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M.C.A(Master of Computer Applications)

Submitted To:Submitted By:Asst. Prof. Tejinderpal Singh

Mamta Rani
Affiliated to:

I am thankful to the almighty with whose grace I succeed in developing this project.
Before I get into think of the things, I would like to thanks my teacher as up who helped me in
developing this project and gave unending support at each stage. I express my sincere feelings of
gratitude towards my project Co-ordinators Asst. Prof. Tejinderpal Singh for his encouraging
and critical advice in completing this project. My sincere thanks to my friend for his whole
hearted help during the tenure of this work and providing the necessary facilities. I greatly
express my gratitude for his involvement in the project.
Finally, I am thankful to all who so ever has contributed in this project to all who so ever
has contributed in this project to make it a success.

Mamta Rani

Java is an object-oriented programming language with a built-in application programming
interface (API) that can handle graphics and user interfaces and that can be used to create
applications or applets. Because of its rich set of APIs, similar to Macintosh and Windows, and
its platform independence, Java can also be thought of as a platform in itself. Java also has
standard libraries for doing mathematics, some familiarity with the syntax of C/C++ is useful.
In Java we distinguish between applications, which are programs that perform the same
functions as those written in other programming languages, and applets, which are programs that
can be embedded in a Web page and accessed over the Internet. Our initial focus will be on
writing applications. When a program is compiled, a byte code is produced that can read and
executed by any platform that can run Java.
Java is the preeminent language of the Internet, but it is more than that. Java
revolutionized programming, changing the way that we think about both the form and the
function of a program. To be a professional programmer today implies the ability to program in
Java- it is that important.
The Java platform is distinct from both the Java language and Java VM. The Java
platform is predefined set of Java classes that exist on every Java installation; these classes are
available for use by all Java programs. The Java platform is also sometimes referred to as the
Java runtime environment or core Java APIs (application programming interfaces). The Java
platform can be extended with optional packages (formerly called standard extensions). These
APIs exist in some Java installations but are not guaranteed to exist in all installations.
1. The Java programming Language
The Java programming language is a state-of-the-art, object-oriented language that has syntax
similar to that of C. The language designers strove to make the Java language powerful, but, at
the same time, they tried to avoid the overly complex features that have bogged down other
object-oriented language like C++. By keeping the language simple, the designers also made it to
easier for programmers to write robust, bug-free code. As a result of its elegant design and next
generation features, the Java language has proved popular with programmers, who typically find
it a pleasure to work with Java after struggling with more difficult, less powerful languages.

2. The Java Virtual Machine

Machine language consists of very simple instructions that can be executed directly by the CPU
of a computer. Almost all programs, though, are written in high-level programming languages
such as Java, Pascal or C++. A program written in high-level language cannot be run directly on
any computer. First, it has to be translated into machine language. This translation can be done
by a program called a compiler. A compiler takes a high-level-language program and translates
into an executable machine-language program. Once the translation is done, the machinelanguage program can be run on type of computer. If the program is to run on another type of
computer it has to be re-translated, using a different compiler.
There is an alternative to compiling a high-level language program. Instead of using a
compiler, which translates the program all at once, you can use an interpreter, which translates it
instruction-by-instruction, as necessary. An interpreter is a program that acts much like a CPU,
with a kind of fetch-and-execute cycle. In order to execute a program, the interpreter runs in a
loop in which it repeatedly reads one instruction from the program, decides what is necessary to
carry out that instruction and then performs the appropriate machine-language commands to do
3. The Java Platform
The Java platform is just as important as the Java programming language and the Java virtual
Machine. All programs written in the Java language rely on the set of predefined classes that
comprises the Java platform. Java classes are organized into related groups known as packages.
The Java platform defines packages for functionally such as input/output, networking, graphics,
user-interface creation, security and much more.

