Current Electricity: K.V. Raghunadh Vice Chairman Narayana Educational Institutions Hyderabad

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Vice Chairman
Narayana Educational Institutions


State and explain Kirchhoffs laws in electricity and apply them to Wheatstone bridge
to obtain its balancing condition.

Ans. A) Kirchhoffs first law or current law : (Conservation of charge)

The sum of currents flowing into a junction is equal to sum of currents flowing out of
same junction.
A junction is a point where three or more components like resistances meet.
Consider a junction A as shown in figure.
Then according to Kirchhoffs first law,

i1 + i2 + i4 = i3 + i5
i1 + i2 i3 + i4 i5 = 0

i = 0
i.e. algebraic sum of currents meeting at a junction is equal
to zero.

Sign convention:

currents flowing into a junction are taken as positive and currents flowing out of junction are
taken as negative.

Kirchhoffs second law or voltage law :

In any closed circuit, the algebraic sum of all potential differences is zero.

V =0


(i R) + = 0

where V is potential difference , is emf, i is current and R is resistance

Kirchhoffs of second law is based on law of conservation of energy.


A loop is any closed conducting path in the circuit.

Sign convention:

When we move across resistor in the direction of current, the potential drop across the
resistor is taken has -iR.


When we move across resistor in the opposite direction of current, the potential drop across
the resistor is taken has + iR.


If we move from negative terminal to positive terminal of a cell, then its e.m.f is taken as

If we move from positive terminal to negative terminal of a cell, then its e.m.f is taken as negative

Ex : Consider a closed loop ABCDA as shown in figure.

Then according to Kirchhoffs second law,

i R1 i R2 i R3 + = 0

= i R1 + i R2 + i R3
i.e. sum of emfs in a loop is equal to sum of
potential differences.
B) Application of Kirchhoffs laws to Wheatstone bridge:

Wheatstone bridge is an electric circuit used to compare resistances or to find the value of
unknown resistance.


It consists of four resistances P, Q, R and S that are connected to form four sides of a


These four sides are referred as arms of the bridge. Four junctions are formed at A, B, C
and D.


A battery of emf is connected between two junctions A and B. A galvanometer of

resistance G ohms is connected between C and D.

Applying Kirchhoffs first law,

at junction C, i1 = ig + i3 ............(1)

at junction D, i2 + ig = i4 ............(2)
Applying Kirchhoffs second law, for the loop ACDA
i1 P ig G + i2 R = 0.............(3)
Applying Kirchhoffs second law, for the loop CBDC
i3Q + i4 S + ig G = 0.............(4)
The values of P, Q, R and S are suitably adjusted so that, no current should pass through

Then Wheatstone bridge is said to be balanced. Substituting ig = 0 in

equations (1), (2), (3) and (4) we get

i1 = i3 .............(5) and i2 = i4 ...............(6)

i1 P = i2 R......(7) and i3Q = i4 S .....(8)
Using equations (5) & (6) and dividing equation (7) by (8), we get

When no current passes through galvanometer, then


This is balancing condition for

Wheatstone bridge and is called as Wheatstone bridge principle.

The balancing condition does not change on interchanging battery and galvanometer, in
Wheatstone circuit.


Define electric current, drift velocity and mobility of charge carriers in a conductor.
derive the relation between electric current and drift velocity of charge carriers in a

A) Electric Current : Current is defined as the rate of flow of charge through any

cross section of conductor. If a net charge q passes through any cross section of the
conductor in time t then Current i =

Ch arg e q
= ; Unit : ampere.

Drift Velocity ( vd ) : The speed with which an electron gets drifted in a metallic conductor

under the application of an external electric field is called drift velocity `Vd ' (or) The drift
velocity may be defined as an average velocity component with which electrons drift opposite
to the direction of electric field.
Drift velocity v d =


i = Current through the conductor ; A = Cross sectional area of the conductor

n = Electron density per unit volume.
Mobility of charge ( ) : The mobility of a charge carrier (i.e. electrons) is the average drift

velocity resulting from the application of unit electric field strength.


