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Where Eagles Dare



God pointed out to me early the other morning

the title for this teaching: HIS WILL BE DONE.
People fail to see, and even worse, fail to accept
and embrace the treasure that is right in front of
them that God shows us over and over again in
His Word. I was shown that this treasure of Gods
perfect will for each of us on each and every day,
is THE key that can unlock every door for a
person! I was shown that this key was the biggest
of all keys on a key ring!

Jesus never did anything of His own will. Every day

Jesus did what His Father was directing Him to do.
Fathers perfect path led Jesus to His perfect
destiny. Lets imagine if Jesus just once would have
gone off to do what He wanted to do!
Some people might say, What would be wrong with
Jesus doing His own will? If He went around healing
and casting out evil spirits and raising the dead
wherever and whenever He wanted, wouldnt that
be great? Answer is NO!

Lets go to Gods Word and see what Jesus said.

So He said to them, When you pray, say: Our
Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your
kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it
is in heaven. Luke 11: 2
I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge;
and My judgment is righteous, because I do not
seek My own will but the will of the Father who
sent Me. John 5: 30
Jesus said to them, My food is to do the will of
Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. John
4: 34
Then Jesus answered and said to them, Most
assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of
Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for
whatever He does, the Son also does in like
manner. John 5: 19
But that the world may know that I love the
Father, and as the Father gave Me
commandment, so I do. John 14: 31

Father had an agenda that Jesus needed to follow

exactly as shown and told to Him every day.
thoughts are not
Nor are your ways My ways, says the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are
My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts
than your thoughts. Isaiah 55: 8-9

Jesus taught us by example that we are to willingly surrender ourselves to Fathers will, as He knows better than us
where, what, when, why and how to act or not to act. When we decide that our thoughts and ways are better than
Gods, we run into problems; were being disobedient and we arent fulfilling our destiny.
Paul describes the spirit of disobedience as: fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the thoughts of our mind."
Ephesians 2:3 Paul warns us, Therefore, this I say and testify in the Lord, that from this time forward you must
not walk as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind. Ephesians 4:17.
Heres an example of Paul being forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia and Bythinia:
Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to
preach the word in Asia. 7 After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit
them. 8 So passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas. 9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of
Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, Come over to Macedonia and help us. 10 Now after he had seen
the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel
to them. Acts 16: 6-10
Listen up now Had Paul personally decided to follow his own will to do anything, under the reasoning that he was
doing Gods work, he would have been in reality, outside of Fathers perfect will for him. Who knows what
damage Paul would have done to himself, his destiny and the kingdom of God had he followed his own will.
Sadly, most Christians today are following their own will. They decide what to do next. They dont follow THE
wisest teaching and greatest commandment given to us! Jesus said to him, You shall love the LORD your God with
all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. Matthew 22:
37-38. To love God with all our heart, soul and mind is to follow HIS WILL in our life. Anything less is not love.
SELF-WILL takes us into pride; problems; self-idolization; self-righteousness; salvation by works; disobedience; sin;
failed destiny.
HIS WILL takes us into humility; solutions; God-worship; God-righteousness; salvation through Gods grace;
obedience; blessings; fulfilled destiny.
So we WAIT until HIS WILL directs us! We dont go on a mission unless Father says where and when (see Pauls
example again above); We dont decide to open a church; a school; a soup kitchen; hand out tracts or conduct any
other ministry acts unless Father shows/tells/sends us. Its not rocket science! Wait; listen; then go and do!
This is truly such an important teaching for us from Father! Hes guiding me through this teaching right now! Lets
look at some testimonies from spirit-filled leaders whose experiences can cement His teaching into our minds:
* A very successful spiritual warfare teacher of mine many years ago tried twice to start a church. Both times it
failed. He finally went to God to ask why these churches had failed. God said to him, Did I tell you to start a
church? This wonderful, loving, and humble leader who only wanted good results, had wasted a portion of his
destiny with his personal willful efforts aside from God. Lesson learned and he taught it to me.
wasnt what HIS WILL wanted She taught me this lesson to save me from myself.
*Another very successful spiritual warfare teacher of mine many years ago trained in mountain climbing for a year
and spent almost
to prepare
a mission
with to
to climb
to confront a
*Years $100,000.
ago, someone
we knewfor
he wanted
be a others
pastor (thats
a first
to what
principality. will
is a mighty
of God
that had
the from
His warrior
wife couldnt
to be.
She went
to God-worthy
doesnt it? While
do deliverance, to healing, to intercession, to ministry of helps as she named it, then to her, Where
are you going?
She said,He
to Mt.
know coffee
that. house
said,a clothing
Did I ask
and hisIm
a church,
foryou to go to
there? She said,
I spent
all this time
and money.
do high
level spiritual
the poor
Yet, they
fell into Im
the on
of way
in to
warfare. Theres
was her
They said, were was where Father wanted her to be.
idea, not Gods. She repented and humbly asked Father, What do you want me to do Father? He said, I need you
to go back home and take the lead of the intercessory group praying for the Nepal mission. She called the team in
Nepal and told them she was going home and why. The mission was on, its just that her place in the mission

