Explaining The 1099-C Cancellation of Debt: Discharge of Indebtedness Income

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insurance) helps pay for inpatient care in a hospital or skilled nurs- Credit cards, car loans and mortgage

tgage debt are three of the most

ing facility following a hospital stay, some home health care, and common consumer debts, yet many individuals don’t know the tax
hospice care. Part B helps pay for doctors’ services and many other rules surrounding discharges of these debts by lenders. In general,
medical services and supplies not covered by hospital insurance. almost all types of discharged debt will be includable in the borrow-
Learn more about Medicare by reading Social Security’s publica- er’s taxable income, unless a specific exclusion applies.
tion on the subject at www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs/10043.html. The creditor will generally report COD income to the IRS and to
A few minutes now can change your retirement for years. If the debtor, using Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt, even if an ex-
you’re not already retired and receiving benefits, there’s no better clusion applies. The creditor may not be aware that the debtor can
time than the present to visit Social Security’s Retirement Estimator exclude the COD income. Your accountant can help you determine
for an instant, personalized estimate of your future retirement ben- whether an exclusion applies.
efits. Spend a few minutes trying out different scenarios to figure Discharge of Indebtedness Income. When a loan is settled for
out what retirement options will work for you — and what plans you less than the amount owed, discharge of indebtedness (DOI) in-
may want to make now to benefit you in the future. come is realized by the debtor and usually must be included in the
debtor’s gross income ( Code Sec. 61(a)(12)). The amount of DOI
income is generally equal to the amount of loan forgiveness. DOI
Explaining the 1099-C Cancellation of Debt income also occurs when a debtor repurchases his own debt at a
By T. Dennis Connally. T. Dennis Connally is a certified public ac- discount (meaning a price lower than the adjusted issue price of
countant with an office at 8483 Campbellton St., across from the the debt instrument). In debt repurchase transactions, the amount
post office. His office can be reached at 770-920-2890 or www. of DOI income is generally equal to the difference between the
tdconnally.com. adjusted issue price and the price paid for the debt instrument.
Many people have received Form 1099-C—Cancellation of Exclusions and reduction of attributes. There are four situa-
Debt. I hope that you find this article useful while understanding tions where cancelled debt does not result in taxable income:
the outcome of receiving the cancellation of debt. 1. The debt has been discharged through a bankruptcy proceed-
COD Income. Debt that a borrower no longer is liable for be- ing under Title 11; 2. Insolvency (your total debts exceed your total
cause it is discharged by the lender can give rise to taxable income assets); 3. The debt is due to a qualified farm expense (“qualified
to the borrower. Debt forgiveness income or cancellation of debt farm indebtedness”); 4. The debt is due to certain real property
income (“COD” income) is the amount of debt that a lender has business losses (“qualified real property business indebtedness”)
discharged or canceled. However, in many situations, the canceled and 5. If the debt discharged is qualified principal residence indebt-
debt is excluded from taxable income. edness, discharged before January 1, 2013.

Money & Finance  Villa Rica News & Views 29

FA M I LY other items on the never-ending to-do list, especially those ones

Connection that I have begun and just never finished. Completing some of
these items then gives me a great feeling of accomplishment and
further adds to my zeal to get things done.
So what about the rest of our lives? Could our thoughts, behav-
Spring Cleaning for Your Home & Your Heart iors or attitudes use a clean sweep this spring too? Do we need to
By Kerry Patuka. A Villa Rica resident who is a degreed focus more on our families, on God or on serving others? Could
and certified educator, licensed minister and founder of Drive our kids benefit from an attitude adjustment or from a family that
5 Ministries, a consulting, speaking and training ministry is more focused on our faith?
for churches and children’s ministry. Contact her at kerry- Psalm 51:10 reminds us: Create in me a clean heart, O God
drive5@yahoo.com and renew a right spirit within me. It’s never easy to examine our
I love the feel of those first days of spring! The sun is out, the lives. It’s often hard to do because truthfully, we really know what
breeze is warm and suddenly, I feel motivated to tackle a project, areas of our life need to be addressed, what we need to change
start something new or finish up things I’ve left lingering. I’m ener- and what isn’t right. Our human nature tells us it’s so much easier
gized! And our kids feel it too. to avoid this stuff, but now is the time. Take advantage of that extra
You can tell the way that they run around in the parking lot after spring energy and tackle the truly tough stuff in your life.
the Cub Scout meeting and the way that they don’t want to sit still God promises us in Psalm 24:4 & 5: He who has clean hands
in school. People always say it’s ‘spring fever’ because kids can’t and a pure heart...will receive a blessing from the Lord. If you think
wait to be done with school. True, but I think it also shows that you feel good when you clean out the garage or when you get back
they, too, have that sudden extra energy. to the gym, imagine how good you will feel when you ask God to
So how do we make the most of this energy? Pick something help you change your heart and mind?
and get started! Now is a great time to get your kids focused on
their rooms. Throw open the windows, let in the fresh air and get
Douglasville CVB to host free bridal shows
The Douglasville Convention and Visitors Bureau is hosting free
going. Whether you’re helping them in their rooms or on another
Bridal Shows to
area of the house, make it fun. Design a race to see who can find
help educate and
the most of a certain item in a set time. Set some goals and build
inform brides on
in breaks, such as once we clean the closet or when we finish half
wedding planning
of the room, we’ll stop and get a snack, then start again. You can
in Douglasville.
also set bigger goals to keep the family motivated. Decide what
The 2010 Bridal
you want to accomplish, what will be a reward for your family and
Show Series will
make a plan.
focus on outdoor
But we can also us this extra spring motivation to help us in
venues located in
other areas of our lives beyond house projects. I struggle to get to
the City. The ven-
the gym in January and February, it’s too cold and it gets dark too
ues will include
early. Once spring hits, it’s easier to go.
Le Jardin Blanc,
I find I’m also more focused and can knock out some of those
O’Neal Plaza,
and the Cultural
Arts Center. The
first Bridal Show will be a Bridal Tea at Le Jardin Blanc on April 18
from 2:00pm to 5:00pm.
Brides, you are invited to come meet face to face with wedding
professionals and find everything you need to create the wedding
of your dreams. You can preview photographer’s pictures, sample
cakes and food from the caterers, see your future gown on the
fashion show runway, listen to the music of your DJ, visualize the
flowers that you will be carrying down the aisle, get ideas for your
bridal registry, plan your honeymoon and so much more. In ad-
dition to getting great ideas and seeing the latest trends, you will
also get to hear from guest speaker Heather Vreeland, Publisher
and Editor-in-Chief of Atlanta Occasions Magazine, which provides
easily accessible information to brides from current trends to plan-
ning tools in Metro Atlanta including Douglas County. Registered
brides will be eligible to win many prizes from vendors as well as
one grand prize drawing of $500 cash. The tea is free for all brides
and their guests. To register, please contact Randi Miles at 678-
715-6069 or milesr@ci.douglasville.ga.us. For all other questions,
please contact Kimberly Weaver at 678-715-6095 or weaverk@

30 Villa Rica News & Views  Marriage & Family

Welcome New Residents Please send new baby pictures to submissions@villaricanews.net
We’ll place them in for free!

Lea Ly Jackson Marleigh Jae Hendrix

Born: October 26, 2009 Born: February 23, 2010
Weight: 6lbs, 4oz Weight: 7lbs, 3oz
Length: 20 inches Length: 18 inches
Parents: Adam & Kim Jackson Parents: Jeremiah & Kaleigh Hendrix
Grandparents: Ricky & Sheila Grandparents: Tina Smith; Don
Jackson; Pheap & Chhengvy Sot & Jean Wallace; Willie & Mary
Harrison William Holland Ansley Renee Welch
Born: February 5, 2010 Born: December 23, 2009
Weight: 6lbs, 8oz Weight: 8lbs, 7.2oz
Length: 18.5 inches Length: 19.25 inches
Parents: Eric & Bobbiejo Holland Parents: Joe & Melanie Welch
Grandparents: Woody & Debo- Grandparents: Dorothy & Jerry
rah Holland; Brad & Susie Lord; Wadsworth; Vick & Bonnie Welch
Ronnie Harden
Ryan Alexander Worrall Blaze Dakota Faulkner
Born: March 13, 2010 Born: December 17, 2009
Weight: 7lbs, 7oz Weight: 8lbs, 14.7oz
Length: 19 inches Parents: Brian & Amanda
Parents: Jeremy & Jessi Worrall Faulkner
Grandparents: Christy Worrall;
Larry Cotton; Barbara Maddox

Wedding and Engagement We want to see your wedding and engagement announcements! E-mail a
picture and short announcement to: submissions@villaricanews.net.

Announcements You can also drop announcements off at Brides Atlanta located at
6842 Douglas Boulevard in Douglasville.


The Downtown Conference Center & O’Neal Plaza is located

at 6701 Church Street Douglasville, Georgia 30134

Marriage & Family  Villa Rica News & Views 31

Directory Christian Church

Ablaze Christian Fellowship Ephesus Baptist Church kinGDoM DoMinion ChurCh

1836 Carrollton Villa Rica Hwy.770-214-9836 8445 Ephesus Church Rd….....770-942-4327 92 W Church St……................678-941-3600
Assembly of the Saints Deliverance faMiLY Worship Center of West Ga (Please See Our Ad on This Page)
147 Cleghorn St….............…..770-459-8720 105 Liberty Rd….................….678-840-8043 Macedonia Baptist Church
Bethsadia Baptist Church (Please See Our Ad on This Page) 2000 Dallas Hwy…..................770-459-1027
299 Thomas Dorsey Dr…........770-459-4913 Midway Macedonia Baptist Church
First Baptist Church of Villa Rica
Bethany Christian Church 3915 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...770-832-9605
1483 W. Hwy. 78……..............770-459-5138
2868 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.770-834-1927 Mt. Prospect Baptist Church
First Pentecostal Church 133 Thomas Dorsey Dr…........770-459-5918
Callie Harbin Baptist Church 367 Thomas Dorsey Dr…........770-459-6077 New Georgia Baptist Church Spoken Word Evangelistic Church
885 Mann Rd...........................770-459-6316 First Presbyterian Church of Villa Rica PCA 6092 Mulberry Rock Rd….......770-459-3219 200B Old Liberty Rd..................770-456-4848
Catholic Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help 519 Main St…..................……770-459-5276 New Mountain Top Baptist Church Temple Church of Christ
210 Old Center Point Rd Crrltn.770-832-8977 7822 Conners Rd….................770-942-6855
First United Methodist Church of Villa Rica James & Griffin St. Temple.......770-834-6882
ChurCh at Mirror Lake the New Step of Faith Church of God
206 North Ave…......................770-459-3067 True Life Church
501 Permian Way.................…770-459-8653 908 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...770-459-3881
Flat Rock Baptist Church 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy..770-783-9188
(Please See Our Ad on Page 33) No Limits Christian Church Utopia Baptist Church
961 Flat Rock Rd…..............…770-459-6128
9060 Shiloh Rd........................678-840-8880 922 Tyson Rd...........................770-459-5870
Flat Rock Missionary Baptist Church
Overcomer’s Christian Fellowship at Villa Rica Victory Tabernacle-415 Rockmart Rd.770-459-2007
40 Flat Rock Dr…….................770-459-4242
101 Three West Pkwy...............800-637-8119 Villa Rica Christian Church
Freedom King Mission Church Peachtree Community Church 497 Villa Trace….................….770-459-5820
25 McCurdy Rd..…..................770-456-2023 87 Blackstock Rd.....................770-459-1717 Villa Rica Church of Christ
Fullerville Baptist Church Pentecostal Worship Center of the UPC 515 Dallas Hwy…...............….770-459-3478
CoMforter’s Christian Ministries
423 Old Town Rd….................770-459-3977 418 Dallas Highway.................678-941-3332 Villa Rica Church of God
305 Carrollton Hwy..................770-562-0777
Fullerville Mission Philadelphia Missionary Church 93 Harlan Lane Rd…...............770-459-1610
531 Rockmart Rd….................770-456-9619 318 Elm Dr…….......................770-366-7463 Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church
Gateway Baptist Church Plantation Baptist Church 2345 Hwy 101 South…...........770-459-4459
Cornerstone Baptist Church
189 Sandhill Hulett Rd….........770-832-3130 West Russell Street Church of Christ
1100 S Van Wert Rd…….........770-459-9082 9710 High Point Rd……..........770-459-1609
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 105 W Russell St……...............770-459-0507
Covenant WorD MinistrY Grace Baptist Church
1003 Pleasant Grove Church Rd.770-459-5502 Westhills Church-159 Liberty Rd...770-456-9379
773 Industrial Blvd..................770-456-9084 1323 Harlan Lane Rd…….......770-459-0863 Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church Westside Apostolic Church
(Please See Our Ad on Page 33) Happy Valley Baptist Church 119 Thomas Dorsey Dr…........770-459-9568 418 Dallas Hwy...................….404-444-9704
DisCoverY ChurCh the........404-583-6337 605 Main St….....................….770-459-1611 Powell Chapel United Methodist Church Word of Life Baptist Church
(Please See Our Ad on Page 33) Joshua House - 309 Willis Dr…....770-456-1777 1296 Flat Rock Rd…........……770-456-1680 77 Harlan Lane Rd…...............770-459-0880

32 Villa Rica News & Views  Church

Sheryll and I have 5 grand- me and I picked him up and sat down on the bed with him. He
kids. We think they are amazing. stopped crying and he and I spent about 45 minutes playing with
I don’t agree with the statement his little animal toys. Then his mom laid him in his hospital crib
I often hear that “grandkids are and we left with him sleeping peacefully.
better than kids,” because I re- I am Timothy’s buddy, maybe even his biggest toy. He thinks
ally enjoy my kids, but grandkids I am wonderful and lights up whenever he sees me. In the midst
are awesome. One of our grand- of one of his worst days ever, he found joy in me being around.
kids is 1 ½ year old Timothy. He That’s not because I am so amazing (I wish I could claim that),
has been really sick this week and but it is because he has chosen to love me that way. He just thinks
ended up in the hospital due to I am fun. It blows me away to be his Boppa.
dehydration. He calls me Boppa All of us need someone in our life who thinks we are wonderful.
Someone who lights up when we walk into the room. We need
because that’s what his older sis-
someone who has chosen to love us that way. The good news
ter calls me. Boppa is her version
is we all have someone like that. Our Heavenly Father thinks we
of Papa, which is what she heard my oldest grandkids call me.
are amazing. He has chosen to love us with an amazing love that
Like the old country song says, I don’t care what they call as long
does not change based on our good or bad days. The Bible says
as they call me.
He is overwhelmed by one look from our eyes. In fact, that’s the
Anyway, Timothy’s mom called us about 1 in the morning only thing in all of creation that can overwhelm the all-powerful
during his hospital stay because she needed her mom. Timothy God of the universe! Religion and bad teaching have sometimes
was crying and couldn’t settle down. He wanted to be home, tried to take that God away from us, but He is there. He loves me
and he and mom were exhausted. Sheryll hopped out of bed to unconditionally with a perfect love. I am His favorite, and so are
get ready to head to the hospital. I asked if she thought I should you. Get that and life gets better!
come and at first she said no. Then, after a pause, she said, By the way, Timothy went home the next day and is doing fine.
“Well, he does like you a lot.” So out of bed and to the hospital Paid Article by The Church at Mirror Lake, 7501 Permian Way,
we went. When we arrived the little guy was crying pitifully and Villa Rica, GA 30180. Pastors Tony & Sheryll Ashmore. Visit www.
looked worn out. When he saw me he held his arms out for churchatmirrorlake.com or call 770-459-8653.

Hello Spring!
The green buds are pushing through the earth, blooms are
opening and the sky is a beautiful
shade of blue. I wonder if spring
seems even sweeter due to the harsh
winter we have had this year. It is like
a metaphor for the seasons of life.
In Ecclesiastes 3 it says, “There is an
appointed time for everything. And
there is a time for every event under heaven.” In winter vegeta-
tion is bare and cold, yet the spring explodes with new life.
There are times when life can feel barren and cold; and other
times when we are in awe of the miracles around us. I think it
is important to remember who the “author” of life truly is. It
is Jesus. Though we were destined to eternity separated from
God, Jesus paid the price for our sin that we may experience
new life in Him. Now that is exciting. During this spring season
take time to enjoy the new life that arises all around. Spread
a blanket on the ground. Feel the sun shine on your face. Let
the breeze blow over you. Look in the clouds and find funny
shapes. We have one life. Seasons will come and go, but the
love of our Father was clear over two thousand years when He
chose to send His son to die on the cross that we might have
eternal life. Have a great spring! Ecclesiastes 3:1 “There is an
appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event
under heaven” - Missy
Paid article by by The Discovery Church, a new church in
the South Villa Rica community. To find out more visit www.
thediscoverychurch.org or call 404-583-6337.

Church  Villa Rica News & Views 33

Real Estate
Apartments Real Estate Firms & Agents Real Estate Firms & Agents Real Estate Appraisers
Arbor Bend at Villa Rica - Continued - Continued Appraisal 1 Services
200 Industrial Blvd...................770-459-1740 McCarson Realty...........................770-459-3366 505 Berry Dr............................770- 456-4350
Hickory Falls Apartments Innovative Appraisal Solutions
801 Hickory Level Rd...............770-459-2302 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd..............678-416-9024
Preserve At Mirror Lake The
9400 Conners Rd.....................770-459-6400 Real Estate Developers
Villa Rica Medical Condominium
Wildwood At Villa Rica Apartments
124 Parkwood Cir.....................770-834-4881
540 S Carroll Rd......................770-459-5511
Willow Creek Apartments Real Estate Inspectors
420 Villa Trace.........................770-459-0747 A&F Home Inspections Inc
Home Builders Please Call.............................770-947-0058
Camdur Building Group Bailey Home Inspection Service....770-920-1389
628 Old Town Rd....................678-840-4449 Ellis Home Repair & Inspections...770-317-1715
Herrell Sammy Builders Inside Out Home Inspectors..........770-499-0212
809 W Bankhead Hwy..............770-459-8889 Mr. & Mrs. Inspector......................678-941-3268
Imagination Homes R&R Home Inspection LLC...........770-942-1637
88 Hwy 61 Conn......................770-456-2007 Reeves Real Estate Inspection.......770-377-1413
MESSER PROPERTiES Total Home Inspections................770-852-1959
125 Commons Way..................770-459-8887 West Georgia Inspection Services..770-577-8828
Century 21 Farish Realty
PREMiER RESidENTiAL..............770-577-6210
Real Estate Property
Mortgages 329 S Carroll Rd......................770-459-4663
Morgan Scott Realty
Management & Rentals
Bank of America Home Loans 210 W Montgomery St.............770-456-0305
CRS PROPERTiES.......................404-428-8304
Ryan Kruzinski........................678-939-4460 Mudd REALTy - AMy guiNN
MuLTi MORTgAgE CORPORATiON Lake Tara Townhouse Association III Inc
Please Call..............................678-592-1250
Robin Smedley.........................404-512-1525 RE/MAX United 62 Fairfield Rd.........................770-834-5585
503 Main St...........................770-456-6000 Offices on Main The.....................770-459-6262
Realty Crest - 27 Fairfield Rd........770-830-0096 PROPERTy MANAgEMENT uNLiMiTEd, iNC
Roy Dean Realty 4990 Austell Rd.....................770-941-7745
912 W Bankhead Hwy..............770-456-4721

Southern Freedom Property Management

228 W Montgomery St...........770-459-8841
dOgwOOd TRACE....................770-456-0071
CHAPMAN HALL REALTORS 800 Tupelo Way.....................770-459-2356
JOHN ‘JC’ CAROLLO...........678-564-2666 Somersport Subdivision
COLdwELL BANkER FiRST REALTy 9100 Somersport Dr.................770-456-0008
246 Carroll Rd.........................770-459-0009 Trails at Charleston Place..............770-459-9299

Principal Mortgage Group Smart Move Real Estate Owners Transferring!Mirror Lake 5 BR, 4
402 W Bankhead Hwy..............770-459-9977 105 North Ave.........................678-840-4200 BA master and guest BR on main with

Kathy Kirk
Synovus Mortgage
Southern Homes & Land full basement, quiet culdesac street,
588 Hwy 61...........................770-459-5717
228 W Montgomery St...........770-459-8841 and much more. Priced at a negotiable
Movers $249,900.
All Out Moving
Please Call.............................678-988-7686
Adrian Ashmore - (770.312.5936/770.4
ALL STAR MOvERS COLdwELL BANkER FiRST REALTy 59.1979) 100% Financing 137,500 3/2
Please Call........770-577-2142 187 Fairfield Rd.......................770-830-0950
Dean Realty & Construction huge open floor plan w/ sitting rm, Cali-
430 W Bankhead Hwy..............770-459-4311 fornia rm, his/her walk-in, “get-away”
Barnes Van Lines..........................770-832-3521 EvERETTE REALTy.....................770-456-0071 fenced backyard in Villa Rica, Great Sub-
Fairfield Plantation Realty
New Generation Movers…...........770-838-5910
Reliance Moving
Please Call.............................770-780-5557
1602 Lakeview Pkwy................770-834-7781
Kathy Kirk division, Century 21 Express.

