created by J.S.Pemberton and
commercialized by F.M.Robinson. Pemberton was a pharmacist but
imagined an excellent beverage. The culture of the company is
composed of a set of values, beliefs and norms. The first important
thing to say is the sacralization of the recipe, remained secret. This
make the product particular and obliged the leaders to create a
special culture based on different values:

Passion: it is more than a work and a work of the

spirit and the heart

The First Ad of Coca Cola

Leadership : to remain the best on the world

Integrity : never lie, always act truly

Responsibility : take care of the environment and the people health
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Collaboration : more we are, more we do it better

Quality : every products are good, tasty, wealthy
Diversity: the respect of the difference, the necessity of the adaptation to everybody.

The philosophy of the company: Coca Cola, a refreshing, innovating and

delicious beverage

The Coca Cola brand is firstly known for its particular and delicious taste. Indeed, Coca
Cola is known everywhere because of its exceptional taste. The ads that Coca Cola presents
focuses on this flavor and how it generates happiness. Here are some slogans showing that fact:

Open a Coke, Open Happiness, 2009

With Coca Cola, certainly good, 2010
Happiness for everyone, 2011

It is also famous for its quality of refreshment. Indeed, it is a sparkling soft drink which
offers a sensation of freshness. One of the first slogan in 1904 was: Delicious and refreshing.

Finally, they focus on innovation. Innovation and differentiation occurs concerning the
container (size of bottles, cans ) but also on the different taste: Coca Cola, Coca Cola Cherry,
Coca Cola Light, and Coca Cola Zero. It is not yet in the Vietnamese market, but it will soon
enter in order to reach a special target.

The Targets of the campaign

Great Taste, Zero Sugar is the Slogan for Coca Cola Zero, in 2006.

Coca Cola Zero was created in 2005, in America. It is quiet similar with the Coca-Light
because there is only 1 kilocalorie in a can of 330 mL of Coca Zero. The difference, however, is the
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In Vietnam and all over the world, the principal target are the young men adults. Indeed, it
particularly touches the men from 20 to 29 years old. It is justified by the black color of the can, and
the strict font of the letters ZERO. It seems to be more masculine than the shiny can of Coca Light,
which seems to be softer. The aim of implementing Coca Zero in Vietnam is to increase the
consumers, by reaching a particular target, thanks to innovation. Indeed, Pepsi Zero does not exist.

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The Public Relations Plan

1. Before launching the product

Coca Cola has different target populations but the key target public is the 20-29 years old males.
The PR campaign has to focus on these.
This audience could be reached through mens lifestyle, sports, street and university press and
metro newspapers. Advertisement has to be done inside through mysterious and exciting
advertisements you want to look at and make you dream. This is also the public who will have an
interest into forums, or radio and TV shows. To reach the interest of bloggers for example, concerning
the subjects above, a Coca Cola Zero fridge can be given to them with unlimited supply of
personalized cans (with the name of the blog on one side). Personalized Coca Cola cans also be given
to them when parties or events are organized such as sport competitions. In exchange the bloggers and
organizers should post pictures with the cans. Sports, street, universities can be offered t-shirts for
events, contests. Coca Cola Zero cars can be driven by pretty girls around in the universities on a
regular basis (every Monday, to start a good week) and go to the universities to give free cans.
University press will talk about it, and word to mouth will turn Monday into an awaited day. Music
radios can be sponsored with fridges and unlimited Coca Cola Zero they will talk about while having a
refreshing moment on air.
To reach the broader audience, because all the purchasers need to be ensured, main grocery
magazines can be contacted, or newspapers and news magazines, to put impressive and attractive
entire page advertisements. Retailers, as Big-C, Circle K and Family Mart but also Metro and the local
shops distributors also have to be contacted and offered samples to give to the customers in order to
reach the biggest part of the population possible.
All those advertisement will also enable the customers to participate with the campaign. Because
at the press event people will be able to win an adventure, people will be able to win an entrance at the
event through submitting on the website the adventures of their dreams. Personalized Coca-Cola Zero
cans and sponsorships will be given to people going on the most exciting adventures against their
pictures or videos.
All this will make the customers impatient for the arrival of Coca-Cola Zero in Vietnam, awaiting
the drink but mostly the spirit which is around it.

