The Trap

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The Trap

I first noticed this 21sextury stuff being advertised on I was into the whole D/s thing from
quite a young age. On 21sex the girls are hotter, it aint even so rough, but theyre still submissive.
So you stick with that and after a while you start to notice something weird about the shit. For one
all the girls are Eastern European. Then you notice a few other things. Like a few of the girls from
there are also on a couple of Kink sites. And whilst 21sex is relatively tame, on Kink theyre far
outstripping even the most submissive of American girls. Brutality aint even the word.
So Im still writing the Fantaisie tableaux. I get to this section by a singer called Goldfrapp. She was
one of the last artists I put into the book, and immediately I heard her I knew she had to go in. In fact
she was so beautiful and haunting I decided to name the whole book Utopia. Yet when I was
writing her section I didnt get the same warm pulse of energy flowing through me like I did with the
other sections. As I wrote hers I felt dead, cold. My writing was dead + cold, it looked awful. I
couldnt figure it out, she had to be one of the Fantaisie Tableaux artists, yet I couldnt channel her.
I find out soon enough why this is when I come across the backmasked version of Utopia. Id known
about backmasking for a while, but just stuff like Stairway to Heaven and shit like that. Who gives a
fuck about Satan anyway... But this is different. It aint about suffering in a toolshed, shes saying
something thats crystal clear. The video for the song itself plays backwards thats the original by
Dylan Kendle now called alternate version, they recorded a new one afterwards. And the album
cover itself is a mirror image with some weird shit in the middle. Sorta resembles an owl...
Then I notice the shit going through all her songs, doesnt even have to be backmasked, shes talking
about the same shit. Lovely head, Horse Tears, Strict machine, and I do some reading up about
her. Turns out she did some travelling in her youth was awol for about 3 years. Other artists have
the same sort of targeted backmasking running through. Garbage Stupid Girl (whole song) and Rita
Ora RIP(second verse in particular), are two other examples of this kind of backmasking.

I start to find other backmasked songs in the F-T. Dead Prez, Bjork, Goldie, Dilated Peoples, Knaan. I
generally take em out when I find em, but as soon as I find one a new one pops up. So I decide I have
to find out what theyre doing; how far this thing goes.

I visit a place Ive seen on the internet called the Kink bar. Theres a couple of girls from uni that
started taking an interest in me immediately after I do so. Ones real fucking hot, real clever, I know
if I go out with her, Im fucked. She does one of those slow-down to accidentally brush into you
things once, and I swear to god I get this feeling like a fucking explosion. If I go for her, Im never
gonna get to the bottom of this or figure any of it out. The other one I didnt even notice when I met
the first one, but she was sitting right next to her. Eventually I feel her staring solid at me whilst Im
talking to her friend, she mustve been doing it 5 minutes straight, and she starts trying to invite me
places. I never go.
She texts me some snarky remark about me blowing her off once. Im on my way back from Bedlam,
the mental hospital where Ive been seeing my brother. Hes in the violent psych ward, and some
dude tries to kick me as soon as I get in the door, you can only guess what the place is like. During
my whole visit hes sat stock still and hasnt said a word, doesnt even look up like a hes a
vegetable. Now my mums just had a heart-attack, and is so distraught about my brother shes
refusing to have a heart transplant and wants to die. On top of that Im stuck in this bullshit uni,
getting my exam marks altered, getting digs from God knows who? And this bitch I dont even like is
having a go at me about going to some bullshit I didnt even agree to.
So I start I effing and blinding at her, she fucking comes back all sorry and all that bs, and still trying
to get on my dick and meet up with me. So I decide if Im gonna test out this Goldfrapp and other
backmasking bs, its gonna be on her. So Valentines days comes up up and I give her a Valentines
rose and make her a mix CD, we start getting friendly and pretty soon this chicks doing things Ive
only seen the dirtiest pornstars do. I mean first time we start doing stuff she starts deepthroating
me real fast, real hard, then tells me I can fuck her in the ass. Id done all that stuff before, but not
like this. You know something dodgys just happened but you dont really care.
See this chick and the other one theyre both foreign nationals, like the 21sex girls. The hot ones
American, real brainiac, started college (university) aged 16 way too young, dropped out and started
travelling round Europe on her own. Just like Allison Goldfrapp. Just like that Iggy Azalea song Work
except replace Miami with Milan. Now shes studying in London, and is likely to be away from home
for a while. And the one Im seeing?
Turns out as I get the story during the course of our relationship she was raised by this Christian
pedophile cult called Children of God. Her mums a bit of a Jesus freak, which I can relate to, but she
obviously went to the wrong places and got trapped in a cult. I ask the girl if anything happened to
her and tell her about my childhood experiences. She says no, just beats and stuff like that. I know a
few people sexual stuff had happened to and all would share once they knew you were the same.
This chick didnt, so I just figured she hadnt.
I didnt realise till later she probably did have stuff happen cos as I found out later this fucking cult
wrote a fucking manual for their members about how adult-child sex relations were perfectly natural
and how to do them.
So Im doing the whole master thing, but the proper way you know? Not just brutality, make em
horny, make em orgasm, make em feel good, even though youre getting yours. But I remember the
weak black masters I saw, I make sure its brutal too. it dont matter to me what youre doing, if a
chick that can have multiple orgasms aint cumming more than you are, youre fucked up. For a

