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5. 5. 20. 5. 2016

Kharanaq: The deserted and crumbling mud-brick

village of Kharanaq is located in a picturesque valley
north of Yazd and is believed to be more than 1000
years old.
(Front page) Old man of Howraman-At-Takht:
This Kurdish man is living in the remote valley of
Howraman. He is wearing the traditional clothing.

A country of contrasts and changes

The bustling capital Tehran; deserted caravanserais once used by traders along the silk
road as recovery places; impressive mosques
appearing in mythic colors at dawn; atmospheric tea houses along narrow side alleys
of colourful bazaars; splendid oases in otherwise vast deserts; shepherds taking care
of their sheep in rugged mountain ranges
with snow covered mountain peaks these
are only a few of the fantastic highlights that
can be encountered in contrast-rich Iran. Yet,
stunning sights and wonderful nature are
only one part of what makes this country so
unique. Much of visiting Iran is about encountering the welcoming hospitality of the
people and their endless curiosity towards
Iran is situated in the heart of the middle
east bordering Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia,
Iraq, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The huge country which is almost
five times the size of Germany has a very
diverse nature with snow-covered mountains

around Tehran, green forests along the coast

of the Caspian sea and a huge desert region
going all the way from the north east to the
south. Iran is also home to diverse cultures:
The Iranians are a nation made up of numerous ethnic groups and influenced over thousands of years by Greek, Arab, Turkic and
Mongol occupiers.
The written history of the region now known
as Iran dates back to 3200 BC and ever since
the region was of political and cultural importance. Many different dynasties were
reigning. In 641 Arabs conquered Iran and
launched a new era. Persians, who were the
followers of Zoroaster, the first monotheistic religion, gradually turned to Islam and
eventually, Shiite Islam became the official
religion of Iran. During World Wars I and II
Russian, British, and Ottoman forces had major influences on the fate of the country. And
when Iran moved towards more democracy
and independency, a CIA-backed coup in
1953 reinstated the unpopular Shah. Known

as Persia until 1935, Iran became an Islamic

republic in 1979 after the Shah was forced
into exile and conservative religious forces
started to dominate the country. Ever since,
they effectively prevented the country from
opening to the west. However, the conservative views stand in big contrast to the presence of a liberal-seeking young generation of
Iranians who strive for openness without

losing their national identity. This is evident

all over the country.
Throughout Iran's long history, in spite of different devastating invasions and occupations
by Arabs, Turks, Mongols, British, Russians,
and others, the country has always maintained
its national identity and has developed as a
distinct political and cultural entity.

Ornament in a Iranian
Mosque: Iran is famouse for
its mosques with rich ornaments.

A country of contrasts and changes

This 16 day trip will bring us to various regions of the country. We will visit some of the
must-see places and also places which are less
travelled to. Our encounters will help us to
better understand the country and its people
and reveal the complex and long history of
this area. We will gain insight into ancient
cultures and traditional life and link it to the
modern lifestyle that takes place on the streets
of Tehran and Esfahan. On this trip, we will
feel the hospitality of the people and their
welcoming attitude. This will not be without
uncovering their endless curiosity towards
westerners and their interest in learning how
we think about Iran and its people. Last but
not least, we can see different landscapes and
understand how the inhabitants used basic
technology and natural elements to master
their life in the often harsh environment they
are living in.

Our trip starts in Tehran, the capital of the

country. We will then continue to see some of
the country's highlights by visiting the desert
town of Yazd and the beautiful city of Esfahan with its impressive palaces and mosques.
Escaping to the desert for a few days brings
tranquility while staying in an oasis and gazing at stars during the crystal clear nights.
Iran is home to different cultures. After the
desert, we visit the Kurdish part of the country. While staying in a scenic village in a remote valley, we will learn about the Kurdish
culture. During the last part of our trip, we
visit the mountainous North of the country
where the mountain tops are still covered in
snow. A three day hike will bring us past the
mountains to remote villages until we arrive
at the Caspian sea.


