Manual For Bomb Calorimeter

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with safety device


Designed in accordance with the specifications

of the Institute of Petroleum and the British Standard Institution.
(AS PER IS : 1350 (pt-II)-1970)


Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274


A Bomb Calorimeter will measure the amount of heat generated when matter is burnt in a sealed
chamber (Bomb) in an atmosphere of pure oxygen gas.
The BOMB CALORIMETER provides a simple, inexpensive yet accurate method for
determination of heat of combustion, calorific value and the sulphur content of solid end liquid
fuels. The outfit supplied is complete for analysis as per methods recommended by the Indian
Standards Institutions (IS-1350 (pt-II)-1970). British Standards Instution (BS 1016 Part 5
1967) and the Institute of Petroleum (IP 12/63 T). Each Part of the outfit has been finished and
tested according to the specifications laid down by these institutions.

A known amount of the sample is burnt in a sealed chamber (later on we shall refer to This
Chamber as Bomb). The all is replaced by pure oxygen. The sample is ignited electrically. As
the sample burns, heat is produced. The rise in temperature is determined. Since, barring loss of
heat, the amount of heat absorbed by the burning the sample must be equal to the amount of
heat absorbed by the calorimeter assembly, a knowledge of the water equivalent of the
calorimeter assembly, and of the rise in temperature enables one to calculate the heat of
combustion of the sample.


Water equivalent of the calorimeter assembly in calories per degree centigrade.

Calorific value of standard benzoic acid/sample in calories per gram.

Mass of standard benzoic acid / sample burnt in grams.

Corrected temperature rise in degrees C.


Calorific value of thread

2.1/cm (when using thread 10 cm, CV of thread = 2.1 10 = 21 cal

Calorific value of Ignition wire

2.33/cm (when using wire 6 cm. CV of wire = 2.33 4 = 9.32 cal


Notice:- we used 4-cm wire because approximately 2-cm wire is used to strap around the
electrodes. The thread burns completely therefore the calorific value remains constant, which
electrodes. The thread burns completely therefore the calorific value remains constant, which is
21 for 10 cm.

Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274



Calorimetric measurement involves the use of various temperature and energy units. In order to
avoid errors and confusion in the interpretation of these dates, their relationships should be well

TEMPERATURE: - Temperature is measured in Centigrade degrees.

MASS: - May be expressed either as calories (cal) or British Thermal Units (Btu). The
international steam table calorie is the basic unit in this system and equals 4. 1868 absolute
joules, and is equivalent to heat energy required to raise the temperature of one grams of water
by one degree centigrade at 15.56 o.c. The British Thermal Unit equal 251.996 calories, or
1055.07 absolute joules, and is roughly equivalent to the heat energy required to raise the
temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit at 60^ 0 F.

HEAT OF COMBUSTION: - As determined with the oxygen Bomb Calorimeter is defined as

the number of heat librated by a unit mass of the substance when burnt in sealed enclosures of
constant volume in an atmosphere of pure oxygen gas. In this reaction the substance and the
oxygen are initially at the same temperature, and the products of the combustion are cooled to
within a few degree of the initial temperature also the water vapour formed by the combustion is
condensed to the liquid slate. Therefore, a more exact definition would specify the temperature
at which the reaction begins and ends. However, the change in the specific heat of water with
the possible variations in the initial temperature is so small that this specification is not
It is commonly expressed either in caloric per gram (cal/g) or British Thermal Units per
pound (Btu/lb). One (cal/g) equals 108 Btu/lb.

Bomb: - When the sample burns, the pressure of gases increases rapidly. The Bomb walls, lid
and joints should be strong enough to withstand the maximum working pressure and there
should be no leaks. Normal pressures are about 30 atmosphere and overload pressure peak upto
100 atmospheres.

The capacity of Bomb should be large enough to store enough oxygen to ensure complete
burning of the sample.

