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Good choices for

warlord BAMF special
rules include Fearless,
Hit and run, Fleet of
foot, or Eternal warrior.
Try and choose rules
that make sense! Avoid
choosing rules like
Swarms or Daemon

BAM F Its the midseason finale! Each side is awarded 6 BAMF points
at the start of the game. The player may then assign BAMF points to
models chosen by the player. Each model with a BAMF point may
select one special rule from the Warhammer 40K rulebook per BAMF
point. Warlords are automatically assigned 3 BAMF points. Unused
BAMF points generate 1 re-roll at the start of the controlling players
movement phase. These re-rolls may be used at any point in the game,
but may not be used on a scatter die.
S T O P R I G H T T H E R E ! The attacker deep strikes on first turn on their
half of the field and gets first turn, but defender can attempt to seize
the initiative on a 6+. Night Fighting is in effect.
W H AT LU R K S B E LO W In the shooting phase, a player may place a
single Dissonance counter anywhere on the board. For each
Dissonance counter in play, roll a die at the start of every phase of the
opposing players turn. The counter detonates on 6+ at the start of the
opponent's turn, 5+ at the end of the movement phase, 4+ at the end
of the shooting phase, and 3+ at the end of the assault phase. If a
Dissonance counter detonates, roll 1d6 for scatter, ignoring direct hits.
A Dissonance blast explodes centred on the scattered token. A
Dissonance blast has the following characteristics: S 4 AP - Heavy 1,
massive (7) blast. Ignores cover, Pinning. The terrain below the blast
marker becomes dangerous.

I AM D E AT H : Warlords do not die at 0 wounds. Instead, put the model
on its side. The warlord is counted as downed. A downed warlord may
only move in the movement phase as if in difficult terrain and cannot
be locked in close combat. The only actions a downed warlord may
make is Death and glory or Tooth and nail (see below). If a friendly
model comes in base to base contact with the warlord the model may
revive the warlord in lieu of running. The warlord revives with up to 3
wounds, but loses one BAMF point chosen by opponent.

Remember that any

attack may be used in
Death and glory. This
includes grenades and
psychic powers!
Although all attacks

T H E E N D O F D AY S : If a standing warlord moves into base to base

contact with a downed warlord, the standing warlord may
automatically defeated the opposing downed warlord at any point in
the assault phase (counts as an additional attack). The (soon to be)
defeated warlord immediately gets a Death and glory attack.
D E AT H A N D G LO RY : A downed warlord in base to base contact with
an opposing standing warlord gets a single attack in the assault phase,
as in Death or glory, before being defeated. Reducing a warlord to 0

Downed warlords
cannot be locked in
close combat. This
means a warlord
fighting Tooth and nail
may still move out of
combat in the

wounds this way counts as defeating the opposing warlord. This can
result in both warlords being defeated.
T O O T H A N D N A I L : If two downed warlords move into base to base
contact both warlords may use Death and glory in the assault phase.
The stationary warlord gets first strike and any unsaved wounds will
immediately defeat the other warlord. The surviving warlord
immediately rallies and revives instantly. If the combat is not resolved
on the first turn, further combat will take place simultaneously.
A warlord is also defeated if they move off the table edge.

The battle continues until one side has been reduced to less than half
its starting number of models. Once a players army has been reduced
below half strength they must take a Leadership test at the start of
each of their turns; if they fail the test then their army flees and the
other player wins the battle. If the test is passed then the battle
continues, but the player will have to take another test at the start of
their next turn. Note that it is entirely possible for both players to have
to take Leadership tests at the start of their turns and that the first one
to fail will lose the battle.
The leadership test is always taken using the highest Leadership of any
of the players surviving models. Apply a -1 modifier to the second test
that a player has to take, a -2 modifier to the third test, and so on.
A player suffers a crushing defeat if their warlord is killed in addition to
fleeing the battle.

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