PT Vale Indonesia - Strategi Pencegahan Kecelakaan Tambang Berakibat Berat Dan Mati

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Strategi Pencegahan Kecelakaan Tambang

Berakibat Cidera Berat dan Mati
Agus Superiadi
KTT PT Vale Indonesia Tbk Unit Sorowako

Wilayah Kontrak Karya PT Vale Indonesia Tbk

New CoW Amendment

118,435 Ha

Main Activities

Ore Screening
Ore Drying
Ore Smelting
Slag dumping
Product transportation to Port
Bulk material (Coal, Sulfur, and Silica) transportation
from Port to Plant
Utilities Operation
Mobile Equipment Maintenance
Plant Maintenance
Utilities Maintenance (Hydro power, Thermal Plant, and Steam)

Main Equipment
Equipment Type

Number of Unit

Mobile Equipment
Heavy Equipment

220 units

Light Truck

21 units

Light Vehicle

499 units

Drill Rig

36 units

Fixed Equipment

Screening Station

5 units


3 units

Reduction Kiln

5 units

Electrical Furnace

4 units


3 units

Hydro Generator

8 units ~365MW

Diesel Generator

28 units ~55 MW

Steam Turbine Generator

2 units ~24MW


Mining Process

Nickel Processing Plant

Matte Tapping

Slag dumping

Main Infrastructures

Nickel Production Rate

Main Programs
On Going
HSEMS Implementation
Major Hazard Standard (MHS)
Golden Rule Enforcement
Since 2013
Felt Leadership
Restructure HSE Committee
Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS)
Review Critical Procedures
Starting 2015
Process Safety Management


Health &Safety

Indonesia Legal

Version 1.0 12

18 Requirements



10 Golden Rules

1 No one should enter confined space, blasting area, blast area furnace 3 floor, switch yard & tree
cutting area, without a permit from authorized area personnel.
2 No one shall work under influence of illegal drugs with blood alcohol level in excess of 0.05 %
weight/vol. including the use of company vehicle
3 No one shall operate a vehicle or mobile equipment without a valid PT Vale Indonesia license for that
equipment, except under training program by formal instructor

4 No one shall drive vehicle more than 30 kph over the posted speed limit
5 No one shall work at height of more than 1.8 meters above the ground or fixed walkways of
scaffolding without any fall protection/ prevention (standard hand rail or harness and lanyard)
6 No one shall remove another persons lock and tag unless approval is received in writing from Kepala
Teknik Tambang or authorized person, and all workers doing maintenance work on equipment that
requires isolation must:
a. Have a personal lock and tag in place on an isolation point at all times; or
b. Be authorized to work under a permit.
7 No one shall be under load being lifted by lifting equipment
8 No one shall get out of his or her equipment while being loaded
9 No one shall work above or near (less than 2 meter horizontally) water or mud pond deeper than 1
meter without either a safe work platform or a correctly fitted buoyancy vest
Note: if risk of swept by strong current exists, falling protection should be used
10 No one shall smoke near fuel storage, fuel dispenser, blasting magazine, pulverized coal, melting
sulphur, and during refueling.



Safety Management Principles - Leadership

Felt Leadership
Safety is line management responsibility
Leaders need to demonstrate their safety commitment and
Life matters most
Leaders need to lead by example
Leaders need to be visible at workplace conducting regular
safety observation and personal safety discussion to ensure
safe conditions and workers doing the activities safely.
Leaders present means thousands words
Safety is not only PPE but motivation
Recognition and emphaty is postive energy
Reinforcing safe behavior is more effective than punishing
unsafe actions
Good safety is good production

Felt Leadership

The Cultural Transformation

PTVI in Safety Culture Curve


KPI Leading and Lagging Indicators


Safety Statistics (include Contractors)

Total Injury

Safety Statistics

The Challenges

Closing Statement

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