During burning the nitrogen and sulphur contents are oxidized to gases and then to nitric
acid and sulphuric acid. The Bomb lining must therefore by resistant to acidic or basic ash
and should be corrosion proof.

The stirrer unit should not generate heat due to stirring; otherwise the calculations will
lead to erroneous results.

Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274


All surfaces should have high reflectance to minimize radiation losses.

Water equivalent of the calorimeter assembly should be small to ensure maximum rise in
temperature of water following ignition.

DESCRIPTION:Essentially the apparatus consists of the following prats :-

BOMB:-The Bomb consists of three parts viz. Bomb Body, Lid and the Cap.
The Bomb vessel and the Lid are machined from an Ultra strong corrosion resistant
stainless steel alloy rod, containing chromium, Nickel and Molybdenum and satisfying, special
ringing and bending tests for inter crystalline corrosion. The Bomb body is a cylindrical vessel
having capacity of 300 ml. The walls are strong enough to easily support the normal operating
pressure (30 atmospheres and also extreme pressure as high as 300 atmospheres). During
burning at high pressure the nitrogen and sulphur contents are oxidized to nitric acid and
sulphuric acid respectively. The corrosion provided with two terminals. The metallic rods pass
through these terminates one of which is provided with a ring for placing the sample crucible
with a small hook and the other with a groove. The method of attaching fuse wire is given in
drawing. Each rod is also provided with a ring to press the fuse wire attached to it.
The upper side of the Lid is also provided with a small hook rod lifting it and with a
Schrader value for filling oxygen in the Bomb.

EACH BOMB: - RICO make Bomb is tested for its performance as per the requirements of the
INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM (IP 12/63 T). The test is conducted at a pressure of 300
Atmospheres and the pressure is maintained for a period of 10 minutes without any sign of

WATER JACKET: - It is made of SS and is highly polished on the inside and also outside to
minimize radioactive losses. The top of the Jacket cams a rod to hold the stirrer unit, a small
pipe through which water is added.
JACKET WITH PUFF INSULATION: - It is made of SS and it highly polished on the inside
and also outside to minimize radioactive losses. The top of the jacket carries a rod to old the
Stirrer unit, a small pipe through which Puff Insulation is added.

OFFSET STIRRER: - It consists of a Stirrer driven at a constant speed fo 800 R.P.M. by A

motor through a heat insulator rubber belt. The motor unit is kept at sufficient distance from the
vessel to eliminate heating. This arrangement does not raise the temperature of water by even
01 C in ten minutes, thus easily meeting the specific requirements accepted by the Indian
Standards Institution and laid down by the British Standards Institution, and the institution of
Petroleum. The terminals provided in the electrical box of the firing unit.

CALORIMETER VESSEL: - Is made of copper and is brightly polished outside.


Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274


Provides a simple and inexpensive, method for determination of heat of combustion of organic
matter and the calorific value & sulphur content of solid & liquid fuel. The outfit supplied is
complete for analysis as per the method recommended by British Standard Institution BS 1016.
All parts of the outfit have been finished and tested according to the specifications laid down by
institute of pertoleum and British Standard Institute.

Each Bomb is tested before it leaves the factory. In accordance with the requirement of the
Institute of Petroleum.

The vessel is made up of copper and is Chromium plated or S.S. It includes a Bomb support that
ensures proper positioning of Bomb in the vessel.

The outer container of Jacket is made up of Stainless Steel. The top is closed by the Bakelite
cover called combined lid. A terminal block is fitted to the top of the container so that connection
can be made from the Electronic firing unit and provisions for water pouring and water outlet are
also given at the top and bottom respectively.

The stirring mechanism supplied gives sufficient turbulence for effective stirring, whilst no heat
is imparted to the calorimeter water. It consists of an impeller stirrer driven at a constant speed
of approximately 800 r.p.m. The offset arrangement whereby the motor drives the impeller via a
bet precludes any possibility of heat transference between motor and calorimeter vessel


The unit incorporates a digital Beckmann thermometer for the precise measurement of the rise
in temperature and electronic circuit that provides the electrical means for firing the samples.
Sockets for stirrer, sensor and terminals for electric leads are also provided at the backside of
the unit.