Truck on the Move 678.410.5298 Cell Gorgeous 4 Bd/ 2.5 Ba Home on Full
Basement in Popular Taylor Farm S/D.
1357 Harlan Lane Rd..............770-456-9400 Mirror Lake Resident
Hardwood Floors, Granite, Stainless Ap-
Real Estate Firms & Agents Buying or Selling a Home? pliances, Privacy Fenced Lot and More!
171 N Bay View Dr...................770-459-1979 Call Me For Assistance! Only $184,900. Cindy Jamison, Solid
Source Realty, 404-273-
interested in SOuTHERN HOMES & LANd
USDA 100% Fin Area - Ready To Move
advertising? \
kATHy kiRk.........................678-410-5298
Strickland Realty In. Immaculate. Large Kit. Vaulted Ceil-
Call 678-840-8604 923 W Bankhead Hwy..............770-459-5771
Sunwest Properties Inc
ing In LR with FP. Dbl Trey Ceiling In Ma
Suite. Bright, Open & Airy. New Sec Sys,.
or e-mail kiNETiC PROPERTiES................678-840-4412 215 W Bankhead Hwy..............770-459-2222 Shopping, Rec Areas. Contact: Curley
sales@chapelhillnews.net LAugHRidgE REALTy COMPANy
4990 Austell Rd.....................770-941-7745
West GA Properties Inc
750 W Bankhead Hwy...........770-459-6884
Smith, K.W. Realty, 678-576-1269.

34 Villa Rica News & Views  Real Estate

The following list of houses SOLD in February of 2010 in the
Lease/ purchase - beautiful homes, cre- Gorgeous Home...Creekside Golf/
ative financing, bad credit, bankruptcy Swim/ Tennis. Hiram / Dallas..4br, 2.5
30180 zip code provided to the readers of Villa Rica News & o.k., Mirror Lake - 4BR/2.5BA - spa- Ba, Hardwoods, Tile, Custom Paint,
Views by Kathy Kirk, Southern Homes & Land, 678-410-5298. cious, vaulted ceilings. Douglasville - High Ceilings, Large Rooms, Screen
subdivision address bed/bath price days on market
brick ranch 3BR/2BA, 2 car garage. Call Porch, Huge Fenced Yard. $1400
678-773-3411 Mo/ Cathy @ Heritage Home Rent-
Amidon Estates 237 Emily Cir 3/2 $84,900 66
Brandywine 2009 Vine Cliff 4/3 $110,000 32
Brandywine Lake 2436 Napa Valley Dr 4/2.5 $101,800 134 Bank owned properties available from the
Danielle Estates 5015 Longridge Dr 5/4.5 $358,000 303 New Listing in Mirror Lake: 3 Br, 2.5 Ba
low $100’s to $400’s. Douglas, Pauld- with formal living rm, 2 sty family room,
Fairfield 1500 Stonington Ct 4/3 $156,800 100 ing, Carroll, Cobb, and S. Fulton Coun- and large master suite. Immaculate con-
Fairfield 7021 Rebel Ct 3/2 $107,000 85 ties. Visit my website at www.SoldByTerri. dition. Priced at only $134,900. Kathy
Fairfield 9050 Woodlake Ln 3/2.5 $362,000 184 com and view my listings for photo’s, Kirk, Southern Homes & Land, 678-410-
Falls 2003 Tiffany Ct 4/3 $133,000 16 prices, addresses and information. Terri 5298
HC Daniel 718 Spring St 3/2.5 $96,900 103 Schrews, Keller Williams Realty.
Lost Lake 310 Lost Lake Ct 3/2 $113,250 120
Arline Griffith/Linda Martin: Mirror
Manchester Meadows 458 Susie Creek Ln 3/2.5 $121,400 167 Lake: New listing - 9725 Spyglass
Mirror Lake 2003 Barrington Ln 4/3.5 $277,900 33 Drive - 4 BR/3.5 BA with finished base-
Chuck Griffith (678-410-5302). Fair-
Mirror Lake 2114 Osprey Cv 3/2 $115,100 180 field - house for $179,900 or house ment on golf course for $199,900.
None 1294 N Van Wert Rd 3/2.5 $88,000 66 +60 acres $569,000. Wedowee - lake Bridgewater: 5BR/4BA $309,900; 6
None 203 Maple St 3/1.5 $17,500 97 house $299,900; Ranch in Haralson BR/4.5 BA w bsmt $319,900; 5 BR/3
None 534 Susan Dr 3/1.5 $53,000 168 Co $499,900; Carrollton - $60,000 BA $$269,900. Harmon Springs: 6
None 5931 N Helton 3/2 $75,250 10 3BR/2BA BR/2.5 BA w bsmt $244,900. Coldwell
Banker, 1st GA. Realty, Villa Rica 770-
River Trace 309 River Trace Dr 3/2 $51,900 100
Rolling View 508 Peggy Ln 3/2 $30,000 106
Rolling View Estates 407 Javkie Ln 3/1.5 $14,000 27 Linda Martin (404-218-9090) Carroll-
Round Rock Estates 156 Open Sky Way 3/2.5 $142,900 258 ton: Two great building lots - Stone- Arline Griffith (678-410-5304). Looking
gate Farms and Southbend. Coldwell for foreclosures? We have listings in Villa
Waterford 102 Melleray Ct 3/2 $109,000 82
Banker, 1st GA Realty, Villa Rica, 770- Rica, Douglasville, Carrollton, Tallapoosa
Wesley Chase 106 Kylee Ct 3/2 $39,900 35 and Waco.

Barbara Watkins opens Realty Crest Real Estate

Owner/Broker Barbara Watkins has been a Realtor for over 12 years,
is a lifetime resident of West Geor-
gia and a Fairfield Plantation Resi-
dent for 24 years. She graduated
from the University of West Georgia
with a Bachelor Degree in Market-
ing, and obtained her Real Estate
License from Barney Fletcher in
Realty Crest is located at 27
Fairfield Road, Villa Rica, Ga., at
the entrance of Fairfield Planta-
tion, and serves all of West Georgia
including Fairfield Plantation. The
office is open from 8:30am until
5:00pm. Monday through Friday,
evenings and weekends by appoint-
ments. The company offers representation for both buyers and sellers.
Realty Crest hopes to build a business with honest, dependable, per-
sonal service helping guide the seller from listing to the closing table,
and the buyer from the search, through the contract, to the closing.
Barbara feels that she has the knowledge, training, and experience to
do just that.
Barbara feels there is a need for back to the basics with an indepen-
dent company. More people are searching the Internet for their Real
Estate needs, and having a web site with direct connection to the Mul-
tiple Listings, email, e-fax, Internet on mobile phones, and all the Real
Estate Web Sites out there, makes it easier for the customers to research
the market.
You may contact Realty Crest by phone at 770-830-0096, email re-
altycrest@att.net and web site www.realtycreast.com.

Real Estate  Villa Rica News & Views 35

Ralph Anthony Jackson
Ralph Anthony Johnson, 76, entered eternal life on Tuesday,
March 2, 2010.
Submitted by Tracey Snipes - Owner – Travel Escapes,
He was born September 30, 1933 in Fort Valley, Georgia – one
a full service travel agency located at 4090 Bankhead
of five sons of the late Elmer and Emmie Causey Johnson.
Hwy. in Lithia Springs. 770-732-9434 - www.traveles-
He was a graduate of Fort Valley High School in Fort Valley,
capesinc.com - Hours: Mon. - Fri., 10:00am to 5:30pm
Georgia, class of 1950. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree
and Sat. 10:00am to 2:00pm
in Industrial Management in 1955 from the Georgia Institute of
The ship’s first revenue voyage will be a seven-night Western Ca-
Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. He earned an M.B.A in 1965 from
ribbean itinerary, sailing on December 5, 2010. Allure of the Seas’
Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York.
new cruise for the inaugural season is now open for booking.
Upon graduating from Georgia Tech, Ralph entered the U.S.
Guests booked on the original inaugural season sail date of De-
Army in 1955 as a commissioned officer - first lieutenant and was
cember 12, 2010, will be contacted by their travel agent or a Royal honorably discharged in 1965. At Georgia Tech, he was a member
Caribbean representative, and given the opportunity to move their of the Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) fraternity.
cruise vacation to the new sailing of December 5. Booked guests He married Gloria M. Czechowicz in Schenectady, New York in
who wish to take the December 5 sailing will be re-accommodated 1959 and celebrated 51 years of marriage this past January. The
in the same stateroom and category, and the cruise fare will be the couple has resided at 2374 Grant Place, Villa Rica, Georgia for the
lower of either the fare paid or current prices. December 5, 2010 past six years.
begins the inaugural season voyage of Allure of the Seas, guests will Ralph had a very long and prosperous career that took him to
be among the first to enjoy an exceptional vacation experience on assignments around the world. Upon his honorable discharge from
the newest Oasis-class ship, featuring an array of exclusive, indus- the U.S. Army, Ralph entered the prestigious General Electric Com-
try-revolutionizing onboard amenities, and premiering new, breath- pany (GE) executive training program and worked in several execu-
taking high-diving, light and fountain shows in the AquaTheater tive positions over his 28-year career with the company – including
and dazzling entertainment productions in the Opal Theater and Managing Consultant on GE’s Corporate Consulting staff and Plant
Studio B iceskating rink. Throughout, guests will enjoy the cruise Manager in Charleston, South Carolina and in Peterborough, On-
line’s world-renowned friendly and engaging Royal treatment from tario, Canada. He also held GE executive assignments in Cincin-
Allure of the Seas’ staff and crew. nati, Ohio, Utica, New York, Dover, New Hampshire, Bridgeport,
Allure of the Seas shares the title of the world’s largest and Connecticut and Fort Wayne, Indiana.
most revolutionary cruise ship with sistership Oasis of the Seas. He left General Electric to become Executive Vice President of
An architectural marvel at sea, she will span 16 decks, encom- Manufacturing at Phelps Dodge, Inc. in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Ralph
pass 225,282 gross registered tons, carry 5,400 guests at double pursued his entrepreneurial spirit in the early 1990s and become
occupancy, and feature 2,700 staterooms. Allure of the Seas will the Owner of the Kendallville Castings foundry in Kendallville, In-
tout Royal Caribbean\’s exclusive neighborhood concept of seven diana. He later returned to corporate management, working in
distinct themed areas, which will include Central Park, Boardwalk, Global Sourcing for Eaton Corporation – where he travelled to In-
the Royal Promenade, the Pool and Sports Zone, Vitality at Sea dia, South Korea, China and Mexico to identify sourcing solutions.
Spa and Fitness Center, Entertainment Place and Youth Zone. The Ralph was an active member of the Catholic Church, and served
ship will alternate a Western Caribbean with an Eastern Caribbean as a catechist, lector and Eucharistic minister.
seven-night itinerary from her home port of Port Everglades in Fort Ralph was well known for his unwavering positive attitude and
Lauderdale, Fla. Additional information is available at www.Allure- his love of helping others, which was relfected in his commitment to
oftheSeas.com. community service. He has been an avid contributor to the Kiwanis
Royal Caribbean International is a global cruise brand with 21 Club of Fairfield Plantation in Villa Rica, Georiga. He was initiated
into the club in 2005, served as Vice President and President-Elect
ships currently in service and one under construction. The line also
during his first years with the club and served as club President in
offers unique cruise tour land packages in Alaska, Canada, Dubai,
2007-2008. He also loved his time spent mentoring students at the
Europe, and Australia and New Zealand.
Sand Hill School in Villa Rica, Georgia.
Ralph is survived by his wife, Gloria, and four brothers – Ken
Johnson of Walnut Creek, California and Elmer Johnson, Calvin
Johnson and Edwin Johnson – all of Villa Rica, Georgia. Ralph is
also survived by his children – Ralph and Julie, Jr. of Novi, Michigan,
Pam Huff of Alpharetta, Georgia and Michael Gover and Paige
Johnson of Dallas, Texas, and three grandchildren also survive.
The Liturgy of Christian Death and Burial will be at 10 a.m. at
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 210 Old Center Point Road,
Carrollton, Georgia 30117-6827 on Friday, March 5, 2010 – fol-
lowed by a reception in the Church hall. Those desiring to do so
may make contributions to the Our Lady of Perpetual Help or Fair-
field Kiwanis.
Messages of condolence to the family may be sent from www.
jones-wynn.com. Jones-Wynn Funeral Home of Villa Rica in charge
of arrangements. 770-459-3694

36 Villa Rica News & Views  Travel

A monthly feature of Villa Rica News & Views - a complete medical directory and guide featuring every
physician and practice in and around Villa Rica, including their phone number,
address and website address.
Attention Physicians. If you have any news about your practice, you may submit it at no cost.
Our advertising rates in this section begin at $29 a month.

Medical Directory & Guide  Villa Rica News & Views 37

medical directory & guide
Allergy Ear, Nose & Throat
Atlanta Allergy & Asthma Clinic Bi-County Ear, Nose & Throat, PC
J. Michael Halwig, MD Vivek K. Gupta, MD ! Gregg R. Sachs, DO
Keith Lenchner, MD Terry Shapiro, MD FACS
www.atlantaallergy.com www.bicountyent.com
4645 Timber Ridge Dr Dgl...770-942-7696 6002 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-949-4200
CENTER FOR ALLERGY & ASTHMA Carrollton Ear, Nose & Throat PC
Eugene S Hurwitz, MD 150 Clinic Avenue Crltn…...770-832-1488
John Zimmerman, MD ! Erinn T. Gardner, MD Ear, Nose & Throat Plastic Surgery Center
www.caawg.com Neil Persaud, DO, DMD
705 Dallas Hwy Villa Rica......770-459-0620 6130 Prestley Mill Rd Dgl.....678-838-3903
828 Dixie St Carrollton...........770-836-7987 Villa Rica Ear Nose & Throat
411 Alabama Ave Bremen.....770-836-7987 Eric Andrist MD
37 Calumet Pkwy Newnan........770-683-4050 John Burson MD
(Please See Our Ad on Page 39 & Front Cover) www.villaricaent.com
Peachtree Allergy & Asthma Clinic PC 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca........770-459-0408
Ariana D. Buchanan, MD Endoscopy
Theodore M. Lee, MD West Georgia Endoscopy Center
www.peachtree-allergy.com 160 Clinic Avenue Crltn……770-834-2225
150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn.....770-832-1984
Family & General Practice
Bariatric (Weight Loss/Control) Arbor Place Family Medicine, PC
8464 Adair St Dgl..................770-949-9804 www.arborplacemedicine.com
(Please See Our Ad on This Page) 6130 Prestley Mill Rd Dgl…770-771-5100
Carrollton Family Healthcare
Cardiology (Heart) 624 Dixie Street Crltn…..…770.832.9593
Atlanta Cardiology Group PC Center for General Medicine, Inc
Rajendra Desai, MD ! Ketan Desai, DO Warlito G. Rollolazo, MD
www.acg.cardiologydomain.com 809 W Bankhead Hwy.........770-456-9993
2145 Slater Mill Rd Dgl.......678-715-3334
Cardiovascular Medicine, P.C.
Michael S. Hardee, MD
Adam N. Lourie, MD ! Alfonso E. Rea, MD
8954 Hospital Dr Dgl….......770-771-5700
Chandan Devireddy, MD
Angel R. Leon, MD, FACC
John D. Merlino, MD, FACC

Martha Haack, NP-C
705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.......404-778-8440

Douglas Women’s Center

Christopher Arant, MD • Onaje Greene, MD
Shazib N. Khawaja, MD,
William Rogers, MD,
705 Dixie St Crrltn.................770-836-9326
6084 Professional Pkwy., Ste. C
(Between the Hospital and the Courthouse)
Douglasville 770-942-1440

Elite Family Practice

Offering Excellence in Obstetrical & Gynecological Care Valencia R Burruss MD
690 Dallas Hwy.....................770-836-9326 6126 Prestley Mill Rd Dgl.....678-715-2993
204 Allen Mem. Dr. Bremen..770-836-9326
(Please See Our Ad on Page 4)
Vidya Soundararajan, MD, FACOG  Sholah Pittman, MD, FACOG Michael S. Moody, MD
Sara Gorham, CNM  Lew-ann Parham, RNC, WHNP 8464 Adair St Dgl….……..770-949-9804
Mammographer: Carol Smith  Ultrasonographer: Jean Hildebrandt 3590 Austell Rd...................770-732-4000
(Please See Our Ad on Page 41)
 “New” Pap Smear/HPV  Bladder Incontinence www.wellstar.org Kelvin B. Burton, MD
 Ultrasound  Minimally Invasive Surgery 8954 Hospital Dr..................770-949-1500 305 Carrollton Hwy Temple...770-562-0777
(Please See Our Ad on Page 41) (Please See Our Ad on Page 47)
 Amniocentesis  Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing
West Georgia Cardiology
 Teen Care  In-House Laboratory Daniel K. Ng, MD, FACC ! F. Khan Pohlel, MD
 Birth Control Management  Menopausal Management Charlie C. Rouse, MD, FACC MD MINOR EMERGENCY & FAMILY
 Health Education  Peri-Menopausal Management www.westgacardiology.com MEDICINE
 Hysteroscopy  Hair Removal 514 W Bankhead Ave VlaRca.770-456-3750 Christopher Anderson, MD
 Hormone Studies  Skin Rejuvenation 100 Professional Place Crltn.770-838-8440 Larisa Bradford, MD ! Charles Cooley, MD
 Mammography  Spider Vein Removal Dermatology (Skin) K. Doniparthi, MD ! John Quigley, MD
 Infertility 209 Cooley Dr VlaRca...........770-456-0911
Amir Agha, MD
www.skinangel.com (Please See Our Ad on Page 37)
Caring For The Community for Over 25 Years 6043 Prestley Mill Rd Dgl......770-739-7546 pHYSICIANS IMMEDIATE MED
Carrollton Dermatology Associates www.physiciansimmediatemed.com
Serving Douglas, Cobb, Paulding, Carroll, Fulton, www.carrolltondermatology.com 9390 The Landing Dr.............770-947-1112
SW Atlanta, Camp Creek Parkway 100 Professional Park Crltn..770-834-0818 (Please See Our Ads on Page 3 & Page 39)
Conveniently Located at I-20 & Thornton Road Dermatology Specialist of West Georgia Primary Care Group of West Georgia, PC
157 Clinic Avenue Crltn.......770-838-9333 100 Professional Park Crltn...770-834-3351
Family Dermatology Temple Medical Clinic
Immediate Appointments Available with Board Certified MD Yvette George, MD 421 Sage St Temple….........770-562-9007

880 Crestmark Drive, #200 Kelli B. Ingram, MD ! Paula Nelson, MD Kelvin B. Burton, MD ! Angie M. Harris, DO
www.DouglasWomensCenter.com Lithia Springs, GA www.myfamilyderm.com www.totalcarefamilymedicine.org
4645 Timber Ridge Dr Dgl.....678-838-9090 8464 Adair Street Dgl….......770-942-1044