while it was like poetry in motion. But Id never come, hardly ever. We do mostly play stuff cos
were doing it in semi-public (sometimes full public), and I figured it was best not to, just stay in the
moment. I mean sometimes I would, but mostly not, that way you never turn into that soft putty
thing men become after they ejaculate.
I twig shes not new to this game even though she claims shes a virgin. Aint hard to sniff that out,
shes pretty blatant about it at times, and I also twig shes probably got a second Dom, a master, and
theyve basically set her on me to try me out. Course I know what Im doing. What with all the
backmasking and Im an intelligent guy, Im twisting it so she sees me as her master, not the other
one. See, Im me most of the time, the romantic. I show her the Fantaisie Tableaux, I lie with her in
the flowers, all that genuine shit to try and make her happy. I know how she saw me before, she had
all these little tells. And I know her smile when she sees me now. Its real.
But I need to step away from all the shit real soon. I notice in the Kink bar someone doing a rope
bondage routine to Goldfrapp and a couple of other routines to songs with backmasking. I hear a
few stories about Lords, MPs, Chancellors of the Exchequers, strange happenings in private
members clubs. I even see the ballerina that outed Max Mosley tied spread-legged (full splits) to the
back of a motor driven around English back lanes, so I get an idea this is quite a big thing.
Anyway the chick Im seeing pisses me off when Im trying to get a mitigating circumstances form for
my university work. Between this chick, the drugs, the feeling Im being fucked with, my mums not
having a heart bypass, and my bro being in the psych ward (plus all the violence and shit that
happened before he went into the psych ward), I havent been in the best of states. Ive missed a
couple of things because of what was happening during the year and I have to see some psych
counsellor about it. I end up spilling way more than I intended to, hoping that this woman with the
cold blue sociopaths eyes gives me a pass so I can redo some of the stuff Ive missed. She doesnt,
so whatever need a doctors note or some bullshit.
Tries to tells me I should come back for another session, so I say No thanks and try and project a
mental image of a solitary salutatory finger.
Anyways too much social shit used to put me in a proper headspin due to my autism and that was
way too much. Im in uni and all I wanna do is put on some headphones and listen to white noise,
which I do its very calming. At the same time this chicks belling up my facebook. I tell her I need
time to chill, but she comes to uni anyway, not understanding that Ive had some serious social
overload. I try and break up with her, but she wont leave me alone, so in the end I dont, but I get
her to go back home so I can chill out.
Later on Im still white noising it at uni in this nirvana-like state of bliss, and shes belling me up, still
trying to jump on my dick. Like this fucking chick is obsessed with sex, every conversation we have is
geared towards sex, and every day shes always sending me all these bikini pics of these broads. So I
give in and say alright, but shes still insisting on coming after I gave her numerous requests to be left
alone to chill out, so Im gonna make her pay.
Anyway two-twos now, she comes to uni, alls well- in that sense anyway, then she hits me with
some numbing cream. Like serious I went from rock-hard to limp bizkit in all of about 30 seconds
about 20 minutes into our sesh. I fucking pinch the skin on it, really dig the nails in and I cant feel a

