Damodar asTakAm

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nammvara sac-cid-nanda-rpa
lasat-kuala gokule bhrjamanam
yaod-bhiyolkhald dhvamna
parmam atyantato drutya gopy
nammiI bow down; varamto the supreme controller; sat-cit-nanda-rpamwhose form is
composed of eternity, knowledge and bliss; lasat-kualamwhose earrings play and swing; gokule
bhrjamnamwho is splendrously manifest in Gokula; yaod-bhiyin fear of Mother Yaod;
ulkalt-dhvamnamwho gets down from the wooden rice-grinding mortar and runs away; paramamcatching Him by the back; atyamvery much; tatam drutyachasing after Him quickly;
gopyby the gop (r Yaod).
To the Supreme Lord, whose form embodies eternity, knowledge, and bliss, whose earrings swing to
and fro, who shines beautifully in Gokula, who [due to the offense of breaking the pot of yogurt that
His mother was churning into butter and then stealing the butter that was kept hanging from a swing]
quickly ran from the grinding mortar in fear of Mother Yaod, and who was finally caught from
behind by her, who ran faster than Heto that Supreme Lord, r Dmodara, I offer my humble
Text Two
rudanta muhur netra-yugma mjantam
karmbhoja-yugmena staka-netram
muhu vsa-kampa-trirekhka-kahasthita-graiva dmodara bhakti-baddham
rudantamcrying; muhuagain and again; netra-yugmamHis two eyes; mjantamrubbing;
kara-ambhoja-yugmenawith His two lotus-like hands; sa-taka-netramwith very fearful eyes;
muhuagain and again; vsaquick breathing and sighing; kampatrembling; tri-rekha-akakahaneck marked with three lines (just like a conchshell); sthitasituated; graivapearl
necklaces and other neck-ornaments; dma-udaramunto He with a rope around His belly; bhaktibaddhamwho is bound by devotion.

[Seeing His mothers stick, ] He cried and rubbed His eyes again and again with His two lotus hands.
His eyes were fearful, and His quick breathing shook the strand of pearls on His neck, which bore
three lines like a conchshell. To that Supreme Lord, r Dmodara, whose belly is bound with the
ropes of His mothers pure love, I offer my humble obeisances.
Text Three
itdk sva-llbhir nanda-kue
sva-ghoa nimajjantam khypayantam
tadyeita-jeu bhaktair jitatva
puna prematas ta atvtti vande
iti dkdisplaying in this way (childhood pastimes such as the Dmodara-ll and so forth); svallbhiby His own pastimes; nanda-kuein a pool of bliss; sva-ghoamHis own family and
the other residents of Gokula; nimajjantamimmersing; khypayantammakes known; tadya-itajeuto those desirous of knowing His majesty (aivarya); bhaktai jitatvamHis quality of being
conquered by His loving devotees (who are devoid of aivarya-jna); punaagain; prematawith
love and devotion; tamunto that Lord Dmodara; ata-vttihundreds and hundreds of times;
vandeI praise.
With these superexcellent childhood pastimes Lord Ka drowned the residents of Gokula in pools
of ecstasy. In this way He declared to those absorbed in knowledge of His majesty and opulence: I am
conquered only by My pure loving devotees. With great love I again offer my obeisances to Lord
Dmodara hundreds and hundreds of times.
Text Four
vara deva moka na mokvadhi v
na canya ve 'ha vared apha
ida te vapur ntha gopla-bla
sad me manasy virst kim anyai
varamboons; devaO Lord!; mokamliberation; nanot; mok-avadhimthe highest pinnacle
of liberation (the realm of r Vaikuha-loka); vor; nanot; ca-anyamor anything else; ve
ahamI pray for; vara-tfrom You Who can bestow any boon; apialso; ihahere in Vndvana;
idamthis; teYour; vapudivine bodily form; nthaO Lord!; gopla-blama young cowherd
boy; sadalways; me manasiin my heart; virstmmay it be manifest; kim anyaiwhat is the
use of other things (mok, and so forth.)