Although the fundamental forces that necessitated the invention of Java are portability and
security, other factors also played an important role in molding the final form of the language.
The key considerations were summed up by the Java team in following list of buzzwords:
1. Security
When we use a Java-compatible Web browser, we can safely download Java applets without
fear of viral infection or malicious intent. Java achieves this protection by confining a Java
program to the Java execution environment and not allowing it access to other parts of the
computer. The ability to download applets with confidence that no harm will be done and that no
security will be breached is considered by many to be the single most important aspect of Java.
2. Portability
Many types of computers and operating systems are in use throughout the world and many are
connected to the Internet. For programs to be dynamically downloaded to all the various types of
platforms connected to the Internet, some means of generating portable executable code is
needed. As you will soon see, the same mechanism that helps ensure security also helps create
portability. Indeed, Javas solution to these two problems is both the elegant and efficient.
3. Simple
Java was designed to be easy for the professional programmer to learn use effectively.
Assuming that you have some programming experience, you will not find Java hard to master. If
you already understand the basic concepts of object-oriented programming, learning Java will be
even easier.
4. Object-Oriented
Although influenced by its predecessors, Java was not designed to be source-code compatible
with any other language. This allowed the Java team the freedom to design with a blank slate.
One outcome of this was a clean, usable, pragmatic approach to objects. Borrowing liberally
from many seminal object-software environments of the last few decades.
5. Robust

The multiplatform environment of the Web places extraordinary demands on a program,

because the program must execute reliably in a variety of systems. Thus, the ability to create
robust programs was given a high priority in the design of Java. To gain reliability, Java restricts
you in a few key areas, to force you to find your mistakes early in program development. At the
same time, Java frees you from having to worry about many of the most common causes of
programming errors. Because Java is a strictly typed language, it checks your code at compile
time. However, it also checks your code at runtime.
6. Multithreaded
Java was designed to meet the real-world requirement of creating interactive, networked
programs. To accomplish this, Java supports multithreaded programming, which allows you to
write programs that do many things simultaneously. The Java run-time system comes with an
elegant yet sophisticated solution for multiprocessor synchronization that enables you to
construct smoothly running interactive systems. Javas easy-to-use approach to multithreading
allows you to think about the specific behavior of your program, not the multitasking subsystem.
7. Architecture-Neutral
A central issue for the Java designers was that of code longevity and portability. One of the
main problems facing programmers is that no guarantee exists that if you write a program today,
it will run tomorrow- even on the same machine. Operating system upgrades, process upgrades,
and change in core system resource can all combine to make a program malfunction. The Java
designers made several hard decisions in the Java language and the Java Virtual Machine in an
attempt to alter this situation. Their goal was Write once; Run anywhere, anytime, forever. To
a great extent, this goal was accomplished.
8. Interpreted and High Performance
Java enables the creation of cross-platform programs by compiling into intermediate
representations called Java byte code. This code can be interpreted on any system that provides a
Java Virtual Machine. Most previous attempts at cross-platform solutions have done so at the
expense of performance.
9. Distributed
Java is designed for the distributed environment of the internet, because it handles TCP/IP
protocols. In fact, accessing a resource using a URL is not much different from accessing a file.

The original version of Java (Oak) included features for intra address-space messaging. This
allowed objects all to different computers to execute procedures remotely.
10. Dynamic
Java programs carry with them substantial amounts of runtime type information that is used to
verify and resolve accesses to objects at run time. This makes it possible to dynamically link
code in a safe and expedient manner. This is crucial to the robustness of the applet environment,
in which small fragments of byte-code may be dynamically updated on a running system.



The motive of our project is to control various activities performed. In the Hotel using the
computer with the work of HOTEL MANGEMENT SYSTEM. From the beginning, the
important thing in our mind is that we should concentrate our project work on a subject that is
easy to understand and is according to our daily requirement. By keeping this in mind, the
subject chosen by us is hotel management. In the present time there is a great rush in hotels, as
these have become necessity for middle and upper class of the society. People travel a lot, stay in
hotels, goes to the hotels for functions, meeting and refreshment. Our project is developed
keeping in mind the general needs of the customers when he goes to the hospital. An important
uniqueness about the described Hotels restaurants and bar are available to only those customers
who have already booked room or hall in hospital.

A project work involves a detailed study or research with a special purpose in which theoretical
knowledge is applied to practical problem to arrive at the most apropos conclusion. Definition
according to oxford dictionary a project means a detailed study or a piece or research by a


Provide practical knowledge

To develop a creative and logical thinking
To provide a better understanding of the subject by making at more interesting and

practical oriented
To improve analysis skill which help them in taking correct decisions and to achieve the
given target

Project title Hotel Management (a project for keeping customers record and also calculate
customer bill slip and managers salary) The name of project is Hotel Management. The
objective of the project is to computerize the system of the hotel. Hotel Management is the
project not only keeps the record of various people like customers, manager etc. but as well as it
reduce the extensive paper work in the present system. It wills maker the system more versatile
and user friendly. It also calculates the proper billing slip of high level and middle level
customers. This project is based on description about the structure of HOTEL MANAGEMENT
The project contains:

Keeping the record of all persons like customers, Employee etc.

