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Team Green Beans

Angel Solomon
Jourdin Reece
Michaela Tolbert
Stephanie Schlau

White Paper Project Dr. Francis Tobienne


Table Of Contents
Executive Summary 3

Introduction .4

Why Go Green?

The University of South Florida The Green Movement

USFs Green Report Card..5

USFs Student Green Energy Fund 6

What is the Student Green Energy Fund?

The Student Green Energy Fund Completed Projects

LED Lights in Parking Garages. 7

Fitness Center... 8

Solar Doks. 8

Water-Bottle Filling Stations.... 9

LEED Building Certification 10

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.11
Dining Hall...11

Student Organizations...12
Student Environmental Awareness Society..12
Student Environmental Association.12

How Does USF Compare?..........................................................13
University of Pennsylvania .13
University of Florida14

Conclusion 15

Glossary of Terms.16


Executive Summary

This paper will discuss the efforts of the University of South Florida to go
green. We will look at the different projects that have been successfully
implemented, the many committees and student organizations that have
contributed to the projects, and what the projects are doing for the University.
Some of the student contributors that have
kept this movement alive by working
together to create a more green campus
are the Student Green Energy Fund,
Student Environmental Awareness Society
(SEAS), and the Student Environmental
Association (SEA). They are the ones that
decide how to best use their budget for the
good of the University. In addition to the
projects of this movement, another
approach the University has taken to better
the green campus is constructing
Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED) certified buildings. The
University has also established many recycling programs in order to reduce
waste consumption. We will also discuss how the University is a part of a
community that is in the process of becoming more environmentally aware, and
how the University and the city of Saint Petersburg are working together to help
further this movement.


Why Go Green?
It is known that our planet

USFs Climate
Action Plan (CAP)

The Climate Action

Plan was created to help
the University of South
Florida reduce its carbon
dioxide emissions. CAP
set out to focus on the
design environment of the
USF campus, which
looked to improve
resource management,
conservation, and
irrigation. In addition, the
CAP sets out to build an
environment from
recycled and renewable
material. CAP has
promoted alternate forms
of transportation for the
students and staff, and
has implemented the
USF Bull Runner and
bicycle systems such as
the Share-A-Bull project.
The Climate Action Plan
focuses on ensuring that
USF is energy efficient by
controlling consumption.

commitment to maintaining a

has limited resource availability.

campus climate that is neutral, and

The idea of green living infers a life

to continuing efforts in research,

that is dedicated towards

education, and innovation in

maintaining an ecological balance,

sustainability. After hearing that the

and preserving the planet and its

institute received a D+ on its

natural resources. This will help

College Sustainability Report

protect future generations, and

Card", the president of USF, Judy

emphasize the idea that our

Genshaft, signed the American

survival depends, either directly or

College and University Presidents

indirectly, on our natural

Climate Commitment (ACUPCC),

environment. The reason for

which agreed to major sustainability

sustainability measures is the

efforts such as greenhouse gas

consequence of rapid population

inventories, sustainability

growth, economic growth, and

awareness, and the inclusion of

consumption of our natural

sustainable efforts into the

resources due to advances in

academic programs.


Since the signing, USF has

incorporated sustainability into their
Master Plan. The University of
South Floridas Office of
Sustainability established its first
greenhouse gas inventory and
created the Climate Action Pan.
One of USFs biggest
accomplishments is the
implementation of the worlds first
School of Global Sustainability,
which offers a M.A degree in Global
Sustainability. In addition, USF has
constructed the first LEED Gold
building on campus and has
created a million-dollar Student
Green Energy Fund to help
promote renewable energy at the

The University of South

Florida The Green
The University of South Florida has
been dedicated to developing a
sustainable campus since 1995. In
2008, the University of South
Florida hosted the USF Going
Green Tampa Bay Expo with
Hillsborough City/Country Planning
Commission. During the expo, the
Climate Commitment was signed,
which pledged the

University of South Floridas


USFs Green Report


The University of South Floridas master
plan and strategic plan incorporates
sustainability. The sustainability office has
eight staff members and the school is
implementing a green purchasing policy.

Food & Recycling 28% of the dining services budget is

spent on local food products, and
purchases hormone- and antibiotic-free
ice cream products. The dining hall is
trayless, which has saved 32,992 gallons
of water per year.