Various types of crucible are available but the standard supplied with the outfit being a stainless
steel crucible of 8 ml capacity, which fits in the standard support ring provided with the outfit.

Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274



The unit is operated by A.C. Mains (230 VOLTS 50 Hz). It consists of two parts viz. The Electrical
Box and Digital Backmann Thermometer. The electrical box is provided with terminals for the
Stirrer unit & firing. The other parts used to measure the Temp. Initial & Temp. Rise.

PRESSURE GAUGE ON STAND: - An accurate pressure gauge is supplied for measurement

of pressure of oxygen in the Bomb. The dial is graduated from 0 to 56 g/cm (0 about 800 lb.
/in). Normally the oxygen is filled in the Bomb at a pressure of 25 Kg/cm.

GAS RELEASE VALUE: - It is used to remove the excess of oxygen. It is screwed on the
Schrader value provided on the lid of the Bomb. The knob should be turned down to release
excess of oxygen gas out of the tube.

PELLET PRESS: - The pellet press has 10mm diameter punch and die Coal or other powered
samples are compressed into pallets before weighing and burning. This retards the burning rate
and tends to retain the particles in the capsule, thereby reducing chances for incomplete
combustion. The pellets are easier to handle than loose samples. The pellets should not be made
very hard as excessive hardness leads to bursting upon ignition with consequent incomplete

1. CRUCIBLE: - The stainless steel crucible is offered as standard with instrument; platinum
Quartz and nickel crucibles are being offered as accessories extra cost.

2. IGNITION WIRE: - It is recommended that Platinum wire is used but as an alternative

Nichrome wire is also being offered.



BENSOIC ACID: - It is most commonly used as standard reagent. It burns easily and
completely and can be compressed into pellets.

Sucrose or cane sugar is also used as a standard sample and as a combustion aid. This
material is neither volatile nor strongly hygroscopic but it is rather difficult to Ignite
and sometimes does not burn completely. The crystalline material should be ground to
a powder before using.

STANDARD KALI SOLUTION: - The washings from an oxygen Bomb test must be titrated
against a standard alkali solution to determine the acid correction A 0.1 N sodium carbonate
solution is recommended. This is prepared by dissolving 5.2996 grams Na Co in water and
diluting to one liter. Sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide solutions of the same normally
are acceptable. If sulphur is present in the sample other reagents as described in article 11 are

Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274


METHYL ORANGE OR METHYL RED INDICATORS: - This is the usual indicators used for
acid alkali titrations.

ALLOWABLE SAMPLE SIZE: - Care should be taken to avoid overcharging the Bomb. The
mass of combustible charge (Sample plus combustion aid) should not be more than 1,100
grams. When starting tests with new or unfamiliar materials it is always best to use samples of
less than one gram. Not more than 10,000 calories should be liberated in any test and it is
advisable to work with mass liberating less than 7000 calories.


samples be air-dry and ground until all particles will pass through a 60-mesh screen. The
particle size is important because the combustion reaction proceeds to completion within a few
seconds, and if any of the individual particles are too large they will not burn completely. A
sample that is too finally divided may also difficult to born, because extremely small particles
can be swept out of the combustion capsules by the turbulent gases, and if they fall to the
bottom of the bomb without being Ignited, the test will give erroneous results. RAJDHANI pellet
press offers a possible solution to the problem of incomplete combustion in the case of finally
divided samples.

ANTHRACITES AND COKE :- While testing anthracite coals, coke or other material of slow
burning characteristics, it may be difficult to secure ignition and complete combustion of the
entire sample, in these cases, the sample is ground fine enough to pass through IS sieve 20
(211 microns)
A small weighed amount of a standard combustible material such as powered benzoic acid
should be mixed with such sample to facilitate combustion.