Maintains proper list of all persons.
Generating proper result on reserved Rooms and Room Tracking .


The hotel proprietors Act, 1956, a hotel is an Establishment held out by the proprietor as
offering food, drink and if so required, sleeping accommodation, without special contract to any
traveler presenting himself who appears able and willing to pay a reasonable sum for the services
and facilities provided and who is in a fit state to be received. Hotel is a place where all who
conduct themselves properly, and who being able to pay and ready to pay for there
entertainment, are received, if there be accommodation for them, who without any stipulated
engagement as to the duration of their stay or as to the compensation, are while there, supplied at
reasonable cause with there meals, lodging and other services and attention as are necessarily
incident to the use As a temporary home. The term Hotel was used in England in about 1760.
Hotel or inn is defined by British law as a place where a bonafide travelers can receive food and
shelter, provided he is in a position to pay for and is in a fit condition to be received. A Hotel or
inn may also be defined as an establishment whose primary business is providing lodging
facilities for the general public and which furnishes one or more of the following services
(a) Food and Beverage service
(b) Room service
(c) Uniformed service
(d)Laundry service and
(e) Use of furniture etc.

Hotel keeping can be traced back to many centuries and its evolution through the ages has been
brought about by Britains economical and industrial changes and developments During the
seventh and eight centuries, it was the monasteries that supplied hospitality to strangers and, as
no charge was made for the accommodation; all travelers were expected to contribute according
to their means to the abbey funds. As more people began to travel there group themselves
together, not only for the company, but for mutual protection from highway men and robbers.
Consequently, travelers arrived in groups at a monastery and it was often difficult to
accommodate them all. In the early nineteenth century the concept of a hotel room in the
bedroom, and this period is known as Golden age of hotel of the great Britain and the world.
Hotel proprietors were legally referred to as Common Innkeepers The turn of the century saw
an era that was called Belle Epoch when grand and luxurious hotel flourished. A few hotels are
still operating today. In London and some other cities attempts have been made to recapture
some of the grandeur of the past Vera in the making of the modern hotels, and bring back the
memories the grand hotels and old days.


1. E. M. Statler


First hotel was for Pan American Expo in 901 a simple

structure of 5000 rooms to be torn down after the fair was over

Statlers chain was sold to Hilton in 1954

2. Founders contd
William Waldorf Astor and John Jacob Astor IV


1893 built hotel for their wealthy friends

Moved from 34th to Park and Lexington between 49th and 50th

Waldorf Towers is a hotel within a hotel

Note the = in name

3. Kemmons Wilson (died in Jan. 2003)

Family trip in 1952

Central reservation system HOLIDEX

4. Ray Shultz

Protg of Kemmons Wilson

Started Hampton Inn - 1984

Limited service concept; cost consciousness

5. J.W. Marriott


1957 Twin Bridges Marriott Motor Hotel

Brands include:
Residence Inn
Renaissance Hotels & Resorts
Fairfield Inn

Spring Hill Suites

Towne Place Suites
Marriott Hotels, Resorts, and Suites
JW Marriott Hotels & Resorts
6. Ernest Henderson and Robert Moore

First Sheraton in 1937 was Stonehaven, Springfield, MA

First hotel chain to be listed on NY Stock exchange

1968 acquired by ITT Corp.

Owned by Starwood Hotels

Four Points
St. Regis
The Luxury Collection
W Hotels

Hotels are classified according to the hotel size, location, target markets, levels of service ,
facilities provided, number of rooms , ownership and affiliation etc.
1. Size - Or number of rooms
Under 200 rooms
200 to 399 rooms
400 to 700 rooms
More than 700 rooms
These categories enable hotels of similar size to compare operating procedures and statistical

2. Target Markets
Hotel targets many markets and can be classified according to the markets they attempt to attract
their guests. Common type of markets include business, airport, suites, residential, resort ,
timeshare , casino , convention and conference hotels .

Business Hotels: - These hotels are the largest group of hotel types and they primarily
cater to business travellers and usually located in downtown or business districts .
Although Business hotels primarily serves business travellers , many tour groups,
individual tourists and small conference groups find these hotels attractive. Guest
amenities at business hotels may include complimentary newspapers, morning coffee,
free local telephone calls , Break fast etc.