Student InvolvementIn 2009 the Green Living Learning

Community was created and gives 25
students the opportunity to enhance
sustainability programming, and helps
encourage students to participate in
campus initiatives. At orientation, new
students are given information from the
sustainability office. The campus is home
to many student sustainability groups.

Endowment Transparency USF makes a list of all holdings, votes

cast on proxy resolutions, and the number
of shares available to the public per open
records law, which all can all be available
upon request.

Investment Priorities The Universitys goal is to optimize

investment returns and is currently
invested in renewable energy funds.

Climate Change & Energy

The University of South Florida
conducts greenhouse gas emission
inventories to reduce emissions with
carbon offsets. Heat recovery systems,
lighting systems, and energy-efficient
lighting have helped decrease energy
use. The University has solar panels
and has purchased electricity from
renewable sources to generate
renewable energy.

Green Building USFs master plan has included

building initiatives. Many of the
buildings meet LEED criteria, and two
buildings are LEED Gold certified. The
University has installed water metering
technology, lighting sensors, and LED
lighting in all buildings. Dual-flush toilets
and low-flow showerheads have been
installed in some buildings.

Transportation USF has preferred parking for

carpoolers and is currently working on a
large-scale ride-sharing program. The
students are able to ride local public
transportation for free, and the
University runs the biodiesel-powered
Bull Runner Shuttle for free travel
around campus and neighboring
communities. The University also offers
bike-sharing and car-sharing programs.

Shareholder Engagement USFs investment managers are

provided with general guidelines that
determine its proxy votes.

The Green
The Green
Report Card was
designed to identify
colleges and
universities that are
extraordinary in their
commitment to
sustainability. The goal
was to provide easy
accessible information,
which allows schools to
learn from one
anothers experiences
that will enable them to
establish a more
effective sustainability
practice. The Report
Card serves as a tool
for when high school
students are evaluating
campuses. It also
serves as a means for
independent evaluation
for campus operations
and endowment
investments, and
provides thorough
assessment methods by
assessing performance
across 43 indicators in 9
main categories.

eliminating greenhouse gas

USFs Student
Green Energy

The SGEF committee is made
up of four students and four staff and
faculty. However, any student and/or
faculty are able to make green

What is the Student Green

Energy Fund?

proposals year-round, which allow

the SGEF to be a student

The Student

voiced organization. The

Green Energy Fund

proposal process is a three

(SGEF) is an

step process, which includes

organization that is

a submission of the proposal

dedicated to making

through the SGEF proposal

USF an

website, a presentation to the


SGEF committee, and finally

sustainable campus

the submission of the proposal to the

through the student green fee, which

Chancellor by the chair and Regional

is a fund that supports the

Vice Chair of the committee for

conservation of energy while

approval. Upon approval, paperwork

reducing energy cost. The SGEF

must be submitted to the USFSP

began as a student led organization


in 2007, and gained approval by the

Florida Board of Governors in 2011.

The Student Green Energy

After the approval from the board,

Fund Completed Projects

the SGEF was voted on by the USF

Since its creation in 2011, the SGEF

student body to initiate an additional

has funded several projects to help

fee to the students tuition. The

with USFs efforts in creating an

SGEF comes from a dollar per credit

environmentally sustainable campus.

hour fee, and was passed by the

The SGEF projects are committed to

student body with a 72% vote. This

conserving energy while reducing

fund is used to support USFs

energy cost and greenhouse gas

dedication to

emissions, and promoting

reducing and

renewable technologies. Some of


the completed proposals include


LED light installation in the parking

the LED light installation project was

garage, environmentally sustainable

taken from a pitch that he heard from

gym equipment, water-bottle filling

a representative, and believed that it

stations, and solar powered charging

was a great advantage to help


reduce environmental waste and to

conserve the schools resources.

