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by Reverie Productions
This project will entail a series of 3 short adaptations of fables each episode
about 5mins in length. The project will be in the dark Fantasy/Horror genre shot
in the beautiful countryside with amazing landscapes in Kent.
Vimeo Online viewing as a collection of web series contained in its own channel.
Young adults who have an interest in Dark Fantasy and supernatural tales. BBFC
Rated 12.

Story 1

The Curse of Beauty:

Fable meaning:
It is not sufficient for people to do things just with desire and enthusiasm.
Maybe the effect can be contrary to what they wish.
Stephanie, a young woman who is envious of other peoples beauty, dreams to be
beautiful. She comes across a warlock that is able to create a potion for her.
She drinks the potion and the next day her looks change. She now sees herself as
the beautiful young woman she has always wanted to be, however little does she
know that others now see her ugly.
More in depth about the main character
Stephanie a 25-year-old woman has always been envious of others; the green-eyed
monster slowly consumed her over the years, due to lack of attention from family and
people in school. She has a younger sister, Hayley that is 20 years old. Her younger
sister was always praised as a child where as Stephanie felt as if she didnt exist. Both
of her parents worked and she found it hard to get attention at home, as well as make
friends at school. In front of others she acts confident and can be quite mean towards
others, she finds the ugly within everyone and is not afraid to let them know what she
thinks. She doesnt have any friends because of her attitude and spends most of her
time at home on the Internet or reading a fashion magazine. Stephanie dreams to be
beautiful and model for a well-known magazine. She would do anything to find a way
to become the perfect version of her.

Story 2

Protecting Nature:
Fable meaning:
Traitors must expect treachery
Elliott, a young man recently loses his father and is distraught. He tries to contact
him through an Ouija board and ends up getting a message through, a name of a
plant. He researches into the plant finding out that this plant could be used to
bring someone back to life. He trespasses into the dryads forest, taking one of
her plants. Later that evening the dryad goes to Elliotts home to retrieve her
plant, killing him in the process.
More in depth about the main character
Elliott Is a 27-year-old man, he works on a farm and lives in the countryside.
He is a very determined person and once he has something set on his mind, he
wont stop until he succeeds. He currently isnt in a relationship and lives by
himself in his family home. His mother left his family when he was 3 and his dad
brought him up. He was very close to his father and finds it very hard to cope
after him passing away.

Story 3

The Devourers:
Fable meaning:
Unity is strength
Devourers - Devourers are creatures that take human form. They stay alive by
consuming human souls.
Brother and sister, Jackson and Scarlett are devourers, creatures that eat human
souls. They go out to hunt for food and decide to split up. Scarlett is able to find a
victim, however he gets away. The next night they hunt again, this time Jackson
and Scarlett hunt together. Scarlett finds the victim that got away the night
before and is able to successfully feed.
More in depth about the main character
Jackson Jackson is a devourer, he is the prince to the soul-eating world, and his
human form is a 28-year-old guy. He is the leader out of him and his sister. He is
very swift in his attacks. He is generally a calm and poised person and is very
swift when he attacks his victims.
Scarlett Scarlett is a devourer, she is the princess to the soul-eating world, and
her human form is a 25 year old. Her and her brother Jackson are not the only

devourers in the country. Devourers tend to hunt in groups, Scarlett and her
brother are the only ones known to hunt as a pair. Scarlett is feisty, bitchy and
likes to think shes the leader. Even though she may come across as a mean girl,
she is a very likeable and kick ass character. When it comes to feeding, she likes
to play with her food, i.e. messing around with her victims mind.

We will have 3 actors running through the series, but each episode will consist of
different characters.
Each actor will be given the opportunity to take a lead role in his or her own
episode. The role entails for the actor to act for 3 different characters (1
character per film), so it will give them a chance to show your acting skills for
future jobs. We believe in equality.


Curse of Beauty

(All images are visuals only and a representation of locations)

Protecting Nature

(All images are visuals only and a representation of locations)


(All images are visuals only and a representation of locations)

Director Hannah Darby
You shouldnt dream your film, you should make it, this famous quote by
Steven Spielberg, explains entirely what I want to do and that is to take my
dream of making films and actually do it. Ive always loved the dark fantasy
genre and have continuously been inspired by the way you can create a world,
characters and stories for others to enjoy; and that is what I want to do with this
series. Being a student I have written, directed, filmed and edited a couple of
short films for my course, however this project is different. There are no briefs;
no rules and I have total control on what I want to create.
Producer Sei-Kai Leung
Sei-Kai discovered a love for moving imagery. With a background in art, Sei-Kai
is inspired by installation art, fashion, animation and the avant-garde. Early this
year worked on a Sony Production as a production runner, gained some
professional knowledge in working and running a production. Experienced in
running other low budget productions with Pearl Dragon Productions, founded
in 2012.

We will also be working with the guidance of Jutta Russell in the make-up
department, who has worked on films such as Harry Potter 47 Ronin starring
Keanu Reeves, Thor: The Dark World starring Chris Hemsworth and Tinker
Tailor Soldier Spy starring Gary Oldman.
Costume/Design Daniella Baylis
Animator Vikki
"Im a computer animation arts graduate, and currently a freelance cg artist,
based in Kent. I love to create illustrative animation through film. I have had my
small animated piece Ritual shortlisted for Animades LoopDeLoop Competition
this year. My most recent animated film The Koi and the Crane was an
illustrative Japanese inspired piece which was shortlisted for the New Designers
Screening Prize 2015. My work was featured on ArtsThreads graphic design and
communication blog. My ambition is to create more animated films!"
Colourist Seamus Cogan
Sarcoline was founded by Samus Cogan in 2010. We enhance the colours to
drive the story through visual emotion. The manipulation of colours and lighting
is more important to showcase the value of your product. Sarcoline strives to
bring out the best in flesh.







Make - Up




To help us with making this vision happen, the project is heavily dependant on
costume and make-up. We would also love to pay the actors and other crew for
their service and provide food to keep them going. Although 270 may seem a lot
to pay for actors, but they will be getting paid 30 each per film, not inclusive of

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