Airport Hotels: - These type of hotels typically target business clientele, airline
passengers with overnight travel layovers or cancelled flights and airline crews or staff.
Some hotels might give free transport between hotel and airport . Some Ariport hotels
also charges the guest by hour instead of normal daily night charges.

Suite Hotels: - These kind of hotels are the latest trend and the fastest growing segments
in the hotel industry . Such hotels have a living room and a separate bedroom.
Professionals such as accountants, lawyers, business men and executives find suite hotels
particularly attractive as they can work and also entertain in an area besides the bedroom.

Extended Stay Hotels: - Extended stay hotels is somewhat similar to the suite hotels ,
but usually offers kitchen amenities in the room . These kind of hotels are for longstayers
who wants to stay more than a week and does not want to spend on hotel facilities.

Serviced Apartments: - Serviced Apartment / Residential hotels provide long-term or

permanent accommodation for Guest. Usually guest makes a lease agreement with the
hotel for minimum of one month up to a year. Rooms generally include living room ,
bedroom, kitchen , private balcony , washing machines , kitchen utensils etc. Unlike
normal hotels Serviced apartment only provide weekly one housekeeping service.

Resort Hotels: - Resort hotels are usually located in the mountains, on an island , or in
some other exotic locations away from city's . These hotels have recreational facilities ,
scenery , golf , tennis , sailing , skiing and swimming . Resort hotels provide enjoyable
and memorable guest experiences that encourage guest to repeat to the resort.

Bed and Breakfast / Homestays :- These are houses with rooms converted into
overnight facilities , this can size up to 1 to 10 guest rooms . They are also known as
'Home Stay's'. The owner of the B&B usually stay on the premises and is responsible for
serving breakfast to guest .

Timeshare / Vacation Rentals: - Another new type or segment of the hospitality industry
is the timeshare hotels. These are sometimes referred to as " Vacation-interval" hotels .
Timeshare hotels are where the guests who purchase the ownership of accommodations
for a specific period.These owners may also have the unit rented out by the management
company that operates the hotel.

Casino Hotels :- Hotels with gambling facilities are called Casino Hotels .Although the
food and beverage operations in casino is luxurious their functions is secondary to and
supportive of casino operations.

Conference and Convention Centres: - These type of hotels focus on meeting and
conferences and overnight accommodation for meeting attendees. They also provide

video confrencing facility, audiovisual equipments, business services , flexible seating

arrangements , flipchart etc. These hotels mostly located outside the metropolitan areas
and have facilities like golf , swimming pools , tennis courts , fitness centres , spas etc.

3. Levels Of service
World class service: - These are also called luxury / Five Start hotels , they target top
business executives, entertainment celebrities , high- ranking political figures, and
wealthy clientele as their primary markets . They provide upscale restaurants and ,
Valet, concierge services and also private dining facilities .

Mid-Range Service: - Hotels offering mid-range or otherwise 3 to 4 star hotels service

appeal the largest segment of the travelling public . This kind of hotels does not provide
elaborate service and have a adequate staffing . They also provide uniformed service ,
food and beverage room service, in room entertainment's and also Wi-Fi etc.

Budget / Limited Service: These hotels provide clean , comfortable , safe , inexpensive
rooms and meet the basic need of guests . Budget hotels appeal primarily to budget
minded travellers who wants a room with minimum services and amenities required for
comfortable stay, without unnecessary paying additional cost for costly services.

4. Ownership and Affiliations

Independent / Single Owner Hotels :- They do not have identifiable ownership or

management affiliation with other properties. Example for the same would be family
owned and operated hotel that is not following any corporate policies or procedures.

Chain hotels :- Hotels which are part of a hotel chain and these kind of ownership
usually imposes certain minimum standards, rules , policies and procedures to restrict
affiliate activities . In general the more centralized the organization tge stronger the
control over the individual property.