LED Lights in Parking

SGEF financed what they began to

refer to as the Pilot Project, and


approved the installation of LED

The previous lighting fixtures

lights on the first floor of one of the

in the parking garage on the USFSP

facility parking garages. Seeing great

campus were insufficient and short-

success in the project by the next

lived. By the

quarter meeting, the SGEF approved


the completion of the project on all

of the

floors and the surrounding parking

SGEFs Pilot

garage facilities. Together, phases

Project, LED

one and two saved the University

lights were

$60,000 per year and reduced the

installed on

greenhouse gas emissions

all floors of

equivalent to 42 single-family homes

the parking

per year. Along with being more


environmentally sustainable, the


LED lights made the parking garages

reduced the

brighter, which minimalized unlawful

total energy

acts. The



by 65%.


The first project of the SGEF

goal was to

was the installation of LED lights in


the parking garage at the USFSP


campus. David ONeill, who later


became a project investigator,

that used less energy than it

initially proposed the LED light

produced, which reduced the

installation project to the SGEF.

ecological footprint of the University

ONeill states that his inspiration for

along with saving money and


With the success of the treadmill,

Todd stated that he saw the potential
for the installation of additional
sustainable equipment such as
ellipticals and bikes made by the
company Sportsart. The equipment
is located on the second floor of the
Student Fitness Center. Ultimately,
the machines are powered by the
conversion of human energy into

creating safe and drastically pleasing

parking spaces for students and
visitors. ONeill states that the initial
thought for the project included the
implementation of LED lights
throughout the whole campus and
not just the parking garages.
However... ONeill states, this
isnt realistic due to the immense
cost, but we are looking to
implement a phase three, which will

Solar Doks

include a solar array to the top deck

In 2012, the SGEF received a

proposal for solar doks by a USFSP
student named Catie Wonders.
SGEF approved the project in 2013,
and soon after began the installation
of the solar doks around campus.
The solar dok consists of eight seats
underneath an umbrella. The
umbrella has three solar panels,
which provides power for students
electronic devices by collecting up to
45-watts. After seeing the success of
the solar doks,
Catie Wonders
also proposed the
solstice, which is
a standing beam.
A 30-watt panel
powers the
standing beam
where students
can charge their
electronic devices
without the picnic

of the structure with hopeful funding

from a Duke Energy SunSense
Program grant.

Fitness Center

The SGEF approved the
installation of fitness equipment
called Green Cardio Loft in 2013
after a proposal was made in 2012
by the USFSP intramural coordinator
Todd Clark. The fitness center began
with the installation of a Net Zero
treadmill created by the company
Woodway that did not require
electricity to be powered, but instead
was powered entirely by the runner.

Water-Bottle Filling

The SGEF funded several
water-bottle filling stations across
campus. The Committee Chair of the
SGEF, Michael Legget, made this
proposal in 2012. The Elkay EZH2O

David ONeill

bottle refill stations are a great

SGEFs LED Light Project Investigator

Q: Can you explain a little more about your part in

alternative to the usage of plastic

bottles. The refill station has a no-

the Student Green Energy Fund?

A: I was hired by James Scott, who was the student
body president at the time, to help start the Student
Green Energy Fund at USFSP. We held meetings
together to decide what would be good to present to the
Board of Governors in order to get approval for the
Student Green Energy Fund, and to help the school
become more sustainable.

touch sensor with a 20-second shut

off timer. The refill station includes a
digital display, which shows how
many water bottles are being saved
in the process. When the filling
stations were installed, SGEF
included 25-ounce aluminum water

Q: Why was the Student Green Energy Fund

A: The Student Green Energy Fund was started to get
students involved in the school by allowing them to
propose projects and see through the implementation of
those projects. A bonus to the SGEF was its
contribution to USFs efforts to become an
environmentally sustainable campus. This club
represented teaching students leadership roles and

bottles to be used at all the stations.

It is estimated that the installation of
the 62 water stations has saved 1.2
million plastic water bottles within the
first eight months of the installation.
This translates into $1.5 million
saved. Legget states that his goal
was to not limit the number of water
bottles used, but to push the

Q: What was your role in the LED light installation

A: I was initially the one who presented the idea of
putting LED lights in the parking garage on campus. I
was first exposed to the idea from a representative
visiting USF. I thought it would be a great project that
USFSP should take advantage of. My initial plan was to
install LED lights all around campus, but it just wasnt
possible due to the immense cost.

students towards thinking more


million. The building was designed


so that the architecture represented

four natural elements. In addition,
the building has energy efficient
lighting and heating/air conditioning,

In 2014, the
Science and

low-flow toilets, and recycled carpet.