2. Launching the product

In order to celebrate the launching of Coca Zero in Vietnam and to maximize press coverage,
an original and memorable event will be organized.
It will gather world-wide celebrities with some random consumers. The latter will be selected
thanks to a national Coca Cola lottery: 200 Coca Cola Cans sold in Vietnam will be equipped with
special caps graved with a distinctive sign on the back. The winners who will buy the selected bottles
will have to conserve the caps: this will be their invitation to the event.
The launching event will take place on the Chill SkyBar (HCMC, District 1), a rooftop bar
which has one of the best views on Ho Chi Minh City and is known for its high quality events. It will
host 600 people, including celebrities, Coca Cola executives, Press (Vietnamese bloggers, TV,
newspapers, online media and radio) and winning customers.
In order to represent the masculine, action spirit of Coca Zero, the event will be animated by
the famous Hugh Jackman: very popular in Vietnam thanks to his roles on X-Men, he is the perfect
face to convey Coca Zeros strong message.

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Hugh Jackman, the proposed animator for Coca Zero launching event

For the occasion the bar will be re-decorated: a photocall with giant Coca Zero bottles will be build,
and the tables will have the shape and look of Coca Zero cans.

Inspiration for the photocall: Launching event for Coca Cola Light by Jean Paul Gauthier, 12/04/12 (Source: )

The events will go as follows, with many strong moments:

9 PM: Hugh Jackman jumps from a helicopter with a parachute and lands on the rooftop of the
Chill SkyBar. He announces the beginning of the launching party. This spectacular entrance is
aimed at generating many press coverage and viral pictures on online media.

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9.15 PM: Coca Cola hostesses (wearing black and red uniforms to remind Coca Zero colors)
enter into the room and distribute samples of Coca Zero to all the guests. Cocktails made from
Coca Zero will also be available at the bar for 18+ guests.

9.45 PM: a big game-contest will be organized. The aim is to provide the most original answer
to the question What is your best Coca Cola moment?. Participants will tweet their answer,
which will be projected on a giant screen in the bar. In that way, buzz will be spread on
Twitter about the launching events as all the people following celebritys accounts will have
access to their answers.
This contest is inspired by the worldwide PR Campaign for Coca Zero: called just ad a Zero,
it underlines that Coca Zero enhances everyday-life moments by providing a more exciting
experience. The winner of the contest (selected thanks a jury composed of Coca Cola
executives and celebrities) will win an adventure trip in an exotic destination.

Just add a zero PR campaign

10.30 PM: Karl Lagerfeld, the world-famous designer of Chanel, will present five Coca Zero
bottles that he would have previously re-designed (as he did before with Coca Cola Light).
The five bottles will be then sold on a bid, and the profits will go on a charity.

Coca Cola Light bottles re-designed by the Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld

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11PM 2AM: Live concert with the Black Eyed Peas and dancing party. All the guests will
receive a gift-bag when leaving the party, containing a collector bottle of Coca Zero and a
special accessory signed by Karl Lagerfeld and especially designed for the occasion.

The expected press coverage after the launching event is:


Articles in newspapers, magazines and especially people press thanks to the participation of
celebrities (Hugh Jackman, Karl Lagerfeld, Black Eyed Peas, etc.)
Videos of the strong moments (parachute jumping, bid, concert) screened on entertainment
channels such as MTV Asia
Massive online media coverage thanks to the presence of many journalists and bloggers at the
event, and thanks to the Twitter contest.

The PR strategy for the launching event will therefore generate press content directly targeting the
Coca Zero consumer: energetic young people.

3. Maintaining Public Relations after the launching

This phase is fundamental in order to keep the press talk about the product and to build the
brand awareness within Vietnamese consumers.
The following actions will be taken:

Product placement in action movies (international and Vietnamese), TV reality shows and
video games

Example of Coca Cola product placement for the TV show American Idol

Big billboard between the two towers of the Vincom center (Ho Chi Minh City) and in
similar locations all around Vietnam

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Proposed location for Coca Zero Billboard: Vincom Center

Sponsoring of Vietnamese football teams and martial art teams, in order to convey the
message of an energetic, zero calorie drink among young people who like

Example of Coca Cola sponsorship for the football team Dagenham and Redbridge FC

Strong merchandising efforts in local groceries (such as Family Mart) and supermarkets
(Maximark, etc.): Coca Zero should be placed at the beginning of every shelves

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Merchandising action in supermarkets

Distribution of free samples in front of high schools and universities, as well as in big
shopping malls and cinemas

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Nowadays, Public Relations are very important. The more PR your Company does, the more
customers your Company has. Coca-Cola is not a new name but its Products are always having a new
style and a new way to catch the tastes of their customers. With a lot of strategic for PR Campaign, we
think that Coca-Cola Zero will successes in Viet Nam Market.

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