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Many economists have often described Hotel Business as unique and different from much other
business. Hotel is selling both goods and services. It not only provides both tangible intangible
services, but one of its unusual characteristic is also that it is one of the very few places where
production and consumption occur simultaneously; for example, ordering subsequent
preparation, services and consumption of food items. Both the products and services are offered
on credit transaction .no other business allows the customer an immediate line of credit, for
example, the moment he registers ,his credit purchase starts with the room and a sequence of
financial charges throughout the facilities without immediately paying for them at the point of
purchase. For example, purchase of food in restaurant, drinks in bar valet services, etc. no other
business offers as varied a range of services and products at the same place as hotel business.
Each hotel must offer lodging, food and protection to their guest and assume a liability for guest
property, provide a high standard of hygiene, cleanliness and sanitation and should confirm to the
minimum requirements of the state regarding safe hotel construction such as height of building,
municipal-by-laws, fire and safety standard so no.
Start a Hotel as a Business

Starting a hotel as a business can be challenging and rewarding. Starting a hotel as a business can
be a challenging but profitable undertaking. Whether youre envisioning no-nonsense
accommodation for business travelers, high-end boutiques or a comfortable bed-and-breakfast,

youll want to spend ample time researching and planning before taking the plunge because
theres plenty of competition. In 2008, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 64,300
establishments providing overnight accommodation in the U.S.
Step 1
The options for starting a hotel can be overwhelming, so decide early on what type of hotel
accommodation youll offer: upscale, affordable or budget. Decide whether the hotel business
will provide rooms-only service, or whether additional amenities including a restaurant,
conference hall, swimming pool, beauty spa or fitness center will be included. This is also the
time to make decisions about location. Some states, including New York, Florida, Hawaii and
California, are home to the countrys top tourist attractions, according to The Travelers Zone,
but hospitality competition may be stiff.
Step 2
Write a business plan. Because many hotel businesses will require initial outside financial
backing, it might be a good idea to work with a professional consultant when composing your
business plan. The Small Business Administration recommends that business plans include a
summary of the companys offerings, market analysis, operating procedures outline, long-term
goals statements and an appeal for financial investment. If youve visited competitor hotels and
can summarize how your services will coincide or differ with their strategies for room amenities,
restaurant services or niche offerings, include this information here
Step 3
Apply for permits and licenses. To start a hotel as a business, youll need to apply for a business
license and tax identification number. Many cities have additional permitting requirements,
including a permit to operate, managers license for the person working behind the front desk
and licenses for selling food and alcohol. Hotels offering beauty spa services or a swimming pool
will need to acquire additional licenses for those amenities. Liability insurance is a must.
Step 4
Remodel and refurbish. After securing your hotel location, youll likely want to remodel and
refurbish the building to distinguish the business from its predecessor. Make sure that electricity,
plumbing and cable function seamlessly. Consider hiring an interior design firm to assist in color
choices for carpet, walls, bedding and lobby areas.

Step 5
Advertise and market. Register with travel agencies, travel websites, national reservation systems
and tour leaders. Invite travel professionals for a courtesy stay at the hotel business so that
theyre familiar with your offerings. Invest in a professional, attractive website with photos,
video tours and technology for booking rooms online.

The present day modern concept of the hotel is not just a place to provide `accommodation, food
and beverage, but like city within a city and offering the every possible facilities,
accommodation, service and convenience, not such as rooms. There are more facilities likecosmetic things, hairdryer, cock tail lounges, radio and TV etc. There is a professionally
qualified, highly trained, experienced, and efficient. Courteous staff in smart, clean uniforms and
the staff coming in the contact With guests could understand English. There is a 24hrs service
for reception, information and telephone. There is a plentiful supply of linen, blanket, towels and
so on. Each bedroom is provided with good vacuum jug/ thermos flask with ice cold, boiled
drinking water. Further additional services such as given below:

Fruits , flowers
Bank service
Swimming pool
Service station
Post office
Poultry farms

There is a reception, cash and information counter attended by highly qualified, trained and
experienced personnel conference facilities in the form of one each or more of the conference
rooms. There is a book stall, recognized travel agency, money change and safe deposit facilities,
etc. There is a telephone in each room and telephone for the use of guests and visitors and
provision for a radio or relayed music in each room. There is a well-equipped, well-furnished and
well-maintained dining room/restaurant on the premises and wherever permissible by law, there
is an elegant, well-equipped bar /permit room.