38 Villa Rica News & Views  Medical Guide

Directory & Guide
Family & General Practice Gynecology & Obstetrics
- Continued - Continued
Villa Rica Family medicine West Atlanta Womens Health
Kenneth Boss, MD Larisa Pearlman, MD ! Kalpana Raghavan, MD
Evangelio Gonzalez, MD 6025 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-489-7011
www.villaricafamilymedicine.org West Georgia Healthcare for Women, PC
690 Dallas Highway VlaRca..770-456-3790 Richard B. Colditz, MD
VeRanet HealtHcaRe, llc Jennifer L. Elliott, MD
M. Michelle Vera MD David G. Helton, MD
www.wgahs.com Shannon D. Huff, MD
403 Permian Way VlaRca.....770-771-5230 www.wghfw.com
WeSt GeORGia Family medicine 150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn....770-214-2121
Stephen Martiny, MD ! Yvonne Neau, MD West Georgia Obstetrics & Gynecology
Lawrence Price, MD www.westgaobgyn.com
Virginia Price, MD 109 Professional Place Crltn.770-834-0170
705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-459-4411 WOmen’S caRe OF WeSt GeORGia
M. Michelle Vera, MD
Gastroenterology Eric R. Vera, MD
(Digestive System) www.wgahs.com
Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates 403 Permian Way, Ste A.......770-771-5235
Jay Garten, MD
Neal Osborn, MD
www.atlantagastro.com tanneR medical centeR
705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.......678-784-5020 www.tanner.org
601 Dallas Hwy....................770-456-3000
8855 Hospital Dr Dgl...........678-784-5020
WellStaR cOBB HOSPital
atlanta WeSt GaStROenteROlOGy, Pc
Navin M. Ruparelia, MD
3590 Austell Rd...................770-732-4000
(Please See Our Ad on Page 42)
4904 Timber Ridge Dr Dgl.....770-949-6548
WellStaR dOUGlaS HOSPital
GaStROenteROlOGy aSSOciateS www.wellstar.org
Michael C. Flood, MD 8954 Hospital Dr..................770-949-1500
Riaz Gill, MD ! Nadia Sanford, MD (Please See Our Ad on Page 42)
690 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-456-3786 Infectious Diseases
Gastrointestinal Specialists of Georgia inFectiOUS diSeaSeS OF WeSt GeORGia
Anish A. Desai, MD Laura Larson, MD ! Christopher Watts, MD
Anuj Paul Manocha, MD ! Judy Oh, MD 705 Dallas Hwy Vla Rca…...770-456-3737
6043 Prestley Mill Rd Dgl….770-739-9555 Internal Medicine
West Georgia Gastroenterology Associates dOUGlaSVille medical centeR
www.westgagastro.com Syed Zafar, MD • Charles A. Craton, MD
157 Clinic Avenue Crltn……..770-214-2800 Charles G. Denton, III, MD
Westside Gastroenterology Associates Bettye Drye-Glover, MD
Jasmine Jeffers MD James E. Lantz, Jr., MD
www.westsidegastro.com Jonathan S. Lowman, MD
6002 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-947-7747 Satyajeet Patel, MD
Cindy C. Pratt, CMP • Sharon S. Tuckett, MD
Gynecology & Obstetrics 8820 Hospital Dr…………770-947-3000
Atlanta West Women’s Center (Please See Our Ad on Page 41)
Jaswant Chaddha, MD Georgia Internal Medicine
8697 Hospital Dr Dgl...........770-920-9745 9280 Highway 5 Dgl.............770-949-9590
Carrollton Obstetrics and Gynecology inteRnal medicine OF Villa Rica
156 Clinic Avenue Crltn…...770-214-2229 Amy J. Eubanks, MD ! Alicia Jennings, MD
dOUGlaS WOmen’S centeR www.internalmedicineassoc-villarica.org
Kimberly Kuncl, MD, FACOG 101 Quartz Drive Vla Rca.......770-456-3839
Lisa Ortenzi, MD, FACOG (Please See Our Ad on Page 14)
Sholah Pittman MD, FACOG PHySicianS immediate med
Vidya Soundararajan MD, FACOG www.physiciansimmediatemed.com
www.douglaswomenscenter.com 9390 The Landing Dr.............770-947-1112
880 Crestmark Dr LthSps......770-941-8662 (Please See Our Ads on Pages 3 & This Page)
(Please See Our Ad on Page 38) WeSt atlanta inteRnal medicine Pc
Gynecology Issues PC John A Johnson, MD
Eleanor Glaspy-Benton, MD www.waimedicine.com
8954 Hospital Dr Dgl……....770-732-7989 6128 Prestley Mill Rd….….770-942-6903
nORtH dOUGlaS OB/Gyn at Villa Rica
Kenyetta Brummit, MD
Minor Emergency/
Asher B. Galloway, MD Extended Hours
Tuwanna Morris, MD md minOR emeRGency & Family
www.northdouglasobgyn.org medicine
6095 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-949-4188 Christopher Anderson, MD
Larisa Bradford, MD
South Cobb OB-GYN, PC
Charles Cooley, MD
Milele B. Francis, MD
K. Doniparthi, MD ! John Quigley, MD
Saleem N. Francis, MD www.md0911.com
Mary E. Kidd, MD 209 Cooley Dr VlaRca...........770-456-0911
Robert C. Mulliniks, MD (Please See Our Ad on Page 37)
Scott Reynolds, MD PHySicianS immediate med
www.scobbobgyn.org www.physiciansimmediatemed.com
6095 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-489-4500 9390 The Landing Dr.............770-947-1112
Villa Rica OBStetRicS & GynecOlOGy (Please See Our Ads on Pages 3 & This Page)
Sheri D. Campbell, MD tanneR immediate caRe
Jessica R. Hutchins, MD Chandrika Garg, MD ! Rhonda Walton, MD
www.villaricaobgyn.org 101 Quartz St VlaRca............770-949-7500
690 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-456-3850 (Please See Our Ad on Page 40)

Medical Directory & Guide  Villa Rica News & Views 39

medical directory & guide
Nephrology (Kidneys) Ophthalmology- Continued

Healthcare on
Carroll County Nephrology PC Villa Rica Eye Care
Kathryn V. Bain, MD ! Maria J. Orig, MD Evan Cook, MD
www.carrollcountynephrologyllc.com 104-C S Carroll Rd................678-941-3357

your schedule
403 Permian Way VlaRca...678-941-1258
157 Clinic Avenue Crltn…...770-832-0429
Douglas County Dialysis Center (Bones & Joints)
4645 Timber Ridge Dr Dgl...678-838-3233 CARROLLTON ORTHOPAEDIC CLINIC
Southern Nephrology Clinic LLC Jeffrey Dressander, MD
Rafiq M. El Hammali, MD 150 Clinic Avenue Crltn…...770-834-0873
8954 Hospital Dr Dgl…........770-577-4825 Pinnacle Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Neurology (Nervous System) Richard Maguire, MD
Douglas Neurology Associates, PC
M. A. Kukaswadia, MD 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-456-1659
Preethi Natarajan, MD 6002 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-949-8558
Daniel E. Zdonczyk, MD Jeffrey Dressander, MD
4586 Timber Ridge Dr Dgl...678-838-2180 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........7.70-456-0211
Northwest Neurology, PC
Robert G. Bashuk, MD Pain Management
Jeffrey Charpentier, MD Pain Control & Rehabilitation Institute of GA
Gary Kaplan, MD ! Sandy McGaffigan, MD Roman Piraner MD
Marvin Rachelefsky, MD Shulim Spektor, MD
www.nwneurology.org 611 North Ave VlaRca..........404-297-1400
6025 Professional Pkwy........678-838-1714 PHYSICIANS IMMEDIATE MED
Oncology (Cancer) 9390 The Landing Dr.............770-947-1112
Georgia Cancer Specialists
Deepti Munjal, MD (Please See Our Ads on Page 3 & Page 39)
www.gacancer.com Tanner Pain Management Center

Tanner Immediate Care

6002 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-942-0457 Michael Rivera, MD
Northwest Georgia Oncology Centers, PC Jada Reese, MD
Bradley J.G. Larson, MD 150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn…770-812-572
at Mirror Lake in Villa rica Randall E. Pierce, MD
www.ngoc.com Pediatrics (Children)
705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca....…678-331-8280 Bi-County Pediatrics. PC.
There are times when an illness or an injury can’t Raymond P. Flowers, III, DO, FACOP, FAAP
6002 Professional Pkwy Dgl..678-715-9690
wait for a doctor’s appointment, but isn’t serious 157 Clinic Avenue Crllton......770-333-2220 Andrea C. Goings, MD, FAAP
enough for the ER. That’s when Tanner Immediate www.bicountypediatrics.com
Ophthalmology (Eyes) 6128 Prestley Mill Rd Dgl.…770-949-3888
Michael Ogden, MD, FAAP
At Tanner Immediate Care, you don’t need an Suzanne C. Manley, MD
Steven Eubanks, MD
appointment. Just walk in. Our health care team Amanda McGahee, MD
— including board-certified family medicine Ronnika Harley MD
physicians — will check you out and provide
690 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-456-3265
Tanner-quality care. 148 Clinic Ave Crltn……......770-838-8640
BLATT EYE CENTER 204 Allen Mem. Dr Bremen...770-824-2430
H Lee Blatt, MD (Please See Our Ad on Page 6)
You’ll also be glad to know that Tanner Immediate 8954 Hospital Dr Dgl....770-949-3885 Cornerstone Pediatrics Inc
Care has weekend and weekday evening hours, for (Please See Our Ad on Page 47)
Cheryl Cliff, MD
the problems that come up when the doctor’s office Leonard Sacks, MD
8601 Baldwin Pkwy Dgl......678-838-0552
Carrollton Eye Clinic and Surgery Center Bridget Dauphin, MD, FAAP
Eric Baylin, MD • G. Keith Berry, MD Suzanne Fox, MD, FAAP
John Godard, MDD Ehteshamul Huque, MD, FAAP

Hours No appointment necessary.

John W. Thomas, MD
705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca…...770-459-2022
Marilyn B. Kaufman, MD, FAAP
6095 Professional Pkwy......770-920-2255
(Please See Our Ad on Page 91)
Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday 158 Clinic Avenue Crltn…...770-834-1008 Douglas Pediatrics Associates PC
8 a.m. - 8 p.m. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Richard Baldwin, MD
Gene Barrett, MD
Voted Best Place
Carolyn Broussard MD
Tanner Immediate Care in Douglas County for
Eye Care 2005-2007 George Harkins, M.D.
101 Quartz Drive, Villa Rica Near Publix at Mirror Lake James Lamar, MD
770.949.7500 Edgar Melendez, MD
David S. Hemmings, M.D. Candan Ozbek, MD
www.tanner.org Stephen D. Tedder, M.D. 9280 Hwy 5 Dgl..................770-949-2250
Ophthalmologists Barbara Brown, MD, FAAP
(Eye MDs)
Zenia Fleming, MD, FAAP
Where Outstanding Patient Care is a Priority! www.pinnaclepeds.com
5604 Wendy Bagwell Pkwy...678-944-0060
Westcare Villa Rica Pediatrics
8954 Hospital Drive - Suite 105-D Josephine Ediale MD
Next to WellStar Douglas Hospital
626 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-459-9378

40 Villa Rica News & Views  Medical Directory & Guide

W e l l S t a r | ProvIdInG World-claSS HealTHcare

Medical care close to home

Conveniently located close to home, the WellStar Physicians Group

offers quality care for your entire family.
If you need a primary care physician for your healthcare needs, the following WellStar Physicians Group
locations welcome your call. Their affiliation with the five WellStar hospitals provide a patient-focused
relationship, backed by a network of medical specialists within WellStar Health System.

DouGlaSville MeDiCal Center CreekSiDe PeDiatriCS

U Internal MedIcIne 770-920-2255 H www.creeksidepeds.org
770-947-3000 H www.douglasvillemedicalcenter.org
6095 Professional Parkway, Suite 100
8820 Hospital drive douglasville, Ga 30134
douglasville, Ga 30134
Providers: Bridget A. Dauphin, MD
Charles A. Craton, MD Suzanne Fox, MD
Charles G. Denton, III, MD Ehteshamul Huque, MD
Bettye L. Drye-Glover, MD Marilyn Kaufman, MD
Yasmeen Imran, MD Pamela Landers, MD
James E. Lantz, Jr., MD Melissa Ann Shepherd, CNP
Jonathan S. Lowman, MD
Satyajeet S. Patel, MD
Sharon C. Tuckett, MD
Karen Castle, CNP
Cindy Pratt, CNP Medical Directory & Guide  Villa Rica News & Views 41
medical directory & guide
Physical Therapy
Accel Physical Therapy at Mirror Lake
Rheumatology (Arthritis)
Douglasville Eye Clinic welcomes Dennis
2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.........770-456-7877 Indutriya Palasani MD
Mobley, L.D.O. to practice
Allternative Gym
1899 Lake Rd Hiram...........678-945-4662 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-456-0211
Southern Therapy Services Sleep Disorders
690 Dallas Hwy...................770-459-4555 DOUGLAS NEUROLOGY ASSOCIATES
812 South Park St Crrllton...770-834-7436 M. A. Kukaswadia, MD
Wellstar Rehab Services Preethi Natarajan, MD
8954 Hospital Dr Dgl...........770-920-6285 William W. Tung, MD
Plastic Surgery Daniel E. Zdonczyk, MD
NUVEA MEDSPA 4586 Timber Ridge Dr….…678-838-2180
150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn.....678-840-6398 West Georgia Sleep Disorders Center
(Please See Our Ad on the Back Cover) Reginald V. Hall, MD
Wellstar Cosmetic Laser Services Richard J. Mikilitus, MD
6095 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-947-3000 www.cannot-sleep.com
705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-832-2775
524 Dixie St Crltn..................770-832-9529
6043 Prestley Mill Rd Dgl......770-489-3969
Carrollton Surgical Group
157 Clinic Avenue Crltn.......770-834-3336
SURGERY Charles Kaplan MD
Stephen H. Kahler, MD, FACS www.georgiaurology.com
150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn.....770-834-6302 6095 Professional Pkwy Dgl.770-942-2478
(Please See Our Ad on the Back Cover) Urology Associates
Podiatry (Feet) George Mygatt, MD
Ankle & Foot Specialists of Douglas County 6002 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-942-5227
Norman I. Kornblatt, DPM WEST GEORGIA UROLOGY ASSOCIATES PC Douglasville Eye Clinic is proud to announce the addition of
www.ankle-foot.org Trent Sterenchock, MD
3666 Hwy. 5 Dgl......….......770-942-3668
Dennis Mobley, L.D.O. to the practice. He joins the current opti-
705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca........770-834-6988
Foot & Leg Health Care Specialists 150 Clinic Ave Crltn..............770-834-6988 cian Linda Beck L.D.O. to staff the full-service optical shop. The
Barron D. Elleby, DPM (Please See Our Ad on Page 14) optical shop is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to
Douglas H. Elleby, DPM
Timothy P. Mason, DPM
Vascular (Circulation) 5:00pm. Their phone number is 678-838-8177.
www.thefootdoctors.com Ashu Rao, MD Dennis has lived in Douglasville since 1972 and is well known
6025 Professional Pkwy…..770-942-5600 Glenn Kerwin, MD and very active in the community. Dennis has worked over 50
West Georgia Podiatry Associates 6002 Professional Pkwy Dgl..678-626-0019
Kenneth Danis, DPM years in the optical business and has been a licensed optician
Gary Fields DPM EMORY HEART & VASCULAR CENTER since 1974. He worked for Wink’s Opticians for 16 years.
Andrea Cass, DPM
Chandan Devireddy, MD Dennis has been married to his wife Linda for 48 years and
Angel R. Leon, MD, FACC
620 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-459-3232 John D. Merlino, MD, FACC
has four children and 10 grandchildren. He is a member of First
Psychiatry (Brain & Mind) Martha Haack, NP-C Baptist Church of Douglasville. He has also been a member of
Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics www.emoryhealthcare.org the Rotary Club for eight years and is a charter member of the
Jack W. Miller, MD, FAAP, SDBP 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.......404-778-8440
100 Professional Park Crltn..770-830-7039 TANNER HEART & VASCULAR SPECIALISTS Douglasville Lions Club.
Hope Center for Behavioral Medicine Christopher Arant, MD Douglasville Eye Clinic has been in business since 2005 and
100 Professional Park Crltn...770-214-2300 Onaje Greene, MD patient care has always been their number one priority. Dr. David
Neuropsychiatric Clinic of Atlantis-Villa Rica Shazib N. Khawaja, MD,
Randy T. Warner, MD William Rogers, MD, Hemmings, Dr. Stephen Tedder and their staff are committed to
690 Dallas Hwy VlaRca........678-840-8446 www.heartandvascularspecialists.org providing the highest quality and most comprehensive eye care
WEST GEORGIA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 705 Dixie St Crrltn.................770-836-9326
George M Bailey, MD
to every patient.
690 Dallas Hwy.....................770-836-9326
Michael Wilson, MD 204 Allen Mem. Dr. Bremen..770-836-9326 The practice was voted “Best Place in Douglas County for Eye
Candice Tate, MD (Please See Our Ad on Page 4) Care” in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009.
101 Quartz Dr VlaRca............770-456-3722 TANNER VASCULAR SURGERY
Pulmonary (Lung) Glenn Whitney, MD
Their current office is located at 8954 Hospital Drive, Suite
GEORGIA LUNG ASSOCIATES www.tannervascularsurgery.org 105-D. The practice will be relocating to a new, expanded office
www.georgialung.com 100 Professional Park Crlltn.770-812-5902 in July 2010 at 6001 Professional Parkway, Suite 2040.
3820 Medical Park Dr - Austell..770-948-6041 VASCULAR SURGICAL ASSOCIATES PC
55 Whitcher St - Marietta.........770-793-5000 Arun Chervu MD Business hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00am to
Lung Centers of Georgia The Hector Dourron MD 5:00pm. You may contact them at 678-838-9999.
Rani Kumaran, MD Shariq Sayeed MD
Olusegun A. Oseni, MD FCCP
Anuradha Thopu, MD, FCCP
Jeffrey Winter MD
Emotions Anonymous meets
8901 Stonebridge Blvd........678-838-3000 6002 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-874-0572 Emotions Anonymous meets at Chapel Hill Presbyterian, 4241
PULMONARY & CRITICAL CARE OF W GA Central Church Road in the Conference Center on Tuesdays at
Bonnie Boles, MD
www.pulmonarycriticalcare-wga.org www.chapelhillnews.net 7:30pm. For info, contact Melanie Hilderbrand at 770-920-0328
690 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-456-3380 or hilderbrandm@bellsouth.net or church at 770-942-0360.

42 Villa Rica News & Views  Medical Directory & Guide

ficient with routine firearm maintenance and upgrades. “We can
handle any size job, from a simple cleaning to a full accurizing

Business package,” Brian notes. “We are also very proud of our firearm re-
finishing services.”

BRIEFS Ott Gun Works provides quality gunsmith services to the West
Georgia area and beyond. Whether your firearm of choice is a pis-
tol, revolver, shotgun or rifle, Ott Gun Works will restore or main-
tain it to top performing condition. The business also provides and
installs accessories that help enthusiasts get the most out of their
firearms, including scopes, laser sights, grips, stocks and more.
Ott Gun Works is open six days a week at 5493 Westmoreland
Plaza, Suite B-500, just off of Fairburn Road, adjacent to I-20 in
Ewe Knit Yarn now offering custom classes Douglasville. To find out more about the business, read customer
Ewe Knit Yarn, Accessories and Classes in Carrollton is now of- reviews or get directions to the shop, visit www.ottgunworks.com,
fering a large variety of classes. Ewe Knit took is offering one on or call 678-840-9484.
one classes or lessons to people with varying work schedules. They
can do the classes when you can come. Not only this, but they
have a long list of classes that you can sign up for to suit your
schedule. Not only do they teach beginning knitting, crocheting
but they offer sewing classes as well.
Specialty classes/lessons also fit into this category. If you are
wanting to make socks, for instance, and the only part you ‘don’t
get’ is how to do the heel…they can do a specialty lesson on
“working the heel”. Some of the classes offered are making hats
and beanies, sewing a zipper, making pajamas or shorts, knitting,
crocheting, sewing a tote bag, sewing an apron, socks and many
They also now do alterations and teach sewing lessons. Located
at 815 Cedar Street in Carrollton, you can call 770-830-6480 for
more information.