thing. Fucking hell, I think so thats their game. Thats why she wont leave me alone - they twig Im
vulnerable after the counsellor with the cold sociopath eyes. In retrospect by applying it late shes
prob saved me.
On the way home some bearded obvious master types sit right opposite me and try and eyeball me
on the train. So I eyeball em right back, theyre expecting me to be a bit psychologically damaged,
but problem is my minds aware of a lot more than they probably twig. I already know the game
runs deep, Im just not sure how deep as of yet.
So I try to break up with the chick a couple more times after that. Each time she wont have it, but
after the 2nd or 3rd time she accepts well take a break. However we still talk as much as if were
dating, and shes still always trying to jump me, so course I give in a couple of times, and we basically
end up getting back together. Not officially, but yeah we still do all the same shit.
She goes back to Amsterdam to work, then Bucharest to see her mum, who works with another
Christian cult thing. Its called Victory Outreach and it focuses on turning prostitutes and drug-addicts
to Christ. With a peculiar focus on prostitutes. I watch one of their videos in Mexico, an outreach for
the street-workers, and I cant help but notice how the cameraman keeps focussing in on the
prostitutes asses.
We talk on the net. And during this time I still keep up the whole master-slave thing, but we talk.
And without the kink clouding my mind I start to look into some of the things she was on about. I
realise the paedophile cult she was in Children of God, has spawned famous child actors, models,
singers, including River Phoenix (and the whole Phoenix clan) and Rose McGowan (the actress). I
notice Rose McGowan with Marilyn Manson wearing some very similar shit to the stuff my chick
would wear.
And this shit wasnt just one-off abuse of power stuff. They wrote a fucking manual about child-adult
sex relations! The child subject in the book Davidito, real name Ricky Rodriguez, ended up killing
one of his abusers and then commiting suicide. So when my chick said nothing had happened to her
as a kid she was probably lying.
And opposite her church is this place called Castelul Iulia Hasdeu, right next to the police training
centre. The place has got a representation of the all-seeing eye above its entrance and a fauxheraldic shield on its door which includes a black goats head with a pentagram directly above its
horns. Looks very ornate inside too.

I flick through the pictures and find one of the place surrounded by snow, and a whole lot of people
heading towards the entrance. A few days after I screenshot the shit, the image disappears.
Anyways I always twigged his chick subscribed to white supremacist beliefs. Most people do,
because most people have been fed a view of Africa which indoctrinates them into white
supremacist beliefs. And like I said she had all these tells, things shed say mostly about black guys.
So she starts laughing at some slightly self-racist injoke I was making online and I flipped. Id tried to
get rid of her a few times before as Id gotten far too involved with the master shit. But instead of
seeing how deep it ran, Id gotten attached to it. Id specifically picked the chick I had zero attraction
to, so I wouldnt get caught up in it, yet Id still gone to the point where the idea of being the
Master had become all-important. I had to end it, step back, assess. I did, and it was messy. Shed
rejected all my previous attempts to break up with her so I had to make sure this one stuck.
I said some things I regret.
I took a step back and my attention turned to everything I could see around me. And having been
involved in it, now I could see the hallmarks of the stuff everywhere. I started to find more evidence
of girls like my ex, who had probably not entered into the world of sadism and dominance
consensually. And suddenly I could see evidence everywhere that the system seemed to be in a large
part devoted to obtaining and training girls for the practice of sexual slavery. Rihanna, Iggy Azalea,
Nicki Minaj, Britney Spears, like I said even bands like Garbage, the popular music world seemed
devoted to it. And the stars carried matching tattoos (see Shh... finger tattoo),