FOOD STUFFS AND CELLULOSIC MATERIALS: - The high content of most food stuffs will
usually require that they dried before calorific tests. The operator will have to select a method
for preparing the sample that will not destroy or remove any of the combustible constituents. It
may be necessary to make serval preliminary tests to determine the approximate ignited in the
Bomb without difficulty.

GELATINE CAPSULES: - Volatile liquid samples to be burnt in oxygen Bomb can be weighed
and handled in gelatine capsules. The capsules consist of two cups, which telescope together
with a friction fit adequate to retain most liquids correction must be made for the heat of
combustion of the gelatine. When used in calorimeter.

HEAVY OILS: - Oils and other liquids are not volatile at room temperature, can be weighed
directly into crucibles. The loop of the fuse should be positioned just above the surface of the
sample. Non volatile liquids also can be weighed and handled in palatine capsules.

EXPLOSIVES AND HIGH ENERGY FUELS: - Special precautions must be observed when
testing materials which release large volumes of gas upon Ignition or which denote with
explosive force. It is possible to test many slow-burning gun powders and racket propeliants in
conventional Bombs. But the user must understand that these Bombs are not designed to
withstand the shock pressure produced by certain primers and other mixtures which denote with
explosive force. It is much safer to test these in a special high-pressure oxygen bomb.

Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274


Each new explosive sample or high energy fuel introduces special problems, which can be solved
only, be careful experimentation. Usually it will be well to observe the burning of a small amount
of sample over an open flame to determine the explosive behavior and then proceed to bomb
combustions using only one-tenth or one-fifth of the usual amount of sample. Further increases
upto the 7,000 calories permissible maximum should be made gradually and only after all
evidence indicate the absence of violent behavior.

SETTING UP AND ASSEMBLY:GENERAL ARRANGEMENT: The laboratory in which the calorimeter is to operate should be equipped with many of the
facilities commonly used for chemical analysis. These include desk space, funning water and
analytical balance, apparatus for making volumetric reactions, and miscellaneous items of
laboratory ware. The calorimeter should be used in a room where fluctuations in temperature
can be avoided. In particular, the instrument should not be taken from one chamber to another
chamber maintained at different temperature immediately before use. Sufficient time must be
allowed for equalization of temperature throughout the jacket before starting to use the
calorimeter. All parts of the calorimeter should be kept clan to remove any moisture, which may
have condensed on the wall. Before starting to use a new calorimeter, which may assemble all
parts of the apparatus without a charge in the Bomb and without water in the bucket to be sure
that everything is in perfect working order.

ASSEMBLY OF CALORIMETER PARTS: Pace the Triangular/Star of calorimeter vessel support at the bottom of the jacket and set it so
that the U shape and welded/inside into jacket do not allow it to be displaced. Place the bucket
on the star support fitting the bucket pin into the support groove. Lift the Bomb on its stand by
hook and place it inside the bucket. Attach the supply connections to the electrodes provided on
the lid of Bomb. Place the combined lid of bucket and water jacket in such a way that a pin
provided on the cover plate of jacket fits into the smaller groove provided on the lid.
Mount the stirrer assembly on the stirrer rod provided on the cover plate of the
calorimeter jacket passing the stirrer pipe through the opening provided in the combined lid of
bucket and the outer jacket. The connecting leads attached with terminals provided on cover of
the calorimeter jacket. The connections are then further taken to firing unit box terminals
market BOMB. Insert the sensor of Digital Backmann Thermometer in the water of
bucket/calorimeter vessel through the combined lid. So that if remained dipped in water of
calorimeter vessel.

