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e resources)

h practical analytical tools applicable to typical

M-MEA.9-12.3, NM-ALG.6-12.3, NM-

ntent, download the low resolution pdf of available teacher presentation)

phase will take the abstract conceptual path, chosen in the conceptual design phase, and mold it into a system that can actuall
be (as much as possible) justified by mathematical (and physical) proof. Collegiate engineering programs take years to equip
This topic is not even meant to be an overview. We can only provide some examples of what engineering analysis is. Qualitati
ative ideas including center of gravity, torque, forces in springs, and internal stresses.

thin a framework of familiar physical principles. Each is trained to use analytical tools specific to the types of systems that h
is inherently mechanical and because the mechanical systems tend to be more intuitive to most people, this topic focuses sole
design. Sometimes the principles are qualitative and sometimes they are quantitative.

plicity, and Safety are qualitative rules generally applicable to all engineering disciplines and should be considered constantly
e. Clarity speaks to the aim of having a clearly defined role for each component and sub-component in the design. Simplicity
e design of each component) as simple as possible while still accomplishing the overall goal. Complexity in shape makes the
more parts and sub-assemblies complicates assembly and maintenance. There is a difference between being safe and safe desi
of cutting blade" is no substitute for installing a blade guard that actually prevents the user from being able to touch the movin

Transmission, Division of Tasks, and Self-Help are just three of many general principles that mechanical engineers should be
hould avoid abrupt changes in direction of the forces, use the shortest possible path, match deformations in adjoining parts, a
e. Assigning a single function (or task) to a specific component allows for better exploitation of the component, provides gre
havior. The Self-Help principle is especially broad in its application. Basically, the engineer looks for ways to use the natural
s rather than continually fighting against the natural system effects. An example is found in the design of a typical paper clip.
ds to apply more forces to keep the sheets together. Fortunately, the design of the paper clip is such that the further it is expa
ously, there is a limit before the clip fails.) Looking for Self-Help solutions requires a lot of creativity and ability by the desig

Torque, Levers, Spring Forces, and Gear Ratios are areas where students can easily make the connections between their tang

ized and shaped objects, gravity not only causes the object to fall towards the Earth but can also cause the object to rotate and
w much gravity force is acting, but where on the object it is acting.

st motors is not a force, but rather a torque applied to the motor shaft. The magnitude of the output torque depends on the cur
e used to apply various amounts of forces depending on the length of the output "lever."

ing stores potential energy when its length is changed from its natural state. The amount of force required to deflect a spring
ion. This mathematical relationship can be easily determined experimentally and is easily used to predict the response of a s

d to change a motor's output speed and torque into more usable speeds and torques. Because the power of a motor is limited,
decrease the torque and vis-a-versa. The relationship between the input and output of a set of gears is easily predicted if you k

u can contrive easy and inexpensive demonstrations of these principles and predict the results mathematically. All these princ
ect. Some of them are covered in more detail in later topics. If students wish to engage this detail now, they can probably revi
n pace.

of the various embodiment design principles that are easy for the students to relate to.

agrams and calculations to qualitatively analyze the examples.

on about exactly how engineers can know that one design is better than another. Lead class discussions towards the fact that
t how physical systems will act. Discuss the difference between qualitative guidelines and quantitative predictions. Discuss
f gravity, leverage, and internal stresses impact the effectiveness of a system. Use the simple math of gear ratios and motor p
gineering analysis. Use a mix of individual effort, small group effort, and full team discussions to keep all students actively e

: General Guidelines


objective and deliverables of the embodiment design phase Engage students with teacher presentation.

basic rules of mechanical embodiment design

ic principles relating to force transmission

quandary between "division of tasks" and "clarity"

self-help principle and describe some examples

Overview - Part 1

cept of "center of gravity" and its general implications on


of gravity for simple shapes

of gravity for complex shapes

concept of torque and its units

orque-current relationship for a DC motor

Individually demonstrate basic math skills and intuition about ce

Engage students with teacher presentation.
Small group practice problem solving.

Overview - Part 2

concept of leverage and how to use it when the applied

Individually demonstrate basic math skills and knowledge about

Engage students with teacher presentation.
Small group practice problem solving.

difference and similarity between a lever and a pulley


r equation

ic definition of mechanical springs

ng equation

rform experiments to find the spring constant

Overview - Part 3
and stress

Individually demonstrate basic intuition about internal forces.

Engage students with teacher presentation.

ip between force, area, and stress

y internal stresses and internal bending moments exist

tionship between internal stress, bending moment, and part

impact that width and height have on moment of inertia

trength of a beam)

ple guidelines for designing part geometry to resist

Overview - Part 4

Individually demonstrate basic intuition about gears.

Engage students with teacher presentation.
Class discussion to identify applications of embodiment principl

ic need for, and goal of, using gears

que, speed relationship

ons relating speed and radius of two gears

ons relating torque and radius of two gears

w to calculate gear ratio

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