The building was constructed from a

Building at the

variety of sustainable materials in

University of South

order to reduce the impact on the

Florida St. Petersburg campus was

environment such as the stainless

the first building at USF to be a

steel handrails, which are made up

Leadership in Environmental and

of 80% post-industrial scrap and the

Energy Design (LEED) Certified

ceiling tiles being composed of 69%

Gold building. The LEED

pre-consumer recycled material. The

Certification is a national rating

landscape of the building was

system for building designs.

constructed to utilize a pallet of

native and drought tolerant materials

USFs LEED Certified building

is two stories and around 35,000

of native grasses, woods, shrubs,

square feet. The building contains a

and groundcover.
Other buildings at USF that

lecture room, four teaching labs, five

USF College of Marine Science

have received LEED Certification

research labs, four USFSP College

include the Interdisciplinary Science

of Arts and Science research labs,

Building located on the Tampa

and eight classrooms. The building

campus after its opening in the Fall

was designed by HOK and

2011 semester, the Morsani Center

constructed by Skanska USA

for Advance Health Care, and the

Building, Inc., and the cost was

Wellness and Nutrition Center.

around $80


The achievement of receiving


the LEED Gold certificate for the

building exemplifies USFs
commitment to creating an
environmentally sustainable campus.
To further this commitment, the new
Tampa Campus Master Plan will
require all new construction to be
LEED certified.

Reduce, Reuse,

The University of South Florida was

awarded the 2012 Second Nature
Climate Leadership Award for
showing the top innovation and
climate leadership at the doctoral
level. The awards recognize USF as
one of the ten universities overall
leading a national transition to a
clean and sustainable future.

Recycling is a fundamental process
for the University of South Florida to
create a sustainable campus.

USFs efforts to reduce
consumption have resulted in the
University distributing over 2000

with various companies and

recycling containers on campus. The


single-stream recycling allows for all

recyclables to be placed in a single

Dining Hall

container for collection. In order to

expand this program, USF looks to

USFs dining hall is taking

distribute 350 blue recycling

great efforts to reduce waste. The

containers to administrative and

dining hall service uses cardboard

academic offices, and place

and tin materials, which are recycled

aluminum recycling containers in the

through Frito-Lay and Republic

residence halls. In addition, USFSP

Waste Services. The dining hall

offers a computer equipment-

service recycles the grease to make

recycling drop off. Many of the

biodiesel that powers automobiles.

departments and colleges are

The napkins in the dining halls are

actively recycling their equipment

made from recycled material and the


dining hall services have green-

the Earth Hour. This activity

ware, which is composed of corn-

encourages one hour without

resin material. USFs dining services

technology or electricity in order to

offers reusable to-go containers

promote energy saving. The

along with offering USDA Organic

members of SEAS come together to

Certified, Vegan and Vegetarian

discuss important environmental

options at every location. The

issues that are affecting the USF

trayless services have saved USF

campus and surrounding community.

32,992 gallons of water per

The SEAS helped with the creation

academic year.

of the SGEF and other sustainable


organizations/projects. Similarly,

The University of South Florida has

many student organizations that are
dedicated to making the University
more sustainable. The student
organizations educate and
encourage the students on campus
to take initiative against
environmental issues.

closely with non-profit organizations

SEAS works closely with the clubs at

the USF to help them with their
initiatives. In addition, SEAS works
to organize
and does a
lot of policy
work such
gathering signatures for petitions.

The Student Environmental

Recently, SEAS worked with

Awareness Society

the Tampa Bay Estuary program and

The Student Environmental

received a $3,500 Bay Mini-Grant to

Awareness Society (SEAS) is one of

install a WaterGoat along the

the leading student environmental

northern edge of Bayboro Harbor,

clubs and was created to promote

which is designed to collect trash

environmental issues on and around

and other debris. This allows for an

the USF campus. The SEAS plans

easy cleanup and stops water


pollution. The WaterGoat is a

activities to

75-foot system of nets that stops

celebrate the

trash from entering the Tampa

earth, such as


How does USF


Student Environmental

The Student Environmental

Association (SEA) is a student
organization that is focused on
helping the University of South
Florida become more of an
environmentally conscious
SEA meets
every week
to discuss
how the
can engage
volunteering activities or discuss
ways to educate the community on
environmental issues. In 2008 and
continuing the efforts in 2009, SEA
partnered with the Physical Plant to
host a program, RecycleMania, that
raised awareness on energy
consumption. RecycleMania is a 10week program that had participating
schools across the country report
data on their recycling and trash
efforts. Each school then rated each
other on four different categories,
which allowed them to see how their
efforts compared to others. SEA is a
very active organization that
encourages, motivates, and
educates students on environmental
issues and ways to become more