was exactly where Father needed her to be and for her personal destiny. She taught me this
valuable lesson. I listened and learned. How are you doing so far?
*Someone we know decided he wanted to be a pastor. His wife didnt know what she wanted
to be so she tried deliverance, healing, intercession, ministry of helps, as she called it; and
then counselling. They opened a church; a Christian coffee-shop and clothing depot for the
poor. All sounds great doesnt it! They soon fell into several traps of religion, which included
allowing deliberate sinners to remain in the fellowship. Their reasoning was that we all are
sinners, so who are we to judge. We just love them. They attacked Rhoda and I when we
pointed out to them that this compromise was contrary (the exact opposite/anti-gospel) of
Gods Word. We parted ways. All three of these endeavours are today closed. They moved
away to start yet another ministry somewhere else. If these places were planted and nurtured
in HIS WILL, would they fail? Disobedience can look good to the world, but not to God.
*Another leader pastored a church; did evangelism on street corners; and preached in a prison.
A compassionate; loving and caring appearance to the world. Father brought him in the spirit
into heaven to rebuke him for his self-will and self-idolization! The pastor was shocked and
tried to explain he did it all for God. Father told him, You did it all for yourself. It was all selfrighteousness and self-idolization. When he returned from heaven, this pastor changed his
disobedient self-will to seek HIS WILL in all things. He wrote a book (Placebo) to warn others.
No such thing as partial disobedience. I learned from this great warriors experience.
*A leader we know, whenever she moved
to a new city because of a job, always
ended up settling for a spiritually dead
fellowship. The pastor would make her a
leader of various groups, which she
sought out and embraced as her own.
She says that they rejected her efforts to
bring in the Holy Spirit, when we asked.
We pointed out to her that she shouldnt
be fellowshipping with those who reject
the Holy Spirit. Her response was that
God hadnt told her to leave. (He also
hadnt told her to go there.) We advised
her that Gods Word is very clear on
what to do when others reject the Holy Spirit. She got angry with us and stayed there anyway.
We had no choice, but to break contact. Gods Word is gospel, not mans.
*A well known leader writes in his book (Risk Factor) that when he was a pastor he prayed for
a woman who had cancer, and she died. He thought he killed her because he didnt have
enough faith nor was gifted enough. He says, For 23 years after that disappointing experience,
I did not pray for the sick. He was backed into a corner one day by an injured man and so put
his hand on his back, hoping he wouldnt get worse. Nice prayer eh! He was instantly healed
and many thousands since. For 23 years he avoided and even refused to pray healing for
people! Never going to God for HIS WILL. Who was really in charge of this ministry?
Keep in mind, these are all leaders that claim to be spirit-filled, who are providing us with
their experiences. Think this can never happen with you? Read on.

*We have all heard of Derek Prince. I have many of his books and hes taught me a great deal
on so many subjects. He could never be led astray right? One of his testimonies was that he
and a group of select spirit-filled men were meeting regularly for 10 years before he finally
realized they all were making decisions on their own. He said he realized that they were
pulling the Holy Spirit out of the corner whenever they felt they needed Him!
So we see that this deadly trap of the enemy can grab
anyone, no matter what their position or level of
spirituality. This evil trap is very stealthy, as it is easily
stepped into, and certainly has evil spirits attached
with it, especially religious spirits (very nasty). The
more a person decides to follow their own will, the
more likelihood that evil spirits will convince them to
make it more of a habit. Evil spirits will also pretend
to be the Holy Spirit to divert people from Fathers
will; convincing people decisions come from God. The
deeper such a person is in the trap (human will or a demons will) the more anger can be
exhibited when their disobedience of Gods Word is exposed to them.
This trap leads to other traps of pride, sin and ignoring other areas of Gods Word. Can lead to
loss of salvation when a person alters their belief system to follow human will and world view
points. Becomes false Christianity and false Christian churches/ministries. False Christian
ministries being run by the human or demonic will, leads BILLIONS into the same trap!


Reject the urge to be god! You aint HIM!
So Samuel said: Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying
the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of
rams. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
1 Samuel 15: 22-23
Not enough room here to put all the scriptures of what happened to the Israelites when they
followed their own will over HIS WILL, even when their will seemed innocent. The biggest
problem a person will run into over time by following human or demonic will is when God
turns away from you or attacks you, as He did with the Israelites so many times in history.
The LORD will judge His people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Hebrews 10: 30-31
Are you understanding this teaching? If you do, congratulate yourself, as most, even after they
hear it again and again, continue on with or their own plans; following their own mind on
what their life and ministry will look like! How many times did Israel drift back into
disobedience when they had history and their own prophets to warn them!
What commandment is greater than loving the Lord God with all our heart, soul and mind?
What treasure is more worthy of our attention than surrendering to HIS WILL?
Remember that He is the potter and we are the clay (Isaiah 64: 8). Go to Father daily, as Jesus
did, for HIS WILL for your ministry and your life. Good Hunting!

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