Ott Gun Works Finds a Niche in Local Community

West Georgia may have more gunsmiths than the West Coast,
but there is enough of a shortage that many firearms owners try
the DIY route or put off maintenance or repairs as long as possible.
Sooner or later, most need a part replaced or want to upgrade a
firearm. Then what?
If you’re Brian Ott, you disassemble the weapon and see what’s
going on, just as you’ve done routinely since you were six years old.
Fortunately, less adventurous gun enthusiasts now have an alterna-
tive to DIY or neglect in Ott Gun Works, Brian’s recently-opened full
service gunsmithing shop.
Ott Gun Works is as adept at more complex repairs as it is ef-

Business  Villa Rica News & Views 43

m m e r
Su Camps & Programs
art & drama camp
Spend a week with highly experienced, certified teachers, creat-
ing with a fine art curriculum including clay, sculpture, drawing,
(youth and teens). Summer Camp will be held from 10:00am to
4:00pm with early drop off and late pick up hours available. The
camp will include dance, arts and crafts and more and costs $85
per week. 770-459-2124 | 921 South Carroll Road | Villa Rica |
painting, printmaking and tie-dye. They will also offer a theatre
class where your camper will build stage, movement, improv skills www.danceworkxinc.com (See ad on this page)
and much more. Finish the week with a real art exhibition and per-
formance by your artists. Weeks scheduled are July 12 through 16
and July 19 through 23 for kindergartners through eighth grade.
mmt aGencY
Additional weeks are to be determined. Space is limited. 404-573- MMT Agency will hold a Broadway Camp June 7 through 11
3826 | Douglasville | www.trilateralarts.com from 5:30pm to 8:30pm for ages four to 18. The cost is $100. Kids
will learn routines, acting, singing and dancing and the week will

dance workx
end with a RED CARPET WALK for the “Mom & Pop-arazzi” and
a performance for family and friends. 770-834-6197 | 118 South
White Street | Carrollton | www.mmtagency.com
Dance Workx is offering summer classes and a summer camp.
Summer classes include ballet, tap, jazz, cheerdance and hip-hop
willowbrook equestrian center
NOW ENROLLING Willowbrook Equestrian Center offers horse riding lessons, be-
Summer Classes & Summer Camp ginner through Grand Prix. They have a 16 stall barn with lounge,
and a covered, lighted and mirrored area. 404-406-7922 | Villa

Hip-hop - Jazz - Ballet - Tap - Preschool Classes
Rica | www.dressagesimplysouthern.com

villa rica parks & recreation department
The Villa Rica Parks & Recreation Department will host a Sum-
SUMMER CLASSES mer Camp. Registration begins April 5th and is on a first come,
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Cheerdance, first served basis. You will be given the opportunity to reserve your
Hip-Hop (Youth & Teens) child’s spot by pre-paying a $10 nonrefundable deposit for each
week that your child attends. The cost is $60 per week and is for
JOIN US FOR SUMMER ages six through 12. You must provide a birth certificate to verify
DAY CAMP participant’s age. Note: There are additional fees for field trips,
10am to 4:00pm (early drop off which must be paid in cash. 770-459-7011| Villa Rica | www.vil-
and late pick up hours available) laricaparks.com (See ad on page 23)
Dance, Arts & Crafts & more...
$85 per week
west GeorGia GYmnastics center
Look for us on FACEBOOK West Georgia Gymnastics Center is offering several classes and
www.danceworkxinc.com camps this summer. Classes include preschool, recreation, devel-
danceworkx@bellsouth.net opmental and tumbling classes plus competition gymnastics teams
levels 2 through Elite. Summer camps include the Wild Adventure
921 S. Carroll Rd./Hwy. 61  Villa Rica Gymnastics Camp June 21 through 25 and Rock n Rollin’ Gym-
(next to O’Charley’s) | 770.459.2124 nastics Camp July 12 through 16. 770-456-7702 | 141 Prospector
Drive | Villa Rica | (See ad on page 45)

44 Villa Rica News & Views  Travel Camps & Programs Guide
Business & Travel  Villa Rica News & Views 45
Villa Rica Business Directory
Acceptance Agents Air Conditioning & Heating
363 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-9980
- Ctd
Assured Comfort Heating & Air...................770-942-1938
Accountants DoBBS HEATInG & AIR, InC................770-445-8923
Eckman Heating & Air Conditioning
Accounting Professionals of West GA
135 E Montgomery St.......................770-459-1929 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-456-7193
Carman L Amanda - CPA.........................770-456-8868 ELLIS HEATInG & AIR............................770-605-1615
ConnALLy T DEnnIS ConSuLTAnT PC (Please See Our Display Ad on This Page)
8483 Campbellton St........................770-920-2890 KBS HEATInG & CooLInG InC
(Please See Our Ad at Tax Return Preparation) 6378 East Broad St Dgl....................678-715-9299
Garrett, Stephens, Thomas & Fazio (Please See Our Display Ad on This Page)
Maxwell Heating & Cooling
216 Montgomery St...........................770-459-2211
106 Rejen Dr Crltn............................770-830-9288
Ragsdale Heating & Air Conditioning.......770-443-1821
4935 Stewart Mill Rd Dgl..................770-942-7944
Rogers Mechanical Contractors
(Please See Our Ad on Page 29)
167 Liberty Rd...................................770-456-6204
Hess, Cathy, CPA........................................770-367-8728
727 Sandhill-Hulett Rd.........................770-838-1115 RonALD SmITH HEATInG & AIR.......770-819-9879
(Please See Our Ad at Tax Return Preparation)
1611 W Bankhead Hwy........................678-361-7946
Acupuncture Air Duct Cleaning
Acupuncture & Allergy Place DAnIELS CARPET CLEAnInG..............678-840-5633
Renee Wainwright LAC.....................678-213-4266 (Please See Our Display Ad at Carpet Cleaning)

Advertising Specialities Air Purifying Equipment

6378 East Broad St Dgl....................678-715-9299
(Please See Our Display Ad on Page 46)
Aircraft Flight Schools
Air Conditioning & Heating
Plane Sense - W Ga Reg Arprt................404-992-2502

AA Air Conditioning, Heating & Household Repairs Airport Services

Please Call........................................770-459-0099 International Component Repair
40 E Industrial St...............................770-459-8862
To ADVERTISE CALL 678-840-8604 oR EmAIL
6556 Adair Pl Dgl..............................770-942-2873
(Please See Our Display Ad on This Page)

Home Comfort
Residential • Commercial

$79 00Now!
ASK ABOUT OUR Affiliated with

Call Now!


For 30180 System Inspection
Expires 04/30/10

Help us make this yellow pages complete! See a business missing? E-mail it to us [yp@villaricanews.net]

46 Acceptance Agents - Airport Services  Villa Rica News & Views

Alterations Attorneys Ctd. Auto Repair Ctd. banquet Halls
A-One Alterations McCreary, Timothy A - Attorney At Law CEntRE At ARbOR COnnECtiOn
1803 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-456-8878 208 W Montgomery St......................770-459-2305 7475 Douglas Blvd............................678-213-3195
EwE Knit - 815 Cedar Street Crltn........770-830-6480 McMahan David J - Attorney at Law DOuGLASViLLE DOwntOwn COnFEREnCE CEntER
(Please See Our Ad at Knitting) 327 Westview Dr...............................770-456-9000 670 Church St Dgl.............................678-715-6094
Stitches & Seams.....................................770-947-8882 Merino & Jarvis LLC - 238 S Carroll Rd...770-456-4710 (Please See Our Ad on Page 31)

Ammunition Pilgrim Law Group The-231 S Carroll Rd.770-459-9210

Price Pyles Dangle Parmer & Rooks PC
9060 Shiloh Rd..................................678-840-8880
Master Cartridge - 15 E Industrial Ct........770-459-5116
514 W Bankhead Hwy......................770-456-0842 barber Shops
Animal Control Rice, Daniel Attorney at Law Annointed Handz Barber & Beauty
Carroll County Animal Control..................770-834-8150 310 Tanner Street, Crrlltn..................678-644-7160 363 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-8005
J & J Auto Service-400 W Montgomery St.770-459-3362
Douglas County Animal Control...............770-942-5961 Southern States Legal Services Billie Jack’s Downtown Cuts
Top Notch Animal Control.........................678-601-4470 111 S Candler St...............................678-941-3530 216 Montgomery St...........................770-459-9889
105 Cooley Way.................................770-456-2000
Animal Hospitals Vaughn C S LLC - Attorney at Law
418 Westview Dr...............................770-456-4800
Long’s Service Center Fuller Barber Shop
451 W Bankhead Hwy............................770-459-0057
Atlanta West Animal Hospital 420 E Montgomery St.......................770-459-6566
102 Thomas Dorsey Dr.....................770-459-2253 Auto Alarms Mayfield’s Wrecker Service Garage & Body Shop
235 Ithica Gin Rd..............................770-459-4868
Jenkin’s Barber Shop
94 Hwy 61 Connector..........678-941-3490
Villa Rica Animal Hospital SOunD PROOF-7447 Douglas Blvd Dgl.770-920-0077
MiKE bELL CHEVROLEt 2108 Fairburn Rd Dgl................770-577-5583
1700 Rockmart Rd............................770-459-1145
West GA Spay & Neuter Clinic
Auto body & Paint Shops 1200 N Park St Crltn..........................770-832-2436 7214 Douglas Blvd Dgl.........770-942-5099
bLEAKLEY JOHn FORD Mt Zion Automotive - 71 Triangle Ct.........770-832-1013
525 E Montgomery St.......................678-840-8072 870 Thornton Rd LthSpgs.................770-941-9000 Pro Tech Automotive Care
Antiques (Please See Our Ad on Page 11)
C&H Body Shop
743 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-4922
Quality Auto Service
Another’s Treasure
2961 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-834-4409 759 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-1909
141 Main St.......................................770-456-7668 Robbie’s Auto Service - 419 Main St........770-459-8013
City of Gold Antiques Huey’s Body Shop & Wrecker Service
261 E Montgomery St.......................770-459-6938 Top Gear Automotive Marchman’s Barber Shop
205 Main St.......................................770-459-9736 4001 Carrollton Villa Rica Hwy..........770-832-7667 224 Thomas Dorsey Dr.....................770-459-2201
Whisper The Past Antiques & Gifts Mayfield’s Wrecker Service Garage & Body Shop
235 Ithica Gin Rd..............................770-459-4868 Villa Rica Auto Service Taydyn’s Beauty Salon & Barbershop
210-A W Montgomery St...................678-840-5646 116 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-6446
Watts Collision Center 2404 Devonian Dr.............................678-840-4358
Apartments - See Page 34 100 Hunter Industrial Dr....................770-456-0640
Villa Rica Chevron
143 E Montgomery St........................770-459-6800 beauty Salons
Appliance Service, Parts & Auto Dealers - new & used West End Automotive-875 S Carroll Rd...770-456-4140 Bella Salon - 901 S Carroll Rd.................770-459-1727
Repair 4n Auto Sales & Service
525 E Montgomery St.......................770-456-1944
8841 Gurley Rd Dgl...........................770-489-5567
Christy’s Hair Salon - 64 Fairfield Rd…..………770-834-7929
D&R Hair Gallery - Sharlet Jackson............678-558-9300
Act 2 Motors - 749 W Bankhead Hwy........770-456-2886 baby Accessories Entrigue Hair Salon
48 Community Square......................770-456-6223
870 Thornton Rd LthSpgs.................770-941-9000 Exquisite Styles Beauty Salon
760 W Bankhead Hwy..................….770-459-4102
(Please See Our Ad on Page 11) 411 Main St.......................................770-459-2345
Round 2 Consignment
Famous Hair
C & C Auto Sales-749 W Bankhead Hwy..678-941-3255 490-A Bankhead Hwy Crltn..........….770-214-5599 622 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...................70-459-8353
Cash Depot Auto Sales Shop Rite Babies & More FREE SPiRit SALOn & SPA
395 W Bankhead Hwy........................678-840-8838 101 Three West Pkwy.......................770-456-0060 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-456-8949
Don-Rich Ford - 221 Montgomery St........770-459-5132
Hometown Automart
bakeries GinGER’S nEw bEGinninGS SALOn
DinnER’S READY 941 S Carroll Rd................................770-456-9555
All County Appliance Services..................770-577-9011 738 W Bankhead Hwy........................770-459-7033 1605 Carrollton Villa Rica Hwy..........678-840-4262 GLiMMER SALOn
Maximum Discovery LibERtY CHEVROLEt (Please See Our Ad on Page 19) 921 S Carroll Rd................................678-840-4414
214 Maple St.....................................770-459-1227 105 Cooley Way.................................770-456-2000 Flowers Bakery Thrift Store
MitCHELL APPLiAnCE CO (Please See Our Ad on Page 6)
Lovvorn Motors - 7184 W Bankhead Hwy.770-942-9352 369 W Bankhead Hwy......................770-459-4094 Golden Shears - 914 West Highway 78...770-459-5162
6701 E Strickland St Dgl...................770-942-2337 McGuire Motors - 325 W Bankhead Hwy..770-459-9033
(Please See Our Ad on Page 14) Keelah’s Southern Foods & Bakery Great Clips - 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.........770-456-9588
Midway Auto Sales & Wrecker Service 883 W Bankhead Hwy.......................678-840-6036 Hair Is Glory - 105 W Wilson St................770-459-2049
10005 E Bankhead Hwy.....................770-459-0846 RubY’S REStAuRAnt & bAKERY Hair Villa - 220 W Montgomery St............770-459-6420
MiKE bELL CHEVROLEt 814 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-5501 J Shalane & Co-132 W Montgomery St...678-840-8961
1200 N Park St Crltn..........................770-832-2436 (Please See Our Ad on Page 17) La-T-Da’s Hair Boutique
Morris Auto & Trailer Sales
3970 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-830-0569 banks 3968 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-832-9595
Mirrors Of Beauty Salon
Pro-Tech Auto Sales Bank of North Georgia 115 W Wilson St...................................770-459-1999
743 W Bankhead Hwy........................770-459-4922 588 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-459-5717 New Image Dominican Hair Salon
Scott Evans Chrystler, Dodge, Jeep BB&T - 640 W Bankhead Hwy.................770-459-5734 213 Main St..........................................770-456-0840
2280 Bankhead Hwy.........................770-834-5050 Community & Southern Bank Precision Hair Cuts
2500 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-456-8424
Architects Scott Evans Nissan
725 Bankhead Hwy Crltn...................770-832-8222 725 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-4417
119 Tri-County Plaza...........................770-459-1224
Salon of Hope - 363 W Bankhead Hwy....770-456-8880
Miller Architecture - 6680 Broad St Dgl....678-715-1586 Walker Cadillac Pontiac Buick GMC Inc First Georgia Banking Company SiMPLY AttituDE SALOn & bOutiquE
Art Galleries 1492 N Hwy 27 Crltn..........................770-832-9602 941 South Carroll Rd.........................770-456-4215 150 Stone St…............................…..770-456-7606
8652 Campbellton St.......................770-949-ARtS
Auto Parts - new Regions Bank - 1 Community Sq.............770-456-1700
Smart Style-600 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.770-459-4597
Studio 525 - 525 Main St..........................770-459-0925
Advance Auto Parts-620 W Bankhead Hwy.770-456-2777
(Please See Our Ad on Page 22) 1849 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-459-2265 Style Corner - 367 W Bankhead Hwy.......770-459-6458
Auto Parts Co - 117 E Montgomery St.....770-456-2223
Village Frame and Trophy Shop 435 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-2265 Taydyn’s Beauty Salon & Barbershop
AutoZone - 658 W Bankhead Hwy...........770-459-5011
120 W Montgomery St......................770-456-4224 G&T Auto Parts-1633 Bankhead Hwy Crltn..770-830-8463 unitED COMMunitY bAnK 2404 Devonian Dr.............................678-840-4358
Art instruction & Artists O’Reilly Auto Parts-513 W Bankhead Hwy..678-840-8472 485 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-3100 Titus Styles - 371 Tapley Rd.....................770-912-4008
Total Polished - 723 Sandhill-Hulett Rd....770-783-9186
Auto Radio & Stereo
Douglasville School Of Art Wachovia Bank - 1997 Mirror Lake Blvd..770-456-4915
6774 W Broad St Dgl........................770-577-8180
SOunD PROOF-7447 Douglas Blvd Dgl.770-920-0077
Assisted Living Auto Rental THE LAW OFFICE OF KARMEL S. DAVIS
Guardian Angel - 75 Herrell Rd................770-459-8788
PinE KnOLL nuRSinG & REHAbiLitAtiOn Enterprise Rent-A-Car
156 Pine Knoll Dr Crltn......................770-832-8243 664 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-4711 Chapter 7 (Personal & Business) & Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
(Please See Our Ad on Page 14) Auto Repair
Attorneys 4n Auto Sales & Service
525 E Montgomery St.......................770-456-1944
Bishop Law Group The
1 Community Square Blvd................770-456-4125 Beavers Transmission & Auto Repair
DAViS KARMEL S - AttORnEY At LAw 3320 Liberty Rd.................................770-459-8007
3550 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................678-715-0967 bLEAKLEY JOHn FORD
(Please See Our Ad Display Ad on This Page) 870 Thornton Rd LthSpgs.................770-941-9000
Davis Monte K..........................................404-630-2566 (Please See Our Ad on Page 11)
Fields & Fields Law Group....................1-877-467-6418
743 Pleasant Grove Church Rd........770-456-0705
Hardegree Law Firm PC
3133 Golf Ridge Blvd........................678-838-0550
(Please See Our Ad on Page 8) www.thelawofficeofkarmeldavis.com
Law Office of John McKinley
251 S Carroll Rd................................770-456-6149 Interested in advertising?
LAw OFFiCE OF tALiA J. nuRSE Call 678-840-8604
3695-F Cascade Rd Atl.....................404-736-9933 or e-mail
(Please See Our Ad on Page 8) sales@villaricanews.net

Villa Rica News & Views  Alterations - Beauty Salons 47

Beauty Supplies Cabinets Ctd. Carpet & rug Dealers - Ctd Chimney Cleaning
Villa Home & Beauty Supplies Quality Cabinet Distributors JBB Decor.................................................678-952-0877 Four Seasons Chimney Sweep................770-252-3476
Hwy 61 - Wal Mart Shopping Center.678-840-5904 4552 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-832-8598 Matthews Floor Décor SilVer liNiNG ChiMNey SWeePS.....770-942-1705
Blood & DNA Testing West Georgia Kitchen & Bath 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-783-9146
Premier Pathology
409-B Bankhead Hwy Crlltn..............770-830-0511 Caterers Axiom Chiropractic
6453 Spring St Dgl............................770-920-1442 Cable TV DiNNer’S reADy -1605 Hwy 61 S........678-840-4262 921 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-8782
Books Charter Communications
1561 Hwy 27 S Crltn.........................888-438-2427
(Please See Our Ad on Page 19)
WilliAMSoN BroS. BAr•B•Q
Bankhead Chiropractic
514 Bankhead Hwy...............................770-459-0035
ACRA now has over Comcast....................................................800-266-2278 7040 Concourse Pkwy Dgl...............770-949-5058
Healing Touch Chiropractic Center
10,000 Used Books Car Alarms- See Auto Alarms Cellular Phones 125 Commons Way...........................770-456-0160
in stock. 770-459-0395 Car Washing & Polishing Maxcom Business Solutions
86 Hwy. 61 Conn.............................. 678-941-3364
Lifetime Chiropractic
120 Prospector Dr.............................770-459-5070
Borders Books - Arbor Place....................770-577-9787 A & M Carwash Metro PCS
420 Rockmart Rd..............................770-456-0681 Neighborhood Chiropractic
Family Christian Stores 626 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy..............770-459-1777
2838 Chapel Hill Rd................................770-489-1737 Car Wash The - 354 W Bankhead Hwy.........No-Phone 46 Fairfield Rd........................................678-523-7561
2000 Mirror Lake Blvd Ste H.............770-456-4289 Villa Rica Chiropractic Center
Lifeway Christian Stores Diamond Pro Wash...................................770-456-2922
Estes Detailing..........................................770-330-9531 SE Wireless - 941 S Carroll Rd................770-456-7791
9345 The Landings Dr.......................770-489-5196 117 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-8439
SI Communications
Bowling Mr Car Wash - Hand Car Wash................770-832-6333
Paradise Auto Spa 901 S Carroll Rd................................770-456-9088 Chorale Societies
Your Bowling Center West Georgia Wireless West Atlanta/Douglas Chorale Society.....770-949-2947
680 Highway 61................................678-840-5858
3931 Longview Dr Dgl.......................770-947-2795 Pro Tech Automotive Care 596 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...................770-456-2332 Churches - See Page 32
Bridal Shops 743 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-4922
Rapid Car Wash........................................770-990-2752
Cemeteries Cleaners
BriDeS ATlANTA MeADoWBrook MeMory GArDeNS Fairway Cleaners
Sandhill BP
6842 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................770-942-0171 1100 Hickory Level Rd Vr..................770-459-6494 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-459-0710
3571 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-830-8867
Mairah Carob International West Georgia Memorial Park Family Cleaners
Smith Family Car Wash
101 Three West Pkwy.......................770-456-8303 4194 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-836-1336 118 Hwy 61 Conn..............................770-459-0112
Building Materials 900 W Bankhead Hwy.......................404-754-3276
Sure Clean Car Wash Chamber of Commerce Family Clothes Care Center
Home Depot 100 Commons Way.................................No-Phone Carroll County Chamber Of Commerce 361 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-1088
210 Cooley Way................................770-459-0456 Villa Rica BP - 650 W Bankhead Hwy......770-459-0212 Hi Value Cleaners
200 Northside Dr Crltn......................770-832-2446
7399 Douglas Blvd Dgl......................770-577-8311
Douglas County Chamber Of Commerce 2402 Devonian Dr.............................770-456-0358
Lowe’s - 7001 Douglas Blvd.....................770-920-9022
1665 S Highway 27 Crlltn.................770-423-4900 Collins Carpentry.......................................770-480-2371 6658 Church St Dgl...........................770-942-5022 World Cleaners

