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Marketing Plan

Prepared For:
Dr. Abu Naser Ahmed Ishtiaque
Dhaka University

Prepared By:

Farjana Islam
ID: PG15-10-13-028
State University of Bangladesh

SWOT Analysis:
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project, personal affaires
or in a business venture.
Self-analysis is one of the most complicated things to do but plays a very
significant part in our personal progress. The personal skills SWOT analysis
helps me to identify my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and is
set out in the below diagram.

Strong General Knowledge about the


Society, Culture, Economics & History.


Able to coordinate and work effectively in


of Work

lack of motivation,
shyness, too emotional.

Able to learn quickly

Confident & self-motivated
Believe in continuous leaning &
Skillful in making effective
purposeful presentation.
(Multimedia, Slide, Oral)



lack of specific job




in my Career Field

in my Career Field

Competition from my legion of

Constructive trends in my field that will create college graduates.
more jobs (growth, globalization, technological
Obstacles in my way lack of the
advanced education, training that I
Opportunities for professional development in need to take advantage of
my field.

Build up my Strengths:
This is the internal positives which can control and on which i can capitalize,
such as my business experience, communication skills, and organizational
skills. I can build up my strengths through Getting in the habit of praising other people. Refuse to engage in
backstabbing gossip.
During group discussion have to extrovert and speak up with confidently.
Always be cool and Gratitude minded.

Overcome my Weaknesses:
This is the internal negatives that can control and which I can work to improve,
such as my lack of experience in specific subjects, lack of motivation or weak
public speaking skills. Moreover, I can take some initiative to overcome my
weaknesses like Be innovative and fun in my actions.
Supporting my actions with my values and beliefs.
Telling my nemesis that I can amend everything and make it reality.

My weaknesses:
01. I am an Emotional person. - As I am very Emotional person Related
to my Family , I try the maximum best to see that my work and family matters
do not interfere.
02. I am a extrovert :- i dont get involved much into making many friends
which would be a hurdle at my work place .
03. Self confidence: - At times there are situation were in I am not confident
about my self; I take guidance from my mentors to overcome this.
04. Procastination: These days i am trying to plan things well ahead of
schedule so that i have enough time to make up things even if I further
05.Laziness :- i am lazy on my holidays when i am not at work , recently i
have been looking forward to make my holidays more interesting by approving
new innovative ideas which would help me in acquiring Fresh breath .
1. Lack of self confidence.
2. Introverdness.
3. Prejudice
According to me these are the main weakness in me which i can remember & I
will overcome by practicing to remove it. I will read books & will practical in
my approach.

Doings to grasp the Opportunities:

This is the Positive external conditions that have no control but of which i
can plan to take advantages. It is very much crucial to do some acts to grasp
the opportunities that are waiting for me. Such as1. Keeping networking events, educational classes, or conferences.
2. Effective workshop for professional development in my relevant field.
3. Completing graduation in the relevant filed where I can grasp my
upcoming opportunities.
4. Be alert always on the jobs placement.
a. Keep what new technology can help me? Or can I get help from
others or from people via the Internet?
b. Is the industry growing? If so, how can I take advantage of the
current market?
c. Have a network of strategic contacts to help you, or offer good
d. What trends do I see in my company, and how can I take advantage
of them?
e. Any of my competitors failing to do something important? If so,
think that, can I take advantage of their mistakes?
f. Customers or vendors complain about something in my company?
If so, could I create a new technology can help me? Or can I get
help from others or from people via the Internet?
g. Have a network of strategic contacts to help you, or offer good
h. Are any of my competitors failing to do something important? If
so, can I take advantage of their mistakes?
i. Is there a need in my company or industry that no one is filling?
j. Do my customers or vendors complain about something in my
future company? If so, could I create an opportunity by offering a

Turn the threats into opportunities:

It is very much significant to turn the threats into opportunities for my better
future career. During the course of strategic planning my career will look at

threats -- outside forces that can severely impact my future success. Often the
analysis of threats includes looking at how I mitigate them by:

Preventing the threat from happening.