Enjoy different landscapes when travelling through dry deserts, over mountain
passes and while relaxing at the Caspian
Experience the Iranians unique and
welcoming hospitality
Indulge in a saffron flavoured ice cream
on Meidn-e Emm square while
watching people (and being watched) in
Stargazing in the desert after a spending a day walking around the dunes

Being invited for a glass of tea in a side

alley of a bustling bazaar
Feel like being part of fairy tale while
wandering around the impressive
mosques in Yazd and Esfahan
Discover a traditional culture in Irans
Kurdish region
Watch Zurkhaneh training, a traditional
sport used to train warriors. Maybe you
get invited to participate

Mountains around Garmarud: Even in summer,

the mountain tops in the Elbruz region are covered
in snow.


We start our trip with a tour around the bustling capital Tehran. By visiting the Bazaar
and other sights, we have the opportunity to
immerse ourselves into the city life and feel
its vibes and contrasts between modernity
and tradition as well as between liberal visions and conservative rules.
In the afternoon we will board the train from
Tehran to Yazd. During this comfortable six
hour train ride we get a first glimpse of the
vast desert landscape which seems to stay the
same for hours and hours. In the evening we
will arrive in Yazd.

We explore the city of Yazd. This oasis city
is one of the oldest in Iran. Because of its
remote desert location and the difficulty of
access, Yazd remained largely immune to
large battles and the destruction and ravages
of war. Yazd is also an architecturally unique
city. The Bdgirs (wind towers) give a distinction to Yazds cityscape. The towers are
a masterpiece of ancient engineering as they
serve as ventilation systems to cool down

houses without the need for electricity. We

will have a full day to explore the city and its
surroundings. In the evening, we will attend a
Zurkhaneh training, a traditional sport used
to train warriors that is still being practiced.
Our desert trip starts. We leave Yazd and
drive north towards the city of Mesr. On the
way we will visit Chack Chack, an an important pilgrimage place for Zoroastrians situated in a spectacular scenery. We will also visit
Kharanaq, an abandoned caravanserai, which
was previously used by silk road traders to
stay overnight and feed their camels.
We venture further into the desert. This time
by 4WD and on foot. On our hike, we will
learn a lot about the desert itself and how the
locals made use of the geological characteristics of the area in order to be able to survive
in this hostile place. We will stay overnight in
the desert and sleep under the sky a unique
experience to enjoy a magnificent view on the
stars in the absence of any light pollution.


We are leaving the desert in the morning and
drive towards Esfahan. On the way we will
stop at the cultural sights of Jandagh, an archaic desert city and Choupanan oasis situated in a sandy landscape coloured in rose gold.
Esfahan is a unique city with its impressive
mosques, palaces and bazaars. Esfahan is also
an upcoming economical city with a lot of
culture and young, curious students that are
eager to bring change to the country. We will
spend the day visiting the famous highlights
like the Maidan square and Masjed-e Shah
mosque and and immerse into the city life. In
the evening we can relax along the citys river
as many locals do.
We leave Esfahan in the morning and drive
towards Hamadan with many archeological
sights on the way.

The next few days we will spend in the Kurdish region of Iran. The Kurds have a distinct
culture, which differs from the rest of the
country. The people, however, are as friendly
as everywhere else in Iran and eager to explain their history and culture. After a city
tour around Hamadan, we continue towards
Today we start our tour to the spectacular Howraman valley. The route goes into
the mountain region and follows the Iraq/
Iran border for some segments of the trip.
In the late afternoon we will arrive in Howraman-at-Takht, a small village situated impressively on the hill side of the valley. A
homestay will be our accommodation for the

Overview of the tour

We leave Howraman-at-Takht in the morning and continue our trip through the Howraman valley. By lunchtime, we will arrive in
Merivan where we have the chance to have
lunch next to the lake. This also marks the
end of our trip to the Howraman valley. On
our onward journey towards Sanandaj we
will stop at Negel to visit the local mosque.
While inconspicuous, this mosques exhibits
of the oldest Korans in the world. We continue
to Sanandaj where we stay for the night.
Today we will drive from Sanandaj to Qazvin,
a busy city in the north, close to Tehran. On
the way we will stop at various sites including Soltaniyeh, an impressive mauseoleum in



We leave Qazvin in the early morning and
start our trip to Garmaroud. A drive through
the mountains over a pass will bring us to this
remote place. On the way we will stop and
climb to the ruins of Alamut castle, a castle of
strategic importance to the Assasines, one of
the worst terror groups of the region in the
middle ages. We will reach Garmaroud in the
late afternoon where we will have time to explore the mountainous surroundings, which
are very different from the previous places.