O Lord, though You can award all kinds of benedictions, I pray to You neither for the boon of
impersonal liberation, nor for the highest liberation of eternal life in Vaikuha, nor for any other
such boon. O Lord, I simply wish that this form of Yours as Bla Gopla in Vndvana may ever be
manifest in my heart, for what use do I have for any other boon besides this?
Text Five
ida te mukhmbhojam atyanta-nlair
vta kuntalai snigdha-raktai ca gopy
muhu cumbita bimba-raktdhara me
manasy virstm ala laka-lbhai
idamthis; teYour; mukha-ambhojamlotus-like face; avyakta-nlaiby very dark blue; vtam
surrounded; kuntalaiby curling locks of hair; snigdhasoft and glossy; raktaiby reddishtinted; caalso; gopyby the gop (r Yaod); muhuagain and again; cumbitamkissed;
bimba-rakta-adharamwith lips red as the bimba fruit; memy; manasiin the heart; virstm
may it be manifest; alamuseless (there is no need for me); laka-lbhaiby millions of attainments
of other boons.
O Lord, again and again mother Yaod kisses Your lotus face, which is framed by locks of soft black
hair tinged with red and beautified by Your lips colored red like the bimba fruit. May this vision of
Your lotus face ever be manifest in my heart. Thousands and thousands of other benedictions are of
no use to me.
Text Six
namo deva dmodarnanta vio
prasda prabho dukha-jlbdhi-magnam
kp-di-vyti-dna batnu
ghea mm ajam edhy aki-dya
namaI bow down; devaO divine Lord!; dmodaraO Lord whose belly is bound with a rope!;
anantaO limitless Lord!; vioO all-pervading Lord!; prasdabe pleased; prabhoO my
Master!; dukha-jlaa network of material miseries; abdhi-magnamimmersed in the ocean; kpdi-vyby the rain of merciful glances; ti-dnamvery fallen; bataalas!; anughaplease
accept; aO supremely independent Lord!; mmme; ajamignorant; edhiplease come; akidyaperceptible to my eyes.

O Supreme Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. O Dmodara! O Ananta! O Viu! O
master! O Lord, be pleased upon me. Shower me with Your merciful glances and deliver this poor
ignorant fool immersed in an ocean of worldly sorrows, and become visible to my eyes.
Text Seven
kuvertmajau baddha-mrtyaiva yadvat
tvay mocitau bhakti-bhjau ktau ca
tath prema-bhakti svak me prayaccha
na moke graho me 'sti dmodareha
kuvera-tmajauthe two sons of Kuvera (named Nalakvara and Maigrva); baddha-mrty-eva
by He whose divine form was bound with ropes to the grinding mortar; yat-vatsince they were like
that (cursed by Nrada to take birth as twin arjuna trees); tvayby You; mocitauthey who were
liberated; bhakti-bhjauthe recipients of devotional service; ktauYou made them; caalso;
taththen; prema-bhaktimloving devotion; svakmYour own; meunto me; prayacchaplease
give; na mokenot for liberation; grahaenthusiasm; memy; astiis; dmodaraO Lord
Dmodara!; ihathis.
O Lord Dmodara, as a baby tied to a grinding mortar, You delivered Kuveras two sons from the
curse of Nrada and made them into great devotees. In the same way, please give me pure loving
devotion for You. I long for this alone and have no desire for any kind of liberation.
Text Eight
namas te 'stu dmne sphurad-dpti-dhmne
tvadyodarytha vivasya dhmne
namo rdhikyai tvadya-priyyai
namo 'nanta-llya devya tubhyam
namaobeisances; teto You; astumay there be; dmneunto the rope around Your waist;
sphuratsplendrous; dpti-dhmneunto the effulgent abode; tvadya-udaryaunto Your belly;
athathus; vivasyaof the entire universe; dhmneunto the shelter; namaobeisances;
rdhikyaiunto Rdhik; tvadya priyyaiunto Your Beloved; namaobeisances; ananta-llya
unto Your limitless sportive pastimes; devyaunto Your transcendental nature; tubhyamunto

O Lord Dmodara, obeisances unto the brilliantly effulgent rope binding Your belly! Obeisances unto
Your belly, the abode of the entire universe! Obeisances unto Your dearmost beloved, rmat
Rdhr! And obeisances unto You, O Lord, who display unlimited pastimes!

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