Buildings & Sheds Carpet & rug Cleaners Charities & organizations 594-B Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...............770-456-7032

Home Depot Carpetcare Enterprises A Gift Of Love Services Clocks

3870 Longview Dr................................770-947-8200 Champ’s Clock Shop
7399 Douglas Blvd Dgl......................770-577-8311 90 W Church St....................................770-459-2428 3834 King Dr Dgl...............................770-942-2128
Clean It Green LLC...................................404-953-1069 Fullerville Mission
R&D Contractors DANielS CArPeT CleANiNG..............678-840-5633 531 Rockmart Rd..............................770-456-9619 Closets
678.838.7496 ©: 404.424.7862 (Please See Our Display Ad on This Page) Fruit of My Womb Teen Pregnancy Support Extreme Closets
Buildings and Sheds 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy….....770-783-9552 8729 South Flat Rock Rd..................678-715-8522
Serving West Georgia & Atlanta
area for over 30 years Cheerleading instruction Hopkins Cabinetry Design & Sales...........770-459-0411
All types and styles
We also do Home Repairs
Douglasville Gymnastics & Cheerleading Club
8877 Bright Star Rd Dgl...................770-489-2582
Coffee Shops
Free Estimates ShAke ThiS SMooThie & Coffee ShoP
Ask for Donnie or Rudy
See our web site or Call for details Child Care - See Day Care 125 Commons Way...........................678-840-4979
(Please See Our Ad on Page 1)
Children’s Clothing

Burglar Alarms BuG-Pie TuTu’S….................................770-834-6197 Collectibles

ELM McCord Protective Group Cash 4 Clothes Tinker’s Alley Gifts & Collectibles
500 Old Bremen Road......................678-890-2371 159 Tri-County Plaza.........................404-459-2349
9459 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-577-1774
Bus Service reMoViNG WATer QuiCkly...............404-403-4970
(Please See Our Ad at Water/Fire Restoration) Gap The - Arbor Place Mall......................770-577-7604 Computer Sales & Svcs.
Buses from Douglas County Courthouse.770-949-7665 roN’S SuPerior CArPeT CAre.......770-949-1785 Gymboree - Arbor Place Mall...................770-920-0947
Cabinets Steam Jet Carpet Cleaning hANGAr, The ACRA
ACRA - 359 W Bankhead 770-459-0395

Computer Repair
BBB Cabinets Inc......................................770-832-1157 Please Call............404-597-7841 or 770-456-7102 106 S Carroll Rd................................678-840-4101
 New & Used Computers
Beyond The Box Designs
5493 Westmoreland Plaza Dgl.........770-489-8198
Carpet & rug Dealers (Please See Our Ad at Consignment)
kiD To kiD - 9559 Hwy 5........................770-942-2330
 Networking – Onsite Service
DANielS floor CoVeriNG...............678-840-5633 Round 2 Consignment Andy’s Computer Service.........................678-858-1823
Chip N Nails Cabinet Co Inc
(Please See Our Display Ad on This Page) 490-A Bankhead Hwy Crltn..........….770-214-5599 CoMPuTer liSTiNGS & ADS CoNTiNue oN PAGe 49
7890 Bankhead Hwy Dgl..................770-942-5800
Do It Right Kitchen & Bath
104 Westview Dr................................770-459-0110
Douglasville Cabinets Inc
6378 E Broad St Dgl...............................770-949-4882
DeSiGN floorS & More
106 S Carroll Rd........................……678-840-4334
A magazine made
Hopkins Cabinetry Design & Sales
Please Call........................................770-459-0411
(Please See Our Ad at Carpet & Rug Dealers) just for you, Villa Rica!
Kent Adams -1194 Dallas Hwy.................770-459-4446
MeTro GrANiTe & CABiNeT

3251 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-489-2880
(Please See Our Ad on Page 27) Five Star Floor - 2566 E Hwy 166............770-832-7983

N E W S & V I E W S
Continuing To Have Happy Douglas and Carroll County Customers Since 1981

This Month’s Special:

We are now accepting submissions of all types including baby and pet photos, mar-
riage and engagement announcements, events, local interest stories and more! E-mail
NO Unreliable Contracts here, them to submissions@villaricanews.net for a chance to be in the premier issue!
Just Great Service
at a Great Price! Interested in advertising?
Call 678-840-8604 or e-mail sales@villaricanews.net
Spring Special Sale Prices
on Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning!


48 Beauty Supplies - Computers  Villa Rica News & Views

Computer Sales & Svcs. Convenience Stores Ctd. day Spas Ctd. dentists
Ctd. Villa Rica BP - 650 W Bankhead Hwy......770-459-0212
Villa Rica Pantry (Texaco)
Camp, Bruce A DMD, PC
50 Community Square Blvd..............770-459-1663
820 Dallas Hwy....................................770-459-1370
8723 Hospital Dr Dgl.........................770-489-1790 Wilco/Hess Travel Plaza villa Rica family dental, PC
(Please See Our Display Ad on This Page) 95 Liberty Rd.....................................770-456-9941 865 S Carroll Road, Ste C...................770-459-4131
457 Nathan Dean Blvd Dallas...........770-505-2121 Convention Bureaus dOUgLaSvILLE dENTaL aSSOCIaTES
3666 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-942-2852
3300 Highway 5 Dgl..........................678-715-3011 Carrollton Main Street - 115 Rome St......770-832-6901 (Please See Our Ad on Page 24)
2062 Fairburn Rd Dgl........................770-942-0021 City of Villa Rica Downtown Development & Tourism gRaNT ORTHOdONTICS - daMIEN gRaNT ddS
(Please See Our Display Ad on This Page) 571 W Bankhead Hwy......…………..678-785-1014 3306 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-942-4100
GeeksAtlanta.com....................................678-521-0343 Douglasville Convention & Visitors Bureau NUvEa MEdSPa (Please See Our Ad on Page 7)
JPS WEB SOLUTIONS 6694 E Broad St Dgl.........................770-947-5920 150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn...............678-840-6398 Harvey, M Dawn DMD
8723 Hospital Drive...........................770-489-1790 Cosmetics & Perfumes (Please See Our Ad on the Back Cover)
PaNaMa TaN & SPa
105 Dallas Rd....................................770-459-5778
Rick’s Computer Solutions.......................404-227-4151 Avon Products Moore Frederic A DMD PC
Taylor Information Systems......................770-344-8312 gELINaS, kaTHy............................678-343-6050 104 Hwy 61 Connector.....................770-459-9100 514 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-2550
Concrete Contractors kELLy, SEBRENa...........................678-571-2621
Merle Norman Cosmetics-104 S Carroll Rd.770-459-3060
5929 Stewart Pkwy Dgl.....................678-838-9000
B-Line Curbing..........................................404-735-7095
Permanent Cosmetics..............................770-354-0954 (Please See Our Ad on Page 25) REESE, REyNaLdO T.
Beyond Concrete......................................678-791-9769
Glenn Contractors.....................................770-459-4205
150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn...............770-834-6302
deck Building/Renewal ORaL aNd MaxILLOfaCIaL SURgERy

Conference Centers (Please See Our Ad on the Back Cover)

aRBOR dECkS.......................................770-920-8777
(Please See Our Ad on Page 26)
4020 Chapel Hill Rd., Ste 101 Dgl....770-949-2400
7475 Douglas Blvd............................678-213-3195
Counselors CR RESIdENTIaL....................................678-575-9114
Candler Street Counseling Cente (Please See Our Ad on Page 13)
224 S Candler St...............................678-840-8966 fRaNkLIN BUILdERS............................770-617-9150
670 Church St Dgl.............................678-715-6094 Counseling Center The (Please See Our Ad at Home Improvements)
(Please See Our Ad on Page 31) 135 E Montgomery St.......................770-459-1952 gEORgIa ROOfINg...................................770-693-3609
Venue At 20 West The-505 Berry Dr........678-840-8218 Lasher Susan M (Please See Our Ad at Roofing) REESE, vaLERIE P.- PEdIaTRIC dENTISTRy
Villa Rica Civic Center & Sports Complex 923 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-434-2531 HORIzON CONSTRUCTION & RENOvaTIONS, INC
1605 Hwy 61......................................770-459-7011 4020 Chapel Hill Rd., Ste 101 Dgl....770-949-2400
MaNNa MEdICaL & COUNSELINg Please Call.........................................404-886-5884
Consignment Shops 305 Carrollton Hwy Temple..............770-562-0777
(Please See Our Ad on Page 38)
(Please See Our Ad on Page 43)
A+ Size Consignment Shop
McCoy, Sherri J R&D Contractors
315 Newnan Rd Crrlltn.....................770-562-0056
996 Waddell St. Bremen...................770-537-3864 678.838.7496 ©: 404.424.7862
Cash 4 Clothes - 9459 Hwy 5 Dgl............770-577-1774
Downtown Exchange Consignments
912 W Bankhead Hwy…...................770-646-9686 Serving West Georgia and Atlanta area SMILE CENTER vILLa RICa
307 Main St.......................................770-456-9214
Countertops 614 Carrollton Villa Rica Hwy............770-456-7100
for over 30 years
Residential & Commercial
All types and styles (Please See Our Ad at the Inside Front Cover)
METRO gRaNITE & CaBINET Deck Repairs  Free Estimates
3251 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-489-2880 Ask for Donnie or Rudy
See our web site or Call for details 819 Dixie St Crlltn.............................770-812-5450
(Please See Our Ad on Page 27) www.rdcontractors.com UPTOWN dENTaL
Hangar, The - 106 S Carroll Rd..678-840-4101
NEW agaIN RESURfaCINg.................770-456-2805
CPR Training dehumidifying 8415 Campbellton St Dgl..................770-942-4899
(Please See Our Ad on Page 9)
REMOvINg WaTER QUICkLy...............404-403-4970
aSSUREd & aSSOCIaTES. (Please See Our Ad at Water/Fire Restoration)
8336 Office Park Dr Dgl....................678-391-0140
Faithful Guardian
220 W Wilson St................................770-214-2252
Credit Card Processing
Trust One Payment Services
1 Community Square........................770-947-6000
Round 2 Consignment
490-A Bankhead Hwy Crltn..........….770-214-5599 dance Instruction
Treasure Chest Bargain Village aRSLaNIaN BELLy daNCE
4855 Hwy 61.....................................770-830-5498 301 Bradley St Crrltn.........................404-444-7092
Try Me Again Consignment Shop
415 Main St.......................................770-459-2812
Wear Me Again Consignment Clothing
109 W Wilson St................................770-459-3299
Contractors - Commercial
Caliber 1 Construction Inc........................770-456-4613
Couey Builders - 104 Three West Pkwy...678-840-5800
125 Commons Way VlaRca..............770-459-8887
Steve Agan Construction .........................770-328-1165
Contractors - general daNCE WORkx - 921 S Carroll Rd........770-459-2124
(Please See Our Ad on Page 44)
See Home Improvement Michelle’s Academy Of Dance
Convenience Stores 122 Montgomery St...........................770-456-9292
Carroll Road Shopette
205 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-6598
day Care Centers
All God’s Children Daycare
City Chevron - 701 Edge Rd....................770-456-7500 201 Martin’s Court.............................678-840-5081
Day-Nite Food Store Bay Springs Academy
764 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-5030 501 Bay View Dr................................770-459-3819
Discount Smokes & Beer Funfield Daycare & Early Childhood Development
733 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-4145 20 Fairfield Rd...................................770-834-6743
Easy Quick Shop-1607 W Bankhead Hwy.770-456-0110 Kids University At Mirror Lake
Five Points Food Mart 9315 Conners Rd..............................770-456-0777
4941 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-832-9805 Little Wildcats Academy & Preschool
H & W Food Mart & Deli 516 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-1100
725 Sandhill Hulett Rd......................770-834-2050 Mirror Lake Academy
Junior Food Store - 516 Dallas Hwy.........770-459-3552 1995 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-459-0071
Liberty Shell - 10135 E Bankhead Hwy....770-459-3700 Winston Academy
Quik Trip - 650 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.770-459-0226 7425 Hwy 78 - Winston.....................770-949-7462
Racetrac - 123 Commerce Dr...................770-459-5190 day Spas
Sandhill BP European Body Wrap
3571 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...............770-830-8867 315 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-5114
Shell Food Mart fREE SPIRIT SaLON & SPa
736 Carrollton Villa Rica Hwy............770-456-8092 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-456-8949
Swifty Save - 9600 Conners Rd...............678-840-5013 Indulge Salon and Day Spa
1019 Rome St - Crrlton.....................770-838-9095

Villa Rica News & Views  Computers - Dentists 49

Dentists - Orthodontics Employment Ctd. Fence Contractors Ctd. Game Rooms
Atco International Recruiting Dept Your Bowling Center
wEST GEORGIA FENCE CO.................770-832-3363
Please Call........................................678-819-3469 3931 Longview Dr Dgl.......................770-947-2795
(Please See Our Ad on Page 12)
Avail-Ability Personnel, Inc
317-c Bankhead Hwy Carrollton......770-830-1221 Financial Consultants Garage Doors
Body Of Hope - Body Magic.....................770-456-8880 Apogee Financial Corp - 417 Main St......770-456-0658 METRO GARAGE DOORS INC
3306 HigHway 5
(Publix Shopping Center) Engineers CONNAlly T DENNIS CONSulTANT PC 7458 Hwy 78 Winston.......................770-489-9726

770.942.4100 HuGHES-RAy COMPANy 8483 Campbellton St........................770-920-2890

(Please See Our Ad at Tax Return Preparation)
Garbage Collection
6554 E Church St Dgl.......................770-942-0196 Harts Trash Service..................................770-235-4559
(Please See Our Ad on Page 26) Edward D. Jones Co - Kinney Taylor MST Services - 111 Fleet Dr.....................770-459-1335
R.J. Damien grant D.D.S. 104-A S Carroll Rd............................770-459-1785
GRANT ORTHODONTICS- DAMIEN GRANT DDS Engraving Fire Protection Equipment Gas
3306 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-942-4100 SOuTHEASTERN SAlES & SPECIAlTIES INC Gas South.................................................877-332-5442
(Please See Our Ad on Page 7)
Woodall Orthodontics - Niles Woodall DMD, MS
2152 Bankhead Hwy Crltn................770-834-8588 423 Industrial Ct West.......................770-459-3636 Gifts & Gift Shops
(Please See Our Ad at Advertising Specialties)
237 South Carroll Rd.........................770-459-1956 6740 Douglas Blvd............................770-489-8600
Department Stores Celebration String Quartet..678-838-4655/770-942-3381
6702 E Broad St Dgl.........................770-949-3060
(Please See Our Ad on Page 30)
Belk - Arbor Place Mall Dgl.......................678-838-2200
Dillard’s - Arbor Place Mall Dgl.................770-577-4271
Dylan Collins Trivia...................................678-677-2707
Gary Kirk, Magicman................................678-410-9049
Flooring 2911 Chapel Hill Rd Dgl.......................678-391-8722
J C Penney - Arbor Place Mall Dgl...........678-715-5669 Kid’s Corner..............................................770-942-3663 DANIElS CARPET ClEANING..............678-840-5633 (Please See Our Ad at Jewelers)
K-Mart - 9552 Hwy 5 Dgl..........................770-949-0362 Lulu Parties...............................................678-873-2788 (Please See Our Display Ad at Carpet Cleaners) Inspirations By Cheryl
DESIGN FlOORS & MORE 365 W Bankhead Hwy.......................404-316-4650
Sears - Arbor Place Mall Dgl....................770-577-5200
Target - 2950 Chapel Hill Rd Dgl..............770-947-5303 Equipment Rental 106 S Carroll Rd........................……678-840-4334 MOBlEy CO JEwElERS INC THE
Wal-Mart - 600 Hwy 61.............................770-459-6601 A2Z Outdoor Power Equipment (Please See Our Ad at Carpet & Rug Dealers) 901 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-1136
131 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-2020 ENGlAND DRywAll & PAINT..............770-900-9150 Sassy Ladies’ Boutiques & Gifts
Disc Jockeys RSC Equipment Rental (Please See Our Ad on Page 26) 108 Montgomery St...........................770-456-7190
Professional Entertainment Services.......770-480-2000 1275 Carrollton Villa Rica Hwy..........770-459-1388 Hickox Floors............................................770-235-9438 Tinker’s Alley Gifts & Collectibles
Dog Training Errand Service Lyptus Floors - 1626 Hwy 27 North Crltn.770-832-1343 159 Tri-County Plaza.........................404-459-2349
BARk AvENuE PET SAlON Your Personal Assistant............................678-360-8394
Turner Floor - 142 Pin Oak Trail...............770-375-8494
Vaughn Tile
Glass Replacement/Repair
4855 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-214-8404
(Please See Our Ad on Page 15) Erosion Control 4598 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy............770-834-3200
Jiffy Glass Inc............................................770-834-8601
Porter’s Auto Glass
Dollar Stores
Step-Con Construction Erosion Control
105 Three West Pkwy.......................770-456-0124 Florists 3303-B Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.....770-830-7497
Spectrum Professional Installations.........770-832-0380
A Perfect Petal - 406 W Montgomery St..770-456-1774
Dollar General - 2418 Devonian Dr..........678-840-4060
Dollar General - 8266 Villa Rica Hwy.......770-456-0466 Event Planners B & J and Alynda’s Florist Wholesale Windshields
An Elegant Event......................................770-815-3130 406 W Montgomery St......................770-459-4972 100 Hunter’s Industrial......................770-459-8661
879 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-0433
3958 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-836-0447 Blue Horizon Events
430 W Bankhead Hwy......................678-840-8218
Flowers by Sybil Go karts & Golf Carts
Dollar Tree-604 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.770-459-6666 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-489-9702 Papa John’s Golf Carts & Go Karts
Perfectly Planned Events.........................404-861-4718
Family Dollar Stores Joyce’s Florist - 420 Rockmart Rd...........770-459-4625 3364 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-942-4946
451 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-5653 Exercise Equipment Perfect Poppy The - 209 S Carroll Rd......770-459-7920
Gold Buyers & Dealers
Driving Instruction Fitness Depot
9365 The Landing Dr Dgl..................770-577-5885
Foot Accessories ATlANTA wEST JEwElERS
Donkin Donuts Express - 95 Liberty Rd...770-456-9941 FOOT SOluTIONS- 9503 Hwy 5 Dgl.....770-577-3677 6740 Douglas Blvd............................770-489-8600
Precision Fitness Systems.......................678-600-2004
Tri County Driving - 311 Main St...............770-459-8074
Fabric Shops Formal wear (Please See Our Ad on Page 30)
GOlD & SIlvER ExCHANGE OF ATl..404-696-2706
Drug Screening & Testing Cornerstone Sew & Vac
Mairah Carob International
101 Three West Pkwy.......................770-456-8303
Know For Sure Lab...................................770-489-3370 2866 Chapel Hill Rd..........................770-949-5775 901 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-1136
Drywall Contractors Jo-Ann Fabrics & Crafts Funeral Directors Golf Courses
9439 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-947-4195 J Collins Funeral Home & Crematory
ENGlAND DRywAll & PAINT..............770-900-9150 Fairfield Plantation Golf & Country Club
(Please See Our Ad on Page 26) Farm Equipment 206 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-6090
J Hoyt Thomas Funeral Home 7500 Monticello Dr.............................770-836-1112
Electric Companies Georgia Farm Power - 2904 Hwy 27 S Crltn.770-838-9696
Villa Rica Used Farm Tractors & Equipment
1011 Topaz Lane...............................770-459-3676 Mirror Lake Golf Club
1000 Canongate Blvd.......................770-459-5599
Carroll EMC - 155 N Hwy 113 Crltn..........770-832-3552 755 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-8150 Oak Mountain Championship Golf Course
725 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-3105
Georgia Power-42 Community Square Blvd...888-660-5890 Feed Stores 409 Birkdale Blvd Crltn......................770-834-7065
Greystone Power......................................770-942-6576 Doyal E T & Sons Feed & Seed Government Offices
113 W Wilson St...............................770-459-3822
Electric Motors Fire Departments
CARROll COuNTy……………………..770-459-7000
Chamber of Commerce……………..770-832-2446
Industrial Electric Motors City Hall……………………………....770-459-7000
900 E Industrial Ct.............................770-459-9595 Fairfield Plantation Volunteer....................770-834-4357
Fire Department……..........…………770-459-2040
Electrical Contractors Fence Contractors JONES-wyNN FuNERAl HOME
Fire Department-Chief’s Office.........770-830-5880
Advanced Electrical Services.....770-834-6905/770-780-1010 Health Department…………………..770-836-6667
Custom Fencing 306 Westview Dr...............................770-459-3694
Affordable Electtic...............................................404-509-1799 Land Fill………………………………770-832-1233
(Please See Our Ad on Page 10)
K-Mac Electric...............770-318-5364 or 404-456-6193 678.838.7496 ©: 404.424.7862 Sheriff……………………..................770-830-5888
Tag Office………………………….....770-830-5826
Mr. Electric................................................770-834-6678 Serving West Georgia & Atlanta
R&D CONTRACTORS.............................678-838-7496
area for over 30 years Tax Assessor………………………...770-830-5812
(Please See Our Ad on Page 29) & Commercial
All types and styles
DOuGlAS COuNTy...............................770-949-2000
We also do Fence Repairs Sheriff…………………………………770-942-2121
Free Estimates
Fire Department…………………......770-942-8626
Ask for Donnie or Rudy
See our web site or Call for details Chamber of Commerce…................770-942-5022
www.rdcontractors.com Health Department……………….....770-947-3509
Electronics Stores Stephen’s Fence Land Fill………………………………770-920-7200
Voter Registration……………….......770-920-7213
Customer First Satellite 1734 Sandhill-Hulett Rd....................770-942-0417
Tag Office…………………………….770-949-2309
750 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-2025
Tax Commissioner……………..........770-920-7228
Radio Shack-616 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.770-459-9058
Wilson Funeral Home vIllA RICA
Embroidery 116 Cleghorn St................................770-459-3667 City Hall……………..................…….770-459-7000
Police Department….........................770-459-5149
Back Stitch Embroidery & Apparel
Furnaces - See Air Conditioning Public Library………......................…770-459-7012
9733 Spyglass Drive.........................770-456-2595
EMBROIDER uS......................................770-616-7562 Furniture Stores Recreation Department….................770-459-7011
Joyful Embroidery.....................................770-459-4701
Princess Prints & Embroidery
Farmer’s Furniture
451 W Bankhead Hwy..........................770-459-3570
FRANklIN BuIlDERS............................770-617-9150
4768 Liberty Rd.................................770-862-4946 Furniture House, The
(Please See Our Ad at Home Improvement)
SOuTHEASTERN SAlES & SPECIAlTIES INC 1621 Bankhead Hwy Crltn...................770-832-0192
2152 Bankhead Hwy Crltn................770-834-8588 Lovins Home Place Grocers / Supermarkets
(Please See Our Ad at Advertising Specialties) 110 W Montgomery St.........................770-459-0121 Buy SMART - wHOlESAlE GROCERIES
The Fancy Bee Trisha’s Thrift and Used Furniture 760 W Bankhead Hwy..................….770-459-4102
6880 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................678-391-8875 221 W Wilson St................................404-925-4742 Harrison’s Corner Market
Employment Try Me Again New & Used Furniture 1506 W Bankhead Hwy.....................770-456-2060
Hernandez Food Store
Ambassador Personnel Service 409 Main St..........................................770-456-8901
514 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-8877 121 Tri-County Plaza........................770-456-7827
TO ADvERTISE CAll 678-840-8604 Ingles - 98 Hwy 61 Connector..................770-459-0223