Housekeeping Department

The Housekeeping Department is responsible for the immaculate care and upkeep of all guest
rooms and public spaces. Individuals who excel in our Housekeeping Departments have an eye
for detail and a commitment to the training, development and motivation of a diverse group of
talented employees. In a competitive hotel market, it is service and cleanliness that really make
an impact on our guests and determine whether they will return
Engineering Department

Engineering department is responsible in repairing and maintaining the plant and

machinery,water treatment and distribution,boilers and water heating,sewage treatment, external
and common area lightning, fountains and water features etc.
Front Office Department

The FRONT OFFICE is the nerve center of a hotel. Members of the front-office staff welcome
the guests, carry their luggage, help them register, give them their room keys and mail, answer
questions about the activities in the hotel and surrounding area, and finally check them out. In
fact, the only direct contact most guests have with hotel employees, other than in the restaurants,
is with members of the front-office staff
Accounting Department
Accounting departments typically handle a variety of important tasks. Such tasks often include
invoicing customers, accounts receivable monitoring and collections, account reconciliations,
payables processing, consolidation of multiple entities under common ownership, budgeting,
periodic financial reporting as well as financial analysis. Also common
are setting up adequate internal controls for all business processes (to prevent
theft/misappropriation of assets), handling external audits and dealing with banks in order to
obtain financing. Taxes are sometime handled by accounting departments in house, but this work
is often contracted to outside tax accountants
Human Resource Department
I believe the role of HR also has to do with administration of an impartial and internal justice
system which will promote transparency and openness in organizational communication.
HR also serves as a progressive voice in a common system and strives to ensure competitiveness
in the conditions of service for staff
Security department

Security department
literally to protect the guests and staff of the hotel, including all of their property. Secondarily
the security departments role in a hotel is to secure the actual premises, and the property of the
Hotel itself.Hotel security depts. usually use preventative tasks such as patrolling, monortoring
CCTV, and investigating

Food and Beverage Department

Food and Beverage Service is the service of Food made in the Kitchen and Drinks prepared in
the Bar to the Customers (Guest) at the Food & Beverage premises, which can be:
Restaurants, Bars, Hotels, Airlines, Cruise Ships, Trains, Companies, Schools, Colleges,
Hospitals, Prisons, Takeaway etc

Computer Centre
Purchase And Receiving
Main Stores
Health Club
Main Kitchen
Satellite Kitchen
Food And Beverage Services


Hotels of all sizes require a dedicated staff in order to keep business functioning. From the
highest paid hotel owner down to the kitchen dishwasher, all roles are indispensable when it
comes to providing a superb hotel experience to guests

Management Positions
Hotel management includes those who are the overall bosses of the hotel and those who govern
and supervise their own respective sectors of the hotel. The owner of the hotel is called a hotelier.
The landlord or landlady is one who owns a smaller hotel. In addition to the owners, who
approve all executive decisions, hotels may also have managers. The restaurant manager is in
charge of monitoring the daily business of the hotel restaurant and supervises those working
there. The front desk manager oversees all activity of the clerks and receptionists. Hotels may
have a board of directors that oversees the decision-making process.
Administrative Jobs
The administration team works behind the scenes of the hotel and may or may not work at the
actual hotel location. Members of the administrative team include human resources personnel
who are in charge of making hiring decisions about hotel employees. Salespeople are needed to
make online and telephone reservations of rooms and coordinate other services for guests
remotely, such as airport pickup. The hotel's public relations personnel are in charge of any
formal communication with the media or the general public. Those working in marketing and
publicity take charge of promoting the hotel, its brand and its image in the public sphere.
These individuals publish brochures and billboards, decide the going rate for rooms, and
coordinate the hotel website.

Customer Service Jobs

Customer service people work directly with guests and try to help them enjoy their hotel
experience. They are the faces of the hotel, and they interact with guests during their stays. The
bellboy and bellhop carry guests' bags. The clerk or receptionist greets guests. The doorman
opens the main door for guests coming in and out, and the commissionaire stands at the entrance
to welcome people. The front desk clerk checks people in at the reception desk. The concierge
helps guests answer basic questions. The page assists guests by running small errands. The porter
greets guests and directs them to their destinations. A valet can refer to the person who parks
guests' cars and to the person who cleans guests' clothes. Customer service also includes

salespeople working in hotel gift shops or boutiques, and all restaurant personnel, such as waiters
and bartenders, who interact with guests
Maintenance and Food Service Jobs
Maintenance people are those who work behind the scenes at the hotel doing the tasks that keep
it running smoothly day-to-day. Their work is not dependent upon interacting with guests, but
they may interact with guests occasionally. Housekeepers, chambermaids and laundresses clean
and tidy hotel rooms while guests are out. Groundskeepers keep machinery running smoothly
and may also be in charge of landscaping efforts. Groundskeepers are sometimes licensed
electricians and plumbers, but hotels might also employ electricians, plumbers, painters and
other contract workers to do specific jobs on an as-needed basis. Hotels with restaurants also
employ cooks and dishwashers to work in the

kitchen. Busboys clean tables.