Matching piercings (right, single breast piercing for a black female for example)

They degraded themselves in front of their fans, Nicki Minaj simulated sex with a microphone, Lady
Gaga simulated puking on stage, Miley Cyrus regularly spat water on her fans, all sexed up. As you
can see above Rihanna even bared all for a magazine cover featuring a rusty nail driven `through her
right nipple instead of a traditional nipple ring.
I found sites like which featured the same girls whod appeared on the seemingly
softer 21sextury. Now video series like Piss My Ass Off and Wake Up N Fuck, dispelled the seeming
veneer of slightly more softcore sex than their American counterpart sites. These girls such as Marry
Dream seemed to have literally no limits. Most are listed as one of 3500+ girls on Eurobabeindex.

There were thousands of girls pretty enough to be fashion models doing things like DAP, fisting and
being peed on. They werent restricted to Russia either, American sites like EvilAngel, and even
British sites like Jim Slip featured the exact same Russian girls.

Whilst Uk-based Jim Slips excursions with the Russians were relatively softcore, I soon noticed that
Evil Angels films with the Russian girls far outstripped 21sextury in terms of sexual violence.
Then I noticed a strange story. After being caught having taken nude selfies in the bathroom and
posting them online (the online selfies having been discovered by her office colleagues) an intern for
major Wall Street asset management firm Lazard Bros Paige Jennings was pressured out of her job by her bosss boss so she said.
She was subsequently approached by EvilAngel and a subsidiary of theirs called Arrangement
finders with a six-figure deal to enter porn; Arrangement finders being a slightly more upscale
upmarket version of an escort service like Spieglers chixpix. It touts hooking girls up with sugardaddies, with a lot of girls who seemingly happen to be porno chicks - like Anna Darling and Paige
Jennings (now styled Veronica Vain).

Whilst a new intern leaving a Wall Street firm isnt newsworthy, her subsequent six-figure porn deal
was. Which begged the question, how did Evil Angel find out about this intern Paige Jennings
anyway? Unless informed directly by people at Lazard Bros. The connections were unravelling.
I had discovered the extent of Bjorks connection to the practice of sexual slavery, whilst working on
my previous slave. Now as I watched whilst literally scores of young Russian girls in a dance class
twerked in front of the image a cruel mask-clad domina, the song Wanderlust brought chills to my

The previously obscure lyrics in especially the second verse were now crystal clear. Even the loss of
constancy in her voice suggested the act of someone losing consciousness from suffocating. I
realised how easily poor foreign beautiful girls could be tricked with the offers of modelling, singing
or dancing into ending up being one of the 3500+ on Eurobabeindex. Or how any girl travelling
alone such as Allison Goldfrapp or Iggy Azalea could end up in such a situation.
The Russian girls twerked, in huge numbers, whilst the image of the word twerk in spaghetti writing
floated lazily on a spoon, before switching to a crotch first view of Miley Cyrus, legs akimbo,
thrusting towards the camera and drawing a slow, long rope of chewing gum out of her mouth.
Zahia Dehars broken models graced the catwalk, looking like svelte angels from some mad demons
idea of heaven, whilst she appeared boxed like a Barbie doll, stroking a lamb (another constant icon)
or pretended to be a sex slave robot.
I kept writing the Fantasie tableaux. And through the voice of a long-dead Jester I found my way to
the source; Momus; Comus; Gnomus. The two aforementioned are simple enough. The Royal Order
of Jesters, The Mystick Krewe of Comus - but the mysterious third, Gnomus? Still questions in my
head. I saw Rei Momo crowned the King of the Brazilian Carnival, whilst at Mardi Gras Comus beads
rained down upon young girls bare breasts, and his suitably garbed Jesters looked on with malicious
merriment. I saw at its inception news reports of Satan, high on a hill, far blazing as a mound, with
pyramids and towers from diamond quarries hewn, and rocks of Gold; the Palace of great Lucifer.
There were only two floats on that parade: one on which rode Comus, the other occupied by Satan.