50 Dentist - Orthodontics - Grocers  Villa Rica News & Views

Grocers / Supermarkets Ctd. Health Products & Svcs Ctd. Home Stagers Insurance Ctd.
La Chiquita Tienda Y Carniceria GNC - lIvE WEll Stage-It & Redesign Professionals...........404-295-0440 Dean Insurance Agency
901 S Carroll Rd................................770-456-4401 622 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-459-3171 Welcome Home Stagers...........................678-232-8294 430 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-6778
Leigh Shirley Insurance Agency...............770-562-3212
Piggly Wiggly
664 W Bankhead Hwy.......................678-840-5755
(Please See Our Ad on the Inside Back Cover)
Home Theater Systems Liberty National Insurance
Publix Super Markets Best Buy - 6875 Douglas Blvd Dgl...........770-577-0930 809 W Bankhead Hwy......................770-456-8024
8464 Adair St Dgl..............................770-949-9804 SOuND PROOf My Financial Services LLC
2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................678-840-8778 (Please See Our Ad on Page 38) 133 W Wilson St................................770-456-2725
7447 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................770-920-0077
Guns & Gun Ranges Tri-Health Products
1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-456-7051 Horse Riding Instruction Richardson Insurance Agency
111 S Candler St...............................770-459-5125
Stoddard’s Guns
My Little Pony Party Farm
6410 Fairburn Rd Dgl........................678-838-4848 Hearing aids 8743 Ephesus Church Rd.................770-883-3728
Roberts Insurance Agency
207 Main St.......................................770-459-2290
Gutters & Downspouts Beltone - 7421 Douglas Blvd Dgl.............770-577-2360 Sandhill Trails - 276 Williams Rd.............770-830-0934 Roberts Tax & Insurance Services
923 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-2226
HENDERSON ENTERPRISES................770-947-9085 ulTRaTONE HEaRING aID CENTER, INC Valley View Farms
(Please See Our Ad on Page 21) 7447 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................770-947-6362 129 New Brooklyn Church Rd..........770-562-0805 STaTE faRM INSuRaNCE - aMy BROWN
Luke’s Gutter & Sheet Metal Service.......770-634-1786
Heating Contractors - See Willowbrook Equestrian Center
395 Powell Chapel Rd VR….............770-459-1417
238 S Carroll Rd................................678-840-5000
(Please See Our Ad on Page 28)
air Conditioning State Farm Insurance - Henry Cowart
2460 Mirror Lake Blvd......…........….678-223-7260
Hoses & Tubes 151 N. Bayview Dr............................770-459-2010
(Please See Our Ad at Roofing)
Roof Drainage Equipment Systems
Home Health Care WIzaRD auTOMOTIvE
aSSuRED & aSSOCIaTES. 8841 Gurley Rd Dgl...........................770-489-5567
444 E Edge Rd..................................770-459-0410
Gymnastics Instruction
8336 Office Park Dr Dgl....................678-391-0140
Victory Staffing & Home Care Hospice Care & Services STaTE faRM INS.- BIlly uPTON
413 Main St.......................................404-642-7422 Embracing Hospice Care..........................678-409-4404 3417 Fairburn Rd..............................770-949-5863
Douglasville Gymnastics & Cheerleading Club
Village Samaritan Senior Home Care Home Health Partners..............................678-478-3730 (Please See Our Ad on Page 30)
8877 Bright Star Rd Dgl...................770-489-2582
WEST Ga GyMNaSTIC CENTER 907 South St Crltn.............................770-830-5683 Hospital Equip. & Supplies
941 Prospector Dr.........................…770-456-7702 Home Improvement Stores Apothecary Shoppe Pharmacy The
(Please See Our Ad on Page 45) - See Building Materials 705 Dallas Hwy.................................770-459-9499
Hair Removal Home Improvements
Matrix Mobility & Healthcare Products LLC
505 Berry Dr......................................770-456-8018 Interior Decorators
aRBOR DECkS.......................................770-920-8777 Plaza Discount Pharmacy & Home Care Decorating Den.........................................770-459-9096
(Please See Our Ad on Page 26) 451 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-5741 Design Concepts - 1118 Lookout Ct.........770-830-8002
BEN HIll ROOfING uNIfORM BOuTIQuE - Bremen............770-459-8966 Design House - 24 Overbrook Ct.............770-301-5755
Finishing Touches.....................................678-429-3095
6811 Bankhead Hwy.........................770-949-3514
Carpet Depot
Hospitals Trader Jack Designs - 302 Main St..........770-456-8226
9459 Hwy 5.......................................770-942-7600
Inner Harbour Hospital
4685 Dorsett Shoals Rd Dgl.............770-942-2391
Janitor Service
ClEaR CHOICE......................................678-715-8768 Chore-Corp Cleaning...............................770-459-0752
TaNNER MEDICal CENTER - vIlla RICa Dust Bunnies Cleaning Service................770-616-5203
Cole Brad Construction Co.......................770-834-4681
601 Dallas Rd....................................770-456-3000 Squeekie’s 24 Hour Cleaning Service......404-840-3542
CR RESIDENTIal....................................678-575-9114
(Please See Our Ad on Page 13) TaNNER MEDICal CENTER
705 Dixie St Crltn..............................770-836-9666
Janitorial Supply
DaNIElS CaRPET ClEaNING..............678-840-5633 kEy MaINTENaNCE SuPPly
150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn...............770-834-6302 WEllSTaR COBB HOSPITal
(Please See Our Display Ad at Carpet Cleaners) 7485 Factory Shoals Rd Dgl.............770-739-9661
(Please See Our Ad on the Back Cover) 3950 Austell Rd Austell.....................770-732-4000
Handbags & accessories (Please See Our Ad on Page 41) Jewelers - Retail
HaNGaR, THE - 106 S Carroll Rd..........678-840-4101 WEllSTaR DOuGlaS HOSPITal aTlaNTa WEST JEWElERS
(Please See Our Ad at Consignment) 8954 Hospital Dr Dgl.........................770-949-1500 6740 Douglas Blvd............................770-489-8600
(Please See Our Ad on Page 30)
Handyman Services (Please See Our Ad on Page 41) Bead Happy!
Handyman Xpress....................................678-840-8470 Hot Tubs & Spas 207C Adamson Sq Crrlltn......................770-832-6655
Jensen’s Hot Tub Services..........................678-409-8984
Sunrise Handy Services Pool Genie - 3141 Hwy 5 Dgl...................770-942-6080
Prompt, Courteous, Professional 1003 E Hwy 78 Temple.....................770-562-1558
Repair, Replacement,
New Installations
Hot Tubs & Spas - Repair
Jensen’s Hot Tub Services..........................678-409-8984
Ga #1 EXTERIORS - 7835 Bankhead Hwy.678-941-3400
Plumbing and Electrical SpaMeister................................................770-941-8211
GEORGIa ROOfING...................................770-693-3609
Call Donald Keen @
(Please See Our Ad at Roofing) Hotels & Motels
770-490-9895 HENDERSON ENTERPRISES................770-947-9085 American Inn & Suites - 615 Edge Rd.....770-459-5793
Best Western Villa Rica Inn
Hardware (Please See Our Ad on Page 21)
Hopkins Cabinetry Design & Sales...........770-459-0411
124 Hwy 61 Conn..............................770-459-6669
Comfort Inn & Suites
Kim’s Classy Creations.............................770-527-6365
Ace Hardware HORIzON CONSTRuCTION & RENOvaTIONS, INC 901 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-1136
6530 Church St Dgl...........................770-942-7044 114 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy............678-941-3401
Please Call.........................................404-886-5884 Days Inn - 195 Commerce Dr...................770-459-8888 Stephanie’s Wholesale & Retail Boutique
Hauling (Please See Our Ad on Page 43) Hometown Lodge - 120 Hwy 61 Conn.....770-459-6662 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........678-365-7609
Haul For Less............................................404-447-7373 Jeff Smith Construction….........................404-702-6287
Junk Removal
Maple Street Lodge Inc
Health Clubs JP Home Repairs.....................................770-595-2807
l&W INSulaTION...................................770-942-0330
361 W Bankhead Hwy......................770-456-1500
Super 8 Motel - 128 Hwy 61 Conn...........770-459-8001 all yEaR laWN CaRE.........................678-838-7710
Allternative Gym
1899 Lake Rd Hiram.........................678-945-4662
(Please See Our Ad on Page 43)
House Sitting karate - See Martial arts
Master Asphalt, Inc - 403 E Wilson St......770-459-2759
aMERICaN BODyWORkS Pawsitively Purrfect..................................404-309-6233
2416 Conners Rd..............................770-456-4364
(Please See Our Ad on Page 5)
125 Commons Way...........................770-459-8887 Hydraulic Equip. & Supplies Atlanta West Animal Hospital
102 Thomas Dorsey Dr.....................770-459-2253
Anytime Fitness 8841 Gurley Rd Dgl...........................770-489-5567 BaRk avENuE PET SalON
7458 Hwy 78 Winston.......................770-489-9726
901 S Carroll Rd...............................678-840-4588 4855 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-214-8404
Curves for Women
3251 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-489-2880
Ink Cartridges (Please See Our Ad on Page 15)
921 South Carroll Rd...........................770-459-0122 Cartridge World-2983 Chapel Hill Rd Dgl...770-949-4465 Four Paws Resort.........................................770-459-7700
knitting Supplies
(Please See Our Ad on Page 27)
125 Commons Way...........................678-840-4979
New Again Resurfacing............................770-456-2805 Insulation
R&D CONTRaCTORS.............................678-838-7496 l&W INSulaTION...................................770-942-0330
(Please See Our Ad on Page 1) (Please See Our Ad on Page 43)
(Please See Our Ad at Playsets)
Sta’ Fit & Tan
104 W Perennial Dr Tmpl..................770-562-5552
2460 Mirror Lake Blvd......…........….678-223-7260
Toe 2 Toe Fitness Act Insurance - 229 W Bankhead Hwy.....770-459-0595
(Please See Our Ad at Roofing) Alfa Insurance - 364 W Bankhead Hwy....770-459-9880 EWE kNIT - 815 Cedar Street Crltn.770-830-6480
753 Industrial Blvd.............................770-456-0754 (Please See Our Display Ad at Knitting)
REMOvING WaTER QuICkly...............404-403-4970 Allstate - Phil Blair Agency
X-Press Fitness
(Please See Our Ad at Water/Fire Restoration) 216 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-1977
48 Community Sq............................678-840-8566
Spectrum Professional Installations.........770-832-0380 allSTaTE - RICE, RyaN
Health Departments Tropical Home Improvement....................404-216-7322 503 Bankhead Hwy Crrltn.................770-832-3275
Carroll County Health Department WEST GEORGIa fENCE CO.................770-832-3363 7421 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................770-949-0463
1004 Newnan Rd. Crltn...................770-836-6667 (Please See Our Ad on Page 12) (Please See Our Ad on Page 8)
Health Products & Svcs West Georgia Kitchen & Bath Associated Insurance Markets Inc
809 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-4115
Know For Sure Lab...................................770-489-3370
All About Health Herb And Wellness 409-B Bankhead Hwy Crlltn..............770-830-0511
Coast to Coast Insurance Services landscaping
664 West Bankhead Hwy..................678-840-5127 Home Inspection - 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................678-332-7218 alTERNaTIvE ENvIRONMENTS..........678-840-4449
Body Of Hope - Body Magic.....................770-456-8880
Fitness Depot - 9365 The Landing Dr Dgl.770-577-5885
See Real Estate Section Cotton States - The Saxon Agency (Please See Our Ad on Page 27)
125 Commons Way...........................770-456-8282

Villa Rica News & Views  Grocers - Landscaping 51

Landscaping Ctd. Lawn Care - Ctd Malls & shopping Music instruction
BAREFOOT TURF MANAGEMENT.......770-920-8342 CREATivE OUTdOOR dEsiGN & ARBOR PLACE MALL Forte Voice & Piano Studio..........................678-230-7005
(Please See Our Ad on Page 10) LAwN MAiNTENANCE iNC............770-920-1364 24 Hour Info Line...............................770-947-4245
Music Producers
Cool Cuts Lawn Care...............................770-833-1788 (Please See Our Ad on Page 13)
Curt’s Lawn Care......................................770-459-2878
Manners instruction CB Music Management............................770-875-3204
Garrett Lawn Garden Service..................678-598-3012
Mary Ann Franklin.....................................770-489-7338
Music stores- Cds
Grandad’s Lawn & Handyman Service…...770-456-7506 Marble & Granite Big Bargain Music - 3141 Hwy 5..............678-838-2888
Greenwave Landcare Aztec Marble,Inc - 8125 Odessa Pl.........770-947-1888 FYE - Arbor Place Mall.............................678-838-0022
3455 Liberty Rd.................................404-925-0154 METRO GRANiTE & CABiNET
Creative Outdoor Design & Jose’s Professional Lawn Care Service...770-459-8084 3251 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-489-2880 Musical instruments
Lawn Maintenance Inc......................770-920-1364 Lawn Care & Pressure Washing Inc........678-840-8062 (Please See Our Ad on Page 27) Big Bargain Music - 3141 Hwy 5..............678-838-2888
Massey Outdoor Maintenance.................770-456-9254 Quality Cabinet Distributors Jackson’s Music - 5485 Westmoreland Plz Dgl........770-949-5262
Mean Green Turf Care..............................678-840-5693
Outdoor Pro.................................................770-605-0848
4552 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-832-8598 Nail salons
CREATivE OUTdOOR dEsiGN & R&d CONTRACTORs.............................678-838-7496 Martial Arts instruction Art Nails
LAwN MAiNTENANCE iNC............770-920-1364 (Please See Our Ad at Playsets) Defkon One Fighting & Fitness 596 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-456-8632
(Please See Our Ad on Page 13) Rapid Lawn Service.....................................770-990-2752 901 S Carroll Rd................................678-840-5995 Fancy Nails - 80 Hwy 61 Conn.................770-459-8644
Greenwave Landcare Spray Green Landscape Services............770-830-9073 iNTO ARTs - 113 Commons Way VR.....770-459-9555 PRiNCEss PARTY’s
3455 Liberty Rd.................................404-925-0154 Tony’s Lawn Service.................................770-836-3131 Mile High Karate 5929 Stewart Pkwy Dgl.....................678-838-9000
8889 Hwy 5 Dgl................................770-942-0227
6554 E Church St Dgl.......................770-942-0196 Lawn Mowers- sales/svc. Y S Rho Martial Arts
(Please See Our Ad on Page 25)
Regal Nails
(Please See Our Ad on Page 26) Quality Grinding Service 1839 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy….....770-456-6433 600 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...............770-456-0250
131 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-7586
Meadow Creek Landscape Services Inc
821 Dallas Hwy..................................770-456-8918 Libraries Masonry Tango Nails - 664 Bankhead Hwy............770-459-1003
Villa Nails - 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd...........770-459-0222
Atlanta Chimney Company.......................404-638-0850
Wendy’s Nail - 118 Hwy 61 Conn.............770-456-0960
Massage Therapy
Douglas County Public Library

MOOd swiNGs BY JB.........................770-942-6054

6810 Selman Dr................................770-920-7125
West Georgia Regional Library Body Smith The - 136 Louise Lane..........678-523-7561 Newspapers
dOUGLAsviLLE THERAPEUTiC MAssAGE Villa Rican The - 210 W Montgomery St..770-459-0510
70 Horace Luther Dr..........................770-459-7012
West Georgia Regional Library 5908 Fairburn Rd Ste C....................404-402-9985 Needlework
710 Rome St Crltn.............................770-836-6711 Entrigue Hair Salon EwE kNiT - 815 Cedar St Crltn...............770-830-6480
Lighting 48 Community Square......................770-456-6223 (Please See Our Ad at Knitting)

