One Day in The Campus Area

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In the campus, two students are having a morning chit-chat.

They are discussing about their electrical machine assignment.
His name is Dika and the other one is Fian.
Dika : Hey Ian, have you done your electrical machine assignment from
yesterday ?
Fian : What ? There is a homework ? I didnt know it.
Dika : Next time dont take a nap on the lesson time.
Fian : Hehe I felt really sleepy, I have various things to do on the
organization, we will hold an event next week so I need to prepare for
Dika : but dont forget about your lesson, its as important as your
Fian : Ok , Ok Ill keep it in my mind.
Dika : So what you will do ? I havent do it either. Hehe
Fian : How about make it as a group study in my house ?
Dika : Thats a good idea, I will ask Tia and other friends if they want to
join us.
Fian : Sounds good.
Dika : But wait ! I dont know where your home is. Can you give me some
direction please ?
Fian : Sure. Do you know Terminal Kaligawe ?
Dika : Yeah I once came to that place. Is your house near from it ?
Fian : Thats right, there is an convenience store on the T-junction after the
terminal, you turn right on that junction. Then take a straight road
until a few kilos you will see a big green mosque. There is a little
pavement road next to it, and my house is 500m inside, the red one
with a little store on it. Do you get it ?
Dika : Okay, I got it. So when will we do it ?
Fian : Im free on the saturday , on 10 A.M. How about it ?
Dika : Fine. I always free on weekend.

Fian : OK then, I got to go now. Have something to do now

Dika : OK, bye.

The day has come, Dika is on his way to go to Fians house. He

left from his home at 9 A.M and hes riding motorcycle, but it
seems that he already forget the location of Terminal Terboyo.
: I cant believe it, why the place is changed this much? And i
already using GPS
system from my smartphone too, but I still lost.
Policeman : Excuse me, why do u stop your motorcycle here, there is a
sign that its
forbidden to stop here.

: Oh sorry sir, I think Im lost. This is my first time here

Policeman : Oh my I know where are you from and where are you going
to ?

: I am from Kendal City sir, and going to my friends house near


Policeman : Oh actually Terminal Terboyo is nor far from here, but your
direction is
: What ? but I used GPS System from my smartphone, there is
no way it can be
Policeman : But sir, it seems that your smartphone is smart but not
accurate enough this
time, trust me.

: Ok then , how can I go to Terminal Terboyo from here ?

Policeman :You need to turn around and go straight ahead, after that turn
right on the
next junction. Then go straight about 500 meters. Terminal
Terboyo is on the left road

: Thank you sir

Policeman : wait, can I see your driving license ?


: Ok sir, this my driving license

Policeman : Ok, be careful on your way

Dika has arrived at Terminal Terboyo, but he decided to call Fian

to pick him up because
he doesnt want to get lost again.
Dika : Fian , can you pick me? . Im on Terminal Terboyo, but Im not sure
where your house is, I dont want to get lost again.
Fian : What? You have smartphone right? Why not use GPS system ?
Dika : I already use it. But it cant help me to get to your house
Fian : Haha. Ok then wait me there.

Finally Dika arrived in front of Fians house. His house is big

and tidy. Then a couple minutes later another friends came. They
do the homework together . After the homework finished. All of
Alfians friends go to their home. Dika still stay a longer time on
Fians house.
Fian : Why dont you go home like others ?
Dika : Nah. I like to stay here a little longer. Your house is comfortable.
Fian : OK then. So what do you want to do ?
Dika : Hey, can you show me your latest project, A light sensoric mini
robot car.
Fian : Sure thing. Wait a moment I will take it.
Dika : OK.
Fian : Here you go .
Dika : It looks cool bro. I want to make something like that too.
Fian : You need to buy the components first though. I have a spare PCB,
you can use it if
you want.
Dika : Wow thanks bro. Where is the place do you often buy the
components ? The cheap

one ?
Fian : I usually buy on Suara Gembira Electronics Shop. It has so many
components and the prices is reasonable for me.
Dika : Where is the shop located ?
Fian : Its located on Mataram Electronic area , in Jalan Raya Mataram.
Dika : If I come from Simpang Lima what route I must take ?
Fian : If you come from Simpang Lima, just take the Pandanaran Street
then go ahead until second traffic lamp, then turn left. You will in the
Mataram Main Road. Just take a straight road and you will see a big
LCD screen ad, the shop is next to it.
Dika : OK I got it. Will you accompany me to buy the components
tomorrow ?
Fian : Sure if I have a free time.
Dika : Thanks . Looks like it already dark here. I need to go home
Fian : OK. Come to visit me again ok ?
Dika : OK , see you tomorrow.

On Monday Dika wants to buy some electronic component .He

ask Fian to accompany him
to go to the store that Fian recommended.
Dika : Hello, Fian. This is Dika
Fian : Hello Dik, whats up ?
Dika : Actually I want to buy some component to make my mini robot
project. Can you accompany me to go to the store ?
Fian : Im sorry, but I need to do something important today. I have to pick
up my Mother in Airport this noon.
Dika : Ugh, but Im not sure about the specification of component that I
should buy.
Fian : Dont worry Dik, you want to buy component to make mini robot like
mine right?
Dika : Yeah, you sure can read other people mind haha.
Fian : I will send you a message of list of components, so you dont have
to worry about it.

Dika : Oh thank you so much, youre a good friend.

Not long after that, Dika left his home to go to the electronic
component store, after he
arrived at the store, He tell the storekeeper what he wants to buy.

: Excuse me, can I buy this list of components?

Storekeeper : Oh sir sorry we dont any kind of thing in your list?


: What? This is Suara Gembira store right?

Storekeeper : Im sorry sir this store is Soda Gembira not Suara Gembira.
We are selling
many kind of beverages, not electronic component

: Ohh sorry my mistake. Do you know a store named Suara


Storekeeper : Oh you just need to go straight ahead this road until the
nearest T junction,
its only 200 meters from here, just look at the left side of
the road. im sure
you will find it

: Thank you for your kindness.

Storekeeper : No problem sir.

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