ATTACHING THE FUSE: All manipulations prior to cleansing the Bomb can be perfected by holding the Bomb head in the
Bomb Support plane. Cut a single length of fuse wire 10 CMS long and attach it to the
It is not necessary to submerge the wire in a powder sample. In fact, better combustion
will usually be contained if the loop of the fuse is sat slightly adhere the surface. When using

Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274


pellected samples, bend the wire so that the loop bears against the edge of the pallet. They
enough to held it against the site of the capsules. It is also a good practice to fit the capsules
slightly to one side so that the flame emerging from it will not impinge directly on the top of the
straight electrodes.

NICROME ARRANGEMENT: Nichrome wire can be attached to the electrodes in the manner described above but most
Nichrome wire Ignition procedure require cotton or nylon thread to carry on Ignition flame to the
sample. A coil is formed by winding out few turns of wire around a 2-mm diameter rod and
removing the rod. The resulting coil is then connected between the electrodes and arranged to
one side of the cup, with the axis of the coil pointing towards the sample. A short length of
thread is then inserted through the coil and into the crucible.

WATER IN THE BOMB: Place 2 ml of distilled water in the Bomb.

FILLING THE BOMB WITH OXYGEN: While closing the Bomb always make certain that the head gasket or sealing ring is in good
condition and care must be taken not to disturb the sample. Commercial oxygen produced by
rectification of liquid air can be used directly from the supple cylinder.
To attach the filling connection places the Bomb on its stand. Put the high-pressure valve
in oxygen cylinder outlet and connect copper tube to value outlet. Draw up the union nut tightly.
Connect copper tube to pressure gauge, pressure gauge to safety device and safety device to
Bomb valve of cylinder slowly. Observe the gauge and allow the pressure to rise until the desired
point is reached (about 25 Atmospheres), then close the control value. The decrease the
pressure of Bomb a gas release valve is put on the Bomb valve and screwed properly. By
rotating the pin of the release valve in clockwise direction the pressure can be reduced to the
disked extent.

FILLING WATER IN THE CALORIMETER VESSEL: Quantity of water in the Calorimeter Vessel should be such that when the Bomb is placed in the
Calorimeter Vessel then the Upper Surface of its closure ring should be submerged upto 1-2 c.m.
of water. To achieve this follow the procedure given below and the same quantity of water is to
be used in every test.


Bomb calorimeter is standardized by igniting a weighted pallet of Benzoic acid of known
calorific value in the oxygen bomb. By igniting benzoic acid, Water Equivalent (W) is evaluated
which is the weight of water equivalent in effective heat capacity to the entire system.
Calorimeter vessel containing a specified weight of water, Bomb charged with oxygen,
combustion aid and fuel). It will vary from one apparatus to the next, because the precise mass

Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274


of each component will vary slightly. You need to know this value in order to determine how
much heat is generated by combustion of the sample.
Once Water Equivalent (W) is evaluated the same value of W is substituted in the equation
for determining the calorific value of the samples. However precautions below have to be made.
1. When performing the experiment to determine Water Equivalent (W) using Benzoic Acid,
use the same quantity of water for all experiments. (Follow the procedure above for
adding water to calorimeter vessel)
2. Use the same length of Ignition wire and Cotton thread as recommended 6-cm wire and
10-cm thread.
3. It is suggested to perform the experiment for Water Equivalent three to five times and
take the average of different values to determine the most accurate value of W.



Fix calorimeter vessel triangular support into the welded strip inside the water Jacket.


Fill water in the water jacket upto Bomb body top electrodes and not touch water to


Normally Water (Tap or Distilled) Temperature always should be 27-29 OC.


Place Bomb support (Stand) in the calorimeter vessel such that it does not move & keep
this calorimeter vessel inside the water jacket.


Assemble the oxygen charging system as per the drawing given in the last pages of manual.


Place Bomb Lid on Bomb lid stand and tie an Ignition wire of approx. 6 cm length across the
both electrodes.


Make a pellet of sample, weight it & place it in the crucible (weight of sample should be less
than 1 gm or calorific value of sample should be less than 10,000 cal/gm).


Place the crucible in the crucible holder ring.