MOOd swiNGs BY JB...........................770-942-6054

Hyman Peggy CMT - 216 North Ave........770-403-5545
iN His HANds HOUsE CALLs..............770-489-7990
(Please See Our Ad at Landscaping) RwB TAX sERviCEs LLC
Massage By Stephany..............................404-449-4100
Lighting stores Massage Solutions - 2080 Fairburn Rd Dgl..770-605-4266
363 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-9980
3-D Lighting-865 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy..770-459-2626
Maternity shops Nursing Homes & Agencies
Limousine services HANGAR, THE - 106 S Carroll Rd..........678-840-4101
AssUREd & AssOCiATEs.
8336 Office Park Dr Dgl....................678-391-0140
Goodness Limousine................................770-366-2346 (Please See Our Ad at Consignment) PiNE kNOLL NURsiNG & REHABiLiTATiON
Loans-see Also Mortgages Motherhood Maternity - Arbor Place.........770-577-5676 156 Pine Knoll Dr - Carrollton..........770-832-8243
1st Franklin Financial Mattresses (Please See Our Ad on Page 14)
596 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-456-9797
Cash Credit Corp
Mattress Junction - 941 S Carroll Rd......770-459-8022
Sit ‘n Sleep-111 Lake Carroll Blvd Crltn......770-834-1122
Nurseries - Plants
2000 Mirror Lake Blvd. Suite O.........678-840-8441
Cash Depot Of Villa Rica
Meat - Retail 64 Ridge Road - Dallas.....................678-840-5452
(Please See Our Ad on Page 27)
Honey Baked Ham Co & Café
395 W Bankhead Hwy.......................678-840-8838 Triple Creek Flower Farm
7421 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................770-489-1500
Cash Express Title Pawn 8625 Banks Mill Rd...........................770-489-8022
Landscaping supplies 624 Highway 61................................770-456-1954 Medical supplies Occupational Therapy
John Deere Landscapes Lendmark Financial Services A&S Medical Supplies
664 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-1442 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.....….770-477-4953 Southern Therapy Services
108 Three West Pkwy.......................770-456-8716
Men’s Clothing
Security Finance - 218 Montgomery St....770-459-3624 690 Dallas Hwy..................................770-459-4555
TitleMax - 744 Bankhead Hwy Crrlltn.........770-834-3209 812 South Park St Crrllton................770-834-7436
64 Ridge Road - Dallas.....................678-840-5452 Camp Cap Company - 209 Main St.........770-459-3647
Wilkes Finance Corp - 112 Hwy 61 Conn...770-459-1957 Wellstar Rehab Services
(Please See Our Ad on Page 27) HANGAR, THE - 106 S Carroll Rd..........678-840-4101
World Finance Corp 8954 Hospital Dr Dgl.........................770-920-6285
West Georgia Landscape Supply Co Inc
903 Dallas Hwy 92 Dgl......................678-715-7201
222 W Montgomery St..........................770-459-1545 (Please See Our Ad at Consignment)
Office Equip & Supplies
Laundries Locksmiths Round 2 Consignment
490-A Bankhead Hwy Crltn..........….770-214-5599
Office Depot - 9559 Hwy 5 Dgl.................770-942-6969
Tony’s Lock & Key.....................................678-346-5484 Office Max - 2900 Chapel Hill Rd Dgl.....770-920-7900
24/7 Coin Laundry Squire Shop - 109 Newnan St Crltn.........770-832-9673
101 Three West Pkwy..........................770-456-7729 Magazines Mold Analysis Office Furniture & Equipment
Auto-Laundry Center - 426 Rockmart Rd.770-265-7289 viLLA RiCA NEws & viEws Advantage Office Solutions
Family Clothes Care Center Georgia Mold Analysis, Inc. 65 Leggett Dr.....................................770-456-7706
P.O. Box 7162, Douglasville, GA 30154
361 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-1088 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-456-9110
FULLERviLLE LAUNdRY www.villaricanews.net.......................678-840-8604
Mold Remediation Optometrists O.d.
426 Rockmart Rd..........................................villa Rica Maid service REMOviNG wATER QUiCkLY...............404-403-4970
Lawn Care (Please See Our Ad at Water/Fire Restoration)
8954 Hospital Dr Dgl.........................770-949-3885
(Please See Our Ad on Page 40)
Southeastern Allergy Relief......................678-378-4413
Monogramming 8954 Hospital Dr Dgl.........................678-838-8177
EMBROidER Us......................................770-616-7562 (Please See Our Ad on Page 40)
The Fancy Bee - 6880 Douglas Blvd Dgl.678-391-8875
Ford Family Eye Care - 600 Hwy 61 N....770-459-8733
Monuments & Markers Villa Rica Eye Care
Yates Monuments.....................................404-290-0064 104 S Carroll Rd................................678-941-3357
Moonwalk Rental
Best Cleaning Service..............................770-843-5408
C K & J’s Cleaning Service.......................770-480-1803
MR MOONwALk.....................................404-844-1615 Interested
ALTERNATivE ENviRONMENTs..........678-840-4449
(Please See Our Ad on Page 27) Charlott’s Cleaning Service......................770-315-3443 Mops in advertising?
Autrey Lawn Care.....................................770-335-5050 Cleaning by Debbie..................................770-920-6529 Lafitte Mop Co..........................................770-459-5966
Mortgages-see Real Estate section 678-840-8604
Motorcycles sales@villaricanews.net
Dust Bunnies Domestic Divas................770-616-5203 Enck Cycles - 901 W Bankhead Hwy.......770-459-2453
Motorcycles - service & Repair
AUTOsPORTs UNLiMiTEd www.villaricanews.net
8810 Bright Star Rd Dgl....................770-942-2727
Movers-see Real Estate section
Become a Fan
BAREFOOT TURF MANAGEMENT.......770-920-8342 Get-R-Done Contractors...........................678-215-5082 Museums
(Please See Our Ad on Page 10)
Kay’s Cleaning Service.............................404-786-3057 Pine Mountain Gold Museum on Facebook!
Kingdom Come Cleaning Services 1881 Stockmar Rd............................770-459-8455
Clean Cut Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance Search
1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy….....770-875-4062 Villa Rica Museum - 1881 Stockmar Rd..770-459-0591
Please Call...........770-920-6864 Or 770-480-4481 Villa Rica News & Views
LAwN CARE CONTiNUEs sARAY HOUsE CLEANiNG...................678-787-7945 TO AdvERTisE CALL 678-840-8604
Wright’s Cleaning Service.........................678-251-7760

52 Landscaping - Optometrists  Villa Rica News & Views

Opticians Party Planning Service Pet Sitting Ctd. Plumbing Contractors Ctd.
COOL BEADS Pawsitively Purrfect..................................404-309-6233
2911 Chapel Hill Rd.......................Dgl.678-391-8722 Petsitting by Linn.......................................678-360-8394
(Please See Our Ad at Jewelers) Top Dog Pet Sitter.....................................678-665-2213
DANCE wORKx - 921 S Carroll Rd........770-459-2124 West GA In-Home Pet Care.....................770-548-8827
(Please See Our Ad on Page 44)
Apothecary Shoppe Pharmacy The
5929 Stewart Pkwy Dgl.....................678-838-9000
705 Dallas Hwy.................................770-459-9499
(Please See Our Ad on Page 25)
117 N. Hwy. 113 Crltn........................770-830-5303 736 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-8234
(Please See Our Ad on Page 6) Plaza Discount Pharmacy Inc
Pawn Shops 451 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-5741
Cash Express Title Pawn Publix Pharmacy
624 Highway 61................................770-456-1954 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................678-840-8788
Cash Store Title Pawn The Rite Aid Pharmacy
133 W Bankhead Hwy.......................678-840-4774 62 Industrial Blvd...............................770-459-9660 AquaMover Plumbing - 310 Tyson Rd…..770-456-0131
Golden City Loan & Pawn Walgreens Bickers Plumbing Co................................770-832-0247
96 Hwy 61 Conn................................770-459-2274 Bankhead Hwy & Hwy 61.................770-459-9344 Cross & Sons - 3357 Liberty Rd..............770-942-7446
Sammy’s Pawn Shop 9591 Conners Rd..............................770-456-9284 D&J Quality Plumbing Inc.........................770-214-2900
118 W Montgomery St......................770-459-5995 Heath Plumbing Co...................................770-949-9770
Villa Rica Pawn Shop Inc Photo Restoration
750 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-4988 Your Photo Restoration.............................404-307-3177
Personal Assistants Photographers
yOUR PERSONAL ASSISTANT.............678-360-8394 Bailey Photography...................................770-712-3754

Personal Trainers Dobbs Image............................................404-316-0130

James Camp Photography.......................404-374-0534
NORThSIDE PhOTOGRAPhy...............678-313-0881
2416 Conners Rd..............................770-456-4364
(Please See Our Ad on Page 5) ON LOCATION PhOTOGRAPhy............678-409-5270
Organizing Pest Control Picturelily Photography.............................770-456-0646
ReJoyce N Order......................................770-941-0201 Priceless Portraits.....................................770-489-9223
Paint - Retail Skyview Helicam.......................................678-517-6018
Watts Photography
Sherwin Williams
610 W Bankhead Hwy…...................770-456-1811 102 Hunter Industrial Dr....................770-456-0554

Painting Contractors Physical Therapy

CR Painting - 1116 Craig Way Dgl...........770-942-2332 ACCEL PhySICAL ThERAPy AT MIRROR LAKE
2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-456-7877 SUNBELT SEWER & DRAIN
Allternative Gym
1899 Lake Rd Hiram.........................678-945-4662
AEL PEST SOLUTIONS..........................678-840-4449
Southern Therapy Services
690 Dallas Hwy........................................770-459-4555
Plumbing Supplies
(Please See Our Ad on Page 27) West Georgia Kitchen & Bath
812 South Park St Crrllton................770-834-7436 409-B Bankhead Hwy Crlltn..............770-830-0511
Arrow Exterminators
Poison Control Center
Wellstar Rehab Services
1301 Hwy 78 W.................................770-456-7072
8954 Hospital Dr Dgl.........................770-920-6285
Physicians - See Page 37 Poison Control Center...............................404-616-9000

Pictures/Picture Frames Police Departments

Carroll County Sheriff’s Office
Lovins Home Place 1000 Newnan Rd..............................770-830-5888
110 W Montgomery St.........................770-459-0121 Carroll County Sheriff’s Office - Sand Hill Precinct
Village Frame And Trophy Shop 1000 Newnan Rd..............................770-214-3596
120 W Montgomery St......................770-456-4224 Georgia State Patrol-746 W Bankhead Hwy.770-459-3661
Playsets Villa Rica Police Department - Main St....770-459-5149

R&D Junction Playsets Pool halls

Stix Bar & Grill - 660 W Bankhead Hwy.....770-456-1616
R&D678.838.7496 ©: 404.424.7862
(Please See Our AdAll
Page&29) Playhouses are Handcrafted Pool Tables - Repair
DANIELS CARPET CLEANING..............678-840-5633 & are Heavy Duty Commercial Grade Jensen’s Pool Table Services.....................678-409-8984
(Please See Our Display Ad at Carpet Cleaners)
Post Offices
Nuts And Bolts Recessed For Safety
Sets are stained (Customer to pick color)
Dillon the Painter.......................................770-920-6529 Residential & Commercial

ENGLAND DRywALL & PAINT..............770-900-9150

Free Delivery (50 mile radius) Villa Rica Post Office-43 Community Sq.770-459-3725
Pressure washing
Ask for Donnie or Rudy
(Please See Our Ad on Page 26) See our web site or Call for details
FRANKLIN BUILDERS............................770-617-9150 Aqua Tech.................................................678-941-3077
Culver Exterminating Co...........................770-684-7686
(Please See Our Ad at Home Improvements) GARLAND SERvICES............................770-949-1342 Plumbing Contractors DANNy’S PRESSURE wAShING..........770-947-3499
(Please See Our Display Ad on This Page)
Keeter Painting Mirror Lake Pest Control...........................770-459-7980 A Chapel Hill Plumbing Service................404-784-4708
Estes Pressure Washing..........................770-330-9531
678.838.7496 ©: 404.424.7862 Pet Grooming PLUMBING CONTRACTORS CONTINUES Guinns Pressure Washing........................678-592-1174
Serving West Georgia & Atlanta Atlanta West Animal Hospital
area for over 30 years
Residential & Commercial 102 Thomas Dorsey Dr.....................770-459-2253
Painting & Pressure Washing BARK AvENUE PET SALON
We also do Home Repairs
Free Estimates 4855 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-214-8404
Ask for Donnie or Rudy (Please See Our Ad on Page 15)
See our web site or Call for details
www.rdcontractors.com CELESTIAL CANINE CARE...................678-840-4300
Chippie On-The-Go
R&D CONTRACTORS.............................678-838-7496 217 Browning Rd...............................678-758-6330
Paralegal Services Gentle Paws
23 Sandhill Hulett Rd........................770-214-0994
Paralegal Services of Atlanta....................678-371-6431
Groomer’s Place The
Parks 239 Labelle Rd.................................770-459-8352
CLEGhORN STREET PARK K-9 Bath Time...........................................678-372-8710
233 Cleghorn St................................770-459-7011 Prissy Paws - 1276 Rockmart Rd............770-899-7045
(Please See Our Ad on Page 23)
Pet Shops/Svcs/Supplies
Butler & Son Pet Crematory.....................770-639-5301
121 Ball Park Rd...............................770-459-7011
(Please See Our Ad on Page 23)
GOLD DUST PARK 760 W Bankhead Hwy..................….770-459-4102
646 Industrial Blvd.............................770-459-7011 Gentle Paws - 23 Sandhill Hulett Rd........770-214-0994
(Please See Our Ad on Page 23) Prissy Paws - 1276 Rockmart Rd............770-899-7045
524 Leslie Dr.....................................770-489-8246
Pet Sitting
Dust Bunnies Cleaning Service................770-616-5203
(Please See Our Ad on Page 23)

Villa Rica News & Views  Opticians - Pressure Washing 53

Pressure Washing Ctd. Roofing Contractors Schools Ctd. Stables
HENDERSON ENTERPRISES................770-947-9085 gEORgIA ROOFINg...................................770-693-3609 Villa Rica Middle School Valley View Farms
(Please See Our Ad on Page 21) (Please See Our Display Ad on This Page) 614 Tumlin Lake Rd..........................770-459-0407 129 New Brooklyn Church Rd..........770-562-0805
Lawn Care & Pressure Washing Inc........678-840-8062 Hubbards Roofing....................................404-725-8348 Willowbrook Equestrian Center
Winston Academy
R&D CONTRACTORS.............................678-838-7496 395 Powell Chapel Rd VR….............770-459-1417
Mickey’s Roofing......................................770-949-8460 7425 Hwy 78 - Winston.....................770-949-7462
(Please See Our Ad at Playsets)
Scrapbooking Storage
Printing Sweet Memories Scrapbooks
RAE-MAK STRuCTuRES INC 909 S Park St Crltn…........................770-832-7033

ACRA - 359 W Bankhead Hwy.................770-459-0395

2460 Mirror Lake Blvd.......….678-223-7260 Screen Printing A ALL AbOuT STORAgE LLC
840 S Carroll Rd.................770-456-9664
Fast T-shirts..............................................404-379-1593
SOuTHEASTERN SALES & SPECIALTIES INC A Safe Storage, Inc. - 434 Edge Rd.........770-456-9199
2152 Bankhead Hwy Crltn................770-834-8588 Acme Self Storage
BLUE PRINTS (Please See Our Ad at Advertising Specialties) 3015 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-832-3521

Copied & Printed Top Quality Roofing..................................770-941-7904 Scrubs - See uniforms Capitol Storage
520 E Montgomery St.......................770-459-4496
Sand Scuba Diving Fortress Storage West
31 Waterford Dr.................................770-456-0744
Sand-Stone Inc Leisure Aqua Sports
4 Seasons Self Storage
7262 W Bnkhd Hwy...........................770-920-1003 6716 Broad St...................................770-947-9200 2460 Mirror Lake Blvd.........................770-456-6018
ADOLESCENT CHILD SPECIALTY SERVICES Satellite TV Seafood & Fish New Georgia Self Storage
8333 Office Park Dr Dgl....................404-310-1161 guLF SEAFOOD MARKET 9495 Villa Rica Hwy..........................770-456-2376
Complete Dish..........................................678-840-4959 Security Storage
339 W Bankhead Hwy......................770-459-4488
Real Estate - See Pg 34 Schools (Please See Our Ad on Page 19) 1219 Rockmart Rd............................770-459-9090
Storage Xxtra
Recreational Vehicle Bay Springs Middle School
122 Bay Springs Rd..........................770-459-2098
Security - See burglar Alarms 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-456-7495

Storage Carroll County School System Septic Tank Companies Sunrooms

A ALL AbOuT STORAgE LLC 164 Independence Dr Crltn...............770-832-3568 Samples Septic Service...........................770-920-5747 ARbOR DECKS.......................................770-920-8777
(Please See Our Ad on Page 26)
840 S Carroll Rd................................770-456-9664
(Please See Our Ad at Storage)
Faithful Guardian LLC
220 W Wilson St................................770-214-2252
Sewing Machines CR RESIDENTIAL....................................678-575-9114
(Please See Our Ad on Page 13)
Recreational Vehicles Glanton Hindsman Elementary School
118 Glanton St...................................770-459-4491
2866 Chapel Hill Rd..........................770-949-5775 Surveyors - Land
Bleakley John Motor Homes
6200 Fairburn Rd..............................770-949-4500 HEIRWAY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Shelters HugHES-RAY COMPANY
6554 E Church St Dgl.......................770-942-0196
Recycling 6758 E Spring St Dgl.........................770-489-4392
Ithica Elementary School
SHARE HOuSE.......................................770-949-0626 (Please See Our Ad on Page 26)
Direct Recycling LLC-7865 Smith Rd.......404-735-7095
(Please See Our Ad on Page 20)
Swimming Pools/Supplies
MST Services - 111 Fleet Dr.....................770-459-1335
75 Whitworth Rd...............................678-840-5101
Shoes ARbOR DECKS.......................................770-920-8777
Remodeling - See Home Imp. Majestic Academy FOOT SOLuTIONS- 9503 Hwy 5 Dgl.....770-577-3677 (Please See Our Ad on Page 26)
Shoe Show-912 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy....770-459-9108
Rental Centers
Creative Pool & Spa

uNIFORM bOuTIquE - Bremen.............770-459-8966

Where's Today's Children Are...
Aaron’s - 903 S Park St Crltn…...............770-834-1020
RSC Equipment Rental
Majestic Leadership
Granite Dr Dgl..........................770-947-0410 Siding Contractors 770.834.5003
Creative Pool & Spa
Alternative Energy Windows & Siding www.creativepoolsinc.com
64 Memory Springs Rd.....................770-834-5003
1275 Carrollton Villa Rica Hwy..........770-459-1388 Call Now - 678.838.8558 3550 Laurel Springs Cove................770-456-8510
United Rentals - 100 Saber Pkwy.............770-459-1955 FRANKLIN buILDERS............................770-617-9150
6625 Brown Street
Restaurants-See Page 16 WWW.MAJESTICLEADERSHIPACADEMY.COM (Please See Our Ad at Home Improvement)

Repossession Services Midway Christian Academy

1930 Midway Rd Dgl.........................770-942-8423
7835 Bankhead Hwy.............................678-941-3400
Direct Recovery & Investigation...............770-941-6082 RAE-MAK STRuCTuRES INC Freedom Pools, Spas & Services...............678-409-8984
Oak Grove Montessori School
Roof Cleaning 180 Oak Grove Rd Crltn....................770-214-0112 2460 Mirror Lake Blvd......…........….678-223-7260 Pool Genie - 3141 Hwy 5 Dgl...................770-942-6080
American Roof Care.................................404-538-4708 Oak Mountain Academy (Please See Our Ad at Roofing) T-Shirts - See Screen Printing
Roofing Contractors 222 Cross Plains Rd - Carrollton......770-834-6651
Plantation Christian Academy
Signs & banners Tag Office
A Price is Right Roofing Inc......................770-459-9969 Douglas County - 8700 Hospital Dr..........770-949-2309
189 Sandhill-Hulett Rd......................770-832-3130 ACRA 770-459-0395 Carroll County - 423 College St................770-830-5826
Primrose School at Brookmont
4460 Brookmont Pkwy Dgl...............770-577-8181
ACRA - 359 W Bankhead Hwy.................770-459-0395 Talent Agencies
Sand Hill Elementary School Banners, Signs MMT AgENCY
ALL PRO ROOFINg SPECIALISTS..770-942-5979 45 Sand Hill School Rd.....................770-832-8541 500 Old Bremen Rd Crrltn................770-834-6197
(Please See Our Display Ad on This Page) Temple Elementary School 2152 Bankhead Hwy Crltn................770-834-8588 Tanning
95 Otis St..........................................770-562-3076 (Please See Our Ad at Advertising Specialties) gLIMMER SALON - 921 S Carroll Rd.....678-840-4414
Temple High School - 589 Sage St..........770-562-3218 (Please See Our Ad on Page 6)
Temple Middle School Skateboards PANAMA TAN & SPA
Raggedy Skate Shack - 303 Main St.......770-459-9901 104 Hwy 61 Connector.....................770-459-9100
275 Rainey Rd..................................770-562-6001
6811 Bankhead Hwy.........................770-949-3514
Villa Rica Elementary School Skating Rinks Private Beach Tanning
628 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-456-1965
314 Peachtree St..............................770-459-5762 Dazzles Roller Sports Toe 2 Toe Fitness
FRANKLIN buILDERS............................770-617-9150 Villa Rica High School 3844 Longview Dr Dgl.......................678-873-2788 753 Industrial Blvd.............................770-456-0754
(Please See Our Ad at Home Improvement) 600 Rocky Branch Rd.......................770-459-5185 SPINNERZ FAMILY SKATE CENTER Venus Tanning Salon & Boutique
gA #1 EXTERIORS SCHOOLS CONTINuE 117 N. Hwy. 113 Crltn........................770-830-5303 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd......................770-456-7677
7835 Bankhead Hwy.............................678-941-3400 (Please See Our Ad on Page 6)
Tanning beds - Retail
Skin Care Pool Genie - 1003 E Hwy 78 Temple.......770-562-1558
150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn...............678-840-6398 Tattoos
Villa Rica Ink - 254 South Carroll Rd........678-941-3445
(Please See Our Ad on the Back Cover)
150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn...............770-834-6302
(Please See Our Ad on the Back Cover)
bAREFOOT TuRF MANAgEMENT.......770-920-8342
(Please See Our Ad on Page 10)
Bottom Line Tax Services LLC
Mean Green Turf Care..............................678-840-5693
845 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-1051
Speech Therapy
Southern Therapy Services
690 Dallas Hwy..................................770-459-4555
812 South Park St Crrllton................770-834-7436
Wellstar Rehab Services
8954 Hospital Dr Dgl.........................770-920-6285
Sporting goods
Hibbett Sports
608 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-456-9778