The University of

The University of
Pennsylvania received an A- in 2011
by the Sustainable Endowments
Institute for the College Sustainability
Report Card, which is higher than
the University of South Floridas B+.
The University of Pennsylvania
received a higher grade in recycling,
food, and climate change and
In 2009, UPenn launched its
Climate Action Plan to take steps to
improve the Universitys ecological
performance. The Environmental
Sustainability Advisory Committee
works to accomplish the goals of the
Climate Action Plan. Similar to USF,
UPenn has a green fund that has
financed more than 18 projects
proposed by students or faculty.
UPenn has purchased
renewable energy credits that
represent 45% of the Universitys
energy needs. All of the new
buildings constructed at UPenn must
be at least LEED Silver certified.
Since 2000, the university has
repurposed 940,000 square feet of
existing building space for alternate


The dining services at UPenn

spends 30% of its budget on local
products, and only purchases
seafood that conforms to the
sustainability guidelines along with
hormone- and antibiotic-free milk
and meat items. The dinning halls
are trayless and have composting
receptacles around the university.
In the fall of 2010, UPenn
launched a green rate parking
permit for low-emitting vehicles. The
University also has a heavily
subsidized student transit pass,
which allows for unlimited rides on
the buses and subways.
Similar to USF, the University
has 12 environmentally focused
student groups. The College House
Eco-Reps program is an
environmental leadership program,
which is open to all College House
residents, that focuses on raising
awareness of environmental issues
and encouraging sustainable
practices on campus. One of the
student groups received the Penn
Green Fund to build an on-campus

by the University of Floridas

Sustainability Committee hosted the
first ever Florida Food Summit in
2010 to help integrate sustainability
into the curriculum.
UF has a goal to reach a
reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions to 83% by 2050. Efforts to
conserve energy has already been
made such as T5 and T8 lighting
being used in 95% of the buildings,
and heat recovery systems and
temperature setbacks. Similar to
USF, all new construction projects at
UF must meet the LEED Certified
Gold requirements. Currently, there
are 18 LEED-certified buildings on
campus (2 silver, 5 gold, and 1
platinum). Other energy saving
installations on campus include lowflow showerheads, faucets, and
waterless urinals, which have
decreased the water consumption by
24% since 2005 even though the
size of the student body has
85% of students commute to
campus, and therefore the University
provides free shuttle services on and
around campus for members of the
campus community.

The University of Florida

The University of Florida

received a B+ on the College
Sustainability Report Card from the
Sustainable Endowments Institute in
2011, which is the same grade that
the University of South Florida
received in the same year.
The University of Floridas
sustainability office that was created


The University of Florida

dining services serves local and
organic vegetables, fruit, meat, dairy,
and exclusively cage-free eggs.
Disposable dishware that is made of
biodegradable content and trayless
dining services has saved the
university 500,000 gallons of waste
per year. There is composting
receptacles available in the
residence halls and outdoors.

buildings that are contributing to the

environmentally sustainable campus.
The University of South Florida Saint
Petersburg hopes to continue
making progress in becoming an
environmentally sustainable campus.