I saw tragic deaths. That of Anna Nicole Smiths son in the hospital room on the day TV cameras
filmed her giving live birth. Her own death, 5 months later, and clips of her confused and
disoriented, covered in garish clown make-up being lectured by a 6-year old in a too small 2-piece
bikini. A 6 year-old who was repeatedly attempting to convince her that the plastic doll she was
holding was not a real child, and the unborn baby that lay inside her womb was not in fact gas. The
gold-digger, the stripper and whore who married a 90-year old billionaire just so she could get her
hands on his money, getting her comeuppance, her firstborn son dead in her hospital room 3 days
after her new daughter is birthed; as the media feasts on her torture - courtesy of the Jesters.

I saw Jessie Rogers reliving her traumatic rape on camera, then sitting opposite me on a train,
clutching a large teddy bear, some strange connection between her and the baby in the pram next to
me being soothed by the older Jewish woman. Jessie (or Bianca), with the same glazed dreamlike,
far-off look in her eye that European pornstar Sophie Lynx had when she sat opposite me. The look
that spoke of some strange drug, or at least an altered state of consciousness.

The Raelians, another cult devoted to the enslavement of women, encourages its members to
become professional sex workers termed Raels Girls.

They are also responsible for events such as world topless day and run companies such as Stemaid
and Clonaid, a biological research company which claims to have cloned human beings.

I witnessed a pretty young blonde studying Law at Westminster, turned into a silicon blow-up doll
after going to a West End show at age 16 and meeting the Raelians UK leader, Glenn Carter the lead
star of musical Jersey Boys. By perhaps coincidence Jersey Boys is referenced in South Parks famous
musical sub-text episode, another reference to the way music is used to pump subliminal sexual
messages into womens heads, through backmasking and other means.

They were becoming bolder I noticed they were openly bragging about it. Not just by subjecting
Marry Dream to the worst of their filmed abuses, but by openly advertising Sex Gangsters, as a
full-screen advert upon entrance to their site21sextury. They bragged by placing 22-year old former
Chemical Engineering student Shanty Roques confession about her abuse and escape on the first
page of search results for the term legal porno on popular site, by making films like
Eyes Wide Shut, by even the name of the site Legal Porno.

And still nothing was done about it, nothing was heard, even when at 2:45 in Work Iggy Azalea
delivered the line 16 you sent me to go suck cock, after she told em she had no money, no family,
and was 16 in the middle of Miami. The sheeple, they call us. Put us into cartoon form so we can be
ripped apart by little deviants. The less said about the film depiction of the woman tarred, wooled
in full sheeple garb, the word WHORE tattooed across her forehead and shot at point blank range by
a man in a red hooded cape the better. Rita Ora wears the same red hooded cape as she sings RIP.
A song which when reversed asks you to stretch her pussy and her asshole if you really want.

Still some have got to chase the dream. Just as Sofia Vassileliou did when she we nt to Bollywood to
feature in a gangster-erotica-horror film. She thinks its her big break, deletes all her nude photos
and vids from the internet and pledges never to pose nude again. The fact that she speaks no Hindi,
has questionable Indian heritage and some of the videos shes made could be construed as highly
offensive to Indians doesnt occur to her. The fact that it was with an Indian director famous for his
graphic rape scenes doesnt send off any alarm bells, so I even make the odd decision to try and call
into Babestation to warn her. I get through to the girl sitting next to her after several tries and
several minutes, but if she passed on the message it didnt get through.

Several thousand pounds poorer, having never starred in a Bollywood film, with new nipple
piercings, shes back nude in TV screens only a few months after she said shed never pose naked
again, shaking new lipstick-print ass tattoos on a substantially lower budget station 26p-a-minute
station, the Indians presumably having gotten revenge for Sofias sayian chodoge to roti paka

However I guess Sofias not doing badly now shes back in England judging by her skype
conversations with #Lord #Israel and his preference for not using condoms.