To determine whether there is demand for a hotel in the area where the site is located, certain
very important factors must be considered.

Labour Situation

Problems of lab our is very important in hotel industry. For successfully developing new hotel
project it is the lack of adequate labour supply which creates problems rather then the problem
from labour such as their demands

Sources Of Financing

This is another very important factor and big problems. Arranging of finances and control of
credit line is a very serious problem confronting business today

Not Optimised Website

It is not adequate for a hotel to just have a website and expect to get direct bookings. The playing
field has changed quickly with technology and the competition is getting stronger across many
different channels. We still see sites without a proper promotions page, too many exit links to
other sites, not optimised for all devices (responsive), not rewarding guests booking on their
website, or not promoting their unique points of difference. Having a defined 12 month online
marketing strategy can make all the difference and ensure you get the most out of your website

Dismissing Online Reputation

Nowadays, it is impossible to dismiss the overwhelming power and influence of social media. It
is important to track what guests are saying online about your products and services and
understand how guests are comparing you to your competitors. It is also important to ensure that
you deliver and grow your guest testimonials through your own website and email engagement
pre and post stay.

Not Investing in People

It goes without saying that, being a service industry, the personal interactions with guests are still
the most valuable, the most remembered and commented upon. On reading through many of our

guests reviews, it is one of the points many people comment on - the service. With word-ofmouth also playing a big role in driving sales, true hospitality will certainly get mentioned in
discussions between friends and family.

Not Focusing on Costs

Selling these days is not just about revenue. Not every piece of business is worth it. It is better to
value add than discount and it is important to continue to focus on your ideal guest profile to
ensure you attract the right demographic. Attracting a lower cost one could alter the overall guest
balance in the long run. There are many ways to promote special offers and the tone, language
and design of your offers will make a huge difference to the response you get.

No Proper Data and Analysis

It is increasingly important to have an intrinsic awareness of your data and to continue to focus
energy and marketing budgets where you are achieving the most positive results. We are
privileged to work with many dynamic owners and marketing agents and have witnessed first
hand what works and what doesn't.


There are many advantages and disadvantages to staying in hotels
using hotels is that they are generally quite expensive. Hotels will cost more than motels,
camping facilities, or hostels. However, this will usually guarantee a cleaner room, a more
comfortable bed, and more amenities, such as a hotel swimming pool, sauna, gym, restaurant,
gift shop, and laundry. In some cases, hotels will offer extra services for an agreed fee, such as
room services for meals, or dry cleaning that takes place in-house. The best hotels in the world
are known for their luxury and beauty; yes, they are expensive, but they offer true serenity and
security to patrons, as well as the latest high-tech amenities, including broadband Internet service
and/or free Wi-Fi. Besides price, a drawback of hotels can be their lack of privacy.
While in the hotel lobby, you may be subject to hidden video cameras and monitoring by
security staff.
While in your room, you may be subject to sudden and unexpected room checks from maids or
other staff, such as hotel plumbers or repairmen.
If you want to be left alone, it can be difficult to find total privacy at a hotel. However, staff
will usually respect a "Do Not Disturb" sign hung on their door.
Hotels also vary widely; you may find some hotels are noisy, with thin walls that allow you to
hear what's going on in other rooms. It's hard to judge a hotel simply by an ad or a few reviews;
until you actually stay there, you won't really know what's it's like. Luckily, there are many ways
to hedge your bets by checking out hotels on the Internet, or through the Better Business Bureau.
To examine the advantages and disadvantages of certain hotels, perform thorough Google
searches, and then look for the most reasonably priced hotel that has all of the amenities you
need, and the fewest obvious pitfalls and drawbacks.

Computer has got clear advantage over the manual system. The computerized system is more
reliable, efficient and fast at the end of the project, I can say that computer play a very crucial
role in the development of firm. All the daily reports generated by the system are to be checked
by the concerned official so as to ensure that all the transactions have been put through in
appropriate accounts and this is tallied with the new vouchers. Computer does maximum work
with in minimum time. Because it is used in every field so that it provides comfort and suitability
to everyone. Providing maximum facilities and comfort to customers to customers is main goal
of the firm. To achieve this goal, other modern facilities relating to computer should have to be

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