Mobility =

Units : m 2s 1volt 1

B) Relation between Electric Current and Drift Velocity :


An electric field E is applied from right to left side on a metallic conductor as shown in


Due to this all the electrons in the conductors are moving with the same constant drift
velocity vd . Let A be the uniform area of cross section of the conductor.


In a time t sec. the distance travelled by the electrons from cross-section 1 to cross-section 2

l = vd t

The volume of the region between 1 and 2 is V = lA V = ( Vd t ) A


Let `n be the number of free electrons per unit volume in the conductor. The number of
electrons crossing the cross-section 2 in a time `t will be n ( v d tA ) .


The total charge q crossing the area of cross-section 2 in a time t is given by q = n ( vd tA ) e

Current i =

q = it

it = nvd teA

i = ( neA ) v d
drift speed ( v d ) =


Drift speed ( v d ) is
a. Directly proportional to the current `i,
b. Inversely proportional to the charge carrier concentration `n,

c. Inversely proportional to the magnitude of charge `e of the charge carriers and

d. Inversely proportional to the area of cross section A.


Explain the principle of metre bridge. Describe an experiment for the determination of
unknown resistance of a wire.


Principle :
The working of a metre bridge is based on Wheatstone bridge principle.
Construction :

Metre bridge consists of a manganin wire AB of one metre length.

ii) The wire AB is stretched along the side of a metre scale, on a wooden board.
iii) The ends of wire AB is fixed to L-shaped thick copper strips.
iv) A rectangular copper metal strip is fixed between 2 L-shaped copper stripes, so that two
gaps are formed.
v) In left gap unknown resistance R is connected and in right gap a resistance box is
connected. Let S be the resistance in the right gap.
vi) From centre C of rectangular metal strip, a high resistance (H.R), galvanometer G and
jockey J are connected in series.
vii) A battery of emf and plug key K are connected in series between A and


When high resistance is in series with galvanometer, the current flowing through
galvanometer is reduced, so that galvanometer is not damaged by large currents.

Experiment :

The jockey is brought into contact with end A and end B of metre bridge wire.

ii) Then deflections of galvanometer must be in opposite directions. Then the circuit
connections are said to be correct.
iii) The jockey is pressed at various points on the meterbridge wire from A to B, until the
deflection of galvanometer is almost zero.

iv) Now, the high resistance is removed from the circuit and the correct position of jockey
to produce null deflection is found. The length of
wire from A to D is noted as l1 . Then the length
of wire DB is l2 = (100 l1 )

The resistance of wire of length l1 is proportional

to resistance P and the resistance of wire of length

l2 is proportional to resistance Q
According to Wheatstone bridge principle, when galvanometer shows zero deflection, then


l1 R
= or R = S . 1
l2 S

Now R and S are interchanged and again the values of l1 and l2 are determined for null
This is done to eliminate errors. Then the average value of resistace R is determined.
After determining the unknown resistance (R) of the wire, the length (L) of wire is measured
by using a scale. By using screw gauge, the radius (r) of the cross-section of wire is

R . r2
The resistivity ( ) of material of wire is determined by using the relation =
Precautions : (i) Readings must be noted without parallox error.
(ii) Jockey must not be dragged on the metre bridge wire.


Explain the principle of Potentiometer. Describe an experiment for the comparison of

emfs of two cells.


Potentiometer is an instrument that can measure emf of a source or potential difference

across any part of electrical circuit, without drawing any current through them.

Construction and principle:


10 separate pieces of one metre long uniform manganin wires are fixed parallel to each
other, on a wooden plank.

ii) A metre scale is fixed parallel to these wires. The wires are joined to each other by thick
copper strips.

iii) The ends of potentiometer wire AB are connected to a battery of emf and internal
resistance r.
iv) Let RS be a resistance connected in series with battery and potentiometer wire AB.
v) Let L be the length of potentiometer wire and R be the resistance of the potentiometer
The current through potentiometer wire is i =


r + RS + R

effective resistance

........ (1)

Potential drop per unit length of potentiometer wire is known as potential gradient.
Potential gradient =

potential difference across wire AB

length of the wire AB


potential gradient =

r + RS + R L
Equation (2) can also be expressed as



= potential gradient or potential drop across a length l of potentiometer wire,

r + RS + R

= resistance per unit length of potentiometer wire

Hence, V = i l
Thus, principle of potentiometer is, when i and are constant, then V l
i.e., when current through potentiometer wire and resistance per unit length of potentiometer
wire are constant, then potential difference across a length of potentiometer wire is directly
proportional to its length.