Probably better than the blonde I regret my brothers shaky hands not taking a good picture of,
judging her subsequent video on 21sextury. The girl who shared exactly the same distinctive, white
laced pink and white-laced grey skirt outfit with 2 other blondes I saw on 2 days subsequent, the first
on Facebook, the second on porn site 21sextury. 3 girls, same outfit, 3 consecutive days.

And probably better than the child ballerinas in Transnistria, the mysterious black-market state
known for arms manufacturing and drugs trafficking, in which each inhabitant supposedly eats 1kg
of chicken every 4 days (imported).

I guess youve got make a living somehow though. You always get the lucky. Britney Spears... Or the
young, pretty, topless Femen activists collecting 2,500 EUR a month salaries as activists-for-rent, one
of the key funders revealed as Jewish businessman Jed Sunden. Never mind that they deface public
monuments to the dead with chainsaws, and engender virulent anti-female hatred and rhetoric from
every 4chan user that ever stumbled onto a Youtube comments section.

Or Pussy-riot, the idiot loves of every hipster douchebag theres ever been. Famous for chickenfucking and public-orgies. So-called punk feminist activists. As apparently theyd never written a
song or released one prior to the US State department doing it for them. And all their activism?

It seems Plucer-Sarno of Mevasseret Zion was the architect of their previous work and Marat
Geldman was the orchestrator of Pussy Riot.
Another lucky star is Ruslan Toumaniantz. The tattooist who was accused of tattooing 56 stars on a
girls face after she fell asleep having asked for three. He then tattooed his name across the face of a
Russian girlfriend on their first date apparently. Perhaps the twin Stars of David tattooed on her back
were the start of a slippery slope.

Funny enough I believe you are not allowed to be buried in a Jewish cemetery if you have tattoos.
Doesnt stop several major celebrities having Jewish inscription tattoos. I even recall standing behind
a dark-haired young lady in a queue at the bank who lifted the back of her hair to reveal a Jewish
tattoo on the back of her neck to me, before walking out; same place as lucky Britney Spears. Not a
direct copy as far as I remember as it only featured two Jewish characters as opposed to three.

I think one of the luckiest is No Class Wendy O Wlliams. For becoming the topless violent lead
singer of famous crap-punk band The Plasmatics (Master plan?) after answering an ad for Captain
Kinks Sex Fantasy Theatre. She also served as inspiration for topless punk copycats such as Butcher
Babies, but is largely forgotten as the non-descript brunette shooting ping-pong balls out of her
vagina across a stage on porn parody The Dong Show a few years previous.

I count Deep Throat star Linda Lovelace as lucky not only for surviving what she went through, but
for having the opportunity to try and spread her message against what has been happening from the
very inception of mainstream pornography. Deep Throat was widely recognised as the first
mainstream porn film. It started off a trend of beatings, rapes and forced performances of the socalled stars (Linda was forced to perform at gunpoint).

The Jesters and the other groups such as the international bankers that control our society institute
these things, use Eastern Europeans I guess in order to control influential people. Our leaders,
politicians, heirs and moneymakers, the movers and shakers in our society.
Think about pig-gate recently. Everyone remembers the part about David Cameron fucking a pig,
no-one remembers the second part of the book quote, that it was part of an initiation into a secret
sex society. I guess it makes sense. No risk of scandal if they join the secret club, beautiful girls that
will do literally anything they want.
That shit aint for me. Goes too much against all I know outside of this life, and what I surmise has
been the overthrow of women from their original place at the founding of religion; where (wo)man
and sky meet via the rhythm of their natural harmonies. Cos like the poet says, moon and
menstruation begot measure, just as they begot the month.
Thats etymology, history of words, and the first example of human counting backs the idea.

