Chapter 5: Looking Good, Feeling Bad

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Cristina opened her eyes and looked at her watch. It was six thirty in the
morning. She tried to move but she felt bad. She felt her arm. It was very
difficult to move. She closed her eyes again. She couldnt believe it. It was a
very important day for her but she couldnt get out of bed. It was now
nearly seven oclock and she still couldnt move her arm.
Any other day she could stay in bed, but not today. Philippe Maudet was
arriving in Buenos Aires in less than three hours and she had to give a talk
about the exhibition at the museum. She had to get up.
Her arm felt better after a shower but hurt when she brushed her hair. She
went into the small kitchen in her flat and made a large cup of coffee. She
didnt usually eat much breakfast but this morning she felt that she needed
some. She found some bread in the cupboard and put some dulce de leche
on it. The sweet taste was really good. She walked back into her bedroom.
She was trying not to think about the accident but she couldnt stop. She
looked at the clock and saw that it was time to get dressed. She didnt feel
good but she wanted to look good. She usually wore that skirt to go out with
her parents and it didnt feel right today. She tried on a brown suit and then
a green jacket and skirt, but she wasnt happy with them either. Ata quarter
to eight she decide don a pair of black trousers and a white shirt.
She went back into her small kitchen. Her arm was hurting a lot again. She
took some medicine and then she wrote down a number from the book near
the phone. It was her doctors phone number. Maybe Ill call later about
my arm, she said to herself. Then she left her flat and went to find a taxi.
On flight AF602 Philippe Maudet got up from his seat and walked down the
plane towards the toilets. He didnt feel good. It was difficult ti sleep on the
long flight. He cleaned his teeth, shaved, and washed. That felt a little
better. He went back to his seat and ast down to eat his breakfast. Only
about two hoursto go.
The man nex to Philippe wanted to talk Philippe smiled at him and answered
question about who he was and where he worked. The man was a Porteo:
he was born in the city of Buenos Aires. He wanted to tell Philippe
everything about Buenos Aires. They looked at a map of Buenos Aires while
the man talked about his city and is buildings. He told Philippe about the
different parts of the city that he must visit: La Boca with its colourful littel
street called Caminito, full of color and life the small metal houses there
are blue, green, red and yellow and the painters work and show their
paintings in the street.
He talked about San Telmo and its old buildings in the restaurants and
theatres of San Telmo you can see tango dancers and hear the real music of
Buenos Aires. He talked about the Plaza de Mayo and the pink building, La
Casa Rosada, where the President of the country works. He talked about the

shops and the nightlife. The city never sleeps: you can eat, drink and dance
until the morning.
They were arriving in Buenos Aires on 21 September, the first day of spring
and Students Day. On this day the students in Argentina begin their last part
of the school year. Across the city centres are full of young people enjoying
themselves. They walk around the parks and to bars annd restaurants.
Philippe was interested. He was looking forward to seeing Buenos Aires.
People called it the Paris of South America and he was sure that was going
to like it.
Roberto and Carlos Bocuzzi were still asleep at seven oclock that morning.
Roberto opened his eyes and remembered where he was. He remembered
that Cristina Rinaldi was still alive. He closed his eyes again. He wanted to
believe that he and Carlos were free, free to spend their money and live a
good life without being afraid. He wanted to believe that Cristina was dead.
But he remembered every moment of the evening before in the gym. He
was using one of the weights room. Cristina was there in front of him, ready
to lift a heavy weight. She was wearing grey shorts and a white T-shirt. She
was Slim and pretty. He could see her long dark hair around her head. Her
eyes were closed. When she started to lift the weight, he moved nearer to
her. When the weight was right above her head, he ran forward and pushed
the weight down hard. She opened her eyes and looked at him. She saw the
weight falling and moved just in time. The weight hit the floor. Then she
shouted and people from the other room ran to her. Roberto left quickly and
quietly. He remembered it all. He knew that she was still alive.
He got out of bed and walked into his brothers room. He wanted to talk.
They needed a new plan.