The Go Green movement at

USFSP has been highly successful
by its implementation of SGEF
funded projects, such as the
installation of LED lights, solar doks,
water-bottle filling devices, and
energy-saving gym equipment. USF
has implemented recycling programs
on and around campus. The Student
Green Energy Fund and other
funding organizations are facilitated
and promoted by student lead
organizations such as the Student
Environmental Awareness Society
and the Student Environmental
Association. Events promoted by
SEAS and SEA have helped
students of the University of South
Florida Saint Petersburg and the
surrounding community gain
knowledge and understanding about
the importance of going green and
the effects it will have on future
generations to come. The
University's dedication is recognized
by the LEED certification for


Glossary of Terms
American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment
(ACUPCC) A network of colleges and universities have created institutional
commitments to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from specified campus
operations, and to promote research and educational efforts of higher education
to equip society to re-stabilize the earths climate.
Ecological Footprint - the impact of a person or community on the
environment, expressed as the amount of land required to sustain their use of
natural resources.
Emission the production and discharge of something, especially gas or
Greenhouse Gases - a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by
absorbing infrared radiation (carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons)
Greenhouse Gas Inventories are type of emission inventory that are
developed for a variety of reasons. Scientists use inventories of natural and
human-caused emissions as tools when developing atmospheric models.
LED Light emitting diodes
Nonrenewable Resource A resource that is not replaceable after it has
been used.
Renewable Resource is an organic natural resource, which can replenish to
overcome usage and consumption, either through biological reproduction or
other naturally recurring processes. They are resources part of the Earths
natural environment and largest components of its ecosphere.
Solar Dok a solar-powered picnic table made from recycled materials by the
company EnerFusion, which provides a self-sustaining, electronic device
charging center.
Sustainability is the ability to continue a define behavior indefinitely.
Environmental Science: the quality of not being harmful to the environment or
depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological


Works Cited

Leggett, Mike. "Sustainability |

Approved Projects." Sustainability.
University of South Florida St.
Petersburg, 1 Aug. 2013. Web. 10 Nov.

"Basic Advantages of LED Light." LED

Advantages & Disadvantages. N.p., n.d.
Web. 10 Nov. 2015.
Vasquez, David. "USF's Student Green
Energy Fund." Personal interview. 9
Nov. 2015.


"Sustainability | Minutes."
Sustainability. University of South
Florida St. Petersburg, 27
Jan. 2015.
Web. 10 Nov. 2015.

The Student Green Energy Fund

is dedicated to making USFSP into an
environmentally sustainable campus.
SGEF has many environmentally
sustainable projects, but our group has
decided to focus on SGEFs LED light
installation in the parking garages on the
USFSP campus. Through our sources,
our group hopes to inform our readers on
USFSPs initiative to go green, and more
specifically the LED light installation
project so that our readers can make an
informed decision on LED light
installation in parking garages as a
solution to sustainability.

"Sustainability: A Vehicle for 21st

Century Education." YouTube.
YouTube, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.

"Student Green Energy Fund: Turning

Gold into Green." Patel College of
Sustainability. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.
Steiner, Kelley. "Student Affairs
Reorganizes Green Energy Fund." The
University of South
Florida Student Newspaper, 4 Oct. 2015.
Web. 10 Nov. 2015.

"Basic Advantages of LED Light." LED

Advantages & Disadvantages. N.p., n.d.
Web. 10 Nov. 2015.
The Continental Lighting
Company published this webpage. The
Continental Lighting Company is an
advanced lighting lab, and produces
standard and LED lights. This webpage
provides valuable information on the
disadvantages of using LED lighting.
The webpage compares and contrast
LED lighting to standard light fixtures.
We plan to use this resource to highlight

"Parking Garage." Energy Focus Inc.

N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.
O'Neill, David. "Phase I of the LED
Light Installation." Personal interview. 9
Nov. 2015.
"Magazine." Parking Today. N.p., n.d.
Web. 11 Nov. 2015.


the advantages and disadvantages of

LED light installation projects.

and their current progress on the LED

light installation project. This article
states the pros and cons during the
development stages. In addition, the
article was helpful by providing
statistical facts on how the changes have
saved the school money. We plan to use
this resource to provide more
information and statistics from other
universities to compare to USFSP.

Leggett, Mike. "Sustainability |

Approved Projects." Sustainability.
University of South Florida St.
Petersburg, 1 Aug. 2013. Web. 10 Nov.
This page was found on USFs
website and is a great asset because it
provides an accurate up-to-date list of
the organizations projects. It also
provides a list of the project
investigators, which can be used as a
helpful resource for more information
about the projects and the initiatives,
specifically how each project is helping
USF go green. This website was helpful
in providing more information on the
individual phases of the LED light
installation project. This website allowed
us to get in contact with David ONeill,
who is the phase I project investigator
for more information. This website also
provides information on both the
advantages and disadvantages of the
LED light project. We plan on using this
source to provide more information on
the organization itself.