Tie a knot of thread in center of Ignition wire & touch the other ends of thread to the

10) Place 2 ml of water in the Bomb body.

11) Close the Bomb & Charge it with oxygen (Oxygen charged 20kg/cm 2 25kg/cm2)
12) Place the Bomb in calorimeter vessel & make electrical connections from Bomb body top
electrodes to Banana Sockets provided at the water jacket using small electrical lead & from
water jacket to firing unit sockets using long electrical lead.
13) Pour the measured quantity of water into the calorimeter vessel such that the upper surface
of Bomb closure ring gets submerged into the water upto 1-2 cm.
14) Place the combined lid over the centimeter vessel.
15) Fix stirrer over the pin provided on the water jacket and dip its propeller into the water
around Bomb through the combined lid.

Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274


16) Place sensor in the water through the combined lid

17) Connect stirrer to the backside of electronic firing unit and switch ON the electronic firing
unit as well as stirrer switch. Further follow the guidelines for using electronic firing unit.



Insert the Sensor Plug in the Sensor Socket given at the Backside of the Unit.


Connect the Mains Cord to the 220 V (AC), 50 Hz Supply.


Switch on the Mains Button.


A Red LED market open will glow, indicates that electrical circuit (of Firing) is open.


Dip the Sensor in water.


Complete the Electrical Connections (From Bomb to Backside of the Unit through Water
Jacket Connector). A Green LED marked cont. will glow to assure that Electrical
Connections are right & sample can be fired, at this position Red LED will flow dimly or
may become completely OFF.


Switch on the Stirrer.


Keep the Toggle Switch to the position market TEMP INITIAL to read the Temp. of Water.


Turn the Toggle Switch in downward position market TEMP RISE.


Adjust the TEMP to 0.00 in the Digital meter by moving Zero Adjustment Knob.


Thereafter Press the Button market FIRE.


The Rise of Temp will start displaying in the Meter. When the TEMP RISES become
constant, that may be recorded as the final TEMP RISE.


Do not keep the Sensor in Water, when the Unit is not in use.



Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274




Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274








Copper Tube







Safety Device


Copper Tube to connect Pressure Gauge & Bomb


Coupling Nut with Bomb


O Ring


Bomb Valve Body


Bomb Body



STANDARD DATA :The following standard data using in calibration for Bomb Calorimeter :

Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274


Final rise in temperature in degree celsius

Mass of sample in grams

Known calorific value of Benzoic acid in cal/gram.

Water equivalent in calories per degrees centigrade


Calorific value of thread

2.1/cm (when using thread 10 cm, CV of thread = 2.1 10 = 21 cal

Calorific value of Ignition wire

2.33/cm (when using wire 6 cm. CV of wire = 2.33 4 = 9.32 cal

Calorific value of sample



Notice:- we used 4-cm wire because approximately 2-cm wire is used to strap around the
electrodes. The thread burns completely therefore the calorific value remains constant, which
electrodes. The thread burns completely therefore the calorific value remains constant, which is
21 for 10 cm.


6319 cal/gram.

0.955 gram.


21 cal.


9.32 cal.


Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274



The operator must follow the following basic points in order to operate this oxygen Bomb safety.
1) Do not use too much sample. The bomb can not be expected to withstand the effects of
combustible charges which liberated more than 10,000 calories. This generally limits the
total weight of combustible material (sample plus gelatin, firing all or any combustion aid)
do not more than 1.10 gram. Do not charge with more oxygen than is necessary and do
not fire the Bomb if an overcharge of oxygen should accidentally be admitted.
2) Keep all parts of the Bomb especially the Insulated electrode assembly in good repair at
all times. Do not fire the bomb if gas bubbles are looking from the bomb when it is
submerged in water.
3) Proceed with caution and use only a fraction of the allowable maximum sample when
testing new material, which burn rapidly, or have explosive characteristics.

Digital Bomb Calorimeter DR 274


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