During the next three days we will be hiking around the Alamut Mountains. We start
in Garmaroud, pass the mountain chain and
reach the Caspian sea two days later. The
scenery is stunning. The landscape dramatically changed from the previous days: The
deserts switched to green meadows and alpine rock formations. Snow covered mountain tops become visible. We will stay for two
nights in basic accommodations in small settlements.
There is no need to carry all of our luggage
as our driver is waiting for us at the end of
our hike on the other side. On day 16, we will
have time to enjoy and relax around the Caspian sea. This part of Iran is also considered
as The Jungle as the evergreen forests form a
big contrast to the desert-like and mountainous regions covering the rest of the country.
We say goodbye to the sea but not yet to the
mountains. We drive back to Tehran through
the Alamut mountains and arrive in Tehran in
the evening where our trip ends.

A side alley in
the old part of Yazd


The rating below should give an indication
about the character of this tour. If you have
further questions, please contact us.

Culture, history & politics
Eating & drinking
Hiking & Trekking
Relaxing & recovering


The rate for the whole trip is CHF4370 in double rooms. Single room supplement is CHF350
(where possible).


The size of the group excluding the guides is
limited to 10 participants. The minimal size
of the group is 7 participants.

The price includes:

Duration of the trip: 16 days / 17 nights
(Accommodation is also included the
day before the tour and on the last day.)
Accommodation in 3- and 2-star hotels
and private guesthouses in double rooms
Minibus with english speaking tour
guide and public transportation
All entrances according to the program
Halfboard (breakfast, dinner)
Tea, coffee, mineral water, typical
snacks and fruits on long trips
Support to get your visa

The tour will be guided by a Swiss guide of
Beyond Travel. A knowledgeable, local, English speaking guide and a driver will assist us
during the trip.


The price does not include:

Tips for local guides (recommendation
EUR3 per day) and hotel service
Individual expenses (food, additional
drinks, etc) & souvenirs
Return flight from your destination to/
from Tehran
Visa fee
Travel insurance


Some activities require specific clothes and
a good physical condition. We will provide
a detailed packing list so that customers can
prepare accordingly. A solid fitness is required for the hikes. The professionals who
accompany the participants will apply all
their skills to lead the group towards the realization of their objectives in the best possible
conditions of safety.
Participation is at your own risk. Due to
changing political situations, a modification
of the program might be necessary even on

short notice. At the time of writing this document, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs did not issue a warning for most
of the regions which will be visited during
this trip. A visit to the Iran-Iraq border region is not recommended by the FDFA. Our
trip to Howraman valley will pass along a
short segment of the border. We will constantly evaluate the situation.
Meteorological conditions, the conditions
of the ground, the physical shape of the participants and their capacities are crucial elements which can lead to any modification or
reevaluation of the excursions.
The passage from Garmarud to the Caspian
sea might still be covered in snow. Under
these circumstances, an alterantive route will
be chosen.

Dizi: A stew
with lamb, potato,
chickpeas, tomato,
garlic and turmeric.
The trick to eating dizi
is to eat the meat out
of the container first
and then mush the rest
of the ingredients into
a paste so its almost
pate-like then spoon a
small amount onto a
bit of bread.

Swiss citizen and many other nationalities require a visa to enter Iran. Please inform yourself in advance how to obtain a visa. Beyond
Travel can provide support.
Our tour starts and ends in Tehran. Participants are asked to book the flights by themselves. Beyond Travel will provide recommendations on connections. Usually, Pegasus
Air ( from Zurich via Istanbul and Iran Air ( from Frankfurt
have good connections. Our tour is scheduled
to meet Iran Airs flight schedule. Please contact Beyond Travel for further information.
Please contact us directly by sending an
email to or call us on


For more information visit:

Beyond Travel GmbH

Schneggstrasse 15

8004 Zrich

+41(0)79637 7655

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