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Office of the President


Septernber 26,1997

Dear Alumni Member,

RE: Urgent Financial Request

On behalf of the active chapter, I would like to start by commending you on your
continued zupport to Florida Blue Key throughout the years. I hope all members have
been kept up to date, through Keynotes, with the my.rad of activities being accomplished
by the membership. Currently, the 1997 Homecoming and Gator Growl events are being
completed. Because ofthe spectacular entertainment booked Howie Mandel and Newt
Gingnch, ffF y""t promises to be one of our best and we look forward to seeing you
November 7e and 86.

While the chapter is performing the activities Blue Key is purposed to do dynamicaily,
we have an on-going problem that has now moved beyond our control. A self-
proclaimed anti-Blue Key zeaiot has brought, what our lawyen and Aiumni Advisory
board cortend to be, a frivolous lawzuit against the chapter in hopes of destroying our
reputation and existence. The zuit alleges that Florida Blue Key was involved in a
torlious defamation through the production and distribution of flyers during a student
,' government election in eariy i995. As you know, Fiorida Blue Key as an organization
-/ ha-s never participated in SG elections, but since some active members were involved in
the electioq the plaintiffnamed Florida Blue Key, Inc. as a defendant.

The plaintiffs principle attorney is a widely known University ofFlorida law professor,
Joe Little. The triai is set to begin Monday, Oaober 66, in the Circuit Court of Alachua
County before the Honorable Frederick D. Smith. Although Florida Blue Key's Motion
for Summary Judgement was heard by the Court, it has not yet been ruled upon. Judge
Smith at the pretrial conferenc€, indicated, that the decision ofwhether Florida Blue Key
is liable, may not be a decision forthe bench but perhaps should go to a jury because the
€ency relationship aileged most normally would be determined by the trier of fact.
Accordingly, we must prepare for trial.

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This leads us to the crux of the matter. In attempting to defend our good
rurme for over
the past two years,. Florida Blue key has paid out Szo]oo0 in attomey;s
fees, and we
expe{ to pay another $20,000 to bring us through trial. This *oo.y has come
out ofour operating budget and the aeUt couia potentially Uantrupi*s 6hepter.
threat is real, so the Alumni Advisory board has songluded that we must
'l turn to our
alumm ficr financial help.

To ensure the continued operation ofFlorida Blue Key, we are forced to ask
tlrat each
alumni member qake a minimum contribution of $50 - $100 to assist in
our legal
defense. Of course, any contribution exceeding tiat emount would be greatly
appreciated. Checks can be made out to Floridi Blue Key and mailsrjl ,riirrg
the provided
envelope or to:
Florida Blue Key
312J. Wayne Reitz Union
Gainesville, Florida

We reaiize this is a lot to aslq but the chapter needs its alumni's help. On behaif
of the
Alumni contributors and the active chapter, we thank you for your support. If you have
any questions, please contact me at the Florida BIue Key officl or at,rmni Advisory
member S. Daniel Ponce at305-579-1222. "ati

Thank you for your zupporf

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