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HADHRAT SIRRI SAQTI (Rahmatullaah Alayhi)

"One should devote one's time in worship when one is in the prime of youth."
Saints - friends of Allah forgotten lessons on different aspects of life. They lead an
exemplary life. They strived constantly to improve the mental and spiritual level
of people. Here we present, in brief, the life sketch of one such saint.
This is a saying of a great saint Hazrat Sirri Saqti (Rahmatullaahi Alayh). He was
a merchant and resided at the back of his shop. There was a curtain between the
front and the back portion of the shop. He used to offer one thousand raka'at
Nawaafil (voluntary prayers) every day in the back portion of the shop.
Once as he was busy praying, a man came to see him. The man was from Mount
Lagaam. He greeted the saint and conveyed the greetings of a saint who was at
Mount Lagaam. Hazrat Sirri Saqti (Rahmatullahi Alaih) returned the greetings of
the man and also that of the saint from Mount Lagaam and said, "To worship by
cutting off oneself from the people is the work of dead person. Living ones are
those who mingle with people and do remembrance of the Almighty Allah.
An honest businessman, Hazrat Sirri saqti carried out his business at a very low
profit. Once someone purchased almonds from him for sixty dinaars. Suddenly the
prices shot up. The broker wanted to increase the prices but the saint refused to do
so. "I have given my word and will not go against it,' the saint said.
Once fire broke out in the market of Baghdad. All the shops were gutted except
Hazrat Saqti's (Rahmatullahi Alaih) shop. In thanksgiving to Allah, he gave away
all that was in the shop in charity.
Once people asked him, "How did you escalate to such a high rank?"
He replied, "Once Hazrat Habib Ra'aee came to see me. There was an orphan with
him. The saint told me to buy clothes for the child. I obeyed his order and the saint
prayed for me, 'May the Almighty Allah escalate you to such a rank that you
consider the worldly things as your enemies.' On his prayers the Almighty Allah
escalated me to a high rank."
He used to say, "I watch my face in the mirror just to find out whether it has
turned black or not because of sins."
Once he said, "How I wish all the pains, grief and anguish of the entire world
should be given to me so that all the people get relief from them."

In a gathering he was delivering a speech. The subject of the speech was 'Although
none of the creatures are weaker than the human beings, yet a human being goes
on committing great sins'. A great officer of the state, also present in the gathering,
was so much impressed by it that he gave up his job and got engrossed in
The saint said, "Except these five things every thing else is worthless. 1. Food only to sustain life; 2. Water - only to quench thirst; 3. Clothing - only to cover the
body; 4. House - only to reside, and 5. Knowledge - only for deeds."
Once he said, "Keep yourself away from wealthy neighbour, commercialised
reciters of the Holy Qur'aan and rich learned men."
Once he said, "A sin committed under the influence of desire can be forgiven but a
sin committed due to pride and haughtiness is unforgivable, because the slip of
Hazrat Adam (Alayhis salam) was under the influence of desire and the
disobedience of Satan was due to pride and conceit."
Some of his sayings:
"There are very few persons who do not contradict in their action and speech."
"Everything of the world becomes obedient to him who is obedient to the
Almighty Allah."
"The condition of a person's heart can be guessed through his face and speech."
"The mystic one having intimate knowledge of Allah is; The one who eats less,
sleep less and takes less rest The one who is like a shining sun illuminating
everything. Like earth, which carries the load of everything. Like a light, which
shows the way to everyone. Like water, which gives refreshing life to the heart.
Good mannered one who does not trouble people but bears patiently the troubles
given to him by people and to have control over anger is also a part of good

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