Reducing exposure to the threat.
Assuring early detection.
Developing contingency plans.
Hedging against the threat.

My expected career:
As I mentioned the area of business where I want to develop my career in
future. Thats why its important to take a serious look at the many possibilities
and outcomes before I jump into a new career or field. Consider these 10 tips as
I would make my career in a furnished way:
1. Have a clear plan. The smartest move that I can make is to carefully
map out an effective career-change strategy. This should include a
detailed action plan that takes into consideration finances, research,
education, and training.
2. Wait for the right time. The best time to consider a career is when I
am safely ensconced in my existing position. This can help me to test the
waters in my desired new field.
3. Be sure of my reasons. Carefully analyze whether it is my actual
career I dislike or whether my employer, supervisor, or office situation
is the problem.
4. Do your research. Be sure to examine all possibilities before
attempting a career jump. Talk to people in my network; read career and
job profiles; meet with a career management professional. The more
information with which I arm myself beforehand, the more successful I
will be.

5. Decide whats important. This is the best time for thoughtful selfreflection. Ask myself what it is I really want to do with the rest of my
life. Take an honest inventory of my likes and dislikes, and evaluate my
skills, values, and personal interests. Many people who are looking to





change careers do so to find a balance between their personal and

professional lives, to accomplish the right mix of meaning and money. I
may want to consider consulting a career coach and/or taking a career
assessment test.
Examine your qualifications. Do you have the necessary experience
and education to be considered a qualified candidate in my desired career
field? If not, I need to find a way to bridge the credentials gap. This might
mean making my goal more long-term while I go back to school or
receive additional training.
Learn about the industry. Get a feel for the field that interests I.
Read industry journals, attend conferences, and talk to people in the
profession about what they do. Learn whether my target industry has
growth potential. Trade magazines, organizations, and entrepreneurs have
created a slew of Web sites that offer searchable databases where job
openings in many specific industries are listed. Start looking at these sites
on a regular basis.
Develop my network. Begin nurturing professional friendships early
and tend them regularly. Professional organizations and job industry trade
associations are a good place to start. Many of them hold networking
events and job fairs.
Update my job search skills. It is especially important to polish up
my job-hunting skills and techniques before I get out there and start
networking. Make sure Im using my time and resources as effectively as

Examine my strengths And Weakness:

As I mentioned my strengths and weakness in the above, there is some strength
which opens up opportunities. Such as-

Strong General Knowledge about the Society, Culture, Economics &

Able to coordinate and work effectively in groups.

Able to learn quickly

Confident & self-motivated
Believe in continuous leaning & development
Skillful in making effective and purposeful presentation.
(Multimedia, Slide, Oral)

If it is possible to develop my weakness, it can lead to opportunities. Such

as Lack of Work Experience If I can develop my work experience , it is
possible to open a opportunity for me in the nearest future.
Lack of specific job knowledge. It can also be lead to opportunities by
increasing and acquiring a lot of experiences related to job career.

Evaluating Obstacles To My Goals:

An obstacle is anything that may pose a barrier to achieving my career
development goals, such as:
Limited time to devote to development
Lack of financial support
Lack of feedback or encouragement
Manager is unsupportive of development.
Identifying what resources are available to increase the probability of
successfully achieving my career development goals. I need to think about what
types of resources I might need and where they will come from. There are
usually a number of potential solutions for overcoming a barrier, such as:
If I cannot take on additional developmental assignments due to my existing
Workload, a potential solution would be cross-training with another team

If my budget for training courses is limited, potential solutions could include

choosing low cost options such as online learning or reading a book.
If I think my manager may not be supportive of my development, a potential
solution would be to choose developmental activities that will directly benefit
my manager and my department, such as taking on a project that is underresourced from my managers workload.
Other resources that may be available as part of my solution may include:
Motivational support and/or coaching from a mentor.
Time to work on my development.
Feedback and advice from those who are skilled in the areas I am seeking to
Corporate guidelines and toolkits for training and career development

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