B) Comparision of emf of 2 cells by using a potentiometer by direct method :

Circuit description :

The circuit that provides constant current to the potentiometer wire is called as primary

ii) The primary circuit consists of a cell of emf that provides a constant current, a plug
key(k), a rheostat (Rh). These are connected in series with potentiometer wire AB.
iii) In the secondary circuit, two cells of emf

1 and 2 , two plug keys K1 and K2 ,a

galvanometer (G) and jockey J are connected as shown in figure.

iv) All the positive terminals of cells in primary and secondary circuit must be connected to
terminal A.
v) The emf in the primary circuit must be greater than emf in the secondary circuit.

Experiment :

Plug keys K and K1 are closed. The position of jockey is adjusted on potentiometer wire,
to get null deflection of galvanometer.

ii) Let l1 be the balancing length of potentiometer wire between A and J.

Then, according to principle of potentiometer, the terminal potential difference across
the cell is

V1 = i l1 ..................(1)

V1 = 1



(Q V1 = 1 i1 r1 and i1 = 0 for null deflection)

From (1) and (2), we get 1 = i l1 .............. (3)
Now, plug key K1 is opened and plug key K2 is
closed. Then, the balancing length l2 is
Then 2 = V2 = i l2 ................. (4)
Dividing equation (3) by (4) we get

1 l1
2 l2


State and explain Ohms law. Define ohm.

Statement : If the physical conditions (dimensions, temperature, mechanical strain etc.)
remaining constant, the strength of the current (i) in a conductor is directly proportional to
the potential difference (V) applied across it.

Explanation :

If strength of the current in a conductor is i and potential difference applied across it is V

then according to Ohms Law

i V
i = V V = iR
ii) Here R is a constant and is called the resistance of the conductor. Its value depends
upon the nature of the conductor, and the physical conditions. It is independent of the
values of V and i.

Ohm : The resistance of a conductor is said to be 1 ohm, if one volt of p.d. across its ends
causes one ampere of current in it.
one ohm =


one volt
one ampere

Write short notes on thermistor.

i) A thermistor is heat sensitive and non-ohmic device.
ii) It is usually made of semiconductor compounds like the oxides of nickel, iron, cobalt,
copper etc.
iii) The thermistor is usually enclosed in a capsule with an epoxy surface. The symbols for
thermistor are shown in figure
There are two types of thermistors
iv) Thermistor with positive temperature coefficient: - The resistence of these
thermisters increases with increase in temperature and vice-versa
v) Thermistor with negative coefficient:- The resistence of these thermisters decreases
with increase in temperature and vice-versa.
vi) Thermistors are widely used in resistance thermometres, microwave beams, radio
circuits etc.
vii) Thermistor can also be used in thermostat to regulate temperature.



Write two differences between emf and p.d.


Potential difference

1) The emf will be equal to the p.d. 1)

To get a p.d. across any two points of a

across the terminals of the cell when

conductor, current must pass through it.

the circuit is open

The circuit is to be a closed circuit

2) It refers to the source of emf or an 2)

p.d. refers to a part of the circuit

electrical generator


When is the series combination of cells advantageous and why ?

Series combination of cells is advantageous when more e.m.f at low current is required.
In series combination of cells,


when r < < R. then i =
nr + R

iR = n

i.e., potential difference across the external resistance is n times e.m.f of each cell.


When is the parallel combination of cells advantageous and why ?


Parallel combination is advantageous when more current is to be drawn at low potential.

In parallel combination cells, i =

In R < < r, then i =




i.e. if external resistance is very small, current drawn is n times that of a single cell.


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