O'Neill, David. "Phase I of the LED

Light Installation." Personal interview. 9
Nov. 2015.
David ONeill is the project
investigator for phase one of the USFSP
LED light installation project. This
phase installed the energy efficient light
fixtures on the first floor of one of the
parking garages. This interview allowed
us to gain more information on why USF
decided to install LED lights in the
parking garage, how the proposal got
picked, and more about the pros and
cons to the light installation. We plan to
use this interview for a personal
perspective on the LED light installation
project. His interview will provide
information that we are unable to find on

"Magazine." Parking Today. N.p., n.d.

Web. 11 Nov. 2015.

"Parking Garage." Energy Focus Inc.

N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.

This article is about other

universities that have implemented LED
lighting in their parking garages. In
particular, this article is about Florida
International University and how they
have upgraded one of their many parking
garages. This situation is similar to USF

This webpage provided an

individual case study of LED light
installation in a private two-story
parking garage in Cleveland, OH. This
case study provided data regarding
energy cost, power saving, and energy


saving of the installation of the LED

lights in parking garages. This study is
great evidence for the benefits of LED
lights in parking garages. We plan to use
this resource to compare and contrast the
data of this individual case study with
the installation of LED lights in the
parking garage at USFSP.

Student Green Energy Fund, the history

of the organization, and how SGEF has
affected our campus. This is a great
resource because it gives us background
information on our topic, which is the
installation of the LED parking garage
lights. This is a huge success because it
has improved the safety of the students
and visitors on the campus. We plan to
use this resource for more information
on the LED light installation project
itself, and to highlight the advantages of
the LED light installation.

Steiner, Kelley. "Student Affairs

Reorganizes Green Energy Fund." The
University of South
Florida Student Newspaper, 4 Oct. 2015.
Web. 10 Nov. 2015.

"Sustainability: A Vehicle for 21st

Century Education." YouTube.
YouTube, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.

This article provides information

on the Student Green Energy Fund, and
is from USFs student newspaper.
Information such as statistics and
background knowledge about the
organization are included in the article.
This article also describes the ups and
downs of the project and its progress.
This article provides information from a
fellow student at USF. Getting peer
based information is a really great way
to understand the topic because it is
relatable to students. We plan on using
this source to provide more information
on the SGEF and the progress of the
project from a student prospective.

This video was chosen to help

provide more information on the LED
light installation in the USFSP parking
garages. The video was created by David
ONeill, and provides information about
the stages of the LED light project. The
video also provides a number estimate of
how the parking garage has paid for
itself, how USFSP is saving money in
the long run, and how it has made the
school more eco-friendly. We plan to
use this resource to provide more
information on the individual stages of
the LED light installation, and as a way
to highlight the advantages of the project
and USFs efforts to become more

"Student Green Energy Fund: Turning

Gold into Green." Patel College of
Sustainability. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.

"Sustainability | Minutes."
Sustainability. University of South
Florida St. Petersburg, 27 Jan. 2015.
Web. 10 Nov. 2015.

This page was found on USFs

Patel College of Global Sustainabilitys
website. We chose to use this resource
because it explains each step of the


This page was found on USFs

Student Green Energy Funds website.
Minutes are a great source for students
or the community to know what is really
happening. It also allows for specific
information such as how many people in
the meeting were for or against a
suggested project. The minutes also
include other information about the
projects and how the committee works
through the projects to determines how
each will be implemented, if at all. We
plan to use this resource to explain the
SGEF project proposal process and to
provide more information and statistics
on the LED light installation proposal.
Vasquez, David. "USF's Student Green
Energy Fund." Personal interview. 9
Nov. 2015.
David Vasquez is the chair for
the Student Green Energy Fund. This
interview allowed us to gain insight on
the future of the LED light installation
project and how the efficiency has
helped the school. He was able to
provide more information on the SGEF
that is not provided online. Also, the
interview provided information on the
facts of the usage of LED lights. In
addition, he was able to provide
information on why USF has decided to
go green. We plan to use this interview
as a way to provide more information on
SGEF, the LED light installation project,
and the effects of the project on the
University of South Florida.


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