54 Pressure Washing - Tax Return Preparation  Villa Rica News & Views
Tax Return Preparation Ctd. Tree
Service Website design
Pet Sitting Ctd. Ctd. PlumbingCleaning
Window Contractors Ctd.
Pawsitively Purrfect..................................404-309-6233 Domestic Cleaning Service......................770-489-2418
207 Main St.......................................770-459-2290 2911 Chapel Hill Rd.......................Dgl.678-391-8722 8723by
Petsitting Hospital Dr Dgl.........................770-489-1790
Linn.......................................678-360-8394 P&J Enterprises........................................770-577-9886
H & R BloCk (Please See Our Ad at Jewelers) (Please
Top Dog Pet See Our Display Ad at Computers)
Sitter.....................................678-665-2213 Rolins Painting..........................................770-329-1188
664 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-9656
2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-456-8204
DANCE wORKx -TREE921 SSERVICE........770-949-4444
Carroll Rd........770-459-2124 FirmDesign
West GA In-Home Pet Care.....................770-548-8827
6649E E Church St Dgl.....................770-942-6545 Window Tinting
(Please See(Please
Our AdSee
Our Ad44)on This Page)
on Page Eddie’s Window Tinting
(Please See Our Ad on Page 28) Frederic Finch Graphics……................…404-520-0502
HAWkINSoN PAUl A CPA PRINCESS PARTy’S JPS WeB SolUTIoNS 502 Newnan St Crltn........................770-836-8410
Apothecary Shoppe Pharmacy The
4935 Stewart Mill Rd Dgl..................770-942-7944 5929 Stewart Pkwy Dgl.....................678-838-9000 8723 Hospital Drive...........................770-489-1790 RoCkeT SCIeNCe CAR ANd BIke
705 Dallas Hwy.................................770-459-9499 5493 Westmoreland Plaza Dgl.........678-715-8468
(Please See Our Ad on Page 29) (Please See Our Ad on Page 25) Oneway Designs.......................................770-655-6639
SoUNd PRooF SERVICES.........770-947-8853
Wedding Consultants
Hess, Cathy CPA......................................770-367-8728
Jackson Hewitt Tax Service 117 N. Hwy. 113 Crltn........................770-830-5303 736 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-8234 7447 Douglas Blvd............................770-920-0077
106 Hwy 61 Conn.............................770-456-1994 Quik(Please
Cut TreeSee
Service & Landscaping.....770-499-1253
Our Ad on Page 6) Bride
Plaza Enjoy................................................770-577-9803
Discount Pharmacy Inc
Window Sales/Installation
363 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-9980
Trophies & Plaques
Pawn Shops BRIdeS
451 W
Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-5741
Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................770-942-0171
Cash Express Title SAleS
Pawn & SPeCIAlTIeS INC Publix Pharmacy
lIBeRTy TAx SeRvICe Brides Guide The......................................404-925-6939
2152 Bankhead
624 Highway Hwy Crltn................770-834-8588
61................................770-456-1954 2000 AT
Mirror Lake CoNNeCTIoN
Carrollton VR Hwy & S Carroll Rd....770-456-4055 CeNTRe ARBoR
Cash Store Title PawnAd
(Please See Our The at Advertising Specialties) Rite Aid
Douglas Blvd............................678-213-3195
Village Frame And Trophy Shop
133 W Bankhead Hwy.......................678-840-4774 AquaMover Plumbing - 310 Tyson Rd…..770-456-0131
62 IndustrialdoWNToWN CoNFeReNCe CeNTeR
120 W Montgomery St......................770-456-4224 Bickers Plumbing Co................................770-832-0247
Golden City Loan & Pawn 670 Church St Dgl.............................678-715-6094
Truck Accessories
96 Hwy 61 Conn................................770-459-2274 (Please See Our Ad on Page 31)
CleAR CHoICe......................................678-715-8768
Cross & Sons - 3357 Liberty Rd..............770-942-7446
Sammy’s PawnTruck
West Georgia ShopAccessories
Bankhead Hwy & Hwy 61.................770-459-9344
Events on the Lake - 9060 Shiloh Rd.........678-840-8880
9591 Conners Rd..............................770-456-9284 Woman’s Clothing
D&J Quality Plumbing Inc.........................770-214-2900
Reed’s Accounting Service...................... 404-936-7162
Montgomery St......................770-459-5995
Hwy 166 Crltn…..............770-832-6268 Weight loss Products &
Photo Restoration
A+ SizePlumbing
Heath Consignment Shop
315 Newnan Rd Crrlltn.....................770-562-0056
Roberts Tax & Insurance Services Truck Rental
Villa Rica Pawn Shop Inc
750 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-4988 Services
Your Photo Restoration.............................404-307-3177 Aeropostale - Arbor Place Mall................678-715-0000
923 W Bankhead Hwy......................770-459-2226 Penske Truck Rental American Eagle Outfitters
RWB TAx SeRvICeS llC Personal Assistants
2460 Mirror Lake Blvd................................770-456-6018 Photographers
All About Health Herb and Wellness
664 West Bankhead Hwy..................678-840-5127 Arbor Place Mall................................678-838-1334
363 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-9980 U Haul PERSONAL
yOUR Truck Rental ASSISTANT.............678-360-8394 Bailey Photography...................................770-712-3754 Buckle - Arbor Place Mall.........................770-942-7755
Firm Foundations......................................678-656-5201
Villa Rica Tax Service 840 S. Carroll Rd...............................770-456-9664 CASH 4 CloTHeS
117 Tri-County Plaza.........................770-459-5010 Personal Trainers
434 Edge Rd.....................................770-456-9998
Dobbs- lIve
Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-459-3171
Photography.......................404-374-0534 9459 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-577-1774
1219 Rockmart Rd............................770-459-5732 Charlotte Russe- Arbor Place Mall...........678-838-1500
(Please See
NORThSIDE Our Ad on the Inside Back Cover)
1611 W Bankhead Hwy.....................678-361-7946 9495
2416 Villa RicaRd..............................770-456-4364
Conners Hwy..........................770-456-2376 Elizabeth’s Fashion Boutique
Organizing Repair 325 W Bankhead
(Please See Our Ad Hwy.......................678-840-8212
on Page 5) ON LOCATION PhOTOGRAPhy............678-409-5270
8464 Adair St Dgl..............................770-949-9804 124 W Montgomery St......................770-459-6028
Villa Rica TV Service & Furniture Co Inc
ReJoyce N Order......................................770-941-0201
301 Main St.......................................770-459-3933
Pest Control
31 Waterford Dr.................................770-456-0758
525 E Montgomery St.......................770-459-2239
See Our Ad on Page 38)
Precision Portraits.....................................770-489-9223
Fitness Systems.......................678-600-2004
HANGAR, THe - 106 S Carroll Rd..........678-840-4101
(Please See Our Ad at Consignment)
Paint - Retail
9495 Villa Rica Hwy..........................770-456-2376 New York & Company - Arbor Place.......770-489-0358
Skyview Helicam.......................................678-517-6018
Tennis Supplies/leagues
Sherwin Williams Truck Accessories Watts Photography
Niche Boutique - Arbor Place...................770-577-5434
NY Fashion Style - The Landing...............678-391-0231
USTA Jr Tennis League............................678-491-0537 New Georgia Collision - 163 Liberty Rd...678-840-4722 J&J Welding
610 W Bankhead Hwy…...................770-456-1811 102
Bright Industrial Dr....................770-456-0554 RoUNd 2 CoNSIGNmeNT
Theatres Star Rd Dgl....................770-942-9417
Painting Contractors
Regal Cinemas- Arbor Place Mall............678-838-3333
7447 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................770-920-0077 Therapy
Specialized Fabrication LLC 490-A Bankhead Hwy Crltn..........….770-214-5599
Sassy Ladies’ Boutiques & Gifts
ACCEL McKay Industrial
CR Painting - 1116 Craig Way Dgl...........770-942-2332
Thrift Stores Cargo Transport........................................770-456-6300 Wheel Alignment
2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-456-7877
108 Montgomery St...........................770-456-7190
Trisha’s Thrift and Used Furniture East-West Express - 57 Daniel St............770-459-1159 AllternativeAUTo
modeRN Gym 150 Stone St…............................…..770-456-7606
221 W Wilson St................................404-925-4742 9203
1899 Rose AveHiram.........................678-945-4662
Lake Rd Dgl..........................770-942-9773
J Grant Transport LLC..............................770-459-1706
PlumbingService – See Towing
Tile Contractors JD Logistics Inc.............770-891-0671 or 770-891-0566
KTI PEST SOLUTIONS..........................678-840-4449
Southern Therapy Services
Fairburn Rd
690 Dallas Hwy........................................770-459-4555 yarn
CR ReSIdeNTIAl....................................678-575-9114 (Please See Our Ad on Page 27) WeST GA TIRe & AUTo CeNTeR West Georgia Kitchen & Bath
eWe kNIT - 815 Cedar St Crltn...............770-830-6480
(Please See Our Ad on Page 13)
dANIelS CARPeT CleANING..............678-840-5633
Arrow Exterminators
812 South Park St Crrllton................770-834-7436
3795 Kings Hwy Dgl..........................770-577-1177 409-B
(PleaseBankhead HwyatCrlltn..............770-830-0511
See Our Ad Knitting)
Poison Control Center
Wellstar Rehab Services
Hwy 78TUToRING.....................404-660-0387
(Please See Our Display Ad at Carpet Cleaners) 8954 Hospital Dr Dgl.........................770-920-6285
Alliance France.........................................404-304-9081
Tires Club Z In-Home Tutoring Services...........678-363-7452 Physicians - See Page 37 Poison Control Center...............................404-616-9000
Baldwin Tire - 277 E Montgomery St........770-459-4559 Tubs – Resurfacing LocallyFrames
Pictures/Picture Police
Owned & Operated  Free Departments
BlAIR’S NeW ANd USed TIReS Carroll County Sheriff’s Office
2756 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-832-6615 NeW AGAIN ReSURFACING.................770-456-2805 Lovins Home Place 1000 Newnan Rd..............................770-830-5888
ComPleTe AUTomoTIve RePAIR
743 Pleasant Grove Church Rd........770-456-0705
Uniforms 110 W Montgomery St.........................770-459-0121
Village Frame And Trophy Shop
Carroll County Sheriff’s Office - Sand Hill Precinct
1000 Newnan Rd..............................770-214-3596
UNIFoRm BoUTIqUe - Bremen.............770-537-8966
(Please See Our Ad on Page 8) 120 W Montgomery St......................770-456-4224
Georgia State Patrol-746 W Bankhead Hwy.770-459-3661
Robbie’s Auto Service - 419 Main St........770-459-8013
Playsets Villa Rica Police Department - Main St....770-459-5149
Villa Rica Tire - 216 W Bankhead Hwy.....770-459-8473
Tourism Bureaus
Family Upholstering
534 Newnan Rd Crltn.............................770-832-7536 R&D Junction Playsets
Removing Water
Pool Quickly
Villa Rica Tourism Bureau
vacuum Cleaners Commercial
R&D678.838.7496 & Residential Stix
©: 404.424.7862
CONTRACTORS.............................678-838-7496 AllBar & Grill - 660 W Bankhead Hwy.....770-456-1616
Insurance Accepted
571 W Bankhead Hwy.......................678-785-1014 Cornerstone Sew & Vac (Please See Our AdAll
Page&29) Pool Tables - Repair
Playhouses are Handcrafted
DANIELS CARPET CLEANING..............678-840-5633 2866 Chapel Hill Rd Dgl....................770-949-5775 & are Heavy Duty Commercial Grade Jensen’s Pool Table Services.....................678-409-8984
(Please See Our Display Ad at Carpet Cleaners)
Post Offices
Nuts And Bolts Recessed For Safety
Adams Towing & Recovery.......................770-832-2180 Old Vac Shack The Sets are stained (Customer to pick color)
C&C the Painter.......................................770-920-6529
or 770-214-1234 333 W Bankhead Hwy.....................770-459-32720 Residential & Commercial
Free Delivery (50 mile radius) Villa Rica Post Office-43 Community Sq.770-459-3725
Huey’s BodyDRywALL
Shop & Wrecker& PAINT..............770-900-9150
Service veterinarians-See Animal Hosp.
Pressure washing
Ask for Donnie or Rudy
261 E Montgomery
(Please See Our AdSt.......................770-459-6938
on Page 26)
video Rental & Games
See our web site or Call for details
FRANKLINWrecker Service Garage & Body Shop
Aqua Tech.................................................678-941-3077
Culver Exterminating Co...........................770-684-7686
235 Ithica Gin
Midway Wrecker Service
(Please See Our Ad at Home Improvements) Blockbuster Video
GARLAND SERvICES............................770-949-1342
664 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-9045 Plumbing Contractors DANNy’S PRESSURE wAShING..........770-947-3499
(Please See Our Display Ad on This Page)
10005 E Bankhead Painting Mirror Lake
Gamers Pest Control...........................770-459-7980
Superstore - 626 Hwy 61.......….678-840-4321 A Chapel Hill Plumbing Service................404-784-4708
Estes Pressure Washing..........................770-330-9531
Shannon Towing ©: 404.424.7862
9980 W Liberty Rd...............................404-414- 2545 Pet Grooming
video Taping & Production PLUMBING CONTRACTORS CONTINUES Guinns Pressure Washing........................678-592-1174
PBH Enterprises Serving West Georgia & Atlanta 2Atlanta West Animal Hospital
or 3 Productions.....................................404-825-8233
area for over 30 years
100 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-5879
Residential & Commercial 102 Thomas Dorsey Dr.....................770-459-2253
Toys Painting & Pressure Washing
We also do Home Repairs
Free Estimates
622 Carrollton-VillaRicaRicaHwy...........770-459-3171
Toys R Us - 9365 The Landing Dr Dgl.....770-577-5755
(Please See
(Please See Our
Our AdAd onon thePage 15) Back Cover)
Ask for Donnie or Rudy
See our web site or Call for details
CELESTIAL CANINE CARE...................678-840-4300  Professional Carpet  Mold Remediation
Morris Auto & Trailer Sales
Watches & Watch Repair
Chippie On-The-Go
Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-830-0569 ATlANTA WeST JeWeleRS
217 Browning Rd...............................678-758-6330 Upholstery & Tile Cleaning  Water Extraction
Transmissions Services 6740
Gentle Douglas Blvd............................770-489-8600
23 Sandhill HulettAd
See Our on Page 30)
 Odor Control  Drying & Dehumidification
Beavers Services of Atlanta....................678-371-6431
& Auto Repair
Water Companies
Groomer’s Place The  Crime Scene Clean Up  Equipment Rental
3320 Liberty Rd.................................770-459-8007
Carroll LabelleWater
Travel Agencies
K-9 Bath 739.......................................770-832-1277
City of Villa Rica Water Department All Services performed with Truck
Classic Cleghorn St................................770-459-7011
- 1708 Belmont Rd............770-459-6568 Prissy Paws - 1276 Rockmart Rd............770-899-7045
mounted Systems and Certified
Cunningham Express
(Please See Our Ad Travel....................678-953-2802
on Page 23)
Pet Shops/Svcs/Supplies
571 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-7000
FULLERvILLE PARKTravel....................404-202-0466
Your Dreams
121 Ball Park Rd...............................770-459-7011
Water/Fire damage Restrtn.
Butler & Son Pet Crematory.....................770-639-5301 Technicians
4090 Veterans Memorial Hwy Dgl....770-732-9434 RemovING
BUy SMARTWATeR qUICkly...............404-403-4970
(Please See Our Ad on Page 23) (Please See Our Display Ad on This Page)
(Please See Our Ad on Page 36) 760 W Bankhead Hwy..................….770-459-4102
Tree Services
646 Industrial Blvd.............................770-459-7011 Website design
Gentle Paws - 23 Sandhill Hulett Rd........770-214-0994
ARCo lANdSCAPe & TRee SeRvICe 2Prissy
or 3 Productions.....................................404-825-8233
Paws - 1276 Rockmart Rd............770-899-7045
(Please See Our Ad on Page 23)
Affordable Web Design............................ 678-740-6543
6702 PARK
E Broad St Dgl.........................770-949-3060
524 Leslie Services Pet Sitting
Blue Spring Design
280 Cartbody RdAd Crltn......................770-214-7339 Dust125 Gentle
Bunnies BreezeService................770-616-5203
Cleaning Court, Temple....404-593-3987
(Please See Our on Page 23)

News & Views Tax
& Views  Opticians
Return- Preparation
Pressure Washing
- Yarn 55
West Georgia Home & Garden Expo to be held April est in products and services for your home inside and out, you’re sure
30 - May 2 to find the experience well worth your time.
Educational workshops are planned to help attendees with a variety
of home improvement projects. There really is something for everyone
regardless of the size, style or value of your home.
Ticket Prices are as follows: General Admission - $5, Children ages
12 and under - FREE , Senior Citizens 65+ with valid ID - FREE. To
honor those that serve our country and community, they are pleased to
offer Buy One Adult Ticket, Get One Free (with ID) to all Military (active
and retired) and First Responders.
To help stimulate the Douglas, Carroll and Haralson County hous-
ing industry and educate members of affiliated associations, they also
offer complimentary Friday admission to all members of these organi-
zations: Georgia Professional Real Estate Agents, the Home Builders
The West Georgia Home & Garden Expo will be held April 30 Association (HBA), National Association of the Remodeling Industry
through May 2 in the Douglasville Pavilion shopping center off of Cha- (NAR I), National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) and Georgia
pel Hill Road. Real Estate Investors Association (GaRE IA) by simply providing them
You will be able to comparison shop from hundreds of products that with your business card on Friday!
will help improve your home and lifestyle. This one-stop opportunity Tickets are available at the Expo during show hours. Regular tickets
is the only one of its kind in West Georgia. Whether you’re recovering are only valid for one day of admission. Multi-day passes are available
from the flooding which occurred last fall or you just want to make for $10 and allow attendees to come and go as often as necessary
some home improvements, you owe it to yourself to attend the West over the 3 day period.
Georgia Home & Garden Expo. Test products, trends, how-to’s and For group ticket sales, please call 678-715-0904. There will be
more are waiting for you there. Many home improvement projects plenty of free parking. The hours of operation are as follows: Friday,
qualify for up to a $1500 tax credit. Learn which products qualify and April 30 from 10am to 8:00pm, Saturday, May 1 from 10:00am to
how much you can save. 8p:00m and Sunday, May 2 from 12:00pm to 6:00pm.
Go take advantage of one-stop comparison shopping for everything For more information call, write, or fax with your questions: West
for your home, inside and out and talk face to face with experts offering Georgia Home & Garden Expo, 8486 Bowden St., Douglasville, GA
you the latest home remodeling related products and services. With as 30134; phone: 678-715-0904; fax: 770-949-1903. Chris Collier,
many as 100 exhibitors from the all over the southeast offering the lat- Event Coordinator, WHBA@bellsouth.net.

56 Villa Rica News & Views

Villa Rica News & Views
P.O. Box 7162 STANDARD
Douglasville, GA 30154 US POSTAGE PAID

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