Hardecker Headlines November 2015

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November 2015

Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised;

and his greatness is unsearchable.Psalm 145:3


We asked the boys to mention something that they are thankful

for between each other. W.T. said Thank you Joe for being my
friend. Joe said uhmm, thank you for bugging me.
Two more souls saved!
In my September newsletter, I asked you to pray for Rich Wilt. The
Lord is good and Rich came to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! The Wilt family
has been a great encouragement to see. Please pray that Rich would take the
necessary steps of ongoing faith, starting with getting baptized as a public
profession of his faith in Christ. The Wilt family has been faithfully attending
our sending churchs services which includes the Wed. night prayer meetings
and Sunday morning services. I am so glad to announce the spiritual birth of
our new brother in Christ, Bro. Rich Wilt!
Also, we were able to lead a lady to the Lord. Her name is Pamela
Presti. She is the landlord to a family that occasionally rides our Sunday
School Bus. The Lord really worked on her. When we first met her, she wasnt
as friendly towards us. I cant blame her; my Sat. visitation partner at that
time was Bro. Dave and he does look rough (just kidding). After much prayer
about her, the Lord impressed upon me to ask Bro. Dave and Bro. Jordan to
go over and visit her specifically to give her the Gospel. They gave a good report that she was open and listening. Praise God when the Gospel seed is
planted! A couple of weeks later, Bro. Dave and I went back to follow up on
her spiritual condition. It was during that visit that we went over again the
Gospel story and asked her if she would give her heart to Jesus and she did.
Praise God for seasons of watering the Gospel seed, and praise Him for giving
the increase. What a blessing it is to be able to either plant or water.
What a greater blessing it is when God gives the increase. My hearts desire is
for God to continue to use us in His field of harvest to see more souls won to
the Lord Jesus Christ. We cannot save souls but we can surely be used of God
as instruments in His hands to see souls saved. Thank you for praying!

1. We are praising God that our house is now

under negotiation. We want to thank you for
your consistent prayers for us. Our future isnt
clear but it is certain. And we are learning the
lesson of submissive endurance.
2. Praise the Lord for souls saved. We also saw
another prison-inmate accepted Jesus as Saviour
this month.
3. Praise the Lord for a wonderful Thanksgiving
season at our sending church. We had an edifying time sharing Gods praises and thankfulness
as a church body.
1. Pray for our house to sell.
2. Pray for God to use us wherever we are.
3. Pray for Gods wisdom and strength in dealing
with lost souls. We are seeing an influx of atheism and agnosticism. Our faith rests in the God
of answers though. His Word has the power to
crack open hard hearts.

Bill &Marcia



www.hardecker.com | 717-880-5011 | follow us on Twitter @hardecker | Independent, Fundamental, Baptist Missionaries to the Philippines sent by
Mt. Zion Baptist Church | www.mtziononline.org | Mission Funds: Central Missionary Clearinghouse - PO Box 219228, Houston, TX 77218

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