Cristina abri los ojos y mir el reloj . Eran las seis y media de la maana.
Intent moverse, pero se senta mal . Ella sinti que su brazo. Fue muy difcil
de mover. Cerr los ojos de nuevo. Ella no poda creerlo. Fue un da muy
importante para ella, pero ella no poda levantarse de la cama . Ahora era
casi siete y ella todava no poda mover su brazo .
Cualquier otro da poda quedarse en la cama, pero no hoy. Philippe Maudet
llegaba a Buenos Aires en menos de tres horas y que tena que dar una
charla acerca de la exposicin en el museo. Ella tena que levantarse .
Su brazo se senta mejor despus de una ducha, pero duele cuando se
cepillaba el cabello. Entr en la pequea cocina de su piso e hizo una gran
taza de caf. Ella no sola comer mucho el desayuno, pero esta maana se
senta que necesitaba algo ms. Encontr un poco de pan en el armario y
poner un poco de dulce de leche en ella. El dulce sabor era realmente

bueno. Ella volvi a entrar en su dormitorio. Ella estaba tratando de no

pensar en el accidente , pero ella no poda parar . Ella mir el reloj y vio que
ya era hora de vestirse. Ella no se senta bien, pero ella quera verse bien .
Ella sola llevar esa falda que salir con sus padres y que no se senta bien en
la actualidad. Trat en un traje marrn y una chaqueta verde y una falda ,
pero ella no estaba feliz con ellos tampoco. En siete y cuarenta y cinco
minutos que deciden ponerse un par de pantalones negros y una camisa
blanca .
Ella volvi a entrar en su pequea cocina. Su brazo le dola mucho ms.
Tom un poco de medicina y luego anot un nmero de la agenda cerca del
telfono. Era su Doctor's nmero de telfono. "Tal vez voy llamar ms tarde
acerca de mi brazo", se dijo a s misma. Luego la dej plana y fue en busca
de un taxi.
En AF602 vuelo Philippe Maudet se levant de su asiento y camin por el
avin hacia los baos. No se senta bien. Fue ti sueo difcil en el largo
vuelo. Limpi sus dientes, afeitado, y se lava. Eso se sinti un poco mejor.
Regres a su asiento y AST a comer su desayuno. Slo alrededor de dos
hoursto ir.
El hombre junto a Philippe quera hablar Philippe le sonri y respondi a la
pregunta sobre quin era y donde trabajaba. El hombre era un Porteo:
naci en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Quera decirle Philippe todo sobre
Buenos Aires. Se miraron un mapa de Buenos Aires, mientras que el hombre
habl de su ciudad y es edificios. l le dijo a Felipe sobre las diferentes
partes de la ciudad que debe visitar: La Boca con su pequeo colorido calle
Caminito, lleno de color y vida - las pequeas casas de metal no son de
color azul, verde, rojo y amarillo y los pintores trabajan y espectculo sus
pinturas en la calle.
Habl de San Telmo y sus antiguos edificios - en los restaurantes y teatros
de San Telmo se pueden ver bailarines de tango y escuchar la msica de
verdad de Buenos Aires. Habl de la Plaza de Mayo y el edificio rosa, La
Casa Rosada , donde trabaja el presidente del pas . Habl de las tiendas y
la vida nocturna. " La ciudad nunca duerme : se puede comer , beber y
bailar hasta la maana . "
Estaban llegando a Buenos Aires el 21 de septiembre , el primer da de la
primavera y el Da del Estudiante . En este da los estudiantes en Argentina
comienzan su ltima parte del ao escolar . A travs de los centros de las
ciudades estn llenas de jvenes que disfrutan de s mismos. Ellos caminan
alrededor de los parques y bares y restaurantes.
Philippe estaba interesado. Estaba deseando ver Buenos Aires. Las personas
llamaron el " Pars de Sudamrica ", y l estaba seguro de que iba a gustar.
Roberto y Carlos Bocuzzi an dorman a las siete de la maana. Roberto
abri los ojos y record dnde estaba. Record que Cristina Rinaldi todava
estaba viva. Cerr los ojos de nuevo. Quera creer que l y Carlos estaban

libres, libres de gastar su dinero y vivir una buena vida sin tener miedo.
Quera creer que Cristina estaba muerta. Pero record todos los momentos
de la noche anterior en el gimnasio. Estaba usando una de la sala de pesas.
Cristina estaba all, delante de l, listo para levantar un peso pesado.
Llevaba pantalones cortos grises y una camiseta blanca. Ella era delgada y
bonita. Poda ver su largo cabello oscuro alrededor de la cabeza. Tena los
ojos cerrados. Cuando ella comenz a levantar el peso, se traslad ms
cerca de ella. Cuando el peso estaba justo encima de su cabeza, corri hacia
adelante y empuja el peso hacia abajo con fuerza. Ella abri los ojos y lo
mir. Ella vio el peso que cae y se movi justo a tiempo. El peso cay al
suelo. Entonces ella grit y la gente de la otra habitacin corri hacia ella.
Roberto dej rpidamente y en silencio. Recordaba todo. l saba que ella
an estaba viva.
Se levant de la cama y se dirigi a su habitacin brother's. Quera hablar.
Necesitaban un nuevo plan.

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