It appears to measure the coincidence between the phases of the moon and a womans monthly
flow - likely to be our first incidence of abstract thought. It makes sense that the earliest religious
deities were female, and the highest religious powers in ancient times were all female. It explains
why the Oracle was originally of Gaia before becoming the Oracle of Apollo, and why myths such as
Aboriginal, African and South American feature the stealing of magic or religion from women.
For me aint no way those thou shalt not kill, and love thy neighbour as thyself ethical laws and
moral strictures came from men. We are built to be hunters, killers, to love violence and bloodshed.
To satisfy our urge for bloody violence we entertain ourselves with first person shooters like Call of
Duty, MMA, Hunting, War... this torture, our game. Religion has only been used as a pretext for
war, cash, enslavement, tortures like the inquisition and witch-burnings as long as its been in the
hands of us. Even practices like blood-sacrifice, castration, circumcision, just strike me as a mimicry
of the menstruation, something that was needed to make men holy enough to serve in religion.
So my blood truly ran cold, when I saw the titles for the film Living Goddess displayed as a mirror
image, first reversed and then forwards by Dylan Kendle, the same film-maker who directed the
reversed video for Goldfrapps backmasked song Utopia. Having directed Goldfrapps video so that it
plays in reverse, whilst playing upon the idea of mirror images within the video, hes aware of what
hes doing in the living Goddess title-credits. Im guessing its indicative of a backmasked message.

The Kumari, or living Godesses are a strange echo of that earlier time. A time when wise-women
or witches were not burned at the stake on account of heresy, or accused by Judeo-Christianity of
being in league with the devil.
I read that she had been stripped of her title of Goddess upon visiting America, and this decision may
be engendered by a major loss of blood or injury. I saw further that the traditional symbol painted
upon her forehead as she attended the American screening of the film, had been slightly altered to
correspond to the pyramid of the all-seeing eye, the same symbol tattooed on the back of Jessie
Rogers and on the Satanic temple in Romania. Knowing about Dylan Kendle, and what I know about
my ex and the paedophile cult she was raised in, I need not know more. I will never submit to join
such a disgraceful sect, further their motives, or further such happenings in our society.

The story of Muslim child prodigy Sufia Yusof also makes me think. She got into Oxford University at
age 13 to study Maths, absconded after her final exams; then after being transferred to a foster
family, and a two-year failed marriage to a Jewish lawyer, was subsequently was found working as a
130-an-hour prostitute in a backstreet flat in Salford. She ended up accusing her father of physical
and emotional abuse, in contrast to her siblings (all of whom were also home-educated by their
father and also ended up attending university at an advanced age).
The media feigned sympathy for her spiral downwards from the youngest student at Oxford
University into a dangerous profession, yet took advantage of the opportunity to get some raunchy
snaps nonetheless.

Knowing what I know of my own life, how it has been (not-so-subtly) manipulated, as well as what I
know of the world renders me highly suspicious of this story and these circumstances, especially her
period with a foster family, and her two-year marriage to the Muslim convert Jonathan Marshall. Ive

seen trumped up charges for those who oppose the system before , so I take what I read about
Farooq with a significant grain of salt.
A further show of the lows to which these inhabitants of our society will stoop can be found in the
backmasked version of the song Lost and not Found by Chase and Status, another artist once in my
Fantaisie Tableaux. Accompanying these terrible lyrics a childs voice is clearly audible in the first and
last few seconds of the track.
The plot of the music video Lost and not Found focuses on a kidnapped girl and her abductor hiding
out in a motel room. Eventually the cops burst on the scene, but displaying a particularly strong case
of Stockholm Syndrome the girl grabs a policewomans gun and threatens them until the release of
her abductor. The pair then flee the scene.

Its clear the message they are intending to convey by this video (and perhaps by some of the
backmasking if you listen). There is no use trying to save someone who doesnt want to be saved,
and obviously a lot of these girls especially the famous ones, have the opportunity to speak out, but
dont. The problem comes when you hear stories from people like Chemical Engineering student
Shanty Roque. Or when you consider what happens to the girls that dont take to the training.

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